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GH In The News: The PC Press Club

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If they did a better promo for Billy Miller, freaking morons.

My God. Jasus please.

Would this help thou? They've done promos for MST & DM with no increase in ratings.

I believe the only thing that has increased the ratings the past couple of years is Scorpio based stories which they don't really promote.

Cartini wouldn't give TR a contract & they shit on Robin's character, legacy & friends continually with all the kidnappings.

Edited by BestestAuntEver
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Cartini wouldn't give TR a contract & they shit on Robin's character, legacy & friends continually with all the kidnappings.


Well, the Scorpios aren't played by actors from OLTL or those on Y&R*. And Cartini didn't create them, so nuts to those damned Scorpios!




(*OK, Tristan Rogers is on Y&R - or was - but he didn't originate there.)

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Billy Miller had the shittiest promo. Whether or not you like him or Jason, the character and actor deserved more. You have a guy who just won the Emmy for best actor, I believe three years in a row? (I could be wrong) with a big fanbase, and you don't promo the shit out of that? Robin coming back had "Robin returns!" Billy Miller is a big name in daytime. He deserved more respect than dad jeans and uhh Jason looks different now, guys! Omg! The show deserves more respect than that.

I don't get why, they're paying for these guys, promo them. Put a promo of Billy Miller being hot, Micheal being betrayed, Dante being awesome, Anna being a badass during Scandal or How to Get Away with Murder.

ABC is just biding time with GH. I don't think it gives a shit. The daytime division is basically no more, what with The View (and perhaps The Chew?) being absorbed into the ABC News division.


If ABC can find replacement programming that is cheap enough, buh bye, GH! Either that, or the network finally gives up and cedes the hour to local affiliates.


But I think the days of BIG! PROMOS! are done, at least at ABC.

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I believe the only thing that has increased the ratings the past couple of years is Scorpio based stories which they don't really promote.

Cartini wouldn't give TR a contract & they shit on Robin's character, legacy & friends continually with all the kidnappings.

And what does that tell you? People tune in to see a basically kind, decent character get rescued by her parents. A story with people to actually root for.

This constant "wacky" grossness, with the kidnappings and the violence and good people constantly being made miserable, isn't doing it for viewers. Yet the show insists on it - and even undid the good Scorpio stuff by making Robin's rescue all for nothing!

Sonny maybe, finally getting his comeuppance will surely up the ratings - but it's still not a really triumphant moment for Michael or anyone else. And it likely won't last. It's satisfying, but still just more negativity and misery for Michael (now, if AJ had only been in a coma, and woke up to vindication, then we'd really have something!)

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I did toy with the idea of having him say, "Oh, and by the way, I did tell Carter to rape Michael," but I thought that was just one step too far.


Ron is such a shit. There is he whining about how people keep insisting on holding onto the 'he had Michael raped' bit and in the same breath says he toyed with the idea of refuting his stupid DVD story in the first place!


He's the worst.

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In other news, ratings are in for Halloween week, and they're not good. I do expect it to rebound for last week and possibly this week, but that's a pretty big loss.




I think those ratings say that people are not interested in Nina, Franco, Sonny, and Carly.  Everyone knows that Sonny and Carly never pay for anything, so why focus big drama on them?  It's all meaningless, like too much of the show already.  And why would anyone root for Nina and Franco?  They're psychopaths portrayed by ham bones.  At the very least, Michelle Stafford and Roger Howarth need to go.

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I think those ratings say that people are not interested in Nina, Franco, Sonny, and Carly.  Everyone knows that Sonny and Carly never pay for anything, so why focus big drama on them?  It's all meaningless, like too much of the show already.  And why would anyone root for Nina and Franco?  They're psychopaths portrayed by ham bones.  At the very least, Michelle Stafford and Roger Howarth need to go.

The rating clearly say that: last year this time when it was General Hospital Espionage the ratings were up. The bad thing is that Ron and Frank only care about what they like and Ron is thrilled at his Franco and Nina

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Well I hope the ratings rise and GH stays on.


I'm a young fan and I love the show right now.

I've been watching GH since I was six or seven and the show and I are the same age: So serious question, not that TIIC will care but what would make more young people watch the show? In the late 70's and early 80's Luke and Laura made this show must watch TV on college campuses across the country. In this new era of cross media pollination what would it take in your opinion as a younger viewer to do that again?

I've been watching GH since I was six or seven and the show and I are the same age: So serious question, not that TIIC will care but what would make more young people watch the show? In the late 70's and early 80's Luke and Laura made this show must watch TV on college campuses across the country. In this new era of cross media pollination what would it take in your opinion as a younger viewer to do that again?


I'm curious too since neither of my 20something daughters watch or have ever watched. None of their friends do either. IMO the show moves too slowly with 75% of the year as filler leading to sweeps. In this day and age there is a plethora of options for entertainment that don't move at a snail's pace. Payoffs take too long on soaps. People lose interest. Soaps need to change IMO. 

I'm curious too since neither of my 20something daughters watch or have ever watched. None of their friends do either. IMO the show moves too slowly with 75% of the year as filler leading to sweeps. In this day and age there is a plethora of options for entertainment that don't move at a snail's pace. Payoffs take too long on soaps. People lose interest. Soaps need to change IMO. 


Along these lines, I have been watching an old storyline from the late 80s play out, and I'm shocked by the movement of the storyline.  It's the Mr. Big storyline that introduced Duke Lavery. There's an episode where Duke and the cop turned mob head Bert Ramsey struggle over the gun, and the gun goes off. Nowadays that would have certainly been a Friday cliffhanger. And on Monday morning, the entire scene would have been replayed and we would have finally seen who had gotten shot 5 minutes into the show.


But that scene from the 80s?  The scene itself didn't even finish with the gun going off.  The scene continued on, and Duke pulls back to find out that he had accidently shot Bert.  We also had pay off in the same episode of Anna being the one to find out that Duke had shot her friend.


So I think history and time plays tricks with our heads. We all think that the stories dragged on back then and that every big moment was a Friday cliffhanger.  What I've noticed is that very seldom is that the action actually moves along at a clip, things happen every day, and there isn't a single time where a conversation is carried out over the course of multiple episodes. I mean three days of Sonny and Ava squaring off and threatening each other and throwing down barbs? That all would have been contained in less than an episode back then. And someone would have actually done something before or after.

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While certain things weren't dragged out, storyline arcs did take a long time back then. And usually there was a hint of what was to come: while one storyline was ending, new storylines and people were slowly being introduced while those arcs were coming to an end. 


If you look back to 1984 and 1985, the Aztec Treasure storyline, which began in September 1984 with Felicia's introduction and lasted until September 1985, led into the Asian Quarter storyline. Near the end of the treasure story, a Mr. Woo is mentioned and then he became a major player in the AQ arc.


Some of the stories that were tied into the treasure storyline: Luke and Laura's return (in Mexico and Texas), Sean Donely's introduction, Frisco and Felicia falling in love, Tony getting shot, the medical ship story with the Quartermaine's and Grant Andrews, the wedding train event which involved a whole lot of characters (Jimmy Lee and Celia's wedding). And then you also had D.L. Brock's murder and Ginny's trial for the murder going on in the Spring of 1985.


There were A, B, and C storylines but they seemed to be mixed pretty well and every major story had a clear beginning, middle and ending which seems to be a big problem for the current show runners. And while I realize the idea that Felicia was an Aztec princess was extremely silly, it, again, served a purpose to the story's arc. 


Anyway, it seems like now, the amount of time spent on flashbacks to the previous day's action could be better served by actual storytelling. It feels lazy. 


/end of the old person rant... 

Edited by Box305
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I started watching in '92 at the babysitters house and what drew me in was that something of substance happened every single day. Yes, the overall stories took a longtime to play out, but they played every beat and gave the audience something every day.

I actually think GH had a great pace up until 2010ish with The Balkan story that seemed to drag for weeks without shit happening. So maybe its budgetary. But the past almost year now, the pace is just glacial. Then that said, the show is somehow still faster now than it was during Wolfe's solo run. I remember at one point I missed about two weeks and when I tuned back in literally nothing had happened.

Edited by Tiger

I agree pacing is a problem for the MTV generation, and a change in that may bring in more and younger viewers but I was also wondering if the younger viewers need or want a more multi-media presentation in order to get hooked. We tend to snark about Ron writing half the show on twitter....but what if he is on to something that he does not even know about...what if a viewer could get tweets from the characters (not the cast) :( @Iusetobestarrthenlaurennowkiki Wow they just arrested Carly #mymom'sstillfree )  would that help drive them to the show?


Other than pacing (which is really in Ron's hands) what can be done? Younger cast members? More action? More Romance? More Camp?  The ratings did go up during General Hospital Espionage, is that the kind of action younger viewers want.


If you are an under 25 viewer what would  make your friends tune in?,

Edited by Fylaki
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Was there a sale on that horrible gray paint that's EVERYWHERE? It's so gloomy. The sets need to be freshened up.

I've complained about this for months. All the new sets have some shade of gray or it's white. Ava's apartment, the Gallery, all the new hospital rooms, the brownstone, the Franco cabin, the jail cell, etc. They even repainted Carly's house & Sonny's walls as well. It's absolutely ridiculous & looks cheap.

I started watching in 1985 as a kid. I would visit my grandparents during the summer and my aunt use to come home for lunch in order to watch AMC. Somehow I latched onto GH & fell in love with Robin who was a kid like me.

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I agree pacing is a problem for the MTV generation, and a change in that may bring in more and younger viewers but I was also wondering if the younger viewers need or want a more multi-media presentation in order to get hooked. We tend to snark about Ron writing half the show on twitter....but what if he is on to something that he does not even know about...what if a viewer could get tweets from the characters (not the cast) :( @Iusetobestarrthenlaurennowkiki Wow they just arrested Carly #mymom'sstillfree )  would that help drive them to the show?


Other than pacing (which is really in Ron's hands) what can be done? Younger cast members? More action? More Romance? More Camp?  The ratings did go up during General Hospital Espionage, is that the kind of action younger viewers want.


If you are an under 25 viewer what would  make your friends tune in?,



Back when Jason Cook was still on the show, they had a Matt Hunter twitter acct for him.  He usually posted about things happening the days that he was on air.




Edited by jennifer6973


Back when Jason Cook was still on the show, they had a Matt Hunter twitter acct for him.  He usually posted about things happening the days that he was on air.



I did not know that. Interesting by why such a minor character (B Level at best for his run) why not the big guns:They would not need to have the actors run thier own account they could have one intern do a massive number of twitter feeds. Facebook accounts as well...Anything to be more interactive. I know that there is not a lot of money in advertising for the show but a properly run social media campaign would not be so bad


I also still think that they need to consider webpisodes like the Walking Dead and other shows have done. This would also help promote the show and with the bloated cast and block taping why not. We are all waiting see Monica's reaction to AJ's killer being revealed. And that should be on the main show. But how about Ron's favorites Eppi and Milo...a small web cast of them talking about Sonny and  Sonny's role in the death of Eps son, who would be older than Milo, would be interesting

This is always embarrassing for me but I'm 26 and started watching at 12 or 13 because I saw Amber Tamblyn on some other channel promoting the Nurses' Ball. She had sparkly crimped hair and I thought she was really cool.

That was the Nurses' Ball that Carly pulled a gun on AJ and I was hooked from there.

Also I started watching Days one summer because of the teen storylines with Belle (who I like immediately because Kirsten Storms is Zenon from Disney Channel), but other than those stories I didn't like the show, so when that ended I was done.

Amber and Rick Forrester from B&B were interesting to me as well around the same time.

I think if we had some decent teen storylines some younger viewers would come in. But you have to keep them there and I'm not sure this current show can do that right now.

Edited by WhoaWhoKnew
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My earliest GH memories are my pre-teen years but they involve Mark Hamill as Jesse's Brewer's nephew Kent Murray and the really pretty girl who played his sister Caroline. I do not even remember the plot but I do remember that the actress playing Caroline was hot.


I think though that now a days there would need to be more. With Kim Kardashian flashing the full monty anywhere people want to look, a hot actress is just not going to be enough to pull in younger viewers

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