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Before They Were Housewives: LuAnn

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Luann has been my favorite Housewifme for years, and this hour retrospective confirms her as my girl crush. She really grabs at life and has had so many amazing experiences as a result! Wish she could be my BFF! Live large every day.

Yes she owes many of her breaks to powerful men, but she doesn't make any attempt to deny that. And so what?! She's a guy's girl and takes full advantage of that. Good for her!

  • Love 12

I liked the special - I thought Luann was pretty candid about her life.  She was, obviously, a jetset party girl before she met the Count, and she didn't really gloss over that, or anything else, including the crabs situation.

It was an interesting look into what was an interesting life before the Housewives.

But, she did seem ever so slightly pretentious when she was working on the local cable station with her "Reports from the Countess" segments.  

  • Love 9

If Luann had an ounce of self-awareness, she would not have been surprised that Honey Child "turned" on her!  They were clearly cut from the same cloth in terms of using people for their own gain.  Honey Child used Luann, just as Luann used her, but when push came to shove, HC showed her disdain for someone she felt was beneath her, just has Lu has done a multitude of times.

Luann lacks character, and is a cheater and social climber through and through.  This special showed just how long she had been in the game, regardless of all of her talk about her adventures and being self-made.  She ditched her Italian, live-in boyfriend at the first sight of "The Count".  I am sure she didn't feel an ounce of remorse for ditching her bf in the middle of the night.  No one that actually truly loves someone, and is not an insanely selfish person could do what she did to him.  She is as entitled as they come.  

She was hanging out with a superficial, elitist, beyond wealthy crowd that probably enjoyed her personality on some level.  However, when push came to shove, they didn't take her seriously.  Luann latched onto The Count, because he was her chance to be one of them and stick it to them.  Please.  A vapid person trying to show other vapid people that they are better than them is just laughable.  I seriously doubt The Count was faithful to her for more than hot second.  

  • Love 13

Luann has tried to share what her success with men has been.  I thought tonight's showed what she had been trying to tell viewers/readers-she adores men and she doesn't compete with them.  In a room full of people if the King of Greece seeks you out, as a married woman, there must be something there.  It was a great special and I do believe it will be hard for others to top Luann's life. 

  • Love 23

Irrespective of my feelings on Luann's character on RHONY, she has had an interesting life and looks ahhhmmaaaazing, like hardly changed from 20+ years ago.  The contrast between her natural (or excellent derm work) look and her contemporaries in her former roommates is night and day.  I think it's mostly genetic though, having now seen her mother, who has to be in her 80s.

This special totally explains why she was so comfortable poaching designer dress access from her cast mates.  She's been doing it since the early 90s!

  • Love 13

I was too tired last night to stay up for the entire special episode so I hope to catch it again on demand.

LuAnn has always been my favorite regardless of the franchise.  Even when she acted pretentious as 'The Countess' I still loved her and I'm glad she was given a special episode.  We're the same age (I'm actually two months older for those who are counting) but I will never look that fabulous or have her amazing fashion sense or lead such an adventurous life, both in and out of the bedroom.  You go girl!

  • Love 9

I like Lu more now than ever.  I liked her the first season, especially when she told Ramona to back off Simon at the ladies dinner at Jill's.  Then she was more insufferable when she went after Alex who was such low hanging fruit.  But since her divorce/Jill left, I really fell back in love with her.  I love her attitude about life.  She just grabs it by the balls and keeps moving.  She doesn't get flustered.  She isn't bitter or angry. She enjoys life and lets shit like Bethenny not get to her like water off a duck's back.  I just remember her talking to Kelly about the divorce and she just had no bitterness in her voice about them "Moving on fast!" with a throaty commiseration. 

  • Love 7

Thanks for the thread!

I've always like Luann What a interesting life! She didn't let anything pass her by and shes' had some one of a kind experiences.

I wasn't crazy about the countess but the don't be uncool woman won my heart. That's what I would have said to! But my hay day was in the 70's and sleeping around was no biggie

  • Love 3
7 hours ago, MinDC76 said:

If Luann had an ounce of self-awareness, she would not have been surprised that Honey Child "turned" on her!  They were clearly cut from the same cloth in terms of using people for their own gain.  Honey Child used Luann, just as Luann used her, but when push came to shove, HC showed her disdain for someone she felt was beneath her, just has Lu has done a multitude of times.

Luann lacks character, and is a cheater and social climber through and through.  This special showed just how long she had been in the game, regardless of all of her talk about her adventures and being self-made.  She ditched her Italian, live-in boyfriend at the first sight of "The Count".  I am sure she didn't feel an ounce of remorse for ditching her bf in the middle of the night.  No one that actually truly loves someone, and is not an insanely selfish person could do what she did to him.  She is as entitled as they come.  

She was hanging out with a superficial, elitist, beyond wealthy crowd that probably enjoyed her personality on some level.  However, when push came to shove, they didn't take her seriously.  Luann latched onto The Count, because he was her chance to be one of them and stick it to them.  Please.  A vapid person trying to show other vapid people that they are better than them is just laughable.  I seriously doubt The Count was faithful to her for more than hot second.  

Love this post !      She had an image to protect? LOL    What image?    

  • Love 4
4 hours ago, Talented Tenth said:

I want to add that I would be pissed if a friend of mine said I wasn't the "est" -- prettiest, thinnest or tallest.  

it did sound odd and at the same time oddly encouraging to young women who aren't an "est".  At least she didn't add the youngest to the list of what Luann wasn't. To me, that s what makes Luann unsinkable.  If she could not earn money as a top notch model she would do the trade shows and pass out fliers.  That woman is probably more representative of Luann's true friends-not a RH friend.  I wanted to hear more from her journal and thought it interesting she journaled and saved them. 

  • Love 6

I've always liked Lu. This special was awesome. And it really explains why Lu comes off the way she has. Look, I'm a female who served in the Marine Corps and one of the biggest pet peeves of mine and my close friend who was in my unit with me (she's also my son's Godmother) were the girls who worked the female angle. As much as it was beat into everyone that we should avoid complicated "interactions" it's just really hard for men not to pay extra attention to the few females around and some of the women worked that particular angle and me and my friend just couldn't stand that. We were opposite kind. The one's who were well aware of the dynamics and downplayed our appearance. I mean we didn't do  complete make unders but we just kept it natural and was very aware of our bodies as well as our demeanor when interacting with our guys in our platoons and units. With that said, outside of those situations???

I can truly appreciate a women like Lu who understands her appeal. Who doesn't try to downplay it in order to not face some stigma. Look when the King of Greece is seeking you out wanting you to sit by HIM at an event with Princesses, Queens etc. etc.... More power to her. I get why she's so unbothered. Yeah, she has qualities that can make a person hate on her but guess what? She's got the experiences to back that up. Just as I always expected. She's a product of her life so when she comes across as pretentious is because she's had the life experiences to warrant such an aura of confidence.

Now granted, I will admit that she can be a bit much but I find it so entertaining and pretty refreshing that she is so easy breezy about who she is. A chunk of the resentment the others have is because they don't feel she deserves to carry herself the way she does or feel the way she does and I don't understand why. Look, I'm as confident as they come but I would still be giving big ups to Lu and I will still be impressed with her life. Why? Well shit, that bitch has lived a really interesting life and had a lot of whirlwind experiences. You can't decide you're going to take that away from her because the way she comes across makes you feel insecure and less than.

The biggest problem I've always had with the way the others receive Lu on the show is that, for the most part, they've allowed Lu to make them feel less than. Does Lu try? I don't think she tries per se I just think she will check you and use her status and things that have stemmed from her luxurious life to do so. But I don't think it's cool for the women to go after Lu because they are threatened by the fact that she obviously commands attention. Women don't like that. They like to feel that they are just as present as the next women and with Lu in the room. Ain't gonna happen.

Half because it's automatic sex appeal, charisma and presentation and the other half is because Lu does in fact work it. That combination is a lot to deal with and I say Good For Her. My sister in law is all kinds of sexy. Long, full, curly hair. Junk in the trunk, nice height, nice boobs, pretty eyes, spanish and every time we go out it's annoying as fuck cause she gets so much attention. I find myself hating but I also manage it. Why? Because I'm an adult annnnnnnd (I'm no plain Jane myself) Actually, when I'm not with her and with other friends I'm usually showered with a good amount of attention myself which is why when I'm with her the shift really stands out to me. It's natural to be jealous and I think that a HUGE chunk of these women always going after Lu isn't so much the whole Countess thing but more about the fact that the women probably owns the room when she's in it. Much like Sonja but Lu has the more polished and refined act down whereas Sonja has the ditzy, easy, dumb blond schtick. Lu has her own kind of grind and it's not for any of the others to try and shut that shit down. What the fuck for? The intensity in which some of these wives hate on Lu is very disproportionate. Sure she grates from time to time. So what? They all do.

The thing I love about this special is that Lu made it clear that SHE is the first one to understand exactly what everyone thinks of her, why and most of all that she is the one that actually gives zero fucks cause ya know what. She lived it baby. It's not wild claims about PDiddy's yatch or John John or Madonna. I for one was tickled pink when she brought up the opera and the dresses thinking to myself damn Carole really went in about how Lu thought pretty highly of herself to think that she could work a dress from her friend. Her friend who has dressed Michelle Obama etc. etc. and I'm thinking as corny as this sounds Ummmmmmm, fuck around Lu was sitting shotgun to a King per HIS request. Yeah, yeah lame I know but watching this special and then thinking about how the other ladies tend to roll their eyes at Lu as if she just rolled out of bed and decided that she was going to pretend to be this well traveled woman who's had a lot of life experiences to different degrees had me sitting in my living room smirking and thinking Suck it Ladies!

I'm sorry, I'm impressed with the life I've lived compared to my peers and if I ever got the impression from them that I need to tone it down or underplay the pride or awe I have for my own experiences because, well they feel I'm overdoing it...?? Fuck That Shit! Funny thing, I've actually gotten that vibe actually, about my time in the Marines and my time in Iraq. Can you believe it?? People are quick to throw out arrogant or condescending but we all have to find our balance when it comes to how we compare and relate to others. It's no one else's job to run around like the humblest of humble people so that others don't feel offended or annoyed by them. Lu has had her moments but to me that's all they were. Moments. I never saw her as someone who lives her life constantly belittling and treating others badly. I see her as someone who is estatic about the live she's lived. Confident in her life experiences and pleased that she knows how to storm through her life as the star. Fuck around, I'm the star of my life as everyone should be the star of theirs. I do think Lu does create a bit of collateral damage in her love life but she hasn't gone unscathed herself so que cera cera.

Here's the thing, and I think this is the crux of a lot of the issues Carole and Beth have with Lu. When a person is so unbothered with someone else's scathing opinions and insults of them (and Lu has perfected this down pat) it's because you're of so little consequence to them that your opinion of them does not matter. THAT'S where the "Lu's condescending" part comes from. But I wonder, what level of arrogance is needed to be offended that the person you're trying to insult, or bring down, or diminish isn't giving your opinion not one ounce of importance? THEY are full of THEMSELVES because your negative and hurtful opinion of them doesn't phase them? Huh? I always find this hysterical. It's a crazy conundrum to me. Since when are people required to be humbled on demand? That's a big thing with these shows. Everyone is on some mission to humble a housewife or two and that dynamic really angers me.

Edited by Yours Truly
  • Love 12
13 minutes ago, bosawks said:

This special reminded me of Boston Cream Pie, it has things that I really like but somehow I'm just "meh" about it.

I think it lacked drama. What it didn't do is go back and editorialize some of Luann's beefs or accusations against her.  So she told her story without addressing the conflicts such as she and the Count had an open marriage or that she has "fvcked" everyone.  So that was lacking and I think by design that her life was much more than being a RH.  Since it is the first of its kind it will be interesting to see where the others fall into place.  I was also thinking this may be in lieu of a three part wedding special. 

The rest of the RH are strangely silent regarding Luann's special as if it didn't exist.  There is probably far more drama with the other 30 plus RH clamoring for a special.   

  • Love 4
8 hours ago, Umbelina said:

Sonja could top it. 

Smoky eyes, updos, and Staad! Smoky eyes, updos, and Staad! :)

Joking aside, she would probably tell some fun stories.

i can't think of many other Housewives who could hold together an whole hour of TV by themselves the way Luann did (and who knew?). LVP maybe. Nene, but can you imagine? No one from the OC would be at all tolerable at that length either. 

  • Love 8
9 hours ago, Umbelina said:

Sonja could top it. 

The difference being we would have no photos of her fabulous life.  Hard to print delusions.  :-) I would like to see Sonja tell her story but in her own words she is scattered.  I am quite certain Sonja's "people" are burning up the producers phones with wanting a "Before" show for Sonja.

  • Love 3
45 minutes ago, zoeysmom said:

The difference being we would have no photos of her fabulous life.  Hard to print delusions.  :-) I would like to see Sonja tell her story but in her own words she is scattered.  I am quite certain Sonja's "people" are burning up the producers phones with wanting a "Before" show for Sonja.

I'd like to see it but I bet she legally can't show her marriage or daughter.

  • Love 4

So much of what I see on the current season of RHONY now makes sense.  Lu moves quickly when she finds a guy.  She married the Count after, what, six weeks?  It lends so much credence to why she's 'jumping' in with Tom, like she is.  Makes so much more sense.  It's not 'jumping in' with her.  It's not taking someone else's man away - heck, she left her live-in in the dead of night to take up with the Count.  And he clearly loved her - 16 years is nothing to sneeze at (especially when my longest previous marriage is 14 years!!!  :-) )

I also was pleased to see where she came from -  Berlin, CT, isn't far from where I lived when I was in the northwest corner of the State.  When she initially said East Berlin, I figured for New Jersey, but then they went into more specifics and there we were.

For all that she has done and is doing, she comes off as incredibly adaptive and intelligent.  There are darned few people who would do the things she had done back in her twenties and thirties.  Taking on the lifestyle she had taken on with the Count, given where she had started out, is huge.  Learning three languages, to the point where she was able to be a presenter on a show that wasn't even in her primary language, is incredibly difficult - I had an uncle in the diplomatic corp who had to learn Serbo-Croatian in six weeks to work as a consul in the former Yugoslavia, so I understand the complexity of translating what is being said and formulating a response in the same moment.  There's no time and it takes an incredibly good ear and talent to be able to do this.

I came away from the show with an entirely new, more positive perspective of Lu.

  • Love 13

I echo what a lot of you have already said. LuAnn says "yes" to life -- she's a risk taker, life lover, world-class man eater, a bit of a social climber, and she enjoys every minute of it!  That is why I find her so delightful. When the Count left her for a much-younger Ethiopian princess, LuAnn did not break down in misery or act like a victim (Ramona, I'm looking at you). Instead, she brushed herself off and got on with life in spite of the trauma.  Soon enough, she was gorgeous again, out of the prowl and getting plenty of male attention.  I love how resilient and durable she is -- she is such a Taurus that way!  I know she is not everyone's cup of tea but I love people who know how to navigate life and not let things get them down.  Lu is an inspiration that way.

I know that Lu is not perfect (who is?) but damn, she has lived a great life for a blue collar French Canadian girl from a small town in CT.

  • Love 16
45 minutes ago, Gaily said:

I echo what a lot of you have already said. LuAnn says "yes" to life -- she's a risk taker, life lover, world-class man eater, a bit of a social climber, and she enjoys every minute of it!  That is why I find her so delightful. When the Count left her for a much-younger Ethiopian princess, LuAnn did not break down in misery or act like a victim (Ramona, I'm looking at you). Instead, she brushed herself off and got on with life in spite of the trauma.  Soon enough, she was gorgeous again, out of the prowl and getting plenty of male attention.  I love how resilient and durable she is -- she is such a Taurus that way!  I know she is not everyone's cup of tea but I love people who know how to navigate life and not let things get them down.  Lu is an inspiration that way.

I know that Lu is not perfect (who is?) but damn, she has lived a great life for a blue collar French Canadian girl from a small town in CT.

And this is exactly why I think it's ridiculous when the others find the need to knock her down a couple of pegs. I mean it would be different if she was walking on air based on delusions of grandeur but Lu's "airs" are of genuine experiences and the love and appreciation you can tell she still has of those experiences. You're right it is delightful because it's no act that she completely treasures her memories and is grateful to have had them. To shove such exhilarating experiences and memories in some filtered box in order to seem more humble or less extravagant and for the benefit of the egos that surround her is an insult to the life she has led and the beautiful moments she has been graced with. At least IMO anyway. I think she has a nice balance and the only one's that find fault in her ways are the one's that want to take away what's unique about her or don't want to acknowledge her as unique which is understandable, no one likes a special little snowflake, but I'm a firm believer of ME being the only one that has lived MY life so no one else gets to narrate it as THEY see fit. And if my life does in fact include a bit of whimsical snowflake material than hey. Why the hell should I hide it or not express the amount of joy it brought to my life?

Edited by Yours Truly
  • Love 8

Wow to the comments, just wow. I see there's totally different views of this special on the life of Luann.

10 hours ago, Jade Foxx said:

Despite this "before the housewives" special, I still can't get down with Lu. She comes off to me as a lucky social climber with no grace or humility. Extremely entitled mentality, hence the ballsiness. 

This special didn't endear me to her at all...was it supposed to?

It seems that people either liked it a lot and admired Luannn for her guts and gusto or liked Luann even less, as I have. She's been give praise and accolades for being a risk taker, lover of life, bold, brave, vivacious and ballsy. Yes, she certainly was all of that, and more.

I am also a nurse, born of Canadian parents, born and live in Connecticut, about 20 minutes from where Luann was born and raised. That's where any and all similarities end.

I walked away from this hour with the sense that Luann was a go-getter, ambitious, passionate and unfailing in achieving her goals. Those are great qualities for anyone to have. She wanted something better than a life as a nurse tending to old people in Connecticut. I don't blame her, it's a pretty routine, unexciting life. But what did disturb me to some extent is the ferocity and unashamed drive she had to get whatever it was she wanted to get whether it was a man, money, fame, exposure to celebrities, or notoriety. Her quest for fame and fortune appeared to be just a little too ruthless in my opinion and nobody or nothing was going to stop her. She was a steamroller that plowed through any obstacles to getting exactly what she wanted.

Like Jade Fox commented, if the special was meant to endear Luann de Lesseps to viewers then it probably did to some. Personally, it only served to validate all the things that I've thought about Luann ever since the first time I watched her on RHoNY. I find her conniving, cunning. pretentious, self-indulgent and just totally Machiavellian.

  • Love 7
5 minutes ago, HumblePi said:

Wow to the comments, just wow. I see there's totally different views of this special on the life of Luann.

It seems that people either liked it a lot and admired Luannn for her guts and gusto or liked Luann even less, as I have. She's been give praise and accolades for being a risk taker, lover of life, bold, brave, vivacious and ballsy. Yes, she certainly was all of that, and more.

I am also a nurse, born of Canadian parents, born and live in Connecticut, about 20 minutes from where Luann was born and raised. That's where any and all similarities end.

I walked away from this hour with the sense that Luann was a go-getter, ambitious, passionate and unfailing in achieving her goals. Those are great qualities for anyone to have. She wanted something better than a life as a nurse tending to old people in Connecticut. I don't blame her, it's a pretty routine, unexciting life. But what did disturb me to some extent is the ferocity and unashamed drive she had to get whatever it was she wanted to get whether it was a man, money, fame, exposure to celebrities, or notoriety. Her quest for fame and fortune appeared to be just a little too ruthless in my opinion and nobody or nothing was going to stop her. She was a steamroller that plowed through any obstacles to getting exactly what she wanted.

Like Jade Fox commented, if the special was meant to endear Luann de Lesseps to viewers then it probably did to some. Personally, it only served to validate all the things that I've thought about Luann ever since the first time I watched her on RHoNY. I find her conniving, cunning. pretentious, self-indulgent and just totally Machiavellian.

In some ways, I thought that it showed her to be more like Bethenny, single minded about getting what they want, than not. LOL

  • Love 3

HumblePi and Jade Fox, both of you make excellent points. And I have to say, I can totally see what you are saying. Lu can be a bit too Machiavellian and conniving and a touch ruthless.  Very much like a Becky Sharp, she's a totally self-made creature determined to have the "good life" at all costs.   I still love her though and admire her tenacity and resilience.

  • Love 5

I haven't watched the special but it seems that the varying opinions about Luann after the show are rooted in the opinions of Luann before the show. Seems like whatever it was that was showcased was a testament to both the good and bad qualities that people either love about her or dislike about her. I have yet to catch up on the actual RH episode but perhaps I'll check this special out as well if I can find it on rerun/link/etc.

Edited by RHJunkie
  • Love 3

Oh and Becky Sharp is a character in "Vanity Fair" and her name is used to describe any social climbing conniver.  Here is the description:

Becky Sharp is the anti-heroine of William Makepeace Thackeray's satirical novel Vanity Fair (1847–48). A cynical social climber who uses her charms to fascinate and seduce upper-class men, Sharp is contrasted with the clinging, dependent heroine Amelia Sedley. She befriends Amelia at an expensive girls school where she is given a place because Becky's father teaches there, and uses her as a stepping stone to gain social position

  • Love 5
35 minutes ago, HumblePi said:

Wow to the comments, just wow. I see there's totally different views of this special on the life of Luann.

It seems that people either liked it a lot and admired Luannn for her guts and gusto or liked Luann even less, as I have. She's been give praise and accolades for being a risk taker, lover of life, bold, brave, vivacious and ballsy. Yes, she certainly was all of that, and more.

I am also a nurse, born of Canadian parents, born and live in Connecticut, about 20 minutes from where Luann was born and raised. That's where any and all similarities end.

I walked away from this hour with the sense that Luann was a go-getter, ambitious, passionate and unfailing in achieving her goals. Those are great qualities for anyone to have. She wanted something better than a life as a nurse tending to old people in Connecticut. I don't blame her, it's a pretty routine, unexciting life. But what did disturb me to some extent is the ferocity and unashamed drive she had to get whatever it was she wanted to get whether it was a man, money, fame, exposure to celebrities, or notoriety. Her quest for fame and fortune appeared to be just a little too ruthless in my opinion and nobody or nothing was going to stop her. She was a steamroller that plowed through any obstacles to getting exactly what she wanted.

Like Jade Fox commented, if the special was meant to endear Luann de Lesseps to viewers then it probably did to some. Personally, it only served to validate all the things that I've thought about Luann ever since the first time I watched her on RHoNY. I find her conniving, cunning. pretentious, self-indulgent and just totally Machiavellian.

Although I get it cause that was the impression I was getting throughout the special but I also got a sense that aside from the terrible act of sneaking out on her live in boyfriend for 2 1/2 years to marry someone else before he even knew you were leaving him... Ouch! she didn't really "set out" to achieve any specific goal. That every opportunity seemed to have actually just presented itself and Lu was bold enough to steam right in. I knew to some it would come across as conniving but I believe there was enough of a genuine balance and truly good timing and luck that brought Lu to each and every pivotal point in her life. Not once did I get the impression that she was crudely stepping on people's backs to get to a higher goal. It mostly just seemed that her natural essences and bold nature just attracted different opportunities her way and you know what she grabbed it and of course rode the ride to wherever it took her but it didn't seem like she ever put a specific plan in place. I mean besides just taking chances.  I also think she made decisions based on wholehearted feelings and not just to hit an end goal. Actually throughout her story telling it seemed like she would just catch one wave after another and was excited to see where it would take her without even know where that might be. I mean, basically she benefitted from being who she was. An interesting and polarizing woman that caught the attention of people who  just happened to be in certain circles and were in positions to afford her great opportunities.

Again, her life seems to be a whole lot of right time, right place and not some crude design (with a bit of determination thrown in). Actually there are more people out there who are considered "ambitious" when they shrewdly tackle the business world and that's admirable. Do it in a social setting, working with your strengths in a more intimate environment and it's frowned upon.  Although some parts did come across rather heavy handed I couldn't help but shrug it off cause that's how it went down. She also made it clear in a lot of her stories that she wasn't always the heavy hitter and that she was just lucky to be rolling with some cool people. She's even pretty matter a fact about not really doing anything too grand to have gotten a couple of her opportunities to begin with. It's not like she was embellishing trying to present it like she achieved some great feat. I mean you can tell that she's proud that her determination to just go for it brought her all of her good fortune but she doesn't try to package it as something genius or more clever than it actually was. Half the time she seemed amazed that all of that fell into her lap. LOL.

Edited by Yours Truly
  • Love 8
38 minutes ago, RHJunkie said:

I haven't watched the special but it seems that the varying opinions about Luann after the show are rooted in the opinions of Luann before the show. Seems like whatever it was that was showcased was a testament to both the good and bad qualities that people either love about her or dislike about her. I have yet to catch up on the actual RH episode but perhaps I'll check this special out as well if I can find it on rerun/link/etc.

Here's a link to the entire show on Youtube.


Edited by HumblePi
  • Love 1
43 minutes ago, Gaily said:

Oh and Becky Sharp is a character in "Vanity Fair" and her name is used to describe any social climbing conniver.  Here is the description:

Becky Sharp is the anti-heroine of William Makepeace Thackeray's satirical novel Vanity Fair (1847–48). A cynical social climber who uses her charms to fascinate and seduce upper-class men, Sharp is contrasted with the clinging, dependent heroine Amelia Sedley. She befriends Amelia at an expensive girls school where she is given a place because Becky's father teaches there, and uses her as a stepping stone to gain social position

Yes, Luann's story and Becky's are very much alike.  BTW, if you haven't seen the movie with Reese Witherspoon as Becky, DO!  It's one of my favorites, and oddly enough, I happened to watch it, and the DVD extras, just the other night.  http://www.rogerebert.com/reviews/vanity-fair-2004 

I knew most of this stuff about Luann already, so none of it really surprised me, nor does it, for me, mitigate her haughty airs and hypocrisy, but it did show the things I do like about Luann, as it was designed to do.  It ignored the open marriage, and I don't even blame her for that, she has children after all.  I admire her being able to remain friends with her exes as well, I've been able to do that myself, with all but one fiance. 

Was it a bit of a whitewash about just how much of Luann's rise depended on sex?  Probably.  The thing is though, I don't fault her for that at all, she used what she had to reach her goals, and her goal was to get out of Nowhere and to elevate her station in life.  She did, and much like Becky, had the charm to pull that off, and the intelligence to make the most of her looks and to be ruthless when needed. Furthermore, I really believe Luann LOVES sex, so it wasn't something she did only to get ahead, her desires, both sexual and social climbing, just happened to combine.

For me, the most interesting part of the special was Luann describing her post traumatic stress of the accident, and subsequent claustrophobia and boredom of living in the alps for most of the year with two small children.  She'd had such a busy metropolitan life, in New York, and later in Milan, and I really understood missing that, and missing being famous, being something other than a wife and mother.  She needed that to be happy.

My favorite part was her family in Connecticut, and frankly, her feelings for them, as well as how very cool the Count was with them.

I'd love to see REAL Sonja's though!  If she doesn't have too many restrictions from her divorce, now THAT would be a special.  Her husband could buy and sell the Count many times over, houses all over the world, yachts, planes, whole islands, I've seen some of the properties they owned and WOW.  She was filthy rich, rich beyond any housewife I can think of really, or any reality star at all.  What a fool to throw that all away, and what a massive fool to think she will ever "get back to where she was."

Edited by Umbelina
forgot the u in buy
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8 minutes ago, Umbelina said:

Yes, Luann's story and Becky's are very much alike.  BTW, if you haven't seen the movie with Reese Witherspoon as Becky, DO!  It's one of my favorites, and oddly enough, I happened to watch it, and the DVD extras, just the other night.  http://www.rogerebert.com/reviews/vanity-fair-2004 

I knew most of this stuff about Luann already, so none of it really surprised me, nor does it, for me, mitigate her haughty airs and hypocrisy, but it did show the things I do like about Luann, as it was designed to do.  It ignored the open marriage, and I don't even blame her for that, she has children after all.  I admire her being able to remain friends with her exes as well, I've been able to do that myself, with all but one fiance. 

Was it a bit of a whitewash about just how much of Luann's rise depended on sex?  Probably.  The thing is though, I don't fault her for that at all, she used what she had to reach her goals, and her goal was to get out of Nowhere and to elevate her station in life.  She did, and much like Becky, had the charm to pull that off, and the intelligence to make the most of her looks and to be ruthless when needed. Furthermore, I really believe Luann LOVES sex, so it wasn't something she did only to get ahead, her desires, both sexual and social climbing, just happened to combine.

For me, the most interesting part of the special was Luann describing her post traumatic stress of the accident, and subsequent claustrophobia and boredom of living in the alps for most of the year with two small children.  She'd had such a busy metropolitan life, in New York, and later in Milan, and I really understood missing that, and missing being famous, being something other than a wife and mother.  She needed that to be happy.

My favorite part was her family in Connecticut, and frankly, her feelings for them, as well as how very cool the Count was with them.

I'd love to see REAL Sonja's though!  If she doesn't have too many restrictions from her divorce, now THAT would be a special.  Her husband could buy and sell the Count many times over, houses all over the world, yachts, planes, whole islands, I've seen some of the properties they owned and WOW.  She was filthy rich, rich beyond any housewife I can think of really, or any reality star at all.  What a fool to throw that all away, and what a massive fool to think she will ever "get back to where she was."

I don't even think that was the case either in the beginning. She fell into that scene by accident and then decided to run with it after she got a taste but  it seems she was already a nurse on her way to just living the average life before her friend asked her to do that beauty contest with her. So I'm not so sure Lu always had her sights on the big time. She just realized it was within her grasp for whatever reason and shit kept falling in her lap so she began honing and polishing these particular traits of hers once she realized she was in possession of the charisma and charm that leads places. Good for her.

  • Love 9

Maybe I'm just an old fashioned woman with some remnants of puritanical beliefs but I still have very little regard for any woman who uses her sex solely for wealth, power or social advancement. Sure, it's done all the time by both men and women, but I don't feel I have to condone Luann's past behavior and and hide my disapproval just because she's in a television reality show. When Luann said "I can't forget the men in my life that helped me get where I had to go", well that just validated all that I ever believed about Luann.

Luann boasted of her connections to profoundly rich, politically connected and world famous people like Silvio Burlisconi, (who I wouldn't brag about being 'connected' with). Yet she said to Heather; "I can't tell you how many women I've had to get rid of in my life who tried to back stab me and steal my husband". Luann was Alexandre's fourth wife. I guess his 3rd wife wasn't as good a getting rid of women who wanted her husband. But, what goes around comes around and in 2009 she split with Alexandre because he was having an affair with an Ethiopian princess Kemeria Abajobir Abajifar. Luann found out about their affair through an email that Alex sent her letting her know.

When I see a woman such as Luann talking about how glamorous her life was and is, and how many rich and distinguished men she's been with, and how many celebrities she has rubbed elbows. Then she tells a joke like this; "do you know why pubic hairs are curly? Because if they were straight, they'd poke you in the eye". It makes me wonder what Luann meant exactly when she recorded and videoed her (cough) song 'Money Can't Buy You Class'? Was she mocking herself or is she really that delusional to think she has any of it?

  • Love 4
2 hours ago, HumblePi said:
19 minutes ago, HumblePi said:

Maybe I'm just an old fashioned woman with some remnants of puritanical beliefs but I still have very little regard for any woman who uses her sex solely for wealth, power or social advancement. Sure, it's done all the time by both men and women, but I don't feel I have to condone Luann's past behavior and and hide my disapproval just because she's in a television reality show. When Luann said "I can't forget the men in my life that helped me get where I had to go", well that just validated all that I ever believed about Luann.

Luann boasted of her connections to profoundly rich, politically connected and world famous people like Silvio Burlisconi, (who I wouldn't brag about being 'connected' with). Yet she said to Heather; "I can't tell you how many women I've had to get rid of in my life who tried to back stab me and steal my husband". Luann was Alexandre's fourth wife. I guess his 3rd wife wasn't as good a getting rid of women who wanted her husband. But, what goes around comes around and in 2009 she split with Alexandre because he was having an affair with an Ethiopian princess Kemeria Abajobir Abajifar. Luann found out about their affair through an email that Alex sent her letting her know.

When I see a woman such as Luann talking about how glamorous her life was and is, and how many rich and distinguished men she's been with, and how many celebrities she has rubbed elbows. Then she tells a joke like this; "do you know why pubic hairs are curly? Because if they were straight, they'd poke you in the eye". It makes me wonder what Luann meant exactly when she recorded and videoed her (cough) song 'Money Can't Buy You Class'? Was she mocking herself or is she really that delusional to think she has any of it?


Nothing wrong with holding to your values.  Last night's episode was just a story about what someone who was similarly situated to you did between the ages of 23 and 27 years of age.  Men were very much the power players last century and Luann managed to catch the eye of a couple that helped her career along.  She had to put some work into it-learning two languages in a short period of time is impressive.

You omitted the part where she fell in love with the Count and had two children.  She obviously cultivated women friends along the way as well.  She was still friends with roommates who were there along for the ride.  As she told Heather, she had been stabbed in the back and gave us an example of a  very powerful one in Honeychile Wilder.  If one were to forget the Count's background and watch the video of Luann and the Count's arrival at Luann's brother she seemed very much in love with him.  I believe she thanked the men that helped and has indicated that when a relationship is over she can remain friends.  I can see where having to be concerned about your husband and women coming for him gets tiring and I do not blame Luann for wanting to return to the US and jumpstart a career.

Luann was not being ruthless and destroying people in her wake-she was developing, networking if you were, friends and some lovers along the way.  She wasn't toppling corporations, stealing bank accounts, making promises to fund movies with money she did not have, she was living a very social life, the life of a TV personality.  She was all of 24 when she became an Italian television personality.  There is no indication that Luann had anything to do with Alex's third divorce, to the contrary, they were able to marry within two weeks. 

Luann at the end was expressing people had a misconception of her, she likes bawdy rumor and yes, even the rich and famous tell dirty jokes.  I don't know if she was mocking herself anymore than a woman who does a layout for Playboy or if she just likes dirty jokes.  Do I think the class angle is overworked on the show?  Yep.  If you compare Luann to say Ramona, I do think in her peer group on the show she is classier and has probably led a more interesting life.   If you compare LVP to Luann she too can be classy and bawdy at the same time and married someone very quickly and very connected.

  • Love 12

For me, the most interesting part of the special was Luann describing her post traumatic stress of the accident, and subsequent claustrophobia and boredom of living in the alps for most of the year with two small children.  She'd had such a busy metropolitan life, in New York, and later in Milan, and I really understood missing that, and missing being famous, being something other than a wife and mother.  She needed that to be happy.

I listened with rapt attention to that. I was in a solo rollover car accident around this time last year and am still dealing with the ptsd from it...could not imagine what it was like for her to be rolling down the side of a mountain with her kids in the backseat. Very sweet seeing her with Victoria and Noel as babies.

I also didn't know anything about Honey Chile Wilder and googled her. She died two years after Luann and Alex were married.

  • Love 4
9 hours ago, ivygirl said:

I can't think of many other Housewives who could hold together an whole hour of TV by themselves the way Luann did (and who knew?). LVP maybe. Nene, but can you imagine? No one from the OC would be at all tolerable at that length either. 

This!  For all her social climbing selfishness and I still don't care for her recently--she seems desperate--her special was interesting and real.  I could only think of Sonja (if she could be lucid enough or LVP) even competing with it.  I was so going to skip this, but glad I watched.

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7 minutes ago, Forcereals said:

This!  For all her social climbing selfishness and I still don't care for her recently--she seems desperate--her special was interesting and real.  I could only think of Sonja (if she could be lucid enough or LVP) even competing with it.  I was so going to skip this, but glad I watched.

You reminded me of another reason why I enjoyed Lu's special. There's a level of candor there that I appreciated. I still want to see one on Sonja and LVP, but I fear Sonja might be too confused to separate fact from fiction, and Lisa Vanderpump is far too concerned with cultivating an image to ever be as forthcoming as Luann was last night.

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