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S28.E05: Where the Ratchet Things Are

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I am so happy to see Johnny go for multiple reasons. First and foremost, he's one of John's allies.  I love when he loses his inner circle piece by piece.  Second, he's a huge asshole to Jessica.  Just beyond all reason.  He couldn't even be assed to be halfway decent to her in their final moment there. I'd be perfectly happy to never see him again, but I'm sure he's ready and willing to become a regular.  

Simone and Ashley are both annoying, but, Simone's not wrong, Ashley is crazy.  I did laugh at Simone aiming staring Ashley down as she pulled the white skull.  

  • Love 7

I'm happy to see Johnny go home.  He was sour about Jessica constantly.

I have no idea how they decided what parts of Smashley and Simone's fight needed subtitled.  I wish they had subtitled the whole thing, but I suspect the editors couldn't tell what they were saying either.

I am solidly with the conspiracy theorists that think that Bananas and Sarah are secretly friends and don't actually hate each other.  This week, I ignored the actual words they were saying, and they had the body language of two people that actually like each other.

  • Love 9

I felt so bad for Jessica being stuck with Johnny and his shitty attitude. Even some of the other rivals have figured out that they need to encourage each other because they need to work together to win. Johnny just resented being near her the whole time and talked to her like he was King Shit. So good for Jessica not having to deal with that.

That was kind of wrong of Cory to doublecross his friend (BTW John that's what backstabbing looks like, not what Sarah did to you) but I guess if you need to work with your partner more and I think alliances are meaning less and less on this show it was actually the right move. Simone staring at Ashley was the best. I would have died laughing if she'd gotten the black skull though.

  • Love 2

I don't like Ashley, but my goodness Simone is more obnoxious than a zika-carrying mosquito. The sorest non-winner/non-loser gnat ever. I don't even understand how their beef started? Simone thinks Ashley's a slut for hooking up with Jamie? Or thinks she's using Jamie? What business is it of hers, it's not like Simone and Jamie are BFFs or something. Simone was just as dramatic about that tall white dude she was into on her season of AYTO. 

  • Love 1

Bananas (sans any and all awareness): "It's like a bad episode of Jerry Springer!"

Or like a normal episode of this show, you waste of a human life!

Simone is straight trash. They really need to overhaul this disaster. I'm an old so my opinion doesn't matter anymore, but I honestly don't see how anyone can get enjoyment from this thing. I can't fault Brandon for quitting this mess.

I liked Sarah better when she was sobbing like she lost her legs in a war after Trishelle ditched her. This poorly acted forgiveness arc makes me want nothing but unhappiness for her. Her big betrayal wasn't voting Bananas in, it's happening right now, this season, as she proves she never got off his stick after telling all she retired. Whst elementary art teacher job lets her film this (in November, I believe)? These people aren't people but walking Instagrams, and Instagrams are mostly lies.

And if they lie to get to here, which is nowhere...ay yi yi.

  • Love 6
30 minutes ago, NoirDetective said:

Bananas (sans any and all awareness): "It's like a bad episode of Jerry Springer!"

Or like a normal episode of this show, you waste of a human life!

Simone is straight trash. They really need to overhaul this disaster. I'm an old so my opinion doesn't matter anymore, but I honestly don't see how anyone can get enjoyment from this thing. I can't fault Brandon for quitting this mess.

I liked Sarah better when she was sobbing like she lost her legs in a war after Trishelle ditched her. This poorly acted forgiveness arc makes me want nothing but unhappiness for her. Her big betrayal wasn't voting Bananas in, it's happening right now, this season, as she proves she never got off his stick after telling all she retired. Whst elementary art teacher job lets her film this (in November, I believe)? These people aren't people but walking Instagrams, and Instagrams are mostly lies.

And if they lie to get to here, which is nowhere...ay yi yi.

I agree about Sarah. And I was liking her at first this season. Way to ruin that again Sarah and remind me why I disliked you so much on The Ruins when you followed JEK around like a puppy. Because you did. I guess I'm only here now for Wes to place in this challenge. 

  • Love 3

Jessica is one of the largest girls there???  Really now.  Or maybe it is that Johnny is one of the smaller guys and he can't handle lifting a totally normal sized girl for the challenge.  He's such an ass.  I hope to never see him on my tv again....which of course means I will continuously see him on my tv.  MTV loves them some assholes.  

I miss CT.  He seems done with the challenges other than the guest spot here or there to line his pockets....but dammit!  

  • Love 13
9 hours ago, laschifosavita said:


I am solidly with the conspiracy theorists that think that Bananas and Sarah are secretly friends and don't actually hate each other.  This week, I ignored the actual words they were saying, and they had the body language of two people that actually like each other.

I think they might be cool now, but I don't think Bananas was acting for the cameras when he and Nia were bullying Sarah during the end of Battle of the Exes II. Hopefully once that show was over he realized how stupid he sounded and is honestly just milking this "treachery" for a challenge spot.


I think Cory was really dumb to give in to Ashley. He just wrecked an alliance he had and got nothing out of it. He knew going in that there was only a 50% chance of Thomas and Simone having to go in to the elimination round, and even if they had gone in, no guarantee that they'd lose. He was right when he told the camera you can't make decisions like that based on who you're mad at.


And for all these girls' bitching (maybe not these specific girls, but still) that these challenges tend to encourage misogyny and bullying towards women (which they absolutely do), they sure don't help their own cause when "whore" and "slut" are their go to insults on each other when they're mad. I mean, why couldn't Ashley just say that Simone was absolutely wrong that she was using Jamie? Why did she have to throw out that Simone couldn't get laid, or was a big whore for trying to get laid? Simone may be crazy and a shit stirrer, but I lost all respect for Ashley trying to use that argument.


And speaking of losing respect, Kelly Anne? You're thirty. The time to encourage, then snicker and eavesdrop over a drunken cat fight was like, 15 years ago.

  • Love 6

Not sad to see Johnny go. He was such an asshole to Jessica and the saddest part to watch is that Jessica really wanted to be a supportive partner and earn his respect and good nature. All that time he faked only the most basic pleasantries with her and the moment they lost, he didn't waste any time showing her his true colours that we've all been seeing behind her back. You could see in their challenge interviews that Jessica would have a huge grin on her face the moment Johnny would compliment her effort or talk about his confidence in her. Poor girl thought she stood a chance in turning around his opinion of her. I hope she soon realizes that he's not worth a any second it would take for him to reassess his opinion of her because she is not the problem, he is.

Ashley is harmless with his craziness but she's annoying. Simone is a next level though...she's got such a punchable face. She's loud just like Ashley, except that Simone acts like she's such a superior. She's got the height of a prepubescent teenager, and she has the maturity of one as well. And Simone had the audacity to be upset about getting voted in as if she cared about Cory and Thomas' friendship. She used their friendship as a pass to go off on Ashley despite knowing she was in power that week. Then she got offended as if it was some hardship to Cory and Thomas' friendship when in reality Thomas only blamed her and understood why Cory had to call his name. All that talk about daring Ashley to nominate her...then she got mad when Ashley actually did. Don't call people out if you aren't ready to fall on your sword Simone.

  • Love 3

Johnny is such a DICK! OMG! 

Jess was probably so wound up about disappointing him that she totally lost her shit on the puzzle. Or she really wanted to go home after being verbally abused by that asshole. I seriously do not get how grown ass adults can be so mean for seemingly no reason

Simone needs to go. Seriously. Amanda and her are ruining the show. Sit down shut up I hope Cory and the vets get her sent home next week. Speaking of the vets, can they PLEASE get their shit together and get these assholes out of the house

I dont care about these AYTO kids, I don't care about their drama. I don't care when they fight I just fast forward. 

Also, I wish the Challenge would do more endurance type stuff, like make them run a half marathon as an elimination or something lol. I feel like the show has gotten less and less physical. 

  • Love 3

Goodbye Johnny! What a jerk. 

Simone and Ashley are both nuts but if I had to choose, I would rather have Ashley. I think when it comes to competing, she would give it all she has, but Simone would wuss out. She is all talk. Ugh Amanda, I can't stand any of them. 

Where was Jenna? She is currently my favorite but she was flying under the radar this week. I guess that's a good thing in this game. 

Next week should be fun, everyone gets naked!

  • Love 1

I've never been clear on why, exactly, Johnny and Jessica are rivals.  It seems like it goes back to their RW season, but I'm not getting exactly what the issue is.  Was there some big blow up?  I kind of suspect that he hit on her and she wasn't interested, resulting in him being a raging bag of dicks for eternity, but I'm just guessing, since I haven't watched RW in years.  

Johnny has learned well at the knee of his master: John.  He'll be on every challenge from now until eternity.

Simone thought she had a free pass to rail on Ashley; I don't entirely blame her, Ashley's face is just as punchable as Simone's.

I hold out hope that the rest of the season picks up, Wes & Nany seem to be the only ones doing smart gameplay.

  • Love 3

Camilla and Kelly Ann started the whole drama, by telling Ashley what Simone said. I assume they were trying to save themselves from going into the jungle by diverting attention to Simone. Sigh. Both Simone and Ashley are very annoying.

I did watch the after show and what Ashley said about Jaime's body in that clip was just plain mean. Kind of put Simone's comment to Jaime in perspective. They also revealed Ashley told Cory she would leave the show if Corey didn't agree to put Simone and Thomas into the jungle.

I've enough of  both of Simone and Ashley (and Amanda). I do think Simone and Amanda are very pretty though. Too bad about their terrible behavior.

Edited by lightbeam
  • Love 4
15 minutes ago, lightbeam said:

Camilla and Kelly Ann started the whole drama, by telling Ashley what Simone said. I assume they were trying to save themselves from going into the jungle by diverting attention to Simone. Sigh. Both Simone and Ashley are very annoying.

I did watch the after show and what Ashley said about Jaime's body in that clip was just plain mean. Kind of put Simone's comment to Jaime in perspective. They also revealed Ashley told Cory she would leave the show if Corey didn't agree to put Simone and Thomas into the jungle.

I've enough of  both of Simone and Ashley (and Amanda). I do think Simone and Amanda are very pretty though. Too bad about their terrible behavior.

God, Ashley is a bitch. Simone may be a shrieking harpy, but I really despise Ashley's comment to Simone that Simone tried to "get one three dicks and got none" or something to that effect. So what Ashley, if one of those three guys had found Simone appealing enough sexually, then her value as a person goes up? All the sudden her opinion means something? I am sure Bananas appreciates your logic. It's not bad enough that the JEK group pretty much said the women on the show are only good for sex and entertainment value when they have an emotional breakdown (which the guys just watch and snicker at), you, as a woman, have to perpetuate that by using Simone striking out with the guys as some kind of insult? I like Cory, but I hope Ashley is gone soon.


Oh, and her smug little, I got my way, as usual, talking head? Yeah, threatening to sandbag your own partner if they don't agree to do things your way is REALLY something to brag about, Ashley.

  • Love 9
1 hour ago, lightbeam said:

Camilla and Kelly Ann started the whole drama, by telling Ashley what Simone said. I assume they were trying to save themselves from going into the jungle by diverting attention to Simone. Sigh. Both Simone and Ashley are very annoying.

I did watch the after show and what Ashley said about Jaime's body in that clip was just plain mean. Kind of put Simone's comment to Jaime in perspective. They also revealed Ashley told Cory she would leave the show if Corey didn't agree to put Simone and Thomas into the jungle.

I've enough of  both of Simone and Ashley (and Amanda). I do think Simone and Amanda are very pretty though. Too bad about their terrible behavior.

So she blackmailed Cory...that wouldn't give me a whole lot of trust in my partner if I were Cory. Ashley, Simone and Amanda think they're smarter than they are. They don't realize that this guy is as much about strategy as it is about the challenge component. It's fine if you don't want to play strategy, but don't complain when you get voted into the battles because it's only stupid on your part to think that people are going to forsake their alliances for people who have shown no allegiance to them. If you're going to talk the talk, don't get pissed off when people call you out and tell you to back up your talk. Simone has convinced Amanda that Ashley is intimidated by them because they're loud and honest - Amanda, Ashley had nothing to do with your nomination. That was a given nomination based on how they came in. That should have been expected...and further to that, it was Cory that put it out there, not Ashley gunning for Amanda.

  • Love 5

I feel like Jessica tries hard to do well in these Challenges, but she's just not very good at them. It didn't help that Johnny was a total jerk to her the whole time they were on this season too. That partnership was just a disaster from the beginning.

I laughed at the replacements yet again. It'll soon become The Challenge: Are You the One?

  • Love 3
3 hours ago, KerleyQ said:

I've never been clear on why, exactly, Johnny and Jessica are rivals.  It seems like it goes back to their RW season, but I'm not getting exactly what the issue is.  Was there some big blow up?  I kind of suspect that he hit on her and she wasn't interested, resulting in him being a raging bag of dicks for eternity, but I'm just guessing, since I haven't watched RW in years.  

Johnny was hooking up with Avery during their season, and she had him totally whipped.  There isn't anything too scandalous.  She annoyed him, and he liked to poke at her and do little things to get on her nerves.  Jessica and Nia got in an argument with Avery.  Nia blocked the bathroom door of whatever restaurant they were at.  After they got home, he yelled at Jessica and went in on her for being "fat."  During his season, his relationship with Avery was fairly popular with viewers, which is why I think he figured it was fine to treat Jessica badly.

With The Real World over, we can go from hating Jenna to wishing a house would fall on Simone. If BMP could get away with it, they'd lock Jenna and Simone in a room just to see what happens.

Has Reilly always been that big of an asshole? While I have my theory that he got snuggly with Averey in Portland just to get closer to Daisy, I feel he came off as a real scumbag this week.

Five episodes in, and we're only out one AYTO team. That doesn't seem fair. BMP loves padding episodes . . . why bring back Devin and Whatsherface?

So "ratchet" isn't a racial slur? I'm confused.

ETA: About the Elimination . . . did anybody else think it was recycled from the one from Battle Of The Seasons where the guys have to more or less waterboard themselves to support their partners? That was the one where Eric quit on Camlla, like all rational people should.

16 hours ago, WhosThatGirl said:

I agree about Sarah. And I was liking her at first this season. Way to ruin that again Sarah and remind me why I disliked you so much on The Ruins when you followed JEK around like a puppy. Because you did. I guess I'm only here now for Wes to place in this challenge. 

In all fairness to Sarah, she's basically stuck aligning herself with Bananas, this challenge and probably any subsequent challenge. With Evan and Kenny seemingly banished, Paula home with a baby, Jordan retiring, Cara Marie likely despising BMP after last season, and the number of other frequent vets finally being too embarrassed to come back, the Are You The One kids are going to be the in crowd here pretty quick. The vets are a dying breed. 

  • Love 3

So "ratchet" isn't a racial slur? I'm confused.

Urban dictionary may define it as above quoted, but if you Google "Ratchet problematic word," you get plenty of unique hits.  I was not thrilled by the title, especially since it was not a direct quote from a contestant.  (One of them, probably stupid Bananas, did use the word).  

  • Love 1
14 hours ago, Tatum said:

And for all these girls' bitching (maybe not these specific girls, but still) that these challenges tend to encourage misogyny and bullying towards women (which they absolutely do), they sure don't help their own cause when "whore" and "slut" are their go to insults on each other when they're mad. I mean, why couldn't Ashley just say that Simone was absolutely wrong that she was using Jamie? Why did she have to throw out that Simone couldn't get laid, or was a big whore for trying to get laid? Simone may be crazy and a shit stirrer, but I lost all respect for Ashley trying to use that argument.


And speaking of losing respect, Kelly Anne? You're thirty. The time to encourage, then snicker and eavesdrop over a drunken cat fight was like, 15 years ago.

I'm pretty sure Simone also called Ashley a slut. I felt like I was watching a middle school argument. 

Damn, Kelly Anne is only thirty? To me she looks like she's in her mid-thirties....oops! Her face just looks so tired.

I was distracted by how much Johnny Reilly resembles Humpty Dumpty while he was being a supreme douche canoe after they lost the challenge.

I think Aneesa said Kelly Anne was 29 during the previous challenge so I just added a year. She is not aging well and I think she's already had some work done. 


As as for who came out better during their fight, Ashley or Simone, I agree that was a stalemate and they both come off ridiculous. I do think Ashley is more vicious in general though. 


While I do agree johnny is a straight up dick, I do think that the challenges are not for jessica, I did feel bad for her on the elimination, but she reminds to those girls in high school that want so bad to fit on the clique but they fail over and over and are never accepted. 

I just think she tries way to hard to be something she is not, this is like the 4 time that she goes home early, even the cast knows she is bad, you can hear the little comments that people like bananas, camila etc did when johnny compete with her, I have never hear anyone said how jessica is good.

Idk I think jessica is looking for approval or something, from her rw season u can tell that, she wanted so bad to fit in and get along with averey hell she even cry bc averey didnt want to be her friend. Jessica is level headed when it comes to the drama, but when it comes to compete she is just not made for this things

Edited by fredj
  • Love 1

I don't think the Sarah/Johnny enmity is fake, at least on Sarah's side.  I think Sarah just isn't one to hold a grudge, so she's mostly been reacting to Johnny's anger.  And she loves these challenges so much that she was excited that she and Johnny did well.

At this point, I'm watching for Johnny, Sarah, and the other veterans.  Once AYTO teams become the majority, I'm probably done with the show.

  • Love 5
5 hours ago, lidarose9 said:

In that interview after they fucked up the challenge, Kelly Anne was babbling incoherently, but nobody noticed, or maybe they didn't care. She was straight up babbling. Something is "off" with her. 

Something has been off with her for awhile now. As far back as The Island, Bananas was mocking her for not getting the dosage right on whatever meds she was taking (either for anxiety or depression or possibly both). Because mood disorders and the management of them are such good fodder for teasing, Bananas.

  • Love 5
10 hours ago, Tatum said:

I think Aneesa said Kelly Anne was 29 during the previous challenge so I just added a year. She is not aging well and I think she's already had some work done. 


As as for who came out better during their fight, Ashley or Simone, I agree that was a stalemate and they both come off ridiculous. I do think Ashley is more vicious in general though. 

Kelly Anne definitely had some work done.  She showed up on one season, and I didn't recognize her.  I hate that we live in a society where girls that young feel like they need to get work done like that.  

  • Love 4
1 minute ago, Pixel said:

Cory fucked up. He needed to sit Ashley down when she calmed down and explain to her why you need to keep a Simone, and how betraying a friend can have long term repercussions that can extend to the next challenge series.  He never should have given in to her.

Agreed. I know Ashley was threatening to quit, but he really should have called her bluff. Maybe explain that if Ashley quit, Simone would "win".


Surely Ashley will use this threat again every time Cory disagrees with her.

  • Love 2
54 minutes ago, Pixel said:

Cory fucked up. He needed to sit Ashley down when she calmed down and explain to her why you need to keep a Simone, and how betraying a friend can have long term repercussions that can extend to the next challenge series.  He never should have given in to her.

Or....at least if he was going to go ahead and put Simone in...he should have given his BFF a heads up about it.  It doesn't sound like Thomas really held it against him, so he's less bitter than I would have been in the situation.  

  • Love 3

I'm not a huge fan of Simone or anything and she's definitely annoying but I haven't seen what makes her so much more annoying than Ashley or Camilla (whom I can't stand to watch). There must be some stuff they didn't show. 

Happy to see Cheyenne back. She's adorable.

Happy to see Johnny go. If only Jessica could have stayed without him. I like her this year for some reason.

I hate myself for this but I laughed at Bananas' mocking of the Ashley/Simone fight.

  • Love 1

General replies to the thread:

- I have never heard anyone white or black use "ratchet" to describe a non-black person. Ratchet to me implies a black woman with no class and a cheap greasy weave. So, Simone.

- I really can't fault Reilly for being over Jessica and her endless sob stories. If there was an opportunity for them to fail in this thing, she scant missed an opportunity to seize it, and I see way more strikes against her than him.

   "I'm a woman. I am emotional as fuck!"

  "I am currently in a terrible relationship."

  "Tony is just so alive!" (The same nonsense said she about Dustin.)

I mean, we've all known a chick like this, right? She creates her own mess and then expects others to validate how tough her life is. How about she stand on her own two fucking feet? How's that for being a woman? If her success is determinate on how well a man encourages her, then she has already failed. She's super annoying and performed poorly. Her drama cycle will spin no matter what Reilly did, and since he has no use for her outside of the competition I don't see why he would bother to play her game. Adios, Jess. Good luck with slathering on your mask of make-up for the trip home.

And to those offended by his weight comment, save for muscular Sarah/Jenna, Jessica probably is the heaviest, no? Certainly she's bigger than Amanda, which is all that really mattered.

- This is from Simone's Twitter: "I'm totally okay with playing the race card when necessary." So I guess she's also totally okay with being pulled over by a cop whenever she's driving something nicer than a Pinto, or people dismissing her (hypothetical) accomplishments as the fruits of affirmative action. 'Necessary' is subjective like that, you see. 

Simone: "I'm very opinionated..." Ignorant and loud and braindead is not an opinion, trash bag. What a shock she didn't find love on AYTO (does anybody ever? I've never seen). She has the education of a spare tire.

Speaking of subjective, someone above claimed Simone is pretty. I mean, beauty is in the eye of the beholder...but you may want to have an optometrist check your prescription at your earliest convenience. In the eye of this beholder she should be kept in a glass cage for schoolchildren to gasp at as they pass.

- Calling Ashley a slut when Simone would be doing the same thing except nobody wants her. I'd rather be a slut my whole life than Simone for one day, but to each his own. Simone got rejected, then pulled the childish "I never wanted that anyway!" bullshit. Perhaps Simone should evaluate why no one wants her rather than hating on those who are coveted.

- Tom and Dimone are never going to win a challenge just like they never have won a challenge so that "we won't send each other in" was a one-way street. And how many times have we seen others try to carry a dud team to the finals? Cory/Ashley would always be sent in over Dimone, so I'm not sure Cory should be hanging out strategy lessons to Ashley and not just limping around with his torn ACL, since that encouraged others to carry him and Pizzaface to the end last time. If she had to threaten his dumb ass to make the right move, kudos.

- Ashley isn't any great shakes, and her face appears to exist outside of time to me, but didn't she use a better metric than Jamie did in this yardsticking this relationship? He said he was drawn to her after seeing her in a bikini, the implication being that if she wasn't hot the rest would mean nothing. Ashley looked past that and said she didn't think Jamie was hot and gave him a shot because he was a nice person, and now she's a bitch? She probably could have not said his body was disgusting, but don't girls always exchange notes like this? Just not with a camera in a high corner?

- Finally, I wonder if these AYTO disasters are being picked specifically to make viewers see them as the villains and not Bananas, to whom the show hasn't given much focus to yet this time.


Finally, finally: Paula has a baby!?! You mean a baby that she put up for adoption, right? RIGHT?????? God I hope right.

  • Love 1
On June 2, 2016 at 8:24 PM, Lantern7 said:

With The Real World over, we can go from hating Jenna to wishing a house would fall on Simone. If BMP could get away with it, they'd lock Jenna and Simone in a room just to see what happens.

Has Reilly always been that big of an asshole? While I have my theory that he got snuggly with Averey in Portland just to get closer to Daisy, I feel he came off as a real scumbag this week.

Five episodes in, and we're only out one AYTO team. That doesn't seem fair. BMP loves padding episodes . . . why bring back Devin and Whatsherface?

So "ratchet" isn't a racial slur? I'm confused.

ETA: About the Elimination . . . did anybody else think it was recycled from the one from Battle Of The Seasons where the guys have to more or less waterboard themselves to support their partners? That was the one where Eric quit on Camlla, like all rational people should.

The drown your partner elimination was exactly what I thought of too. This challenge seems to be made up of ideas recycled or left over from other challenges, like they're throwing in everything and seeing what sticks, ex pick a second pair for elimination, pair that wins get to choose order, etc. We're what, 5 episodes in and we've only had three challenges. One of them didn't even lead to a jungle and the first pair eliminated has returned. Speaking of that wtf was TJ talking about when he said they were losing too many people? You were only one pair down. How many episodes are planned because at the rate they're going they'll need to have a double elimination somewhere along the way.

I don't care for any of the AYTO people. If it turns into The Challenge: AYTO I won't be watching.

I liked Tony's moment of self awareness when he said "I don't know how smart Jessica is. Messing around with me she's probably not too bright". 

Anybody else notice that the team going into the jungle as well as the two teams picked were all sitting up front?


 ...Battle Of The Seasons where the guys have to more or less waterboard themselves to support their partners? That was the one where Eric quit on Camlla, like all rational people should.


Being upside down in a water tank when you can let go of a rope and exit the tank at any time is not the same as being waterboarded. Eric couldn't do it (with Camila, one of the smallest girls) because he's an out of shape tub and that's all there was to it. Robb, Dustin and JD all did it with no problem, with larger partners.



Anybody else notice that the team going into the jungle as well as the two teams picked were all sitting up front?

Not sure I get the implication. Despite the "shock" they sell in the talking heads after, obviously they all know who's going in before TJ staggers thru the door. They live in 3 rooms of a mansion. How could they not?

In regards to Battle of the seasons, Camilla and Eric, from my memory Eric also quit because Camilla was being rude and not supportive. I really dislike Camilla. She thinks she is so deserving every challenge and if I'm honest, I'm always like.. "for..what?" She's an...okay competitor, but nothing that great. She really thinks she is one of the best. I believe she won exs but she also had Bananas who despite my dislike for him, knows how to play the game mentally and physically enough that he has won quite a few. The only season he didn't do great on was bloodline and that's because his partner was his cousin. And his cousin has hilariously lucked out by having Jenna as a partner this season. 

  • Love 3

So...what term should we use to describe trashy white women with no class who look like they stink? (Ashley, Amanda, Camilla). 

I cant believe such racist bullshit is allowed on this board. 

Um, you answered your own answer question in the question there: white trash. 

Which doesn't exactly take the racial high road.



...from my memory, Eric also quit because Camilla was being rude and not supportive.

From my memory, Eric had single-handedly put that team in last in every challenge. Combining that with his semi-death in the Gauntlet final, support is not something I'd be falling over myself to dole out to him in this setting. 

Edited by NoirDetective

Johnny was an utter bag of dicks to Avery on Battle of the Exes (II, I think?). I think he's just very childishly unable to work with people he doesn't like. I much prefer Rivals partnerships like Wes and CT, or Adam and CT, where it seems like they learn to overcome their differences. Of course, with the mixed gender pairings this season, we're seeing a lot more shitty attitudes because the guys on this show always treat the women terribly, unless they are trying to bang them.

The Jungle reminded me of a Battle of the Exes challege, actually- I remember Zach repeatedly having to lift a heavy sack using a rope so Jonna could look at a puzzle, and becoming very frustrated and verbally abusive to her because she couldn't remember the pattern.

  • Love 2

I've heard ratchet used to describe white people,  black people,  places,  things and all kinds of shit.  I  don't and I'm sure many others don't automatically think of black people when I hear the word.  

I personally haven't seen any "racist bullshit" anywhere on this board.  

Edited by Maharincess
  • Love 7

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