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Season Two Talk: Brand New Contestants, Same Old Bears

Quilt Fairy
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They can't have just anybody out there. Think of the liabilities as in lawsuits. They have to have some experience and training and they have to show some skills. (I was worried about Desmond from the time he was dropped off. He was a deer in headlights. He did not belong and he knew it.)

We didn't see any fishing or gill nets last week because of the storms. There was no way they could get out there.

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55 minutes ago, Ina123 said:

They have to have some experience and training and they have to show some skills. I was worried about Desmond from the time he was dropped off. He was a deer in headlights. He did not belong and he knew it.

Yep Desmond was pretty frantic from the drop off. Then, remember last season's first tap out, Josh the cop, who looked to be in tears as he watched the crew leave when he was dropped off. I knew he would be gone early from that point, and was actually a little supposed he stayed the night. I have to say, at least Josh waited until a mama bear and cubs visited him in his camp before he tapped.

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The salmon run is the time when salmon, which have migrated from the ocean, swim to the upper reaches of rivers where they spawn on gravel beds. After spawning, all Pacific salmon and most Atlantic salmon die, and the salmon life cycle starts over again. The annual run can be a major event for grizzly bears, bald eagles and sport fishermen. Most salmon species migrate during the fall (September through November).[1]

Not sure of the commenting on a quote, but the above is a quote that I'm referring too :) 

In reference to the Salmon run being a major event for bears, eagles and fishermen, what are the rules on someone coming up on your campsite that is fishing? Sounds like a reasonable thing that could happen, I know they aren't camping on the beach but they go down to the beach every day some times multiple times a day. Could they interact with them? I had thought about it but not as much until I read what someone else posted.

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About the salmon runs: I follow several eagle nest webcams on VI and in BC. The VI eagles migrate to the mainland for the salmon runs in very late July and early August. They return to their territories on the island in early October. Like clockwork. Some species of salmon continue to migrate later into the fall/winter, but the big bonanza runs are done by then.

Also the black bears are bulking up for hibernation this time of year and are far more interested in preparing their dens and chowing down than anything else, even mothers with cubs. They are normally shy and fearful. Mating season in the spring is when you need to worry, then they are more cranky. But 99 times out of 100, a black bear is going to try very hard to avoid a human. MINOR adjustments on the part of these people can reduce this risk enormously. 

The highest concentration of cougars anywhere is on VI, and they will def attack if you look small enough.

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On 6/13/2016 at 3:05 AM, LocimusPrime said:
  • Why do they always b**ch. Oh the ground is wet, well ok move your campsite. Oh, there's a mouse. Well..kill it or move. Oh, there's water in my fire pit. There a bear. Well duh

They have to produce some monologue for the filming and so they resort to speaking their train of thought.  I think most people's train of thought in that situation (or any really) would sound like bitching, it's just that normally people don't share it.

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Apropos of nothing in particular, I'd like to point out that David actually has something like 140 videos up on YouTube. Search for colhane or Colhane Channel "Dedicated to Jesus Christ and wilderness survival..." I guess most of them were done when he was teaching at a survival school in Brazil, and they're about half in English, half in Portuguese. So anyhow, he's no stranger to filming or recording his thoughts. I only glanced at one, and funnily enough was about a solo trek he decided to do "...because quite frankly I've had it with people and I needed some time alone..."

ETA: I thought he was supposed to be a missionary in Brazil, but maybe this was a sideline. It was certainly more useful than anything Derick Dillard-Duggar is doing in Central America.

Edited by Quilt Fairy
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On 6/12/2016 at 10:42 AM, rainsmom said:

I agree, BUT the alone part is the premise of the show. This show is less about "Will they survive?" -- that's why they recruit the best survivalists they can find -- and more about "Can they survive being alone?" They want to see how having no human (or animal) contact affects them. The show is about the psychological effects, not the physical struggle. That's what makes Mike's tap all the more compelling. He wasn't just surviving -- he was living comfortably. But he couldn't handle doing it alone.

As a viewer, I really would love to see their camps and what they're doing to survive. I find it a lot more interesting than the mental struggles. But this show is ABOUT the mental struggles of being alone.

ITA with you - I think it's been more than established that most of this years contestants are well prepared to survive the physical elements, so the show is more about who can handle being ALONE.  But I have already said that I think a big part of being a true survivalist IS being able to handle being alone.  The thing is that most of these contestants are not prepared for being alone past about a couple of weeks.  And it may be an unpopular opinion, but I think they should be prepared for that before going on a show like this or else I still think the tap outs because they can't stand the solitude are a weakness, not "understandable".  They're understandable if the average person were going out there but not for the people who go on this show.  If they can't handle an essential aspect of what is necessary for them to last out there, then they are not prepared enough for it, period.  What good is it if they can physically survive in the wilderness for an indefinite period if they can't handle the mental aspect?  That should be a prerequisite for any survival trial, IMHO. 

Another prerequisite is that they should be motivated to win.  By recruiting contestants they're getting people who don't care if they win, so where's their spirit to last as long as possible?  It's just not there.  And that's not good TV if you ask me.  Maybe if they really wanted to prove they could last out there they would be more motivated to stay and not tap out.  What a waste to see them build a perfect little camp and then act like they don't have any other reason to be out there.   Of course they don't, they were pushed into it! 

Imagine how the audience would feel if people on any other competition show would just tap out because they "missed their family" or whatever.  How about MasterChef?  Or "Top Chef"?  Or "Dancing with the Stars"?  Suppose they were winning challenges and doing an excellent job and then suddenly for no apparent reason announced that they missed their family and being home and were leaving the competition?  Everyone would be very upset and ask why they went into this if they couldn't handle that aspect of it...Anyone remember Amy Finley of "Food Network Star"?  No one ever got over it when she announced she was forfeiting her show to concentrate on her family.  I don't see why it isn't the same here.

On 6/12/2016 at 7:39 PM, raven said:

Yes but they don't know how temporary.  They talk about being in it for the long haul, but they don't really know.  I don't think it's wussy to tap out because you underestimated your ability to be on your own for an indeterminate period of time; sometimes you don't know until you do it.  Sure people live completely alone, have done it and will continue to do so, but I doubt they are camera ready.  For this show, they need a balance of surviving and entertainment.  They don't want hairy mountain men or women grunting at the camera.  I definitely the think the mental aspect is the toughest and so far the must underrated challenge on the part of the contestants.

I don't know, I think that's making some potentially unflattering assumptions that are not generally true.   I personally don't think some of the people on the show both this season and last have been truly "camera ready", but to insinuate that people who can really handle being alone are Sasquatch-like and unable to communicate except by "grunting" is to me a an insult to solitary people of all kinds.  We are out there and we are by far not all grunting, hairy brutes who aren't camera-ready.  I think the show needs to find more people who are able to handle the solitude and who are motivated to win a competition.  They have been focused on finding the best people at surviving the physical aspects but I am sure there are enough "camera ready", competitive people who could qualify for this show on physical survival AND the "alone" aspect.  Perhaps if they considered more of the applicants who enter on their own and stopped recruiting so much they might find some.  But seeking out the most prepared to handle the physical elements is making them overlook the other necessary qualities, IMHO.

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I agree recruits can have less passion for the competitive aspect and can be less willing to endure tough times be it the "alone" aspect, the hunger, boredom, or horrendous weather (which has not been a factor so far).  Of course no one can Prove that but it seems a logical conclusion in many cases.  In fact those who have survival schools may simply decide the exposure is a good enough reason to participate, and if they can show that they have good skills--  bow-drill fires--cabin building, sweat-lodge making ,  or a camp with a great drying rack, standing fire-pit with stones, running water, and preserving fish by burying it then they may not feel it necessary to endure tougher times.

 They had a good idea when they went out there that it could easily be a good 54 days. Frankly i don't think neither Randy nor Mike were committed to that from the outset.  Justin will raise awareness for Veteran suicide and his mission will be accomplished. i believe he will tap out after that.  The hardship of moving his camp doesn't seem worth it to him. I don't sense a lot of resolve there. 

I also think the limited diet cannot be underestimated in sucking the motivation out of someone.  

My money is on Larry now and I know a few are thinking Dave.  It has become apparent that winning has to be a strong motivator.  i have no idea what the motivators are for Nicole and Jose  but I don't sense either of them are that interested in the money aspect.  Both seem very content and financially secure so it will be interesting to see if their enthusiasm and skills will be enough to take them to the finish line.  

They may change their choosing criteria next season if no one seems interested enough in the money to endure hard times.  And so far this season I have seen very little "hard times" .  Yes it's tough being "alone" but  if  you're interested in winning you tough it out.  They do have the camera to talk to and they know to a certain extent their journey will be projected to their family and friends, and they will be interested and listening.   So they may be alone, but they have some purpose and connection to their loved ones. No it's not the same as being with them but it's not as though no one cares or is not listening either.  It's only a competition for those who care about the prize.

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19 hours ago, seasick said:

Frankly i don't think neither Randy nor Mike were committed to that from the outset.  Justin will raise awareness for Veteran suicide and his mission will be accomplished. i believe he will tap out after that.  The hardship of moving his camp doesn't seem worth it to him. I don't sense a lot of resolve there. 

I watched last episode the second time. You pretty much said what i was thinking. Justin said he don't have the energy to build a new camp and he barely have the energy to cut woods. So i think he will tap out after the hike. 

When i watched it last week, i was disappointed when mike and Randy tap. But when i watch it the second time, i got a sense that they're not there for the money or being the last man standing. Maybe they're recruited or someone talk them to audition so they give it a shot - just for the experience. 

Mike said he doesn't like saying goodbye cause it's like an abandonment. I wonder if being away from Barbara made mike feels like he's abandoning barbara thus the guilt that he felt for being in VI 

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On 6/15/2016 at 4:00 PM, Snarklepuss said:

  And it may be an unpopular opinion, but I think they should be prepared for that before going on a show like this or else I still think the tap outs because they can't stand the solitude are a weakness, not "understandable". 

I think that we're finding out that most people think they are prepared and find out they're not when they're actually there.  I find that understandable (finding out the actual practice of something is more than you thought it was going to be), not a weakness, and I give them credit for making the attempt, whatever their reasoning.  If you're making the point that the show is failing in not choosing people who have experienced being truly alone - not solitary, which is different - for long periods of time, that's a slightly different argument IMO. 

Living a solitary life with the option of interacting with people when you feel like it is much different then the "alone" of this show.

On 6/15/2016 at 4:00 PM, Snarklepuss said:

I don't know, I think that's making some potentially unflattering assumptions that are not generally true. 

I was exaggerating to make a point - that is, the show appears to be looking for a balance between those who have the necessary skills to minimally survive as well as a combination of certain temperaments; one of the criteria being the willingness to communicate to the audience via the camera.  As someone who is perfectly content being alone for long periods of time, even if I had the necessary survival skills I would be terrible for this show because I would have no desire to narrate what I was doing for the camera.  Additionally, the show apparently wants people who are going to tap early, just a guess but they have a max amount of time they want/are able to film people for.  It doesn't look like they are going for a "how-to" on how to survive, they want some of that, they want some confident, upbeat people, some nervous people, some adventurous people, etc.  That's what I mean by "camera-ready" ; they WANT a mix of personalities to keep the viewer interested. 

Naturally that may not work for everyone; people watching want to see different things.  I think they have a good mix this season, though the first season I binge watched so it's kind of a blur and I only remember Lucas, Alan, and Sam.

On 6/15/2016 at 7:36 PM, seasick said:

 It's only a competition for those who care about the prize.

I wonder if being alone makes the endeavor seem less competitive to the contestants.  Not knowing how the other contestants are faring, they feel like they are competing with themselves, so for some, once they've reached a certain point, they have nothing to prove to themselves and so they tap. 

I thought Randy's story ended up being pretty interesting overall because I wasn't sure if in the end he would tap or not. He lost his ferro rod but got his fire going, built a great shelter, found food eventually.  He obviously feels his life is full enough already that he'd rather be back with people then win the money and that's an interesting choice to me.  Maybe because I watch a few other shows where everyone's all "Rarrrgh must win!!!" that I don't mind not seeing that attitude on this one.

Edited by raven
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Okay, it's almost my favorite time of the week! :)

I'm really looking forward to this episode.  The previews look pretty intense, and maybe now we'll see more of *all* of them.  

The positive comments Jose made about Larry on FB have made me try to look at him in a different light, so that will be interesting this week, also.  

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On ‎6‎/‎15‎/‎2016 at 3:00 PM, Snarklepuss said:

. . . Sasquatch-like and unable to communicate except by "grunting" . . .

Solitaires!  Represent!


19 pages?!  For Season Three, how about dividing the comment threads by episode?  It's almost impossible to find the talking points correlating to any particular episode if you wait an extra week for the annotated version or you save up a couple of episodes.

There's so much thoughtful viewer response inspired by this show--would the free flow be stifled by breaking the discussion into segments?

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She is sooooooo interesting tonight!  Love her! 

No Larry.  

I'm appreciating Justin more and more, too.  

12 minutes ago, candall said:

There's so much thoughtful viewer response inspired by this show--would the free flow be stifled by breaking the discussion into segments?

I would like individual episode threads.  I'm interested in everyone's opinions on it. 

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I'm just watching this now, and can't figure out why David is trying to move the log by dragging it along the shore.  Roll it out a little further in the water and float it along moron.

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Jose-     Why not double over the tarp for the bottom of the boat?  

Justin-      It's called "Alone", it's survival.  Nice way to waste a lot of energy climbing up a mountain. I commend you for doing it, but Jeez.

Nichole-    Still smiling after 22 days?  I give you credit.


Hey History Channel.  Enough with the fake-outs before commercial.  We're smarter than that. 

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53 minutes ago, candall said:

There's so much thoughtful viewer response inspired by this show--would the free flow be stifled by breaking the discussion into segments?


42 minutes ago, MostlyContent said:

I would like individual episode threads.  I'm interested in everyone's opinions on it. 

This was discussed earlier in the season, but since it's come up again, here's an official poll!

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When Justin went up the mountain I thought, "dumb ass", but then he came down with a renewed sense of purpose instead of wanting to tap out.  Hey, I respect that.  I almost expected him to break out a set of stone tablets or something, LOL.  Seriously, though, it was almost like his version of a vision quest.  Man goes on journey up the mountain alone, communes with nature, comes down with new wisdom, except does it without drugs.  Very archetypal in a way. 

I still feel like Jose is one of those that might one day wake up and out of nowhere announce that it's his time to leave, but he's still showing no signs of that so I am truly impressed.

I felt a little more respect for David, too, but I fear that in the future his body won't be able to handle the constant calorie deprivation and he'll reach a state where he'll feel forced to tap out.  That is going to be a very difficult decision for him to make and it's not going to be pretty to watch, either, because he seems to really want and need the money.

Nicole, what an inspiration, she is kooky but in a good way.  I hope she doesn't regret letting that fish go, though.  She really lucked out with her location but then again she also knows a lot about the plants and which ones are good to eat.  I spotted her winning attitude right away.  Even if she wasn't thriving so well her attitude alone could make her win this.  She's become my favorite.

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Nicole is kicking butt and taking names when it comes to fishing and foraging. She deserves this more than anyone, in my opinion. The woman has MS and isn't complaining about anything. At the same time, I wonder if she was put in that area so she wouldn't have to struggle for food and nourishment. Anyone else have that cross their mind?

Jose is starting to strike me as a one-hit wonder. Thoughtful, busy, intelligent... but there's something missing.

I'm so glad Justin hung in there. He's my favorite next to Nicole.

David.... admirable job on fixing that net, but dude.... you need to explore your surroundings and find a better place to fish.

I kinda sorta missed Larry and his colorful comments.

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2 minutes ago, cooksdelight said:

At the same time, I wonder if she was put in that area so she wouldn't have to struggle for food and nourishment. Anyone else have that cross their mind?

I thought the contestants drew lots for their locations but I might have imagined that.  

When I described the show to my son, he thought there should be a Hunger Games-type sky display whenever someone taps out. 

I was surprised that Nicole didn't just smoke that extra salmon so she could use it for another day.

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I love Nicole. She is living large! It's awesome how she is so matter of fact about the bears with a live and let live attitude.

Jose does nothing for me. I've seen no personality from him.

I bleeping missed bleeping Larry! Can you imagine his response to a trashed gill net?

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11 minutes ago, Auntie Anxiety said:

thought the contestants drew lots for their locations but I might have imagined that.

Nope, you didn't. It was in the Making the Cut episode prior to the start of the season. They all picked fortune cookies from a plate and Nicole got spot #10.


14 minutes ago, Auntie Anxiety said:

I was surprised that Nicole didn't just smoke that extra salmon so she could use it for another day.

I was surprised as well, but I did love her quote talking to the fish as she untangled it: " I'm going to get you out of this net. I've done it before, so don't worry, I'll walk you through it."

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Okay!  Watched both the last two episodes twice and read the last five pages of comments--I am up to speed.

Wow, Nicole's really living large if she's confident enough about consistent food sourcing to let that big fish go.  I shared her happiness at being able to be so generous with sparing a life, though, and . . . karma's a thing.

I enjoyed all the speculation about what the Mike-Barbara dynamic might be.  I'm thinking Barbara is probably home luxuriating in the rare opportunity for privacy and will be stunned to learn it had a three week expiration date--I was going to take a pottery class!--but I have a history of trying to scrape my SO's off me occasionally so I could breathe.  If they're both sad lobsters, then that's very nice.

Aaand, in other ways I am not such a great person, I mostly just wanted Randy to shutty and go already.  (My notion of a sweat lodge is different from seven minutes sealed in a giant cloud of vapor.)


The individuals who remain are a good composite.  I wonder why everyone isn't wearing anti-cougar caps with eyeballs painted on the back?

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6 hours ago, saoirse said:


This was discussed earlier in the season, but since it's come up again, here's an official poll!

Thanks, what a quick response!

I think another option might be wrapping up this season with the current system and changing to episode segments for Season Three: Patagonia.

I'm excited about Patagonia--it's beautiful and harsh in all different kinds of ways.  I was there once and reached down, just to gently stroke the leaf on a little ground plant.  There wasn't much vegetation around and I admired it for surviving the terrain.  Yeah, no kidding--it sliced my finger open like a razor blade.

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Nicole's not my first choice for a friend, well, I mean a little bit of her would go a long way, for me. I have to say she's my pick to win. She's handling the head game better than anyone. Man, she knows a lot about plants. I have gained a tremendous amount of respect for her. Go, Nicole.

I get a kick out of the detail that Jose is using on his boat. I look at the time and energy and think back to Lucas's rough tarp boat that was kinda thrown together AND he could re-use the tarp. I think Jose has the head game licked, too. I think he has an excellent chance to stay, too.

Justin, good job. Lotsa respect for what you did and it was so beautiful up there. Thanks for the best scenery this season.

Larry and David are hanging in well also, mostly based on previews.

All in all, it's a good final group, I think.

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8 hours ago, saoirse said:


1 hour ago, candall said:

I think another option might be wrapping up this season with the current system and changing to episode segments for Season Three: Patagonia.

I agree.  I hardly knew what to vote for, as I think separate episode threads might be warranted in the future, due to the number of responses, yet for *this season* perhaps we could keep it as it is? 

I voted for episode threads, but quite frankly I don't care if it stays as it is for this season.  If others have a strong feeling one way or another, that's good with me. :)


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I want to see Nicole or Justin win this season. I like their attitudes and how much we are seeing of them.
Nicole is great. I loved her hunt for greens and the info that she provided. I loved her attitude toward the fish. I am not certain why she didn't choose to smoke it or do something to preserve it for the future but she has been eating well enough that she was worried about needing greens and was ok with letting a fish go. She is dealing with the alone element just fine. But she has not built a boat....

Justin was great. I understand his desire to make the climb. I work in an office were 90% of the folks are retired or currently serving military and a good number are combat Vets. The issues are very, very real and many of the people I work with feel like society as a whole could careless about the people who serve in the Military. They all know people who have committed suicide. I have co-workers who have lost limbs to IEDs, are in wheel chairs, and have serious PTSD. Hell, I have co-workers with PTSD who refuse to get help from the VA because the VA is that awful. Knowing them makes it easy for me to understand Justin's decision.


When he turned 20, he transferred into active duty, where he became an Infantryman in the U.S. Army and served three tours in Iraq and one in Afghanistan. Justin is a proficient marksman, having served two combat tours as a sniper in the 101st Airborne Division and instructed at the U.S. Army Sniper School and Long Range Marksman course. While serving in the Army, he also attended several survival and tracking courses, which fueled his passion for wilderness survival.

He knows people who have killed themselves. I have no clue what he saw during his service but I am assuming that serving as a combat sniper means that he saw some pretty ugly things, especially with three tours in active war zones. His drive to honor his friends and comrades who have died in combat or by their own hand was pretty strong. More importantly, well for us at home and maybe Justin, it seemed to reinvigorate his spirit. Maybe he had been so focused on that milestone that he let other things slide a bit. Maybe accomplishing his goal freed him to think about himself and this experience and stop reflecting so much on his past. I would be thrilled if Justin won this. He is competent, he is thoughtful, he is complex, and he appears to be an overall good guy.

Jose bores me. He built a great looking boat and is moaning over the skin. Lucas built a boat last year, faster and with the same skin that survived and did great. He fished in the deeper water and moved around more freely. It wasn't as pretty but it was fully functional. So I am not exactly enthralled or overly impressed. Jose's boat is nicer looking and probably more structurally sound but who cares. Lucas's worked. Hell, Mike's this season worked. And Mike had built that, a full camp, board games, a bowling ally and a few other things before getting bored and leaving. All before Jose built his boat. Nicole has been catching fish, so have others, so I don't think the boat is a must have for fishing. We see hardly anything of his camp. We have very little insight into him. Boring.

David was actually fine this week. He is interesting in a different way. I can see where his strength is coming from. He seems to be devoted to his kids. He seems to be settling down a bit but he is in trouble if he cannot find away to feed himself more. I would be surprised if he caught much based on the bay that he is in. He probably needs to find a more calm area to fish.

No Larry. I didn't miss him.

Overall I would love to see Justin win this. I would be thrilled with a Nicole win. Hell, I would put a David win ahead of a Jose win. Jose bores me. He is not good TV. I am not learning anything from him and I don't see him doing anything all that different then what I have seen others do. At least we got a bit more of a back story from him today.

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Forgot about the poll. I voted no episode topics. I don't think there is enough discussion for each episode to have its own topics. Yes, there are 19 pages of discussion but that covers 1 3/4 season of the show. There were 11 episodes last year and 7 or 8 episodes so far this season. So 18 episodes total. That is a little over a page an episode.

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They need to put Nicole's footage on after David for the comedy factor.

David: Dear Diary, day 30 and still no fish. I've dropped three belt sizes and am beginning to have hallucinations that I'm in line at Kentucky Fried Chicken. I need the money and can't quit so I've prayed to God to transform these logs into ham hocks. So far, no response.

Nicole: Wow! Another fish in my gill net! Golly, you're a big fella! Good thing I don't need to eat you sweetheart, I'm still full from that huge fish and salad I ate this morning. Let me set you free. Go little fishy, go! Swim! Be free! Happy spawning! *waves goodbye*

Edited by Scaeva
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3 hours ago, candall said:

I think another option might be wrapping up this season with the current system and changing to episode segments for Season Three: Patagonia.

Another option was added with this as the choice - if anyone wants to change their vote, please PM me, and I can help with that.

58 minutes ago, ProfCrash said:

Forgot about the poll. I voted no episode topics. I don't think there is enough discussion for each episode to have its own topics. Yes, there are 19 pages of discussion but that covers 1 3/4 season of the show. There were 11 episodes last year and 7 or 8 episodes so far this season. So 18 episodes total. That is a little over a page an episode.

Actually, this topic has been for just Season Two, so there have been 19 pages for the 7 or 8 episodes. Here is the discussion for Season One, which ran to 13 pages for ten episodes, so posting has jumped a lot this season.

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I imagine that Mike is a lot like Doggy Anxiety. She has to follow me into the bathroom and doesn't like it if I don't allow her entrance. There are days when I take her to daycare just so I can be on my own.....and she's just a dog, folks! Maybe Barbara should get Mike a puppy, just so he has a constant companion.

Can't figure out the deal with David. Wasn't he a pastor or some such thing? Did he get fired? Was it the cause of his divorce?

Edited by Auntie Anxiety
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Thanks saoirse, I had forgotten that it was a season 2 only thread. I still don't think there is enough conversation to keep multiple threads open but that is just my opinion.

Mike lasted over two weeks, so I think he is fine. He missed his wife and chose to depart. He clearly has the chops to last longer if he wants to but he didn't want to and did not have to so why stay? Yes, it would be more fun for us if he stayed but he wasn't there to make a TV show, he was there to show what he could do. He was happy with his stay and that is all that mattered to him.

I wouldn't be surprised if some of the recruits, like Randy, had a set number of days that they wanted to be out there for and then pack it up at that point. Give themselves long enough out there to show what they can do (build shelter, build fire, hunt, gather and the like) so that they can show future clients and head back home.

I think David and Larry are there for the money. I think Jose and Nicole and there for the experience. I am not fully sure why Justin is there, maybe to heal a bit and for the money.

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10 hours ago, Snarklepuss said:

Nicole, what an inspiration, she is kooky but in a good way.  I hope she doesn't regret letting that fish go, though.  She really lucked out with her location but then again she also knows a lot about the plants and which ones are good to eat.  I spotted her winning attitude right away.  Even if she wasn't thriving so well her attitude alone could make her win this.  She's become my favorite.

I've been waiting for her to set up a smoker, but guess she's not going to. Can't help but wonder if that's something she'll come to regret when the salmon finish their run. Also, assuming she's still out there when winter comes, how will her foraging be affected by cold weather?

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48 minutes ago, Auntie Anxiety said:

Can't figure out the deal with David. Wasn't he a pastor or some such thing? Did he get fired? Was it the cause of his divorce?

He was a missionary in Brazil.  At some point his wife divorced him/he left Brazil - don't know in what order.  He has custody of the kids, who are mostly grown, and who seem to love him a lot.  Don't think he was fired from being a missionary, but who knows?  We haven't got the full story there.  Just hints and teases.

Frankly, I'm fine with either Jose, Nicole or Justin winning.  I'd be okay for David to win, just because he does seem to need the money, whereas the others seem to be comfortable with their lifestyles.  I think Justin's main reason for doing this is to jumpstart an Outbound type of therapy for combat vets, rather like the some of the people from Naked and Afraid have done.  And wasn't there someone from Season 1 who talked about that?  Mitch or Lucas?  I can't remember now.  I don't mind Jose not being entertaining the way Alan was last season.  He's just so competent that it doesn't make for fun viewing, like Screw-Up Larry does.  I like competent people myself.  David needs to take some lessons from Nicole on "Things To Eat Besides Fish".  But I do like that he showed a bit of a sense of humor with his Star Wars Light Saber.  LOL

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Split the screen contrasting Nicole and David.

Nicole happily releasing her 10 pound salmon from her gill net/David discovering the 600 pound cedar log in his wrecked net.

Nicole smiling into the camera/David's thousand yard stare at his desperation.

Nicole struggling under the weight of her overflowing skillet full of salmon steaks/David holding his lone limpet

Nicole not being hungry ONE day on VI/David hallucinating cedar logs floating in the bay as KFC fried chicken legs

Nicole's bright smiling eyes/David's blank stares sunk deep in his head.

Gonna give props to David's camp, neat and tidy.

We saw a glimpse of how he has succeeded in securing shelter, David you did well, crack a smile.

You can tell there hasn't been any wind whipped driven rain yet since David's shelter sides and back are not secured tight to the ground with sizable gaps to allow for air flow.

Agree, Jose has not been getting a good edit. Boring...zzzz....

Trimming his 'stache with up close nostrils shot, no thanks.

More hand wringing about his artisan boat.

The teases has already spoiler alerted us how his inaugural launch will go.

How about using another tarp to line the inside of the boat as a backup?

Launch the S.S. Hope I Didn't Miss the Salmon Run.

We can't wait.

Edited by humbleopinion
Additional nonsense
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Jose honey..let's get crackin'  You started building this boat on day 15--the purpose was to get your gill net to deeper waters to catch the salmon run.  (honestly you probably could have used the leaf boat for that.)  day 24 and you are still futsin' with it.   It's not going to the Smithsonian.  Make do for now and get to the salmon.  Tedious to watch while the salmon wave goodbye..

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I really am dissapointed about what we have been seeing with Jose.  He seemed so fascinating in the season preview.  I am afraid that if his boat does not work out, that the frustration will make him want to tap out.

Actually, I do not know if that is true, because we do not know how Jose handles frustrations.  I say this because we have gotten triumphs and failures of all the other people, besides Jose.  I know more about some of the people who have tapped out then I do about Jose.

He seemed obsessed with wilderness living compared to survival.  However, he look a bit gaunt and unhealthy, which makes me think he is not thriving.  What has he been eating?  What does his shelter look like?  I have no clue.

I love Nicole.  She seems like such a cool person and a really good teacher.  After this is over, I wonder if she will get a show on how to survive in nature.  Actually, Nicole is doing the wilderness living/thriving that Jose is aspiring, to.

Edited by qtpye
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12 hours ago, Auntie Anxiety said:

I was surprised that Nicole didn't just smoke that extra salmon so she could use it for another day.

I was too. Nicole is probably my favorite person on this season because her attitude is great, but letting that salmon go shows that she's living in the now not planning ahead for a long term stay. It doesn't surprise me that she's good with the plants. Many people here learn wild edibles and NW Oregon isn't that different than VI.

Forgive me if this has been discussed before, I'm new to this show and this series thread on the forum. Jose has mentioned it several times and I believe it was also mentioned by Alan last season that you have to move past surviving and look at this as wilderness living. I live in the PNW and have camped on the Olympic Peninsula and VI, it is during November as harsh at it is being shown. Many of the people on the show throw up what I would consider a temporary shelter, only look at daily subsistence as a goal and really aren't looking ahead to being prepared for a long, wet, cold winter. This is why I think Nicole made a mistake.

Lastly, I think it's one thing to go out in the woods in Ohio or wherever and learn how to build fire, trap, etc. and have some basic survival skills. But, it's a completely other thing to not have any experience actually privative camping. I'm surprised how freaked out people are by bears on this show. They aren't uncommon and by being smart (e.g., not cooking where you camp, hanging smelly items up in a tree) you can mostly coexist with them safely. I'm by no means a primitive camping enthusiast, but I have had black bears come into my camp when I was backpacking or canoeing and scared them off by beating pots and pans together and throwing rocks at them. Nicole is aware of that, but it seems not many are.

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That's it, I am officially adding Nicole to my Dream Zombie Apocalypse Team. I can just see her saying "sorry, hun!" as she chops a zombie's head off with a machete. Then she would gather us an incredible antioxidant salad from a field, making a "vinaigrette" from a tincture of sap.

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2 hours ago, qtpye said:

I love Nicole.  She seems like such a cool person and a really good teacher.  After this is over, I wonder if she will get a show on how to survive in nature.  Actually, Nicole is doing the wilderness living/thriving that Jose is aspiring, too.

Nicole is treating this whole experience as the pilot for her new reality show "Wilderness Living With Nicole." Her cheery greetings and unfailing smiles, the Earth Mother vibe. Gratitude to the fishes as she chops off their heads. She is like the Martha Stewart of Alone. What made me really love her is when she did the close-up of her teeth with that black gook in there.

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Add me to the Nicole fan club.  I wasn't keen on her initially, but she has definitely grown on me.  She is smart, savvy, and comfortable with herself. Seems like she has nothing to prove and somehow is using her Alone experience to end one chapter (losing her beloved stepson)/begin a new chapter in her life (go forward keeping him in her heart and making peace with the loss). I'd love to see her win this.  Her young sons would be so proud of her.

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When David was puttering with that log for hours, I thought to myself, "He's losing his grip. He's obsessing." Prolonged hunger can probably affect your judgment. On the other hand, I was really impressed with the way he refused to let his wrecked gill nets discourage him. He just pulled them out and fixed them.

I agree about most of them approaching this with a short-term mindset. Most of these peoples' campsites will be wrecked in the first good winter storm. If they are hoping to last longer than a few drippy weeks, they're going to be in trouble. Nobody is laying in food reserves. It would have only taken a few hours of research to learn how native people survived the winter in this region or what food sources one can find in the fall/winter. I'm shocked that most of these people didn't bother to acquire new skills or study up in preparation for this experience. Learning various fishing and trapping methods, how to smoke or preserve meat, learn about the edible plants, etc. That time of year, there are probably tons of ripe berries. Gather them and dry them! The ones bitching about the boredom: why not build a smokehouse? Why not explore the area around you? Build or create new fishing apparatus or a more efficient shelter. Take full advantage of that environment!

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Awww, I think Jose is getting a bad rap. :( (no offense to anyone in particular).  I think he takes his bushcraft very seriously, is likely a perfectionist and somewhat an introvert and (after watching his videos on Facebook), he is 100% behind all the other competitors and doesn't say anything negative about anyone and even sticks up for Desmond! He takes the producers to task a little regarding the editing and reminds the home viewers just how hard it is and how little we see. He reminds me of Mitch (my lovely from season #1) and I just think that he is not an outgoing, upbeat personality, but 100% has the skills and is totally doing it. I would bet that he is also eating greens like Nicole, but they seem to want her as the only one in that "niche".  I think that he is worrying about the salmon, and also doesn't want the boat to get chewed up and potentially put himself into a position of needing rescue or getting hurt. I think that is prudent, as opposed to some things that we have seen people do (e.g., use a tree as a chimney practically burning everything up!). After viewing the outside stuff that Jose does in his real life, I think that he is a really interesting person, it just may not come across like upbeat Nicole, or swinging from the trees Justin, but he is still worthy and (IMO) doesn't make him less than the others. He just approaches it differently. 

How many times do we piss and moan about reality shows stunt casting the "crazy stereotypes"? (heard it on the Survivor thread for sure).  But, if they cast real people, who are competent, they get the boring label? Can't have it both ways. There is just not enough time to show everything that they do and I am sure that all of them are doing things that we might find more interesting dependent upon our inherent interests. Of all the shows that I watch, I would love more insider videos on the website. I would like to see more of the people I like. Not sure why they don't do it. We know that there is footage. Anyway, MMV, no offense to anyone who disagrees though. ;) 

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Show more of his camp and what he is doing. All we have seen is the damn boat. Everyone else has had a pretty well rounded depiction of what they were up to. Jose we see the boat and only the boat. Something is up with Jose. I don't buy that it is what he is filming at this point. There has been enough time that he had to have instructed to tape more or talk more or whatever and we barely saw anything outside of the boat.

There has been no problem showing everyone else working on the shelter, nothing for Jose.

There has been no problem showing everyone else discussing their motivation for being out there, nothing for Jose.

We have seen the ups and downs and the challenges and successes for everyone else, nothing for Jose.

Survivor's boring people do not succeed because they are not doing anything or are awful in interviews. Alone has a totally different audience. We want to see the people who are competent be competent. I don't need them to be exciting, just doing things in camp that I couldn't dream of. Hell, Dave has more of a fan base then Jose right now. He might be a downer but we know why he is, we know his struggles, we know what he is trying to do to succeed. I know squat about Jose other then he has built a boat and is worried that it is going to fail if it scrapes on a freaking barnacle.

We watched Nicole gather greens and Justin hike up a mountain and Dave hold a freaking log. We are fine with that. You cannot tell me that Jose is doing things that are more boring then standing there holding a log for ages and repairing a gill net. Hell, we have watched people trap mice.

So yeah, Jose should have been interesting and fun to watch but has turned out to be a dude. Give me competent, smiling Nicole or angsty, drowning Justin or even dour Dave. I know who they are and what is happening. Jose has a boat. That will probably sink if a rock touches it. Awesome.

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I agree with both sides of the Jose argument. He is obviously extremely skilled and has presented as a nice guy, maybe an introvert, but introversion is the most useful skill one can bring to this game. They also have not shown NEARLY enough of him to make the audience care enough, if he does end up being the eventual winner. I don't know if it's Jose's fault or the editing's fault, but there just hasn't been enough of him. I'm inclined to blame the editing more than Jose, though. It seems as though, if you follow edgic and such, he is not likely to win the whole thing based on how little we've seen. 

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