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Season 1-3 Discussion

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On 1/4/2017 at 10:20 PM, mtlchick said:



That's either the greatest or worst response ever from Ellie Kemper.  And yet so Kimmy Schmidt. 

Really, it's amazing how badly she stinks at this game.

And yet they keep asking her back.

And yet she is sitting in the traditional "ditz" seat.  So maybe it all makes sense.

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I also loved that they went to bat for banana hammock and panties, although I agreed with Wayne that it was a poor question semantically.  The responses were more towards transgender/transvestite/cross-dressing than "bi" but the question definitely led them in that direction.  I can't even think of a stereotype for "bi."

Yes, in this day and age of political awareness I was disappointed the panel was confusing bi-curious with cross dressing. A bi-curious man might be wearing assless chaps, for example. He's not necessarily interested in dressing up as a woman so much as attracting men, possibly at a local gay club. "Leather" might have been another generic but appropriate response.


I think that Caroline Rhea looks like the love child of Rosie O'Donnell and Louie Anderson.

Heh. I have to admit I kind of cringed when I saw her - she hasn't aged very well.

Edited by iMonrey

I just discovered this re-boot last night (I loved the original Match Game and was old enough to have watched it during its glorious 1970's run) and while I knew of maybe three of the "celebrities" and thought Alec Baldwin was just a bit too smarmy, though perhaps that was the point, I loved the show and how irreverent it was.  Oh to have seen Gene Rayburn's face with everyone answering 'vagina.'

And damn, the theme song still sounds good to me.

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It's happened at least once before (in the reboot). Neither time did they win the $5000 on the head to head match. To be fair the answers for "middle _" were all over the place. 

Chris D'Elia is one of those comics who can be either really funny or really annoying (or both) but I thought he was a good fit for this show. I just wish he'd do something about his horrible, greasy hair. Yuck. (He can't really help the "crazy eyes" thing he's got goin' on.)

I can't believe Titus Burgess matched - twice - a really bad answer. 

As much as they bleep on this show I'm still surprised at how much they can get away with. Alec suggesting what the contestant might put in her mouth vis-a-vis Rick Fox was risque to say the least. And what is even the point of blurring out Chris D'Elia's fingers when he's flipping the bird? It's not as if we don't know what he's doing.

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I can’t believe the contestant said Eat me and not Milk me in reference to the cow question. That was so obvious! I’m with Alec Baldwin with the trap door. Definitely needed it for her and the guy in the second show.

The celebrities dropped the ball for the final round but the contestant blew it not saying Game Show! That was as obvious as the Cow answer.

19 minutes ago, iMonrey said:

As much as they bleep on this show I'm still surprised at how much they can get away with. Alec suggesting what the contestant might put in her mouth vis-a-vis Rick Fox was risque to say the least. And what is even the point of blurring out Chris D'Elia's fingers when he's flipping the bird? It's not as if we don't know what he's doing.

Maybe ten or fifteen years ago I would be surprised but not now. There's a lot TV shows get away with now in the 10pm slot on network and cable. Since the show is geared towards adults even though I bet some kids are watching, the network probably gave it a pass.

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I have to admit that I said "Game Face." It was the first thing that popped into my mind. I guess sometimes that's not the best thing to go with.

I've said this before, but I really don't like the celebrities looking at each other's cards or giving or asking for help. I know this was done on the original show, and I disliked it then, too. We saw with this last ep what can happen: a celeb wrote down an answer that another celeb said to change, but the first, discarded answer actually matched the contestant.

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I thought Monster Truck but then thought of Monster Mash at the last minute. Also, I'd be worried about whether to say Truck or Trucks - because you have to have an exact match as we learned from the Plastic Surgeon/Surgery fiasco.

Love Judy Greer. I'm not a vegetarian so I was struggling to think of what the equivalent was for vegetarian bacon - is there really a product called "Facon?" But, what's it made out of? All I could think of was Tofu, I didn't realize that answer was considered "dated." Aren't veggie burgers made from Tofu? Or is Tofu actually a brand name? 

Delightful panel all around. Never heard of Skylar Astin before but he was good. Andy Richter was great too. "Eyes? That's not romantic that's creepy." 

Alec Baldwin is so good at this. I love how he can take one of the contestant's dumb answers like "spank" and run with it for the rest of the show. He really knows how to get mileage out of a joke. 

14 hours ago, Racj82 said:

Neil cannot be on this show again. His brain is working too much for a shoe with simple answers.

Doh! At first I thought you were calling Neil a shoe, like it was an old expression: "A shoe with simple answers." 



Skylar was the man in this episode. He also gets to date Anna Kendrick in the pitch perfect movies so double props to him.

And he's married to Anna Camp (from the Pitch Perfect movies).


13 hours ago, Lord Donia said:

I also assumed it was way too old a reference, but I couldn't think of anything other than mash to go with monster.

What else is there? Well, now that I typed that, monster truck comes to mind.

The first thing that came to mind was monster mash, but I second-guessed myself and thought it might be too old a reference, so I went with truck. I was probably influenced by one of my choices for 'kick [blank]":  the-can. Now THAT'S old.


5 hours ago, iMonrey said:

I thought Monster Truck but then thought of Monster Mash at the last minute. Also, I'd be worried about whether to say Truck or Trucks - because you have to have an exact match as we learned from the Plastic Surgeon/Surgery fiasco.

I think truck would have matched with trucks. That's just a matter of singular vs plural and doesn't change the meaning like surgeon/surgery.

I enjoyed this one. Judy Greer gave bizarre and terrible answers most of the time, but I love her. I also love Andy Richter. Love his sense of humor.

I cracked up when Alec said after one contestant's answer, "He'd take out the pouch of tobacco and spank the dog with it."

Was Judy Greer in a Planet of the Apes movie or was that just her wedding theme?

Edited by peeayebee
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9 hours ago, iMonrey said:

is there really a product called "Facon?" But, what's it made out of? All I could think of was Tofu, I didn't realize that answer was considered "dated." Aren't veggie burgers made from Tofu? Or is Tofu actually a brand name? 

The only facon I could find was made of beef so "facon" as it was used on this show doesn't exist but vegan/fake bacon does. It looks like most are made from soy-based things and tofu is coagulated soy milk so I guess it's kind of similar. I don't know if Tofu is considered dated because I know people who still eat it but it's perhaps more old school vegetarian.  As vegetarianism and veganism grows in popularity, people have gotten more creative at making meals out of vegetables.  I think in the past, often the only vegetarian option on menus was tofu.

But as for veggie burgers, there is probably a veggie burger made from soy-based products, Tofu or not.  But the ones I have had, made or seen in restaurants are not made of soy or soybean-based products. Most contained some mix/puree of nuts, beans and vegetables with some form of binder. I've personally made a beet burger and a sweet potato burger.

Milfia?  My goodness. 

19 hours ago, Racj82 said:

Neil cannot be on this show again. His brain is working too much for a show with simple answers.

I was curious to see how he'd do. Some of his answers left me scratching my head.  But even though "dribble" was the most likely answer and the one I would ahve chosen, "lay up" was a pretty great answer.

I don't think tofu is dated at all. I'm 29 and have been a vegetarian for about 8 years. I've lived in small towns and big cities on both sides of the country. I have lots of friends who are also vegetarians in their late 20s/early 30s. We eat tofu all the time. Tofu is an option in the entrees at most Thai and Chinese restaurants, and I often cook with tofu. And tofu is not a brand name.

Some veggie burgers (and a lot of other fake meat products) are made from soy, but not specifically tofu. Others burgers are often made from black beans or other bean/nut combos.

Edited by April Bloodgate
20 hours ago, Racj82 said:

Neil cannot be on this show again. His brain is working too much for a show with simple answers. 

Yep. He's fantastic, but not for this show. Books was a truly bad answer. Educated or not, why would anyone take books to the *theater*?

For the milk & cookies one, I also said "get wet". I couldn't think of anything else.

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23 hours ago, iMonrey said:

I thought Monster Truck but then thought of Monster Mash at the last minute. Also, I'd be worried about whether to say Truck or Trucks - because you have to have an exact match as we learned from the Plastic Surgeon/Surgery fiasco.

Love Judy Greer. I'm not a vegetarian so I was struggling to think of what the equivalent was for vegetarian bacon - is there really a product called "Facon?" But, what's it made out of? All I could think of was Tofu, I didn't realize that answer was considered "dated." Aren't veggie burgers made from Tofu? Or is Tofu actually a brand name? 

Delightful panel all around. Never heard of Skylar Astin before but he was good. Andy Richter was great too. "Eyes? That's not romantic that's creepy." 

Alec Baldwin is so good at this. I love how he can take one of the contestant's dumb answers like "spank" and run with it for the rest of the show. He really knows how to get mileage out of a joke. 

I thought Monster Mash right away as it is always featured around Halloween as the go-to-song.

Facon - used in Modern Family episode Arrested .  Cam serves facon to the Dunphy kids and luke is allergic..........

Good panel except for Neil - love him but he was being a Sheldon with his answers.

Love Alec Baldwin too.

The lady who had the worst answers was funny but really, come on.  How would a dog spank you and why would you even think, let alone say that?  Abe Lincoln going to the theater and puts blank in his hat - tobacco really?  Slurpy, candy, popcorn, or even weed but not tobacco.  Was he known to be a huge smoker?

20 hours ago, April Bloodgate said:

I don't think tofu is dated at all. I'm 29 and have been a vegetarian for about 8 years. I've lived in small towns and big cities on both sides of the country. I have lots of friends who are also vegetarians in their late 20s/early 30s. We eat tofu all the time. Tofu is an option in the entrees at most Thai and Chinese restaurants, and I often cook with tofu. And tofu is not a brand name.

I didn't think he meant tofu in general was a dated answer because obviously a ton of people still eat it. I thought his point was more that first-knee-jerk-thing-a-vegetarian-eats=tofu was dated. I would've said tofu if I were on the show, and kale didn't even occur to me. I think kale is more of a will-be-extremely-dated-in-five-minutes answer for knee-jerk-thing-everyone-thinks-is-healthy for 2016. I mean, kale is very fad-ey right now but not just among vegetarians. Almost less so among vegetarians, at least the ones I know. And I am one. But Alec isn't, so I think that's where he was coming from.


I thought the obvious answer for milk and cookies was "mushy". Milk would not make a cookie crumble so I was annoyed so many of the panel had it, and wonder if they genuinely matched each other or if it was because they were helping each other and thought it was right.

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I don't disagree that if any sexual innuendo type answer comes to mind, it's probably a good bet, but I think there was more than one acceptable answer here and the panel pretty much failed the whole thing. Since the clue said milk and cookies were getting married, I think mushy works. A lot of people get all lovey dovey sentimental as their weddings approach, ie "mushy" about it. So there's double meaning there too.

It's interesting because in many of the previous episodes, even on some difficultly worded clues, it was mostly the contestant totally whiffing and the panel was OK-ish. (which makes sense because there are more people) But in the last two I thought the writing was closer to where it should be, in the sense that there weren't nearly as many "what the hell could they be going for I can't think of anything" or "what the hell were they going for I can think of six things" moments. In the last couple, the clues have been alright but went over the panel's heads too frequently. At least compared to before, and compared to my personal assessment of degree of difficulty of the clues.

Edited by theatremouse
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I said 'crumble.' There's the expression "That's the way the cookie crumbles," and saying that cookie crumbles when he's with milk is a sweet way of saying he goes weak in the knees with milk. I also like the more wholesome 'crumble' as opposed to 'wet.' I certainly understand the wet answer and think it's good, but I like crumble better. Of course that doesn't matter is you're trying to match someone.

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20 hours ago, peeayebee said:

I said 'crumble.' There's the expression "That's the way the cookie crumbles," and saying that cookie crumbles when he's with milk is a sweet way of saying he goes weak in the knees with milk.

That's where I was. At first, I couldn't come up with anything and then "crumbles" came immediately because of the expression and I felt that was perfect because, like you said, it's a romantic way of thinking about it.

On 1/19/2017 at 10:41 PM, April Bloodgate said:


For the milk & cookies one, I also said "get wet". I couldn't think of anything else.

I immediately thought "get wet" but didn't say it out loud because my teen son was watching with me. I instead said "crumble" and feigned shock when the contestant said "get wet."

Sadly, i think my son did the same thing I did.

On 1/21/2017 at 1:47 PM, aquarian1 said:

I thought Moster's Ball, but immediately also thought that wouldn't be it.  I kept thinking "There's something better, I know it...".  And just before they answered I came up with Truck.  I would have lost.

This was me exactly . 

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