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GH In The News: The PC Press Club

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Hmm. I dunno. We will see. It was like every other week to me. Some thought it was good, others were outraged by the crappiness.

Doesn't matter how good or bad it was this week. Viewers tuning in to see JJ and/or genie won't know in advance that the show sucks eggs. So yeah, I could see it getting a slight bump. But if today was JJ's last day, the bump won't last.

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How much longer do you see this show lasting? The ratings keep getting worse and worse every week. Honestly, I don't see anything saving it.


As much as I don't want to return to the Sonny/Carly/Jason hour, I do think Guza + old scriptwriters might give it an uptick for a while, but it would probably sink again in a year once it returned to Jake's death-style-stories.


I do think something that might have raised ratings is reuniting Luke and Laura and promoting the hell out of it.

  • Love 3

But they didn't, because they were too cowed by Tony and too focused on all the wrong things elsewhere. Just like they have been for years.


If I was them? I'd fire a slew of people and get Kimberly McCullough and a few others back in tomorrow, and maybe tape a promo with her like tonight. This is going to take some Gloria Monty-level shit. Maybe bring back her cocaine table, too.

Edited by jsbt
  • Love 11

I'm not asking you to justify your statement, but I'm not familiar with Passanante so I'm curious as to why you'd stop watching if she took over?


I mean, which show do you want me to limit it to?


The worst thing I've ever seen that she's done would be her long, nonsensical run at ATWT, which I think makes even today's GH often look like even-handed soap. But her AMC runs, which I watched the most of, were absolutely atrocious. I mean, it's a long story.


She keeps working in the industry because she is a lifer and, by many accounts, a very talented staff or breakdown writer. But you should never let her near a HW slot. She makes a show feel completely alien from top to bottom but worst of all, she is deeply, profoundly boring.

Edited by jsbt
  • Love 2
Although I think he mentioned that a friend let them stay in his Bali house, so I guess they didn't have to pay for a two-week stay.



And in his rant about the airline, he talked about how much money they cost Kelly.  You know, when they didn't force the volcano to stop right this minute because Bryan Fucking Craig needs to fly home where they don't eat dogs. 

  • Love 9

Apparantly ABC aired a GH promo during last night's B'ette that heavily featured Julexis despite them both having been off-screen for a while and nothing about either in any spoilers. I think Nancy said she hadn't and wasn't working for a while.


It's crazy that Alexis hasn't shared a scene with Nikolas since his machinations were exposed.  And yet, they trot her out for randomness with TJ.  The fuck?

ABC's daytime ratings are in the toilet. View, Chew, and GH are doing terribly and as much as I suspect the network would love, they csnt replace the existing shows wholesale with three additional hours of GMA.

As I've said before, I think they'll fire Ron and promote Passanante and/or Korte. The "best" solution may them as co-headwriters. Maybe they'll rein in each other's bad habits.

*No, I haven't been drinking.

I think it will be very interesting to see if they do anything. If they do, I'll accept that ABC is invested in keeping GH on the air for a few more years. If they don't, it doesn't have much of a lifeline left. I would think, if they are going to do something substantial, it will be by the Fall.

  • Love 1

It's crazy that Alexis hasn't shared a scene with Nikolas since his machinations were exposed.  And yet, they trot her out for randomness with TJ.  The fuck?


That's not about Julian and Alexis, that's about her guarantee.


I don't think Ron or Frank give a shit about that couple (or most others) beyond plot purposes and how they can exploit it. If Nancy's avid fanbase can tick the numbers up when they need to, ABC will feature footage of them in promos.

  • Love 1

I think, with Frank at the helm, a co-head writer will be the first step, which is okay with me.  I don't want a return to Guza and the Sonny/Carly/Jason Trinity Hour.


Both Robin and Lucky have now given up their families and abandoned their children for Jason. It's not even a trinity any more it's just Jasus the Redeemer


That's not about Julian and Alexis, that's about her guarantee.


I don't think Ron or Frank give a shit about that couple (or most others) beyond plot purposes and how they can exploit it. If Nancy's avid fanbase can tick the numbers up when they need to, ABC will feature footage of them in promos.


I really don't think RC loves GH - or at least not post-1980s GH. He doesn't write for the characters that he inherited; they're all either twilight zone versions of themselves or paper cutouts. He's only writing soap at this point for Franco, Nina, Ava and it's not even good soap

Edited by Oracle42
  • Love 8

I think he loves GH, and a lot of other soaps. I just think his definition of love, and his definition of what makes up the show has increasingly become eclipsed by his own ego, his own skewed priorities and his own dogged pursuit of all the wrong things story-wise. It was a problem before he came to GH, but it's become much, much bigger since.

Edited by jsbt
  • Love 5

I think he loves GH, and a lot of other soaps. I just think his definition of love, and his definition of what makes up the show has increasingly become eclipsed by his own ego, his own skewed priorities and his own dogged pursuit of all the wrong things story-wise. It was a problem before he came to GH, but it's become much, much bigger since.


I disagree. Maybe RC once loved the genre. But I think, like Guza before him, Carlivati got caught up in his own hype (what with everyone kissing his ass) and his ego is what he now loves. GH is just the fertile ground for that ego to run amok with useless pets and WTF writing in the form of a romance-less, plot-point filled clusterfuck that folks are abandoning by the masses.


Judging by RC's lack of professionalism on Twitter towards anyone daring to question his genius, it's clear he has his own contempt for his audience that outranks any former love of a genre he once claimed to have.

  • Love 8

I disagree. Maybe RC once loved the genre. But I think, like Guza before him, Carlivati got caught up in his own hype (what with everyone kissing his ass) and his ego is what he now loves. GH is just the fertile ground for that ego to run amok with useless pets and WTF writing in the form of a romance-less, plot-point filled clusterfuck that folks are abandoning by the masses.


Judging by RC's lack of professionalism on Twitter towards anyone daring to question his genius, it's clear he has his own contempt for his audience that outranks any former love of a genre he once claimed to have.


I think we're essentially saying mostly the same thing.

In regards to the scenes with TJ, it was said that they were inserted because the rest of the show ran short.


I'm pretty sure there's a few 23-second scenes Uncle Frank could have extended somewhere in there.


I'll say this much - before Ron took over the show, "Lucy Coe" and "Felicia Jones" and "Kevin Collins" were dirty words never to be uttered in Port Charles.  Ron has stopped doing right by those characters, but I don't think any other writer from the Guza camp would have let them come out and play at all.

Edited by TeeVee329
  • Love 8

I'll say this much - before Ron took over the show, "Lucy Coe" and "Felicia Scorpio-Jones" and "Kevin Collins" were dirty words never to be uttered in Port Charles.  Ron has stopped doing right by those characters, but I don't think any other writer from the Guza camp would have let them come out and play at all.


It was incredible. And for all they've wrought, they broke the back of the Guza-Mob GH, ousted Steve Burton, and let various characters and elements I never thought I'd see again return to the regular rotation. That means a lot to me. That also doesn't mean there does not need to be a change.

  • Love 13

I think RC gets nasty and defensive when people question his plot points because he literally cannot do narrative structure. It was frustrating on OLTL because he'd have a great idea or great build-up but he often couldn't pull the pieces together - here it's just a clusterfuck of plot points without even a hint of coherence 

Edited by Oracle42
  • Love 6

I'll say this much - before Ron took over the show, "Lucy Coe" and "Felicia Jones" and "Kevin Collins" were dirty words never to be uttered in Port Charles. Ron has stopped doing right by those characters, but I don't think any other writer from the Guza camp would have let them come out and play at all.

I mean, sure. He gave them a minuscule of screen time before he told them all to GTFO. ;)

  • Love 2

Doesn't matter how good or bad it was this week. Viewers tuning in to see JJ and/or genie won't know in advance that the show sucks eggs. So yeah, I could see it getting a slight bump. But if today was JJ's last day, the bump won't last.


I agree. They probably came to see JJ, saw the current state of the show, screamed in horror and left. The end. 

  • Love 4


What, you mean that Michael handing over baby A.J. to shitbag Sonny didn't send the ratings skyrocketing?!  No!  [/sarcasm, so so so much sarcasm].


If Jean is given the big chair again we can all call it a day. I'll stop watching quickly.


The line in the sand for me will be if Guza returns.  He comes back, and I'll not only stop watching the show, I'll actively campaign to have it canceled.  That's how much I hate that fucker.

  • Love 5

jsbt, I'm talking about Alexis being left out of the Nikolas story when we know she'd be up in his shit once she heard what he was up to.

C'mon, she called him and left a message! If that's not deeply involved for Ron's GH, IDK what is.

I can see them doing it. I don't know how I'd feel at this point. I wouldn't be glad, but I would not be entirely sad either. I think it would be bad for the larger show overall.

It's a terrible idea, but even terrible may be a massive step up at this point.

  • Love 3

I'm not really sure where to put this, but I think this post is in line with the ratings discussion.


For me, personally -- very personally -- GH went right back off the rails the second after Fonduke storyline ended. Once the episode where Robert was poisoned by Dr. O. aired, that entire storyline disappeared for nearly a month.  Literally, nearly a month.  Not one peep about it.  No Duke. No Anna. No Robert. No Dr. O. even.  Just pffft, gone like Kaiser Sosa.


So many issues with that.  First, all the momentum they built up was gone.  They had me. They had me tuning in every day.  They had me trying to get in to the rest of the show, and investing in it.  But they weren't giving me the same courtesy.  Or giving me even a once-a-week token of the people I was specifically tuning in to see (I told you this was very personal).


Second, I had characters I was invested in miss important dates -- Christmas. New Years.  That was one of the wonderful things about daytime.  Soap families were like families.  We got to see them celebrate all our favorite holidays together (even Fourth of July!).


Third, regardless of what I wanted personally to see, it was just plain bad storytelling.  You had Duke, a man/cat, who was just freed from 20 odd years in captivity.  And the first time we see him afterward?  There was no check in as to how he was doing or adjusting.  He was a milquetoast puppy dog who brought Anna coffee and talked about everything she had been through. 


Even the very first moment, in January, when Ron first returned to Anna, was so wrongly played. We all know it's been weeks that Robert has been in that coma.  We know holidays have passed. But when the doctor comes out, he talks to Anna like it's the first time they've spoken since Robert was put into a coma.  Now I get exactly what Ron would say about that.  "Well, it's the first time the audience has checked in with them, and they need an update."  But that's bollocks, because, again, the audience knows damn well that several weeks have passed. It just plays odd.


And because Ron wanted to play out and focus on his "storyline" (such as something so diaphanous can be called that), which was that Anna got the heebie jeebies being touched by Duke until they dance the tango at the nurses ball, he never bothered to play out any of the natural, and what I would think would be emotional and touching, moments.  I mean, is there not a fan fic writer in the entire GH world who, if they knew GH history and were tasked to write 'what happens after Duke returns from the dead,' wouldn't have written the scene where Duke finds out that Anna remarried Robert?  How did that scene not get played out?  Ron is, bottom line, one of the most short-sighted and tunnel-visioned writers I've ever seen.


Now I grant that my experience is far from universal or even mainstream.  I'm not even in the plurality of viewers, I think, being an AnnaFanFirst.  But many, if not most, viewers I would wager have a favorite character or couple.  And that character or couple (or they have 2 or 3) is what keeps them invested in the show.  And their experience is probably not much different than mine, in that Ron's canvas is overcrowded and he can't maintain storylines for all the principal characters.  That should have been the first thing he did -- settle on your 10 to 20, tops, principal characters, add in support for them -- and cut the rest.  Instead, he tried to keep them all, and look how alienated just about each and every fan feels.

Edited by Francie
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