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S06.E17: Lymes In The Sand

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Did they say they were in coach? Because it looked like first class, the thicker leather seats, etc. They were likely in the first class seats going to Dubai that turn into beds for long flights.

the bare minimum for business class on a wide body, like a 777, is something like this:


And the standard is now for every business class seat to have direct aisle access, like this.


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I hate people that post stuff like I'm about to post.

It's extremely hypocritical of Andy Cohen as executive producer of the show to send the women to Dubai and show only the glossy, privileged surface of the place. He regularly calls out the housewives and their husbands on anti gay rhetoric and slang and yet he chooses to focus positively on a country that jails and kills people accused or caught practicing homosexuality. There's no way that Erika's glam squad could "butch it up" enough to pass walking down any street in Dubai. I was noticing last night they all have a ton of filler in their faces and probably botox. They'd be safer donning burkas and trying to pass as women. I'm not joking. What they did do almost certainly is stay within the confines of the hotel and even there keep a low profile, and I'm sure they were fine and had a good time. They were able to do this because they are protected by the great wealth of the women on the show and the huge double standard that is applied in cases like this to the have and the have nots.

There was a big kerfuffle a few years ago among the Beverly Hills and Holly wood elite when it came to light that the Beverly Hills Hotel was owned by the Sultan of Brunei who had enacted Sharia law. The hotel was boycotted. Well guess what? Dubai has Sharia law as well. So what's Andy doing producing the show over there? What's Lisa, queen of the LBGT community doing enjoying the luxury over there? Would Lisa go to China and swish around in a muumuu? Are dogs more important than people? Are these people big ol' hypocrites?

I don't think Dubai cares as long there's no PDA in public. Campiness probably isn't a crime.

The hotel they stayed at was actually developed by the Sun City people (South African Jews).

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It's extremely hypocritical of Andy Cohen as executive producer of the show to send the women to Dubai and show only the glossy, privileged surface of the place.  He regularly calls out the housewives and their husbands on anti gay rhetoric and slang and yet he chooses to focus positively on a country that jails and kills people accused or caught practicing homosexuality.


I couldn't agree more. I'm not sure if you watch Shahs of Sunset (it's the biggest shit show of all time but I love it), but the cast took a trip to Iran (edit: it was Turkey, not Iran) one season and there was a very big focus on the fact that one of the cast couldn't go because there was a strong possibility he would be recognized as a homosexual and PUBLICLY BEHEADED. At the reunion one of the women kind of poo-pooed his concern and said Iran was a lot more liberal these days and besides, they sometimes allow homosexual men to undergo a sex change operation and live as straight women. Andy was aghast (rightly) and her contract wasn't renewed. 


Dubai does the exact same thing. There's a good, albeit depressing documentary called The Slaves of Dubai that addresses how the hotel business facilitates underage sex trafficking and slave labor. I don't mean to be pretentious, but it's deeply hypocritical of Andy to do an infomercial for a luxury industry that is quite literally built on the backs of the disenfranchised.

Edited by The Mighty Peanut
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I couldn't agree more. I'm not sure if you watch Shahs of Sunset (it's the biggest shit show of all time but I love it), but the cast took a trip to Iran one season and there was a very big focus on the fact that one of the cast couldn't go because there was a strong possibility he would be recognized as a homosexual and PUBLICLY BEHEADED. At the reunion one of the women kind of poo-pooed his concern and said Iran was a lot more liberal these days and besides, they sometimes allow homosexual men to undergo a sex change operation and live as straight women. Andy was aghast (rightly) and her contract wasn't renewed. 


Dubai does the exact same thing. There's a good, albeit depressing documentary called The Slums of Dubai that addresses how the hotel business facilitates underage sex trafficking and slave labor. I don't mean to be pretentious, but it's deeply hypocritical of Andy to do an infomercial for a luxury industry that is quite literally built on the backs of the disenfranchised.

Yes, yes & more yes. Horrible.

The Amazing Race has been to Dubai and I don't remember them being concerned with how they were dressed. At all. I really loved LVP's caftan, I'd wear that myself.

I'd wear any of them did anyone catch the label? I wants!!!!

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I lived in Atlanta for a number of years and have flown in, out, and through ATL enough times to know the airport like the back of my hand and I'd never once seen anyone picked up at the tarmac and taken by private vehicle to their connecting flight.  For some reason that really irked me.


Eileen is the only one who dressed appropriately for a 14 and a half hour flight.  Comfort and ease should be the key, not stilettos and perfect makeup.

I prefer a fuller skirt or stretchy pants.  I can't imagine traveling for that long and having to fuss with overalls every single time I needed to use the bathroom.  It's tiny enough inside airline bathrooms.


This was really good.  See how the other half lives in Dubai.  9 people to a room, slavery really.  Basically a cemented hole in the ground to be used as a toilet for 45 people. 



The Slaves of Dubai

For months, the BBC’s Ben Anderson hung out around the glittering, insane towers springing up in Dubai trying to infiltrate the community of expatriate workers who are putting them up. What he found when he finally got in was that the jewel of the Arab world is almost entirely built upon imported slave labor.

Edited by Umbelina
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The comment Brandi made about Bella is one of the few areas I am on Brandi's side. She was wrong to bring up Bella's name in a negative light on TV to draw attention away from her own alcohol abuse, but I think the whole "Brandi called Bella an alcoholic" is just the narrative the wives wanted to paint. IMO Brandi's muddled delivery was trying to express that after Bella got the DUI tabloids were reporting that she was an alcoholic but that it wasn't true, just like people have labeled Brandi as an alcoholic and it isn't true (except it is). Also, Brandi was right. Tabloids WERE saying Bella was an alcoholic, because they had the e-mail from Yolanda wherein Yo claimed Bella's car was littered with prescription pill bottles, empties, and a used tampon. I think the reason why Brandi was so sketchy about her sources ("People are saying..." "What people?" "...People.") because she didn't want to say the source was Yo's hacked e-mail. It always bugged me that the other wives were so insistent that NO ONE was calling Bella an addict when TMZ and The Daily Mail were running headlines like "Bella Hadid's Downward Drug Spiral". 


IIRC Brandi immediately tried to clarify what she was saying but Yo wasn't hearing it. I would assume by now that if Yo and Brandi do have any sort of real friendship they've worked this out between themselves.

I don't think anyone was calling Bella an alcoholic. She was arrested in July and the email was leaked in December (I hate that I know this). When they shot the scene of Brandi making that claim, the world hadn't yet read any email or gotten a glimpse of Bella's problems. She was just a 17 year-old girl who had made an incredibly stupid decision. There was a reason Yo was so shocked by the word - she knew folks were whispering about the arrest - but she hadn't heard that anyone had put such a label on her daughter. I couldn't find a single example of any tabloid making such a claim. Brandi was the first one to say such a thing out loud.

It was a horrible thing of course, and unforgivable to some, but regardless of what Yo wants to say now, keeping the kids out of it hasn't always been her mantra. She can take about a dozen seats with her faux outrage about the non-Gigi's and their pretend Lyme being discussed. She sat by and said the words "who is Adrienne Maloof" in this world when Adrienne was frantic about a private surrogacy being discussed on national TV. She thought that Adrienne should just get over it. Brandi was just being Brandi after all, so why all the fuss? To now run around and act like her own family and children deserve something better is total bullshit IMO. She is just the worst.

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I hate people that post stuff like I'm about to post.

It's extremely hypocritical of Andy Cohen as executive producer of the show to send the women to Dubai and show only the glossy, privileged surface of the place.  He regularly calls out the housewives and their husbands on anti gay rhetoric and slang and yet he chooses to focus positively on a country that jails and kills people accused or caught practicing homosexuality.  There's no way that Erika's glam squad could "butch it up" enough to pass walking down any street in Dubai.  I was noticing last night they all have a ton of filler in their faces and probably botox.  They'd be safer donning burkas and trying to pass as women.  I'm not joking.  What they did do almost certainly is stay within the confines of the hotel and even there keep a low profile, and I'm sure they were fine and had a good time.  They were able to do this because they are protected by the great wealth of the women on the show and the huge double standard that is applied in cases like this to the have and the have nots. 

There was a big kerfuffle a few years ago among the Beverly Hills and Holly wood  elite when it came to light that the Beverly Hills Hotel was owned by the Sultan of Brunei who had enacted Sharia law.  The hotel was boycotted. Well guess what?  Dubai has Sharia law as well.  So what's Andy doing producing the show over there?  What's Lisa, queen of the LBGT community doing enjoying the luxury over there?  Would Lisa go to China and swish around in a muumuu?  Are dogs more important than people?  Are these people big ol' hypocrites?

I was already thinking that about the things you posted… and a lot more. Dubai, of all places. Tourism probably paid for the whole thing, including stylists for the women with pretty muumuus to wear… and that's why they went.

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she had a "swollen brain" (LOL, total lie) and couldn't go to Erika's dinner. She is still constantly playing the sick card....too sick to go to Dubai despite jetting around the world the past few years while "bedridden".

I wish the spreading the misinformation about silicone breast implants causing Yo's symptoms would stop! There is extensive medical research that disproves these claims. Of course Yo never let scientific get in the way of her lyme claims.

I'll get off my soap box now.


I wonder if her glam squad has arrived yet. They took a different flight. Homosexuality is illegal in Dubai and I hope she informed them of that bit of knowledge. I hope they aren't in jail.

Actually, I look for your posts specifically because you explain the real science better than anyone. I love that. I am just disgusted by the anti-science attitude and junk science that Yolanda is spreading. As far as I'm concerned, the Lyme discussion won't be over until Yolanda is discredited. She's dangerous.

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How much do I love this? His name escapes me, but I remember the beautifully wrought fashion.

Christian Siriano, winner of Project Runway  



Edited by HumblePi
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Good grief. WoeYo and her 9 months, 10 months, 14 months in bed with the Lyme brain.  Enough already!  No WONDER she hangs out with Kim RIchards!  Neither of them can COUNT!!

Even though the whole Dubai business was a farce, I did enjoy the hotel (but I read you guys upthread that said it was built by slave labor).  Just the sheer over-the-top size suites, that Fish room Eileen snagged... Finally something fancy to look at and not that dumbass WoeYo and her no makeup.  Noticed she managed to have makeup on for the award ceremony. That must have been that organic makeup old whatsherface from the OC wears.

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So what's Andy doing producing the show over there?  What's Lisa, queen of the LBGT community doing enjoying the luxury over there?  Would Lisa go to China and swish around in a muumuu?  Are dogs more important than people?  Are these people big ol' hypocrites?


I think these women are dumb.  Yes, dumb, in an uninformed, incurious, tunnel-vision kind of way.  Rinna can google Munchies, but apparently, not a one of them can google Dubai and learn a damned thing about the UAE.


Andy and production, on the other hand?  No excuse.  They knew where they were going.


Having said that, I went to Dubai with a gay friend.  Granted, he was speaking at a global scientific conference, and he has been with his husband for over 25 years so wasn't looking to score while in Dubai, but if you don't make a spectacle of yourself in public while visiting, no one is going to arrest you (talking to Erika's spackle and hoist crew here).


The other part of that...the slave labor...that's true, and it is a horrible, horrible reality that occurs all over the rich parts of the Middle East. 

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So I am sitting here watching the episode On Demand. Yo has claimed that she has been sick since the day after she married David or some sense nonsense. Yet on this very episode we see clips of her past life with My Love including her dancing The Saints Go Marching In with the other hos around David's piano, picking lemons on her HILLSIDE, energetically engaging with her children in the kitchen, producing a boudoir book of photos for David, meeting David in her lingerie for sexy time. And that is just the clips they choose to reshow us.

I'm with Lisa R, this bullshit bothers me and pisses me off. Yo is a lying liar who lies.

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the bare minimum for business class on a wide body, like a 777, is something like this:33le1i0.jpg

And the standard is now for every business class seat to have direct aisle access, like this. 2v8oebp.jpg

I'm a Delta frequent flyer. Those seats are really for international flights and some flight between NY and LA. On most cross country Delta flights the plane is not a wide body, hence first class is 2 across rather than 3 like in coach. I remember when coast to coast flights were always wide bodies. Not anymore. So yeah, they were in first from LA to ATL. First which Delta calls Delta One on international flights is where you get those compartment seats.

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So I am sitting here watching the episode On Demand. Yo has claimed that she has been sick since the day after she married David or some sense nonsense. Yet on this very episode we see clips of her past life with My Love including her dancing The Saints Go Marching In with the other hos around David's piano, picking lemons on her HILLSIDE, energetically engaging with her children in the kitchen, producing a boudoir book of photos for David, meeting David in her lingerie for sexy time. And that is just the clips they choose to reshow us.

I'm with Lisa R, this bullshit bothers me and pisses me off. Yo is a lying liar who lies.


I do agree that she oversells how incapacitated she is but I don't get the idea that her illness(es) are of the variety that would make any activity at all undoable 100% of the time, much less trotting around a piano in her own home for a few minutes or getting naked for photos--or especially being animated in a kitchen. Regardless of her selective memory, she probably has good moments and bad ones, and none of those things above require a ton of energy. That's why I don't see the big deal about her missing Erika's dinner party; maybe she got up that day and felt good enough to go to lunch, and later felt worn out. Lunch comes before dinner so it's not even a matter of choosing one over the other.

Edited by TattleTeeny
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I don't know how many times Yolanda's 'swollen head' has been brought up on the show but it started out by Yo explaining to Erika that she felt her face was swollen. It took off exponentially from there. Swollen face > Swollen head > Swollen brain. What next, exploding swollen brain from a swollen skull? The point is that the exaggerations and ballooning of something so basic and simply seems to get blown way out of proportion. If Yolanda felt well enough later in the day to have lunch with Kim and Brandi, so what? She may have gone back to bed for the day afterwards. Just because she bowed out from dinner at Erika's doesn't mean she didn't feel well earlier in the day and it's not breaking one of the Ten Commandments and she will not be going to Hell for telling Erika she felt lousy, like her whole face was swollen. Lisa Rinna just can't let it go with Yolanda and I'm sick of both of them. LisaR needs to get over this once and for all. Of course it does bring focus on her while filming and isn't that what they all need?



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So I went to the Bravo website. Big giant pic of brandy with the title "Brandi's Back." Nope, I just clicked right past and go to blogs where I got a laugh. The idiot wrote a blog titled Brandi Glanville: These Women Should Be Ashamed of Themselves.   Bitch please, you have no standing to point a finger. Didn't even open it to see what she has to say. Why do they keep trying to force her on us.

The whole blog is promotional crap about her various entrepreneurial adventures, the shows to be built around her that Bravo is considering and how totally fabulous her life currently is now. Of course, she brought up how hard she is working to support her "little men." What a brave single mother she is! It's too bad the father has completely disappeared and is doing nothing to support his kids . . . oh wait.



For anyone who loved Lisa Vanderpump's lace-up cherry blossom caftan or Kathryn's Python Printed caftan and can't live without it, you can each it at Shahida Fashions for only $469. But they're crepe silk and can be worn in several different styles.

Heh. I went to look. Those caftans are made of artificial silk a/k/a/ "viscose silk." At that price!

Edited by Ketzel
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By the way, it's INCREDIBLY simple to make your own caftans.  If you can sew a straight line, you can do it.  After that, it's simply a matter of getting the right width of material, and making sure it's preshrunk.


You can turn them out in under 20 minutes, a bit more time if you are going to add embellishments, but choosing the right fabric usually eliminates that.  Also, simply sewing your choice of embellishments around the neck to avoid even making a seam there is another simple choice.  You don't even need a pattern.  Our seamstress used to turn out 10 or more an hour at Club Med, using a very old fashioned sewing machine.

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Re: Lisa R and wigs. She may well wear a wig at times for convenience, but I doubt she needs a wig due to hair loss. I keep flashing back to when she and Lisa went to look at the mini-pony. They were in hot, humid Ohio in the summer time and both of their hairdos reflected that; Lisa R's in particular lost the usual smoothness and looked coarser and thicker due to the humidity and her running her hands through it due to the heat. I think she has an enviably thick head of hair that is probably a bit more time consuming to maintain since she wears it short and can't just pull it back into a ponytail. A wig would be an easy out when time is crunched.

I think that Lisar pulling that poor pony's tail constitutes animal cruelty.......oh wait.......Never mind.

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So I am sitting here watching the episode On Demand. Yo has claimed that she has been sick since the day after she married David or some sense nonsense. Yet on this very episode we see clips of her past life with My Love including her dancing The Saints Go Marching In with the other hos around David's piano, picking lemons on her HILLSIDE, energetically engaging with her children in the kitchen, producing a boudoir book of photos for David, meeting David in her lingerie for sexy time. And that is just the clips they choose to reshow us.

I'm with Lisa R, this bullshit bothers me and pisses me off. Yo is a lying liar who lies.

See? This is what makes me crazy. It's right there for everyone to see, yet she gets some sort of pass and I don't understand why.

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 Lunch comes before dinner so it's not even a matter of choosing one over the other.

Sometimes I'll have a sandwich for dinner and something large for lunch and my dessert before everything!!!!

See? This is what makes me crazy. It's right there for everyone to see, yet she gets some sort of pass and I don't understand why.

Because in this day and age, everyone is afraid of the public ass reaming they are going to get on their twatter/instasham pages.

Edited by ElDosEquis
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Yolanda asked Brandi, "What means wig?" Really? A model doesn't know what a wig is? She is SO full of it. 

I didn't think it was possible, but Yolanda lies more and more frequently than Brooks did. She is worse than Brooks.

Edited by homeperm
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That was a dig at him. If the relationship was done a while back and she insists on making him sound like he's the greatest guy on the planet at this point? She is/was setting him up to take the fall/making him sound like HE is the bad guy. Her constant cooing about how much she is in love with him is just a smoke screen and a way to deflect from the fact that she is the nutjob in the relationship.

That's exactly what she was doing. Same for "one last kiss in the refrigerator", "I must do all this packing", "Let me help you with your closet. I honestly don't know how he put up with it, and I give him credit for at least trying to act like he cares. But he is so over her.

Yolanda is more conniving and more manipulative than the rest of the woman combined.

Edited by mwell345
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Since you use the selvage edge (finished edge on the side of the fabric) you don't even have to stitch that part.  54" fabric for skinny or normal size people works, wider fabric for bigger women, or to taste.


The neck can be a simple scoop or a deeper V like Lisa's, and you can either roll it over and stitch it or just add your trim to finish that edge.  You do have to hem the bottom, but again, a simple folded over machine hem works fine on caftans, and you can make them as long or short as you want them. 


Anyway, super easy, and super comfortable in summer, or around the house.

Edited by Umbelina
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Sometimes I'll have a sandwich for dinner and something large for lunch and my dessert before everything!!!!


Haha! I worded that so dumb! (< And that too.) Also, I have pancakes right now. 

Edited by TattleTeeny
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Yo's pinnacle moment in her "journey" was at the gala.  She was the center of attention, Gigi and the non-Gigi's were there fawning over her and serving as a testament to Yo's suffering....poor Yo, even two of her children have it, too!  How brave and strong Yo is!  And there's her adoring husband, who helped foot the bill for her award.  Gigi was gushing over her in her speech, and then Yo got to take the stage and bask in the glory of what she achieved.  That was her winning the Oscar moment, and she clearly reveled in her acceptance speech.


It's all downhill from there, folks.  She's peaked, like those football stars in high school who never get that kind of adulation again.  She will be onto something else soon.  She has a deep craving for admiration and adulation; she will need to find something else to give her that fix.

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I see from Lisa's blog that Kyle and Kathryn are the only people Lisa is honoring by referring to them by name. She refers to the rest as EJ, ED, YF, and LR.

That reunion must have been BRUTAL.

LOL, "Ne'er shall your names be spoken by these lips, forever to be known only by thy initials!!!"

Edited by ElDosEquis
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I forgot all about this but remember when Yo had to take the test to become an American Citizen?  Did she have Lyme brain then?


In the previews for the next few episodes it shows Kyle yelling at LisaR something like if LisaR is trying to bring her down Kyle's gonna bring LisaR down in flames with her.  Or something like that.  Makes me wonder if when Kim was implying something about Harry if there really is something and Kyle knows about it also.  What else could she be referring too?  Interesting.


Kyle and Lisa were the best this episode.  I like when they are friends.  They are fun to watch.

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At the very core of Lisa Rinna's feelings about Yolanda and why she just can't let go of her 'being scared' of her is Kim Richards. Lisa has never gotten past the famous limousine ride with a wonky stoned Kim Richards. She didn't know how to handle it and at first treated it as though Kim was acting and she tried to laugh it off. Then she got frightened once she realized that Kim was messed up. LisaR doesn't have any experience handling a lunatic. Then of course the infamous dinner when Kim threatened to suggest that Harry Hamlin was fooling around on Lisa. That was the straw that broke her back and she threw the glass on the table shattering it. Brandi was there to support Kim and so she was instantly an enemy to LisaR forever. LisaR connects Yolanda's friendship with Kim and Brandi and that's the real problem, it's not Yolanda at all, it's the other two that Lisa fears more than anyone. She can't joke them away, she can't scare them away and she certainly can't be any type of friend to either of them. The three together are a force that Lisa Rinna just can't reckon with or defend herself against. LisaR has always been the one person that can laugh away, reason with, or ignore those people that irritate her and she can't do that with any of those three women. Facing a psychotic woman really scared the hell out of her, she couldn't deal and she'll never forget it.




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I do agree that she oversells how incapacitated she is but I don't get the idea that her illness(es) are of the variety that would make any activity at all undoable 100% of the time, much less trotting around a piano in her own home for a few minutes or getting naked for photos--or especially being animated in a kitchen. Regardless of her selective memory, she probably has good moments and bad ones, and none of those things above require a ton of energy. That's why I don't see the big deal about her missing Erika's dinner party; maybe she got up that day and felt good enough to go to lunch, and later felt worn out. Lunch comes before dinner so it's not even a matter of choosing one over the other.


I think the reason it bothers people, (myself included),  is because Yolanda doesn't make statements like, "I have good days and bad days" or, "Somedays I feel good and then all of a sudden I'm exhausted for no explicable reason", or even, "I don't have energy all the time but I still try to do the things my family needs me to do and look upbeat doing it even though I feel like being in bed". Instead she makes these big proclamations like she hasn't been able to read or listen to music for 18 months, or that she's been bed ridden for 11 months, or she hasn't worn makeup in 10 months when it's obviously not true according to her own instagram. 


In my opinion she makes those over the top statements along with the pictorial evidence to the contrary make it seem like she's using her illness when it benefits her to do so. I think even LisaR wouldn't be so upset by it if she just said something that makes sense, "I have good days and bad days" makes sense. 

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Yolanda has decimated people for commenting on her looks.  If they say she looks sick they are shallow, if they say she looks good they are discounting her invisible disease.  Yolanda with the make-up artist commenting on not having had Botox in three years and the change in her appearance.  Yes, Yolanda you aged ,and in my book, at times she is extremely photogenic and others she is just an average woman.  So now it is about altering her appearance to bring attention to Lyme disease.   .

 She should have showed up in her fucking robe, sans makeup.


Instead? She gets made up and claims she is recovered.


I bet dollars to doughnuts she'll be back on the Crazy Train - to complete her 'journey' - come the reunion. And no one will be ballsy enough to remind her of that fact?


Someone should just tell her her stories about being ill are suspect and then apologize for not being a good friend and supportive because the narrative has too many inconsistencies in it.

No one has to be nasty, just forthright and know how to phrase and ask the question.


Oh, By the Way? End the statement by telling her that you are glad she has recovered and you won't have to hear about her fucking trip/travel/journey anymore.


Have they finalized the divorce yet? If I am David, I am going to make sure that the little piece of tape where she says she has recovered makes it into the case? Why should he keep paying for the voodoo docs and Daisy if she is cured?

Edited by ElDosEquis
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Shah's of Sunset went to Turkey not Iran. In fact they walked as close to the border as they could., and cried at the first sight of their homeland across the mountains.  As their families escaped Iran, they could not go back. In fact , their family came to see them in Istanbul. Turkey is, for the most part a westernized, safe,  secular country.

Edited by JennyMominFL
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I think the reason it bothers people, (myself included),  is because Yolanda doesn't make statements like, "I have good days and bad days" or, "Somedays I feel good and then all of a sudden I'm exhausted for no explicable reason", or even, "I don't have energy all the time but I still try to do the things my family needs me to do and look upbeat doing it even though I feel like being in bed". Instead she makes these big proclamations like she hasn't been able to read or listen to music for 18 months, or that she's been bed ridden for 11 months, or she hasn't worn makeup in 10 months when it's obviously not true according to her own instagram. 


In my opinion she makes those over the top statements along with the pictorial evidence to the contrary make it seem like she's using her illness when it benefits her to do so. I think even LisaR wouldn't be so upset by it if she just said something that makes sense, "I have good days and bad days" makes sense. 

I'm pretty sure we're in agreement on just about all of it; like I implied, she annoys me too. I just didn't think those examples I quoted earlier really made much sense in the context of the point. I mean, of course someone can laugh in a kitchen.

Oddly enough, I don't know if Yo has ever said, "I have good days and bad days" verbatim, but I can totally hear her voice saying it in my head, right down to the inflection she'd use! It would be slightly defensive and have a silent "so what?" at the end.

Edited by TattleTeeny
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Travel to Turkey used to be very safe, not so much anymore.  https://travel.state.gov/content/passports/en/alertswarnings/turkey-travel-warning.html


http://www.economist.com/news/europe/21688927-campaign-against-pkk-turns-countrys-south-east-war-zone-widening-conflict?zid=307&ah=5e80419d1bc9821ebe173f4f0f060a07 It's a bit more dicey now.


http://www.economist.com/topics/turkish-politicsand http://www.bbc.com/news/world-middle-east-33690060  and the elections show them moving away from Western ideas.  http://pamelageller.com/2015/06/turkish-people-deliver-major-electoral-blow-to-erdogan-and-his-sharia-akp-party-erdogan-blames-the-jews.html/


Subsequent events have failed to deliver on their optimism. Turkey is hardly the only nation I can think of where fear, xenophobia, and ethnic hatred are vote getters. There’s plenty of that around. More and more these days, particularly in times of uncertainty, people seem to look to a “man on a horse” to solve their problems — ANY man, it appears sometimes.


Anthony Bourdain had an eye opening show that highlighted some of the rather scary developments and changes in Turkey, of course, he's fearless and will go anywhere, but I found it sad and frankly, rather scary.

Edited by Umbelina
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Travel to Turkey used to be very safe, not so much anymore.  https://travel.state.gov/content/passports/en/alertswarnings/turkey-travel-warning.html


http://www.economist.com/news/europe/21688927-campaign-against-pkk-turns-countrys-south-east-war-zone-widening-conflict?zid=307&ah=5e80419d1bc9821ebe173f4f0f060a07 It's a bit more dicey now.


http://www.economist.com/topics/turkish-politicsand http://www.bbc.com/news/world-middle-east-33690060  and the elections show them moving away from Western ideas.  http://pamelageller.com/2015/06/turkish-people-deliver-major-electoral-blow-to-erdogan-and-his-sharia-akp-party-erdogan-blames-the-jews.html/


Anthony Bourdain had an eye opening show that highlighted some of the rather scary developments and changes in Turkey, of course, he's fearless and will go anywhere, but I found it sad and frankly, rather scary.

 All of Europe is less safe now. The State department issued a warning for all of Europe today. The Shah's episode was filmed 2 1/2 years ago though. I should have specified that I was speaking of the time period when they traveled there.

 I'm still going to Europe again in Sept. This travel warning won't stop me

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Shah's of Sunset went to Turkey not Iran. In fact they walked as close to the border as they could., and cried at the first sight of their homeland across the mountains.  As their families escaped Iran, they could not go back. In fact , their family came to see them in Istanbul. Turkey is, for the most part a westernized, safe,  secular country.

It's good they visited when they did because Turkey is a terrorist target along the Syria border. The terrorist attack in Istanbul that killed 20 tourists put an end to a lot of their tourist business. Further attacks could be indiscriminate and could affect places visited by foreigners. Border crossings into Syria and nearby locations have also been intensely targeted. Anywhere in the Middle East is not safe for any tourists. I wouldn't go to any of those countries. I'd rather travel to British Colombia or anywhere else where they don't want to kill Christians and foreigners.

Edited by HumblePi
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It's good they visited when they did because Turkey is a terrorist target along the Syria border. The terrorist attack in Istanbul that killed 20 tourists put an end to a lot of their tourist business. Further attacks could be indiscriminate and could affect places visited by foreigners. Border crossings into Syria and nearby locations have also been targeted. Anywhere in the Middle East is not safe for any tourists. I wouldn't go to any of those countries. I'd rather travel to British Colombia or anywhere else where they don't want to kill Christians and foreigners.

There are plenty of places in the Middle East that I would travel too right now andI would go to Istanbul in a heartbeat. Eastern Turkey, not so much. I have friends that travel quite safely to places like Jordan on a regular basis.


Had to come in and add that my time in  the Marines and continued close affiliation with the military means my views on the middle east and/or safety, might be a little different.

Edited by JennyMominFL
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There are plenty of places in the Middle East that I would travel too right now andI would go to Istanbul in a heartbeat. Eastern Turkey, not so much. I have friends that travel quite safely to places like Jordan on a regular basis.


Had to come in and add that my time in  the Marines and continued close affiliation with the military means my views on the middle east and/or safety, might be a little different.

Tourists thought that Brussels, being a few miles from NATO headquarters was super-safe too.

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It's not so much the terrorist threat I'm talking about, obviously no one is completely safe anywhere now.


It's that they are at war, and the mood of the country is, as shown by the election, turning much more to Sharai law and fundamentalism than the old free wheeling party down mood of Istanbul and other areas even a decade ago. 

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Yo's pinnacle moment in her "journey" was at the gala.  She was the center of attention, Gigi and the non-Gigi's were there fawning over her and serving as a testament to Yo's suffering....poor Yo, even two of her children have it, too!  How brave and strong Yo is!  And there's her adoring husband, who helped foot the bill for her award.  Gigi was gushing over her in her speech, and then Yo got to take the stage and bask in the glory of what she achieved.  That was her winning the Oscar moment, and she clearly reveled in her acceptance speech.


It's all downhill from there, folks.  She's peaked, like those football stars in high school who never get that kind of adulation again.  She will be onto something else soon.  She has a deep craving for admiration and adulation; she will need to find something else to give her that fix.

Apparently she has to renew it every two years.  I could not read her blog because it was a copy of the speech she read at the benefit.  How many ways can she say her brain is not functioning well?  Seemingly endless.  I fail to see what she is doing to find a cure, I don't think she will be happy until they rename the Lyme Disease-Yolanda Hadid-Foster-To be Continued Disease, or Yolanda's Disease.    




I'm pretty sure we're in agreement on just about all of it; like I implied, she annoys me too. I just didn't think those examples I quoted earlier really made much sense in the context of the point. I mean, of course someone can laugh in a kitchen.

Oddly enough, I don't know if Yo has ever said, "I have good days and bad days" verbatim, but I can totally hear her voice saying it in my head, right down to the inflection she'd use! It would be slightly defensive and have a silent "so what?" at the end.

You will never hear Yolanda make that statement.  On her appearance days it is a fricking blessing to the others she graces them with her appearance because she drug her Lyme ass out of bed to visit and condescend. 

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Tourists thought that Brussels, being a few miles from NATO headquarters was super-safe too.

So what are the options? Sit at home and live in fear? I was in Paris one week before the attacks. My friend was in the stadium when two men blew themselves up. One week before the attack, we were  supposed to eat at La Carrilon,  The location of one of the attacks . I was in London when the attacks did happen. Would I go back to Paris tomorrow? Absolutely. I could just as easily get in a car crash here in orlando as get taken out by a Terrorist in Paris or Istanbul.  Would I go into a war zone? No. But I refuse to live in fear. I would get on a plane to Dubai tomorrow if the opportunity arose.  I keep my eyes open when I travel, but I refuse to hide in my house

I'm pretty sure we're in agreement on just about all of it; like I implied, she annoys me too. I just didn't think those examples I quoted earlier really made much sense in the context of the point. I mean, of course someone can laugh in a kitchen.

Oddly enough, I don't know if Yo has ever said, "I have good days and bad days" verbatim, but I can totally hear her voice saying it in my head, right down to the inflection she'd use! It would be slightly defensive and have a silent "so what?" at the end.

Some people wear their illness like a badge. Yolanda is one of them

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