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S04.E18: The Trouble with the Truth

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Rayna and Deacon fight to regain the trust of a determined Maddie as she seeks independence, but their efforts are undermined by someone they thought was an ally. Scarlett and Gunnar disagree on the history of their musical partnership during a press interview. Luke tries to do the right thing for an artist he admires, but it ends up backfiring.

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Alright, this one is where I jump off the train. It'll only be pain and absolutely horrible storylines from here on to the finale. I might watch the finale, not sure. It depends on whether the show is cancelled or not.

Edited by Telepath
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"MY SONG IS ON THE RADIO! ... ooh, ow!"

Will is just so gosh-darned cute.

"I just hope you didn't sleep with Layla to keep yourself from being with Juliette."

Wow, that is some Nanny Ninjutsu that Emily's working!

And Juliette's got it right: Layla is doing the full-on Eve Harrington. But even she ain't as dead on the inside as Maddie seems to be. If her only ethical standard is "How bad do you want your freedom?" then her parents should back away. So much for telling the whole truth!

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This hour really solidified itself into hate-watching. I should have watched The Challenge instead. Luke's "it's probably going to get worse before it gets better" to Will was maybe trying to warn me about tonight's episode. But is it going to get better? I don't think it is.

Wow, this show is incredibly depressing at this point. Is there ANYONE worth rooting for? Any storyline to hope for?

I honestly could not care less about the damn Scarlett and Gunner tales. Either get together or don't, but any scene with these two was exhausting because why the hell are we rehasing BS from years ago? My god, I fell asleep when it was ACTUALLY happening, why are they making me fall asleep again.  

And poor Will. This show won't allow him to have any nice things, ever. And yup, technical difficulties make it seem like Luke Wheeler doesn't like the gays, when he actually has no problem with them at all. This show loves these types of tropes. 

Avery, Juliette and Layla is dumb and stupid and I am so mad the show went there. It's.. not even good. I think this show wants me to hate everyone it. Except for Emily. She needs her own show. Work on that, ABC. I love Hayden but even she can't save this mess of a show. I did however like the scene with Layla and Juliette and also that Layla didn't come back with some stupid snarky comment and that it was honest and real. Are they setting up a Juliette/Luke pairing?

Now to the real story Maddie VS Her parents: I can't believe this crap. This is  coming from someone who hasn't liked the Deacon character since the season 1 finale, but these four or five episodes I am on his team. Maddie is an insufferable child brat who has no idea what she has done. I can't believe they brought up Deacon's past where he was an alcoholic, yes he was a bad guy when he drank, I think everyone knows that but I also think half of the things Maddie's lawyer was telling Deacon was things he probably had no recollection of, and Cash's father was the one who was aware and was telling them to Cash and thereby the lawyer. Worst sponsor and business partner. Ever. I really can't. The show can't think anyone is rooting for Maddie here, right?  Also, why the hell if Cash is such an aspiring singer why isn't she singing as a superstar now? She must not be as good as she and her father think they are. Also, I can't even with the fight with Frankie and Deacon, it's such a thing that OF COURSE everyone comes out from the bar in time to see Deacon strangling Frankie. Of course. 

And Maddie, who only ever wanted for like THREE seasons for Rayna and Deacon to be married and together has caused quite a friction for her parents. So, slow clap for you, Maddie. And good for you, Maddie. I can't believe this crap. And this stupid storyline. I hate everyone. Maddie is awful.  

This episode felt so long. At one point, I looked at my cell phone and it was only halfway through.  I miss the simpler times of this show when all we worried was if Juliette was going to tour and was going to divorce the football player. I miss that show.

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What a horrible episode!  They broke up Scarlett and Gunnar again and are on their way to messing up Rayna and Deacon.


I hope they cut off Maddie's phone and make sure that she takes absolutely nothing that Rayna bought for her.  

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Ugh this show! Why am I even watching this depressing crap?

Maddie should just be cut loose and left to sink on her own. Sometimes you try your best and your kids grow up to be hell spawn anyway. Honestly, the phrase 'this is not how you were raised' needs to pass Rayna's lips or else I'll throw something at the TV. Cut her loose and don't look back. Good riddance.

Avery deserves the mess he's making with psycho Layla. Good luck with that terrible judgement. I predict you'll find her less charming when she starts boiling bunnies in the kitchen.

Speaking of terrible judgement - Deacon, you're a complete idiot.

I still have no absolutely idea what Frankie's underlying issue is. Just jealousy? That's stupid.

And poor Will doesn't deserve any of this homophobic horseshit.

When do the new writers start? Can it be now, please?

Edited by Stella MD
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Probably the worst show of the series. So disgusted by the writing. I know it's a soap, I know they want the drama, but enough.  I've watched every episode, have the cds, even buy the side project work, but this left me feeling physically ill. I don't want that for "entertainment".

Hayden killed as usual, Will with shampoo was adorable. But it wasn't enough.

Let Maddie and Cash and Frankie burn in a fire. There's no way to redeem any of those crappy actors or this wretched storyline anymore.

Edited by dbell1
Typing on a Kindle sucks.
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At this point I am only watching this show to see Maddie get her comeuppance.

I want Maddie to suffer big time. She deserves something for what she put the parents through who she begged to be together. She should never be accepted back in that family, ever.

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6 minutes ago, gameoff said:

Fuck Frankie.  Why can't Deacon ever have nice things?

Same I know Deacon ain't prefect but all these writers do is beat him down among other people as well. 

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Maddie fought so hard to have Deacon be her real dad and marry Rayna and now she doesn't care about him at all? How is she even paying the attorney fees? I can't believe any record company has already given her money. Let's see how far she gets when she can't say anymore she is Rayna and Deacon's daughter. She has some talent but no more than a thousand other young hopefuls.

I hate the storyline with Will. I understand that homophobia exists in country music, but things are changing in the right direction and the show should reflect that. No one in 2016 would host a talk show and say things like we can't listen to a song without thinking about gay men having sex. Something like that would be all over social media and the woman's show would be over. I get it that the show is trying to show support, but sometimes it feels like its doing the opposite. How about just having Will be another singer/songwriter trying to make it and his sex life doesn't matter to people?


Some of the questions the reporter was asking Gunnar and Scarlet just didn't seem right. I would imagine she would spend more time on asking about the current tour, working with Autumn and what they are doing now. A little background yes, but every detail no. 

I'm tired of Deacon always getting the short end of the stick.  I wanted to add that I like Emily, but why doesn't she have any kind of life? She seems to be with Juliette or the baby 24 hours a day. Does she not have friends, family, dates, hobbies, anything?

Edited by Madding crowd
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I don't think that's a hope so much as a well-founded assumption, at this point.

Aaaaand Deacon ends up getting his stupid ass thrown in jail.

Edited by Sandman
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5 minutes ago, Sandman said:

Aaaaand Deacon ends up getting his stupid ass thrown in jail.

He does take the stupid road, doesn't he?  I was hoping he had gone to the Beverly to tell Frankie to wipe that self-righteous look off his face because Deacon was going to pull out of the bar and Frankie could just go back to seeing how well he could do on his own.  

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5 minutes ago, jay741982 said:

Same I know Deacon ain't prefect but all these writers do is beat him down among other people as well. 

This show has writers?

Seriously, it feels like they took all the most ludicrous, rejected plot ideas and fed them to us.

Did we really have to hear ALL ABOUT Scarlett & Gunnar's angsty romance through the years? We're the ones who had to suffer through every single aspect of it.

Maybe Deacon will be Teddy's cellmate in prison.

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In Rayna's place, I'd probably want to just scream "You know what? Fuck all y'all jailbirds and emancipatin' know-it-all cotton-pickin' sorry-ass people! Daphne and I are moving to Hawai'i!"

Edited by Sandman
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7 minutes ago, Madding crowd said:

I hate the storyline with Will. I understand that homophobia exists in country music, but things are changing in the right direction and the show should reflect that. No one in 2016 would host a talk show and say things like we can't listen to a song without thinking about gay men having sex. Something like that would be all over social media and the woman's show would be over. I get it that the show is trying to show support, but sometimes it feels like its doing the opposite. How about just having Will be another singer/songwriter trying to make it and his sex life doesn't matter to people?

Look up my NC state governor's, Pat McCrory's, latest antics. He's legitimately making it a law that trans* folk have to use the restroom of their biological (birth certificate) gender. Rich white people fear is real!

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8 minutes ago, thegriswolds said:

He does take the stupid road, doesn't he?  I was hoping he had gone to the Beverly to tell Frankie to wipe that self-righteous look off his face because Deacon was going to pull out of the bar and Frankie could just go back to seeing how well he could do on his own.  

He really is a moron. He saw what these people did in court just that day, why would he, even if he's intent wasn't to get in a fight, but himself in that situation.what did he think was going to happen? Did he think he would talk to Frankie and he would say "your right Deacon. I tell Cash to send Maddie home" The jerk just made sure that everything you said in confidence got out in court.

 This show us so frustrating and now they play so little music.

Edited by shoregirl
Had more thoughts on Deacon
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Crayla's still going end up boiling Cadence's bunny, though.

And if I thought that this breakup meant that the Exes are going to stay exes, I'd say this episode actually meant something for Gunnar and Scarlett, but it's just another plot point. This too shall pass. (Not really impressed with Ms. Rolling Stone J. Hatchetjob and her ethics, either.)

ETA: The Trouble with the episode is that it feels like things are moving backward, for the sake of ... what? Ramping up the angst until the finale? Will, Luke, and Deacon are all in the same places they've been in earlier arcs in the show, not to mention this Ground Hog Day: The Musical! that Scarlett and Gunnar appear to be trapped in. Crayla is still as locked into her own needs as ever, and Avery and Juliette haven't really moved on in any significant way. Deacon has actually shown some growth since the second season, and for the show to pretend otherwise is disingenuous, and boring. 

Edited by Sandman
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As a previous poster said, this may have been the episode to stop me from watching.  Yeesh, this is only episode 18?  I don't think I can tolerate the idiocy I've been seeing.  I just binge watched 4 seasons of The Good Wife and I couldn't help thinking in the court room scenes that both of those lawyers were the worst.  Maddie can take her winey a$$ off with the creeptastic Cash and her worthless father and loose all of her royalties to the record company.  Maybe she'll end up like Avery back in the first season when he was a jealous creep that sold out his girlfriend and bandmates to sign with a record label that wouldn't let him play what he wanted.  

There doesn't seem to be many redeeming qualities to any of the characters except Will right now.  And Daphne.  I actually was excited to see Teddy last weekend hoping that he'd talk some sense into spoiled little Maddie. (of course I love Eric Close in pretty much everything he does)

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Last week, I totally fell for the Scarlett/Gunnar storyline. This week, it could not have been more stupid. Nothing about the interview made sense, nor their ridiculous fight. (And, seriously -- five minutes of the type of last week's character writing could have gotten accomplished the same "let's stay exes" conclusion. But no, now we just get the same old rinse-repeat angst we've gotten with these two since season one.)

Seriously, Deacon. Walk away. As nonsensical and ridiculous as the emancipation storyline is, Deacon's reactions to the litany of "times you've been violent" in court was ten times worse. I wish someone would tell Deacon that you don't literally fight for your daughter. It's a figure of speech.

I thought the judge was going to throw a Deacon or Maddie curveball at Rayna. Or Rayna would have made the offer herself in desperation to maintain custody. And who knew an emancipation judge could void recording contracts?!   

I did like the scene between Juliette and Layla. Nice seeing growth on both their parts (though I don't expect it to go anywhere).

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1 minute ago, CreamedPeas said:

Do we see a possible pairing of Juliette and Luke on the horizon? Or is that just me wanting to see them as a couple? 

I'm down with that.  Avery can keep young, simple Crayla.  Although I don't think they're hinting at going there.  It looks like they're just friends and are bringing back someone else next week for Juliette. 

I can't even watch the Deacon/Maddie/Rayna story.  I can't believe I used to like Maddie.  Other than Luke/Juliette's friendship moments, Will's shampoo moment was the only other thing I liked in the episode. Unfortunately, this show has a hard time of letting things go and we have homophobia crap again. I get that it might be realistic, things aren't ever fixed overnight but the writing on this show is such a drag.  It's not compelling.

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That's right. Derek Hough is back. I like him. 

Frankie looked like he was being a perv with the young singer he introduced and the group of girls he was standing with. Is he drinking again? I thought when Deacon was watching him when he first came in, that he would see Frankie drinking. 

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I don't think he was drinking; I just think the show changed its mind about him, and now that it needs him to be a skeezy, selfish douchebag, his makeover is completed by having him preen around the Beverly like he's the cock of the walk.

Edited by Sandman
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47 minutes ago, Stella MD said:

Ugh this show! Why am I even watching this depressing crap?

When do the new writers start? Can it be now, please?


I think the really depressing thing is that I'm getting to the point where I think cancellation wouldn't be a terrible thing.  The thirtysomething writers would be great because hey, they wrote thirtysomething, but we don't have them yet, and we're still in this dreadful nosedive.  It's been said over and over again how horrid Maddie's storyline is.  Even as someone who doesn't like Deacon all that much, it's absurd to have all that stuff come out in court, have him get arrested, and have Maddie be victorious because she's afraid of him.  Avery's being stupid, and Juliette and Will aren't happy.  Sigh.  For me, Nashville's always been a "nothing" show, and I mean that in a positive way.  I didn't need (or want) it to be The Good Wife or The West Wing.  I just needed it to be watchable, but that's a tall order these days.  There's only so much retconning that a writing staff can do, and while we wait Cash, Maddie, and Frankie are STILL here.  Ugh!

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I can only hope this gets cancelled. It really is getting hard to watch. Just when I think a character can be happy and get a happy storyline, the rug is pulled out from under. And that's one of my main problems, is that it literally happens to every character in every episode. Not one character is allowed to be happy for more than 5 seconds. It's like the writers think having people in pain is what makes a good show. It's not. The only episode that ended happily was the wedding episode and most of the characters in half that episode were running around like chickens with their heads cut off before the wedding and having random reactions at random intervals throughout the thing.

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1 hour ago, Nidratime said:

I want Maddie to suffer big time. She deserves something for what she put the parents through who she begged to be together. She should never be accepted back in that family, ever.

I want Maddie to suffer off-screen. Why should we have to suffer as well?

Dear Nashville writers, I really don't give a crap about Maddie and her teenage drama! 

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1 hour ago, dbell1 said:

Probably the worst show of the series. So disgusted by the writing. I know it's a soap, I know they want the drama, but enough.  I've watched every episode, have the cds, even buy the side project work, but this left me feeling physically ill. I don't want that for "entertainment".

Hayden killed as usual, Will with shampoo was adorable. But it wasn't enough.

Let Maddie and Cash and Frankie burn in a fire. There's no way to redeem any of those crappy actors or this wretched storyline anymore.

Yes, when the episode finished, all I could think was, please dear god let Maddie, Cash and Frankie all die in a fiery crash.  That is the only thing that could get this show back in my good graces.   I would cheer if that happens.  Especially if Rayna and Deacon end up being like, eh, she was a horrible excuse for a daughter wasn't she, and then move on without us having to watch multi-episode grieving arc or making her Saint Maddie like they did with Beverly. 

1 hour ago, DeLurker said:

Emily -

Please grab Cadence and Will and all 3 of you go to a different show. 


Don't forget Glenn - love him!

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1 hour ago, CreamedPeas said:

Do we see a possible pairing of Juliette and Luke on the horizon? Or is that just me wanting to see them as a couple? 


PS. I love Juliette, but she really can't dance. 

I'm weirdly into this. They've ruined Avery for me anyway, we may as well go Juliette/Luke.


I love when the show decides to completely rewrite history.  Jeff isn't getting the St Beverly treatment but he was controlling and emotionally abusive for most of his relationship with Layla, why does no one else remember that? If this is the love of her life then God help the poor girl. 

Edited by rachel1496
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I don't know, It may just be me as of late but it seems like every show I like, the powers that be want to run them into the ground so much to make me hate them. Minus a few but this has been my experience with all of my tv shows, as of late. I really hate everything about this show now, and that is the fault of the writers. Like I said, they seem to think pain is dramatic and will keep the show moving forward but let's look at the Scarlett/Avery plot and dissect it. They were on the cusp of moving forward and getting back together and then we spent their whole time in this episode rehashing all of their relationship..for..to keep them apart for the episodes till the end of the season? Why can't they just get back together? Are the writers really that out of idea's of what they could do with them that they have to play possum with the couple still?

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Christ, I feel so much dumber after watching this show. Why do they have to rely on such cliched gimmicky contrivances? 

I did like the scene of Juliette overhearing Layla and Avery having a real conversation.

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I'm so happy I came here before watching this week's episode. lol I suppose I just need to fast forward to Juliette/Crayla's conversation and then delete?

Cancellation at this point would be a relief.

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Aaaaarrrgh!  Do we have to keep rehashing the same storylines? Gunnar and Scarlett are back on the outs.  What is this the 1,000th time?  Juliet/Avery/Layla triangle.  Angry Deacon smash.  Gay bashing Will.  Aaaaarrrrrgh.

Cash and Frankie need to be gone.  That whole storyline is just plain stupid.  Frankie resents Deacon and Rayna yet he's been Deacon's sponsor for how damn long?  Maddie is spilling the tea in court about things she should not know about and no one asks why she knows these things?  Aaaaaarrgh!

Give me an hour of Will in the shower.  You owe  me, show; you owe us all.   

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Luke gets cuts off so everyone doesn't hear the rest of the sentence. They already did this plot with Juliette not too long ago, did the writers think no one would notice?

I can't wait to hear what little plot they're going to come up with to possibly explain Frankie & Cash's behavior, they probably haven't thought it up yet, but hopefully they'll let us know when they do.

Deacon is so stupid, I'm finding it hard to care about him. 

Will is gay, please just get over it & move on.

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3 hours ago, Madding crowd said:

No one in 2016 would host a talk show and say things like we can't listen to a song without thinking about gay men having sex.

The Dixie Chicks have been ostracized for a decade for criticizing Bush. North Carolina is banning trans people from bathrooms and cheered on by a particular news channel. Ever heard Elizabeth Hasselbeck when she was on The View or Fox & Friends. As far as some conservatives are concerned it's the dark ages.

Hayden deserves better than this show.

Maddie makes me happy I decided not to have kids.

Edited by MaryTylerMoore
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My big hope is that Maddie gets royally screwed over by Sony, Cash and the real world in general. The writers have to be making her this obnoxious so they can do a redemption arc in the future. It's Avery's sl all over again. 

The reporter was getting a little too personal but I'm glad the Exes have decided to stay the Exes, the relationship recap was enough to remind me why I don't want them back together despite their chemistry and singing cuteness. I know it's going to come back around but for now I'm just going to enjoy the near miss. They got back together and broke up within an episode, the writers' could have easily dragged this one out for longer. 

Layla's tactic is smart, low key, non demanding, understanding friend/girlfriend is precisely what Avery would want after the mess with Juliet. Although her overall motivation is still unclear.

Deacon is an idiot. 

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