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In Memoriam: Entertainment Industry Celebrity Deaths

Message added by Mr. Sparkle,


This thread is for deaths of celebrities in the entertainment business only. No notices about politicians, please. 

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Just yesterday,  I was watching several clips from the original Hollywood Squares on YouTube and  wondering if she were still with us.

And I loved her response to a producer who intimated that she'd get more screen time if she'd sleep with him(per her AP obituary):  "You couldn't get it up if a flag went by."

RIP, Miss Rose.  

Edited by smittykins
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Mystery author Sue Grafton has died, according to a twitter post by her daughter.  I only read one or two of her  alphabetically-titled novels, but I know that they were very popular.  ('The alphabet now ends at Y.')


Edited by BooksRule
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I loved the Sue Grafton books - so sad there will not be a Z.  I wondered about her health, since there had been more time between books lately.  I'm glad they won't be hiring someone to try to write a Z.  That never works - the distinctive voice of the author is gone.  

How's Robert Caro doing?  I've been reading his LBJ series, and I dread hearing he has died without finishing it.  LIke WIlliam Manchester.  

Did Dick Van Dyke release a statement on the death of Rose Marie?  I wonder about his health too.  

  • Love 4

Did Dick Van Dyke release a statement on the death of Rose Marie?  I wonder about his health too.

At Christmas, my brother, sister and I were discussing the celebrities who are still with us at an advanced age (I think the subject came up because of Norman Lear being honored at the 2017 Kennedy Center Honors event).  One person we discussed was Rose Marie.  Now I'm worried about the others we talked about, including Betty White, Dick Van Dyke, Norman Lloyd, and Bob Newhart! 

  • Love 3
2 hours ago, scarynikki12 said:

Well now I want to cry. 

Don't you just...? I was sort of following the "alphabet" books too. They were really big (or seemed to be) back when I was in Junior High (now Middle School) & High School (late '70's-early '80's)--my then-best friend sort of got me started reading them; OK, she got me started buying them. I think I have about half the alphabet, I think, in paperback. I may have to start all over again with the series; this time, via audiobooks. It seems the older I get, the harder it is to read something & the easiest it is to listen to it, if possible.

I'm sad she didn't get to "Z" either; she was so close, too. If only she could've figured out how to do "Z" at the same time as "Y"; especially if she knew she was sick while writing "Y" (or before). But I respect her family's decision to not hire someone to do "Z". I'm just not happy for those of us who were following how many books had come out/had yet to come out, because now we won't have a real conclusion to the series. 

Edited by BW Manilowe
To fix a spacing issue.
1 hour ago, Calvada said:

I loved the Sue Grafton books - so sad there will not be a Z.  I wondered about her health, since there had been more time between books lately.  I'm glad they won't be hiring someone to try to write a Z.  That never works - the distinctive voice of the author is gone.  

How's Robert Caro doing?  I've been reading his LBJ series, and I dread hearing he has died without finishing it.  LIke WIlliam Manchester.  

Did Dick Van Dyke release a statement on the death of Rose Marie? I wonder about his health too.  

I just Googled, like, 7 pages listing stuff about Rose Marie's death. I found nothing like a statement from Dick about her death... yet. They had a link to the statement Dick made when Mary Tyler Moore died though. I would think he'd put a statement out soon. Maybe he &/or his spokesperson haven't quite figured out what they wanted to say. I know he & Rose Marie were still close; when I read about Mary Tyler Moore dying, Rose Marie said Dick had apparently called her after he saw Mary for the last time & told her it didn't look good (MTM lived in NY, DVD in LA; RM's health at that point was apparently such that she was staying at home instead of going out many places--she had been using a wheelchair & was on supplemental oxygen).

Edited by BW Manilowe
2 hours ago, BW Manilowe said:

Don't you just...? I was sort of following the "alphabet" books too. They were really big (or seemed to be) back when I was in Junior High (now Middle School) & High School (late '70's-early '80's)--my then-best friend sort of got me started reading them; OK, she got me started buying them. I think I have about half the alphabet, I think, in paperback. I may have to start all over again with the series; this time, via audiobooks. It seems the older I get, the harder it is to read something & the easiest it is to listen to it, if possible.

I'm sad she didn't get to "Z" either; she was so close, too. If only she could've figured out how to do "Z" at the same time as "Y"; especially if she knew she was sick while writing "Y" (or before). But I respect her family's decision to not hire someone to do "Z". I'm just not happy for those of us who were following how many books had come out/had yet to come out, because now we won't have a real conclusion to the series. 

This is why George Martin needs to suck it up and finish the damn books.  At least Graftons books were mostly self contained. 

  • Love 7
7 hours ago, bmasters9 said:

That it would have been! Subsequent years will be her posthumous 82nd and 83rd, and so on.

Of course! I mentioned this birthday in particular because it was the first one after MTM's death this year, and the fact that it fell after Rose Marie's death. It's just an odd coincidence.

I am really upset about Sue Grafton.   I am reading Y right now.   As usual Henry Pitts' house is described as is his age.   I thought as I have been lately that when Henry dies, he is going to leave the house to Kinsey.   If he doesn't outlive her.   His siblings back in Michigan won't want it.  William is happy with Rosy (although he will probably outlive everyone despite his fervent wishes to be sickly).  Now that won't happen.   Yes, it is possible I am waaaaay to invested in fictional character's lives.   But isn't that the mark of a good book -- you come to care about the characters?

  • Love 8
On 12/30/2017 at 9:34 AM, merylinkid said:

I am really upset about Sue Grafton.   I am reading Y right now.   As usual Henry Pitts' house is described as is his age.   I thought as I have been lately that when Henry dies, he is going to leave the house to Kinsey.   If he doesn't outlive her.   His siblings back in Michigan won't want it.  William is happy with Rosy (although he will probably outlive everyone despite his fervent wishes to be sickly).  Now that won't happen.   Yes, it is possible I am waaaaay to invested in fictional character's lives. But isn't that the mark of a good book -- you come to care about the characters?

I think it's the mark of any good work of fiction (TV show, movie, theatrical work, fictional book of any genre), period, that/when you care about the characters, as if they're real people. It's not just a good book. And it sucks we won't see whether or not Henry Pitts leaves the house to Kinsey (if that might've come up sometime in the "Z" book), or the resolutions to any of the long running plot threads in the series (again, if those might've come up in the "Z" book). Who really knows if we'd have found out about the house though? Another thing about "Z" intending to be the last book in the series is, some authors don't want the final book in a series to be "obvious" about it being just that; they want the readers to feel like, when this book ends, life will go on for the regular characters & the other townspeople where they live. We just won't get to see it. And that might've entailed leaving some non-crucial plot threads hanging.

I know it's hard to keep the plots of 2 books straight at once, but I really wish she would've at least attempted a "Z", given that she'd been working on the series for so long, when she was told she maybe only had a couple of years left. Or that she'd have written some of the earlier books faster, if it might've gotten her to "Z" before she died. I'm sad for Sue, & for us, that she got so close & then couldn't finish the series. But I totally see why the family has decided not to call in a ghost writer for the last book. Even if they just used Sue's name, character names, locations, etc., & they tried very hard to copy how Sue did everything, her style & "voice" wouldn't be there. I'd hate for that to ruin the series.

I also just had the thought of, what if she'd started "Z" but hadn't finished it before she died? Wonder what her family would've done about the book then?

Edited by BW Manilowe
To add comments. And to fix a spacing issue.
  • Love 1
21 hours ago, Hanahope said:

This is why George Martin needs to suck it up and finish the damn books.  At least Graftons books were mostly self contained. 

At this point, he seems to have good notes on how to get the series to end and worst case, they could hire Brandon Sanderson to wrap up the last few books. I kind of liked the Sanderson books of The Wheel of Time better than the last few that Robert Jordan wrote because Jordan kind of let the series plotlines collapse under the weight of the cast of two thousand characters somewhere around book 8. 

  • Love 1
2 hours ago, legaleagle53 said:

Rose Marie's daughter "Noopy" just posted this in response to the overwhelming outpouring of fan support following her mother's passing:

OK... I dunno about the rest of you, but reading that note from Noopy (her real name is Georgiana) was something of an emotional moment for me.

  • Love 10
13 hours ago, Hanahope said:

I feel for Sue because she would have stopped after Z and enjoyed some time without any deadlines or questions about her next book.

I think I read she got the 25 books that she did get published done in 38 years, which suggests long gaps between some of the books (longer than a year to a year & a half, anyway). Granted, we don't know why it took her that long, but if there weren't any extenuating reasons for it, you'd think/hope she could've written & published each book in a year to 18 months timeline. I think if she'd been able to do that, she might've gotten to "Z" in time, with time to spare. It just still bothers me because she got so close to the end, but no cigar as they say. I think it might've been kinda important to her to have finished the whole alphabet, as well as to her serious readers. I think the casual readers--the ones who maybe read some, but not all, of the books & knew she was on this personal challenge, of sorts, to see if she could write a book series titled with each letter of the alphabet--were rooting for her to finish too.

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On 12/30/2017 at 9:06 AM, BW Manilowe said:

I think it's the mark of any good work of fiction (TV show, movie, theatrical work, fictional book of any genre), period, that/when you care about the characters, as if they're real people. It's not just a good book. And it sucks we won't see whether or not Henry Pitts leaves the house to Kinsey (if that might've come up sometime in the "Z" book), or the resolutions to any of the long running plot threads in the series (again, if those might've come up in the "Z" book). Who really knows if we'd have found out about the house though? Another thing about "Z" intending to be the last book in the series is, some authors don't want the final book in a series to be "obvious" about it being just that; they want the readers to feel like, when this book ends, life will go on for the regular characters & the other townspeople where they live. We just won't get to see it. And that might've entailed leaving some non-crucial plot threads hanging.

I know it's hard to keep the plots of 2 books straight at once, but I really wish she would've at least attempted a "Z" , given that she'd been working on the series for so long, when she was told she maybe only had a couple of years left. Or that she'd have written some of the earlier books faster, if it might've gotten her to "Z" before she died. I'm sad for Sue, & for us, that she got so close & then couldn't finish the series. But I totally see why the family has decided not to call in a ghost writer for the last book. Even if they just used Sue's name, character names, locations, etc., & they tried very hard to copy how Sue did everything, her style & "voice" wouldn't be there. I'd hate for that to ruin the series.

I also just had the thought of, what if she'd started "Z" but hadn't finished it before she died? Wonder what her family would've done about the book then?

In case anyone is wondering, according to Wikipedia, the last book in the "Alphabet" series (which had a target publication date of 2019) would have been titled Z is for Zero.  "X" was the only letter that stumped Sue Grafton; she had already planned out all of the other titles right up to the end of the series.

  • Love 3

Thanks for posting that from Mrs. Rodrigues, BW Manilowe.  I know that her mother Mrs. Guy's death had to be a shock as my own father's was years back despite his declining health for sometime before that (and also don't envy her having to decide what to do with all  stuff left behind) !  Nice of her to share how Rose Marie's bonding with new generations via sharing her jokes, memories and even recipes gave her a new lease on life to be able have a triumph at the end.   Also, very helpful for her to use that platform to update fans to when her mother's documentary detailing her legacy would be shown in various cities (and I hope it gets shown in my own city before too long). Yes, it's safe to say that her having met everyone from Evelyn Nesbit to D.L. Hughley easily out Kevin Bacons Mr. Bacon  himself!  Also, generous of Mrs Rodrigues to actually be willing to let everyone call her by her childhood nickname !

  • Love 1
5 minutes ago, Blergh said:

Thanks for posting that from Mrs. Rodrigues, BW Manilowe.  I know that her mother Mrs. Guy's death had to be a shock as my own father's was years back despite his declining health for sometime before that (and also don't envy her having to decide what to do with all  stuff left behind) !  Nice of her to share how Rose Marie's bonding with new generations via sharing her jokes, memories and even recipes gave her a new lease on life to be able have a triumph at the end.   Also, very helpful for her to use that platform to update fans to when her mother's documentary detailing her legacy would be shown in various cities (and I hope it gets shown in my own city before too long). Yes, it's safe to say that her having met everyone from Evelyn Nesbit to D.L. Hughley easily out Kevin Bacons Mr. Bacon  himself!  Also, generous of Mrs Rodrigues to actually be willing to let everyone call her by her childhood nickname !

Actually, I was the one who posted that, but you're welcome just the same.  Happy New Year!  :-)

  • Love 3
19 minutes ago, legaleagle53 said:

Actually, I was the one who posted that, but you're welcome just the same.  Happy New Year!  :-)

Sorry, about that Legal Eagle.


 True that re Mrs. Rodrigues.

Something else that struck me (as I DID follow the account) was that on Christmas Day, Rose Marie herself posted a picture of her and her own late mother Stella Gluszcak saying that not only did was she celebrating Christmas itself but the fact that it was Ms. Gluszcak's own birthday AND that ' trust me when I tell you , you never get too old to miss your mother.' Yep, and I'm TRULY going to dread that!

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On 12/31/2017 at 0:06 PM, Blergh said:

Sorry, about that Legal Eagle.


 True that re Mrs. Rodrigues.

Something else that struck me (as I DID follow the account) was that on Christmas Day, Rose Marie herself posted a picture of her and her own late mother Stella Gluszcak saying that not only did was she celebrating Christmas itself but the fact that it was Ms. Gluszcak's own birthday AND that ' trust me when I tell you , you never get too old to miss your mother.' Yep, and I'm TRULY going to dread that!

Been there, done that.  January 3 will mark one year since my own mother's passing at the young age of 76, but you know, I didn't fall apart the way I thought I would.  I cried for about 25 minutes when my aunt called and told me, and at my manager's encouragement, I took the following week off for bereavement leave (even though circumstances didn't allow me to fly home for the funeral).  After that, I went back to work.  I really felt for a while afterwards that I could sense my mother watching over me while I was at work, and while I still miss her and think about her every day (it feels weird not having to call home for the holidays or her birthday), I know from experience that time is a wonderful healer.  Trust me, you'll do just fine when the day comes.

Edited by legaleagle53
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Here's one that's a little obscure:  Sr. John Eudes, a Sinsinawa Dominican, passed away on Dec. 22.  Sr. John was the inspiration for the character of Mary Clancy in the book Life with Mother Superior, which became the movie The Trouble with Angels.  Hayley Mills portrayed Mary Clancy in the latter.  Sr. John outlived her friend, Jane Trahey, who authored the book, by 17 years.  RIP, Mary Clancey/Sr. John!

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4 hours ago, BW Manilowe said:

They're going to have to change the line in the song "I Believe" from The Book of Mormon that says, "I believe that the current President of the Church Thomas Monson, speaks directly to God".

Edited by Silver Raven
  • Love 6
11 hours ago, BW Manilowe said:

I wondered whether anyone was going to post about President Monson's passing.  Thank you for doing that, @BW Manilowe.  As a life-long member of the Church, it means a lot to me that others recognize this wonderful man for his life-long service to God and his constant reminders to my people especially of the importance of empathy and compassionate service.

  • Love 2
2 hours ago, legaleagle53 said:

I wondered whether anyone was going to post about President Monson's passing.  Thank you for doing that, @BW Manilowe.  As a life-long member of the Church, it means a lot to me that others recognize this wonderful man for his life-long service to God and his constant reminders to my people especially of the importance of empathy and compassionate service.

You're welcome. I know he isn't a celebrity in the same way as most of those we post about here, but I look at him as being (at least) a newsmaker, which I think makes his passing worthy of a mention here. If it had been, say, Pope Francis or the head of any other "mainstream/non-cult" type religious denomination, I would've also afforded them the same courtesy. 


9 hours ago, Silver Raven said:

They're going to have to change the line in the song "I Believe" from The Book of Mormon that says, "I believe that the current President of the Church Thomas Monson, speaks directly to God".

When they name/elect the new president (I'm not Mormon, so I'm not up on the procedure for naming a new president of the church) wouldn't they just put his name in the song instead, assuming it fits the right number of syllables (changing the lyric, if necessary) & all that, or is that too simplistic? They wouldn't have to rewrite it from the beginning, would they?

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From Twitter (the late Rose Marie's Twitter feed, now in the hands of her assistant, her daughter, Noopy (aka Georgiana), & other loved ones

The Flamingo Las Vegas Marks the Passing of Their Opening Night Headliner, Rose Marie.


Rose Marie's daughter, Noopy, posts details on her mom's Mass of Christian Burial. It appears to be open to the public (for anyone in the LA area who was a fan & might wanna try to go).

Edited by BW Manilowe
To add a link.
  • Love 4
6 hours ago, BW Manilowe said:

You're welcome. I know he isn't a celebrity in the same way as most of those we post about here, but I look at him as being (at least) a newsmaker, which I think makes his passing worthy of a mention here. If it had been, say, Pope Francis or the head of any other "mainstream/non-cult" type religious denomination, I would've also afforded them the same courtesy. 


When they name/elect the new president (I'm not Mormon, so I'm not up on the procedure for naming a new president of the church) wouldn't they just put his name in the song instead, assuming it fits the right number of syllables (changing the lyric, if necessary) & all that, or is that too simplistic? They wouldn't have to rewrite it from the beginning, would they?

The rule of succession has been the same since 1844.  President Monson's two counselors, who with him constituted the Church's highest governing body, the First Presidency, now resume their original places in the Quorum of the Twelve Apostles, which is the next-highest governing body in the Church.  That Quorum then meets in a spirit of prayer and fasting to determine by divine revelation who the next President of the Church will be.  Historically, the most senior Apostle in the Quorum (i.e., the President of the Quorum) is called to the office. In this case, that will be President Russell M. Nelson.  He in turn will call two members of the Quorum of the Twelve Apostles to be his new counselors, and the First Presidency will thus be reorganized.  It is then that the formal announcement is made to the Church and to the general public, and the final step is that the new First Presidency will be formally presented to the Church for a sustaining (or ratifying) vote by the body of the Church during the next worldwide General Conference of the Church in April, in accordance with our belief in the principle of common consent.  At the same time, the vacancies in the Quorum of the Twelve Apostles caused by the reorganization of the First Presidency will also be filled and presented to the Church for formal ratification by the Church membership.

It's really a very simple, straightforward procedure, one constantly guided by divine revelation, although it perhaps may seem a bit byzantine to those who are not members of the Church.

Edited by legaleagle53

Actually doesn't sound much different than how they elect a new Pope.    The Cardinals all come together in conclave.   They vote and each day send up a smoke signal to signify if they have reached a decision.   Black smoke means they keep talking, white means a new Pope.   If after two weeks they haven't reach a decision, they do the fasting thing.  This was instituted in the Middle Ages because the Cardinals were enjoying living on the Vatican's dime and eating extremely well rather than picking a Pope.   These days, it goes much faster than 2 weeks.   However, I love listen to the NON-Catholic tv pundits who say things like "the next Pope will be from Africa to make history."   Yeah the Catholic Church is not interested in diversity or representation from underserved populations.    They ARE history and move at a glacial pace.    Good grief in most of our lifetimes they just stopped having Mass in Latin.   The current Pope is shaking things up and causing all kinds of havoc with the old guard.   It's "just not done."

  • Love 2

I still haven't seen any details yet, but the Twitter feeds for at least Hawaii Five-0 showrunner Peter Lenkov & 1 of the show's fansites, H50hana, say that Sgt. Stephen Jackel, who was 1 of the real-life war veterans with various types of postwar issues recruited by McGarrett to assist with the capture of a band of not-so-merry-gentlemen at a local Honolulu mall, has apparently died at some recent point since the episode aired (but no further details are available at this time).

The episode featuring Sgt. Jackel & the other real-life turned fictional vets was this season's Christmas episode, 1 of 2 H50 eps aired on CBS on Friday, December 15th; it aired at the show's regularly scheduled airtime of 10PM Eastern/9PM Central. If you saw the ep, Sgt. Jackel played the war vet named Henry, who was a (real life) war-related amputee & apparently the munitions expert among the vets McGarrett recruited to help with Five-0's investigation. Sgt. Jackel apparently leaves behind a wife & 6 children.

Should anyone be so inclined, a gofundme account has been started to help the Sgt's family (Alex O'Loughlin, Peter Lenkov, & others connected to H50 have already contributed). Details can be found, I think, through either Tweet I linked above.

Edited by BW Manilowe
To change a character name mentioned.
6 hours ago, BetterButter said:

I always remember her for her role in To Live and Die In LA. RIP Darlanne. You were a talented soul that appeared in many 80s roles. Too young...and with Alzheimer's disease!

Edited by Robert Lynch
On 1/4/2018 at 11:36 AM, BW Manilowe said:

I still haven't seen any details yet, but the Twitter feeds for at least Hawaii Five-0 showrunner Peter Lenkov & 1 of the show's fansites, H50hana, say that Sgt. Stephen Jackel, who was 1 of the real-life war veterans with various types of postwar issues recruited by McGarrett to assist with the capture of a band of not-so-merry-gentlemen at a local Honolulu mall, has apparently died at some recent point since the episode aired (but no further details are available at this time).

The episode featuring Sgt. Jackel & the other real-life turned fictional vets was this season's Christmas episode, 1 of 2 H50 eps aired on CBS on Friday, December 15th; it aired at the show's regularly scheduled airtime of 10PM Eastern/9PM Central. If you saw the ep, Sgt. Jackel played the war vet named Henry, who was a (real life) war-related amputee & apparently the munitions expert among the vets McGarrett recruited to help with Five-0's investigation. Sgt. Jackel apparently leaves behind a wife & 6 children.

Should anyone be so inclined, a gofundme account has been started to help the Sgt's family (Alex O'Loughlin, Peter Lenkov, & others connected to H50 have already contributed). Details can be found, I think, through either Tweet I linked above.

Further information from this website indicates that Sgt. Jackel apparently committed suicide, either sometime yesterday (Thursday) or slightly earlier than that. Definitely within the last 24-48 hours though.

On 1/4/2018 at 1:42 PM, Angeltoes said:

He played little Quentin on Grace Under Fire. Another source gives suicide as cause of death.


Didn't Brett Butler flash her boobs at him when her show was on the air? I recall reading that a long time ago. No wonder he quit acting after being the victim of a sexual predator.

On 1/5/2018 at 1:39 PM, BW Manilowe said:

Further information from this website indicates that Sgt. Jackel apparently committed suicide, either sometime yesterday (Thursday) or slightly earlier than that. Definitely within the last 24-48 hours though.

That seems to be a pretty jingoistic website. I'm not sure I'd believe anything posted on a site like that. 

Although, I can't say the elder Mr. Van Dyke's my favorite person, I have to feel sorry for him losing his colleague Rose Marie just over a week ago and now his younger brother Jerry yesterday. The younger Mr. Van Dyke had been suffering the last two years after a car accident but I can't help but think he was especially haunted by what had happened to his daughter Kelly's suicide 25 years ago. RIP, Luther. 



  • Love 6
6 minutes ago, Blergh said:

Although, I can't say the elder Mr. Van Dyke's my favorite person, I have to feel sorry for him losing his colleague Rose Marie just over a week ago and now his younger brother Jerry yesterday. The younger Mr. Van Dyke had been suffering the last two years after a car accident but I can't help but think he was especially haunted by what had happened to his daughter Kelly's suicide 25 years ago. RIP, Luther. 



Damn. I loved him in Coach. This is so sad.  :(  RIP sir.

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Message added by Mr. Sparkle,


This thread is for deaths of celebrities in the entertainment business only. No notices about politicians, please. 

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