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King Of The Hill - General Discussion

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There are many favs for me on this show, but Peggy at the Boggle tournament, Peggy in the beauty pageant, and any eppy in Mexico are some that leap to mind. There were a couple of them set in Mexico. Hank et all got stuck there without their passports. Peggy accidently brought back a Mexican child from a school field trip. So many funny ones.

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I put this in the "small talk" thread, but it's probably more appropriate here.  I have a 3-way tie for my all-time favorites: Bobby Goes Nuts ("That's my purse!"), The Wedding of Bobby Hill (where Luanne and Bobby get "married"), and Peggy's Headache (where she finds out Nancy is cheating on Dale).  All of those just slay me, and I can quote them endlessly.

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I love the episode when Hank, Peggy and Bobby are all trying to quit smoking, the one when Hank gets diagnosed with Deminished Glutes Syndrome and the one where the Mega-Lo Mart blew up (especially when Boomhauer calls 911 to get help lmao)


Speaking of Boomhauer, one of my favorite show moments is one where we meet his mom (or his grandma?)...I don't remember what the episode was about, but she talks just like him and it never fails to crack me up.

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Speaking of Boomhauer, one of my favorite show moments is one where we meet his mom (or his grandma?)...I don't remember what the episode was about, but she talks just like him and it never fails to crack me up.



I always love the volunteer firefighters episode, where we see the story from Boomhauer's perspective, and everyone else talks like him, but he speaks completely intelligibly.  Hilarious.

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I so loved the episode where Bobby falls in with the young Christian group and winds up as a hype man for the youth ministry leader.  When Hank goes to snatch Bobby up and they're riding back in the pick-up together, Bobby is mad as all hell and Hank says, "You can give me the stink eye all you want!"  I now say that to my own kid whenever she has an attitude with me.

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I like when they go to the country music festival because people call out Peggy on her shit. Also love the fact that Randy Travis really did steal her song. Loved to hate that bitch. Loved the show. 

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A place to discuss particular episodes, arcs and moments from the show's run. Please remember this isn't a complete catch-all topic -- check out the forum for character topics and other places for show-related talk.

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I ran into a Bobby Hill quote in an article I was reading recently, and it reminded me how much I liked the show.  I'm using that as an excuse to start a topic on our favorite KTH quotes!


Bobby: "Mom, I'm fat.  But big deal.  I don't feel bad about it, and you never made me feel bad about it.  And just because there are people out there who want me to feel bad about it doesn't mean I have to.  So Bobby Hill's fat.  He's also funny, he's nice, he's got a lot of friends, a girlfriend.  And if you don't mind, I think I'll go outside right now and squirt her with water.  What are you going to do?"


90% of my other favorite quotes come from Khan:

"Minh!  Come quick!  Hillbilly neighbor marrying hillbilly cousin!  You owe me five dollars!  In your face Minh!"

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Last night the finale and premiere were on Cartoon Network. It's weird that the last line of the series was Kahn saying, "You can taste the pain." Dark!


On TWoP, someone in the Jeopardy thread mentioned this quote, also from Kahn, and I have laughed when Laos has come up on Jeopardy since then and been missed. "We are Laotian--from Laos, stupid! It's a landlocked country in southeast Asia. It's between Vietnam and Thailand, OK? Population 4.7 million."

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Buckley's angel always makes me laugh. Even as an angel he was still a little shit.

I loved how Dale never suspected Nancy of cheating on him. He'd even suggest John redcorn give Nancy an extra "massage" sometimes.

My most favorite episode might be the one where peggy is in a body cast and Hank's baby brother is crying, and she rocks the baby with her toe and she's just so happy to be useful.

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Hank: "How in the hell can a hat be ironic?"


I love the episode where Khan Jr. gets her period for the first time, and Peggy takes Bobby to McDonald's to try to explain it to him. When she says Khan is "becoming a woman", Bobby protests, "But she can't be a woman, I'm still a kid! I even have a kid's meal! I love this toy!"

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Last night the finale and premiere were on Cartoon Network. It's weird that the last line of the series was Kahn saying, "You can taste the pain." Dark!


On TWoP, someone in the Jeopardy thread mentioned this quote, also from Kahn, and I have laughed when Laos has come up on Jeopardy since then and been missed. "We are Laotian--from Laos, stupid! It's a landlocked country in southeast Asia. It's between Vietnam and Thailand, OK? Population 4.7 million."

So are ya Chinese or Japanese?

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Fun with Jane and Jane has so many of my favorite lines (and is one of my favorite episodes):


Bill: Why does everything I love run away from meeee?


Peggy: Luann, do you why I play games with you?

Luann: Because I challenge you with my intellectual.


Luann: Will you tell me if I have to go to the bathroom right now? Because I think I do, but a lot of the times when I get there, I don't, and I just sit there and hum.

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I love the episode where Khan Jr. gets her period for the first time, and Peggy takes Bobby to McDonald's to try to explain it to him. When she says Khan is "becoming a woman", Bobby protests, "But she can't be a woman, I'm still a kid! I even have a kid's meal! I love this toy!"


Aisle 8A.  My very favorite episode.  15 years later, my husband still swears by Hank's explanation to Bobby:


"Now every month, a woman has this time when she gets very angry at everything. And usually, men are the everything. It's like a tire fire. Trying to put it out just makes it worse. You just gotta let it burn. Grab a beer ... and let it burn."

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So are ya Chinese or Japanese?

I haven't watched KotH in so long, but doesn't Bill ask, "What ocean?"

I love Dale yelling, "Earth first. Make Mars our bitch."

Love the episode when Khan Jr. gets her period.

Hank watching the evening news. LuAnn complains, "We watched the news yesterday!"

Edited by hoodooznoodooz
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I just loved when they went to Bill's family home in new Orleans and Bobby started to dress and say stuff like "this southern flower is about to melt." Cracks me up thinking about it.

...I might be wrong...but I think it was "This flower is wilting."

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I love it when Bobby takes on the accent of his surroundings like in the New Orleans eppy and the one/s where Hank's mom dates (and marries?) the Jewish dude who teaches Bobby Yiddish or phrasing or something. :)

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I just loved when they went to Bill's family home in new Orleans and Bobby started to dress and say stuff like "this southern flower is about to melt." Cracks me up thinking about it.

That ep is hilarious. And Bobby in his blue crushed velvet dutch boy suit-even typing it now has me cracking up.



The ep when Luann and Bill go to work at that salon Hottiez kills me. I quote the "its only hair, it will grow back" all the time.

Edited by 2KllMckngBrd
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Most of it's in the delivery, but I love when Peggy finds out Nancy is cheating on Dale with John Redcorn:

"Jo-hon Redcorn!"

"Pe-eeggy Hill?"


"Joseph is not Jamaican, and neither is Dale, and I'm beginning to suspect his grandmother isn't either!"


And I wish I could remember the exact conversation, but whatever episode where Mihn, Peggy and Nancy are rating their lovers is hilarious to me.  Peggy gets all upset that Mihn and Nancy put Hank last, and when Peggy says something like "below John Redcorn I can see..." and then Nancy exclaims "Oooh, I forgot about John Redcorn!!!"

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I love it when Bobby takes on the accent of his surroundings like in the New Orleans eppy and the one/s where Hank's mom dates (and marries?) the Jewish dude who teaches Bobby Yiddish or phrasing or something. :)


This is from a while back, but I just read it and the first phrase that comes to mind is from a holiday episode where Bobby says 'moist this turkey is'.  It makes me laugh every time.


I'm watching the one where Peggy finds out about Nancy and John Redcorn and I loved the scene where Peggy sees John going into Nancy's house and says (twice, very scornfully),  'Well, Jah-hon Redcorn.  Jah-hon Redcorn'.  And then Redcorn sticks his head out the front door and says to her 'Pah-heggy Hill' and goes into the house.  Funny!

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I love the episode when Hank, Peggy and Bobby are all trying to quit smoking, t

That episode is awesome. I love the scene where Bobby is having major withdrawl, is sitting at the breakfast table holding a sausage and totally loses his shit on Hank and Peggy over something they were arguing about.

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That episode is awesome. I love the scene where Bobby is having major withdrawl, is sitting at the breakfast table holding a sausage and totally loses his shit on Hank and Peggy over something they were arguing about.

They were eating breakfast and Hank and Peggy were going back and forth to the bathroom, where they were sharing a clandestine cigarette. Hank comes back to the table and says "I cleaned the grout you told me about, Peggy, but there's still some grout left for you to clean." Peggy:"Thanks, but I'll save my grout for later."

Bobby:" ENOUGH ABOUT THE STUPID GROUT! IF ITS DIRTY GO CLEAN IT, IF ITS CLEAN WILL YOU PLEASE SHUT UP!" He's holding his sausage like a cigarette, grinds out sausage in his plate and angrily leaves the table.

One of my favorite episodes.

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I know for some people, it's not Christmas until they see Charlie Brown/the Grinch/Rudolph, what-have-you.


For me, it's not Christmas until I see Bill buy a lizard, attempt suicide, put on a dress and have a complete psychotic break.


Merry Christmas, all!

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The episode where Peggy and Dale open Peggy's Books and Guns is one of my favorites. It has so many good lines in it. And it never fails to crack me up when Dale tries to sell the cop a Luger (I think) that's free with any $600 book purchase.

Usually the ones with Boomhauer are my favorites though. Like somebody above said, the one where he flashbacks and everybody talks like him is hilarious. I also love how he sounds totally normal when sings bluegrass.

My last favorites are the ones that center around Luanne. I don't much like her character. That one where she joins the sorority cult is so annoying. Some of the ones with Buckley are fine though.

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I'm especially fond of the one where Khan and Mihn become rednecks,  and Hotteyz.  I wish there had been more episodes with Luanne and Bill after they went to work in the Barbershop.   Then there was the Hooker who lived with the Hills who showed Peggy how to dress,  the female impersonator who thought Peggy was male, and the episode where Peggy did "squishing" videos.  Pretty much any episode with Peggy getting her comeuppance was a good 'un. 


Oh, and Chuck Mangione living behind the toilet paper in the Megalo mart was great. 

Edited by Mu Shu
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Then there was the Hooker who lived with the Hills who showed Peggy how to dress,  

I love that episode. The white pimp who the hooker used to work for was voiced by Snoop Doggy Dog. The car chase where Hank was shocked that he would run a red light was hilarious.

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The episode where Peggy and Dale open Peggy's Books and Guns is one of my favorites. It has so many good lines in it. And it never fails to crack me up when Dale tries to sell the cop a Luger (I think) that's free with any $600 book purchase.

Usually the ones with Boomhauer are my favorites though. Like somebody above said, the one where he flashbacks and everybody talks like him is hilarious. I also love how he sounds totally normal when sings bluegrass.

My last favorites are the ones that center around Luanne. I don't much like her character. That one where she joins the sorority cult is so annoying. Some of the ones with Buckley are fine though.

I loved Luanne, but before she got together with Lucky.  Lucky never really worked well for me, and I didn't much like her with him.


The sorority one has one of my all-time favorite Luanne lines:

Peggy: Do you know why I play board games with you?

Luanne: Because I challenge you with my intellectual.  

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Bobby: "Jeff Gordon is a race car driver?  I thought he was just a cereal box model."


Dale: "You don't know who I am, but I know where you live."


Hank: "Please respect my fence's right to be a fence."

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I saw the one last night where Khan and Minh try to get back to their Laotian roots.  Khan starts dressing as a Laotian villager, gets rid of all the furniture, etc.  I cracked up when Connie was practicing her violin, saw her Dad come in, and quickly pick up some ancient Laotian guitar to play instead.

And Minh lying on the floor mat, turning from Laotian language movie to "Friends" after Khan leaves the room.

The writers on this show were great!

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