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S08.E04: New Wave Queens

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Does anyone know if the teams were assigned these "topics" for the songs? I mean, why on earth would anyone want to write a song about "Rectangle Girls" if they weren't told that they were... I don't know... shapes? angles? It's so odd.

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I wish they were showing Untucked on TV. Naysha was quite funny and Robbie, Bob and even Betty have moments of maternal behavior that are endearing. And Thorgy is almost always convinced she is in the bottom.

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I think it could've been strategy because you know the judges would've dinged the New York group for going the safe route and doing punk because that would've been the very thing everybody expected from them.

Michelle's critique of Acid Betty's outfit didn't make a lot of sense to me because yeah it was retro 50s but the obvious inspiration were the B-52s who were the 1950s/60s run through dayglo paint.

Hello! The gals in that group sported 4 ft high beehive hairdo's. Beehive hair=1950's. Michelle thinks she is the expert in everything. Ever listen to their podcast? She claims she was soooo punk at 13 and Sid Vivcious was her everything, umm yeah. I also thought Thorgy's runway outfit was adorable

, not over the top. Did she also have a problem with his perfectly awesome roller girl outfit?

Naomi Smalls had an amazing punk look, she should have won. Love her.

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Michelle always finds something to latch on to and ride a queen the whole season with. What good does it do to nail someone every week for something they can't change? She verges on actively sabotaging some of these girls, there are so many that spent an inordinate amount of time jumping through hoops to get her off their backs that they screw up something else.


How hilarious is it that she uses Chad Michaels as her shining example when she was all over him his season? Derrick probably won't break for the same reason as Chad, their reputation as professionals is much more important than giving Michelle her treasured "raw and real" moment. Willam's response to her haranguing is still my favorite, he trolled Michelle so hard.


People who are Very Competent and Unique will always clash when they have to work together. I totally expected Bob, Betty, and Thorgy to clash and also turn it out, which they did. So Bob and Thorgy are the true Alphas of the NY crew, interesting *strokes chins*. 


Chicken Wings were GREAT! Kim Chi always gives 100%, I love it. I also love Naomi Smalls is showing all those ultra-Fish "I don't perform" supermodel queens how it's done. She will go so far.


I am loving how much camaraderie there is amongst the queens this season. They are almost all confident in themselves, and there's none of the petty fragility that's plagued prior seasons. Maybe it'll get worse as the numbers dwindle, but for now I'm loving it!

Edited by rozen
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I mean, even the bottom group, who absolutely deserved to be in the bottom, wasn't as bad as they could have been, and could have probably been safe in almost any other season. 

Can you imagine Pearl, Miss Fame, and Max doing a punk performance? God, this season is so much better even their filler rises above.


I loved watching the New York queens troll the leftover queens, and then the young queens troll the New York queens. Amazing.


I had three "yesssssss" *finger wave* moments this episode:  when Chris Stein mentioned Chi Chi's shoes, when they announced the LSFYL song would be "Call Me" (seriously, I've been desperate for this song), and when Chi Chi kicked her leg up in the air before her death drop. Overall, I thought the lip sync was nothing special--Miss CuCu told us what a great dancer Naysha was, but we've only seen her do some basic stuff without heals--but there were definitely some great moments.

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Random observation: Kim Chi was able to hustle off stage as shown at the start of Untucked. She had on spiky heeled boots. I'm still thinking she has weak ankles, and that's why she walks stiffly in pumps.

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Thanks for the links, dirtybubble. I watched the whole thing today. 


I think Michelle makes decent TV, but I think she's crap as a judge. She scolded Chi Chi for not wearing specific items of clothing, which is absolutely an issue of money (and also... would a corset really have significantly changed the outfit?). Derek's authentic soul is impersonating Britney. That's a real, legitimate performance style, and Derek apparently makes a comfortable living doing it. If she wants to see Derek's soul, she shouldn't tell him not to do Britney. That's who he IS as a performer. But also, Derek hasn't even been doing Britney. 


I like Chi Chi and feel for her, but she dragged her group down. She was just surly and uncooperative. (in confessions of my apparent lack of taste, I liked her Neon Couture outfit. I'm not sure why Naomi's was considered brilliant but Chi Chi's was horrible. Chi Chi's obviously wasn't the brilliance of Kim Chi's or Acid Betty's or Bob's, but I thought it was on par with everyone else's)


I was very impressed with Robbie in the punk challenge. The water spraying was perfect, but everything else was just great. I wouldn't have guessed it from her. Kim Chi is so fearless and committed, but she's also just not very good at performing. She's AMAZING at what she does, but I'm a bit frustrated that she got a pass last week on her horrible acting and a pass this week on her (IMHO) mediocre punk performance. The one time actually that she didn't get a pass (in Bitch Perfect) was the time I thought she deserved to because I thought she made all of her weaknesses work for the piece.


Drag Race has made me realize that I have little respect for authority. I was pretty much on Bob's side during the whole Bob/Lucian thing. I know it was not strategic of Bob to argue so much, but I also thought Lucian was wrong about the B-52s and was being unclear in what he actually wanted. What the heck was the whole Lorde suggestion even about? 

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Oh my god, Chi Chi was SO RIGHT about the shapes thing, and then Betty was SO RIGHT too.  KLAUS NOMI, BITCHES.  LEARN SOMETHING.  Yeah, Naysha, Betty is the oldest (cough...my age), so that means there's a good chance she knows what an '80s geometric shape outfit might entail.  Especially given her NYC punk/club kid cred.  So MAYBE you should've listened to her more.


Then again, they really were the weakest performers, so they would've bombed out anyway.  But maybe Chi Chi's energy would've been higher and more engaged if they'd actually used her suggestions.  She knows the right direction.  I kinda felt like because her outfits are cheap, Naysha and Derrick thought she didn't know her stuff.  Girl knows her stuff.


I also agree that the Party track sounded so much like the B-52's that instinctively, Street Meatz locked in on that.  If I had to guess what Lucien actually meant, it would be don't sound like a direct imitation of them, like they were doing karaoke Fred Schneider or something.  Because the B-52's were -- and are -- very authentically uniquely themselves, not forcing it.  On the other hand, they got a day to do it, and since it still came off mutant disco, well, whatever.  I keep thinking they should've won until I look at the sheer energy and hilarity of the punk girls, and I gotta say, they channeled the real spirit of punk so well -- just get up and do it -- that I ain't mad.


Acid Betty's runway look was just so amazing.  Her '80s look was totally B-52's realness though.  Whatevs, Michelle.  Although I covet Michelle's eye makeup this week. 


A+ to whoever posted the "Angle Dance" video, because yeah, I immediately thought of that during this episode.  DEVO, DERRICK.  YOU COULD'VE DONE DEVO.


I have feelings about this season!  Dammit that they're all pretty darn good!

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I think Chi Chi had the right idea but maybe the wrong execution and thats where I think the confusion was.  I think if the other two had been more open to her idea it would have started a brainstorming session and they would have come up with something really great.  But what I heard from Chi Chi was basically everyone wearing a cardboard shape is their outfit....either cut into the shape of a circle, square or triangle....almost like a sandwich board.


And while that might have worked, I think it could have easily gone wrong.  And of course, pretty Derrick could only see his pretty body covered in a clunky box.  If they had brainstormed around the idea they may have come up with someone maybe wearing a triangle bra, or a funky circle skirt, or even a rectangle bra as a way to represent the shapes.


LOL......and word up to whoever posted the Angle Dance video.....I'm so glad to see someone enjoyed high school geometry as much as I did :)

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"Purse first." Lolz. I need the purse to be in every episode.

Derrick, Naysha, and Chi Chi were a hot mess as a group, though I thought Chi Chi was good. I loved Street Meat and Les Chicken Wings, though. “We’re serving big black . . . beans!” Laughing forever.

Bob and Thorgy continue to be my faves.

So happy to see Chi Chi stay, and I liked Naysha, but I’m not heartbroken to see her go. Having said all that, it’s bullshit that Derrick was safe. I thought he was the worst one in the group performance. Whatevs.

I’m counting the minutes until Snatch Game!

Seriously, I think that SG is the only reason why Derrick has been kept on the show. Ru's obsessed in wanting to see Derrick do her version of Britany for her game show.

Chi Chi tore that runway up with her LFYL performance. That was amazing. Nyasha had no chance in hell of not being eliminated again.

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Seriously, I think that SG is the only reason why Derrick has been kept on the show. Ru's obsessed in wanting to see Derrick do her version of Britany for her game show.

Chi Chi tore that runway up with her LFYL performance. That was amazing. Nyasha had no chance in hell of not being eliminated again.

I am too.  I think Chad Michaels did an amazing Cher, but I think Cher is done by a LOT of people.  


I feel like anyone who has/does Britney wouldn't really have the attention to detail that someone like Derrick should have.  People who do Britney get the hair flip, maybe they get her love for Cheetos....and how does Derrick play it, does he play "Britney trying to be funny" or does he play it making fun of Britney?  It is a big challenge because I don't think Derrick is a natural wit like some of the others, so will he have the material to do "Britney being witty and funny" or "tongue in cheek Britney?"  Or will it be a giant flop because Derrick is just going to rest on looks?


Or.....will he really just do the damn thing and go out there bald?!?? (He wouldn't dare...but still)

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Derrick whacking stuff with an umbrella would be great, but maybe not for the rest of his career. I find Britney to be completely boring, so I'm not looking forward to him being her, but I want to see what the rest will do. And, maybe he'll surprise me.

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I think if the other two had been more open to her idea it would have started a brainstorming session and they would have come up with something really great.

I think the other two would have been more open to her idea if she hadn't been behaving like a surly brat every time they tried to get her input on the song. Also, it was up to Chi Chi to explain her concept better when the other two clearly weren't getting it... that's assuming that Chi Chi actually had a better idea and not that the problem was that the other two WERE getting it. Also, even if her vision was of a more judge-friendly costume, someone on the team needs to have the costuming skills to make it work, and we know that Derek and Naysha aren't experienced at costume construction. Chi Chi doesn't seem to be great at that either.


I'm not surprised that Derrick was safe, and I don't think it has to do with Britney and Snatch Game. I think Derrick was safe because Debbie Harry loved his voice. I do not have high expectations for Derrick's Britney, if he does it, because as far as I can tell, he impersonates Britney's look and dances. I don't think he impersonates her personality, and he's not a witty, comedy queen.

Edited by Zuleikha
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My issue with Derrick has been that even when he isn't specifically being Britney, he is still using Britney body language which I noticed in some of the previous challenges so there is still some Britney in his non-Britney persona. I think it's possible to have a funny Britney for Snatch Game, but if Derrick is all about singing like Britney and dancing like Britney and looking like Britney but not sending her up, then his  version of Britney may fall flat because the whole point of Snatch Game is to be funny. I don't know that there's a nice way to be funny as Britney because her personality while talking/doing interviews is kind of bland (except when she's gone off the deep end - see: Britney and Kevin: Chaotic). And if he is at all concerned about offending her, then I can't imagine how he's going to make Britney funny. I imagine him wearing one of her iconic outfits and then just talking with a southern accent while giving generic answers. He hasn't really shown himself to have any bite so if he pulls out a wicked sense of humor, I will be shocked.


I finally watched Untucked last night and it warmed my cold little heart to see how supportive everyone was of Chi Chi. I also loved Naysha's positive attitude after being eliminated. Instead of saying how much it sucks to be eliminated twice, she looked at it as getting a second chance. And she was so sweet to leave those outfits for Chi Chi. I prefer these kinds of backstage shenanigans to the bitchfests and shit stirring!

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I like Chi Chi and feel for her, but she dragged her group down. She was just surly and uncooperative.

While I think Chi Chi could have been more part of the team and tried to up lift it.. at the same time I think her deciding to distance herself from it is understandable. She's the most talented of her group, but they were looking to exclude her ideas because she doesn't have as expensive clothes as them which clearly means she doesn't know what she's talking about. But then if you're teamed with Derrick and Naysha the first thought has to be 'fuck, we're in the bottom', because really even if Chi Chi had worked together and turned her pussy all the way up there is no way she could have compensated for Derrick and Naysha.


I imagine at best with Derrick's Britney we're going to get a Coco's Janet. That is a pitch perfect but completely uninteresting rendition of them as a pop star. At worst we could get a Alyssa Edwards as Katie Perry where all the references just bounce off without a bit of humor. But given how Derrick is almost robotic in his lack of effect, emotion or humor on the show so far, i'm not expecting him to be able to turn it out for Snatch Game.

Edited by snakenax
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I'm glad you guys are having success with the episode links!  I too wish Untucked was shown right after Drag Race and I wish it was an hour long.  30 mins just doesn't seem to be long enough time spent with these queens.


I loved watching the New York queens troll the leftover queens, and then the young queens troll the New York queens. Amazing.

This!  Was so friggin funny!  And what I really liked about it is that it seemed to be good, playful fun.  No malice or anything just some gently ribbing. 


I imagine at best with Derrick's Britney we're going to get a Coco's Janet. That is a pitch perfect but completely uninteresting rendition of them as a pop star. At worst we could get a Alyssa Edwards as Katie Perry where all the references just bounce off without a bit of humor. But given how Derrick is almost robotic in his lack of effect, emotion or humor on the show so far, i'm not expecting him to be able to turn it out for Snatch Game.

I've noticed about Derrick is that she seems to do Britney for realism.  When Tati did her in S2 she was friggin hilarious because it was silly fun.  I just don't think Derrick has the guts to portray her that way.  She'll look and sound just like her but wont be funny IMO.

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I agree that Derrick is going to have a terrible time trying to balance Britney-as-character with Britney-as-meal-ticket. I mean...how do you skewer someone you literally make your living emulating? I think if he were clever, he'd figure out a totally different character and just NAIL it, but I don't think he has it in him. He's trying as hard as he can, but he's just kind of a...decent, hard-working performer who isn't a breakout star, except in what he does best. And that's a little sad to see, because we've been conditioned by Chad's versatility to think that a performer who can impersonate one character can impersonate many.


Back when I was a wee lad in the early 80s, we had female impersonators like Charles Pierce who did entire concerts impersonating celebrities without a hitch. Of course, he benefited from being farther away than a TV camera and relying on Old Hollywood, but the fact remains that you have to have more than one thing in your bag of tricks to win this competition.

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Oh my god, Chi Chi was SO RIGHT about the shapes thing, and then Betty was SO RIGHT too.  KLAUS NOMI, BITCHES.  LEARN SOMETHING.  Yeah, Naysha, Betty is the oldest (cough...my age), so that means there's a good chance she knows what an '80s geometric shape outfit might entail.  Especially given her NYC punk/club kid cred.  So MAYBE you should've listened to her more.


Seriously. I wasn't even sure what Naysha was trying to read Betty about (other than her age) - you're the oldest here and you should know better? Uh, yeah, she does know more about 80s new wave than you. Old enough to know to butt out? Except Betty was not trying to steer you wrong - every thing she told  you was correct. She was trying to help you by pointing out that Chi Chi had the right idea in going for something weird/odd, rather than high fashion which is what you and Derrick wanted.


All that is ultimately why I'm glad Naysha is gone. It was very, very sweet of her to leave some gifts for Chi Chi, but I can't stand it when queens roll their eyes at another queen simply because they don't get the references that queen is tapping into (see the way queens like Roxxy, Coco and Alyssa rolled their eyes at Jinkx for her Grey Gardens references just because they didn't get it). Ru is ALWAYS banging on about knowing your references, so do a little homework. one of my favorite post-show tidbits I learned was Bianca mentioned that during season six, Joslyn came up to her and said "Why are you so smart?" (really asking "How do you know about all this stuff?"), so Bianca gave her a list of movies she should watch to get all those classic references. And Bianca said she had recently received a text from Joslyn telling her that she was halfway through the list already. I love it when they try to better and educate themselves so they can be better performers.


Derrick should be going soon too because she clearly lacks a lot of these references as well. One of my favorite moments of the episode was when Bob picked the "P" and "Y" off their folder so it said "ART" and she, Betty, and Thorgy instantly fell into their little "Art" dance as they crossed the room. It was hilarious and perfect. And Derrick was all, "I hope that isn't their song, because that sucked" and all I could think was, "Oh, girl. You wish you were that fabulous."


Team Bob on the Bob/Lucian battle. True, she should have just nodded and taken the note and then ignored Lucian's advise, but he was way off base with the advice he was giving and I could see why she was frustrated. But I'm glad she apologized later and it was clear that Lucian didn't totally hate her for it, what with the playful way he greeted her before she apologized.


And yeah, Michelle frustrates me too. It's clear that she sees herself as the Simon Cowell of the judges panel, but so many times she is really, really reaching for the critiques. She drove me nuts in season four when she kept banging on about wanting to see if Sharon Needles could do "pretty" and not just spooky when this is the look Sharon served in the second episode. She showed them right up front that she could do pretty. But either Michelle forgot or she just couldn't figure out what else she could complain about. It reminded me of season three in one episode when Billy B confessed that he critiqued Raja's makeup because he honestly couldn't find anything to complain about in her look but felt he needed to produce something. I get the need for a "harsh" judge, but I wish Michelle put a little more thought into her critiques.


Speaking of judges - awesome guest judges! And I love it when the guest judges are honest fans of the show and into it and know what is going on, unlike the ones who just sit there looking bewildered and wondering what their agent got them into (oh, hello Leann Rimes).



I agree that Derrick is going to have a terrible time trying to balance Britney-as-character with Britney-as-meal-ticket. I mean...how do you skewer someone you literally make your living emulating? I think if he were clever, he'd figure out a totally different character and just NAIL it, but I don't think he has it in him. He's trying as hard as he can, but he's just kind of a...decent, hard-working performer who isn't a breakout star, except in what he does best.


Yeah, I don't think he's going to be able to turn out a Britney like Tatianna did, because Britney is his bread and butter and he probably feels he can't afford to offend her. The preview for the episode makes it look like he might not do Britney, but that may be misleading. And probably not smart, since I think Ru is waiting for him to go full Britney. Unfortunately, I think Derrick is in a Catch 22 here - if he doesn't do Britney, Ru will be disappointed. If he does do Britney, he can't play it too safe or else Ru will still be disappointed. He's gotta be able to pull off what Chad pulled off with Cher (making her funny without really tearing her down), and I don't know if Derrick is savvy enough to pull it off.


Finally, I feel so bad for Chi Chi. It has to be really frustrating to feel like you have the talent, but your lack of money is holding you back. I think that's why everyone was so kind to her on Untucked - they can all see how much that sucks and how much of it isn't really her fault but there isn't a lot she can do about it at the moment. Sure, she can make stuff and I'm sure the others will happily loan her things, but pulling together an outfit in the 36 hours they have between runways just isn't the same as coming in with a fully realized look put together beforehand, tested and refined at previous performances.

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How hilarious is it that she uses Chad Michaels as her shining example when she was all over him his season?


Is the thing she's praising Chad for now the same thing she was complaining about in Season 4?  If not, I'm not seeing the hilarity.

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I thought that Naysha thought Acid Betty was stirring shit up, not that she was actually giving helpful advice. That's what I think the read was for: Acid Betty is old enough to know better than to stir shit up when the group was obviously already not working well. Like, you're not helping and you know you're not helping, because you're old enough to know better. Of course, Acid Betty's advice may have actually been helpful, but I don't think that was how Naysha was taking it.

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While I think Chi Chi could have been more part of the team and tried to up lift it.. at the same time I think her deciding to distance herself from it is understandable. She's the most talented of her group, but they were looking to exclude her ideas because she doesn't have as expensive clothes as them which clearly means she doesn't know what she's talking about.
They weren't looking to exclude her ideas at all, much less because she doesn't have expensive clothes. They actively sought her opinion when they were working on the lyrics, and she literally bailed on them without a word to go sulk in the Shade Tree about her Neon Couture outfit. This is after Chi Chi effectively made them do Synth when they wanted to do Party. 


The only thing we saw them push back on was Chi Chi's idea about wearing the shapes. Derrick obviously didn't love it, but she told Chi Chi that if Chi Chi could sell her on it she would go for it. From what we saw, Chi Chi didn't try. I think that's because Chi Chi didn't actually have an achievable idea in her head. Sure Acid Betty could make Klaus Nomi-inspired geometric costumes look fabulous. Chi Chi, Naysha, and Derrick can't. They couldn't even make Naysha's hat! They needed an achievable concept, not something that Chi Chi couldn't describe beyond wear the shapes on the body.


Yeah, I don't think he's going to be able to turn out a Britney like Tatianna did, because Britney is his bread and butter and he probably feels he can't afford to offend her.
I don't think he has any kind of official approval from Britney, so I don't think offending her is the issue. I think he genuinely respects and likes Britney. I don't think he has the desire to go broad and big with her. 


Old enough to know to butt out?
Yeah, I think that is what Naysha was saying. I think Betty was stirring the pot to stir the pot, not because she was under any delusions that Nasyha, Derrick, and Chi Chi had the construction skills required to pull off creating New Wave shape-based costumes.
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Derrick may not do Britney but if he doesn't he better come up with something/someone kickass or he's going to get read for filth.  There's no excuse for any of these queens not to have prepared a funny well developed character for Snatch Game at this point.  Even for someone like Derrick who isn't the sharpest or quickest, he could have had a friend write him some funny lines and jokes and then just throw them out there.  Lots of queens seem to do that and Ru doesn't seem to mind if the jokes don't necessarily follow the questions as long as Ru thinks they're funny.

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I think Derrick's only hope is to make a larger-than-life version of Jamie Lynn Spears. Make her, like, super insecure, religious, and constantly talking about her upstarting singing career and teen pregnancy being the greatest thing that ever happened to her. Think Bristol Palin (who could be amazing in Snatch Game too), but with singing instead of politics. That way Derrick can avoid pissing off Britney while still looking basically the same.

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Yeah, I think that is what Naysha was saying. I think Betty was stirring the pot to stir the pot, not because she was under any delusions that Nasyha, Derrick, and Chi Chi had the construction skills required to pull off creating New Wave shape-based costumes.

Yeah, I think she meant Betty was old enough to know better than to try to create high school drama, although that's exactly what Betty wanted to do.

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Naysha totally lost me when I saw that she took her shoes off before the LSFYL even started. That never goes over well. Chi Chi did her gymnastics routine in heels, Naysha should have been able to do it as well.

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Naysha totally lost me when I saw that she took her shoes off before the LSFYL even started. That never goes over well. Chi Chi did her gymnastics routine in heels, Naysha should have been able to do it as well.


Agree, and then her moves looked clumsy and inflexible anyway. It was such a crapfest, that poor dear.

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Extended runway with the usual commentary. Thank heavens. It should all have been in the show somehow. All of these episodes should be Ruper-Sized.


I fully expected to come into this season loving Robbie, and being underwhelmed by Kim Chi, Naomi and Chi Chi. But the reverse has happened. I really like Naomi and Chi Chi quite a bit, and I'm not nearly as impressed with Robbie as she seems to be. I'm all in for Bob and Thorgy though, and Kim Chi is a dark horse if she can learn and adapt as quickly as she seems to be doing.

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I've noticed about Derrick is that she seems to do Britney for realism. When Tati did her in S2 she was friggin hilarious because it was silly fun. I just don't think Derrick has the guts to portray her that way. She'll look and sound just like her but wont be funny IMO.

I've been wondering how Derrick's Britney will compare to Tatianna's. Derrick doesn't seem funny or very clever to me, but neither did Tatianna. And then she won the first Snatch Game, despite not having ever done a celebrity impersonation, and having very little time to prepare. So maybe Derrick will bring a lot of humor to it after all. I'm not enthusiastic, but I'm certainly ready to be surprised.

Edited by Haberdasher
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Seriously, I think that SG is the only reason why Derrick has been kept on the show. Ru's obsessed in wanting to see Derrick do her version of Britany for her game show.

I kind of felt like the only reason Adore lasted as long as she did was because Ru was itching for an American Idol vs. Australian Idol LSFYL between her and Courtney but could never justify putting them both in the bottom at the same time (and then had to resort to the final-four format to get it), so it wouldn't be that much of a shock to me if this was the case.

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I don't think Derrick is being kept for any particular reason. In the first two episodes, he didn't deserve to be in the bottom. In RuCo Empire, he didn't perform well, but Cynthia and Robbie performed worse (I think Kim Chi did as well, in part because Kim Chi's role was bigger so it mattered more). Robbie's roller skating look may have saved her if she weren't known to be an actor, but Ru is merciless when people mess up at their strengths. This week is debatable as I think any of the three could have been justified as b2, but I'm not surprised that Derrick was the one called safe given that we saw Debbie Harry compliment Derrick's singing. Also, I'm sure Ru picked up on Chi Chi's negative attitude during the workroom and Chi Chi pissed off Michelle right at judging time. 


I rewatched the group numbers, and I take back what I said earlier about Kim Chi getting a pass. She was fine for punk. 

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Extended runway with the usual commentary. Thank heavens. It should all have been in the show somehow. All of these episodes should be Ruper-Sized.


I fully expected to come into this season loving Robbie, and being underwhelmed by Kim Chi, Naomi and Chi Chi. But the reverse has happened. I really like Naomi and Chi Chi quite a bit, and I'm not nearly as impressed with Robbie as she seems to be. I'm all in for Bob and Thorgy though, and Kim Chi is a dark horse if she can learn and adapt as quickly as she seems to be doing.

Thank you for helping me understand why I am put off by Robbie. He is coming off too desperate or something. I did not like his neon dream runway look at all, but then I maybe missing something because Raja and Raven gave it the toot of the week on their Fashion Photo Review 


It is also interesting to learn, in the FPR, that Bob's neon head drip was added as an after thought when he realized that his look was not neon enough.  Funnily enough MV praised that drip to filth, while R&R booted it for not enough neon. 

Edited by jellywager
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All of these episodes should be Ruper-Sized.


I would be so happy with a 90 min episode EVERY WEEK!  Not only am I GAG-ING for these queens I just don't feel like we get enough camera time spent on them, like with the runway looks.  It's a crying shame Kim Chi didn't get more face time (hahaha get it) for her look.  Thanks to whomever posted the bonus clips.  I am loving those.


I'm not nearly as impressed with Robbie as she seems to be


I've said it before--to me Robbie is the poor man's version of Jinx and honestly she's not up to par with Dela either.  And this is magnified by the fact that she (Robbie I mean) is constantly reminding us that she's a Seattle sister to both.  I can't blame her for bragging and I do generally like (not love but like) Robbie but she just isn't as good as....

Edited by Dirtybubble
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So many things I want to say about this episode that has been said already... I think Chi Chi absolutely slayed Naysha during that LSFYL... I think that Derrick is very character driven, and can't imagine a world where you're not playing a character... this could be a good thing for the upcoming snatch game, in the right hands, but I don't think Derrick will be able to pull it off. 

The groupings were interesting, Team Best Friend Race, NYC, and Chi Chi and the Dregs ... 

The competition was good. Les Chicken Wings definitely did it for me.

for Untucked...

"I can see your halo..."  was so brilliant.  I'm keeping it filed and ready for use.

Chi Chi was engaging in some next level game playing in there... after she was done crying that is.... the whole stretching, splits, and limbering, while technically necessary was also sending everyone a message that she was going to be a force to be reckoned with.  I believe she got right into Naysha's head with that, and that is why Naysha immediately kicked off her shoes and attempted those... well.. soccer mom-ish round-offs ... 

I think this group of gals is even more focused on the public's perception of them... with Ginger's loss last year as a case study in making sure the public likes who you're portraying or else you're not winning... 


This is kinda rambly, but I was feeling all the things and needed to get them out.

Loved it. 
loved it. 

loved it.

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It is also interesting to learn, in the FPR, that Bob's neon head drip was added as an after thought when he realized that his look was not neon enough.
That is interesting because that look was bland without the head drip. I think Bob's been getting an undeserved pass on looks, much as Bianca got a pass on the similarity of her looks. There are still so many queens left and Bob's such a standout in Performances (and probably in interacting with Ru in the workroom) that I understand why. But I also understand why Thorgy--who has also excelled at performance but has still been nitpicked for her Runway looks--is salty about it.
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No., Bob's outfit was fierce. Her beaded sheer black overdress was amazing. Her gone with the windows dress was perfection. Her roller girl runway was a little meh, but that was the only one so far.  IMO, of course.

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I think Derrick's only hope is to make a larger-than-life version of Jamie Lynn Spears. Make her, like, super insecure, religious, and constantly talking about her upstarting singing career and teen pregnancy being the greatest thing that ever happened to her. Think Bristol Palin (who could be amazing in Snatch Game too), but with singing instead of politics. That way Derrick can avoid pissing off Britney while still looking basically the same.

Oh a slightly related note, has anyone done Sarah Palin for Snatch Game?  If not...why not...I think it would be a hoot!

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That is interesting because that look was bland without the head drip. I think Bob's been getting an undeserved pass on looks, much as Bianca got a pass on the similarity of her looks. There are still so many queens left and Bob's such a standout in Performances (and probably in interacting with Ru in the workroom) that I understand why. But I also understand why Thorgy--who has also excelled at performance but has still been nitpicked for her Runway looks--is salty about it.
No., Bob's outfit was fierce. Her beaded sheer black overdress was amazing. Her gone with the windows dress was perfection. Her roller girl runway was a little meh, but that was the only one so far.  IMO, of course.



Bob's looks have been...ok.  They are more creative, IMO, than Bianca's but when you are standing on the stage with Acid Betty (!!! OMG her looks) and Kim Chi you're gonna pale in comparison.   The Gone With The Window, movie premier, and neon challenges were ok.  That roller skate thing was blarf =(


As for as my new crush Thorgy goes *sigh* yeah I can see she'd be miffed as far as the runway critiques go but come on honey--Bob had that acting challenge in the bag.  Thorgy was 2nd, a very, very strong second with whomever in a distant third but second none the less.  At least she is getting some positive love from the judges if not a win.  *shrug*

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Oh a slightly related note, has anyone done Sarah Palin for Snatch Game?  If not...why not...I think it would be a hoot!


Oh man, that'd be a dream! My only guess is nobody's done it because they know they couldn't do Tina Fey justice. But still, gotta try, dammit.

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It is also interesting to learn, in the FPR, that Bob's neon head drip was added as an after thought when he realized that his look was not neon enough.  Funnily enough MV praised that drip to filth, while R&R booted it for not enough neon. 



That is interesting because that look was bland without the head drip. I think Bob's been getting an undeserved pass on looks, much as Bianca got a pass on the similarity of her looks. There are still so many queens left and Bob's such a standout in Performances (and probably in interacting with Ru in the workroom) that I understand why. But I also understand why Thorgy--who has also excelled at performance but has still been nitpicked for her Runway looks--is salty about it.

I don't believe the Leigh Bowery-esque drips were an afterthought at all, I believe they were just an effect that had to be added just before the runway. We saw in Untucked and the 10 minute preview for next week that the dripping immediately started drying and cracking under the harsh lights of that runway and talking to the judges, etc. It would have looked a mess if she did it in preparation for the photo rather than for the runway. The same thing happened to MAX and her death becomes her look last year on Fashion Photo Ruview. Raja and Raven thought it looked silly that MAX was holding her heart in her hands and yet her dress was stark white, when the fact of the matter was the photos are taken before the runway and she hadn't yet began the bleeding heart effect. Why they noted this effect but ignored Acid's gill's or Kim's total cubist obliteration of her natural features is unclear to me.


That said, I do think Bob has been getting a pass on some of his runway looks. This was the first week I've like Bob's makeup, I could finally see some makeup and an attempt to contour. Prior to this challenge, I thought all of Bob's wigs looked a bit crunchy and the wig lines a mess. If you can't blend and spray, you have to french fry that hair line or bleach the knots and tea dye the lace closure.

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Why they noted this effect but ignored Acid's gill's or Kim's total cubist obliteration of her natural features is unclear to me.

The pictures they see don't include the queen's make up. The only reason they know about Bob's head drip is that they were informed about it.

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Is the thing she's praising Chad for now the same thing she was complaining about in Season 4?  If not, I'm not seeing the hilarity.


Yup, she complained constantly that she never saw the "real" Chad Michaels. 

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What a great season! I've been randomly rewatching Season 5, which was my fave and looks like Season 8 is will become another favorite for me.


I feel bad for Chi Chi but part of me is also really happy that they have a queen on the show who is openly discussing how broke she is and how she has to work several jobs just to be less broke. It can be really easy to look at these queens and think they are all making bank back home to support their careers but that really isn't the case. Chi Chi is like alot of drag performers who are scraping by.


I love Bob, but after thinking about it I don't like Bob as a drag queen I like Bob just being Bob---and wearing women's clothing. I think Bob will start to stumble on the challenges where the queens are expected to be more polished and show some glamour. 


Thorgy is another favorite, just a really captivating person in general. 


It is worrisome that Derrick doesn't realize that he came on this show to be a drag queen and NOT a Britney impersonator. Chad Michaels was obviously a Cher impersonator but at least he took risks and styled himself away from the Cher persona. I think that's what Michelle meant in her advice to Derrick to try different looks. So far, we just keep seeing Britney prancing on stage in whatever the runway theme is.


I'm happy Robbie redeemed himself!


And KimChi wins my heart simply for giving it her all! Every challenge KimChi has come out there and given 200% and appears to really be having a good time, even when alot of these challenges are out of her comfort zone. It's a major step up from Pearl who spent the entire season sleepwalking her way through each challenge.


Can't wait for Snatch Game. 

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What a great season! I've been randomly rewatching Season 5, which was my fave and looks like Season 8 is will become another favorite for me.


I feel bad for Chi Chi but part of me is also really happy that they have a queen on the show who is openly discussing how broke she is and how she has to work several jobs just to be less broke. It can be really easy to look at these queens and think they are all making bank back home to support their careers but that really isn't the case. Chi Chi is like alot of drag performers who are scraping by.


I love Bob, but after thinking about it I don't like Bob as a drag queen I like Bob just being Bob---and wearing women's clothing. I think Bob will start to stumble on the challenges where the queens are expected to be more polished and show some glamour. 


Thorgy is another favorite, just a really captivating person in general. 


It is worrisome that Derrick doesn't realize that he came on this show to be a drag queen and NOT a Britney impersonator. Chad Michaels was obviously a Cher impersonator but at least he took risks and styled himself away from the Cher persona. I think that's what Michelle meant in her advice to Derrick to try different looks. So far, we just keep seeing Britney prancing on stage in whatever the runway theme is.


I'm happy Robbie redeemed himself!


And KimChi wins my heart simply for giving it her all! Every challenge KimChi has come out there and given 200% and appears to really be having a good time, even when alot of these challenges are out of her comfort zone. It's a major step up from Pearl who spent the entire season sleepwalking her way through each challenge.


Can't wait for Snatch Game. 

I'm sorry Chi Chi is struggling too, but I'm also glad there is someone on the show talking about the financial side of this.


I like Trinity pretty well, and I think she's a good person and a great lip syncer, but if Pearl was sleep walking, Trinity was psyching herself out with her "I've never done _____ before." Before they went on the show, how many queens had painted their chins to look like the top of their faces and lip synced? Or built pride boats? Or done perfume ads? Sure, some of the skills repeat, but she really should have known that every episode was going to have two challenges, and if she'd had Kim Chi's try hard attitude she might have gone farther. Well, she's having a good post show career, so I'm happy for her.

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