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S12.E18: There's A Fine, Fine Line / S12.E19: It's Alright, Ma (I'm Only Bleeding)

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There is, of course, the issue that Webber has forgiven interns (or whatever Ben is at this point..) for far worse things.  Remember Izzy and the l-vad wire?  How about what's his name who lost it and operated on Alex's dad?  Both of those seemed far worse decisions, professionally speaking, than what Ben did.


It seems like they're trying to stamp it out lately, hence Arizona's "fireable offense" and this fiasco with Ben. Of course, it might be simply too late after 12 years of violating medical ethics in every way imaginable on a daily basis.

But yeah, this was in no way worse than Shane deciding to perform a surgery he clearly was not prepared for and effectively killing a man. And moreover, he was also found to be cheating and manipulating the hospital software in order to get extra work hours. As a consequence of all that, he was actually rewarded with going with his mentor to the best hospital on the planet! Ridiculous. Although, he was my least favourite character on the show ever, so I was beyond thrilled to see him go away for good in whatever way. 

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The thing is, I just don't care about the Ben character. I was hoping they would have fired him and while I don't like the idea of Bailey having yet another broken marriage, I wouldn't mind if they broke it and he left the show. I just don't like him very much and he didn't really show any feelings of being ashamed about his actions, like I said earlier his emotions were pretty much all, "I did what I had to do! I DIDN'T SEE THE DOOR!" when Bailey showed him the footage. He was acting on the offensive. I feel like he knew the doors had opened and he probably felt he and DeLuca wouldn't have made it to an OR in time to save  Gretchen or the baby. If he had been honest about that, I think I would have felt differently.


On a side note, with the clipboard thing he did, I don't know.. that's tricky, I think he was the only doctor around and it had to be done but once again, his behavior afterwards is what gets me. He never acts apologetic about his actions. He seems to not see his error in judgement and yes, that is kind of a problem actually. 


I agree with the recap that he probably does feel older than his peers in his job and he does feel protected by his marriage to Bailey.

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It's something I don't get lately. She's a pediatric surgeon with a fellowship in fetal surgery. Why is everyone now acting as if she was a regular gynecologist?

Why was she even on this case? Or last week, for that matter?

Because now Arizona is involved in anything and everything involving tiny humans!
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I could go either way with whether Ben was lying. Sometimes you get in the zone and you don't notice things even though you appear to. But there are also people who are aggressive and have God complexes and take more risks than necessary. Knowing that Ben made a hasty and reckless decision in the not so recent past makes me feel like Weber's concern about Ben may be valid.



and Ben needs to piss off. I don't even think he was genuinely sorry for the deaths. just that he was getting in trouble for "saving their lives"



Someone once said that to be a good surgeon especially in high risk and emotionally tense situation you have to be almost a sociopath to handle the pressure. I don't like to think that that is what they're doing to Ben and making him more upset about the punishment than the life of a patient. In a previous ep he was like a risky cowboy with one patient that almost got him in trouble--I guess that was foreshadowing. Blah. God, I hate when the writers take a character and add "flavour" to their personality, because what happened to the Ben of previous seasons who was sensible and kind of cool.



Speaking of which, I'm hoping April and Jackson could start acting like grownups for good now.



Preach it. It was uncomfortable watching those two overreacting like that. I want this truce to stick and raise that baby not as a couple.


Ugh. the Riggs/Hunt situation is becoming so stupid. Did the writers think that this level of immature conflict makes for good story?

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I think its a bit weird Callie would be so nonchalant about Arizona needing to make frequent 6 hour flight journeys, I know we've seen Arizona on a plane since the crash but it was a short flight (and only once), and I imagine longer flights would cause some considerable distress.

Well, you know, ever since Arizona's leg seems to have magically grown back, her fear of planes and flying are no longer an issue. It's a miracle!

Edited by ChicksDigScars
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Something else that struck me about this episode: I remember how Bailey (and others) would -- rightly -- admonish Izzy about getting too close or too involved with patients. Yet Bailey violates this caveat time and time again. Heck, she violates it with just about every patient. 


Just another skewed moment in the alternate universe that is Grey-Sloan Memorial Hospital. 

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When Bailey said she doesn't do the wrong thing (or however she phrased it), all I could think of was when she wanted Derek to stab the serial killer's brain with a scalpel so his organs could be given to the little boy who needed new intestines.

I dunno, I'm on the fence about these two episodes. On the one hand, if you can put your brain on hold and watch them as bizarro-world hospital stories, they're entertaining. But once you start realizing how little sense any of it makes, it's hard to suspend disbelief.

I've always liked Ben, and I think Jason George is a decent actor, but in those extended scenes with Chandra, her acting was just blowing him out of the water. I think his internship/residency has been a bad-idea story wise, and it makes absolutely no sense for Bailey to determine his punishment.

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it makes absolutely no sense for Bailey to determine his punishment.



Yeah, the being married thing gives her a bias or something. It doesn't make sense. I also thought it was odd that Webber kept pushing her to be the one to determine the punishment and that he seemed a little confused to why she put together another set of doctors to make the decision. 

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I was shaking my head so hard at the whole lock down situation that kick started all of this.

I was in a hospital once when it went on a lockdown with Code pink. Code pink isn't code blue or code black, it isn't life and death. When hospitals go for code pink, the sirens and flashlights run for 15-20 minutes before the doors and elevators get locked. I can not buy it that Ben and mchottie were in CT and couldn't take the patient back to her room/OR the moment they heard the sirens blaring.


Ben was clearly running on adrenaline. Doctors zone in, they don't zone out. And had Ben showed a tad bit of remorse instead of being bull headed about being right I would have bought it. I'm glad he got suspended. I would have preferred firing for a time span but clearly he got out easy because of Bailey.

Oh Bailey, reviving a patient on DNR. Who's gonna discipline her? All through that patient story line I felt that if only they would have done the same with derek.

Japril happy yay thank you, I was tired with their bs so moving on to the thing that pissed me off the most in the episode...

I can not believe how selfish Callie is being, I was on my seat applauding Arizona when she sued. Had Callie been even tad bit considerate of Arizona I would have judged Arizona hard for suing but nope Callie went all 'it's a 6 hours flight, you can see her whenever you want' BS. Would she have treated Mark the same? No she would have treated him as an equal parent, not as an baby sitter who got fond of your kid while baby sitting her while you got your freaks on. That was so disgusting to watch and what pissed me more was that she said it passing and laughing like what the hell.

And can for once they can show Callie not be a fool in love? Every relationship she had besides Arizona are such a joke like she was literally forcing Penny to take her with her. Only yesterday she didn't wanted Sofia to meet penny, she still thinks that their relationship isn't strong enough to survive ONE year distance and yet just because she can't stay alone she said I love you and that she wants to go. Without thinking about anything else at all.

I know for sure Arizona won't win the custody battle as Callie is the biological parent but I still hope she do. I am so done with Callie's character assassination that I am okay with her following Penny to wherever she wants.

Sorry Sara, RIP Calzona:

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Because now Arizona is involved in anything and everything involving tiny humans!

Actually, someone who runs the Grey's Wiki page had this exchange with Dr. Clack, writer and one of the real life medical folk on Grey's. 


Question: On the show, is Fetal Surgery considered a sub-specialty of pediatric surgery or OB/GYN?

Dr. Clack Answer: It's either, but we're surgeons so we focus on a peds surg entry.


Herman was Maternal Fetal Medicine. - which manages both mother and baby care.

Seems Arizona started one way and now they're writing into the MFM picture without telling us of course!

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When Bailey said she doesn't do the wrong thing (or however she phrased it), all I could think of was when she wanted Derek to stab the serial killer's brain with a scalpel so his organs could be given to the little boy who needed new intestines.

I dunno, I'm on the fence about these two episodes. On the one hand, if you can put your brain on hold and watch them as bizarro-world hospital stories, they're entertaining. But once you start realizing how little sense any of it makes, it's hard to suspend disbelief.

I've always liked Ben, and I think Jason George is a decent actor, but in those extended scenes with Chandra, her acting was just blowing him out of the water. I think his internship/residency has been a bad-idea story wise, and it makes absolutely no sense for Bailey to determine his punishment.

This. I also thought that Jason wasn't matching what Chandra was effortlessly pulling.

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Arizona not talking to her before hightailing it to the lawyer is all kinds of messed up.



April was hasty in her fear of Jackson's mother, when she should have trusted that just because Jackson wanted a divorce, he has never listened to his mother, OR had her sense of spitefulness. Now we have Arizona freaking out.


However, Arizona's is more reasonable to me. I like Callie but she is a flake. She even admitted she rushes every relationship, and now two episodes later she is running away with a 3 month romance and uprooting her daughter. She cannot be trusted to make proper decisions. She never has. And poor AZ was trying to help Callie by saying she could work out the commute to keep things going with Penny, only to have Callie screw her over completely with that "6 hour flight" info. Callie is good to those she loves, but she is very disloyal to everyone else. I would not trust her one bit in AZ's shoes. Callie's "I don't work alone" sums up her entire life.


Speaking of those hospital security cameras, I wonder when those were implemented. It seems like they would have been useful in the countless disasters Grey/Sloan has, especially when Gary Clark was shooting up the hospital.



A few episodes after the shooting, they put the security system in. It kept backfiring and freaking everyone out.


April is a DOCTOR.  How does she freak out when she first feels the baby move?   Most women read books about pregnancy and childbirth, so they know what to expect.    But a DOCTOR has no idea?   A doctor who went to medical school, has no idea that it's normal to feel a baby move, and is practically having a panic attack when it happens?



Maybe she is just still traumatized from the first one. She wasn't worried at all then and all kinds of hell happened. As for the doctor angle, it's a common thing that you cease to be a doctor when you are the husband, wife, or in this case, mother. She is still human.

Callie had some major freak outs when she was pregnant with Sophia. She pulled the first year of medical school syndrome, where every symptom you read about, you suddenly fear you have.

Meredith also freaked out when her baby first moved. Because she was expecting to lose the baby, she didn't recognize a good thing for what it was. Panic works that way. 

Has to be a reason why they say "doctors make the worst patients." =D Plus, Shonda is out of new ideas.


SO. They murdered Bailey's character by turning the Nazi into a sniveling OCD emotional wreck over the past few seasons. Now they have to slaughter the one good thing left about her: Warren. He was the stabilizing force to her crazy. So of course he is off the rails now. I have never seen a show hate its own characters so much before. As soon as they showed Warren holding that baby, I realized it was going to be because they were trapped from the lock down, and I fully expected Bailey to take some responsibility and freak out with secondary guilt.


And before that, I was actually happy thinking this would be an Alex-centered episode. It started out looking that way.


I approved of Bailey planning an advisory committee. Webber had no business telling her to be objective and do her job when he has been making passes for Meredith since season 1. He knows how difficult impartiality can be in this incestuous hospital. She actually made a good decision by recognizing her impossible position.


I am in the minority here, but I like Penny fine. She is kind of my hero for killing off Derek. One of the best lines this season was drunk Arizona saying, "find a Penny, pick it up!" I don't care if she leaves, but I don't want Callie to leave. I want Callie to grow the hell up, of course, but I like the character being on the show. Side note: Penny looks like Conan O'Brien's lovechild.


Meredith helped Derek cheat on his wife, so she doesn't get to judge cheaters without any context. None of them do, frankly. They are all self entitled slime. I don't agree with the depth of Owen's rage, but I also don't agree with Meredith taking his side and recruiting the sisters to do the same.


Six month suspension is crap. Alex killed a guy his first year and didn't get suspended for a single day. Mistakes happen. Bailey violated protocol to resuscitate the dad and then punished Warren severely for an accident. Everyone is CRAZY.



I really HATE how often people are eating bags of chips on this show. Izzie used to do it constantly. The sound of the crunching into the mic is enough to make me want to take the bag of chips and beat them with it.

Edited by Chewy101
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Am I mistaken? Is Jasmine (the daughter of the pregnant lady) Asia from Dance Moms??

The kid bugs me. A total mini Mary Sue. Ugh.

That kids reaction to her mother dying and her father going to die bugged me a lot too. It just didn't clicked for me. I would have been okay if it was some 17-18 years old girl.

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The kid bugs me. A total mini Mary Sue. Ugh.


That kids reaction to her mother dying and her father going to die bugged me a lot too. It just didn't clicked for me. I would have been okay if it was some 17-18 years old girl.



Yeah, and then when grandma said, "Jasmine and I, we had a DNR!" Who listens to a kid with those kinds of things? 

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That kids reaction to her mother dying and her father going to die bugged me a lot too. It just didn't clicked for me. I would have been okay if it was some 17-18 years old girl.


Every single child on the show is like that. I absolutely dread any storylines involving dying children/children of dying parents since you just know they're going to be wise and mature beyond age and more level-headed than any adults around them. Ugh. 

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I was shaking my head so hard at the whole lock down situation that kick started all of this.

I was in a hospital once when it went on a lockdown with Code pink. Code pink isn't code blue or code black, it isn't life and death. When hospitals go for code pink, the sirens and flashlights run for 15-20 minutes before the doors and elevators get locked. I can not buy it that Ben and mchottie were in CT and couldn't take the patient back to her room/OR the moment they heard the sirens blaring.


Ben was clearly running on adrenaline. Doctors zone in, they don't zone out. And had Ben showed a tad bit of remorse instead of being bull headed about being right I would have bought it. I'm glad he got suspended. I would have preferred firing for a time span but clearly he got out easy because of Bailey.

Oh Bailey, reviving a patient on DNR. Who's gonna discipline her? All through that patient story line I felt that if only they would have done the same with derek.

Japril happy yay thank you, I was tired with their bs so moving on to the thing that pissed me off the most in the episode...

I can not believe how selfish Callie is being, I was on my seat applauding Arizona when she sued. Had Callie been even tad bit considerate of Arizona I would have judged Arizona hard for suing but nope Callie went all 'it's a 6 hours flight, you can see her whenever you want' BS. Would she have treated Mark the same? No she would have treated him as an equal parent, not as an baby sitter who got fond of your kid while baby sitting her while you got your freaks on. That was so disgusting to watch and what pissed me more was that she said it passing and laughing like what the hell.

And can for once they can show Callie not be a fool in love? Every relationship she had besides Arizona are such a joke like she was literally forcing Penny to take her with her. Only yesterday she didn't wanted Sofia to meet penny, she still thinks that their relationship isn't strong enough to survive ONE year distance and yet just because she can't stay alone she said I love you and that she wants to go. Without thinking about anything else at all.

I know for sure Arizona won't win the custody battle as Callie is the biological parent but I still hope she do. I am so done with Callie's character assassination that I am okay with her following Penny to wherever she wants.

Sorry Sara, RIP Calzona:

Can I ask how beyond this situation, Callie's character has been assassinated?

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April was hasty in her fear of Jackson's mother, when she should have trusted that just because Jackson wanted a divorce, he has never listened to his mother, OR had her sense of spitefulness. Now we have Arizona freaking out.

However, Arizona's is more reasonable to me. I like Callie but she is a flake. She even admitted she rushes every relationship, and now two episodes later she is running away with a 3 month romance and uprooting her daughter. She cannot be trusted to make proper decisions. She never has. And poor AZ was trying to help Callie by saying she could work out the commute to keep things going with Penny, only to have Callie screw her over completely with that "6 hour flight" info. Callie is good to those she loves, but she is very disloyal to everyone else. I would not trust her one bit in AZ's shoes. Callie's "I don't work alone" sums up her entire

The thing is Arizona knew she misunderstood the advice. A conversation where she used her words would have been better than burning down whatever good feelings they had between each other.

Callie makes poor decisions, but the thing is so does Arizona. I have sympathy for Arizona to a point but she just as badly messes things up because she refuses to tell Callie what's what before going from 0-100.

Neither thinks things through.

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After thinking about it some more, you see Arizona talk to the lawyer only after she sees Callie, Penny and Sofia leave together. She may feel she is being (inadvertently) pushed away from her family (daughter) and that's why she chooses legal protection.

Having to rely on Callie's goodwill to see her kid won't fly anymore if she feels she's being replaced.

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After thinking about it some more, you see Arizona talk to the lawyer only after she sees Callie, Penny and Sofia leave together. She may feel she is being (inadvertently) pushed away from her family (daughter) and that's why she chooses legal protection.

Having to rely on Callie's goodwill to see her kid won't fly anymore if she feels she's being replaced.

I thought about that too.

She seemed to really make that decision at that moment.

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Having to rely on Callie's goodwill to see her kid won't fly anymore if she feels she's being replaced.


And that's what makes me pretty sure that they in fact do not have a legal custody agreement of any kind. If they did, Arizona would be assured that Callie cannot just make decisions about Sofia's future on her own. There would be no need to take any drastic measures as this situation wouldn't have even occurred. Callie would have to check with Arizona if she's fine with Sofia moving away. 

Otherwise, if Callie decides to treat Arizona as Sofia's friendly ex-stepmom, like mentioned earlier in the thread, there's nothing Arizona can do about it - except take it to court.


I think it would be interesting to explore whether Callie really sees Arizona as Sofia's mother and completely equal with her in all the aspects of parenthood. Also, does she think Arizona sees herself that way? Does she think Arizona wants to be seen that way? 

I hope they take that route in the following episodes and not some BS that either gets resolved in 5 minutes (Meredith/Jo) or drags on forever in circles (April/Jackson). 

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Arizona's legal status with respect to Sofia is very confusing to me. 


If Arizona did not legally adopt Sofia, then she has no legal leg to stand on (she seems to have re-grown her amputed leg back).  She can't sue for custody of any kind as an ex-step-mom.


If Arizona did legally adopt Sofia, there is no way that child custody arrangements wouldn't have been legalized during their divorce, right?  Divorcing parents can't ignore child custody during the legal divorce process, can they?  I can't believe that both their divorce lawyers and the judge would be all, "yes, great, here are the terms of your divorce...child, what child?  We don't need to discuss the child."


As usual, this story line makes no sense.

Edited by izabella
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I am in the minority here, but I like Penny fine. She is kind of my hero for killing off Derek. One of the best lines this season was drunk Arizona saying, "find a Penny, pick it up!" I don't care if she leaves, but I don't want Callie to leave. I want Callie to grow the hell up, of course, but I like the character being on the show. Side note: Penny looks like Conan O'Brien's lovechild.


I liked Penny when she first came on and couldn't help but roll my eyes at all the hysterical "She killed Derek" stuff.  I mean, we all can point out of the shady shit these people have done that resulted in people's death.  But then... the show began to make me hate Penny.  There is a sense that SR & Co. are trying very, very hard to make Penny happen rather than just letting her happen.  And while I am not a particular Jo and Alex fan, I can't help but wonder why we are getting so much Callie/Penny stuff and nothing of Jo/Alex.  Maybe if the show didn't seem to want to push certain character's storylines to the front over and over and over while leaving others languishing for long periods, we'd not have the feel that the size of the cast is too big or that our favorites are being ignored.  Penny's over-incusions this season just seems really symptomatic of that.  And truthfully, if the actress had any real screen presence or real charisma, I could at least understand why she's being thrust forward so much. 



If Arizona did legally adopt Sofia, there is no way that child custody arrangements wouldn't have been legalized during their divorce, right?  Divorcing parents can't ignore child custody during the legal divorce process, can they?  I can't believe that both their divorce lawyers and the judge would be all, "yes, great, here are the terms of your divorce...child, what child?  We don't need to discuss the child."


Or if she didn't legally adopt her that too would have come up in the divorce.  Something would have formalized wrt to Sofia at that time.  Because if Arizona had no legal parental right then Callie could have legally kept Sofia away.  But Callie invoked Arizona's wishes as the fake reason why she wasn't introducing Penny to Sofia.  So that would lead one to believe Arizona does have rights?  Right?  Yeah, so confusing.

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Regarding custody agreements: they don't always include a provision about what happens if one parent moves to another state. My custody decree with my ex addresses almost every imaginable scenario -- it's 20-30 pages -- but relocation is never mentioned. Not sure why we or our lawyers didn't think to address it, and I guarantee we'd have been back in court if the ex tried to move with our kid to another state. Anyway, my point is that Calzona could have a detailed agreement in which both are legally recognized as Sofia's parents, but that mentions nothing about moving to another state.

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And Shonda begins the demolition of a yet another once happy and supportive relationship. Because she can.

Well..to be fair -- they are not real people and their relationship is therefore not real either. And Shonda is God Creator so she can do what she wants to do with her made-up characters.

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I thought the story was that she was having a late placental abruption so there was free blood in the uterus. Another complication of placental abruptions can be clotting disorders so she might not have been able to clot either.


That was the impression I got too. His c section looked ok, when he opened the uterus it was full of blood. Probably an abruption with subsequent DIC. Not his fault or anything he really could have done, the outcome probably would have been the same but since he has a history of gung ho macgyver type stuff he needed to be nailed. That incident where he opened a patient's chest with the edge of a clipboard was one of the dumbest things Ive ever seen on a medical show.


There is just no storyline they can give Owen that will make me like his character, dead sister included. He's just so full of anger and such an asshole all the time. What Cristina ever saw in him. I don't care about his animosity towards Riggs and I don't want Meredith involving herself in that mess either.


If we're heading towards a cull of cast I'd like to see Owen, Penny, Riggs exit for sure +/- Amelia. Previously I would have included April but the current stuff with Jackson isn't completely awful so she can stay for the time being.

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They were not, no.

I was just about to ask about this. People kept talking about divorce decrees, but they were never legally married, so there would be no stipulation about custody anywhere unless Arizona legally adopted Sofia, which it looks like she didn't.

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They were not, no.



Their marriage was not legal at the time they married (2011), but if they filed state domestic partnership papers, I believe it would have been automatically converted to a marriage in 2014?  This show's timeline is confusing though, and it's possible Grey's will ignore reality to up the drama.

Edited by Kate213
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Their marriage was not legal at the time they married (2011), but if they filed state domestic partnership papers, I believe it would have been automatically converted to a marriage in 2014?  This show's timeline is confusing though, and it's possible Grey's will ignore reality to up the drama.

Yeah all I know is when they were married it was beautiful and awesome but not legal beyond that I know nothing, lol.


Trying to understand the Grey's timeline may be a sign of insanity. Ha.

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Every single child on the show is like that. I absolutely dread any storylines involving dying children/children of dying parents since you just know they're going to be wise and mature beyond age and more level-headed than any adults around them. Ugh. 

Someone has to be.  The adults generally function at an age six level.


The idea that Bailey is the boss of her husband is so ridiculous, I can't even summon the energy to be upset about it.

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OMG, why can't people ever talk to each other instead of going to full nuclear mode immediately? I mean, if Callie is really dead-set on moving with Penny, then Arizona talking to her about it might not have made any difference. But maybe it would have. If Arizona had told her that she was not OK with her taking the kid across the country (perhaps even referring to the plane crash trauma thing that the writers have so thoroughly forgotten about that I also forgot about it until someone mentioned it upthread, but seriously, way to be so absurdly cavalier about something like that, Callie), maybe she would have reconsidered. Maybe it still would have ultimately led to a legal battle, but at least try, FFS. Now, instead of the possibility of some kind of sane reaction, Callie's probably going to find out about this and flip out, digging her heels in in protective mama bear mode. So tiresome. I understand that it is more difficult to write conflict if you have characters who actually talk to each other, but it can be done, and it's just lazy writing not to.


Also, WRT  whatever legal arrangements may be in place, I do seem to recall, I think around the time of the musical episode, when Callie almost died, that there was discussion of the fact that Arizona would not have any legal standing regarding Sofia unless arrangements were made, and she was quite distraught over the possibility. I don't remember if there was ever any subsequent mention of those arrangements being made, so who knows, maybe they just never got around to it. But I feel like there is, or should be, something established.


What a stupid situation surrounding Ben. Fully agree that Bailey shouldn't have had anything to do with deciding what should be done with him. Hell, they probably should have reached further and gotten other doctors who weren't Bailey's direct subordinates and who couldn't possibly be considered Ben's friends. But even not going that far, it never should have been left up to Bailey. But we do love our delicious conflicts of interest on this show...


I can believe that he didn't register the elevator, even though he looked up at the ding and looked directly at the opening door. I can definitely buy being so focused on one thing that you don't know consciously notice something else. But (a) it would have been nice to see him acknowledge that, and maybe even dig deep and find that subconscious memory, and then, I don't know, feel bad about it? And (b) there are always plenty of things going on in surgery, and if you're always so focused on one thing that you miss other critical things, that doesn't exactly strike me as a good quality in a surgeon.


And finally, I'm torn on the Code Pink. On one hand, a missing kid, whether you think they might have been abducted or not, is no joke. Especially in a hospital setting, where a kid could be infectious and a risk to others, or in need of immediate medical attention and at risk themselves. On the other hand, a full lockdown like that has serious implications and risks in a hospital, where sometimes people getting to where they need to be and fast is literally a matter of life and death. But surely there's some kind of procedure between full lockdown and just kinda lookin' around for the kid. Something along the lines of lockdown at the entrances and exits (presumably with exceptions for incoming ambulances), and some kind of control between wings/floors? So that people's movements can be monitored, but that doctors and patients who need to get somewhere can get there. Also, if you do have codes like this in place, your staff really needs to be aware of them. I can sort of see interns maybe not knowing, but isn't there some sort of employee handbook or orientation that, say, Riggs, would have received when he got hired? Procedures like this aren't really all that effective if no one knows what's happening or what they should be doing during it.

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Were Callie and Arizona legally married?


Didn't Callie refer to having to sign divorce papers a few episodes ago? It was when she was talking to April about her divorce. That suggests they were legally married.

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Arizona said that to April, but yes you are right. Also, FYI, it probably means nothing but a million seasons ago when Sophia was first born, Arizona got freaked out- I think it was around the time Derek and Meredith were dealing with Zola and them not getting her-and Arizona wanted a paper saying she was Sophia's parent as well. This is probably a nothing paper and means nothing but just thought I would remind people of it. Once again..it means nothing probably. 

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Well..to be fair -- they are not real people and their relationship is therefore not real either. And Shonda is God Creator so she can do what she wants to do with her made-up characters.


Yeah, but first she makes us care for them.


And later in the episode she returns to another couple she tortured for months before finally breaking them up: Calliope and Arizona. Who had achieved a peaceful resolution at last, But now the wounds are going to be torn wide open again.

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In the real world there is no way that a wife would be in charge of her husband's disclipinary status. But since this is not the real world, I am super annoyed with Ben expecting special treatment from Bailey.

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Arizona did asked for a piece of paper that would say Sofia is hers as much she's callie's. Later when immediately after cheating, callie took Sofia away (that was rightfully so, at that time), arizona confronted her with 'that is my child, I could have called police' etc, so i do believe that on paper she has legal rights over sofia but im not sure if she's stated as an equal parent because it's clear callie doesn't considers her as one. i think when they ended their partnership is when callie also dropped the 'robbin' out of sofia's name and maybe just put arizona as a legal guardian instead of equal parent.

In the real world there is no way that a wife would be in charge of her husband's disclipinary status. But since this is not the real world, I am super annoyed with Ben expecting special treatment from Bailey.

That's an actual code that gets followed. It's the same as you can't operate on your family. And really all such matters go to HR first, it's they who get to decide. but greys doesn't do HIPPA and HR so...

Were Callie and Arizona legally married?

They weren't and just last to last year Shonda also said that she would like them to be legally married and it had to earned yada yada

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I uses to be a huge Callie fan, but the last couple of seasons Ive merely tolerated her. This whole situation is beyond, even for Callie. I dont know HOW Callie gathered from the conversation she had with Arizona, that Arizona would be ok with Callie moving Sofia across country. It was clear Arizona was saying she (Callie and/or Penny) could take the 6 hour flight on weekends in order to maintain their relationship. Callie is really selfish, impulsive and just an ass. Someone upthread said, why is Arizona getting all worked up when its "just" a year. Well how do we know that? Callie could just as easily decide in that year that she loves New York and she and Penny could decide to stay on the East Coast after said year. Then what?

I dont believe for a second that Arizona never got anything on paper legally making her Sofia's parent. Even forget the dynamics of her and Callie's relationship, Im sure BOTH Callie and Arizona thought about mortality. What if something happened to Callie? Which at THAT hospital is highly likely, Arizona would be assed out. If the writers are going the route of Arizona only NOW trying to establish parental rights it'll be a retcon.

Now as for Callie and Penny, they have zero chemistry to me. This may be my Callie/Arizona shipper heart talking but i just dont like them. But whatever. Leave Sofia with Arizona, and let Callie go running off to chase love. I was so annoyed when all episode Callie was talking about "the moment". She sounded like a love sick teenager who just saw Sixteen Candles for the first time. Uggg.

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GA reined me back in the past few episodes but they lost me again this week. I know it's no longer the big new hit for ABC anymore, but how about a little consistency regarding writing and past character development?


I think Chandra Wilson gets about zero credit for the phenomenal work she's done as Bailey but I just don't like watching her character now. (Most glaring example: after Meredith's attack when Bailey said 'last time she got hurt she sued'.) I know no matter how much the original stars get paid I'm sure it's difficult to bring new life to their roles, and it doesn't help when their actions and words don't make sense. I thought Tina made a great point in the recap regarding Ben's impatience regarding his status as a resident - I would have rather watched that argument explored instead of watching a video of an elevator door open & close.


I guess I'm in the minority but I just wish they'd put April & Jackson together and never let Catherine Avery see her grandchild. It never made sense that April's faith was so important regarding everything including sex and medicine itself, but it never really became a point during divorce talk. (I freely admit I may be partial to Japril just because I loved the scene of them running away from April's wedding. I still covet that dress.) 


As for Callie, GA has been giving her stupid things to do and say for years. Bless Sara Ramirez for being able to play it convincingly all these years.

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Yeah, but first she makes us care for them.


And later in the episode she returns to another couple she tortured for months before finally breaking them up: Calliope and Arizona. Who had achieved a peaceful resolution at last, But now the wounds are going to be torn wide open again.


I didn't say she was a kind God.

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I don't have a huge issue with Arizona going straight to a lawyer - she knows Callie well. She knows that she's "in love with being in love." It would be enough for me to hear that my ex was considering moving away with a girlfriend and taking my child away from me to see lawyer to at least question what my standing might be. 

Edited by BaseOps
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I don't have a huge issue with Arizona going straight to a lawyer - she knows Callie well. She knows that she's "in love with being in love." It would be enough for me to hear that my ex was considering moving away with a girlfriend and taking my child child for me to see lawyer to at least question what my standing might be. 


I thought that's what Arizona was doing, exploring her options just in case.


- Ben had this coming, he honestly did ever since that patient in psych ward. The only thing that irritated me was having Bailey decide his punishment.

- Owen (and Meredith) really need to stop being so childish. The amount of people they call friends in that hospital that have cheated should be reason enough not to spend so much energy on hating Riggs.

Edited by kdm07
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I'm stumped as to why everyone was convinced Ben was lying. People zone out all the time, it's not some magical surgical phenomenon.

So when Izzie was fired for deliberately cutting an LVAD wire Bailey went to bat to get her job back but when Ben makes a bad judgement call, tough shit? And little miss I Don't Believe You Have Remorse can miss me with that nonsense. Hey Bailey, remember when you injected a child with HIV after being told not to and then refused to apologize? How you were not only not sorry but actually angry that the parents were angry. Didn't see a whole lot of remorse then.

The final Japril scene was actually ridiculously cute and I loved Jackson's excitement over the second kick. Now if we could just ship Catherine back to Boston forever.....


I'd forgotten about her injecting the kid with HIV, but I was thinking of Izzie the whole time, and how she was angry at first, but then took the blame herself, and encouraged her to go back to the hospital. I had no problem with an advisory team, but they really need to get people in there who have no personal relationship with the doctors. 


Maybe it's because I don't always give the show my full attention now, but I rarely get the feeling that Bailey even likes her husband. When Arizona was in the lawyer's office, I was half-expecting it to be Miranda, since I think Ben adopted him (didn't he? - I can't remember). 


April and Jackson were cute. It was nice to just see them enjoy feeling their baby kick. 

And don't get me started on the whole mean girl thing, where the new guy is concerned. 

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