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Season 18 Live Feed Discussion: Their Lives are Almost as Boring as Ours!

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Just now, J.D. said:

Great season!  Probably my favorite season ever.  So glad Paul didn't get iced out in the 3rd place slot.  Much love to Victor for winning AFH.   He was genuinely surprised and he SO deserved it.  I caught Paul's congrats to Victor saying, "I told ya, bro... I told ya, bro.... they saved the best for last."  Winning AFH (Victor) and 2nd place (Paul) was SO much better than any America's Care Package.

I'm a huge James fan but Vic totally deserved AFP.

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Well, that sucked. In the final moments I found myself hoping Paul would win, so I guess that means I hate Nicole more than him. Which, whatever. I don't fully understand why some people voted for Nicole, but whatever.

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2 minutes ago, J.D. said:

Great season!  Probably my favorite season ever.  So glad Paul didn't get iced out in the 3rd place slot.  Much love to Victor for winning AFH.   He was genuinely surprised and he SO deserved it.  I caught Paul's congrats to Victor saying, "I told ya, bro... I told ya, bro.... they saved the best for last."  Winning AFH (Victor) and 2nd place (Paul) was SO much better than any America's Care Package.

No snark but really? What was it about this season that you liked so much?

I felt like the majority of the big personalities got taken out too soon, the HGs were boring as fuck (one fucking pool tourney, one game of Sling Band... something!), and the gameplay was sub-par. The shining parts of the season to me was the dedicated Da'Vonne camera when she was scheming against Frank and Tiffany and watching Paulie melt the fuck down over apple pies and butterflies.

For me, this season is better than BB16 but I felt more engaged with that season than I did with this one.

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I can't believe Michelle was crying again! She looked a little upset as she was introduced and walking across the stage. Maybe the tepid applause?

I hope Jason wins the vote, Jozea really looked like a jackass.

I wonder if Paul had apologized to Nat in response to her question if he could have possibly have gotten any other votes. Probably not but I was a little surprised he didn't bite and just say that he apologizes for offending or hurting anyone's feelings.

I knew after Da's reaction to Nicole's speech that Nic had her vote. Especially the line about just sitting back and being quiet when things were going her way. Something Da couldn't do and it sunk her game.

Nicole has got to stop letting her mother buy her clothes for her.

Edited by NeelyOh
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I didn't even realize the Finale was today - I thought it was tomorrow - until someone mentioned it to me! I checked on Updates on the Finale Results (because I really didn't want to actually watch the rest of this mess), and kudos to Nicole. I know there will be a lot of "Paul was robbed!" reactions on the interwebs, but it seems like Nicole got in Paul's head just like he's been so good at all season. I'm pretty sure he made a 500K mistake - it was possible, but I just didn't see James winning - and he deserved the loss for it. I've talked a lot of smack about Nicole, and I'm not exactly happy she won, but she earned it in the end.

Apparently it's between Jason and Jozea for the final BB:OTT contestant? Did I read that right? I'm Team Jason - he could be pretty hateful, but he made me laugh. Jozea will just be Jozea amped up to a million for the attention, and I'm not interested in going through that. 

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2 minutes ago, Callaphera said:

No snark but really? What was it about this season that you liked so much?

I felt like the majority of the big personalities got taken out too soon, the HGs were boring as fuck (one fucking pool tourney, one game of Sling Band... something!), and the gameplay was sub-par. The shining parts of the season to me was the dedicated Da'Vonne camera when she was scheming against Frank and Tiffany and watching Paulie melt the fuck down over apple pies and butterflies.

For me, this season is better than BB16 but I felt more engaged with that season than I did with this one.

At the risk of sounding like a broken record since I've said it all before, I TRULY love good strategic game play.  I rarely let social game play -- or lack thereof -- rule my head.  Paul and Victor played their hearts out strategically.  Paul's final speech said it all and Vic's multiple returns to the game (which some people feel should be held against him),  I thought enhanced his game play --- overcoming the odds against him, and all of that.  Even Paulie, jerk that he was, played a good manipulative game before he crossed over the line of no return and pissed off the entire house and most of the live feeders.   Nicole, IMO, tried to take credit for Natalie and Meech's dual nominations when all of us saw the video of Nat in the SR discussing "mom and dad" advising her to work with Nicole and Corey to put up Paul and Victor.

I could go on, but there's really no point.  I'm not going to convince anybody of anything.  We all have our reasons for liking and disliking the HG's.  So, I'll just end by saying that regardless of who in the house was the nicest, gentlest, kindest,....whatever, I thought Paul and Victor played the best strategic game, and it was good to see them get rewarded.  I only hope they're cast on The Amazing Race.

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1 minute ago, J.D. said:

At the risk of sounding like a broken record since I've said it all before, I TRULY love good strategic game play.  I rarely let social game play -- or lack thereof -- rule my head.  Paul and Victor played their hearts out strategically.  Paul's final speech said it all and Vic's multiple returns to the game (which some people feel should be held against him),  I thought enhanced his game play --- overcoming the odds against him, and all of that.  Even Paulie, jerk that he was, played a good manipulative game before he crossed over the line of no return and pissed off the entire house and most of the live feeders.   Nicole, IMO, tried to take credit for Natalie and Meech's dual nominations when all of us saw the video of Nat in the SR discussing "mom and dad" advising her to work with Nicole and Corey to put up Paul and Victor.

I could go on, but there's really no point.  I'm not going to convince anybody of anything.  We all have our reasons for liking and disliking the HG's.  So, I'll just end by saying that regardless of who in the house was the nicest, gentlest, kindest,....whatever, I thought Paul and Victor played the best strategic game, and it was good to see them get rewarded.  I only hope they're cast on The Amazing Race.

Fair enough. I was curious because you were maybe the only person I've seen say that they thought this season was that great. Different strokes for different folks and all that. 

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Watching Jeff in BY now.   He asks Glenn (of all people) why he thought Paulie and Z changed their vote to Nicole.  Jesus Jeff, they didn't change anything.  It was obvious they were always going to vote for Nicole.  

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OMG.  Bridget was ready to spill some things in JH and he did not go with it!  He actually stopped her!  And it wasn't about him being told not to go there either.  It was unintentional on his part, you could tell.  He was just blathering like the fool he is.  

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Thank goodness that's over!  

I feel bad having such a downer attitude about this season.  Honestly there were highlights.  I liked Paul and Victor (but admittedly, I chose not to watch when they were acting less than honorable).  Victor had a wonderful attitude about being voted out three times.  I loved the way he handled Paulie.  Paul was an excellent Secret Service guy and I liked how he played a true floater game.  I'm sorry to admit I liked seeing Paulie get his comeuppance.  It saddened me to see such raw self-esteem issues from Zakiya and Michelle.  I wish Bridgette had been dealt a better hand-she has spunk! ?

I like the underdogs, so that's why I don't love a Nicole win; she had advantages that she didn't have to work very hard for.  I remember rooting for her when she was the underdog in her original season, so I'm not completely upset she won.  I just didn't enjoy watching her strategy this season.  And I do think her attitude toward Corey is peculiar given her history with "romance" in the BB house.  

I'm very pleased Victor and Paul earned some money for all their effort!

I hope to see you all here for Over The Top...?

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During the final credits my son caught Zakiyah in the back of the group with a very unhappy look on her face, while Frank was talking to her. We rewound a couple times trying to make out what he might be saying. I'm wondering if he was quickly filling her in on all the Paulie ugliness she's about to encounter? 

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25 minutes ago, TimWil said:

And the public vote on the winner. There's no jury. 

I hope they let the remaining HGs out to vote on November 8th!

I'll venture a guess that they told HGs to vote absentee if they want to vote. But I wonder if they'll tell the HGs the result of the election. That's a pretty important bit of information.

So are we picking one of Jason or Jozea to be the token gay on OTT? Because I'd like a gay male HG who isn't a flaming stereotype and is also likable. Neither of those two is likable (in my opinion).

Edited by zibnchy
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25 minutes ago, gunderda said:

New safety ceremony 

Live show is Wednesdays and includes a recap show and love eviction. 

See, I've been sitting here for a while trying to figure out what the love eviction twist was going to be. (Then I figured it was a typo and felt sad.)

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Wanted to say thanks to everyone, This was my 1st time EVER actually participating in this kind of thing. Final thoughts: Paul should have won. Paul should have taken James. Nicole winning is not really a bad thing. I loved this season. I will miss James and Natalie, They made me want to watch the live feeds, Victor absolutely deserved AFP. Bummed Jeff didn't ask Natalie about her and James. I am saying my goodbye to those 2. If anyone ever hears anything on them please post. On to the online big brother show. Thanks again everyone.

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I am so relieved Paul lost.  I really cannot abide that man.   To me Nicole's best move was convincing Paul to take her and not James.  AND I'm so glad a woman won against a man.  It's like male entitlement took a big messy pie right in the face.  

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Random thoughts, final edition. OK then...

1) Nicole's outfit - I can only think it was fashioned from an old Little House On The Prairie cast-off costume.

2) I guess it really doesn't matter now, but I wonder if Nicole should have spent less time rehearsing an anti-James speech and more on a 'why I am better than Paul' speech. Perhaps then it wouldn't have collapsed in a flurry of "you guys'" and "er...that's about it'" 

3) Paul - you do realize you're wearing a microphone, right? The jury can hear you perfectly well without you trying to project your answers through the video screen into the studio...

4) OK Paul, you're a wild and crazy guy! I COMPLETELY forgive you for being an obnoxious verbally abusive bully. And hey - calling Meech a cunt? Just Paul being Paul, amirite?

5) Dr Will - stop dipping into the office botox supplies, dude. You look like a waxwork Dracula.

6) Really? Our choices to vote a houseguest into BBOTT are a) a bitchy gay, or b) a delusional bitchy gay? Thanks, Show!

7) Corey actually made me laugh out loud last night - "Nicole! Looking good! Paul..."

8) Paulie - so punchable. So very, very punchable...

9) "Stop smiling at me Corey, you're really upsetting me!" Never mind Meech, you'll be back safe behind your computer screen and posting on Jokers before you know it...

9) James giving Nat a hug when he joined the jury, and the shot of them at the end with Nat's arm through James'. I'll say it just one more time - I love those two.

So, in conclusion, James and Nat still adorable, Paulie still a douche, and Nicole still the motherfucking WORST.

One more time for the record:


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Thanks again to the live feeders. If it wasn't for this thread I probably would've been pulling for...well, some things are better left unsaid. I still hate this show so much but will look forward to being back here next summer.

Edited by Joimiaroxeu
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39 minutes ago, bbaddict said:

Wanted to say thanks to everyone, This was my 1st time EVER actually participating in this kind of thing. Final thoughts: Paul should have won. Paul should have taken James. Nicole winning is not really a bad thing. I loved this season. I will miss James and Natalie, They made me want to watch the live feeds, Victor absolutely deserved AFP. Bummed Jeff didn't ask Natalie about her and James. I am saying my goodbye to those 2. If anyone ever hears anything on them please post. On to the online big brother show. Thanks again everyone.

To be fair to Jeff (I know, I know...) he asked her about that during her eviction interview, and probably didn't think it needed asking again. Julie asked James though about the two of them and I thought he gave a nice answer, not the usual non-committal "we'll see"

I know I sound like a broken record on this subject ("what's a broken record?" goes up the cry from anyone under 30) but this is the last time I'll probably say it here - nothing would make me happier than to see them making a real go of it and succeeding. I love them.

Edited by AbsoluteShower
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54 minutes ago, AbsoluteShower said:

Random thoughts, final edition. OK then...

1) Nicole's outfit - I can only think it was fashioned from an old Little House On The Prairie cast-off costume.

2) I guess it really doesn't matter now, but I wonder if Nicole should have spent less time rehearsing an anti-James speech and more on a 'why I am better than Paul' speech. Perhaps then it wouldn't have collapsed in a flurry of "you guys'" and "er...that's about it'" 

3) Paul - you do realize you're wearing a microphone, right? The jury can hear you perfectly well without you trying to project your answers through the video screen into the studio...

4) OK Paul, you're a wild and crazy guy! I COMPLETELY forgive you for being an obnoxious verbally abusive bully. And hey - calling Meech a cunt? Just Paul being Paul, amirite?

5) Dr Will - stop dipping into the office botox supplies, dude. You look like a waxwork Dracula.

6) Really? Our choices to vote a houseguest into BBOTT are a) a bitchy gay, or b) a delusional bitchy gay? Thanks, Show!

7) Corey actually made me laugh out loud last night - "Nicole! Looking good! Paul..."

8) Paulie - so punchable. So very, very punchable...

9) "Stop smiling at me Corey, you're really upsetting me!" Never mind Meech, you'll be back safe behind your computer screen and posting on Jokers before you know it...

9) James giving Nat a hug when he joined the jury, and the shot of them at the end with Nat's arm through James'. I'll say it just one more time - I love those two.

So, in conclusion, James and Nat still adorable, Paulie still a douche, and Nicole still the motherfucking WORST.

One more time for the record:


I loved those 2 also. Someone may say why. I will tell you. They made me FEEL. They made me happy, sad, laugh, cry, and even anger. Watching them was enjoyable. Watching them you could see this special bond. They worked together. They talked through everything. They helped each other. It felt real. Whether anything comes out of it after the show would just be icing on the wonderful cake those 2 made inside the house. I can honestly say I did not feel for anyone else on an emotional level (Except maybe anger at some of the things people said in the house). I will miss watching them.

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1 minute ago, bbaddict said:

I loved those 2 also. Someone may say why. I will tell you. They made me FEEL. They made me happy, sad, laugh, cry, and even anger. Watching them was enjoyable. Watching them you could see this special bond. They worked together. They talked through everything. They helped each other. It felt real. Whether anything comes out of it after the show would just be icing on the wonderful cake those 2 made inside the house. I can honestly say I did not feel for anyone else on an emotional level (Except maybe anger at some of the things people said in the house). I will miss watching them.

You know what? Me too.

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I personally would've just forfeited my stipend and refused to vote on the grounds that both of them were dressed like fucking idiots and it deeply offended me.

I know Jason will be the final HG, but I am gonna form a prayer circle that I won't be subjected to his odious personality anymore. I mean he'll probably get evicted quickly anyway so it might not be too bad.

ETA: Oh and here's the BBOTT schedule ...


And some more info ...


In some ways I'm excited about this (live drs sounds awesome) but I'm not really into America voting for the winner. 

Edited by peachmangosteen
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15 minutes ago, peachmangosteen said:

In some ways I'm excited about this (live drs sounds awesome) but I'm not really into America voting for the winner. 

The problem I foresee will be all the players "playing for America's vote" and that will result in way too much mugging for the camera. Let us do more. Let us vote on which challenges we want the HGs in (pressure cooker anyone?) Let us vote for Have Nots. More ideas? I'm sure it will end up being a hateful stew. It always does. But we'd like to have some fun along the way.

Hope I see some of you in OTT and maybe Survivor. I liiiiiiikkkkkkkkeeeee youououou guuuuuyyyyyyyyyyyyyysssssss soooo much!

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17 minutes ago, peachmangosteen said:

In some ways I'm excited about this (live drs sounds awesome) but I'm not really into America voting for the winner. 

I was in Australia when their second season of BB ran, and viewer vote determined who was evicted each week and the eventual winner. It was god awful. I'm out.

Loved spending time with yinz, though, and hope to see some of you on the Survivor boards. :)

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I worry about the mugging for the cameras too. It would be nice if they kept it a secret from the HGs, even though I understand why they might not be able to. I mean, once the HGs are evicted, they won't be sent to jury and they'll be sent...where, home? But if they could hide it from them until the finale, that would eliminate the "I gotta play for America and not these stupid HGs" tactic. 

I'm surprisingly excited for OTT. I had no plans to watch it whatsoever, until I read more about it the last few hours. 

I wish I was into Survivor, or else I'd join you guys there. But sadly, just BB for me. 

Either way, being here has been a blast. It's way better than any other forum I've been on. 

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24 minutes ago, peachmangosteen said:

In some ways I'm excited about this (live drs sounds awesome) but I'm not really into America voting for the winner. 

I see the daily episodes/recaps are all at 10PM.  That's when all the good shows from real TV are on, so there's no way I'm signing up for this turkey.

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2 hours ago, peachmangosteen said:

I personally would've just forfeited my stipend and refused to vote on the grounds that both of them were dressed like fucking idiots and it deeply offended me.

I know Jason will be the final HG, but I am gonna form a prayer circle that I won't be subjected to his odious personality anymore. I mean he'll probably get evicted quickly anyway so it might not be too bad.

ETA: Oh and here's the BBOTT schedule ...


And some more info ...


In some ways I'm excited about this (live drs sounds awesome) but I'm not really into America voting for the winner. 

So I am confused. Nothing new for me by the way. So there will be live feeds 24/7 starting September 27th but the live feeds will be interrupted by all the things shown above?

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13 hours ago, Lady Calypso said:

Wow. Nicole won.

Damnit. She made BB History. 


13 hours ago, ByaNose said:

The FU's to Nicole never get old. Too funny! See everyone next summer!

But look on the bright side - now we get to say:




13 hours ago, Callaphera said:

I hope to see all or most or some or even just one or two of you snarking with me on BB: OTT. Watch it be the shining gem of the past BB seasons and almost no one will see it.

Afraid I'm out on BBOTT.  After this overlong season I need a recharge just as much as the HGs.  And I was still halfway curious about BBOTT - until they trotted out Jason and No-Way-Uh Jozea as the returnee options.  That sealed the no-deal for me.


13 hours ago, TimWil said:

Nicole's dress sense rivals Andy's in terms of dressing like fourth graders.

IIRC didn't Nicole say something a couple of weeks or so back (may have been in conversation with Natalie before Nat was evicted) about the fancy dress/gown she had packed for Finale?  I suspect either the fancy rig no longer fit, or a last-minute wardrobe malfunction occurred, which prompted the switch to the "Rebecca of Sunnybrook Farm" fashion faux pas.


12 hours ago, TimWil said:

In terms of strategy this season was no standout. In fact it contained one of the worst game moves ever-Natalie turning on Victor and Paul.

The Natalie flip on Victor/Paul wasn't the worst move - not on its own, anyway.

The WORST move was being wishy-washy and trying to go back on the flip after Profucktion nullified Victor's 2nd eviction (and, in the process, Natalie's entire HoH week).  Going back on the flip was guaranteed to piss off the maximum number of HGs possible; the HGs you originally flipped on aren't likely to forgive, and the HGs you protected with the original flip will view your attempts to retract as a betrayal.

The Moral of Natalie: If you're going to make a Big Game Move, always own it and stand by it afterwards; at the very least, you won't piss off more people than you already did.


2 hours ago, AbsoluteShower said:

4) OK Paul, you're a wild and crazy guy! I COMPLETELY forgive you for being an obnoxious verbally abusive bully. And hey - calling Meech a cunt? Just Paul being Paul, amirite?

Paul's mistake in that respect was both common and juvenile - not realizing that his intentions in what was SAID have absolutely no impact upon the perceptions of what was HEARD.  Paul may have intended his casual C-bomb drop purely for shock-jock value, but I wouldn't be surprised if it didn't cost Paul at least one Jury vote.  And Nicole only won by one vote.  Uh-ohhh....  :O

On a related note: Paul is apparently an employer who has never held a sexual harassment seminar for his company, because that specific difference (between intention and perception) has been hammered home HARD in every such seminar I've ever attended.  Paul better line up some training soon, before a sexual harassment suit bankrupts both him AND his company.


2 hours ago, AbsoluteShower said:

5) Dr Will - stop dipping into the office botox supplies, dude. You look like a waxwork Dracula.


2 hours ago, AbsoluteShower said:

6) Really? Our choices to vote a houseguest into BBOTT are a) a bitchy gay, or b) a delusional bitchy gay? Thanks, Show!

Or, in my case - No Thanks, Show!


2 hours ago, AbsoluteShower said:

7) Corey actually made me laugh out loud last night - "Nicole! Looking good! Paul.............."

Easily one of the best lines of the season.  I can honestly say that may quite possibly be the only time I out-and-out genuinely LIKED Corey.  :D

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As most of you know I was a Nicole supporter probably more by default because I could see what she was doing and it was frustrating to me at times that other people couldn't. Haha. 

I'm very happy for her that she won. She deserved it. Paul played a great game as well and he deserved the win as well but he botched it up and should of taken James to the end. That's all on him. But in all the interviews I've read he seems okay with his decision.

I do think its weird to me that people are mad at both Day & Natalie for voting for Nicole. Day has been talking up Nicole every time we've seen her in Jury segments, it shouldn't be shocking she voted for her. Natalie also said in NUMEROUS interviews that she thought Nicole was playing the best game in the house. 

I'm sorry but Michelle was ridiculous during the jury round table. Dr. Will's side eye at her was the best. 

I think I need more then a week to detox from this season. I don't know if i'll be tuning in to BBOTT, if I don't see you all next summer! It's been fun :) 

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30 minutes ago, Nashville said:


But look on the bright side - now we get to say:




Afraid I'm out on BBOTT.  After this overlong season I need a recharge just as much as the HGs.  And I was still halfway curious about BBOTT - until they trotted out Jason and No-Way-Uh Jozea as the returnee options.  That sealed the no-deal for me.


IIRC didn't Nicole say something a couple of weeks or so back (may have been in conversation with Natalie before Nat was evicted) about the fancy dress/gown she had packed for Finale?  I suspect either the fancy rig no longer fit, or a last-minute wardrobe malfunction occurred, which prompted the switch to the "Rebecca of Sunnybrook Farm" fashion faux pas.


The Natalie flip on Victor/Paul wasn't the worst move - not on its own, anyway.

The WORST move was being wishy-washy and trying to go back on the flip after Profucktion nullified Victor's 2nd eviction (and, in the process, Natalie's entire HoH week).  Going back on the flip was guaranteed to piss off the maximum number of HGs possible; the HGs you originally flipped on aren't likely to forgive, and the HGs you protected with the original flip will view your attempts to retract as a betrayal.

The Moral of Natalie: If you're going to make a Big Game Move, always own it and stand by it afterwards; at the very least, you won't piss off more people than you already did.


Paul's mistake in that respect was both common and juvenile - not realizing that his intentions in what was SAID have absolutely no impact upon the perceptions of what was HEARD.  Paul may have intended his casual C-bomb drop purely for shock-jock value, but I wouldn't be surprised if it didn't cost Paul at least one Jury vote.  And Nicole only won by one vote.  Uh-ohhh....  :O

On a related note: Paul is apparently an employer who has never held a sexual harassment seminar for his company, because that specific difference (between intention and perception) has been hammered home HARD in every such seminar I've ever attended.  Paul better line up some training soon, before a sexual harassment suit bankrupts both him AND his company.



Or, in my case - No Thanks, Show!


Easily one of the best lines of the season.  I can honestly say that may quite possibly be the only time I out-and-out genuinely LIKED Corey.  :D

The Natalie flip. That was a very interesting week. Was it the right move? Depends. If they get out Corey than Paul and Victor go after James in my opinion. Nicole would have latch on to Victor once Corey was gone. It would have been better for Natalie but she would have been gone also before final 3 dur to the fact she started doing better at comps. With the information Natalie and James had at the time it was the BEST strategic move to go after Paul especially and Victor as plan B. What made everything horrible was Natalie and Michelle changing their minds almost immediately. James told Natalie if you make these nominations stick to your guns no matter what. He actually told her this twice. Once the girls changed their minds it was all over for them and James (Yes he made it to final 3). Honestly, either way James and Natalie were almost certainly not getting to the end because James didn't win comps and Natalie waws becoming a threat.

36 minutes ago, SiobhanJW said:

As most of you know I was a Nicole supporter probably more by default because I could see what she was doing and it was frustrating to me at times that other people couldn't. Haha. 

I'm very happy for her that she won. She deserved it. Paul played a great game as well and he deserved the win as well but he botched it up and should of taken James to the end. That's all on him. But in all the interviews I've read he seems okay with his decision.

I do think its weird to me that people are mad at both Day & Natalie for voting for Nicole. Day has been talking up Nicole every time we've seen her in Jury segments, it shouldn't be shocking she voted for her. Natalie also said in NUMEROUS interviews that she thought Nicole was playing the best game in the house. 

I'm sorry but Michelle was ridiculous during the jury round table. Dr. Will's side eye at her was the best. 

I think I need more then a week to detox from this season. I don't know if i'll be tuning in to BBOTT, if I don't see you all next summer! It's been fun :) 

I think Day was a game player and realized Nicole was actually playing the game. I don't think the VET status came into play. Natalie was also girl power and she REALLY did not like Paul's game play at all. It actually made sense that she voted for Nicole.

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1 hour ago, bbaddict said:

The Natalie flip. That was a very interesting week. Was it the right move? Depends. If they get out Corey than Paul and Victor go after James in my opinion. Nicole would have latch on to Victor once Corey was gone. It would have been better for Natalie but she would have been gone also before final 3 dur to the fact she started doing better at comps. With the information Natalie and James had at the time it was the BEST strategic move to go after Paul especially and Victor as plan B. What made everything horrible was Natalie and Michelle changing their minds almost immediately. James told Natalie if you make these nominations stick to your guns no matter what. He actually told her this twice. Once the girls changed their minds it was all over for them and James (Yes he made it to final 3). Honestly, either way James and Natalie were almost certainly not getting to the end because James didn't win comps and Natalie waws becoming a threat.

I think Day was a game player and realized Nicole was actually playing the game. I don't think the VET status came into play. Natalie was also girl power and she REALLY did not like Paul's game play at all. It actually made sense that she voted for Nicole.

I agree with you to a degree... except that was the buyback week, so if they had voted Corey out it's pretty likely that Paulie would have won the buyback. I'm not sure how that would have changed things.

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10 minutes ago, Lisin said:

I agree with you to a degree... except that was the buyback week, so if they had voted Corey out it's pretty likely that Paulie would have won the buyback. I'm not sure how that would have changed things.

It would have been horrible for Natalie and probably James as well. Paulie would have probably gone after Victor 1st unless Paul could convince him to go after James and Natalie. Either way Natalie and James were in a bad spot.

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24 minutes ago, Lisin said:

I agree with you to a degree... except that was the buyback week, so if they had voted Corey out it's pretty likely that Paulie would have won the buyback. I'm not sure how that would have changed things.

You'd have had Paulie/Nicole lined up against James/Natalie/Michelle.  Victor/Paul would potentially be swing votes, but in reality Victor/Paul would probably hook up with Paulie/Nicole - Victor because Natalie and Michelle put him in Block peril, and Paul because he would never align with Michelle.  So you would end up with Paulie/Nicole/Victor/Paul vs. James/Natalie/Michelle.  And if Nicole still wins HoH, she puts Natalie and Michelle OTB (as revenge for Corey's eviction) with James as a potential PoV sub - and I don't see much chance of James/Natalie/Michelle beating out the rest for PoV.  

Noms would probably stay the same, and Natalie would probably be evicted as the stronger threat.  James would immediately bail on Michelle and try to glom on to the bigger alliance, but he would probably be the next out the door.  Michelle would be the perennial Block Buddy until she outlived her usefulness, then poof.

Total crapshoot guess at this point - but I'd expect a F2 of either Paulie/Corey or Victor/Corey (with whoever was beside Corey winning), or Paulie/Victor and Victor winning (due to most of the Jury wanting to kill Paulie in his sleep).  YMMV.  ;>

Edited by Nashville
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