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S28.E08: Stand By Me

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Bye Camilla. I won't miss you. My favorite thing was hearing my boyfriend CT was going to be on the aftershow.

The challenge was insane and awesome. I love all the random crazy stuff that happened and all the things they had to remember. AMAZING. Do more things like this crazy stand around and eat tacos and watch like magic performances and take pictures with iguanas The Challenge, and not gross grinding on soap machines. A part of me kind of hoped TJ just left all the challengers on boxes and in the woods for forever but then he appeared and I was like, "eh, wishful thinking".

I enjoyed this episode immensely.

  • Love 8

I'm really liking this finale like challenges. I would not have been able to stay up all or night or remember any of that shit.

I still don't get why Tony loathes Camilla so much. Yeah, she's annoying but he hates her like she did something personal to him. It's funny because they seemed like the weakest of "rivals" at the beginning but over the course of the show they have become real rivals.

As stupid as the whole thing was, I did appreciate Camilla telling Tony that he was playing right into John and Vinny's hands. They woke him up so he and Camilla could fight for their entertainment and that's exactly what happened. Sarah was also right, they're all idiots for continuing to get drunk and set people on each other for amusement.

  • Love 6

I can't believe all players lasted 12 hours standing with no bathroom breaks. I thought for sure at least one would quit, and then the rest would drop. I personally would have lasted about 20 min before deciding to try my luck in the jungle. 


I love Jenna so much. "We have to stand really close together so I know Vince is having a good time." 

Interesting to see most of the rivals cuddling up to each other at various points of the night, yet Sarah and Bananas were still standing as far apart from each other as possible. 

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I hate that they allow Tony on this show. His drinking is no where near casual. Honestly, it's scary to see him cage in Camilla into a corner, not allowing her room to escape. I stated most of my thoughts on Tony in the Aftershow thread, so I'll just say that between Johnny thinking Tony is a good guy and how he felt guilty sending him home and showing no remorse for his actions throughout the night, I hate myself for watching this show. Johnny can so easily say, "tell that bitch to shut it down." Good fucking luck, Hannah dealing with that shit at home.

The actual challenge was fun. Johnny and Sarah were being so annoying making a big deal of everything and acting like such know-it-alls. Someone mentioned it being painful, and Johnny had to chime in saying they had no idea how awful it was going to be. Sarah is the voice of reason on this show, but that's not saying much. She's still that girl that followed JEK around and sought their approval. I also can't stand it when people retire and then come back. I'm sorry but no amount of money would allow me to come and team up with Johnny. I'm so repulsed by him and his constant need to end every sentence mispronouncing "dude."

Wes and Nany entertained me throughout the challenge. I laughed at his fake whispering and when they went through the teams deciding who was paying attention. Thought it was so funny when they showed Nate and Christina playing rock/paper/scissors.

  • Love 4
2 hours ago, WhosThatGirl said:

Bye Camilla. I won't miss you. My favorite thing was hearing my boyfriend CT was going to be on the aftershow.

The challenge was insane and awesome. I love all the random crazy stuff that happened and all the things they had to remember. AMAZING. Do more things like this crazy stand around and eat tacos and watch like magic performances and take pictures with iguanas The Challenge, and not gross grinding on soap machines. A part of me kind of hoped TJ just left all the challengers on boxes and in the woods for forever but then he appeared and I was like, "eh, wishful thinking".

I enjoyed this episode immensely.

Can't Co sign all of your post because I loved the soap challenge. Good old classic style challenge kind of like the ice melting challenge back in the day. And it was hilarious for multiple reasons.

This episode was great though. Difficult as hell but gave so many gems throughout the night. 

I'll just say this about the big incident. It's always people yelling, don't do that to a girl/woman. Your a man! Of course, you shouldn't do that. People need to stop going at each other like that period. Gender be damned. Nobody needs to be cornering someone and threatening them. Act like you're an adult. And learn what your drinking limits are. Damn. You don't have to literally count your drinks but be aware of what you are doing and your limits. 

  • Love 4
9 hours ago, SophiaPehawkins said:

Wes and Nany entertained me throughout the challenge. I laughed at his fake whispering and when they went through the teams deciding who was paying attention. Thought it was so funny when they showed Nate and Christina playing rock/paper/scissors.

I'm amazed at exactly how much I'm loving the Wes/Nany pairing.  I normally cannot stand Nany, but they're absolutely my favorite pairing on this season.  I'm halfway to shipping them, with the side benefit of John's head exploding when one of his former side pieces becomes all about Wes.  

  • Love 8

Has there ever been this much fighting on a challenge? I know they get drunk and argue pretty much every season but there has been a lot of it this season. 

I really enjoyed the challenge! The mariachi band was awesome. I think Vince was definitely enjoying being that close to Jenna, he could not stop putting his arm around her. 

Bye Tony and Camilla! 

One thing that also cracked up was when TJ showed up at the house and asked Kelly Ann to get everyone she's like "I have a face mask on!"

  • Love 7
3 hours ago, KerleyQ said:

I'm amazed at exactly how much I'm loving the Wes/Nany pairing.  I normally cannot stand Nany, but they're absolutely my favorite pairing on this season.  I'm halfway to shipping them, with the side benefit of John's head exploding when one of his former side pieces becomes all about Wes.  

Right? I love Wes and haven't ever really liked Nany, but these two together are kind of..adorable? Like, what? I get like those cliche movie/tv vibes of two people that don't like each other growing to like each other from them. It's crazy.  

  • Love 6

“Nate’s a really good dancer.” Cut to shot of Nate standing there, barely doing a two-step.  Lol!

It was really shitty of John to not only involve himself, but then to wake up Tony for entertainment purposes.  “Tell this bitch she needs to fucking shut this down.”  The hell!  What a dick.  I really can't stand that motherfucker.

13 hours ago, SophiaPehawkins said:

I'm sorry but no amount of money would allow me to come and team up with Johnny.

If I was Sarah, I would throw every damn challenge just for the sheer pleasure of pissing him off. 

Go TJ!  Now get rid of some of these other motherfuckers…..

Camilla has absolutely no self-awareness.  She hopes Tony figures his shit out?!?  I hope someone introduces her to the kettle. 

Love Wes!  And his likability is definitely transferring to Nany.  I especially got a kick out of when she and her cousin were trying to calm Camilla down and after Camilla basically cursed them out, Nany was like, "well fuck you and fuck this shit.  We're outta here."  Lol!  It's exactly what I would have done. 

  • Love 6
1 hour ago, WhosThatGirl said:

Right? I love Wes and haven't ever really liked Nany, but these two together are kind of..adorable? Like, what? I get like those cliche movie/tv vibes of two people that don't like each other growing to like each other from them. It's crazy.  

Seriously.  When there was that quick little shot of him standing behind her on the box with his arms around her, I had a moment of "aww, how cute are they?"  It's weird, but I like it. 

  • Love 4
1 hour ago, luckyroll3 said:

  I especially got a kick out of when she and her cousin were trying to calm Camilla down and after Camilla basically cursed them out, Nany was like, "well fuck you and fuck this shit.  We're outta here."  Lol!  It's exactly what I would have done. 

Why do people not do that more? When Camila was making a drunken ass out of herself in Battle of the Exes, Paula was frantically following her around trying to soothe her, to no avail. Unless the hysterical drunk is a danger to herself (or himself) or others, just let them burn themselves out. These assholes either try and reason with them (never a worthwhile endeavor when someone is drunk and enraged), or sit down and watch the meltdown like they're at a damn movie theater.  I get these guys are bored, but is watching something like that really fun? I would take boredom over nonsensical screeching.

  • Love 3

Johnny was absolutely disgusting with his "go tell that bitch" comments. Nice to see that production is no longer hiding any parts of his ugliness. Tony is a domestic violence case waiting to happen. Fuck off Johnny with the "great guy" bs too. 

The teams' interactions during the actual challenge were cute. It was nice to see how most of them got along and were making the most of the night. Count me in on the Wes/Nany love train. 

I like these last couple of challenges. Less to do with brute force/strength and they keep people on equal footing. If I want to watch extreme sports, I'll do just that. 

  • Love 6
8 hours ago, MaggieG said:


One thing that also cracked up was when TJ showed up at the house and asked Kelly Ann to get everyone she's like "I have a face mask on!"

That, and that the first person he encountered was Nate delightedly tucking into a big bowl of spaghetti? for breakfast?  I don't watch AYTO, but I am kind of digging Nate and how he's just enjoying himself out there.  

Funny how Wes seemed so glum and serious as he looked at his phone about the night-start challenge that everyone was all "Wes, are you okay?"

Well, Christina, so much for saving/fearing/whatever your friend Camila instead of keeping AYTO strong.  Why do the newbies never learn?

And also so much for last week's title "Camilanator:  Salvation," which I complained about in last week's thread as well.  Wut salvation?  

Alberto the iguana for MVP.  

Bananas totally instigated everything that happened with Tony and Camila.  He's a horrible person.  

  • Love 3

I'm so glad that TJ kicked them out. Tony and Camilla are awful drunks. What was more insulting in witnessing another stupid drunken fight between the two of them is being given yet another example of Camilla's lack of self-awareness. She put all of that on Tony when she behaved just as disgustingly as he did. I'm a woman, I'm not going to co-sign any person that's going to step to someone's face and mock someone to hit them. Being intentionally provoking isn't mitigated by someone actually calling you to task on all of your taunting. Every season she has at least one of these huge, crazy fights with someone and yet she leaves this season thinking it's only Tony that needs help. 

I thought the challenge was hilarious. Kudos to all of them for lasting so long. To go that long and not a single one fell asleep or fell off. Surprised no one complained about needing to use the bathroom, lol. 

I'll always have a soft spot for Jenna. Nany and Wes during the challenge was hilarious. Nate and Christina playing rock, paper, scissors and 'enjoying the show'...oh such rookies, lol. I guess with all of the contestants dropping like flies they needed to stretch out some episodes to meet their quota. 

  • Love 2

Johnny regrets his actions? Bull. Shit. He probably rubbed one out after Tony and Camila left, and so did Wince when his cousin explained what happened to him. Tony's a Section 8, and Camila is basically a Section 64. At least she isn't a parent, Tony. And do you think Teege would shut everything down if there's one more non-Jungle elimination?

Mixed feeling about the mission. While I feel that there should be a Geneva Convention thing preventing torturous missions like that, I was kinda/sorta hoping the mariachis played "Tiny Bubbles." Not that any of the players are fans of The Mole, but it would have been funny. I hope there was a shower nearby, at least for Jenna's sake. Nobody deserves to be that close to Wince, not even the women he probably pays to do just that.

Next week: I've said it before . . . watching Wes scheme to get rid of Johnny is like watching Wyle E. Coyote in action. You know everything is going to blow up in his face, you know he's going over the cliff, but you just can't look away. Fucking Johnny..

ETA: From the Twitter of the StopBeingPolite guy's account: "I bet this isn't even a challenge. I bet they just had to have the house exterminated." I laughed.

  • Love 6
1 hour ago, Lantern7 said:

...I was kinda/sorta hoping the mariachis played "Tiny Bubbles." Not that any of the players are fans of The Mole, but it would have been funny.


Ok, I literally just created an account to give you a TREMENDOUS shout-out for this reference. When I realized they were going to be playing the same song over and over, possibly for the entire night, the Tiny Bubbles challenge was the very first thing that popped into my mind and I felt like a total weirdo because surely no one else on earth remembers silly crap like that. So, very happy to see your post!


Those first 2 (3?) seasons of The Mole are possibly my favorite reality TV ever--such a smart, interesting, strange, intriguing show. It also doesn't hurt anything that it introduced me to my dear, sweet, wonderful, handsome TV boyfriend, Anderson. Unfortunately, I don't think I'm his type... ;) 

  • Love 2
7 hours ago, annoyingone said:

Kinda sucks but I learned that every 1.5 hrs they got to go to the bathroom according to Sarah's live reaction to the episode on youtube.  Guys would pretend to go number 2 just so they could sit and squat down...kinda makes the challenge seem a bit easier

That explains why everyone's list of complaints never included how bad they needed to pee. Loved everyone's photos with Alberto, they looked so happy, well, except Jenna I think. Devin actually showed a little personality, and Nate and Christina are starting to grow on me. Considering he thought they were goners because he didn't jump out of the airplane to start, Nate and Christina are doing pretty well. This was a fun challenge to watch, and it's not done yet.

TJ said at the beginning there was to be no leaning on each other. At one point Corey was bent over to relieve his back and Ashley had her head down on his back. Seems like leaning to me.

So Camila is going off and John orders her partner to shut her down. When Camila was ranting while she was John's partner on BOTE he ordered Paula to take care of it while he watched. Why do these people blindly follow his orders and not think for themselves? He's totally to blame for what happened. He knows exactly how to push Camila's buttons which got her started in the first place after Vince knocked her down. Tony may have been drunk but he was asleep and not bothering anybody until John woke him up. This could have ended a lot worse than it did. John is a dick. A conniving, manipulating dick. I'm disgusted with BMP for the way they seem to promote him as the "star" of the challenges, and also how many of the other players treat him as such. Ugh. I don't see how Camila can watch herself on these challenges and keep coming back without resolving to do something different. If you know alcohol will set you off, don't drink. If you can't stay away from alcohol, don't agree to come on these things. If you act like this without alcohol, seek help.

Edited by dangwoodchucks
  • Love 5
1 hour ago, dangwoodchucks said:

That explains why everyone's list of complaints never included how bad they needed to pee. Loved everyone's photos with Alberto, they looked so happy, well, except Jenna I think. Devin actually showed a little personality, and Nate and Christina are starting to grow on me. Considering he thought they were goners because he didn't jump out of the airplane to start, Nate and Christina are doing pretty well. This was a fun challenge to watch, and it's not done yet.

TJ said at the beginning there was to be no leaning on each other. At one point Corey was bent over to relieve his back and Ashley had her head down on his back. Seems like leaning to me.

So Camila is going off and John orders her partner to shut her down. When Camila was ranting while she was John's partner on BOTE he ordered Paula to take care of it while he watched. Why do these people blindly follow his orders and not think for themselves? He's totally to blame for what happened. He knows exactly how to push Camila's buttons which got her started in the first place after Vince knocked her down. Tony may have been drunk but he was asleep and not bothering anybody until John woke him up. This could have ended a lot worse than it did. John is a dick. A conniving, manipulating dick. I'm disgusted with BMP for the way they seem to promote him as the "star" of the challenges, and also how many of the other players treat him as such. Ugh. I don't see how Camila can watch herself on these challenges and keep coming back without resolving to do something different. If you know alcohol will set you off, don't drink. If you can't stay away from alcohol, don't agree to come on these things. If you act like this without alcohol, seek help.

This has been Johnny's MO for a long time now.  He sees some drama, stirs the pot and walks away....just like he did with Cara, Abram and Thomas.  He wants team to self destruct on their own and then later when the show is over...oh, my bad.  No one believes you didn't know what you were doing.  No one Johnny.  


Still.  Those that Johnny winds up and sets free...they are still responsible for their own behavior.  

  • Love 4
Just now, Unclejosh said:

Funny seeing Jenna's body language and comments regarding VinceFail since supposedly they hooked up IRL after the show.

Really?  Gross.  Then again, this is the chick who dated Zach for a while.

As for the leaning, I think it was okay if people touched (or even put their head on their partner's shoulder--as Ashley did) as long as they weren't letting their partner hold them up or take their body weight--if that makes sense.  Same with Corey stretching his back, I'd bet that was either while people took over breaks, or they are allowed to stretch as long as they don't stay in the bent over position for more than a few seconds.

  • Love 2

Jenna has tragic taste in men.  She could probably use some therapy to deal with her apparent self-esteem issues.  She's a pretty girl who actually seems sweet (and more intelligent than she lets on).  She could do so much better than the meathead assholes she keeps choosing.  Add in that the family member she chose to bring along as her bloodline last season was a cousin who has apparently made a habit of hooking up with Jenna's boyfriends, and she seems to be way too open to letting people treat her like shit.   

I figured the leaning thing was more an issue of not leaning back on the bigger boxes as they stepped down to the smaller ones.  Because I could imagine that leaning back against that big box while on the middle one would be far easier than having to completely stand up.  They seemed to be letting pretty much any contact between partners go, even though there are many ways contact could help keep a partner upright.  

  • Love 3
15 hours ago, Lantern7 said:

Next week: I've said it before . . . watching Wes scheme to get rid of Johnny is like watching Wyle E. Coyote in action. You know everything is going to blow up in his face, you know he's going over the cliff, but you just can't look away. Fucking Johnny.

One day, Wes' scheming (and Wyle E. Coyote's) will pay off!  But how I do love watching him try and fail each season.  So entertaining, especially since there's always a part when he admits he screwed it up.

1 hour ago, Unclejosh said:

Funny seeing Jenna's body language and comments regarding VinceFail since supposedly they hooked up IRL after the show.

Ugh!!!!  I can't even imagine any woman letting that neanderthal touch her. 

16 minutes ago, dangwoodchucks said:

Ew. I guess that means Briana will be hooking up with him now.

Lol!  So true, as Briana must have anyone that Jenna has had.

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