Armchair Critic May 23, 2016 Share May 23, 2016 Quote After completing their first therapy session together, Meri and Janelle attempt to take another step forward in their effort to get along better by preparing for the massive Thanksgiving family dinner, but they face a few problems doing so. How festive of Meri to coordinate her shirt color to match her face color. 2 12 Link to comment
Christi May 23, 2016 Share May 23, 2016 Well Turkey Day decorating sure looks fun? 1 Link to comment
Armchair Critic May 23, 2016 Author Share May 23, 2016 Meri is a pain in the butt but the more I watch it looks like Janelle is just lazy. I think she never puts up much of a fuss because she is so low energy. "If you can't get it done right, just get it done stupid". Kody's theory on life. 17 Link to comment
MelissaMinion May 23, 2016 Share May 23, 2016 Ok, I might be operating on lack of sleep here, but I'm lost in the timeline. Aspyn moves into Robyn's house, and Hunter joins the military. Teary Meri and Checked-Out Jenelle go to buy a wreath....and now Hunter's coming home. When was the months-long time jump happen? Did it happen before the let's pretend to be friends therapy? OR....did it take them four damn months to choose frickin' table decorations? Does Robyn look any heavier, like four months worth? And Jenelle, yes, you do need to make SEVENTY of whatever it it you're whining about. You can't just show up with 9 cupcakes and expect them to stretch, like at the shower. The shower that happened four months ago??? 4 Link to comment
Christi May 23, 2016 Share May 23, 2016 I dont know how these people think that this show is showing how awesome polygamy is. Just decorating for thanksgiving or building a cardboard boat are so stressful that its hard to watch. I cant IMAGINE living it 8 Link to comment
Armchair Critic May 23, 2016 Author Share May 23, 2016 LOL at Kodork on that ladder and his cables don't meet up. HAHAHAA Janelle feels disconnected? You don't say. She can barely keep her eyelids open in most scenes. 5 Link to comment
Christi May 23, 2016 Share May 23, 2016 (edited) Why dont they leave the stupid cables up all year? Just add the lighrs each time. Without the lights, you dont even really see the cables. Although one cable could snap and take out a couplea kids....but no one would notice Im sure I suspect that Janelle has gone back to eating her feelings away Edited May 23, 2016 by Christi 7 Link to comment
MelissaMinion May 23, 2016 Share May 23, 2016 "And I'm glad that everyone's here, including Meri....." Disconnected or not, Jenelle is a master of the passive-aggressive remark. HA! 12 Link to comment
MelissaMinion May 23, 2016 Share May 23, 2016 After all that, they didn't even paint the room? 4 Link to comment
Armchair Critic May 23, 2016 Author Share May 23, 2016 If there are other neighbors on that cul-de-sac they must be very patient people. Meri is going to be on the next show too, 'Catching the Catfisher' is on at 9. I don't know how much of it I can watch though before my eyes roll back in my head permanently. 1 Link to comment
Armchair Critic May 23, 2016 Author Share May 23, 2016 Dangit, when is Mariah going to go off on Mary? I have been waiting for it... 5 Link to comment
MelissaMinion May 23, 2016 Share May 23, 2016 (edited) I think that part of the subdivision is gated, and they're the only houses inside gate? Edited May 23, 2016 by MelissaMinion add link 1 1 Link to comment
Armchair Critic May 23, 2016 Author Share May 23, 2016 This episode is boring, I don't care about all their cooking and decorating. TLC is going to have to step it up if they want to keep this show on the air. 4 Link to comment
mythoughtis May 23, 2016 Share May 23, 2016 Aren't these the same lights and cables that didn't stretch the first time Kody put them up. At the commitment ceremony or some celebration? You know when that band Meri follows played? It's not all about you Kody. As for the timeline - I saw some poster somewhere that said the editors just like to put random timelines together that tell a story. Kody - you don't get to dictate where the tables are for Thanksiving. Its' not all about you. You're one of 20 some people. 2 Link to comment
MelissaMinion May 23, 2016 Share May 23, 2016 Can we discuss the Catfishing Expose here, since Meri's a big part of it? Link to comment
Christi May 23, 2016 Share May 23, 2016 Well the the Catfish show sucks....that is all 1 Link to comment
MelissaMinion May 23, 2016 Share May 23, 2016 2 minutes ago, Christi said: Well the the Catfish show sucks....that is all Yeah, I'm reacting more to the clips for next week's show, with Mariah upset. Link to comment
Christi May 23, 2016 Share May 23, 2016 First 15 min...catfish filler....Meri on at 17 min in.... Link to comment
Christi May 23, 2016 Share May 23, 2016 Whoo Hoooo! They said Sam Cooper and showed his pic!! And now Lindsey!!! Yyyyeeeaaaassss She said Lindsey gave her the creeos!! Lolololol Meri got her hair did for her talking heads..fluffy 3 Link to comment
MelissaMinion May 23, 2016 Share May 23, 2016 Eeeee! The show will be reaching out to "Sam!" We need Chris Hansen. 4 Link to comment
outtahere May 23, 2016 Share May 23, 2016 Didn't they show a married couple who lives in the cul-de-sac also? They have a pool and the kids use it. It was shown on one of episodes. 1 Link to comment
MelissaMinion May 23, 2016 Share May 23, 2016 3 minutes ago, outtahere said: Didn't they show a married couple who lives in the cul-de-sac also? They have a pool and the kids use it. It was shown on one of episodes. That's right! I forgot about them. 1 Link to comment
jacksgirl May 23, 2016 Share May 23, 2016 Loved all kids greeting Hunter when he came home. He hugged Janelle so tightly and not as much Kody. Hilarious that no one cares about the lights, poor little Kody got his feelings hurt. Cannot stand that man-child. Agree that Christine might be on anti-depressants, she is so much happier. And no stocking for the Kodester at Jenelle's, bbwwaaahhhh. 7 Link to comment
AZChristian May 23, 2016 Share May 23, 2016 There are 9 houses behind the gate. The Browns live in the cul-de-sac on the south end of the community; there are 4 houses in a cul-de-sac on the north end, and one that is straight ahead as soon as you enter the gate. 3 Link to comment
valdawn May 23, 2016 Share May 23, 2016 And who was the first sibling to run and get to Hunter to throw her arms around him like a crazy person, why Aurora of course! 15 Link to comment
Adeejay May 23, 2016 Share May 23, 2016 I found it interesting that when Christine lamented about how angry her sister wives would be if they knew she had allowed their husband to perch precariously on a ladder, she only mentioned Janelle and Robyn. Given Meri's confession that in years gone by she would have thrown a fit about the cans Janelle decorated/spray painted, I can certainly understand why Janelle treads lightly around her. There is a saying, "once bitten, twice shy." 5 Link to comment
islandgal140 May 23, 2016 Share May 23, 2016 This season is really revealing the problematic parts of Janelle's personality. I've never read, nor do I ever plan to read the book the Browns put out but I have read others' accounts. It wasn't until last Sunday's episode where we got a short history of Meri/Janelle's past that the pieces fell more into place for me. It really shined a light on things for me. While it didn't exonerate or make Meri any less mean or culpable it did make Janelle seem a little shady to me. For way too many seasons, I have just had my own narrative about Jenelle that she was very depressed, didn't want this life and might be the only more likely to escape. When really looking at her past and how she divorced her husband, Meri's brother, after less than a year of marriage, kinda shows that when Janelle truly does not want to be in something she gets the hell up out! It should have always rung some alarms in my head that Janelle was the only wife who wasn't raised in a polygamist household but grew up, studied up, looked directly at the world of plyg and said ..."Yep! I want me some of that. Where do I sign me up?" Not just that but her mama did too and is Janelle's step mom in law. So freaking weird! All this to say, that I can see how her and Meri might not be compatible based on Janelle's antics this episode. Janelle would have got on my nerves too. Seriously, if you have no ideas or no creative bone in your body either don't volunteer for things (go help with cooking/baking or cleaning) that call for that or you become a worker bee and do what those with the creative ideas tell you to do. All this talk about shutting down and disengaging seemed like bullshit. Janelle just struck me as just plain old lazy this episode. If they had been relying on Janelle's idea they would be in trouble. Meri's decorations were nice but damn how much money did they spend on that?!?! I mean did they spend money on new place setting, cloth napkins and everything? Did Janelle actually spray paint those cans? They looked like regular tin cans to me. Kody wanting everyone to ooh and aww over the lights like he invented electricity! He hung that same shit last year and maybe even the year before. Boy bye! 13 Link to comment
CofCinci May 23, 2016 Share May 23, 2016 57 minutes ago, mythoughtis said: Aren't these the same lights and cables that didn't stretch the first time Kody put them up. At the commitment ceremony or some celebration? Seriously. How many episodes on stringing the lights are needed. It was dull the first time. 7 Link to comment
MelissaMinion May 23, 2016 Share May 23, 2016 4 minutes ago, islandgal140 said: This season is really revealing the problematic parts of Janelle's personality. I've never read, nor do I ever plan to read the book the Browns put out but I have read others' accounts. It wasn't until last Sunday's episode where we got a short history of Meri/Janelle's past that the pieces fell more into place for me. It really shined a light on things for me. While it didn't exonerate or make Meri any less mean or culpable it did make Janelle seem a little shady to me. For way too many seasons, I have just had my own narrative about Jenelle that she was very depressed, didn't want this life and might be the only more likely to escape. When really looking at her past and how she divorced her husband, Meri's brother, after less than a year of marriage, kinda shows that when Janelle truly does not want to be in something she gets the hell up out! It should have always rung some alarms in my head that Janelle was the only wife who wasn't raised in a polygamist household but grew up, studied up, looked directly at the world of plyg and said ..."Yep! I want me some of that. Where do I sign me up?" Not just that but her mama did too and is Janelle's step mom in law. So freaking weird! All this to say, that I can see how her and Meri might not be compatible based on Janelle's antics this episode. Janelle would have got on my nerves too. Seriously, if you have no ideas or no creative bone in your body either don't volunteer for things (go help with cooking/baking or cleaning) that call for that or you become a worker bee and do what those with the creative ideas tell you to do. All this talk about shutting down and disengaging seemed like bullshit. Janelle just struck me as just plain old lazy this episode. If they had been relying on Janelle's idea they would be in trouble. Meri's decorations were nice but damn how much money did they spend on that?!?! I mean did they spend money on new place setting, cloth napkins and everything? Did Janelle actually spray paint those cans? They looked like regular tin cans to me. Kody wanting everyone to ooh and aww over the lights like he invented electricity! He hung that same shit last year and maybe even the year before. Boy bye! I agree. I used to think Jenelle was depressed. Now I think she's just lazy and manipulative. She seems unaware of the basic work needed to put on a holiday party for 70-ish people, and she just wanders around, pretending to "help." OR the TLC folks are giving her a very bad edit. 13 Link to comment
toodles May 23, 2016 Share May 23, 2016 It's a good thing they don't have JOBS. Maybe it's just me, but I drag out my China and silver and call it good. I use the same stuff every year. They have plenty of time to dick around with doo dads because it takes everyone to do this and set the table. I know it's a lot of people, but really. 13 Link to comment
truelovekiss May 23, 2016 Share May 23, 2016 Regarding Kodouche on the ladder... Christine: "I'm like, totally breaking the sister wife code by letting Kody do this. Robyn and Janelle are gonna FREAK OUT!!!!" So Meri just gives no fucks? 9 Link to comment
truelovekiss May 23, 2016 Share May 23, 2016 1 hour ago, outtahere said: Didn't they show a married couple who lives in the cul-de-sac also? They have a pool and the kids use it. It was shown on one of episodes. 1 hour ago, MelissaMinion said: That's right! I forgot about them. They probably got tired of Kody shaking his shaggy mane like a wet dog all over their property, and had to ban the whole family. 1 Link to comment
Armchair Critic May 23, 2016 Author Share May 23, 2016 Also dare I say that those Brown kids are loud and big, they probably made quite a splash in their pool. LOL 2 Link to comment
RedheadZombie May 23, 2016 Share May 23, 2016 Of course Robyn's daughter trampled everyone to get to Hunter first. It reminds me of when they all moved into their new homes. Logan actually had to carry one of Robyn's girls into Janelle's new home because she was hysterical and shaking. In Janelle's home. I can't imagine how she reacted to her own home. I guess it depended on the presence of cameras. 5 Link to comment
MoodyGirl May 23, 2016 Share May 23, 2016 (edited) 3 hours ago, Christi said: Why dont they leave the stupid cables up all year? Just add the lighrs each time. Without the lights, you dont even really see the cables. Although one cable could snap and take out a couplea kids....but no one would notice Im sure I'm glad I wasn't the only one thinking about those cables snapping...I would worry about one snapping and decapitating someone...geez...especially the way he was doing it... Edited May 23, 2016 by MoodyGirl 1 Link to comment
LotusFlower May 23, 2016 Share May 23, 2016 An entire episode of Meri and Janelle making centerpieces and Kody hanging cables and lights, interspersed with scenes of them on the couch talking about making the centerpieces and hanging the lights. Are they serious with this? How long will they keep this show on the air? Ironically, they're ignoring a really juicy and dramatic story. Meri had an affair, but they're allowing her to paint herself as a victim of catfishing. That way, they can continue to film endless adventures of an oh-so-happy and cohesive polygamous family. And it's all fake. 13 Link to comment
MoodyGirl May 23, 2016 Share May 23, 2016 The splitting the room in Robyn's house was just dumb...and I thought Christine pretty much said that too. And if you are going to put two different curtains on the window just make them the same style but two different colors. She had a navy curtain with the hanging tabs which was ok then a sheer like floral thing on the other side. So tacky. And that room is way too small to split. The whole thing is strange. 10 Link to comment
absolutelyido May 23, 2016 Share May 23, 2016 I actually thought this episode was rather fascinating. Primarily because I am trying to figure out what is going on with Christine. She seemed so happy this episode and was getting along so great with Kody, especially when they were stringing the lights. My recollection is that Christine seemed pretty miserable last season and Kody was barely able to hide his distain for her. Perhaps she has moved up the wife hierarchy this season with Meri's downfall. 8 Link to comment
windtrix May 23, 2016 Share May 23, 2016 These are the most boring people ever!!!! Twenty minutes on lights, twenty minutes on decorations and twenty minutes on children sharing a bedroom. Bleccchhh! 4 Link to comment
Granny58 May 23, 2016 Share May 23, 2016 6 hours ago, truelovekiss said: Regarding Kodouche on the ladder... Christine: "I'm like, totally breaking the sister wife code by letting Kody do this. Robyn and Janelle are gonna FREAK OUT!!!!" So Meri just gives no fucks? when she finally told them, they didn't care anyway. 2 Link to comment
Granny58 May 23, 2016 Share May 23, 2016 this epi did Janelle no favors. I used to think she was cerebral and worldly but I agree with others here...she came across as lazy. I'm have ZERO crafting and decorating skills, so I 100% understand just wanting to take orders from the crafter. But I do contribute effort. When Meri was lugging cartons of craft supplies from her house to Janelle's, if that was me I would have ALSO been hauling cartons. Well, it seemed Meri took it all in stride. I also find it surprising, given that there are 4 distinct personalities, that none of the wives has a real interest in fitness. 7 Link to comment
ghoulina May 23, 2016 Share May 23, 2016 Well. That was a riveting hour of television. Thanksgiving crafts. Two kids sleeping in one room. And. The. Hanging. Of. The. Motherfucking. Lights. Will the cables connect? How many hours will this really take? Will Kody fall off the ladder? And just HOW messed up will his hair get? Will following Kody around all day, acting excited about the lights and doing his bidding, finally redeem Christine in his eyes??? The intensity of it all! No, seriously. I hate those fucking lights. How many times are we going to be made to suffer through this charade? I loved that he dragged everyone out to cul de sac and no one gave a fuck. Why? You've done this BEFORE, Kody!!! I bet he thinks if he runs around sweats over this project every fall, everyone will think he's super hardworking and then he can just go full on sloth for the rest of the year. Newflash, wives - Kody isn't optimistic. He's grandiose. It's not cute. Then we have Meri and Jenelle pretending like they like each other and are going to make crafts together. But really, what we have is Jenelle actually trying to step outside of her comfort zone and join in, and Meri just taking charge and steamrolling everyone like she always has. I thought those tables ended up being way too crowded anyhow. The best part of the episode was when it was revealed that Jenelle has a stocking for Logan's girlfriend as well as the dog, but not Kody. "You're just a sire". Biggest truth ever spoken on this show. Jenelle and Hunter reuniting was so adorable. In fact, I loved seeing how happy Hunter was to see ALL of his family. As dysfunctional as the adults can be with each other, I think these kids all have really good relationships with each other and the other mothers, for the most part. And there's certainly nothing wrong with more love in your life. Finally, I noticed this in the first episode, but Kody was wearing ANOTHER shirt with a leather pocket. Has he been shopping on Maci Bookout's website, or are those a thing now? 13 Link to comment
ghoulina May 23, 2016 Share May 23, 2016 11 hours ago, MelissaMinion said: Ok, I might be operating on lack of sleep here, but I'm lost in the timeline. Aspyn moves into Robyn's house, and Hunter joins the military. Teary Meri and Checked-Out Jenelle go to buy a wreath....and now Hunter's coming home. When was the months-long time jump happen? Did it happen before the let's pretend to be friends therapy? Hunter has been at the Air Force Prep place for awhile now. It was Garrison, Jenelle's next son, who expressed an interest in joining the National Guard earlier this season. It does seem, though, like it was summer when Asypyn moved home, so there probably has been a jump of sorts. These people are boring as fuck, so I imagine they film them over an extended period of time and then catch us up on what they feel is most relevant or entertaining - you know, like, how to hot glue ribbon on an old can of corn. 10 hours ago, MelissaMinion said: I agree. I used to think Jenelle was depressed. Now I think she's just lazy and manipulative. She seems unaware of the basic work needed to put on a holiday party for 70-ish people, and she just wanders around, pretending to "help." Obviously mileage varies, but I don't see her as lazy so much as socially awkward and intimidated by very outgoing, gregarious people. I bet in her own house, she has no problem buckling down and getting things done. But she just isn't the assertive type of person that go to a big craft gathering like that and just jump in. I think she was trying, but I feel like Meri is very controlling and assertive and Jenelle's immediate reaction to that is to step back. I used to be a very painfully shy person and I remember going camping with my husband when we first got together, along with all of his friends and their wives/girlfriends. All the other women were super loud and boisterous and assertive. They would jump right in and start making meals out there and I was really out of my comfort zone, so I kind of hung back. I'm sure they felt I was a sad sack that didn't want to participate, but I just didn't know how to make myself "fit" with those people. Maybe I'm not explaining myself well. But at home, I wasn't like that at all - I knew what needed to be done and did it. But the large group aspect intimidated me, and in those situations I'd prefer to just be told directly what to do or I'd not know where to insert myself. I see a lot of that in Jenelle. But I applaud her for trying. 9 hours ago, truelovekiss said: Regarding Kodouche on the ladder... Christine: "I'm like, totally breaking the sister wife code by letting Kody do this. Robyn and Janelle are gonna FREAK OUT!!!!" So Meri just gives no fucks? Meri was probably watching out the window and hoping a strong wind totally knocked him on his ass. 8 hours ago, MoodyGirl said: The splitting the room in Robyn's house was just dumb...and I thought Christine pretty much said that too. And if you are going to put two different curtains on the window just make them the same style but two different colors. She had a navy curtain with the hanging tabs which was ok then a sheer like floral thing on the other side. So tacky. And that room is way too small to split. The whole thing is strange. I thought the room was way too small to split as well. My kids have shared smaller rooms, but the way they tried to do it right down the middle was silly. Are they going to share a room forever? I feel like I need to know how all the rooms are accounted for in that house, what with Mindy AND Aspyn bunking down there. Personally, my babies room in with me the first several months anyhow, and Robyn breastfeeds, so I assume she does something similar. I mean, didn't Sol JUST get out of their bed? So, I think this room decorating was a big waste of time and money, and "baby sister" will likely be in the master bedroom for some time to come. 16 Link to comment
ChicksDigScars May 23, 2016 Share May 23, 2016 (edited) Quote The best part of the episode was when it was revealed that Jenelle has a stocking for Logan's girlfriend as well as the dog, but not Kody. "You're just a sire". Biggest truth ever spoken on this show. OMG, was that not the TRUTH? Talk about passive aggression, even if not intentional. Mom, kids, girlfriends, dog. No Kody. Best. Scene. EVER. Especially the look on his face and Jenelle laughing and crying at the same time. If Kody ever wondered how she really felt about him, well, he knows now. Merry Christmas. And Christine, I don't think Jenelle would give two fucks about Kodouche on the ladder, either. "The legal wife" is the only one you have to worry about. I don't get the whole "room splitting" thing, either. Is the space in her house THAT maxed out? I guess it must be. Why would Aspyn move in there? It has to be the most crowded of all the homes. Christine has four kids and her mom (with Aspyn and Mykelti gone), Jenelle is pushing the empty nest envelope with just three kids left (Logan, Maddie, Hunter gone, Garrison soon to be once he graduates and goes into the service) and Meri by herself totally. Was the new Queen Bee whining for MORE help with the kids? God, it has to be annoying for Aspyn to go from college and a sorority she was so involved in, to being hung on by Robyn's stage five tween clingers, all the time. Edited May 23, 2016 by ChicksDigScars 8 Link to comment
gunderda May 23, 2016 Share May 23, 2016 12 hours ago, MelissaMinion said: After all that, they didn't even paint the room? That's what I thought. I thought 'splitting the room' and Christine's comment that it was stupid meant that they were going to paint the room half and half. The end result looked pretty 'normal' except for the different curtains. Not really sure why you would make a toddler share a room with a baby... but that's another day. 12 hours ago, Christi said: Why dont they leave the stupid cables up all year? Just add the lighrs each time. Without the lights, you dont even really see the cables. Although one cable could snap and take out a couplea kids....but no one would notice Im sure I suspect that Janelle has gone back to eating her feelings away OR..... he could just rent a lift truck for a couple of days. 11 hours ago, islandgal140 said: Meri's decorations were nice but damn how much money did they spend on that?!?! I mean did they spend money on new place setting, cloth napkins and everything? And new plates... which looked like 2 plates per setting. Plates aren't cheap! Unless they're buying them at the dollar store (maybe they have something like that? The stuff they have is pretty surprising) But that's still $150 on plates. 8 hours ago, absolutelyido said: I actually thought this episode was rather fascinating. Primarily because I am trying to figure out what is going on with Christine. She seemed so happy this episode and was getting along so great with Kody, especially when they were stringing the lights. My recollection is that Christine seemed pretty miserable last season and Kody was barely able to hide his distain for her. Perhaps she has moved up the wife hierarchy this season with Meri's downfall. She was pretty happy last season too which I noticed. I think I commented asking what happy pills she was on but she seems even more happy this season. I like the new Christine! I love her upbeat attitude on just about everything. And even when she tells Robyn that her boy/girl room is stupid she sounds happy lol 3 hours ago, Granny58 said: this epi did Janelle no favors. I used to think she was cerebral and worldly but I agree with others here...she came across as lazy. I'm have ZERO crafting and decorating skills, so I 100% understand just wanting to take orders from the crafter. But I do contribute effort. When Meri was lugging cartons of craft supplies from her house to Janelle's, if that was me I would have ALSO been hauling cartons. Well, it seemed Meri took it all in stride. I also find it surprising, given that there are 4 distinct personalities, that none of the wives has a real interest in fitness. I agree... I used to like Janelle a lot and this episode all I could think was "sooooo you specifically acted towards Meri a certain way for probably 20 years and NOW you want to change??" I would leave well enough alone. It seemed to work well enough. 1 Link to comment
gunderda May 23, 2016 Share May 23, 2016 The time jump seemed to be May - November. The girls moved out of their apartment after the end of school which is usually April-May for college. Hunter was still there at that time. By Thanksgiving they said he was gone 5 months would put his leaving around June. Link to comment
kimaken May 23, 2016 Share May 23, 2016 SQuote Early in the ep Meri said she was making samples of her ideas to share with Janelle, who was supposed to be coming over with samples of her ideas...yet when Janelle arrived, she brought nothing with her. She said she thought there were merely going to discuss ideas. Since she didn't have any ideas, they went with Meri's ideas---which makes Meri "assertive and controlling"! When all the ladies got together to make the decorations, Janelle strolled around and did little more than complain about the hot glue.... Granted, Janelle may be out of her comfort zone, but surely she could have found something to do to help--she didn't help Meri lug in supplies--maybe she could have asserted her organizational skills by setting up/separating all the supplies on another table so they could be more easily accessed; she could have offered to be a helping hand (hold things in place) for some of the more craft-minded people. Maybe it was just the way TLC edited things--to make Meri the cold, mean bitch and poor, sweet, innocent Janelle the put-upon, tragic, injured party. When Meri talked about her sister dying of colon cancer and she was worried that she might have it and had all those tests done last summer--why didn't they do a colonoscopy? They did a scan and an MRI, the main test for colon cancer wasn't mentioned. Also, who was it that grabbed Meri's hand and said, "Come on, Meri, let's go see the lights"--was it Dayton or one of the other older boys? I also noticed how cold Mariah was to her mother when Meri hugged her while Mariah stood stiff as a board. I'm wondering if she's really all that PO'd about the catfishing scandal or if she's more mad about her mother losing the legal wife status. 8 Link to comment
ghoulina May 23, 2016 Share May 23, 2016 1 hour ago, ChicksDigScars said: I don't get the whole "room splitting" thing, either. Is the space in her house THAT maxed out? I guess it must be. Why would Aspyn move in there? It has to be the most crowded of all the homes. Christine has four kids and her mom (with Aspyn and Mykelti gone), Jenelle is pushing the empty nest envelope with just three kids left (Logan, Maddie, Hunter gone, Garrison soon to be once he graduates and goes into the service) and Meri by herself totally. Was the new Queen Bee whining for MORE help with the kids? God, it has to be annoying for Aspyn to go from college and a sorority she was so involved in, to being hung on by Robyn's stage five tween clingers, all the time. To punish Meri for the Catfish thing, I'd move the most annoying kids into her house. She could take Aurora and Truly. Truly isn't really "annoying", but just at that typical loud kid stage. And Sol. Give her Sol. He's just an innocent kid and doesn't annoy me, but the adoration of him by his parents is annoying. And then Baby Sister could then have her own, entirely pink room. She could also take Gabe, since he and Garrison are always fighting. Never mind that Garrison is about the enlist in the National Guard, they still need to be separated for now. Aspyn could stay there, but NOT do a single thing with the kids. She could sit around and scrapbook on the wetbar while Meri chases the kids all day. And another room in Meri's house could be used to store all of Christine's mother's homemade purses. Oh, and gym mats in garage. Boom! Problem solved. 1 3 Link to comment
stillhere1900 May 23, 2016 Share May 23, 2016 13 hours ago, Armchair Critic said: Meri is a pain in the butt but the more I watch it looks like Janelle is just lazy. I think she never puts up much of a fuss because she is so low energy. "If you can't get it done right, just get it done stupid". Kody's theory on life. I'm guessing that it's hard to have much energy or to "put up a fuss" about anything when you weigh over 300 lbs. She seems to just not care. 4 Link to comment
riverblue22 May 23, 2016 Share May 23, 2016 (edited) I think it was Garrison who went out to see the lights with Meri. I can understand Janelle a bit. I am totally inept at creative things and I just don't know where to start. It's hard to just jump in. She finally did begin doing a centerpiece but it didn't look all that great to me. If she did more than one she probably got better at it, and maybe next time it won't be so hard. My daughter is having her third child, a girl, who will be sharing a room with her 3 year-old brother, although she will mostly be with her parents. But they haven't give a thought to "decorating a nursery"--they just pulled the crib out and put it back up in brother's room. They are pretty much past needing to decorate. Unfortunately, their house is small, but their yard is fantastic. ETA: At least the Browns used real plates instead of paper. TLC probably paid for them. Edited May 23, 2016 by riverblue22 1 Link to comment
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