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S08.E08: All The Countess's Men

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On ‎5‎/‎27‎/‎2016 at 6:11 PM, The Mighty Peanut said:

Forgive me, but I don't understand why John's joke was gross. I have compiled a list of reasons I recommend you don't read if you're squeamish about vulgarity. Was the phone moist because:


The phone had touched a vagina


Is THAT what happens when you 'sext'?

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On ‎5‎/‎27‎/‎2016 at 2:07 AM, zoeysmom said:

I have always gotten the impression Ramona, using an antiquated term, frigid.  She likes to date because she can't maintain any real friendships and probably has zero invitations that aren't related to a product launch or a business opportunity.  I even question these so called "dates".  She is most recently famous for being uninvited-something that will probably become a trend.

Sonja was not happy with being "iced out".  A few choice words for Ramona:  http://www.bravotv.com/the-daily-dish/sonja-morgan-calls-out-dorinda-medley-after-being-iced-out-of-the-girls-trip

Ramona has a huge group of ladies. I've never seen someone with so many friends.

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Ramona's tears must taste salty.

Or, like rancid white grapes.


Bethenny, yes she's a loud-mouthed, judgmental shrew but she's still super smart, hard-working, funny and resourceful.

The woman is a genius. She was designing vehicles for Ford when she was a toddler!

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I have no idea if Dorinda didn´t invite Sonja to protect her or because she wanted to cozy up to Bethenny, but in a way not bringing her to the Bershires was a good thing, because I´m not sure if Sonja would "survive" the brutal attack Bethenny was no doubt ready to launch at her. B had to settle for Lu instead, and that doesn´t look good. What a true b B is. I can´t believe it´s the smart & likable person I saw her as on the first 3 seasons.

Sonja can be really hit or miss when she´s arguing or defending herself, I could see her holding her own against Bethenny at the start of the night but if she´d been drinking for a while, I think she´d go down easily. And Bethenny would have waited for the right moment to strike.

When Dorinda and Sonja were talking, I was hoping it would be the beginning of a beautiful team of three with them and Luann, but ofcourse my hopes were dashed very quickly. I´m really sad for Sonja, I truly hope Ramona gets what she deserves, both for her betrayal and for her arrogance and delusional mind-set. But like many I still like Ramona as part of the show, I doubt that it will ever change.

Edited by halkatla
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3 hours ago, Gaily said:

This season is really good -- the best RHNY has been in a long time. And love or hate them, these housewives and producers are giving good TV and at least keeping me riveted (so I remain humbly grateful). Quick rundown:

Bethenny, yes she's a loud-mouthed, judgmental shrew but she's still super smart, hard-working, funny and resourceful. She looks the best she has ever looked and I could honestly look at her Hamptons House 24/7 and never get sick of it.  Oh and Cookie for President!

Ramona, as much as she irks me to no end, she is also completely entertaining.  Her delusional, egomaniac vibe coupled with her sheer stupidness is like the eighth wonder of the world in reality TV land -- literally the gift that keeps on giving.

Dorinda, my beautiful sloppy mess.  I love her so and just want sober Dorinda to dominate the martini-swilling Dorinda but no such luck.

Sonja, I feel badly for her --- sorry but I do. She has always struck me as a very nice person underneath all the snobby delusional A List Party Girl/married well persona she carries like a yoke around her neck.  I will always remember how nice she was to Kelly on "Scary Island" --she was the only one to spot that there was something really wrong with Kelly (drugs, most likely Adderall or Meth coupled with mental illness).

LuAnn is rocking on with her bad self. Glad she is back  to looking great again and happy she found a nice man.  Yes, she's a snake but still as a middle aged woman, I love seeing women like LuAnn look FABULOUS.  Her hair, makeup and wardrobe are so point that I can always forgive the occasional over-the-top statement necklace.  

Carole, sorry but I have always been a fan of hers.  Not everyone agrees, I find her very beautiful and stylish and I love her apartment.  Carole will always land on her feet and she will always be just fine.  She inherited some money from her husband and is still well-liked/well-connected in NYC media circles from her stint at ABC News (she's good friends with Diane Sawyer and George Stephenopoulous and his wife Ali for example). She has carved out a nice niche for herself so good for her. My guess is that she won't stay a housewife for very long.

Jules, I really like Jules even though she can be a little dim and not very articulate. She is one of the most beautiful housewives across the franchise and her husband seems to be a really, really good guy (porn money not withstanding). She's funny and entertaining without being overly mean to anyone so, yeah, I like her a lot.

The supporting cast is good too -- John is not afraid to bring the drama, Adam is a sweetheart and Jules' husband is lovely. Tom should be interesting -- he  is certainly very good looking so I hope he is good to LuAnn.  

Sorry if I sound like a "Pollyanna" here but I was kinda disappointed in Real Housewives Beverly Hills and had high hopes for RHNY as it has always been my favorite one.  Glad it has come roaring back. I am ambivalent about the return of RHOC because it just seems like it will be the same old shit again -- Vicki bringing up the tired Brooks storyline, Heather still building the never-ending tacky mansion, Tamra being her wretched self and a grandmother, etc.  

I agree with everything except Jules beauty. She looks very sick to me. 

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1 hour ago, Otherkate said:

Definitely not my style.

Not my style either, I would never have, even partially white seats in a jeep, and I'm honestly not fond of red cars for myself.  Among other things, they are cop magnets.

Still if a friend bought it, or I saw someone driving it down the street I'd think it was kind of adorable.  Just not for me.

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 Anybody know what year her car is?

I would guess early 1970s. 

Maybe her "design" meant that she had airbags and seatbelts installed. Other than that, it doesn't look that different than a vintage "civilian" Bronco. 

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On May 26, 2016 at 9:51 AM, Boofish said:

So he is proving Bethenny's point?  Bethenny named all the ingredients and flat out said "I call it the skinny girls margarita" Luann then said "alright I have that; the skinny girl margarita" How does that make Skinny Girl Luann's idea? She didn't make a statement; it sounded like a question "it's a skinny girl margarita? OK"

It seems like Bethenny said it in the talking head to me, not sitting there with LuAnn, Luann actually mentioned it in the moment.  Who knows with editing though.  

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Coincidentally, DH and I were buying a new SUV today.  While waiting for everything to process, I showed DH the pics of Bethenny's new ride.  He loved it.  We both agreed it is perfect for the Hamptons, and good for her for getting something different than everyone else has.  I would totally drive that in a beach town.

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17 minutes ago, ButterQueen said:

Coincidentally, DH and I were buying a new SUV today.  While waiting for everything to process, I showed DH the pics of Bethenny's new ride.  He loved it.  We both agreed it is perfect for the Hamptons, and good for her for getting something different than everyone else has.  I would totally drive that in a beach town.

And I, grudgingly, agree. As much as I really don't want a Ford again, ever, I have always liked the look of those old Broncos. And hers is sweet. And like umbelina I am not a red car nor a white upholstery person. 

Just got a new Jeep. With a capital J. Love it. 

From the OED.

"in English:


Pronunciation: /jēp/  


trademark A small, sturdy motor vehicle with four-wheel drive, especially one used by the military.

Example sentences


World War II: from the initials GP, standing for general purpose, influenced by 'Eugene the Jeep', a creature of great resourcefulness and power represented in the Popeye comic strip."

But if I owned a sweet vintage ride like that I'd def. call it a Bronco. 

And I really got a kick out of jumper sage's intern-at-Chrysler memory. Chrysler has managed to do some body-streamlining that, imho, wasn't needed. And other stuff to.

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Ohhh. I'm so sorry. I hope the Bronco brought back some good memories too. Be well.

And maybe laugh at B for not recognizing, once again, exactly what she's got and just how good it all is.

And I'm going to guess that Ford did a collective cringe when she called the Bronco a jeep. (Jeep?)

Edited by NewDigs
add qualifiers
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1 hour ago, NewDigs said:

Ohhh. I'm so sorry. I hope the Bronco brought back good memories. Be well.

And maybe laugh at B for not recognizing, once again, exactly what she's got and just how good it all is.

And I'm going to guess that Ford did a collective cringe when she called the Bronco a jeep. (Jeep?)

Ford is coming out with a new Bronco in 2020.  They name Jeep as their biggest competitor in this article.  http://www.roadandtrack.com/new-cars/news/a28292/2020-ford-bronco-renderings/  My husband had a '70s era Bronco and my son is dying to get the new Bronco. 

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Maybe Bethenny isn't an official producer, but I saw hew skeletal fingers all over this episode--Let's Get Luann. No wonder she didn't want Sonya there. And they all contributed. Dorinda--first you show the BIRTHDAY cake your mother made you, then you tell Luann your birthday has nothing to do with the party, it was AGES ago. Ramona, those extensions are hideous, whoever told you they looked good is not your friend. Have 49 people to your party next year. Ramona stepping in the dog poop is a perfect metaphor for her this season.

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'Bronco' is just as well known as 'Jeep' here in the US...refer back to what misschung stated about OJ.  So, I still call out Beth on her statement referring it to a 'jeep'.  Add to that Beth grew up in Queens and Long Island.  Not exactly places where you would refer to a 'Jeep' being a 'jeep'.  At least, that has been my experience.  

I agree with those who think her retro Bronco is fugly....even though she designed every inch of it.  Haha.  Ford must be pissed and I wouldn't be surprised if she got a 'memo' from them.

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Bethenny, yes she's a loud-mouthed, judgmental shrew but she's still super smart, hard-working, funny and resourceful.

The majority of women I know are super smart (way smarter than Bethanny), hardworking, humorous, uber successful, and pretty darn nice. So, yeah, no excuse.

Dorinda-- new rule for John. Your life will be better. "John, you may not take cocaine for dry cleaning payment. You must take money for payment." 

Drug use gone. And he won't be acting so sleazy either. It's like, "Hey, I'm on fire! I got coke! Come here hot ladies!" 

Uhg. Ramona should suggest JOHN go to church. He's so nasty I can barely stand it. 

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I wonder if it's the editing but the show up to this point has painted Luann as the woman sleeping around and entertaining several men. Up until this very last episode, they portrayed her as playing the field while in the same episode she begins talking about Tom and even introduces him to her friends. Did they do that to play up a certain image or were they openly dating up until that point before taking their relationship official?

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2 hours ago, RHJunkie said:

I wonder if it's the editing but the show up to this point has painted Luann as the woman sleeping around and entertaining several men. Up until this very last episode, they portrayed her as playing the field while in the same episode she begins talking about Tom and even introduces him to her friends. Did they do that to play up a certain image or were they openly dating up until that point before taking their relationship official?

I believe the editors and producers going in thought they would have a great time with Luann and Sonja living together and supposedly dating up a storm and the rest being on the sidelines ready to slut shame them.  It became a problem when Luann shortly after Thanksgiving and about a month into filming became involved in a committed relationship.

Ramona accuses Luann and Sonja of running a brothel on November 24, 2015.  Then there is the Thanksgiving break.  We start with Luann claiming there has been a drought in the man department and then claiming the night of  John's party (December 3rd) it was "raining men".  Notice Ramona tries to go there with her being wet and Luann asks her not to be so crude.  So it a very short period of time Luann's storyline changed but it did not work for the others as they wanted to play off "slut Luann".  From Bethenny's birthday November 4th to Ramona's birthday November 17th and Thanksgiving November 26th, (when she became exclusive with Tom) there really is not a lot of opportunity to develop a wild Luann and Sonja story.  Bringing it to last week's episode we don't know if the dinner with Jules and Dorinda with Tom and Luann was before or after the John's December 3rd party or after.    It is almost as if the producers weren't able to call an audible and change the direction.  Certainly, Bethenny wanted to use the tidbit of information about Luann and Tom dating and my guess is had they known it was going to end up being a serious relationship, the others might have pulled their punches.  The story is incredibly similar to last year's Adam and Carole story.  The episode in the Berkshires appears to have been filmed around December 14, 2015.  You would think the other might learn from making negative comments about someone else's relationship. . . instead it is the usual lather, rinse, repeat.

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On 5/28/2016 at 3:47 PM, RedheadZombie said:

Well that's weird.  Anyway, it was strongly indicated last season at T&C.  There was the married Irishman, and at least one other guy that Bethenny mentioned.  Sure we didn't see Luann rolling in the sheets.  She lied about sleeping with anyone, then she mentioned Heather tried to catch her in the act as she was swinging from the chandelier, so I'm going by what seems obvious.

But I'm not going to argue with you about it.  You don't think Lu grabbing her boy toy and coyly saying she's taking him to the bathroom meant anything other than him guarding the door for her.  We're given plenty of evidence.  Some interpret it one way, some interpret it another.  I disagree that this hasn't been shown.

I just think that as very possible as it is that Lu did these things I try to put it into a real life context and even with my fastest and loosest girlfriends I just can't see how, when or where fucking 3 or 4 guys within the same about of days would even be doable. I mean I coming at it from another angle which is the PRACTICALITY of it happening even if the intent was there. Sure it CAN be done but think of the efforts that need to be made in order to accomplish that. It would need to be the only focus and more of an actual game plan set in place. I get that people just love to assign this nypomanic behavior onto the Countess but Geez Louise she is shown socializing with the other women. They do have their scheduled meals and filming during their trips and it does seem that she likes to interact and do the flirt thing for a bit so just on time alone I'm calling bullshit.

I mean that's spring break mode and at spring break people just drink, party and fuck plus EVERYONE'S in on the plan. With the ladies even IF Lu was in "spring break" mode the amount of effort necessary to get this amount of dick in that amount of time while manuevering around the other ladies and their agenda, their film schedule and the times where they are all shown socializing together..... I'm just talking from a logistics standpoint and again sure it can be done but really? It would need to be a seriously coordinated effort and as much as the Countess seems to like dick I just can't picture her going about her "conquests" that way. I think she likes to party and whatever happens happens but I highly doubt she's trying to hit some quota every few days like the women try to imply.

It's exaggerations on what seems to be true information but I mean come on. As it is now the way they are so elaborate about her activities when they speak of her is just getting so fucking ludicrous and frankly it's getting on my nervous cause now its so obvious they are just doing it to set up the whole "slut shaming" bit and in very unnecessary situations too. It's like these are now the required talking points when talking to Lu "Hi Lu, how are you? You look great. So how's it going with that guy you went out with yesterday?" or "Hey Dorinda, how are you? You look great? So, yeah I bumped into Lu last night and she was on a date with this guy?" wink, wink. And they way they want to makes sure they distinguish between who they are talking about in order for it not to come across like it's just maybe one or two people. Like an effort is made to make it clear who was the one from last week VERSES it being a different guy last night and yet another person from the other day etc. etc.

Also, ever since "The Countess sleeps around" became a thing a few seasons back I fell that the women are quick to now throw it around recklessly knowing that it's gonna stick whether it's confirmed info or not and NO, them seeing her flirting with someone doesn't mean that she fucked them that night. I think it's getting rather ridiculous the way these women LITERALLY count off the men associated with Lu in any given conversations and make it seem the Lu beds EVERY man that crosses her path. I'm inclined to believe she is doing her thing but the way the women dispense this information for the sake of the cameras reeks of exaggeration. I don't take their tasteless observations about the number of men Lu has been associating with as some absolute factual data of her sexual activities.  As if mentioning that they've seen her out and about with yet another fresh face = she's fucked that person. That's completely ridiculous. Even a women who "gets around" doesn't necessarily fuck every man they are seen with.

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1 hour ago, Yours Truly said:

I just think that as very possible as it is that Lu did these things I try to put it into a real life context and even with my fastest and loosest girlfriends I just can't see how, when or where fucking 3 or 4 guys within the same about of days would even be doable. I mean I coming at it from another angle which is the PRACTICALITY of it happening even if the intent was there. Sure it CAN be done but think of the efforts that need to be made in order to accomplish that. It would need to be the only focus and more of an actual game plan set in place. I get that people just love to assign this nypomanic behavior onto the Countess but Geez Louise she is shown socializing with the other women. They do have their scheduled meals and filming during their trips and it does seem that she likes to interact and do the flirt thing for a bit so just on time alone I'm calling bullshit.

I mean that's spring break mode and at spring break people just drink, party and fuck plus EVERYONE'S in on the plan. With the ladies even IF Lu was in "spring break" mode the amount of effort necessary to get this amount of dick in that amount of time while manuevering around the other ladies and their agenda, their film schedule and the times where they are all shown socializing together..... I'm just talking from a logistics standpoint and again sure it can be done but really? It would need to be a seriously coordinated effort and as much as the Countess seems to like dick I just can't picture her going about her "conquests" that way. I think she likes to party and whatever happens happens but I highly doubt she's trying to hit some quota every few days like the women try to imply.

It's exaggerations on what seems to be true information but I mean come on. As it is now the way they are so elaborate about her activities when they speak of her is just getting so fucking ludicrous and frankly it's getting on my nervous cause now its so obvious they are just doing it to set up the whole "slut shaming" bit and in very unnecessary situations too. It's like these are now the required talking points when talking to Lu "Hi Lu, how are you? You look great. So how's it going with that guy you went out with yesterday?" or "Hey Dorinda, how are you? You look great? So, yeah I bumped into Lu last night and she was on a date with this guy?" wink, wink. And they way they want to makes sure they distinguish between who they are talking about in order for it not to come across like it's just maybe one or two people. Like an effort is made to make it clear who was the one from last week VERSES it being a different guy last night and yet another person from the other day etc. etc.

Also, ever since "The Countess sleeps around" became a thing a few seasons back I fell that the women are quick to now throw it around recklessly knowing that it's gonna stick whether it's confirmed info or not and NO, them seeing her flirting with someone doesn't mean that she fucked them that night. I think it's getting rather ridiculous the way these women LITERALLY count off the men associated with Lu in any given conversations and make it seem the Lu beds EVERY man that crosses her path. I'm inclined to believe she is doing her thing but the way the women dispense this information for the sake of the cameras reeks of exaggeration. I don't take their tasteless observations about the number of men Lu has been associating with as some absolute factual data of her sexual activities.  As if mentioning that they've seen her out and about with yet another fresh face = she's fucked that person. That's completely ridiculous. Even a women who "gets around" doesn't necessarily fuck every man they are seen with.

Maybe the Countess is into quickies? Lol though it would be quite the super-slut feat for LuLu to hit all that. I will say though, that after seeing Rey and knowing that she went away with him for an ENTIRE WEEKEND, Lu is not using good judgement where fucking is concerned.

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34 minutes ago, Grneyedldy said:

Maybe the Countess is into quickies? Lol though it would be quite the super-slut feat for LuLu to hit all that. I will say though, that after seeing Rey and knowing that she went away with him for an ENTIRE WEEKEND, Lu is not using good judgement where fucking is concerned.

And the pirate...

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45 minutes ago, Grneyedldy said:

Maybe the Countess is into quickies? Lol though it would be quite the super-slut feat for LuLu to hit all that. I will say though, that after seeing Rey and knowing that she went away with him for an ENTIRE WEEKEND, Lu is not using good judgement where fucking is concerned.

See that's the thing you would really need to assign a pretty extreme set of behaviors to Lu in order for all these scandalous outcomes to be the case and it's just too far of a stretch for me to believe. Not just in the case of Lu but in general and I think the connection the other women are trying to make with Lu and this extremely slutty persona is pretty ridiculous as well as pathetic and quite frankly unnecessary.

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4 hours ago, zoeysmom said:

I believe the editors and producers going in thought they would have a great time with Luann and Sonja living together and supposedly dating up a storm and the rest being on the sidelines ready to slut shame them.  It became a problem when Luann shortly after Thanksgiving and about a month into filming became involved in a committed relationship.

Ramona accuses Luann and Sonja of running a brothel on November 24, 2015.  Then there is the Thanksgiving break.  We start with Luann claiming there has been a drought in the man department and then claiming the night of  John's party (December 3rd) it was "raining men".  Notice Ramona tries to go there with her being wet and Luann asks her not to be so crude.  So it a very short period of time Luann's storyline changed but it did not work for the others as they wanted to play off "slut Luann".  From Bethenny's birthday November 4th to Ramona's birthday November 17th and Thanksgiving November 26th, (when she became exclusive with Tom) there really is not a lot of opportunity to develop a wild Luann and Sonja story.  Bringing it to last week's episode we don't know if the dinner with Jules and Dorinda with Tom and Luann was before or after the John's December 3rd party or after.    It is almost as if the producers weren't able to call an audible and change the direction.  Certainly, Bethenny wanted to use the tidbit of information about Luann and Tom dating and my guess is had they known it was going to end up being a serious relationship, the others might have pulled their punches.  The story is incredibly similar to last year's Adam and Carole story.  The episode in the Berkshires appears to have been filmed around December 14, 2015.  You would think the other might learn from making negative comments about someone else's relationship. . . instead it is the usual lather, rinse, repeat.

Thanks for that information. The filming and projection of Luann so far seems disjointed and I couldn't tell if her relationship came full force which caused the sudden turnabout or if production was editing parts to push an image that was in line with the grievances that the other women wanted to air about her (Carole, Bethenny and Ramona have all brought up her romantic life and it's still relatively early into the season).

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On 5/30/2016 at 9:15 AM, Gaily said:

Sorry if I sound like a "Pollyanna" here but I was kinda disappointed in Real Housewives Beverly Hills and had high hopes for RHNY as it has always been my favorite one.  Glad it has come roaring back. I am ambivalent about the return of RHOC because it just seems like it will be the same old shit again -- Vicki bringing up the tired Brooks storyline, Heather still building the never-ending tacky mansion, Tamra being her wretched self and a grandmother, etc.  

I am with you 100%. This was my favorite season originally, but it took a bit of a dive for me after the Jill-Bethenny fallout. I think it's great this year. I have my favorites, but even the women I find to be gross and unpleasant are usually highly entertaining. This season is definitely delivering for me. 

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On 5/30/2016 at 9:15 AM, Gaily said:

Sorry if I sound like a "Pollyanna" here but I was kinda disappointed in Real Housewives Beverly Hills and had high hopes for RHNY as it has always been my favorite one.  Glad it has come roaring back. I am ambivalent about the return of RHOC because it just seems like it will be the same old shit again -- Vicki bringing up the tired Brooks storyline, Heather still building the never-ending tacky mansion, Tamra being her wretched self and a grandmother, etc.  

I am with you 100%. This was my favorite season originally, but it took a bit of a dive for me after the Jill-Bethenny fallout. I think it's great this year. I have my favorites, but even the women I find to be gross and unpleasant are usually highly entertaining. This season is definitely delivering for me. 

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7 hours ago, RHJunkie said:

I wonder if it's the editing but the show up to this point has painted Luann as the woman sleeping around and entertaining several men. Up until this very last episode, they portrayed her as playing the field while in the same episode she begins talking about Tom and even introduces him to her friends. Did they do that to play up a certain image or were they openly dating up until that point before taking their relationship official?

I think Luann was playing the field initially until she met Tom and then kept him under wraps until she knew her feelings for him were reciprocated, then introduced him to us on the show with just a few HWs. I do find it odd that she didn't include Sonja in that group, so I suspect she, Luann, was worried about Sonja's reaction because of the history between Sonja/Tom. oh, and I don't fault her keeping a budding relationship quiet until she was certain which direction it was going. Lets hope she tells Carole she now understands why Carole didn't tell her about Adam/dating right away last season as the circumstances are very similar IMO.  

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On 5/26/2016 at 2:10 AM, ichbin said:

How about Jules licking off what was left on the blini after Ramona finished with it !?!

maybe she's more fond of the words dry heave than grundle.


On 5/26/2016 at 9:06 AM, SistaLadybug said:

I hate every single one of these bitches.  I LOVE THIS SEASON! 

None of them is worth defending.  Each and every one needs extensive therapy.  They are nasty, elitist, money-grubbing, social climbing, piss drunk, lonely, backstabbing harpies - the lot of them.  Not one has shown herself to be kind or fun or a joy to be around when it doesn't benefit her.  Bethenny is a steamrolling shrew.  Ramona is a delusional mess who intentionally makes everyone around uncomfortable.  Sonja is a drunken fraud (and yes, she would hurt a fly to the tune of millions of dollars).  Luann is a truck stop floozy in a Countess' furs.  Dorinda is a lonely, grieving widow who's trying to soothe it with a greasy dick.  Jules is a Jewish Asian dingbat with a still raging eating disorder.  Carole is lazy hippie with an age complex.  They are a collective flaming hot mess.


This post is the reason it took me all day to catch up reading.  *truck stop floozy* stopped my nervous system cold.

On 5/26/2016 at 9:44 AM, QuinnM said:

I'm dying to hear what it was that Luann was saying to everyone that Bethenny referenced in the previews.  So I see the ratings are up and they are going to be up next week cuz I want to hear this.  I am gobsmacked that Luann continues her 'I came up with Skinny Girl' in the face of actual clips that show all she did is say 'I'll have that too'.  But then they all know how to work social media rumors.  Andy has sat in his chair and swore that B is not a producer and if she was it would be required in the credits.  But that one is still out there.


Me too.

On 5/26/2016 at 10:26 AM, racked said:

Yeah that clip to me shows that B had already created the Skinnygirl margarita and Lu just help spread the word and creditability by ordering it.

I saw her Beth describe a drink by preferred ingrediences then tell Lu what she calls it.  To which Lu says she'll have that too, repeating the name B just told her. 

On 5/26/2016 at 0:15 PM, BloggerAloud said:

One of my biggest problems with Bethenny is that even when she's technically right, she always overplays her hand. She goes from zero to Sherman's March to the Sea in a split second with very little middle ground. Her desperate need to prove herself right is what undoes her because so many times viewers would be on her side if she just shut up and let things play out and let people hang themselves.

It doesn't serve her well, does it? Lol. 

On 5/26/2016 at 0:20 PM, MaryTylerMoore said:

All Luann is claiming is they were together when Beth came up with it and was one of the first to try it.

I think she's claiming to have come up with the idea, stem to stow.  Heather lit her up with the theory but it went from Heather's tongue in cheek suggestion to something Lu sounds like she really believes or says to poke B's bear, either one works. 

On 5/26/2016 at 0:46 PM, islandgal140 said:

It is really, really starting to bug me that all the housewives allow her to be entitled and oblivious. The bitch is literally teflon now.  She offers one of her simpering half ass apologies in her stilted weird ass way of speaking with her crazy eyes and all is forgiven. Shit, Ramona could have pulled down her pants and joined Coco in shitting on Dorinda's good rug with little to no hard feelings. Everybody would just shrug and say 'that's Ramona!" laugh and move on. Enough is Enough!

LOL!!! see in my head this is why I'm not sure why ya'll looking at the grassy Frankel knoll when the head bitch is really the Singer shaped outline rifle-crouching in the book conservatory window.    Sleeping at reunions, puppy poo on the persian, she can literally, do anything. 

On 5/26/2016 at 4:56 PM, oakville said:

Agreed. I can't believe how vicious Bethenny has become this season. She should be happier than last season. She has a beautiful renovated apartment . Isn't she dating someone this year?. Why get so nasty with Luann over the origins of her margarita? Doesn't Bethenny realize that by being so hostile with everyone, she is damaging her brand?


1. doesn't like her to begin with

2.  Lu's version is a lie

3.  2nd time in a week she's been poked with a stick about the same thing

4. They've talked about it before, when Heather brought it up, then again at the reunion, this is the 3rd time Lu is trying to sell this story.  She was calm in her explanations during time 1 and 2.

5.  Trying to benefit from Bethenny's fame.  She doesn't seem to have an issue with other people's accomplishments, as long as they belong to those people

I don't know how to move quotes around, but word.

On 5/26/2016 at 8:23 PM, RHJunkie said:

So either Luann exaggerated her involvement or Bethenny's sour that when people talk about her brand that they would even dare to recall that Luann had something to do with it. Is this a case of Bethenny simply not liking that others are giving Luann any kind of credit...even though she already did so in a book no less?

Could be some of both but I think her real problem isn't that it's just mentioned, but that Lu legit thinks she deserves credit for creating SkinnyGirl as a concept and product. 


On 5/26/2016 at 10:39 PM, Thumper said:

Agree with Sheenieb that I would always side with Beth over Jill Zarin any day.  Jill and Lu were horrid to Beth that season.   

I think Luanne is one of, if not the most beautiful RHONY.  However, I will never forget her treatment of others in earlier seasons, so I do agree that she is stealth.  I hope it works out with her new guy.


On 5/26/2016 at 7:30 AM, 100PercentPain said:

Cosign. Luann hides it well under the Countess persona, but she is a viper and when she gets her digs in, she is nasty. Remember when she was blaming Carole for "revealing" Luann's sexcapades and hurting Luann's children (and also ignoring the fact that it was Luann who chooses to engage in sexcapades on what are essentially work trips where cameras follow her around for the majority of the time - seriously, she's a grown woman and can do what and who she wants but if she doesn't want her kids to know what she's up to she needs to save that for her personal vacations) and somewhere in there Carole said she wouldn't introduce every boyfriend to her kids either and Luann snarked "Well, you don't have any kids!" followed by a full belly laugh. Carole looked gutted and despite her insistence that she didn't mean to be offensive, Luann has never apologized. That is the real Luann and it's why I do not like her and often wish she never came back as a full time housewife. So objectively, bethenny is vicious and miserable too but it's not really getting under my skin as much in this episode because Its Luann and she gives as well as she gets, even if she's smart enough to not have it on display 24/7 like bethenny does.

On 5/27/2016 at 0:26 AM, PhilMarlowe2 said:

Preach! Bethenny is largely insufferable this year but I will never complain about the way she just rips into LuAnn. Bethenny is simply not afraid to call LuAnn on every hypocrisy and every dig. I've loved it ever since she called LuAnn a snake to her face in Season 3. I was one of the few people who loved Carole's constant reads of LuAnn in her first season, and I was actively disappointed when Carole apologized and became friends with LuAnn the following season, and then delighted when Carole realized LuAnn for the asshole she is once again. Don't get me wrong, I love LuAnn on the show, and I don't want her to leave, but she is a nasty piece of work. I'll never forget the way she inserted herself into the Jill/Bethenny feud. The Countess was living for that rift!

Beth is acting a whole entire fool with the showdown shit but it's not random.  She and Lu may be in a civil place today, but B don't forget a thing, especially if that thing was how badly she was treated and by whom.   So she came in and (leaves the door wide the hell open which I can't stand) and before she's gotten her coat off, Lu is talking under her clothes about Beth copying her hair.  Un huh.  The next thing they're talking about is Lu's "mentorship" of Sonja, which, ok fuck it, I'll say it, I giggled before B did.  Maybe it's the word mentor but that was funny to me.  Then we come to the real Achilles - I thought of SkinnyGirl.   Bethenny's problem with Sonja and Lu is the same issue.  Use the franchise to do whatever you want but don't use my sweat for your come up.  Think up your own shit and sell that.  I believe whatever she said in the book was akin to thanks for supporting my idea, thanks for supporting my brand, thank you for saying the name of my company on camera.  Lu knows that taking credit for something B created is suicide.  She bout near said as much to Sonja when she found out Tipsy Girl's name.   So I wasn't bothered when she went whole ham on Lu.   We're cool because we work together, but don't get it twisted, you cannot have credit for something (of mine) that you had nothing to do with.   Lu is doing it to fuck with her, the hairstyle copying comment didn't get her into the fray so she went another route.   Got what she came for.    I'm here for every occasion on which B wants to light that ass up, Lu earned it seasons ago.

On 5/27/2016 at 10:28 AM, islandgal140 said:

I think it just sucks that she is reduced to being the chick who likes to party and sleep around by half the cast. Not cool.

But she is the loudest cheerleader at this game.  Her problem is associating shame with her castmates' awareness when none needs to be assigned at all.   Ain't nothing wrong with being a dirty stay out.  Until one of two things happens, she gets etiquette-y about someone else's behavior or she gets all Palace On Lockdown when she's discovered.  Like if you that mad you keep getting your cover blown, blah blah what will the children think, how about cool your jets until you're off work.  We don't seem to know when any of her castmates have sex so it can't be all that difficult to hide. 

On 5/27/2016 at 10:51 AM, zoeysmom said:

I am guessing that no one has to worry about Luann reporting to work on time or sober.  Sure she kissed some frogs along the way, and how nice of her co-stars to bring them to air.  If Luann wanted the world to meet everyone she gets involved with she has her own platform.  She doesn't need the help of her co-stars.

She hasn't had it.  Every Countess escapade seen or mentioned has been at her behest.    She just needs to decide if she's bragging or apologizing.

On 5/27/2016 at 2:37 PM, Avaleigh said:

I will say that I'm laughing my ass off over the idea that Sonja wouldn't hurt a fly. In my opinion, based on what we've seen on the show, off the show, and that judgment against, I think it's fair to say that she's a selfish, deluded, and entitled asshole who thinks that the world owes her a fucking living. All this woman has to do is turn on the tears to get endless sympathy even after years of rude, outrageous, and inconsiderate behavior and I feel like that's a very nice and charitable way of putting it. 

Throw in con artist and unempathetic = sociopath.  In the last episode thread somebody mentioned the similarities between sexy J and Trump.

None of that is even what I came to say, ya'll sidetracked me with all this yummy reading.   I may have to get a new PCP.  The guy in next week's preview doing *something* to Sonja?  That's my physician.  Already asked.  He said his wife made him do it.  

p.s. Coco's stringy dingleberry is an image that will live in infamy (™FDR)

p.p.s. my Jeep, capital J, is the reason I'll never own another American car again.  I'm convinced it was made at 4:30pm on a Friday.

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The most delicious thing about the Lu deal is wondering how/if she changes back into her S1-S3 Countess act now that she is engaged, and if she ever marries the dude. I don't mean the sleeping around, because I assume she won't be doing that, at least not publicly, but the judgment about how one is to behave. The talk about vibrators and such. Will she still think that Sonja's talk of one night stands and casual sex is cute, or think that Sonja needs to grow up? That will be very fun to watch. 

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1 hour ago, WireWrap said:

I think Luann was playing the field initially until she met Tom and then kept him under wraps until she knew her feelings for him were reciprocated, then introduced him to us on the show with just a few HWs. I do find it odd that she didn't include Sonja in that group, so I suspect she, Luann, was worried about Sonja's reaction because of the history between Sonja/Tom. oh, and I don't fault her keeping a budding relationship quiet until she was certain which direction it was going. Lets hope she tells Carole she now understands why Carole didn't tell her about Adam/dating right away last season as the circumstances are very similar IMO.  

I question how big this relationship is Sonja had with Tom.  Why is it over the past six or seven years, no one has put the two of them together?  It is not as if Sonja is shy about dating men who are dating others.  Our initial introduction to Sonja was her dating Max, (her Thursday) the guy that was dating Kelly.

I don't find it odd Dorinda didn't include Sonja because it seemed to be a couples' thing.  Dorinda claims she did not know Tom had previously dated Sonja.  Would have been a good time to tell everyone after the Ramona dating came up?

From what Luann and Tom were saying is they exchanged numbers much earlier (perhaps before he dated Ramona) and then kindled a dating relationship.  I am not certain that the scene with Sonja and Luann and Luann avoiding identifying Tom was not part of their storyline.  I am just wondering when Sonja is going to make her big announcement about she and Tom.

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I hope she has her wits about her enough to remember to make the big announcement. Spacey.

Not sure about Doris wanting a couples only thing knowing it was a HW event. But then I don't really get the couples only thing.

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11 minutes ago, zoeysmom said:

I question how big this relationship is Sonja had with Tom.  Why is it over the past six or seven years, no one has put the two of them together?  It is not as if Sonja is shy about dating men who are dating others.  Our initial introduction to Sonja was her dating Max, (her Thursday) the guy that was dating Kelly.

I don't find it odd Dorinda didn't include Sonja because it seemed to be a couples' thing.  Dorinda claims she did not know Tom had previously dated Sonja.  Would have been a good time to tell everyone after the Ramona dating came up?

From what Luann and Tom were saying is they exchanged numbers much earlier (perhaps before he dated Ramona) and then kindled a dating relationship.  I am not certain that the scene with Sonja and Luann and Luann avoiding identifying Tom was not part of their storyline.  I am just wondering when Sonja is going to make her big announcement about she and Tom.

More than likely, if Sonja did in fact "date" Tom, it was only once in a while and not something steady or even semi serious. More like hooking up than dating, which would explain why Dorinda wouldn't know about him/Sonja. Now the question remains...did Luann know about Sonja/Tom before she started dating him and why didn't Luann tell Sonja first as she was living with her at the time?

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The irony. 

Direct from Luann's blog:  I didn’t feel the need to loop Ramona in at this point because our relationship is new and I wanted to keep him out of the fray as long as possible. Wouldn’t you?

Which is pretty much exactly what Carole said to Luann the first time she talked about Adam.  Seriously, Luann has to see the irony here.  She can't be that stupid (Sonja) or drunk (Dorinda).

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1 hour ago, QuinnM said:

Direct from Luann's blog:  I didn’t feel the need to loop Ramona in at this point because our relationship is new and I wanted to keep him out of the fray as long as possible. Wouldn’t you?

Which is pretty much exactly what Carole said to Luann the first time she talked about Adam.  Seriously, Luann has to see the irony here.  She can't be that stupid (Sonja) or drunk (Dorinda).

I think it is more of a lesson learned thing. If you are told you behaved inappropriately, and when the situation arises and you conform your behavior to the behavior that was declared appropriate, it would not be irony.  A better example, if Luann were to introduce Dorinda to a limo driver as Dorinda instead of Mrs. Medley, would that be ironic or lesson learned?  I would like to  think once you are called out for a mistake or misbehavior the correction of the same would not make you a hypocrite.  Of course none of this applies to Ramona as she repeatedly is corrected and repeats the same mistake.  The bigger question is why does Bethenny think it is any of her business to announce it on camera to Ramona? 

To me it is one of the situations that the subsequent daters will never be correct.  The underlying theme is no one should date someone that someone they know has dated and it is not only impractical but not based in any discernible reasonable theory. It is more or less fodder for Bethenny Frankel, who at each turn has taken the opportunity to out the news and not in a nice way. We are essentially talking about Ramona who went to a party and asked a former date of Luann's for the dirt on Luann, because she was bored.  What possible courtesy is Ramona owed?  At this point Ramona is lucky to be given the time of day by Sonja, Ramona, Dorinda or Jules.

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51 minutes ago, zoeysmom said:

I think it is more of a lesson learned thing. If you are told you behaved inappropriately, and when the situation arises and you conform your behavior to the behavior that was declared appropriate, it would not be irony.  A better example, if Luann were to introduce Dorinda to a limo driver as Dorinda instead of Mrs. Medley, would that be ironic or lesson learned?  I would like to  think once you are called out for a mistake or misbehavior the correction of the same would not make you a hypocrite. 

I could buy this is if Lu, at any point, had included an, "In retrospect, I now completely understand why Carole didn't mention her new relationship right away and apologize for acting so shitty to her about it." But not only does her blog contain nothing of the sort, I absolutely believe that if someone tried to draw that comparison to her, she would have 25 reasons why it's different and can't Carole just be cool already? 


I honestly don't believe Lu has the kind of humility to say, "I was wrong, and I'm sorry." I mean, she and Jaques have been over for YEARS and at least as recently as that RHONY special they filmed last year, she was still trying to say she never hooked up with the pirate.  

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9 hours ago, 100PercentPain said:

I could buy this is if Lu, at any point, had included an, "In retrospect, I now completely understand why Carole didn't mention her new relationship right away and apologize for acting so shitty to her about it." But not only does her blog contain nothing of the sort, I absolutely believe that if someone tried to draw that comparison to her, she would have 25 reasons why it's different and can't Carole just be cool already? 



Exactly. The Adam deal wasn't just a scene or two. It became the basis for an entire storyline and the ruin of a friendship. Lu was mad because Carole had been dating Adam for a whole 7 days without mentioning it to Lu. Of course her anger about the situation changed each time she brought it up, but her initial anger was about the fact that Carole kept it to herself. Therefore it is completely relevant that Lu uses the same excuse for not telling Ramona, and doesn't seem to see any similarities; at least not that she is acknowledging. It reminds me of how she accused Heather and Carole of trying to "catch" her in the act with the dude on vacation, because what would her son think if he saw such a thing? Didn't Carole care about her son? Oh, she probably didn't because Carole doesn't have a son.  Bitch please, the pirate deal was all on film, so to blame someone else for things your son may learn about you via the show is not cool. 

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Does anyone know what the viewing numbers look like?  I'm not sure how to check but for the first time in a lot of RH franchises, including NY, I'm really looking forward to tonight.  So my guess is that I'm not alone.

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31 minutes ago, QuinnM said:

I'm not sure how to check but for the first time in a lot of RH franchises, including NY, I'm really looking forward to tonight.  So my guess is that I'm not alone.

Thank you for reminding me.  The long weekend has me still thinking today is Tuesday.

3 hours ago, motorcitymom65 said:

Exactly. The Adam deal wasn't just a scene or two. It became the basis for an entire storyline and the ruin of a friendship. Lu was mad because Carole had been dating Adam for a whole 7 days without mentioning it to Lu. Of course her anger about the situation changed each time she brought it up, but her initial anger was about the fact that Carole kept it to herself.

I'm not sure it was the ruin of their friendship.  Lu never really cared for Carole and vice versa, from the git.  It was probably the tipping point of them just not caring how they behaved towards each other any more. 

The way they went after each other on social media was ridiculous and stupid.  I'm not on either of their sides when it comes to Chefgate.  For a couple of 50+ year olds, they act like horse's asses.

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12 hours ago, 100PercentPain said:

I could buy this is if Lu, at any point, had included an, "In retrospect, I now completely understand why Carole didn't mention her new relationship right away and apologize for acting so shitty to her about it." But not only does her blog contain nothing of the sort, I absolutely believe that if someone tried to draw that comparison to her, she would have 25 reasons why it's different and can't Carole just be cool already? 


I honestly don't believe Lu has the kind of humility to say, "I was wrong, and I'm sorry." I mean, she and Jaques have been over for YEARS and at least as recently as that RHONY special they filmed last year, she was still trying to say she never hooked up with the pirate.  

Wait so she's supposed to live her life and expression things that occur in her life in a narrative that touches on her debacle with Carole last season? Everything about her dating life is to always be held up and compared to what happened with the whole Carole/Adam thing? Hmmmmm, interesting.

Personally, at this point they were so nasty to each other that I think the best thing to do is leave it be, let it go and not bring it up anymore. It's ridiculous that this has been given the life it's been given and it's carrying over into this season AND including other cast members fighting Carole's battles. Seriously and WTF! 

The only thing that I could possibly stomach is if Carole would take her bony ass and buck gums over to Lu, have a chat, leave the insults and digs at the fucking door and just get it off her chest and be done with it already. If she isn't woman enough to initiate the talk that SHE needs, cause we all know Lu doesn't, then shut the fuck up about it and stop acting so damn ridiculous all the damn time! And I sure as hell don't want to see BETH start speaking for Carole. That's a big fucking pet peeve of mine. Don't use someone else's beef to unleash your own animosity for someone. I hate it beyond belief!

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16 minutes ago, Yours Truly said:

And I sure as hell don't want to see BETH start speaking for Carole. That's a big fucking pet peeve of mine. Don't use someone else's beef to unleash your own animosity for someone. I hate it beyond belief!

This.  It irritated me when Heather did it.  If Carole allows Bethenny to be her guard dog this season, I'll need no further proof that whatever balls she once had, were left in Cambodia or Afghanistan or wherever she was when she said she was on SCUD missile patrol.

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 I do find it odd that she didn't include Sonja in that group, so I suspect she, Luann, was worried about Sonja's reaction because of the history between Sonja/Tom.

I read the RealityTea article about Ramona's comments, and until Sonja weighs in directly, I'm taking this "dated for 10 years" claim with a grain of salt. Ramona made it sound that Sonja and Tom were dating even up to the point that LuAnn moved into Sonja's townhouse, but that doesn't make sense unless you apply a REALLY flexible interpretation of "dating." (And unless the 10 years weren't contiguous.) Sonja first appeared in Season 3, which aired in 2010 and was presumably filmed sometime in 2009. I think it was that season (?) in which she was dating Brian, the younger artist, and he was on the show. She's also been photographed with several 20something boyfriends in the years since. She and Tom could have been friends with occasional benefits, having a date for an event, and not being exclusive. Like Harry Dubin - orbiting in and out of each other's lives here and there. 

At any rate, if LuAnn owes anyone an apology for not getting the okay to get involved with Tom, it's Sonja, not Ramona. And all this fuss over...what? So LuAnn reeled in the guy who's already made the rounds with two of her friends. Not what I consider a big victory.

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At this point, Carole's grumbling about it and Beth's insertion of herself in matters is what's wrong with the picture. Another pet peeve of mine is throwing some unrelated slight in the mix just for the sake of taking hits and then trying to tie it in to what the current issue is.  I'm really not going to be a fan of this season if everything will be considered six degrees of kevin bacon relateable to AdamGate and Lu's reaction over it. Nope, sorry, so over it, it's sooo fucking.....ugggh ENOUGH Eileen, uh I mean Carole.

Oh look the ponies are by the pool...

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44 minutes ago, archer1267 said:

I read the RealityTea article about Ramona's comments, and until Sonja weighs in directly, I'm taking this "dated for 10 years" claim with a grain of salt. Ramona made it sound that Sonja and Tom were dating even up to the point that LuAnn moved into Sonja's townhouse, but that doesn't make sense unless you apply a REALLY flexible interpretation of "dating." (And unless the 10 years weren't contiguous.) Sonja first appeared in Season 3, which aired in 2010 and was presumably filmed sometime in 2009. I think it was that season (?) in which she was dating Brian, the younger artist, and he was on the show. She's also been photographed with several 20something boyfriends in the years since. She and Tom could have been friends with occasional benefits, having a date for an event, and not being exclusive. Like Harry Dubin - orbiting in and out of each other's lives here and there. 

At any rate, if LuAnn owes anyone an apology for not getting the okay to get involved with Tom, it's Sonja, not Ramona. And all this fuss over...what? So LuAnn reeled in the guy who's already made the rounds with two of her friends. Not what I consider a big victory.

What I find completely alarming is that this is being molded into a THING for this season all the while desperately tying it into the other THING from last and it isn't even about Sonja or Ramona's "hurt feelings". It's all being blown out of proportion in order to set up the whole Carole/ Adam situation from last season. This whole Tom musical chairs theory and timeline and putting it under a microscope is all for the sake of being able to say to Lu "You're doing to Sonja and Ramona now, what you accused Carole of last season". And I find it completely and utterly mind numbing that it's gotten this convoluted and contorted and it even has this much life breathed into it...

...now the ponies are IN the pool... 

Edited by Yours Truly
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