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2 hours ago, Kohola3 said:

Yeah, we 'Muricans are just to danged busy to even acknowledge our families.  We are off doing, well, apparently something else.  Not sure what that is though.  All of the families I know spend plenty of time doing things together.

I guess these idiots will spend lots of time together since they are apparently going to be locked in that house 24/7 since the kids are not venturing out to school and he's working from home.  

I don’t get why they moved to the UK if he was going to work from home and keep US working hours.? Doesn’t make sense.

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17 hours ago, LittleIggy said:

I’d rather watch them have cocktails and dish about the craziest/weirdest clients they have shown homes to.

Done, sign me up for that show...hey, it's like House Hunters Renovation, just another spinoff. House Hunters Aftermath

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California couple with two young daughters moving to Portugal. Another wife who annoyed me. It was her idea to move to Portugal. Her family was originally from there. The husband was against the idea, but she eventually convinced him. She liked the second apartment near the city center. That choice would require the daughters to ride a bus 45 minutes to and from school. The husband thought that was too much. The wife didn't seem to let that bother her. Fortunately, they didn't go with that one. The husband acted like he was a brow beaten husband and he probably was. 

They never said what they did for a living. Both were going to work from home. Wanted a furnished apartment, so not moving any belongings. 

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Lisbon: Yay! The kids get to go to school. The dad seemed nice. I found the mother annoying. The kids are in school and it appears you and your husband have to work so sightseeing will be on the weekends. You don’t need to live in the city center. Glad they picked the apartment they did.

Wonder why her heritage is more important than his. I wonder if the wife didn’t speak much Portuguese since we didn’t see her showing off her language skills.

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15 minutes ago, Kohola3 said:

Geez, where are all of these jobs where you can work from home?  I really missed out on my career.

I know some of them are sales jobs.  They have manufacturers with products.  They find customers needing those products.  The products ship directly from the manufacturer to the customer.  One I know sells fertilizer in vast quantities.  

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Lisbon. The wife bugged, big time.  She wanted to live city center and work from HOME while her elementary school aged kids (7 and 9 yo) commuted an hour and a half every day to accommodate her? I don’t believe that parents have to sacrifice everything for their kids, but, geez,  have a heart!

As it was, the kids were still traveling 35 minutes each way. I know they were going to an international school since they couldn’t speak Portuguese, but there wasn’t an apartment closer than that?  Or a different international school nearer their apartment? Lisbon is a big city, I can’t believe there weren’t better options for them.

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On 9/13/2018 at 11:57 AM, ML89 said:

I like this idea. Richard and Arlene from France, maybe? They can roam around Europe and give house tours. Sort of David and Hillary without the house renovation drama.

I don't remember any Arlene. Are you thinking of Adrienne? Not sure of the spelling of her name but she's the Parisian agent who wears the berets.

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Oh my gravy, that Tulum episode was a dermatologist's nightmare. I'm pretty fair skinned and like my freckles, but hot damn that agent just did NOT look right. The bored-kid-swapped-heads-on-the-Barbie-dolls look is not one I think most folks would aspire to. And the HH wife looked like she'd been under the knife about eight too many times. Don't know if anyone's familiar with Aqua Teen Hunger Force, but that woman's bizarre cheekbones reminded me of Master Shake's South American plastic surgery. (Not a good thing when you're being compared to a cartoon. Unless it's Jessica Rabbit.)

They did seem "active", though, and in good shape aside from the severe skin issues, so good for them!

Edited by Dewey Decimate
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23 hours ago, SpiritSong said:

I don't remember any Arlene. Are you thinking of Adrienne? Not sure of the spelling of her name but she's the Parisian agent who wears the berets.

Thank you, yes, I do mean Adrienne. ARGH! Why did I remember her as Arlene? Sigh.

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The Tulum couple.  They could barely keep their hands off each other.  Yes, I guess they do have an "active" life, heh heh.

Portugal:  The wife bugged big time.  She talked too much, belittled her husband and had REALLY big feet. Did anyone notice? Everything seemed to center around what she wanted.  City center - yawn.  She said it didn't matter if they had to live in a tiny space because they wouldn't be spending much time there, they would be out and about enjoying the city.  With a 7 and 9 year old?  On school nights.  Really?

The bit at the end when they reveal their choice, she made it clear (actually they both did), that she ALWAYS got her way and what he wanted wasn't what was important.  Really?  And that's a good thing?  They were both laughing about it.  Good that they found each other.  She is the boss and he likes to be bossed.

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On 9/13/2018 at 2:00 PM, puppytoes said:

She was a manic Barbie!  The children should have been enrolled in an English school so they could interact with other local children.  I found Barbie to be very selfish.

I can't imagine you can move to England or anywhere else for a year and get free education.  Maybe they couldn't afford it?  

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Riga to Vienna - yes, that real estate agent was quite the looker. Let's put him in that show with Richard, Adrienne and company!  And the husband was a real cutie too, it looked like he was a lot of fun, which the wife seemed somewhat lacking in.  They seemed like a nice couple though; I guess they balance each other out. I liked the third apartment too, I agree the exercise would have been good for them and they're young enough that they'd get used to the climb eventually. I did like the one they got, though I would have preferred to be closer to the city. The second one was nice but over budget. I like some color too but you can always add your own so I'm glad they didn't take that one.

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Watching rerun from June:. Couple moving from Tucson to Bern, Switzerland.  Wife wanted to live in Switzerland and convinced husband to pursue his Ph. D. there. (Or so the storyline went.)

She seemed really pushy in wanting a 2-bedroom, no matter how far from his work.  I'm glad they went with the smaller place closer to his work.

Oh no!  So their guests might have to find a hotel?????

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8 hours ago, javajeanelaine said:

The third one was my favorite as well.  However, if she travels frequently, hauling luggage would be a pain up and down four flights of stairs.

They make luggage carts that can handle stairs now.

Reno to Buenos Aires: That HH was annoying.  I liked the first studio better than the one she picked. It was lighter and a bit more spacious. 

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1 hour ago, LittleIggy said:

They make luggage carts that can handle stairs now.

Reno to Buenos Aires: That HH was annoying.  I liked the first studio better than the one she picked. It was lighter and a bit more spacious. 

Her obsession with white, oh no, the air conditioning unit is yellow, not white, was borderline you need therapy lady!

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11 hours ago, LittleIggy said:

They make luggage carts that can handle stairs now.

Reno to Buenos Aires: That HH was annoying.  I liked the first studio better than the one she picked. It was lighter and a bit more spacious. 

I thought that first place was adorable and really well laid out for a studio.  The last place that she picked seemed much smaller and more congested.  She was really very strange with her obsession with everything being white.  She couldn't tolerate a small air conditioning unit high up on a wall that didn't match and then, freaked out because the appliances in the kitchen were the same shade of brown as the wooden cabinets and not white.  It's a rental, for goodness sake!  Who cares as long as it all works.  Taking a chance on a leaky AC unit seems a lot less sensible to me.  The only advantage of the second studio over the first was that there was a washer in the unit and, thank goodness, it was white.  

Her complete refusal to even consider a place where the appliances weren't white makes me wonder whether she doesn't have some psychological issue.  Well, that and the fact that she still had the same bowl haircut that she'd had as a little kid. Every single picture of her through the years, she had the identical Dutch boy bob happening.

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I, too, liked the first apartment best. It was larger and set up nicely. I might have asked the landlord if we could take the bed out and put in a sleeper sofa. That would give it lots more space for seating and still be easy to convert to a bed. And while I would love to have a washer in  the apartment, she is young and shouldn't have a problem with doing laundry in a laundry room. One advantage is that you can do all of your laundry at one time...fold it and put it away and you are done! Her obsession with white borders on extreme craziness. White is so sterile and Buenos Aires doesn't seem to be that kind of setting...I see bright, vibrant colors everywhere. I had to laugh when her friend told her that with a laundry room she wouldn't have to worry about the washer not being white!

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Reno to Buenos Aires: These women are not actually friends. The HH was bizarre, but I did not like the way her ‘friend’ was belittling her to the real estate agent. Bizarre all around.

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Texas to Belgium - didn't these two talk about kids before they got married.  That whole story was extremely tiresome.  

Yes, they certainly needed to learn French but a lot of people in Europe also speak English so it's not like they were going to be totally isolated.  Liked the Realtor's response to "it's so dated" - "but you can still use it" or something like that.  If it all functions, shut up already. You are renting in Belgium, it's not your forever home.

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Texas to Belgium: OMG! I want to live in the house next to the kawaii animal farm! ? I squeed when I saw the Pygmy goats and the bunnies, then the potbellied pig, then the cats, then the miniature horse! ?

Why didn’t they say the hubby was in the military to start with? The wife did drive me crazy with her babies rabies. BTW, thanks HHI for another real estate agent hottie! ?

Edited by LittleIggy
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10 minutes ago, Kohola3 said:

I would, too, but I do see the point about the dog and the animals.  Like she said, that wouldn't be good for either of them.

I understand that. I’m just saying which I would pick.

BTW, I’ve never seen a dog leash like that. It appeared to go around the dog’s front legs.

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Even though she had some funny ideas, for some reason I  liked the woman moving to Buenos Aires.  I also thought the couple moving to Belgium was cute and they were teasing one another.  I liked the woman saying her husband looked nervous every time she brought up children.  And he got a few good lines in also.  I just wouldn't want to take trips on the motorcycle unless I  had my own motorcycle to drive.

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What is the deal with HHI not showing the entire house/apartments? If they say a place is 2 bedroom, 2 bath why are we only shown one bedroom and one bath? It drove me nuts on the moving to Vienna episode. Especially the apartment with the spiral staircase in the living room that no one even mentioned and acted like it didn't exist. Where did it go? What was it's purpose?

It seems like half of HHI is nothing but filler. Scenes of the house hunters shopping, or eating out and then they replay the scenes from each house/flat at least three times during an episode. HH does it too, but at least we usually get to look at the whole house.

I have my DVR set to record every episode but lately I don't bother watching until I read this forum first. Then if it's something others find interesting or super annoying, I'll watch just to see what everyone's talking about. But I always end up fast forwarding through at least a third of each show because of the repetitive scenes. A lot of them I'll just delete unwatched. 

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30 minutes ago, SpiritSong said:

Especially the apartment with the spiral staircase in the living room that no one even mentioned and acted like it didn't exist. Where did it go? What was it's purpose?

Yes, I wondered about that also. In one episode(don't remember which one because I have been watching several back to back to catch up) when they were doing the reviews, they briefly showed the bathroom which had not been shown during the tour...what is up with that?

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5 hours ago, LittleIggy said:

BTW, I’ve never seen a dog leash like that. It appeared to go around the dog’s front legs

It’s a harness for strong/strong willed dogs so they are easier to control. It’s also better for the dog because it’s not a lot of pulling on the neck. 

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6 hours ago, SpiritSong said:

It seems like half of HHI is nothing but filler.

And the same lines repeated over and over ad nauseum.  She wants kids, we get it.  He's not ready, we get it.  We didn't need to hear it 29 times.

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The episode in Belgium last night. Yes, if that woman said she wanted kids once, she said it a dozen times. I found her so annoying. I didn’t even finish the episode. And she wanted 3-4 bedrooms! Crazy to me. 

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17 minutes ago, Pickles said:

I found her so annoying. I didn’t even finish the episode.

I didn't finish it either.  Between the ridiculous repetition and his obsession with his motorcycle, I turned it off after the second place. 

But I have to say she was a really stunning woman with a great smile.  I wanted to like her but that whole plot line was annoying as hell.

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5 minutes ago, Kohola3 said:

But I have to say she was a really stunning woman with a great smile.  I wanted to like her but that whole plot line was annoying as hell.

I agree, she was beautiful. The babies!babies!babies! plot line was lame and their wish list was ridiculous: 3-4 bedrooms, two baths, fenced-in yard, garage, city center, and $1500/month. It would be more interesting if this show would include a range of options of various prices so we could get an idea of what was available for how much in the various places. I would much prefer that to the endless repetition and invented storylines.

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Darwin to Hobart

"There is more to life than just money" - says the one without a job not contributing a cent.  But I have to admit that #2 place was just horrible so it was a shock that they chose it.  And Cheerful Charlie did get a job.

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Vienna - What in hell did hubbie do for a job in Vienna? I thought the wife saying she was going to poke him with needles was terrific.

Tasmania - even though Charlie wore me out, I could see his point. He's the one cooking - and he's cooking for me? I'd be saying "what kind of kitchen do you want" and making sure he got it! That was a Tigger and Eyeore situation for sure.

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6 hours ago, sempervivum said:

Really? I thought he needed to get back on his meds.

Lord, yes. He needs to calm the hell down. If I had to live with that manic mouth I'd have taken a frying pan to his head a long time ago.

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NY to Amsterdam: Honey that wasn’t an extra bedroom! That was a closet! ?They would have been nuts not to pick that spacious apartment with the killer view plus a bathroom with a tub and a shower. Husband was right: if they have guests, they’ll figure it out.

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8 minutes ago, LittleIggy said:

NY to Amsterdam: Honey that wasn’t an extra bedroom! That was a closet! ?They would have been nuts not to pick that spacious apartment with the killer view plus a bathroom with a tub and a shower. Husband was right: if they have guests, they’ll figure it out.

Loved that apt. Haven't these people ever heard of a hotel?

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8 minutes ago, twinks said:

Loved that apt. Haven't these people ever heard of a hotel?

No kidding! I have two grown stepdaughters with families - New Orleans and St. Petersburg. One could squeeze us in, the other can’t. We always stay at a hotel when visiting. We’re headed to St. Pete in a few weeks and are staying in an Airbnb for the first time just 4 blocks from their house.

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NY to Amsterdam.

Oy. Again with the 'Where will our guests sleep?' routine. so, you're willing to sacrifice your own personal comfort in a new country, someplace, you've never lived, for guests that may or may not visit. Um, OK. Guests come, guests go. But you have to live in that apartment 24/7.

I was just in Amsterdam. Trust me, there are hotels. Lots of them. There are AirBnBs available. Your would-be guests could stay in one of those.

Plus, I found her to be hugely, incredibly annoying. He was maybe a touch less annoying than she was. A touch.

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