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S18.E02: Season Premiere (2): Auto Eviction, Head of Household 1, Nominations 1

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So, I had a feeling with the edit that Nicole and Tiffany were both safe. I also figured Corey would be safe too, but damn, that was literally so close and I was nervous on which one was staying. Well, bye Glenn. You tried, you did as well as you could (almost beat Corey), but I will probably forget your name by finale, and I won't miss you saying "fustrated".

I liked their competition. I thought it was going to be much different from appearance, but this one was actually pretty creative. It definitely benefited the smaller people, like Nicole and Tiffany. 

Yay Nicole for getting HOH. I'm just glad she's safe this week, and so are the vets. 

Paul can shut up any time now. I see him and Da'Vonne keep getting all the DRs, or at least half of them. Too bad Corey was getting yelled at for not taking HOH. I mean, I'd get it if I was one of the newbies and saw a vet come into the game and then get handed HOH, but calm the hell down. You're not Big Boss Man in charge. Big Bully, is more like it. 

Victor....you're pretty much an idiot by throwing your 'best friend' out there. Or are you trying to protect yourself? Either way, good freaking job. Also, taking off your shirt as a strategy didn't work. But Jozea helped to make himself a target by making himself seem like a Messiah. And, of course, Da'Vonne thinks she's all that and will get Jozea up just because she's 'tight' with Nicole, even though Victor helped seal his fate too. Hopefully they catch onto Paul, as well. He thinks he's God, from what I gather. Plus, two guys out in the first two evictions? I'm so in for that. If Paulie goes home, then he goes home. I wouldn't be that sad. Ideally, I'd want Paul and Jozea up, but oh well. Maybe next week. 

Oh my god, James. You know, him going up to talk to Nicole while taking a shower, pretending to be Victor, is both creepy and funny. I just realized....THE RETURN OF THE PRANKS. Yes. That was my favourite part of James last season, as he lightened up the mood in the house and he never took it too far. 

The Have Not room looks like it could instill nightmares. 

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Aw, Glenn gets the award for Most Awkward Pose in the Credits (though no one will ever beat Jeff's awkward penguin clap from last year) and then he gets to boogie back down to the Bronx. 

Victor is dim (but pretty) and Jozea the Messiah is dim (but nasty). Who the hell gives away that much of their game in one conversation in the first week? Like Da'Vonne is going to trust someone who says "So yeah, we're gonna get rid of all the vets and in this order. But don't worry, boo, you're safe."

And it's RETURNEE not RETURNER. That's driving me up a wall.

That HN room is mean. Bumper cars to sleep in? At least you could stretch out on the dentist chairs. You're basically forced into a curled up position in those things. Not cool, BB. 

11 minutes ago, TexasChic said:

"Blood on my hands", everybody drink!

Now we just have to wait for "At the end of the day" and "It is what it is." I'll throw in "Preesh!" because it's gonna be said. (Seriously Frank? Still no "Preesh!"?)

Edited by Callaphera
  • Love 9
6 minutes ago, DakotaLavender said:

Nicole: "There wasn't a of of people to pick from..." 

Is she brain dead? They are all still in there except for Glenn.....

Do they give these HGs IQ tests and pick the lowest results? 

No, because according to Tiffany, she has a self-tested IQ of 145 :)

  • Love 4
2 minutes ago, Suzysite said:

She's kind of right.  2 teams have immunity and she doesn't want any of the veterans to go...so who does that leave?

Bridgette, Paul, Zakiyah, Michelle. Not the one available player that you have an in with because of his brother.

But I'm happy. Two guys probably gone right away and that means less chance of a bro alliance popping up. 

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James to Frank in the bathroom: "Why is the floor so sticky in here?"

LOL. Because HGs are notoriously sloppy and messy, especially after a comp where they shoot crap at you? Because there was sand in there originally but they had to move it out when they realized that it wasn't that great of an idea? Both would apply.

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I feel bad for Glenn, but he really didn't really stand a chance in that competition.

Jozea shouldn't have reveal that much much to Da'vonne. Dumb.

Victor's conversation with Nicole was both confusing and hilarious. Nicole shouldn't have nominated Paulie but it's slim pickings.

Funny, I don't recall Nicole being a snake in her season.

I am ready to see the new Sunday competition. Hopefully it's better than BotB.

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Poor Glenn.  I knew it was likely him, but it's still harsh.  He doesn't even get an exit interview with the Chenbot. And I wonder once again why any 50 year old would want to come on this show.

Both Victor and Jozea are dumber than rocks.  Maybe Victor was protecting himself, but I feel like we would have gotten a DR to make that clear.

Once again Paulie gets mistaken for Paul, who is the one who should be nominated.

Edited by vb68
  • Love 7

I always enjoy the bitter, post nomination DRs.  Poor Nicole is a snake for getting info from not one, but two people that he is gunning for her ass, and is the Messiah of this alliance (I mean, really?) and is leading the charge against the vets?  Does he know the definition of a snake?  Dumbass, I hope he goes.

But it should've been Paul.  I see her not wanting to nominate a woman, because they always go home early, but the other nominee should've been Paul.  These people keep getting Paul and Paulie confused!! Paulie = good teammate, Paul = bad teammate! Paul = good nomination, Paulie = bad nomination!   Sheesh.

Oh, man, with the crying and the voice, followed by the BANDANA in the DR?   Tiffany was seriously channeling Vanessa there for a moment, and I almost had to quit her.  Almost. 

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In Nicole's defense, she doesn't know (according to the edit) what we do about Paul constantly hammering at the newbie alliance and shirtless, preening Victor only seemed to throw Jozea under the bus. Jozea threw himself under the bus with Da'Vonne. I get why she put Paulie up but at the same time, I think it was the wrong choice.

Allow me to hop in the shallow end of the pool for a sec: Victor can drive my bus any day. 

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Anyone else hear that audible sigh of relief from Alison Grodner and her producers when Glenn met his fate and there was no dumpster around to save him? Seriously they had to be sweating bullets at losing fan favorite Nicole, Mathew McCaughhey look alike Corey or Vanessa's sister whom I am sure they are hoping to get a good run in this summer if she is anything like her sis. And let's face it...Glenn was cannon fodder from the moment he was cast.

I know some people don't like DaVonne...but she gives damn good Diary Room. I'm glad for now that things are lining up for her to make a longer run in the house than last year...she brings the entertainment factor.

Speaking of the entertainment factor...it's early but a little bit telling that Zakiya, the Venezuelan girl and the food police girl got not speaking roles this episode. A couple of them I don't even remember seeing in the crowd scenes.

So happy that one half of the diabolocal duo is on the chopping block...the only way it could have been better is if the other Paul-Judas Lite were up against him so their heads would explode. How can he not be on the radar? He's just so repulsive with his glitter beard and when not gelled up...who in their right mind would wear an Adolf Hitler haircut? WTF?! His vendetta against the returning players is almost pathological.

The vets need to be careful...they are still out numbered and don't look like they are doing much in the way of keeping a low profile by constantly hanging out with each other.

Finally can James get a showmance this year instead of being regulated to the friend zone? Maybe he could get something going with Nicole or Bronte? 

  • Love 4

Pauline is a pawn that Nicole hopes can beat Jozea in the PoV.  It's such a risky move, especially if the other newbies suspect he's throwing in with the vets.  

I can't with Tiffany.  Vanessa gave me about 763 rage blackouts last year - hearing that voice say "my strategy for the challenge was to ..." made me apoplectic.  Remember how she said she and Vanessa are very different people?  Not buying it.  At all.  Both think they're smoother/smarter than they are, both with the crying, the BANDANA, everything.  

Paul is also way up there on the vitriol list.  I only hope that people realize how hard he's playing and boot him early. 

God help me, I swore I wouldn't because I have so much to do tomorrow, but I know I'm staying up u til the feeds come on.  

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Before the episode even began, I figured that the odds were that Nicole was not going to lose that comp, and then I figured that the odds were that she was going to be HoH, so I was thinking what her strategy would be, and I thought she would go "One from each eligible team," which is a DUMB strategy. And sure enough, that's where she went. Just pick a team and go at it hard. Two from the same team.  If they take themselves down, then you put up the third newbie from the team. If the newbie from the teams win veto themselves, then oh well, THEN you go to the other team. Why piss off two teams?

Edited by Brian Cronin
  • Love 7

Pauline is a pawn that Nicole hopes can beat Jozea in the PoV.  It's such a risky move, especially if the other newbies suspect he's throwing in with the vets.  

I hope that Paulie is "Pauline" is one of the twists!  If Mama Day is correct and Jesus is more involved in this game than I suspected, then I have to wonder what I've done wrong to have Nicole win HOH. Whatever it was, I am contrite. Please make her go away? Or at least her voice? I'll go to Church again sometime. I promise.

  I don't want anyone to get seriously hurt, but it would amuse me greatly if someone cut a finger or something and there was literally blood on someone's hands.

  I wear a bandana pretty often because my forehead sweats when I run or bike, and the salt gets in my eyes without one. That said, there is no reason whatsoever to wear one like Tiffany and her sister do. I want her gone as well.

  • Love 5

Well, at least Da'Vonne can say she didn't go out second again! But she could go out the second week. 

The only snake I remember from season 16 was Frankie. Jozea is clearly not a fan of Big Brother. His DRs sounded rehearsed and generic, anyway. Also, he's been in the house at this point...what, a week? Less than a week, I guess when this episode was going on? How the hell are you calling yourself a Messiah this early on? Slow your rolls; there has barely been a first eviction. 

I worry about Paulie being up on the block because if Jozea wins POV and takes himself off, or if one of his 'best friends' wins and takes him off, Paulie could be sent home because of Cody. I mean, his brother got second, Paulie could end up going far, let's take out a big target while we can, etc. Honestly, base case scenario is Paulie winning POV, and Nicole putting Paul up (hopefully by exposing his douchebaggery). I really want Nicole's speech, in that case, to be this: "Like Da'Vonne, I confused Paulie and Paul. So I gotta correct my mistake." I don't know why I want something like that, but I really do. I'd be fine with either going out in that case. 

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5 minutes ago, NorthstarATL said:


  I wear a bandana pretty often because my forehead sweats when I run or bike, and the salt gets in my eyes without one. That said, there is no reason whatsoever to wear one like Tiffany and her sister do. I want her gone as well.

If she doesn't want anyone to make the vanessa connection then she shouldn't wear that bandana when she's around the HGs. It makes her look identical to her sister (as if she isn't already). I'm thinking the DR just made her wear it.

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I can't believe that Corey won by something as simple as him pulling the flag by the flag itself while Glenn went for the base. 

I am not too worried about Paul, because he's SUCH an obvious douchebag that I find it hard to believe that anyone would put up with it for long.

Edited by Brian Cronin
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Oh, man, with the crying and the voice, followed by the BANDANA in the DR?   Tiffany was seriously channeling Vanessa there for a moment, and I almost had to quit her.  Almost. 

I've quit her. Add the second-guessing, and I'm waiting for the reverse-reverse-reverse psychology. It reminds me how much I disliked Vanessa.

And Da'vonne can lay off the Our Lord and Savior stuff while she's appearing on a game show that involves lying and double-crossing people.

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Honestly, Tiffany has a lot of Vanessa's mannerisms, but she also seems a lot calmer and a lot more rational. She may not be able to stop those mannerisms, as it may just run in the family with the tears and stuff, but as of right now, she's different enough from Vanessa that makes me still love her. I know I may be speaking too early, but I think she won't be like Vanessa much. She also has a good reason to cry, as she was almost evicted before really getting started in the game. She's not irrationally crying. 

  • Love 10

The main difference I see between Tiffany and Vanessa is that Tiffany is not nearly as intense. I've seen some clips of her on Sequester, and she came across as naturally charismatic, laid back and eloquent. If there's any crazy in her (highly likely) the house will bring it out for sure, but I don't think this is truly Vanessa 2.0. That said, Vanessa is easily my favorite houseguest of all time, and I'm sadly not expecting Tiffany to make the feeds nearly as entertaining or unpredictable.

I can lose Jozea, but Paul needs to stick around for as long as possible. A Big Brother season pretty much needs a good villain, and Paul fits the mold perfectly. He's not as delusional as Austin, he's not as obnoxious as Frankie, he's not as offensive as Amanda, he's just aggressive and stupid. It's great. I can't wait for him to get his comeuppance in Week 10 or so.

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She's definitely got more people skills than Vanessa. But Vanessa was a lot more strategic. Vanessa talked way too much about game theory, but she also clearly DID use game theory, and used it well. I haven't seen that level of game play from Tiffany yet. Heck, she's already painted herself into a corner with the sister lie. But yes, she is clearly a more easy-going person than Vanessa, just with enough of Vanessa's drama traits that I suspect we'll see a toned down version of Vanessa's various freakouts. 

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37 minutes ago, Callaphera said:

How long until Tiffany runs around needing a Reason? Preferably while wearing a mud mask and a green toque of doom.


I doubt the show lets Paulie leave this early.  He's got to be a big draw and I'm sure they want him around for at least a few weeks.  Or maybe I'm just hoping because *I* want to keep him around for a while. 

I'm so nervous about whatever this brand new challenge that's going to give someone a lot of power might be.  Unless it goes to someone I like, of course, because I'm a hypocrite with this show. 

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6 minutes ago, Turtle said:

I'm so nervous about whatever this brand new challenge that's going to give someone a lot of power might be.  Unless it goes to someone I like, of course, because I'm a hypocrite with this show. 

If this is the case, alternating the power being given between Tiffany and Nicole, please. Actually, maybe anyone but Paul and Jozea.

Just now, Lady Calypso said:

If this is the case, alternating the power being given between Tiffany and Nicole, please. Actually, maybe anyone but Paul and Jozea.

I'll agree on Nicole but not Tiffany!  Is my hate irrational?  Yes.  Is it real?  Also yes.  Actually, Tiffany hasn't done anything to bother me, but her voice and mannerisms are just so similar to Vanessa's, and Vanessa really got on every single of my nerves last year.  Which was a shame because I liked some of her game moves but her personality really rubbed me the wrong way and I just couldn't get past it. 

I like Bronte a lot, so it's possible that my sense of things is skewed. 

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I'm enjoying Dae.  Her diary rooms can be OOT, but I'm enjoying her interactions with others.  She's far more patient with Paul than I would be.  

I loved Dae's reactions to Jozea's bloviating. "And what else ....... stupid". 

At this point I'm rooting for the veterans, Tiffany, Paulie, Corey, and Bronte.  Paulie seems pretty likable.  As long as he doesn't form an inappropriate relationship with a married woman, then let her take the fall alone while he becomes a fan favorite, we're good. 

Another season of women cast by how good they look in bikinis, and the size of their implants. Where's the eye candy for the straight females?  Corey is bland and white bread, and Victor ruins it by opening his mouth.

I think the oldest female is 32, and was predicted elsewhere to be the "mother figure", yet there's a fat fifty year old male cast.  When's the last time a fifty year old woman was cast?  Never?  How about a female with a big beer gut?  Never, again?

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Tiffany is like a medicated Vanessa with eyebrows and no horrible green cap.  If she ever wants to do a dramatic reveal... all she needs to do is put on a cap and bleach her brows.

Nicole needed to try a little harder to identify the ringleaders in the newbie group... They got tunnel vision for Jozea... and may have alienated Paulie.  It seemed like a marriage of convenience anyway so I'm not sure about the long term damage but they need to get Paul first if they want some breathing room.

Either the editing is really biased to favor the returnees or the new group has yet to produce any winning personalities that will charm the audience away from the vets.

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