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I don't understand why they couldn't live in the studio until they got a house built. She said they would have to rent a place while the house was built. The studio had a kitchen, bathroom, and beds. Seems like you'd like to live in something you already own especially on a short-term basis.

But this is HHI - backstories are usually wonky.

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14 minutes ago, chessiegal said:

I don't understand why they couldn't live in the studio until they got a house built. She said they would have to rent a place while the house was built. The studio had a kitchen, bathroom, and beds. Seems like you'd like to live in something you already own especially on a short-term basis.

But this is HHI - backstories are usually wonky.

They briefly showed the bathroom but I thought it looked great. I would have lived there.

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Her shirt was a riding shirt.   I don't know why they don't have a trailer parked there to live in, and use the other studio for an office and cooking.  Glad they chose the best place for them.  She rode nice enough, so that was nice.

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On 10/31/2023 at 8:02 PM, Grizzly said:

Matarrana, Spain. That's a horrible top Krystal is wearing in their talking head.


12 hours ago, Pine said:

Her shirt was a riding shirt. 

The whole time I was thinking, supportive undergarments! 

The woman drove me slightly batty. It seemed like she had to be always "on." Maybe a holdover from these last few years of doing online programs. She complained that the third house was "everything Christian wants." No, *every* property started out with the horses' needs. The third property was the closest that Christian got to a distant second. 

And of course she had to constantly talk about how she likes American things. 

Dubai to Australia: After Annoying Horse Woman I was in no mood for Everything Was Better in Dubai woman. I ended up looking at the properties and forwarding through the talking heads. 

I've seen the realtor before, right? Do people in Australia not remove their hats indoors? 

Both of these episodes were so aggravating with people acting like they deserved everything when they *knew* their budgets were low. Even if it's just producer manipulation that they keep mentioning it, it's not anything I'm interested in listening to. 

Edited by Mediocre Gatsby
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On 11/1/2023 at 5:00 PM, Jodithgrace said:

They kind of forgot to mention that part. Yes, the property was $40k less than their budget, but I can’t imagine a new house would be less than that.

What annoyed me was how she kept saying that this was all about the horses and the house seemingly didn't matter, until it did matter, and she didn't want to live in a house that was basically her husband's grandmother's house!   I thought that house was pretty nice, considering their other options.

They'll probably be happier having a new home on the property that was set up perfectly for her business, but I thought the third property would've been okay. Building an arena wouldn't take as long as building a house!  I thought the husband got steamrolled in the process, but hopefully they're truly happy with their choice.  More importantly, I hope the horses are happy!!  :) 


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15 hours ago, Mediocre Gatsby said:


Dubai to Australia: After Annoying Horse Woman I was in no mood for Everything Was Better in Dubai woman. I ended up looking at the properties and forwarding through the talking heads. 

I've seen the realtor before, right? Do people in Australia not remove their hats indoors? 

the wife seemed to find everything pretty blah about all 3 places and the husband and his boat mania bugged me

have seen the realtor before and i think his cowboy hat thing is just a gimmick to stand out and it does make him stand out but that bugs me too

maybe it's just me...

Edited by cinsays
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The Aussie agent with the cowboy hat has been in a couple of Perth episodes, IIRC, which is clear on the other side of the country from Brisbane.

They were in Redlands City, which is about 30 minutes drive SE of Brisbane itself.

In previous episodes in the Brisbane area, I think it was Maxine, the tall brunette, who played the agent.


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2 hours ago, aghst said:

The Aussie agent with the cowboy hat has been in a couple of Perth episodes, IIRC, which is clear on the other side of the country from Brisbane.

They were in Redlands City, which is about 30 minutes drive SE of Brisbane itself.

In previous episodes in the Brisbane area, I think it was Maxine, the tall brunette, who played the agent.


yeah, i really like maxine, this guy, not so much

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1 hour ago, Jodithgrace said:

If I recall, his name is Jesse James, which he thinks gives him a license to wear a cowboy hat. I’ve seen him on a bunch of Australian episodes. 

To me, it looks like he is playing a role in his big cowboy hat and big belt buckle.  🙄

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Well, there was a twist in the Australia episode.  Usually we hear numerous house hunters complain about how small the bedrooms, bathrooms, kitchens are compared to those in the U.S.  This time, every comparison was to what they had in Dubai (this bedroom is the size of our ensuite in Dubair....).  I like that they changed it up (sarcasm).

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Paris. This is a great story! I'm a little glad they didn't use Adrian, she wouldn't bring the right vibe. Oh dear, mom is quite picky. One of my pet peeves is people who complain about no natural light in the bedroom. How much time do you spend there during the day? I would be nervous with Fawn having to do those stairs. I hope she's happy and where can I get a son like On?

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A place for Mom! Very happy for Fawn on all levels. Missed what the son did for a living. SF real estate is super pricey and he’s still got nearly a mill for Mom’s place. 

The realtor was pretty mellow, agree Adrian might not have been right for them. Otoh, no way would she have made that woman walk up and down a spiral staircase, much less propose that she live there and carry groceries up it. (I’ve climbed up and down Paris’s spiral staircases—a challenge carrying nothing.)

The Marais focus was the drama/red herring angle. Mom seemed sincere about the light and again, the stairs were ridiculous.

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2 hours ago, buttersister said:

A place for Mom! Very happy for Fawn on all levels. Missed what the son did for a living. SF real estate is super pricey and he’s still got nearly a mill for Mom’s place. 

He said he's an intellectual property lawyer; I looked him up (of course!) and he's a partner at his firm. I laughed when he said he was saving money for his mom like a good Gaysian son. 

I really liked this episode and I'm glad she found what she wants. 

Edited by Mediocre Gatsby
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I was confused by the Paris episode.  The son lives in San Francisco but the map with the arrow showed it going from Irvine to Paris.  So his mother was living in Irvine?  What was she living in there?

Also, I just now watched the horses in Spain episode, and I was SO distracted by the realtor's beard thing.  Okay, so I'm an oldster, and not part of the porn generation, and my exposure to women's naked bodies is limited to the post-water aerobics women at the Y.  So I'm very much not up to date on current pubic hair styles, but I've heard of some and use my imagination, and that's exactly what the lower part of this guy's chin hair looks like. 

And if you add in the upper part, it looked like a uterus.

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11 minutes ago, StatisticalOutlier said:

I was confused by the Paris episode.  The son lives in San Francisco but the map with the arrow showed it going from Irvine to Paris.  So his mother was living in Irvine?  What was she living in there?

The son did mention that something (one of the bathrooms, I think) in one of the Paris apartments looked just like his mother's place in Irving. 

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Doubt the son went back for the 3 months later segment.

Really a nice gift but she probably helped him through schooling to become as successful as he is to be able to spend almost a million on a home for his mother.



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On 11/7/2023 at 11:48 PM, buttersister said:

A place for Mom! Very happy for Fawn on all levels. Missed what the son did for a living. SF real estate is super pricey and he’s still got nearly a mill for Mom’s place. 

The realtor was pretty mellow, agree Adrian might not have been right for them. Otoh, no way would she have made that woman walk up and down a spiral staircase, much less propose that she live there and carry groceries up it. (I’ve climbed up and down Paris’s spiral staircases—a challenge carrying nothing.)

The Marais focus was the drama/red herring angle. Mom seemed sincere about the light and again, the stairs were ridiculous.

Which one did she end up choosing?  I don't remember and I've already deleted it.

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I loved the comments that the son was making about the fact that he was not paying for an apartment where friends & relatives could stay, and that there were hotels for that.  So many times we hear the HH's say they want to have space for relatives and friends to stay with them.  He had some good advice for her, and really did have her future well being first and foremost.  It was a pleasant episode.

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On 11/7/2023 at 10:02 PM, Grizzly said:

One of my pet peeves is people who complain about no natural light in the bedroom.

I don't understand this either.  I like having some light coming in through the bedroom windows during the day, but come bedtime, the blinds and blackout curtains are closed, as that room faces east (morning sun), and the city put out very bright LED street lights (ugh) nearby.  To each his/her own though!

The apartments were nice, but I was expecting a little more 'wow' for $950,000.  He's a good son though and I thought it was funny how he translated her facial expressions for us!!



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1 minute ago, Chit Chat said:

The apartments were nice, but I was expecting a little more 'wow' for $950,000.

In Central Paris, you need to spend more money for wow. I thought they got a great deal for the Canal apartment and it was pretty "wow."  The bedroom was underwhelming but I liked the kitchen/living room space. 

If you'd like to see "wow" Parisian apartments, I recommend Parisian Agency on Netflix.  They're a family of realtors who deal with people ready to spend at least 1.5 million Euros but usually more.

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7 minutes ago, Irlandesa said:

I thought they got a great deal for the Canal apartment and it was pretty "wow." 

I'm sure it was a great deal, considering its Paris, and she's in a happening kind of place!  I'm glad she got one with an elevator.  The Realtor shouldn't have even bothered showing her the apartment with the spiral staircase.  Yikes! Those stairs would've been a nightmare for her!   I liked that apartment, but the stairs would've been a dealbreaker for me. 

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I recommend Parisian Agency on Netflix.  They're a family of realtors who deal with people ready to spend at least 1.5 million Euros but usually more.

+1 on that recommendation. The family is a hoot (waves to grandma) and the properties top HHI. By a lot. Especially in season 3.

Not much drama in that third apartment—it was nice but the stairs were a deal killer. Or Fawn killer.

Place Republique isn’t very far from the Marais, as Jennifer said. If, in fact, Fawn does have the hots for the 3rd/4th, easy access for her. And her son.

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17 hours ago, chessiegal said:

That was an obvious decoy for drama.

Probably so, but those are probably a deal breaker for a lot of people!  I can't imagine anybody wanting to navigate that staircase while carrying groceries, etc.  FWIW, I hate spiral staircases, especially the ones we see in NYC apartments.  They're not as pretty as the one in this episode, but they all look like one big fall waiting to happen! 

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New Orleans to Franklin District, New Zealand.

Family of 5 with 3 young kids, mother will be going for teaching job, father ran a coffee shop so will be stay at home dad.

House 1 is roomy and has nice views but is $200 more tHan their $2100 a month budget.

House 2 is much smaller, no views but is right on budget and within walking distance of the school for the mom and the two older kids.

House 3 is smaller and farther away but has wow views and is on budget.  It would be  much longer commute, maybe require a second car.

They eliminate House 1 right away and choose House 2 to be close to school so the kids can be near friends and do extracurricular activities at school.

Wife and husband keep joking about him getting a job.  May be real friction, probably determined Their budget and their choice since his job prospects are uncertain.

Or he may not really want to find a job.  Maybe somewhat trepidatious, since they don’t mention any other job than running a coffee shop.


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New Orleans to New Zealand - I thought the 3rd house was fabulous, but knew they would take the 2nd one because of the proximity to the school.  It was never stated how long the commute would be from the 3rd house to the school, but the realtor mentioned it would be more than 20 minutes during heavy traffic time.  I got the impression that the husband was probably going to be a stay at home dad until the youngest child was in kindergarten.  At least we were treated to the final reveal "surprise" that the father had just landed a job like is so often the case.

I like many of the houses that are featured in the Australian and New Zealand shows.  They have a lot of windows and remind me of the MCM styles.   

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On 11/9/2023 at 9:34 PM, Irlandesa said:


If you'd like to see "wow" Parisian apartments, I recommend Parisian Agency on Netflix.  They're a family of realtors who deal with people ready to spend at least 1.5 million Euros but usually more.

LOVE that show! I hope they do another season.

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11 hours ago, aghst said:

Or he may not really want to find a job.

If they had gotten the resort-style home, I don't think he'll try too hard to find a job!  He bugged me at first with his attitude and when he said that his wife was frugal and worried about the cost of the home.  Well, duh!  It's called a budget for a reason!  Does he want to spend most of her monthly salary on rent, or would he like to have money to buy other necessities and fun things?  

Luckily, he came to his senses and agreed that the house closer to the school would be better for her and the kids.  It's nice that they can walk to school, especially if the kids are involved in extracurricular activities and they can go back and forth to the school as needed.  It's nice that he's home to take care of the youngest child and hopefully he's taking care of the household things while his wife is at work.  

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On 11/11/2023 at 12:22 PM, Chit Chat said:

It's nice that he's home to take care of the youngest child and hopefully he's taking care of the household things while his wife is at work.  

Lol that’s the first thing I thought-is he going to be like a ‘mom stay at a home Dad’ or a ‘fun Dad’ who only plays and does diapers/lunch. And leaves everything else for Mom when she gets home?  His snarky cracks about not working came across grating vs a guy making the joke before it’s made about him by others. I don’t know. She shot him some worrying looks haha 

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On 4/3/2023 at 7:32 AM, abbyzenn said:

North Dakota to Edinburgh.  Another head scratcher - sold everything to move to Edinburgh to be close to daughter as she starts college at St. Andrews.  They are lawyers and I sorta missed the bit they said about work, something about taking occasional phone calls.   I kept getting distracted by his out of which his short sleeved shirt which was at least 2 sizes too small, his pants were high water flood pants, and a woolen scarf wrapped around his neck.

The flat they chose was absolutely gorgeous although some of the furniture was a bit too formal for my taste.  He was another one who kept talking how he wanted a place that screamed he was in Scotland - walk outside buddy and you'll see Scotland all around you!!!!  

He complained about the price of the flat - it was the most expensive one at $4000 a month, not sure if that included utilities.  Since the university is an hour away how often is the daughter going to come visit them?  Wouldn't it have been cheaper and more sensible just come over every few months and stay several weeks?

Quoting this (see pages 229-230 for those who want to look at the discussion) so I can link this article from the Forum newspaper of Fargo-Moorhead. 

A few things of note:  The husband applied for HHI "on a whim".   The place they chose is about the same distance to St. Andrews as Fargo is to Grand Forks, ND, which is home to University of North Dakota.  So they're 70-odd miles away from their daughter when they're in Scotland but the drive isn't that long if they come visit, and it would be what they'd be doing distance-wise if she was at UND.

Also, they split their time between Scotland and Fargo, where they have an apartment downtown and still have active law practices.  But they'll be in Scotland for American Thanksgiving.


Edited by letusprocrastinate
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On 11/9/2023 at 9:17 PM, Chit Chat said:

I don't understand this either.  I like having some light coming in through the bedroom windows during the day, but come bedtime, the blinds and blackout curtains are closed, as that room faces east (morning sun), and the city put out very bright LED street lights (ugh) nearby.  To each his/her own though!

I deliberately keep my bedroom dark all the time.  I almost never open the heavy blackout curtains.

On 11/9/2023 at 2:19 PM, chessiegal said:

She picked #2 in the Canal area.

I liked that the best for her.

On 11/9/2023 at 9:17 PM, Chit Chat said:

The apartments were nice, but I was expecting a little more 'wow' for $950,000. 

They were all in or near the most expensive part of Paris so I wasn't surprised by the price tag at all.  They might've been a little cheaper is she hadn't wanted a second bedroom.

On 11/11/2023 at 12:23 AM, aghst said:

They eliminate House 1 right away and choose House 2 to be close to school so the kids can be near friends and do extracurricular activities at school.

I was shocked that they eliminated that one first.  Obviously it was too expensive, but that doesn't often mean much on this show.  They ended up choosing the one which was clearly the best for the kids.  It was the one I liked the best, as well, although all 3 were a little too modern for me.

On 11/11/2023 at 9:21 AM, laredhead said:

I like many of the houses that are featured in the Australian and New Zealand shows.  They have a lot of windows and remind me of the MCM styles.   

Exactly why I don't like a lot of those houses.  Not my style at all.

20 hours ago, letusprocrastinate said:

Quoting this (see pages 229-230 for those who want to look at the discussion) so I can link this article from the Forum newspaper of Fargo-Moorhead. 

A few things of note:  The husband applied for HHI "on a whim".   The place they chose is about the same distance to St. Andrews as Fargo is to Grand Forks, ND, which is home to University of North Dakota.  So they're 70-odd miles away from their daughter when they're in Scotland but the drive isn't that long if they come visit, and it would be what they'd be doing distance-wise if she was at UND.

Also, they split their time between Scotland and Fargo, where they have an apartment downtown and still have active law practices.  But they'll be in Scotland for American Thanksgiving.


I feel so sorry for their daughter.

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Greater Melbourne, Australia. I don't like Nicole's hair. If he works from home, why can't she take Margo in the car to shops? #1 was really pretty. But having to furnish it is a downer. Lucas is always good for an "are they for real" comment. Dust doesn't exist in new homes ever? Why didn't someone tell me this when we were buying? I think that was the perfect home for them.

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8 hours ago, Grizzly said:

Greater Melbourne, Australia. I don't like Nicole's hair. If he works from home, why can't she take Margo in the car to shops? #1 was really pretty. But having to furnish it is a downer. Lucas is always good for an "are they for real" comment. Dust doesn't exist in new homes ever? Why didn't someone tell me this when we were buying? I think that was the perfect home for them.

I think she said she doesn’t like to drive.  

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$1500 seems low but I don't know how far they are from Melbourne or if they have easy public transport into Melbourne.

But looks like they have amenities there.

Hubby mentioned Mornington Peninsula.  I've been to Melbourne a few times but never made it out there.  Going to Melbourne in a couple of weeks, hope the weather is good for a visit out there.

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On 9/22/2023 at 7:53 PM, Chit Chat said:

His attitude irked me.  She gave up her career as an Optometrist in order to fulfill his dream of living in Vietnam, but yet he didn't seem to give a damn as to her needs when she and the kids will be spending most of their time at home.  However, I was pleasantly shocked that he agreed to the larger and more expensive apartment.  

I thought that both of them were ridiculous about the apartment with the small office that could be converted into a bedroom.  A twin bed would've fit nicely in there.  Do kids not sleep in twin beds anymore?  They could've gotten a daybed without the pull-out bed underneath and used the space for storage for the kids. 

I know, what’s the deal with twin beds not being good enough for these low budget renters?   We had twin beds in college and shared them with 200 lb boyfriends!   

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23 hours ago, Pi237 said:

Husband wasn’t wrong about old homes. They are Constantly dusty, especially if they’re carpeted. 

loved their realtor. 

Eh, modern homes get dusty and dirty too.  It's having people in them which create the dust.  I agreed with the realtor that he was weird, weird, weird.

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8 hours ago, proserpina65 said:

I agreed with the realtor that he was weird, weird, weird.

The realtor said everything I was thinking about this couple!  I've lived in brand new homes and older homes, and they all get dusty!  

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New Zealand Singer Songwriter to Mexico.  Meh..... she seemed like she really does need a total makeover, spiritually, inside and out.  Get some organic skin treatments, add lots of gelatin to your diet, and enjoy Mexico.    I hope that she will be able to find herself.  Also, I wasn't surprised her agent wasn't at the ending, playing pool, I got the impression she was developing a tiny crush on him. hahaha

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1 hour ago, Pine said:

New Zealand Singer Songwriter to Mexico. 

I liked the $1000/month apartment, but she probably did the right thing by getting the cheaper one in order to make her budget go farther.  I didn't think it was so bad not having a door to the bedroom in the one she chose.  At least there was a wall.  It's not like it was a studio apartment where there'd be no separation.  She was pretty brave to make that kind of move on her own.  I hope she finds the inspiration she needs in order to keep her music career going. 

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