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So basically 2nd to last!!! episode is gonna be a Deja centric? I'm sorry, but I'm not interested in that at all. I liked Deja. But I liked her as a side character whose time on the show was limited. This show really does have a talent of making me fed up with side characters I previously liked by simply overdoing it.

If Kevin and Kate are not in that episode I'm gonna be really pissed. I'm here for the big 3 and this season already had enough episodes that didn't further their present day plots. Why add another one so close to the end of the season?

  • Love 2



Thought on it from article:

With Kate's wedding fast-approaching, the most plausible scenario is that Rebecca is imagining what it would be like if Jack was there for their daughter's big day. In the photos — Jack and Rebecca look so happy that it actually hurts. In one image, Jack is caressing Rebecca's face, and in another they're both laughing together as if nothing ever tore them apart.

If it's not that, it's just too weird.

  • Love 2
5 hours ago, Good Queen Jane said:

According to EW, the character we will learn more about is Deja. And, if one of the characters does have terminal cancer, maybe it's Deja too.

Or maybe her mother, since isn't it described as a pivotal character?  She could be considered pivotal if her death results in Deja being adopted by the Pearsons. 

1 hour ago, debraran said:



Thought on it from article:

With Kate's wedding fast-approaching, the most plausible scenario is that Rebecca is imagining what it would be like if Jack was there for their daughter's big day. In the photos — Jack and Rebecca look so happy that it actually hurts. In one image, Jack is caressing Rebecca's face, and in another they're both laughing together as if nothing ever tore them apart.

If it's not that, it's just too weird.

A coworker told me about the photos before I saw them, and that was my first thought (Kate on her wedding day imagining that Jack could be there) until she mentioned Rebecca wearing white. Her dress doesn't look quite mother-of-the-bride to me (maybe because it's white, I can picture Kate being miffed), though if it's a fantasy, then it isn't necessarily what she would really wear.  The way that Jack and Rebecca are both standing while everyone else in the pictures is seated makes it seem like it could be their wedding in old age. Of course it's two images out of a whole scene and may play out in an entirely different context.

Maybe it's a flashback to Rebecca and Miguel's wedding, and one of the Big Three imagines it's Jack with her instead of their stepfather.

Edited by Dejana
  • Love 2
1 hour ago, biakbiak said:

Yeah the pic screams "giving" her away.

If this is what it is, I would hate it. I don't think Jack should have this big of a spotlight during Rebecca's and Miguel's wedding. Even if Jack is just "giving" Rebecca away in her imagination, I don't think the bride should laugh and look at another man like this at her wedding day. I mean, poor Miguel! Is he gonna be outshined by Jack even on his wedding? I really hope the pics not from Rebecca's and Miguel's wedding. Although her white dress is really confusing.

  • Love 6

It's not just the white dress it's the angle of the picture. I have no issue with her looking at her dead husband like that, she can move on and love Miguel. I ,ean the woman still wears the necklace he gave her, its okay to have both of them in her heart. I doubt this is a pap photo but an intentional leak from production which happens frequently, given how tightly cropped it is to not show any other characters and basically only them and a crowd of extras. 

  • Love 5
3 hours ago, biakbiak said:

It's not just the white dress it's the angle of the picture. I have no issue with her looking at her dead husband like that, she can move on and love Miguel. I ,ean the woman still wears the necklace he gave her, its okay to have both of them in her heart. I doubt this is a pap photo but an intentional leak from production which happens frequently, given how tightly cropped it is to not show any other characters and basically only them and a crowd of extras. 

I agree, Fogleman wanted those pics out, the same as the funeral and others that were shown early. I'm not feeling it, but maybe in the context of how it happens, I will. He's dead, she can fantasize, but to see her as the focus with him as others are sitting,  not walking with Kate or standing with them, it seems "off" to me. I don't think of Miguel as a prop and I hoped the show would have some respect of their marriage with letting Jack be there but not so romantic.  If it's Kate's dream, fine, but with backward and forward storylines, I could do without dream sequences. This sounds more 'soap opera" than drama.

  • Love 2
7 hours ago, GSMHvisitor said:

If this is what it is, I would hate it. I don't think Jack should have this big of a spotlight during Rebecca's and Miguel's wedding. Even if Jack is just "giving" Rebecca away in her imagination, I don't think the bride should laugh and look at another man like this at her wedding day. I mean, poor Miguel! Is he gonna be outshined by Jack even on his wedding? I really hope the pics not from Rebecca's and Miguel's wedding. Although her white dress is really confusing.

I agree, and I laughed at the fact that if this is her fantasy/whatever, Rebecca's mind ages him to gray goatee, salt and pepper hair, and glasses.  Like, would she not be imagining him the way he was?  I would.  That just seems so cheesy.  Even if it is one of the kids projecting that, again, the way they remember him, not with aging.  I remember my mother just as she was, not the way she might have been had she lived longer.  I expect it will be the same with my father when I think of him in the future. 

  • Love 6
1 hour ago, ShadowFacts said:

I agree, and I laughed at the fact that if this is her fantasy/whatever, Rebecca's mind ages him to gray goatee, salt and pepper hair, and glasses.  Like, would she not be imagining him the way he was?  I would.  That just seems so cheesy.

Exactly. Please. Plus, if it's Rebecca and Miguel's wedding, I would think Rebecca would be styled more like she was in the 2008 scenes with longer hair and not the bad wig and more extreme aging makeup she wears in present day. I mean, I never got the impression she and Miguel had only gotten married within the last couple of years.

The only reason I can think for Jack to be aged like that is if it's a dream sequence in which he'd never died, like a "what if". Jack and Rebecca would still be married in such a scenario so yeah, kind of a burn on Miguel, lol. I'm guessing it's Kate on her own wedding day, but still it would be weird for her dream-Jack to be all focused on Rebecca. I would think in such a fantasy he would be beaming proudly at Kate and/or walking her down the aisle, not being all lovey-dovey with her mom.

Oh, who knows? I give up, lol. 

  • Love 4
2 hours ago, Winston9-DT3 said:

More soulmate crap.   Barf.  Poor Miguel.   

I would like it if we had fantasy scenes of him and Shelly, on the day of his second wedding.  Ha.  But no, Jack is the one perfect love.   All other loves will always pale in comparison.  

It will be especially barf-worthy if the scene has dialog.  I'm trying hard not to imagine it. 

  • Love 2
6 minutes ago, ShadowFacts said:

It will be especially barf-worthy if the scene has dialog.  I'm trying hard not to imagine it. 

My God, Jack was far from a saint. It's been 20 years and everyone acts like Rebecca should be living in a shrine of Jack, depressed and lonely, keeping a stiff upper lip, marrying no one and giving advice only when needed and no constructive criticism either. Please, If Kate wants to see her dad at her wedding, fine, but to have Rebecca possibly thinking of renewing her vows with Jack or having a double wedding (double barf) I just hope not. This making Jack a saint is not good writing. He of course has lots of secrets and did things in their marriage that weren't right, but it's always "done with love" so overlooked.   I hope Miguel isn't a prop to have something else happen and they show a healthy relationship and please have Rebecca smile more, she is allowed.

  • Love 3
2 hours ago, Winston9-DT3 said:

More soulmate crap.   Barf.  Poor Miguel.   

I would like it if we had fantasy scenes of him and Shelly, on the day of his second wedding.  Ha.  But no, Jack is the one perfect love.   All other loves will always pale in comparison.  

I wouldn't be surprised if Miguel gives a toast at his own wedding about how Jack was the perfect man and Rebecca's one true love and he, Miguel, could never hope to measure up to him.

  • Love 9
4 hours ago, chocolatine said:

I wouldn't be surprised if Miguel gives a toast at his own wedding about how Jack was the perfect man and Rebecca's one true love and he, Miguel, could never hope to measure up to him.

And this is what I fully expect of this show and why Jack will forever remain in my least favourite character category for this show. Of course, followed very closely by William. I have discovered how much I loathe character who are treated like gods and utter perfection, even when they have flaws, and how much more interesting I find the completely flawed characters (hi Kevin and Rebecca!). Seriously, I do not need old imaginary Jack to be part of Rebecca's wedding. I'd much rather it was Kate's wedding and it just was about everyone imagining his presence there. That I could tolerate way more. 

I'm still hoping for season 3 to reflect more on Miguel and Kate as characters. Jack and Randall dominated season 1, Rebecca and Kevin have dominated season 2, so it's only fair for Miguel and Kate to dominate season 3. 

  • Love 2

The episode description for Tuesday says both Toby and Kate have their bachelor/bachelorette parties in Vegas.  My question is this:  Kate has girlfriends who can throw her one?  Other than the woman from her weight management group, I don't really see anyone else.  I mean, her party would basically consist of maybe three other people - if Rebecca were to be included (and who invites bride's MOM to a bachelorette?). 

  • Love 1
7 minutes ago, PRgal said:

The episode description for Tuesday says both Toby and Kate have their bachelor/bachelorette parties in Vegas.  My question is this:  Kate has girlfriends who can throw her one?  Other than the woman from her weight management group, I don't really see anyone else.  I mean, her party would basically consist of maybe three other people - if Rebecca were to be included (and who invites bride's MOM to a bachelorette?). 

I guess you can have a small party but I was thinking the same thing, who does she hang out with?

  • Love 1
24 minutes ago, PRgal said:

The episode description for Tuesday says both Toby and Kate have their bachelor/bachelorette parties in Vegas.  My question is this:  Kate has girlfriends who can throw her one?  Other than the woman from her weight management group, I don't really see anyone else.  I mean, her party would basically consist of maybe three other people - if Rebecca were to be included (and who invites bride's MOM to a bachelorette?). 

So, I saw that, and I also saw some pictures of the episode on spoilertv. According to this photo, she does actually have friends who aren't her family, her fiance, or Madison:


Also, Toby has friends as well. I'm still debating whether I hate that we're only seeing Kate's friends now, or if it's nice that it's not just Kate with Beth and Madison, and Toby with Kevin and Randall. 

  • Love 5
12 minutes ago, Lady Calypso said:




It's a bit weird that Beth flew all the way from NJ to Vegas for the bachelorette party when we've never even seen her interact with Kate. Not even a brief girl chat when Kate came to their house for the holidays.

On a shallow note, I love Kate's/Chrissy's styling in the picture! I hope the show can let her have one night of fun without any "I killed my dad" angst.

  • Love 5
1 minute ago, chocolatine said:

It's a bit weird that Beth flew all the way from NJ to Vegas for the bachelorette party when we've never even seen her interact with Kate. Not even a brief girl chat when Kate came to their house for the holidays.

On a shallow note, I love Kate's/Chrissy's styling in the picture! I hope the show can let her have one night of fun without any "I killed my dad" angst.

It's a little weird, but I think Kate and Toby invited both Randall and Beth, and I guess Beth felt obligated to attend? Who knows, really. For a show focused a lot around the Big Three, they rarely interact with each other. Plus, all we know is that Beth hates Kevin. We don't know how she feels about Kate. I think this just calls for more scenes with the siblings interacting with each other. Kate/Randall, in particular, but also Kate/Kevin (for twins and hearing about their twin connection, we rarely see it). 

  • Love 2
4 hours ago, chocolatine said:

It's a bit weird that Beth flew all the way from NJ to Vegas for the bachelorette party when we've never even seen her interact with Kate. Not even a brief girl chat when Kate came to their house for the holidays.

On a shallow note, I love Kate's/Chrissy's styling in the picture! I hope the show can let her have one night of fun without any "I killed my dad" angst.

I'm just dreading one of them bringing in a crock pot full of chili for their pre-party, and Kate tears up and talks about how a crock pot killed her dad.

Of COURSE Kate has friends that we've never seen before or heard any reference to before this episode.

  • Love 2
7 minutes ago, methodwriter85 said:


Of COURSE Kate has friends that we've never seen before or heard any reference to before this episode.

I think Toby is the only adult who has a friend we met besides Miguel and that one scene of Rebecca's friends in the flashback, things like that don't bother me because I don't feel like we are seeing all of their lives. 

Did we ever see Kate and Sophie interact since her bday party as a child?

  • Love 1
7 hours ago, biakbiak said:

I think Toby is the only adult who has a friend we met besides Miguel and that one scene of Rebecca's friends in the flashback, things like that don't bother me because I don't feel like we are seeing all of their lives. 

Did we ever see Kate and Sophie interact since her bday party as a child?

I never felt they have to show friends, etc., I know that involves paying more people or having extras on a regular basis,but you can mention them by name. Rebecca never said, I'm going to see "fill in the blank" this weekend for  a birthday party or shower or whatever. Kate when she miscarried didn't have a best friend to call. All that's fine but to suddenly have people appear, it's weird.

The 5x7 pic on Pearson's old mantle had the woman by the pool who instructed Rebecca about black skin and later I'm sure that kid is Randall's friend on his tour at Howard.  I hope to see that friendship more in flashbacks.

  • Love 3
12 hours ago, chocolatine said:

It's a bit weird that Beth flew all the way from NJ to Vegas for the bachelorette party when we've never even seen her interact with Kate. Not even a brief girl chat when Kate came to their house for the holidays.

On a shallow note, I love Kate's/Chrissy's styling in the picture! I hope the show can let her have one night of fun without any "I killed my dad" angst.

Didn't Beth and Kate at least exchange a few lines in that Thanksgiving (or was it Christmas?) episode where everybody was invited to Randall's and Kate and Toby had sex and Beth sort of teased them about it? It's not much to warrant a bachelorette invit, but at least it's not like Kate and Beth have never exchanged words. Then there's Madison of course, who can definitely be considered Kate's friend at this point. And I'm pretty sure that other blonde woman is that lady from Kate's fat support group who she once called a litterer. So that makes only 2 new friends of Kate's we haven't seen before. It's good enough for me.

  • Love 1

What I wonder is do you invite some women who you hardly seem to have in your life to a jaunt to Las Vegas that is going to cost some $, and they say yes?  In the real world people aren't so quick to spend time and money on somebody ancillary in their life.  Who knows, maybe they all love Vegas.  Which is another thing I'm not interested in. . .

  • Love 5
15 hours ago, chocolatine said:

It's a bit weird that Beth flew all the way from NJ to Vegas for the bachelorette party when we've never even seen her interact with Kate. Not even a brief girl chat when Kate came to their house for the holidays.

On a shallow note, I love Kate's/Chrissy's styling in the picture! I hope the show can let her have one night of fun without any "I killed my dad" angst.


16 hours ago, Lady Calypso said:

So, I saw that, and I also saw some pictures of the episode on spoilertv. According to this photo, she does actually have friends who aren't her family, her fiance, or Madison:


Also, Toby has friends as well. I'm still debating whether I hate that we're only seeing Kate's friends now, or if it's nice that it's not just Kate with Beth and Madison, and Toby with Kevin and Randall. 

It looks like three of the women are from the support group, including Madison.  Who is that attractive woman between Kate and Beth?

  • Love 1
1 minute ago, Portia said:

I want to see a flashback where Rebecca has sex with Miguel for the first time and he absolutely rocks her world . . . and we finally all realize why she "settled" for Miguel. 

I'm only half kidding.

That would be great, but I doubt this show will ever "blaspheme" St. Jack like that.

  • Love 3
16 hours ago, ShadowFacts said:

What I wonder is do you invite some women who you hardly seem to have in your life to a jaunt to Las Vegas that is going to cost some $, and they say yes?  In the real world people aren't so quick to spend time and money on somebody ancillary in their life.  Who knows, maybe they all love Vegas.  Which is another thing I'm not interested in. . .

Most of Kate's crew are probably based in LA. There is (was?) a whole show about  an airline's weekend flights back and forth from LA to Vegas, so out there I guess it wouldn't seem like such a faraway destination...

  • Love 1

So, I just read this about next week's finale:


The finale, which surrounds the entire family gathering for Kate (Chrissy Metz) and Toby's (Chris Sullivan) wedding, will introduce three new characters: Toby's parents and someone from Beth's (Susan Kelechi Watson) family.

So, it looks like Kate/Toby's wedding will take place at the cabin (LOL, of course), we'll see Toby's parents but not his brother (boo), and for some reason, a family member of Beth's will show up at the wedding. I wonder why; I'm guessing there'll be some sort of dramatic news. 

  • Love 2
3 minutes ago, Lady Calypso said:

So, I just read this about next week's finale:

So, it looks like Kate/Toby's wedding will take place at the cabin (LOL, of course), we'll see Toby's parents but not his brother (boo), and for some reason, a family member of Beth's will show up at the wedding. I wonder why; I'm guessing there'll be some sort of dramatic news. 

There could also be parallel flashbacks to Randall and Beth's and Kevin and Sophie's weddings, like with the births in tonight's episode, and Beth's family member would be introduced via flashback.

  • Love 2
Just now, chocolatine said:

There could also be parallel flashbacks to Randall and Beth's and Kevin and Sophie's weddings, like with the births in tonight's episode, and Beth's family member would be introduced via flashback.

Perhaps. The only reason I'm not sure that'll be the case is because of this particular quote:


"We are throwing everyone together up at the family cabin for a very, very big celebratory occasion," co-showrunner Isaac Aptaker tells The Hollywood Reporter. "We're going to get to meet Toby's parents for the first time, which we're very excited about, and it's something we've wanted to do for quite a while on the show, and this felt like the perfect reason. We're also going to get to meet a member of Beth's extended family, which is something people always ask about. They're always like, 'I want to meet her mom, I want to meet one of her sisters, I want to meet somebody,' so we are finally going to meet another person from Beth's world at the wedding."

Also, why wouldn't they cast Beth's entire family? And why be so coy on who's going to be the family member we're meeting? It just makes it seem like they're going to be very important to Beth's story....which actually excites me if she's getting a storyline not about Randall for season three. 

The interview with Aptaker also makes it sound that at least one, or all three, names are well known. He uses the phrase "in-demand actors", which means they're going to be somewhat important, and possibly will show up again in the third season. 

I'm just wondering which family member they're casting of Beth's. One of her parents? One of her sisters? 

  • Love 2
1 minute ago, Lady Calypso said:

The interview with Aptaker also makes it sound that at least one, or all three, names are well known. He uses the phrase "in-demand actors", which means they're going to be somewhat important, and possibly will show up again in the third season. 

Well if that's the case they should have saved Pam Grier for the role of Beth's mom and have her show up again rather than give her a one-and-done stint as Deja's great-grandmother.

  • Love 9
6 hours ago, chocolatine said:

Maybe by "extended" they mean anyone who's not a Pearson. Since the world revolves around the Pearsons and everyone else is peripheral.

That's pretty much exactly how I took it. Or it could be a brother in-law, or a sister in-law, someone married to one of her three sisters. That would also account for them being extended. I'm just trying to think of why Beth's family member would just show up at the wedding. My first assumption is that this person wasn't invited, but came to talk to Beth. Heh, I'd honestly laugh if it turns out a member of Beth's family was an addict and was coming to Beth to get help, and thus parallels to Kevin's addiction. Either that, or someone is terminally ill. I remember seeing that blind item about someone from a popular show finding out they have a terminal illness in the season finale. I wondered if it's this show, and it looks like maybe it could be. 

I'm genuinely excited to see Beth's family member because there's hope for a storyline outside of the Pearson's. Well, as much as they can probably handle. 

  • Love 1
18 hours ago, methodwriter85 said:

Jasmine Guy as Beth's mother. That would be pretty awesome.

Isn't she a little bit young?  She's not even 60 yet, is she?   

This show doesn't give millennials such a great rep.  Deja's mom, Toby's brother...both awful people...(the Big 3 are Xennials.  Not the same thing, thank you very much).

  • Love 3
3 hours ago, PRgal said:

Isn't she a little bit young?  She's not even 60 yet, is she?   

This show doesn't give millennials such a great rep.  Deja's mom, Toby's brother...both awful people...(the Big 3 are Xennials.  Not the same thing, thank you very much).

Jasmine was born in 1962. She could have reasonably had a daughter that was born in 1980. It's definitely more reasonable than when she was still in her 40's and playing grandmother to Bonnie on the Vampire Diaries.

Madison seems to be a good person. And I did like Sloane. (Although yes, She Who Will Not Be Named was pretty awful.) This show in general doesn't really have a lot of Millennial representation.

  • Love 2
1 hour ago, methodwriter85 said:

Jasmine was born in 1962. She could have reasonably had a daughter that was born in 1980. It's definitely more reasonable than when she was still in her 40's and playing grandmother to Bonnie on the Vampire Diaries.

Madison seems to be a good person. And I did like Sloane. (Although yes, She Who Will Not Be Named was pretty awful.) This show in general doesn't really have a lot of Millennial representation.

I know one can play older, but I don't see Beth's mom being someone who had her at a young age (like 20ish).  And I think Beth is older than Randall for some reason.  Not by much though.  

Edited by PRgal
  • Love 1

Well, it's not like a character death means an actor is leaving the show.  I doubt they kill Beth, though.  I don't think they'd refer to her as 'pivotal', either.  That sounds more like Shauna or some other tertiary character.  The way they write this show, it could be a UPS driver.  

I'm hoping the "may be a wedding" stuff is just aimed at the people who didn't see the teaser.  I don't think there is any way of aborting a wedding at the last second that hasn't been done to death.  

4 hours ago, Winston9-DT3 said:

Well, it's not like a character death means an actor is leaving the show.  I doubt they kill Beth, though.  I don't think they'd refer to her as 'pivotal', either.  That sounds more like Shauna or some other tertiary character.  The way they write this show, it could be a UPS driver.  


If it is a UPS driver it will surely involve that cherished Pearson tradition of baring their souls to unsuspecting folks just trying to do their jobs.

  • Love 2

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