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GH In The News: The PC Press Club

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Did TG submit his scenes with JJ/Lucky? Because I think that was some of the best work he did that year and I could see him winning with that - especially since he and JJ basically rewrote the scenes

I think BH did good work with a story that she felt was really damaging to her character but I don't think she had particularly good scenes to submit - the writing just isn't there on this soap.

Edited by Oracle42
  • Love 7

That Billy stuff was from almost a year ago though....he had a private lunch with fans and I am sure what he actually said got lost in translation. It was a y&r lunch (iirc) he had with Elizabeth Hendrickson.

I am sure he just said something like he was ready to be Jason.....like most everyone in the audience was. I bet he would have walked if he knew that shit wouldn't be wrapped up for more than half a year and the fallout would be written like it was.

Yeah, I'm not quite understanding why this Billy stuff is being brought up now, unless that woman tweeted about it again and riled everyone up? 'Cause that was last summer or something.

Regardless, I don't get what's shocking. He didn't sign up to play Jake Doe. And his opinions aren't any different than Jason Thompson, tbh. JT just had the chance to quit and flee from his purseholder status when his contract was up.

  • Love 3

Possible UO: I don't think anyone deserves an award for showing up and doing the job they were paid to do

Yeah, but there is a difference between what TC & DZ did during the year (who both were given the prenom, even though I think they sleep walked through a lot of scenes) and BH, who I think really committed to the material they gave her.


Besides, it seems a lot of people got nominated who didn't do what you suggested.

Edited by Ambrosefolly
  • Love 5

After her tirade against Michael for keeping Avery from Sonny, this version of Lucy can stay gone.


That the show so casually character assassinated Lucy like that all for the plot point of Michael giving Avery back to Sonny really, really fucking infuriates me.


And, of course, the show had Lynn when they didn't have Jon Lindstrom, and now, they have Jon Lindstrom but not Lynn.  I need Kevin and Lucy fixed! *cries*

  • Love 9

WTF Frank Valentini('s intern):


Franco & Sam in scenes together?? What?! Whoa...excellent!! @kellymonaco1 @GeneralHospital #RogerHowarth #GHWildWinter #GH


Oh yeah, man, it's totally tubular and excellento that Sam gets to have scenes with the SERIAL KILLER who strapped her to a bomb, drugged her, and then let her think he raped her.  FFS!

  • Love 17

Was Frank actually already fired? And his Twitter account is just programmed to keep going, and randomly generate tweets with a mix of character names and stupidity once a day?

It's like GH Madlibs


Watch _________ [proper name] and _______ [proper name] ______________ [action verb] today! _______________ [interjection]!! #WildWinterGH

  • Love 6

WTF Frank Valentini('s intern):



Oh yeah, man, it's totally tubular and excellento that Sam gets to have scenes with the SERIAL KILLER who strapped her to a bomb, drugged her, and then let her think he raped her.  FFS!


There was a letter in the back of the newest SOD (yes, I bought it. They had an unforgettable moments in soaps thing on the cover and I bought it because I'm easy. *hangs head in shame*) from someone claiming to be a Liz fan who said that she and Franco might be interesting. 


Well...everyone has a right to their opinion, I guess. 

  • Love 2

So out of a weird curiosity for Kristen Storms former character, Belle Black, and seeing that her Belle Black's daughter's actress, Olivia Rose Keegan, was given a pre nom I had to look her up, and man, does she ever look like  a young KSt, in her Zenon days. It is actually kind of freaky to me, I think the resemblance is as strong between them as it was between Josh Duhon and Kin Shriner.

  • Love 3

MAURICE: I like Billy Miller a lot. I think he is talented, but I don’t know where Jason and Sonny’s relationship is, because I don’t work with him.

Billy's busy filming The Ring 3.

MAURICE: There was only about a good four months last year that I had material. I’m not going to lie to you.

"Four months?! Wow, that's a lot." -JT and BM

MAURICE: In the past, Robin always used to make Sonny cry, and nobody else really ever did.

LAURA: But now I can make you cry, Maurice! (Laughs)

Gurrrl. Stop.

  • Love 9

From the Fairman interview: 


Everyone always wants to know if Maurice Benard is happy at GH these days.


I know I do. There are days I can think of little else. I watch the show and scrutinize his performances for evidence that he's happy. In past times when he made noises about not renewing, my sleep was interrupted and my waking hours were a tightrope of fear and neurosis.  

  • Love 21

I do like Fairman's interviews, and I did appreciate Benard's awareness that at least some of the audience has been, like, enough of the mob eating the show. But I have to snark, and MB is always going to provide material.

His awareness of it hasn't caused him to stop it, and he's complained before when there was a brief reprieve on the mob during the early days of Ron's run. I also don't understand why Patrick had to be forced to be another mob apologist when he hated him with the fire of a thousand suns for shooting Robin in front of Emma.

In fact, even Kristina, who was once critical of her father's dealings in the mob, is now no different - and I wish that the interview addressed this about face for so many characters.

  • Love 5

I wish MF had asked how a mob family is supposed to be the heart of the show when by their very definition they have no heart since they kill people.

The mob is so very very played out these days. The fact this show is still tryna make it relevant in 2016 shows how out of touch the network is. And honestly I'm a lil surprised too. ABC has no mob centered shows on their primetime schedule, where they could do so much more with the stories and show the gritty, evil side, so why would they continue to push the mob in daytime where they have to twist stories and other characters into pretzels in order to make the gummy bear mob viable?

Mo is beginning to remind me of Eric Braeden and that's NOT a good thing.

  • Love 12
MF: It feels with head writers, Jean Passanante and Shelly Altman, that the Corinthos clan have become once again this core central family unit of the show.

LAURA: As they should be!


Shut up, Laura. Shut up.


LAURA: … Especially Carly!  I came in with a cake in the middle of Patrick and Robin’s (Kimberly McCullough) wedding ceremony going, “Oh, I’m sorry!”  I am like “Don’t let the door hit you in the ass Robin … it’s bon voyage! (Laughs)


Just STFU again.


I know, on principle, I shouldn't be watching this show. With shit like this and characters like Franco.

Edited by Francie
  • Love 11

He was without material but wasn't he number one for the year?


And no LW the Corinthos family should not be front and center.  Who should be front and center are Lucky Spencer and his family and Robin Scorpio and her family.  They should be who this show is built  around.  Not characters that are way past their sell by date. 

  • Love 15

And no LW the Corinthos family should not be front and center.


And...when exactly were they not?  Sure, I guess Michael was estranged from Sonny and Carly for a good chunk of last year, but Sonny, Carly, Morgan, et. al were frontburner a ton all year, even before the new writers, surely more than any other family on the canvas.

Edited by TeeVee329
  • Love 4
the Silzer sisters.


Londyn? Oh, geez.


Poor Maurice Benard! He only had four months of good material last year! Jesus Christ.


That was really tone-deaf. Though I suppose now that TG is gone for good, MB is the undisputed male lead, and as such he probably feels he should have a story all the time. It's not enough that everything is about Sonny, he has to be actively involved.


MF: It feels with head writers, Jean Passanante and Shelly Altman, that the Corinthos clan have become once again this core central family unit of the show.

LAURA: As they should be!

Shut up, Laura. Shut up.


Ugh, that was the worst part of the interview by a mile. 


I wonder if MB would be praising BC so highly if the story didn't involve bipolarism. I see BC trying, but more often than not he overdoes the emotional aspects. I think he's a lot better during the quieter moments, like when he was talking about how the meds left him with no feelings at all. That was good, unlike the idiotic manic stuff in the cabin with Lauren.

Edited by dubbel zout
  • Love 5

I don't think Maurice Benard is the Antichrist, and I think he can still do good work at the right moment. I think he generally always tries, but he's definitely slowed down and the problem is that many of his attempts to try and really go big these days are just hilarious. His commitment is there but his skills have changed dramatically and he does not seem to have the volatile temperament he once did onscreen, and that's fine - he doesn't need to have it. I also think he often plays stuff like Sonny with Michael down with a more measured understanding even when the writing is trying to sanctify the character post-A.J, which almost made shit tolerable when I was still watching.


That being said, Maurice is only magnanimous about the mob and Sonny in the press when his airtime is back up - that's when he talks about spreading the wealth and balance and such, because he feels he can afford to. When it's down we get shit like him bitching at personal events and saying it's time for Sonny to come riding back to the forefront. Ron Carlivati needed to go but more Sonny was not the solution.


I think MB is of two minds; I think he's often more comfortable in the weary patriarch role that first Guza then early RC had him in in recent years, shifting him back a bit because it allows him to slow down and not try to pretend it's 16 years ago. But I think he also has a personal expectation, whether he realizes it or not, that he can still be the action hero or the central figure. And no, that's not what he's good at anymore, that's not what Sonny is good at anymore. Sonny is good as the weary underworld father who has lost a lot because of his own choices and is just trying to live now, and when the show was better the town and storylines were starting to shift and move past him while still keeping him in the picture. That's where I was okay with Sonny, before he killed A.J.


The only other alternative is you go big with a final mob story with lots of action, burn his whole world down and then you end up in the exact same place I just described anyway. But pretending Sonny can still do this brinkmanship and keep up the action storylines is not gonna work.


And there is a difference between Maurice and Tony Geary: Maurice has never felt a need to rewrite Sonny's past with the people he loves, at least not in the press or in his performances. He always brings it with Kimberly McCullough, with the Carlys, with Brenda when she turns up. That stuff is always there for the people he knows Sonny cares about, even when Sonny is scum. It's a far cry from poor Genie Francis looking like she was struggling to compose herself in a public video message to Tony Geary where she said she hoped he could bring himself to remember their time together fondly, considering their pairing together helped carry his ass for 30+ fucking years.

Edited by jsbt
  • Love 17

I don't think the show has quite decided whether to transition Sonny into the weary mob boss or keep him as Action!Man, and that's a big problem. And I agree that part of it is Mo's ego in how he sees Sonny. But as I wrote earlier, he's the undisputed male lead of the show, so regardless of what Sonny is, everything will connect back to him somehow.


I think turning him into the weary mob boss who's tired of fighting can give MB some very good material, but of course the writers would have to commit to it. It could also be interesting to see Sonny fight to keep Morgan out of the mob—Morgan sees his chance to finally show his father what he can do, even if it's terribly wrong.


But it will be missed opportunities all along the way, I'm sure.

  • Love 3

I mean, he's been in that role before really - Guza started shifting him to that years ago when it was clear he had begun to lose interest in Sonny, and Jason and other new characters became much more central. He's the one who began making it clear in the last decade that Sonny's organization was nothing without Jason, that Sonny was starting to miss a few steps. Ron took it much further in his first year or two, then doubled back.


I still think the perfect story is for Robert and Anna to get the new Jason over a barrel and working for the WSB, and start him out as a semi-torn informant who blows up Sonny's entire operation - but they'll never do that, even though it is guaranteed Emmy gold for every star involved who they are still prioritizing.


I don't think Morgan can run a juice stand, let alone the mob. But he makes a good Fredo.

Edited by jsbt
  • Love 7

I think they could pull Jason into working against the mob if Morgan tried to take over, made a complete mess of it and Michael got pulled in trying to clean up the mess. Jason's primary motivation for the past decade+ has been keeping Michael safe and if the only way to do that was dismantling the mob in PC, I think that could be written without compromising Jason's character/history

  • Love 1

I don't think you have to compromise him at all. He doesn't remember, he doesn't look back on that time fondly and even when his memories return there is no guarantee this Jason will feel the same way about his two lives - they've teased this story constantly over the years but no one has ever pulled the trigger. Simply have him be torn between his caring for these people (Sonny included) but also repulsed by his former life and actions. It's done in one stroke and it could use MB well by focusing in on Sonny and Jason's relationship. Jason is the Judas, but for the right reasons.


Michael should never join the mob, but I don't think these writers can resist.

Edited by jsbt
  • Love 3

I think part of it is that the show wants us to think Sonny and the mob is awesome and cool, but also applaud Sonny et. al for trying to keeping their children out of it.  So there's (sigh) no next-gen person in the mob scene.  So by default, it always has to center around Sonny, especially with Jason now removed from it.

  • Love 2

Laura Wright can JSTFU and take a million gazillion seats. If Patrick's exit wasn't so rushed, no way would I have had to suffer that gross scene between Robin and Cujo. No wonder Wright was SOOO happy-her character wasn't going to have to get down on her knees and kiss Robin's feet and apologize to Robin; their history would have remained intact, instead of being wiped out.

Edited by GHScorpiosRule
  • Love 10

I don't think you have to compromise him at all. He doesn't remember, he doesn't look back on that time fondly and even when his memories return there is no guarantee this Jason will feel the same way about his two lives - they've teased this story constantly over the years but no one has ever pulled the trigger. Simply have him be torn between his caring for these people (Sonny included) but also repulsed by his former life and actions. It's done in one stroke and it could use MB well by focusing in on Sonny and Jason's relationship. Jason is the Judas, but for the right reasons.


Michael should never join the mob, but I don't think these writers can resist.


I don't actually care about compromising Jason's character if it moves GH past the mob - but I would like for there to be a through line. And I think protecting the red-headed menace from mob life would provide some consistency for a character that has been fairly unrecognizable since the recast. 

Oh, I don't, either. But Morgan thinks he can run the mob. He'd be an excellent Fredo, I agree. But I don't think the show wants to deliberately write any Corinthos as being that morally weak.

Morgan is a wonderful combination of Sonny Corleone and Fredo.  He has Sonny's temper, impulsiveness, and penchant for violent outbursts and Fredo's lack of brains.

  • Love 5

I think LW was poking fun at that moment where Carly burst into the wedding.

Yeah, she was. The scene didn't even play out that way. Carly was clearly grateful and apologized and they left the two with no hard feelings. And I know this is a UO here, but I think it was time for them to get to a place where they can co-exist and be cordial. Jason has not been in-between them for more than a decade.

  • Love 3

Yeah, she was. The scene didn't even play out that way. Carly was clearly grateful and apologized and they left the two with no hard feelings. And I know this is a UO here, but I think it was time for them to get to a place where they can co-exist and be cordial. Jason has not been in-between them for more than a decade.



LALALALALALALALALALALAAAALLALALALAAAA! I can't HEAR you!!!! Just like Moobster and AJ would NEVER get to a place where they could co-exist, Robin and Cujo should never, either. Robin was the ONE person, who regularly called that shebeast on her shit and rightfully so. The fact they had Robin utter the words that Cujo was "right" or that she was "good for Jason" leaves the nastiest, most vitriolic, disgusting taste in my mouth. I will NEVER accept what Robin said, because despite Robin being such a good person and a good character, her hate and disdain and contempt for Cujo was one of the BEST things about Robin's character that I loved.

  • Love 11

LALALALALALALALALALALAAAALLALALALAAAA! I can't HEAR you!!!! Just like Moobster and AJ would NEVER get to a place where they could co-exist, Robin and Cujo should never, either. Robin was the ONE person, who regularly called that shebeast on her shit and rightfully so. The fact they had Robin utter the words that Cujo was "right" or that she was "good for Jason" leaves the nastiest, most vitriolic, disgusting taste in my mouth. I will NEVER accept what Robin said, because despite Robin being such a good person and a good character, her hate and disdain and contempt for Cujo was one of the BEST things about Robin's character that I loved.

Heeee. Like I said, it's a UO. I'm sure more people agree with you.

But I'm not saying I didn't like Robin hating Carly or calling her out. But at this point in the show? At this point in the story? I don't want that for Robin. I'm glad she doesn't care what Carly is doing and who is around Jason. She loves her family and her 4-bedroom home and doesn't give a crap about the peeps in PC.

  • Love 4

MF: It feels with head writers, Jean Passanante and Shelly Altman, that the Corinthos clan have become once again this core central family unit of the show.


    LAURA: As they should be!

    MAURICE:  It is the best family on TV daytime or primetime …


Same here.  It's actually pretty depressing.  These two are never going to leave and allow GH to move on from the 20+ year Corinthii mob stranglehold, are they?

  • Love 3

Same here.  It's actually pretty depressing.  These two are never going to leave and allow GH to move on from the 20+ year Corinthii mob stranglehold, are they?


LW? Nevah. MB, if the show were to last long enough, I could see maybe retiring in a couple of years but I don't think the show will last long enough for that.

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