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GH In The News: The PC Press Club

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If the Scrubs popularity was a thing of the past, Ron wouldn't need to essentially build Samtrick on Robin's back.  And since we're all but certain that Sam will reunite with Jason once he gets his memory back, this pairing is nothing but plot point.  That he's trying to pretend it's anything else is insulting to viewers.  He probably thinks that, if he keeps insisting this couple is the real deal, blah blah blah, we'll all be shocked, shocked I tell you, when it ends up exactly where we all see it heading. 


And this just occurred to me - the blind about an actress who hasn't warmed up to her new leading man - there was some assumption it was RH/Liz not being into BM/Jake or maybe someone at Days, but I wonder if it's KeMo with BM.  Some viewers have noticed how hard she's trying to make Samtrick work, maybe she wants to keep working with JT and doesn't want to be paired up with BM for whatever reason?  And, like the rest of us, she can see the JaSam writing on the wall, so she's trying to subvert it?

I see no signs that KeMo is the actress in question. Then again, I don't think BH is either. I doubt that BI is about GH.

I see no signs that KeMo is the actress in question. Then again, I don't think BH is either. I doubt that BI is about GH.


I think that thing was written vaguely enough to be about just about any actress on any soap.  But, I could see why either BH or KeMo would dread what's coming with Jason, for different reasons. 


Not saying I'm convinced it's either of them.  

Edited by KerleyQ

I stopped trying to analyze actors a long time ago, but I certainly think she's very touchy feely with JT. And I only notice it because it's not reciprocated.


I think the touchy-feely is what I'll loosely call KeMo's acting style.


I've long thought that she suffers from what a friend of mine calls estrogen poisoning. (Most women will know what I'm talking about here: we've all seen women who enter a room and every male head swivels toward her. She doesn't have to be the best looking woman or the most sexily dressed woman or the most anything else. She just exudes something that's undetectable to women but turns men into bird dogs. [And that's not jealousy speaking; if you've ever seen it, you know I'm describing a fact.])


Anyway, my theory is that in her real life all she ever had to do to flirt was get close to a guy, playfully touch him, and let their reactions take over. I don't think she knows/understands any other type of come-hither. 

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Ugh. So much STFU, so little time…

Don't get me wrong, there were quite a few things I agreed with (like Sami telling EJ she took everything from him/knew about his affair on DOOL); but most of it seemed to be more unnecessary FV/RC ass-kissing with a healthy side of "Aren't Nina and Luke/Fluke a-maz-ing??!?!!!?". No, they are not.

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Yeah, that was mostly annoying and predictable.  I may have missed it, but how did he not list Bryton as worst actor ever, and the Devon/Hilary affair as most non-sizzling affair ever (YandR)?  At least he noted how shitty YandR is but OTOH he seems to think that GH is rocking and rolling.  Quite frankly, of the four left, and after OLTL was cancelled, I picked up watching B/B (I know, I am ashamed) and Days.  Days is by far the most interesting soap, as in, which one do I want to tune in to, to see what happened today.


I think GH has its moments, but then it has so many fails, so it cancels itself out.  And, while I know that crime goes unpunished on soaps, it has become ludicrous on GH, with Obrecht as COS, Victor as head of the WSB, Anna as the competent but seemingly incompetent Commissioner of Port Charles.


Maxie cannot see her infant daughter, but Obrecht can be COS?  This is what Fairman should have highlighted.  This is not camp, this crap.  (And I love KG as Obrecht.)

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Reading through it again, a lot of his passages praising "General Hospital" have a "Shut up, haters!" tinge to them, yes?


Yes, it is outlandish, it’s got inside humor, and its performances are raw and often tour de force, and yes, sometimes campy.  But here’s the thing … even the other soap production entities always want to know what is happening on General Hospital!   So whether you agree with its current style, or not, people are talking about it, and that’s a good thing in a genre that has dwindled to four shows.


Whether you think it’s fun, or a train wreck, the Nurses Ball on GH once again offered surprises


Say what you want about the Luke/Fluke storyline, but you can’t beat the acting acrobatics of seven-time Daytime Emmy winner, Tony Geary.


And yes, we did like the popcorn pantomime!


Now many in the GH audience cannot stand the character of Nina Clay!  However, she came in with her laundry list of revenge against those who wronged her, and gave us plenty of drama to watch over the last six months of the year.  Michelle Stafford plays Cray Cray bitch better than anyone.

Edited by TeeVee329
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At least Fairman doesn't give GH the best-production nod. It wouldn't even win "best use of 50 shades of gray." (Heh.)


Reading through it again, a lot of his passages praising "General Hospital" have a "Shut up, haters!" tinge to them, yes?


OMG, yes. And if an actor is a favorite of his, like MSt and TG, s/he can do no wrong, no matter how terrible the story is.


His most egregious likes for me are Spencer in general and the kiddie quad. Yikes. Don't encourage that crap, Fairman!

  • Love 3

Wait, wait . . . 



So they saw him and they MADE UP Nathan for him instead of having had him come to GH? lord.



To be fair, that also happened to Emily Wilson. She auditioned for Sabrina, but instead they created Ellie (who was named for FV's niece) for her.


And of course, Becky Herbst originally auditioned for Sarah before they created Liz for her.


But I understand your point :) .

About the kiddie quad . . . Spencer being written as a creepy 40 something aside, Cam and Emma have no personality, no point of view, nothing; they are props for Spencer. I'm not sure how you write a love triangle when only one party has a voice.

ETA: Mid 90's Sonny/Brenda/Jax was a triangle and it was probably one of the best ever on television. Why writers, not just on this show, can't replicate that simple formula is astonishing.

Edited by Tiger
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Surprised this hasn't been posted yet. There is...well much to critique, shall we say? I'm going to let you guys have at it, because it's so much fun to sit back and watch you guys tear RC's writing apart.



This is worth reading if only for the comments by "GH50" below the interview, which calls them out on all the self-congratulatory bullshit. If he/she is someone who posts here, kudos!

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I was reading the Blind Items list on Daytime Confidential and several of the items sound like they could be about GH:


This soap opera scribe is setting the stage for a huge disaster storyline. Will there be casualties when everything comes crashing down? It's possible Ron has finally realized the cast is too bloated, but this is probably about Y&R since Jill Phelps is there and Chuck Pratt is the new head writer.


Responding in the Unspoilered Speculation thread.


Maura West and Michelle Stafford –– Nina induces Ava’s labor then kidnaps her baby girl – General Hospital – The two titans! This was what GH fans were waiting to see, and Maura West and Michelle Stafford delivered it via unsettling, haunting, and gut-wrenching scenes!

Seriously? I mean REALLY???? Geez, I thought him calling Geary and HowRth awesome was bad. But this? there are just no words. He thinks we WAITED to see these scenes? Like, we WANTED to see them? Speak for yourself FAirman.

Edited by Sake614
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Maura West and Michelle Stafford –– Nina induces Ava’s labor then kidnaps her baby girl – General Hospital – The two titans! This was what GH fans were waiting to see,



"This is what GH fans were waiting to see"?  Yeah, I know that, for years, I've been lamenting that I haven't seen a woman forced to give premature birth and have the baby literally ripped from her.  Finally! 

  • Love 10

Question: How much of this mess is Ron's fault and how much Frank's? Here is what I mean, clearly the bad writing is on Ron, but does Frank's use of block taping prevent the character interaction that could sometimes save this tripe?  For example JJY is on recurring, and so is not needed often, could we not have gotten a scene where he says "I'm going to Paris to look for Robin and talk to her?"  and then weeks later he returns "It's odd I looked high and low and just cannot find her, it's as if she does not want to be found. I am worry, I'm going to contact Robert" and then he goes off again to Wisconsin to look for Robert. It would have made some one in the Scorpio family look like they gave a damn about Robin. So is the fact that nothing like this happened, Ron's fault for not writing it, or Frank's fault for not blocking it?


There are other examples: We are all laughing at the long mayoral count but is this bad writing on Ron's part or Frank's inability to block the time for the actors?

Edited by Fylaki

I think it's on both of them honestly. The show doesn't really work in any way, so there's plenty of blame to go around.


For example JJY is on recurring, and so is not needed often, could we not have gotten a scene where he says "I'm going to Paris to look for Robin and talk to her?"  and then weeks later he returns "It's odd I looked high and low and just cannot find her, it's as if she does not want to be found. I am worry, I'm going to contact Robert" and then he goes off again to Wisconsin to look for Robert. It would have made some one in the Scorpio family look like they gave a damn about Robin.



For example, we didn't need to see Mac & Flea on-screen to resolve the mayoral race. A simple line of dialogue from Maxie, Anna, Patrick, and many others s could have addressed it.


This makes this kinda stuff even more aggravating because it is literally so fucking easy for them to absolve some of the problems. Like just sneak one small line of dialogue in and it'd actually go a long way in making some of the stories better. I mean, some of the stuff is harder to fix, but the mayor thing is so damn easy that it's just mindbogglingly stupid that they let it go this way. Even with Robin, which is a much bigger problem, the suggestion Fylaki made would really help that story and it's super easy to accomplish.


The real problem is that RC (and maybe FV I don't know as much about him because I don't think he whines on Twitter as much) just honestly believes he's an amazing writer and he's doing awesome work and the audience just doesn't get it/is looking for things to criticize.

Edited by peachmangosteen
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"This is what GH fans were waiting to see"? Yeah, I know that, for years, I've been lamenting that I haven't seen a woman forced to give premature birth and have the baby literally ripped from her. Finally!

One of the most galling things about that is the implication that GH fans not only wanted to see this grotesque crap, but they were dying to see it played out by two actresses better known for other soaps. Yeah, we weren't hoping to see decent stories for long term GH folks or anything ...

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A new promo just aired on tv name dropping Scandal, Revenge, and How to Get Away with Murder.

The good? Sonny and Carly aren't in it. The bad? Oh God everything else. They spent all that money on Billy Miller and can't put him in a promo? Yet.....TG is in the Revenge part. Ava is in How to Get Away with Murder part. The Scandal is Olivia being in bed with Julian while Alexis is there saying "he's with me." Yes, Ron you captured those shows perfectly. Not.

I wish this was online.

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