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S02.E16: Trajectory

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Re: the producer preview:

These producers, man. Has "...and I'm the fastest man alive" EVER been true? Okay technically, it's a woman this time, but you know what I mean.


lol, so true.  Considering how Barry's always whining that (Reverse Flash or Zoom) is always faster, then yeah, that opening does lose quite a bit of its expositional weight.

  • Love 2

Looks like they're finally starting to move on the Barry/Iris front. Just in time for them to come together by the finale, I bet.


You could be right but considering the synopsis, or part of it, it just seems like a joke done in poor taste by the writers [imo].  It works as a "long run" running joke - if married-WA is the future - but in the here & now, she makes that quip but then a little while later will accept (if not return) flirtation from the new boss?? 


Maybe the episode will play out much better, on that front, than it seems like it will right now.....

  • Love 1

I wouldn't say all that as much as I'd say that's a strange joke for her to be making.


If those last five minutes aren't absolutely awe inspiring I'm going to be pissed at these two for hyping them up.

Don't the last 5 minutes pretty much have to involve Barry going into a temporal portal so he can wind up in Supergirl's universe for the crossover?

  • Love 1

When was the last time that Barry was actually the fastest man alive?


And where does Jessie think she's going with no id, no job, no money, no resources, no references, etc? I'm sorry, but they couldn't create a better conflict than, "Daddy loves me too much"?


Too much whining from too many snowflakes in this episode, not the best way to come back from a hiatus. 

  • Love 7

So .... Senator Beyoncé Knowles on Earth 2 ?


One problem I had with Barry jumping across that bridge -- he can run on water.  So why didn't he just run across the river/canal/whatever ?


And why did he run to that river that he was trying to jump to go all shouty ?  And why did he take off his cowl  -- what if there were hikers or someone else nearby ?


Has Opal City been mentioned before in the Flarrowverse ?


If Eliza was such a good friend of Caitlin Snow, how come we've never seen her before let alone knew that she was sharing the V-9 with her for study ?

Edited by ottoDbusdriver
  • Love 5

When was the last time that Barry was actually the fastest man alive?


And where does Jessie think she's going with no id, no job, no money, no resources, no references, etc? I'm sorry, but they couldn't create a better conflict than, "Daddy loves me too much"?


Too much whining from too many snowflakes in this episode, not the best way to come back from a hiatus. 


When Daddy aids deadly criminals and murders people, that's pretty decent grounds for conflict.  Jesse is both really pretty and really smart.  She'll hook up with Beyonce and make her a senator.

  • Love 5

Jessie, I am all for regaining your independence, and being the eternal damsel must really suck, but you know NOTHING about this world! Your going to want to take a few more field trips before moving out into the big world all on your own. Besides, how is she supposed to get a job? She has no ID! Troubles!


I just want Iris and Barry to stop going on awkward dates with other people and get together damn it!


I also do not really like Hipster J Jonah Jameson. Always suspecting people of being corrupt leads to just as faulty journalism as always assuming they arent. I can respect wanting to be careful about people with power, but jumping to conclusions is not helping.


Senator Knowles. Thats awesome. I love Earth 2 stuff, more Earth 2 stuff! 

  • Love 10

When Daddy aids deadly criminals and murders people, that's pretty decent grounds for conflict.  Jesse is both really pretty and really smart.  She'll hook up with Beyonce and make her a senator.


If they wanted us to care, probably would have been better to not have Wells killing a one off murdering metahuman. Sorry but I still don't care, and she didn't even try to understand the predicament he was in. 


I hope they don't go looking for her. 

  • Love 1



Man, it's going to be good to see Barry leave his angst behind on Supergirl. Hated seeing him salute Nancy Reagan to say no to Velocity 9. Trajectory (did we get a naming scene?) wasn't so lucky. We did get a nice Crisis On Infinite Earths homage with her disintegrating and leaving her costume behind. Speedster with a spilt personality was a nice twist, but I won't cry if we don't see her again.


Anybody else hoping that Jesse hooks up with Jack Knight? Or Shade? Remember, he was a nemesis to Jay Garrick in proper canon. Bringing in an amoral immortal could be fun.


"Whatever" to the editor. For Iris's sake, I'm hoping he doesn't end up shooting himself.

  • Love 4

Ok but Jay cannot be Zoom - we saw Zoom drag Jay's body last episode.  It has to be Earth 1 Jay - ie Hunter Zolomon.  So, when it Caitlyn going to remember that she saw him and neither she nor Jay actually confirmed he wasn't a speedster?


I mean afterimage can't explain Jay and Zoom being in separate universes or Zoom dragging Jay's body right?  I guess we could be talking about a clone, but no - please no.

  • Love 7


When was the last time that Barry was actually the fastest man alive?

Well, he has been the fastest man alive on Earth 1 ever since Thawne vanished. 


Oh, and don't do drugs, kids!  It will give you an evil split personality, which is probably how they're going to let Jay maintain some level of heroism if Zoom is really just his drug induced Mr. Hyde.

  • Love 2

I feel like this was one of the weakest episodes in a while.


1) Paper-thin villain who comes out of nowhere (couldn't they have intro'd the character when Caitlin was actually working on V-9?)

2) Iris gets a story... only it's the same story she only ever seems to get: someone's love interest.

3) Worse, her love interest turns out to be the editor of a newspaper with an agenda: Expose All Metahumans for the Villains They Are! So much for objectivity in reporting.

4) Even worse, he mistakes her invitation to discuss the story for a date, and then gets all butt hurt when she seems put off, and the writers seem to want us to maybe feel sorry for him? Because it's not creepy that Iris' boss is trying to hook up with his employee.

5) Even worse than that, the actor playing creepy boss is pretty bland.

6) Even worse than that, they have Iris seeming to actually be considering dating him.

7) The reveal of Jay as Zoom is done in such an over the top manner with the camera panning across to show all of Team Flash's reaction shots. It's almost as if they realized the secret wasn't nearly as compelling as last season's Harrison/Reverse Flash twist, and thought they needed to try and inject some artificial drama into the scene.

8) And then they top it off with what I can only assume is meant to be some kind of homage to Empire Strikes Back (or, Revenge of the Sith?) and that running away to scream impotently into a canyon.


Ick. At least they have a ready made costume for Jesse Quick, though, eh? (Or Wally, perhaps.)

  • Love 11

Ok but Jay cannot be Zoom - we saw Zoom drag Jay's body last episode.  It has to be Earth 1 Jay - ie Hunter Zolomon.  So, when it Caitlyn going to remember that she saw him and neither she nor Jay actually confirmed he wasn't a speedster?


I mean afterimage can't explain Jay and Zoom being in separate universes or Zoom dragging Jay's body right?  I guess we could be talking about a clone, but no - please no.


However, Zoom could be Jay Garrick from Earth-3 or Earth-4 who is trapped on Earth-2 (with the occasional jaunt to Earth-1 while the portals were open).  Remember when Deathstorm and Killer Frost made that comment about not liking metahumans from other Earths (plural) being on their Earth.

  • Love 2

So once they figure out how to get to Earth-2 again, the answer to defeating Zoom is to give him an overdose of V-9 and get him to disintegrate, right? Right??


Man that dam(?) is a real popular location. I've seen it on at least 3 other shows.


So Jesse just rides off into the sunset? Good luck with that; I bet we see her more than once before the season ends, though.

  • Love 4
Has Opal City been mentioned before in the Flarrowverse ?

Wasn't Deathbolt from Opal City?


Don't the last 5 minutes pretty much have to involve Barry going into a temporal portal so he can wind up in Supergirl's universe for the crossover?

Guess I was wrong....apparently they aren't bothering with syncing the crossover with the Flash's timeline.   Whatever...  Strange how they almost copied the exact same city thinks the hero might have turned bad concept from the previous episode of Supergirl though with Iris' story.   And once again just like James/Winn in Supergirl, Iris despite knowing the whole truth (or at least has the ability to get it) opts not to tell anyone and instead lets the media print stories about the Flash going rogue.


Anyone annoyed that those earth shattering can't miss last 5 minutes was actually just repeating the audience reveal from the previous episode?  Pffft....




2) Iris gets a story... only it's the same story she only ever seems to get: someone's love interest.

3) Worse, her love interest turns out to be the editor of a newspaper with an agenda: Expose All Metahumans for the Villains They Are! So much for objectivity in reporting.

4) Even worse, he mistakes her invitation to discuss the story for a date, and then gets all butt hurt when she seems put off, and the writers seem to want us to maybe feel sorry for him? Because it's not creepy that Iris' boss is trying to hook up with his employee.

Seriously what is with the CW and inappropriate boss/employee hook-ups at newspapers?   I hated it when it with Phoebe/Jason on Charmed, I hated it with Lois/Grant on Smallville...I still hate it with Iris/BlandGuyWhoseNameICanNotBotherToRemember.



On a different note...anyone else wondering if the show's was being sneaky and Wally triggered Jesse's meta-detector and not Barry?   I mean the way it's shot is sort of weird how she is standing next to Barry the entire time and it is not going off...and then she raises her arm slightly outward and it beeps.    Seriously though I hope this is the last we see of these meta detectors...back on Earth 2 all it took was entering the room to trigger one, here Barry had to practically touch the thing the first time and the second time seemed so random.

Edited by Xenith22
  • Love 4

Um, does Jesse have money? What on earth is she going to just do in Opal City? This show needs to get better at writing people out.


I hope this Scott guy is the catalyst for Iris and Barry finally, because come on, how many guys does she have to be into first, before Barry? I like their netflix and chill conversation though, lol. You know Barry's been thinking about their counterparts doing it ever since E2 Iris shoved him up against that wall.


Trajectory was kinda lame. More of a typical freak of the week episode. Next week looks cool though.

  • Love 5

Urg, Scott. Dude, when your employee, who is an avid Flash fan, asks to go to coffee to talk about the story, it doesn't mean that it's a date. Like, seriously. It's like me asking my friend to go out for coffee and study. And I dislike how we're supposed to feel sorry for him because Iris was surprised by what he thought it was. I am not in it for this at all, the writers are clearly not super invested in it, and they're not going to last past the season. So why waste Iris' story for this? They're already doing a good job in resetting up Iris/Barry. They really don't need a man to reinforce it. 


Eliza/Trajectory? Yawn, we didn't really get much, which is fine. 


The Jay is Zoom reveal happened, except it's not the Jay that they know. They know it can't be. I mean, just because Reverse Flash did it, it doesn't mean Zoom can from another world. So dumb. Also, the reveal was not that dramatic. But at least Iris got to be part of the reveal. 


So, Jessie's gone, then? She had V9 in her system for a bit. I kind of hope she doesn't turn into a speedster. I would be fine if the V9 can't work on some people. 


My favourite scene was the club scene. That was a lot of fun. I definitely think the show is hinting at Wally being a metahuman. It beeped twice when she raised her arm toward Wally. Although seeing as the top was pointed at Barry, maybe not. 

  • Love 4

Nobody questions why that meta-human thing was going off around Wally?


Cisco could have also been setting it off, which is why the group didn't wonder why it kept going off.  Not discounting Wally potentially being meta, but there were three in Jessie's vicinity.


Other than the weirdness of Iris' boss thinking she was hitting on him ( and why didn't he discourage that? That's an HR nightmare, I'd imagine, since he's the boss), Iris was in a hard spot. She is trying to keep Barry's secret, so she can't exactly say why she knows The Flash isn't bad. Also, unless the picture was as clear as the one Iris took, it just looked like the yellow lightning that Flash has. If the picture was clearer, the body shapes would  show that it was a woman, not a man.  I am tired of Iris being the only Flash fangirl at the Picture News. Surely there is some other reporter who isn't an extreme supporter who could also stand up to Scott bulldozing his opinions onto the front page. J. Jonah Jameson he isn't.


I also don't think E2 Iris would be Netflix & Chilling, not that she couldn't. If she is (relatively) safe, I imagine that Iris  & Barry working on a way to take down Zoom since they shouldn't rely on folks from another Earth.  E2 Iris has Joe's death to work out, so I think she's as stubborn as our Iris can be. If Zoom wasn't in the picture, sure, N &C, but hey, they were aiming for Atlantis. Maybe they can take one day off and go skin diving or something.


Yeah, IA with the posters who wonder how Jessie is going to do anything, unless she is so super-smarter than her dad that she can fake identification documents on this Earth, complete with holograms and stuff. I appreciate Jessie not wanting her dad to love her so much that murder is not off the table, but if she can enter a bar but isn't old enough to drink, she is going to be picking up less than ideal work, especially if she's going to try to save some cash too. Then again, she's supposed to be smart and DC is not without shady tech companies, so who knows.


I would also like to ask the writers to please quit having someone ask Cisco if he's Vibe-ing. If you can't tell when Cisco is Vibe-ing  due to the silence and faces Cisco makes, then you are in fact stupid. Plus the character has been doing the same thing for about a season, so if his closest co-workers/friends can't tell?  *sighs* Just have the others wait and ask Cisco what he saw. It does the same thing, just less insultingly for the audience. 


I have a thought on Trajectory, but it's better in Lightning Rods.

  • Love 4

Ok but Jay cannot be Zoom - we saw Zoom drag Jay's body last episode.  It has to be Earth 1 Jay - ie Hunter Zolomon.  So, when it Caitlyn going to remember that she saw him and neither she nor Jay actually confirmed he wasn't a speedster?


I mean afterimage can't explain Jay and Zoom being in separate universes or Zoom dragging Jay's body right?  I guess we could be talking about a clone, but no - please no.


This is what drove me to the boards.  Why are they reacting as if it is their Jay?  The last breach in Central City was offline while we had Jay on E1 and Zoom over on E2.  How is it that they haven't figured it out?  Or have they but they just feel like any Jay being Zoom is a betrayal?  Barry's emotional reaction doesn't make sense unless they have messed up the reveal and it IS supposed to be the Jay we knew?  Of course the part where he traps himself on E2 away from the Flash kind of says that can't be true. 

Wasn't Deathbolt from Opal City?


Guess I was wrong....apparently they aren't bothering with syncing the crossover with the Flash's timeline.   Whatever...  Strange how they almost copied the exact same city thinks the hero might have turned bad concept from the previous episode of Supergirl though with Iris' story.   And once again just like James/Winn in Supergirl, Iris despite knowing the whole truth (or at least has the ability to get it) opts not to tell anyone and instead lets the media print stories about the Flash going rogue.


Anyone annoyed that those earth shattering can't miss last 5 minutes was actually just repeating the audience reveal from the previous episode?  Pffft....




Seriously what is with the CW and inappropriate boss/employee hook-ups at newspapers?   I hated it when it with Phoebe/Jason on Charmed, I hated it with Lois/Grant on Smallville...I still hate it with Iris/BlandGuyWhoseNameICanNotBotherToRemember.



On a different note...anyone else wondering if the show's was being sneaky and Wally triggered Jesse's meta-detector and not Barry?   I mean the way it's shot is sort of weird how she is standing next to Barry the entire time and it is not going off...and then she raises her arm slightly outward and it beeps.    Seriously though I hope this is the last we see of these meta detectors...back on Earth 2 all it took was entering the room to trigger one, here Barry had to practically touch the thing the first time and the second time seemed so random.

I swear I heard that there is something in an upcoming episode that synchs with the trip to Supergirl world.


Iris and her boss is all kinds of absurd.  They even played out why it would be so problematic for them to date since he thought she was trying to sweet talk him out of having to write the story.  Now take that conflict and add in dating and the power structure is so wrong.  They aren't even acting like there's anything wrong with them dating apart from him not liking the Flash. 


Oh and why couldn't Joe have released a statement that it's not The Flash.  Or Barry as the Flash.  Why can't a simple denial ever be made? Frustrating.


I was thinking the same thing about Wally triggering the watch.  It's also interesting that they kept stressing the HOW a speedster is made.  Assuming Wally isn't juicing, are we supposed to believe that he WAS exposed to the particle excelerator?  What about the chemicals?  Are they no longer in the mix?  Or maybe that part comes later. 


CIsco needs to share with the rest of the class a bit quicker next time.  Side note, he and Caitlyn were cute on the dance floor.  In a very only ever friends way.  I appreciated the distinction


Had to laugh when they LITERALLY put Jesse on a bus.  Ha!  When it comest to id and stuff I just assumed they already created fake papers for both of them since they didn't think they'd ever be able to return.  Not sure how any of them get paid but we don't generally worry about such details on Berlanti shows. 

Edited by BkWurm1
  • Love 5

Ok since it seems like people are just accepting that Jay is Zoom - can anyone explain to me HOW that is possible!?!?!!?  I think it's pretty obvious that Jay is not Zoom, but Hunter Zolomon is.  My reasons are as follows:


1. I don't pay a TON of attention to the science on this show, but I don't think the mirror image thing Reverse Flash was doing can explain Zoom dragging Jay's dead body into his lair at the end of last episode. 


2. We SAW Hunter Zolomon and Jay gave us NO reason to believe he (Hunter) isn't actually a speedster.  He seemed to believe that Hunter's DNA wasn't the same as his because of the speed force - but I'm not sure Jay ever actually checked him out.


3. Even if Zoom is not Earth 1's Hunter Zolomon, there is still the possibility that he is Jay/Hunter from another Earth and that he came to Jay's world through some other kind of portal.  The show has given us so very little information on Zoom and Jay that this is certainly possible.  I don't think we know when Jay and Zoom first met, how long Zoom was terrorizing Earth 2's National City, or what the real story with Zoom and Jay's powers is, not to mention who the hell Zoom has locked up with the mask on - Wally?, Jay from yet another Earth?


4. Just because Jay was sick and dying doesn't really mean that he was Zoom.  Dr. Wells should be able to think back on rather or not he saw Jay and Zoom battle and determine how likely this really is. 


5. Cisco's vibe is remarkably incomplete and he spent no time observing anything that would give in context.  Therefore, it is likely there to mislead rather than enlighten.  He could be vibing Zoom from the helmet because he tried to take Jay's blood as he was dying as a cure.  There are other explanations besides Jay equals Zoom.


Lastly and most importantly - they would not have the team figure it out this early if it was actually true.

  • Love 4

... Iris was in a hard spot. She is trying to keep Barry's secret, so she can't exactly say why she knows The Flash isn't bad. Also, unless the picture was as clear as the one Iris took, it just looked like the yellow lightning that Flash has. If the picture was clearer, the body shapes would  show that it was a woman, not a man.  I am tired of Iris being the only Flash fangirl at the Picture News. ...


The thing is, wasn't she hired especially because she had a access to the Flash? If they had bothered to show Iris using that at her job once in a while, she'd have more credibility.



I would also like to ask the writers to please quit having someone ask Cisco if he's Vibe-ing. If you can't tell when Cisco is Vibe-ing  due to the silence and faces Cisco makes, then you are in fact stupid. Plus the character has been doing the same thing for about a season, so if his closest co-workers/friends can't tell?  *sighs* Just have the others wait and ask Cisco what he saw. It does the same thing, just less insultingly for the audience.


Hee. Now this reminds me of Chuck and how Chuck used to ... "flash".

  • Love 2

Thawne used some kind of device to shapeshift into Wells' body last season, and we know from E-2 Wells that there is a real Jay Garrick/Hero from E-2. There is also that man in the Iron Mask in Zoom's hideout. Could Man in Iron Mask be Real Jay Garrick, Dead Jay Garrick be E-1 Hunter Zolomon, and Garrick-Zoom be either an E-2 version of Thawne, or someone else using shapeshifting to assume Jay's form?

  • Love 2

The thing is, wasn't she hired especially because she had a access to the Flash? If they had bothered to show Iris using that at her job once in a while, she'd have more credibility.


They have. When Jay filled-in and Iris stalled to try to get something from Jay to give to Scott. After Jay saved those three folks from the crumbling hospital (?), Iris said that she thought she had enough and wouldn't have to interview Jay/ out him as a second Flash/whatever.


Iris is still expected to use her connection(s) to Flash to produce for the Picture News, but Scott is tarring everything with the "fluff" and "naïve" brush, which isn't on Iris. Iris just isn't blindly writing tabloid-level dreck to please her overtly biased editor. Isn't there a professional body she could send a formal complaint to about Scott?

  • Love 3

Well, this hour was a total angst-fest.  Hard to keep up with figuring out which flavor was being consumed at any one time.


C'mon Barry.  "You're not a bad person, its the V-9".  V9 or no V9, she just tried to mass murder ~200 people.  Why allow her to re-inject herself again when he could have used his speed to take the injector away?  Lazy writing.  But I guess they needed to get to the blue lightning-reveal somehow, some way.


Iris/Scott; and its ship-stalling properties.  The less said, the better.  TheCW mission statement, summed up perfectly.  Really hope this developing relationship stays mostly in offscreensville.

Edited by iRarelyWatchTV36
  • Love 2

Can we please have a weekly segment of Cisco dancing?


How did Iris manage to get that picture for the front page of the newspaper if no one with a camera was around while Barry was fighting Trajectory?

Nobody questions why that meta-human thing was going off around Wally?  I know she was close to Barry, but at least wonder if Wally is a meta.

Everyone ignoring that was even worse than when Earth-2 Iris kept ignoring her meta alarm going off near Earth-1 Barry. No problem! No questions! Must be some weird fluke! Why did Jessie's meta alarm start playing a recording of Wells talking when she tried to disarm it though?

And where does Jessie think she's going with no id, no job, no money, no resources, no references, etc? I'm sorry, but they couldn't create a better conflict than, "Daddy loves me too much"?

In this world, Jessie is a girl without legal ID to prove who she is, a high school diploma, money, work history, or friends (outside of Team Flash) so although I understand her frustration with her dad and her need to strike out on her own, getting on a bus without any real planning on her part seems like one of the dumbest options possible. And I get that she doesn't want other people put at risk to save her, but that's always going to be a damsel in distress problem (see: Elena Gilbert). Going to Opal City doesn't remove her from danger and if some other criminal kidnaps her there, her dad is still going to do whatever is within his power to get her back. I understand that her instinct was to get away from him so she could have some space, but what is she going to do in Opal City without any money, ID, or verifiable work experience? She can't even get a job taking orders at McDonald's because she doesn't have a birth certificate which means she can't get a social security number which means she can't be paid legally.

Urg, Scott. Dude, when your employee, who is an avid Flash fan, asks to go to coffee to talk about the story, it doesn't mean that it's a date. Like, seriously. It's like me asking my friend to go out for coffee and study. And I dislike how we're supposed to feel sorry for him because Iris was surprised by what he thought it was. I am not in it for this at all, the writers are clearly not super invested in it, and they're not going to last past the season. So why waste Iris' story for this? They're already doing a good job in resetting up Iris/Barry. They really don't need a man to reinforce it. 
when she raised her arm toward Wally. Although seeing as the top was pointed at Barry, maybe not.

As someone who had many lunches with my male boss (who was only a few years older than me) without either of us ever thinking it was a date, I found Scott's assumption weird and gross. When your employee says, "Let's go get coffee and talk about this article," in the middle of the workday, why would you ever think it's anything more than DISCUSSING WORK WHILE DRINKING COFFEE?

Edited by ElectricBoogaloo
  • Love 12

Something else that I remembered bugged me...why did Caitlin say that Velocity-9 caused degeneration?  That was Velocity-7 which was responsible for Jay's degenerative condition, in fact I would have sworn that Velocity-9 had the exact opposite effect and was helping Jay's system to heal himself from the damage V7 did?   So yeah I'm not sure why they decided to completely write-off V9 as a possible one time aid.  I mean obviously more extensive testing would likely be warranted such as seeing how it mixed with Barry's DNA under a microscope over time before he ever actually took it himself.

  • Love 4

I liked this episode it set a lot of things in motion. We saw the birth of Jesse quick, we as the audience now have verification that Wally is a meta humann and I actually liked that Iris and Wally seemingly have their own thing.


As for Jesse going out on her own. I don't imagine it's too hard for her.  Someone with her skills should find a job quite easily even if it is off the books. Her only real worry is that if she ever needs blood, she'll be in real trouble since her father's the only one that has her blood type. Plus I imagine that she doesn't want to be the reason that her father puts so many lives in danger.


So what exactly was I supposed to not miss the last five minutes for?  Not really a big thing that they found out that he was Zoom.


So trajectory's whole purpose was just to create Jesse quick and have that death scene so that the gang could find out who zoom was  I take it. It's mighty convenient that she showed up after Jay's fake death.  She never came off as dangerous and voices in her head not withstanding, she wasn't a really compelling villain either.


WTF happened with Scott and Iris? He's supposed to be a brilliant reporter and he thought that was a date? Um, that's not even rom com cheesy ok. That's just stupid. But I guess if it's a good enough storyline for Frasier, then knock yourself out writers. On a side note, Iris apparently seems to be into older men. Not good news for Barry, jess saying. Also I know it's just an acting role but I really can't take the bailiff on "Bad Judge" as a serious love interest.


On a nitpicky note, why order shots for everybody at the bar if you weren't going to let Jesse drink hers.







  • Love 7

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