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S17.E22: Intersecting Lives

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The Good:

The scene with the squad at the beginning.
Fin and his son.
Brad Garrett.
Righteous crusading Barba!

The Bad:

Yet another story about evil abusive prison guards without anything new to say or any shades of gray.
WTH was up with Barba in that last scene? Out of character. That whole scene didn't really work as the big cliffhanger they wanted it to be.
The promo for next week. If there is one area where the writing hasn't improved this season it's been creating believable action scenes and especially hostage situations.

Overall this was like most of the second half of the season - solid but unspectacular. I hope they can stick the landing next week.

Edited by wknt3
fix formatting

No one thinks that Barba wrote his actual home address on that piece of paper, do we? I would KILL for  scene where the thug looks at the paper and says, Lennie Briscoe style, "Wait. This address is in the Hudson River."

I'm really nervous that the promo gave too much away, but that there is going to be a real kicker that they didn't show.

Why did we not get a scene with Barba and Carisi discussing the bar results? COME ON!!!

  • Love 4

Hey guys, guess what I just discovered?

The guy who threatened Barba is played by Johnny Rivera. Johnny Rivera previously appeared on SVU as Rigo, a member of the gang BX9.

Further, this character threatening Barba was not wearing a DOC uniform, clearly understood Spanish (BX9 being a gang primarily composed of Spanish speakers), and acted like a gangster instead of an angry CO/cop/etc. Barba has a history with BX9, obviously, such as in Betrayal’s Climax. The cops’ threats to Barba were not to hurt him directly, but to allow him to die by their own inaction when (not if) criminals came after him.


BX9 is after Barba.

  • Love 4

No one thinks that Barba wrote his actual home address on that piece of paper, do we? I would KILL for  scene where the thug looks at the paper and says, Lennie Briscoe style, "Wait. This address is in the Hudson River."

"Stupidtown, Population: You? Hey, wait a minute!"

I didn't think for one minute Barba gave his actual address, he was just enjoying calling out the terrible illogic chain behind threatening a DA on the courthouse steps in front of God and half of Manhattan. Because that was seriously really damn stupid, guy. For all you know Barba's recording that on his phone.

Man, this one was depressing. I know we bitch about the spiraling upward ridiculousness of a lot of these plots but this one was way too believable. (Hell, even back when all the serial killers were getting out of prison using fifty pound Luv Lasagnas Barba mentioned the futility of going after Rikers Guards.) 

And that WOC are at the bottom of the chain of abuse is very, very, very not-ridiculous. At all. Or that a sociopath that's been king that long would start spreading out his hateful grasping tentacles towards boyfriends, sisters, etc. Or that he'd not tell his wife about the little "time card thing" so she could actually not totally put the nail in his coffin because she doesn't know. Or that he'd recklessly expose that same wife to STDs. I loved how Liv said hey, I know you're angry and I'm about to really top that kettle off. The wife was all NU-UH SHUT UP but it was clear that the seed had been planted.

Well, Dodds clearly isn't long for this world. Looking forward to Peter Gallagher's eyebrows of rage totally blaming SVU/Liv for him getting shot his last day on the job.

Edited by Snookums
  • Love 11

That final Barba scene was weird. Giving his home address to some loser who’s threatening to kill him? Was that supposed to show us he isn’t afraid and won’t be backing down? Because he looked terrified. That wasn't tough, it was straight-up stupid. Maybe this will lead to him having to stay with Olivia and we’ll get to see Barba playing with Noah next episode, exasperated by Noah's inability to follow simple directions and lost in a sea of baby toys on the floor of the Benoah apartment? Or maybe that's just something I wouldn't mind seeing. 

Yay Carisi passed the bar! And the squad was all happy and supportive! Remember when no one liked him and everyone seemed annoyed by every little thing he did? Our boy has come a long way. 

Grandpa Fin! How cute. I'd love to see him comparing baby pictures with Benson and Rollins next season. 

I appreciate Fin foreshadowing Dodds Jr. impending death. “Terrorism Taskforce? That’s dangerous! You could totally get killed over there! Unlike here in SVU where it’s super safe and we just lockup bad guys with no problem whatsoever and then everyone goes home to their babies! Nothing will ever happen to you while you’re in SVU…or will it?!”  

I don't always think the show gets these things right but I thought they did a good job of showing the systematic abuse and exploitation of black women at the hands of people in power, and I'm looking forward to seeing how they handle the way our culture tends to protect and side with the people committing the crimes rather than the victims because the victims aren't society's ideal picture of what a victim should look like. 

  • Love 10

I finally remembered that Liv was sexually assaulted in a prison by one of the guards when she was in there as part of a sting operation. I like that we didn't get a bunch of flashbacks or weirdness from her or anything like that, but rather strong and resolute Liv ready to take down some bad guys. (Mind you, there is nothing wrong with flashbacks or weirdness, I struggle with both. But I mean Liv, the character, has been through so much... I'm just glad we get to see her strong and confident.)

Edited by fivestone
  • Love 5
12 hours ago, GarnetGirl said:

No one thinks that Barba wrote his actual home address on that piece of paper, do we? I would KILL for  scene where the thug looks at the paper and says, Lennie Briscoe style, "Wait. This address is in the Hudson River."

I don't know. Is it possible an SVU cast member would act uncharacteristically stupid responding to a threat to set up a plot? Just might be. The thing is that Barba as written is tpugher and smarter and a better strategist than what was presented. It would be more believable for Barba to pull out his phone take a picture and tell the thug that he just sent it to the DA's security team and if anything happens to him the NYPD will take up residence in his ass. Or pull off some other move that's clever and tough.

  • Love 2
4 hours ago, fivestone said:

I finally remembered that Liv was sexually assaulted in a prison by one of the guards when she was in there as part of a sting operation. I like that we didn't a bunch of flashbacks or weirdness from her or anything like that, but rather strong and resolute Liv ready to take down some bad guys. (Mind you, there is nothing wrong with flashbacks or weirdness, I struggle with both. But I mean Liv, the character, has been through so much... I'm just glad we get to see her strong and confident.)

I thought it was odd they didn't refence Olivia's undercover prison assault too. It didn't need to be a huge point of focus or anything but considering the case I expected it to at least be mentioned. Like when Olivia and Fin first catch the case, I thought maybe Fin would bring it up and ask if she was okay, or when the victim was describing how the guard took her somewhere out of view to rape her that Olivia would have a reaction, but nothing. I wonder if it's because it happened while the show was under a different showrunner and maybe Warren and his writers aren't as in tune to what happened before their arrival, because Olivia's past experience certainly lends itself to some sort of response given the circumstance of the case. Maybe it'll come up next week. 

  • Love 2

I thought that was a pretty good ep actually. The team was adorable and determined, the bad guy was creepy, the Real Life Issues were well intergrated. As far as ripping things from the headlines, I thought they were riffing off not only Holtzclaw but the stuff that's been discussed recently about how freaking dangerous it is at Riker's, inmates languishing and dying there for lack of a couple thousand dollars in bail. So when the sister told the grand jury about trying to keep her sister out of solitary, "people die in there", I thought that was a solid emotional beat.

The COs pouting on the courthouse steps, all "see if we do our jobs for you now", was also sadly realistic. If a little blatant.

I can't believe only Liv and Dodds were around to watch out for Barba at the end. Does no one care about protecting his smirk and expensive suits? 

The CTV app did not show me a promo so I have no idea  why I am supposed to be worried about lil' Dodds? He has grown on me! That face he makes when people try to ingratiate themselves by talking about his dad, lol.

  • Love 6

I mean, wouldn't you get fired from being a Corrections Officer if you threatened or assaulted an Assistant District Attorney?  Oh well....plus, all of the District Attorney offices that I know are located inside the Courthouse.  So, you just wait in your office after court and don't have to leave down the front stairs.  OR you go to your car that is parked in the underground, security protected parking garage.  All the District Attorney offices that I know of are that way.  OH......it's for dramatic purposes to do otherwise.  With all the shootings that have occurred on those steps......I wouldn't take my chances.

  • Love 3
2 hours ago, J-Man said:

Were they making some sort of attempt to redeem Brad Garrett's image by having his character be attracted to African-American women?

He wasn't 'attracted' to them. He was attracted to the idea of overpowering them and destroying their self-respect, bodily autonomy and happiness. So, in a word, no.

As Sarah says, they may have been making a point.

I was glad to see that Ken and Alejandro are still together, and are having some good luck. Hopefully we get to see Fin very briefly one episode next year being grandpa.

I thought the idea of Barba giving out his address was probably supposed to be based on his upbringing - we know he was bullied as a kid both at home and at school - so you never show weakness, offer your bullies a challenge and a sign of strength and hope they're really weaklings underneath the bravado. I don't think it's a good plan, but Barba would always rather escalate than back down. I do think he'd get a car full of armed police to sit outside. He's not stupid. To me, that just about makes sense.

Edited by Lebanna
  • Love 7
On May 19, 2016 at 9:04 PM, RafaelBarbas said:


I also called that "someone just threatened to kill me" line being in the last minute.

This is literally Barba:



23 hours ago, GarnetGirl said:

No one thinks that Barba wrote his actual home address on that piece of paper, do we? I would KILL for  scene where the thug looks at the paper and says, Lennie Briscoe style, "Wait. This address is in the Hudson River."

I'm really nervous that the promo gave too much away, but that there is going to be a real kicker that they didn't show.

Why did we not get a scene with Barba and Carisi discussing the bar results? COME ON!!!

While the Hudson River address seems likely, my first guess was the CO's home.

  • Love 3
On 5/19/2016 at 10:21 PM, CleoCaesar said:

Well, that was...straightforward. I never really like the episodes that are this linear (bad guy is being bad in the first few minutes of the episode, and continues to be bad and then even worse - zzzz! where are the twists?).

This is why I never liked L&O: CI.

I can't believe they used the "It's his last day on the job" trope for Dodds Jr so blatantly. Do procedural writers even try anymore, or is there some cop show plot line generator they all use?

Are corrections officers actually called "NY's Boldest"? Ew. I don't think I've ever heard a positive story about a corrections officer.

The Barba confrontation at the end was clunky, but not that out of character. It's more accurate for a guy who grew up in the barrio than him shrinking and hiding behind Benson because the mean man threatened him. I mean, what's the guy going to do? Show up at Barba's high-rise and try to get past the doorman? He can't exactly pounce on the ADA the same way they did on the poor black woman with the criminal record.

It's funny- I just watched Lowdown the other day, when Casey warned a wife of a cheating (closeted) husband to get tested for HIV and Benson has her own "OMG I slept with a gay!" crisis which is like, vaguely offensive in retrospect, and it reminded me of her moment with the wife.

I thought it was a little cruel that they had the wife in the grand jury to confront her with all the evidence of her husband raping women for years. I know it's a set-up for next week's episode, but man.

Grandpa Fin! Adorable! It's slightly weird that Ken didn't tell him they were even trying until the surrogate was 3 months pregnant, especially since they just had dinner a few weeks ago.

  • Love 2

 It's slightly weird that Ken didn't tell him they were even trying until the surrogate was 3 months pregnant, especially since they just had dinner a few weeks ago.


Lots of couples don't tell anyone until the first trimester's over, since statistically that's the highest risk time for miscarriage or other problems. It's probably also because Finn and Ken still have a somewhat wary relationship.

  • Love 4
1 hour ago, LittleIggy said:

I loved L&O:CI. Vincent Donofrio's Goram is one of my fave TV characters ever. Period.

Yeah, I don't need twists as long as the story engages me. And I liked L&O: CI and Bobby Goren (and Alex Eames - can't forget her!), too, @LittleIggy. We can be a table of two.  :-)

As for this show, Fin just continues to be awesome. Dare I hope nothing happens to his grandchild? 'Cause on this show, I can see the surrogate ending up raped, shot, or worse because it's just the SVU way.

And I know the previews are all pointing at

Dodds Jr. biting it, but with the above talk of "twists"...would Barba end up dead instead?!

I do wonder here...

  • Love 1
1 hour ago, Snookums said:


Lots of couples don't tell anyone until the first trimester's over, since statistically that's the highest risk time for miscarriage or other problems. It's probably also because Finn and Ken still have a somewhat wary relationship.

I meant more that Ken didn't tell Fin that he and Alejandro were going to start a family, versus not telling him until the surrogate was 3 months pregnant. That's a pretty big decision, and Fin and Ken seem close enough for him to have tried to set him up a few weeks ago. Having a baby using a surrogate takes months of planning before they even get to the implantation.

It was awkward that the show introduced it as Fin not knowing Ken and Alejandro were planning to have children at all until the surrogate was 3 months pregnant. They could have framed it as "Hey, remember how we told you about the surrogate? Well it worked! You're going to be a grandpa!" The show has never had an issue before with ignoring the detectives' personal lives and presenting it in medias res before- Rollins's pregnancy and the mystery baby daddy, Cathy leaving Elliot, Cragen's escort habit, Tuckson- basically all of Olivia's relationships really.

4 hours ago, WendyCR72 said:

And I know the previews are all pointing at

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Dodds Jr. biting it, but with the above talk of "twists"...would Barba end up dead instead?!

I do wonder here...

I hope not, but yeah, I got that feeling too, even without seeing previews. Hopefully it's just a misdirect on purpose.

Edited by shapeshifter

Finally caught the episode!

Brad Garrett was scary. Such a disturbing portrayal. Yikes. And the fact he towered over everybody, even Dodds and Carisi who are tall guys, and the way he dwarfed his poor victims, man. Great casting. Especially since this is a two-parter and it neeed a strong villain, Garrett was the perfect choice.

As for the victims being women of color, I definitely think the show was making a point. The way Brad Garrett spoke about them, the way everyone spoke about them, doubting their credibility, that's unfortunately very real. That whole "who's gonna believe you?" (implied: "when going against the word of a white man") Add the fact they had trouble with the law and they were being systematically abused by COs, and you've got probably one of the most realistic SVU episodes ever. 

The Barba thing was especially hilarious because it happened in full view of everyone, and yet Benson seemed surprised Barba had just been threatened. Like she wasn't right there when it happened. And the address thing, I don't know. I guess it was his real address, and Barba knew they probably had it anyway? So he wanted to show some spunk? Like it matters? It was weird, at any rate.

Dodds is leaving and the reaction is a "whatever" from Benson and a sarcastic "mmm" from Fin? How fitting.

I did think Ice T was adorable in that scene with Fin's son (and I'm so glad for that little storyline, by the way) and he was also adorable in the "Carisi passes the bar" scene, I don't know that I've seen him so energetic in years. That better be a preamble for a more Fin-heavy season 18 in which Fin is the new Sergeant.

Lastly, Carisi passed the bar! I was so happy for him. Thinking this is that same guy who showed up with the mustache and bad suit and the zeppole, the same guy who kept saying he was in night school and kept getting dirty looks, it's just so great to see how far he's come. With his sweet 'do and his tailored pants and his awesome vests and his accurate legal remarks and with all the squad love. Now that's character development.

Oh and Rollins really wants to get in his pants, right? It's almost adorable in how obvious it is.

  • Love 5
7 hours ago, WendyCR72 said:

Yeah, I don't need twists as long as the story engages me. And I liked L&O: CI and Bobby Goren (and Alex Eames - can't forget her!), too, @LittleIggy. We can be a table of two.  :-)

Table of three, please. I loved CI (and let's face it, I would watch VDO read a phone book for an hour a week.)

2 hours ago, Princess Lucky said:

As for the victims being women of color, I definitely think the show was making a point. The way Brad Garrett spoke about them, the way everyone spoke about them, doubting their credibility, that's unfortunately very real. That whole "who's gonna believe you?" (implied: "when going against the word of a white man") Add the fact they had trouble with the law and they were being systematically abused by COs, and you've got probably one of the most realistic SVU episodes ever. 

The fact that they were all women of color was hamfisted in the usual L&O way, but it got the point across, even though really, any women in that position would have done the job, as they've illustrated over a million seasons of show. A woman of any color with a revolving door kind of life would have been intimidated and low on credibility. He clearly had a type, though. Making them all women of color was certainly illustrative on that point.

2 hours ago, Princess Lucky said:

Oh and Rollins really wants to get in his pants, right? It's almost adorable in how obvious it is.

I ship it, kinda. If we get "happy to be happy with a decent guy" Rollins, I'm all in. If we get "that sucker Carisi will do whatever, because Carisi and also sucker" Rollins, I'm going hard no. Carisi irritated the crap out of me when he showed up, but he's grown on me, and I'd like to see him be with someone who will be sweet to him.

  • Love 1
2 hours ago, Risky Librarian said:

Table of three, please. I loved CI (and let's face it, I would watch VDO read a phone book for an hour a week.)

The fact that they were all women of color was hamfisted in the usual L&O way, but it got the point across, even though really, any women in that position would have done the job, as they've illustrated over a million seasons of show. A woman of any color with a revolving door kind of life would have been intimidated and low on credibility. He clearly had a type, though. Making them all women of color was certainly illustrative on that point.

I ship it, kinda. If we get "happy to be happy with a decent guy" Rollins, I'm all in. If we get "that sucker Carisi will do whatever, because Carisi and also sucker" Rollins, I'm going hard no. Carisi irritated the crap out of me when he showed up, but he's grown on me, and I'd like to see him be with someone who will be sweet to him.

Yeah, but I've seen too much of Rollins having auto-destruct on pilot to be a shipper.
IDK. Maybe the current writers haven't seen those episodes.

Edited by shapeshifter
2 hours ago, shapeshifter said:

Yeah, but I've seen too much of Rollins having auto-destruct on pilot to be a shipper.

I totally get that. That's why I'm only partially shipping it. When old girl blows up, she goes all in and leaves no survivors. But maybe her desire to be the mom she didn't have to her wee one has put her in a place where she's more open to something (and someone) that is genuinely nice. That's what I'm hoping for.

2 hours ago, shapeshifter said:

IDK. Maybe the current writers haven't seen those episodes.

I'm okay with that too. ("Maybe we'll just catch up a bit on her histo - " "Noooooooooo!")

  • Love 2
2 hours ago, shapeshifter said:

Yeah, but I've seen too much of Rollins having auto-destruct on pilot to be a shipper.
IDK. Maybe the current writers haven't seen those episodes.


13 minutes ago, Risky Librarian said:

I totally get that. That's why I'm only partially shipping it. When old girl blows up, she goes all in and leaves no survivors. But maybe her desire to be the mom she didn't have to her wee one has put her in a place where she's more open to something (and someone) that is genuinely nice. That's what I'm hoping for.

I'm okay with that too. ("Maybe we'll just catch up a bit on her histo - " "Noooooooooo!")

Reading this made me wonder if Carisi knows about her past. In the Rollins episode this season he seemed surprised when her mom ditched her, and thankfully the writers kept him away from Kim (Carisi does not deserve that mess near him) so what does he know? Does he know about her shooting Kim's boyfriend or whatever that was? Does he know about her gambling? The Murphy episodes, they were in season 15, right? Pre-Carisi? Was that the last time her addiction was mentioned explicitly? Rollins fans, help?

That said, I'm not looking for continuity here, I'm just curious. If we can forget all that ever happened and have Amanda a changed woman and never hear from Kim again, I'll be the happiest person alive.

Edited by Princess Lucky
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On ‎5‎/‎20‎/‎2016 at 0:42 AM, WendyCR72 said:

And I liked L&O: CI and Bobby Goren (and Alex Eames - can't forget her!), too, @LittleIggy. We can be a table of two.  :-)

Oh, I think you'd have to book a stadium for that picnic.  I was all excited about an episode this morning because I couldn't recall exactly every little detail about how Tiananmen Square fit in with the old lady's bronze antiquities collection.

I thought it was better not to reference Benson's prison assault.  It didn't really serve a purpose because Liv would be fully on board either way.  I'd forgotten it myself, until reminded, because I don't scour the SVU re-runs as much as the other two.  (I got tired of Stabler, Staber's rage issues, Stabler's separation, Stabler's wayward daughter, etc.)

  • Love 3
On 5/20/2016 at 3:07 AM, skittl3862 said:

I meant more that Ken didn't tell Fin that he and Alejandro were going to start a family, versus not telling him until the surrogate was 3 months pregnant. That's a pretty big decision, and Fin and Ken seem close enough for him to have tried to set him up a few weeks ago. Having a baby using a surrogate takes months of planning before they even get to the implantation.

It was awkward that the show introduced it as Fin not knowing Ken and Alejandro were planning to have children at all until the surrogate was 3 months pregnant. They could have framed it as "Hey, remember how we told you about the surrogate? Well it worked! You're going to be a grandpa!" The show has never had an issue before with ignoring the detectives' personal lives and presenting it in medias res before- Rollins's pregnancy and the mystery baby daddy, Cathy leaving Elliot, Cragen's escort habit, Tuckson- basically all of Olivia's relationships really.


I saw it as a variation of not wanting to share the news until out of the first trimester. Most of my friends waited until the 12th week to announce publicly. I don't know how long it's been since the dinner where they tried to set Fun up with a woman but I assume it was in the last three months.

  • Love 2

I wonder if Rollins is just using Carisi as a smoke screen so the bad guys after Donal Logue's character (the baby's bio dad) won't go after her and the baby (i.e., find out who the real father is and/or that he cares). However, Rollins might be falling for Carisi by now. Or they could have him eventually find out she's using him as a smoke screen. Or they could reveal that Carisi knows he's just a smoke screen. Maybe it was even his idea.

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