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S08.E18: Reunion Part 1

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If you think Kim started above Kenya because of OJ then I don't know what else I can say that wouldn't sound bad. Erm...is it a cultural disconnect? Age? I came of age in the 90s in the black community and I can assure you that Kim Kardashian was a complete nobody to most of us before she got caught on tape screwing Brandy's brother. Kenya Moore, on the other hand, was a black Barbie doll and very well known to people in my age group/demographic.

As for the rest, Kenya has shown me who she is and I believe her. You don't believe her, so we can agree to disagree.

I think Kim had more connections in the entertainment industry than Kenya did, due to her fathers position.  I never said that her fathers ONLY friend was OJ, so perhaps you misunderstood me.  Again, in the 90's you didn't know her father or her fathers connections, but that doesn't mean that they didn't exist and they didn't provide her with a leg up when she decided that she wanted to make a name for herself.


Kenya Moore had a black barbie doll, or thats what she was called back in the 90's when she won Miss USA?  If she had a barbie fashioned after her, I think thats a pretty big deal.  I tend to look for what people do off screen to see if it comports with the persona they put on TV, because I think reality TV can be a put on.  For example, with Phaedra, I think she truly, truly is shady and fake -- but what really cemented it for me was reading her deposition.  But yes, agree to disagree.

  • Love 2

Speaking from first hand experience if a boss asks "do you think you're a fit?" It means you're about to be fired.

Same thing in a relationship if they ask if you think you're a match or working out.

I didn't like when Nene called herself the star of the show and don't like it when people do that in ensemble pieces. However, Kenya did bring the most - what else did the others provide? Cynthia boring shit with Peter, Kandi was barely on and boring, Porsha fake boring fight with her assisterant and twerking, Kim was very very boring and cried a lot.

Pheadra please don't be braggadocious about that man who ain't at home and in prison. Half the time you're using him as an excuse for people to feel sorry for you or get out of paying bills but when it comes to Kenya now he's some fucking accomplishment you snagged. Bye.

I agree with your entire post. 


So, I was at the gym today, waiting on this heifer to get off the machine I wanted to use  (just kidding, I'm sure she is a lovely woman) -- and I caught a few minutes of Dish Nation.  And Porsha brought up the fact that Kenya was using the same reads that Nene used on Kenya back when Kenya started.  And I will say that in that context I think it makes sense, especially when applied to Kim.


Kim F.  has had an air about her that she is somehow better than this cast and better to lower herself to the nitty gritty of reality TV.  She has been a consistent stick in the mud and to me, she has behaved as if they should all be thanking her for deigning to show up because she was such a star.  But she is starting from the bottom, and she really isn't better than anyone else.  Yes, Kim F. was a big name in the 80's with FOL, and a big star in the 90's with Living Single.  But none of that matters now, because she is scratching and surviving on a reality TV show.  And since she hasn't been very visible since the 90's she is pretty much in the same position Kenya was in when she started the show.  She is someone people kinda forgot about.  When Kenya joined the cast, she couldn't afford to be on a high horse or avoid conflict because she was in a different environment.  One where she wasn't the star anymore, someone like Nene, who hadn't had any previous stardom was the star and so she had to scratch her way up on the show.  Reality TV is sort of an equalizer like that.  


In fact, as I was driving to the gym, I heard a radio ad for DWTS, and Kim F. was not introduced as "tv icon," or "Tootie from FOL" or "Regine from LS" she was introduced as "Real Housewife Kim Fields" so perhaps Kim's past accomplishments don't mean as much as they once did.

Edited by RCharter
  • Love 5
Kenya Moore had a black barbie doll, or thats what she was called back in the 90's when she won Miss USA?  If she had a barbie fashioned after her, I think thats a pretty big deal.  I tend to look for what people do off screen to see if it comports with the persona they put on TV, because I think reality TV can be a put on.  For example, with Phaedra, I think she truly, truly is shady and fake -- but what really cemented it for me was reading her deposition.  But yes, agree to disagree.



You know you made me google Kenya Moore Barbies.  Well I found a lot of beautiful black dolls (there is a natural hair Barbie that is gorgeous), but I did not see hers.


If she did have a Barbie, then good for her...if it was in the nineties, she must have had one of the firsts chocolate skin Barbies modeled after a real person.


I remember when Kenya went in on Phaedra calling her dark ( and I am surprised lawyer Phaedra did not say something like I was not referring to your complexion, but your attitude), I did not care for the comment,  but Kenya is usually the first one to go for a low blow.


Like if I went out with a pimple on my face,  I feel like Kenya would be the first one to be like "Girl, aren't you tired lugging that giant volcano on your face and then do one of her Kenya laughs."  She does not mind hitting below the belt (calling Kim's husband gay) and then gets hurt and angry when the other ladies retaliate in the same manner.


Either Bravo told the ladies what colors to wear or they all coordinated.  Everyone looked good on the couch and their outfits complemented each other.  I think they were going for a sophisticated first day of Spring vibe.


However, my HD did capture the caked on makeup and the sweat those hot lights cause under the make up.  Otherwise, everybody looked pretty good and Kandi looked the best I have seen her in years.  I also loved Porsha's sexy bob.  It flattered her features, as some of the longer styles can sometimes make her face look a little long.

Edited by qtpye
  • Love 5

When Kandi wrote No Scrubs, I had no idea what she was talking about. In my peer group, a scrub wasn't a "guy who thinks he's fly...but sits on his broke ass." A scrub was a dude who was trash on the basketball court. But hey, she's the one who made money off outdated slang, so I'll go with her version.


She might've covered all bases girl.  I believe a scrub = bum.  Sound like she was going through it at the time lol because she also co-wrote Bills Bills Bills for Destiny's Child, highlighting more bummery.  Scrub is in those lyrics too.   I hate that when that song came out everybody thought it was about the woman's golddiggerry not his triflingness.


Kim F.  has had an air about her that she is somehow better than this cast and better to lower herself to the nitty gritty of reality TV.  She has been a consistent stick in the mud and to me, she has behaved as if they should all be thanking her for deigning to show up because she was such a star.  But she is starting from the bottom, and she really isn't better than anyone else.  Yes, Kim F. was a big name in the 80's with FOL, and a big star in the 90's with Living Single.  But none of that matters now, because she is scratching and surviving on a reality TV show.  And since she hasn't been very visible since the 90's she is pretty much in the same position Kenya was in when she started the show.  She is someone people kinda forgot about.  When Kenya joined the cast, she couldn't afford to be on a high horse or avoid conflict because she was in a different environment.  One where she wasn't the star anymore, someone like Nene, who hadn't had any previous stardom was the star and so she had to scratch her way up on the show.  Reality TV is sort of an equalizer like that.  


In fact, as I was driving to the gym, I heard a radio ad for DWTS, and Kim F. was not introduced as "tv icon," or "Tootie from FOL" or "Regine from LS" she was introduced as "Real Housewife Kim Fields" so perhaps Kim's past accomplishments don't mean as much as they once did.


This is exactly what I think Kenya was attempting to articulate but didn't quite because she seems bitter about whatever respect Kim still garnishes from her longevity.   The DWTS cast/bio page describes Kim as having starring roles in two iconic shows, so whether Kenya likes it or not - and she most certainly does not - Kim's relevance may be debatable, but her status and accomplishments are not.  Kenya was trying a litttttttle too hard to throw shade on the fact that she has played iconic characters and is undeniably a part of television history.  She doesn't have to agree with or be impressed by it, but she needn't try to muddy it.   The gag is that as only the second AA woman to win her title, Kenya represents a segment of black history.  But don't nobody wanna even recognize her shine for all her ugly ways.  I know I'm projecting my own feelings onto that panel but damn, you're a bad bitch too, be happy for your sister.  Whatever her problem with Kim, she's got no cause.  I happen to agree with her assessment.  Despite their status, they both begin in this forum, on equal footing.  A forum in which Kenya's place is elevated above Kim's by seniority and her willingness to engage in conflict.  She did recycle Nene's reads, but she doesn't 1/2 Nene's charm or one of her legs to stand on.  At least when Nene proclaimed herself the queen bee, at 750 in salary and 250 for reunion, she and Bethenny were legit the franchise's top dawgs.  Kenya has tried to rally those troops around her when it suits her, thrown them under the bus when it doesn't and stay messy in between.  If this were all for show, her and her castmates' IRL tweets wouldn't contain real off season beef.  I haven't seen reports of her being this way outside of RHOA.  Similarly I haven't seen any evidence of one real life unrelated friend.  In times of yore lol, if you were to be executed, the judges would consider sparing your life if just one person of merit came forward on your behalf.   Chile Kenya would get stoned den a mugg.  Anyway I say all that to say that even when the poor thing has a point, nobody comes through for a hater. 



  • Love 13

I was surprised when Kim was praising Kenya for her talent, talking about how unusual it is for a pretty woman to do so well at comedy.  Was Kenya even hearing that?  Because she interrupted Kim yet again and didn't let Kim finish. 


Kenya is so damn negative -- she can't even accept an honest compliment. 


Porsha -- she looked great.  Her boobs looked smaller, or maybe it's that she wasn't showing as much cleavage as some of the others. 

  • Love 10

I think Kim had more connections in the entertainment industry than Kenya did, due to her fathers position. I never said that her fathers ONLY friend was OJ, so perhaps you misunderstood me. Again, in the 90's you didn't know her father or her fathers connections, but that doesn't mean that they didn't exist and they didn't provide her with a leg up when she decided that she wanted to make a name for herself.

Kenya Moore had a black barbie doll, or thats what she was called back in the 90's when she won Miss USA? If she had a barbie fashioned after her, I think thats a pretty big deal. I tend to look for what people do off screen to see if it comports with the persona they put on TV, because I think reality TV can be a put on. For example, with Phaedra, I think she truly, truly is shady and fake -- but what really cemented it for me was reading her deposition. But yes, agree to disagree.

I think you misunderstood my point (which is my fault, I wasn't clear). What I'm saying is that I see the Kardashians as winning because they didn't really start out in the reality show game with any important accomplishments. They're literally as famous as they are because of Kim's sex tape.

Kenya started her reality career on third base, having already established herself as someone with an important legacy, at least within the black community. And when I said she was a black Barbie, I meant a living, breathing black Barbie, with all that that means. I know some other folks in here caught that but it seems you and I not all coming from the same place of understanding, which is why I asked if there was a disconnect.

All I was saying was that Kim needed a sextape to get to where she is, and after a sextape there's nowhere to go but up. Kenya didn't need to act a complete ass on TV to get where she is, and where she is now isn't winning to me because aside from her most loyal fans, everyone else believes this is who she is.

  • Love 8

I think you misunderstood my point (which is my fault, I wasn't clear). What I'm saying is that I see the Kardashians as winning because they didn't really start out in the reality show game with any important accomplishments. They're literally as famous as they are because of Kim's sex tape.

Kenya started her reality career on third base, having already established herself as someone with an important legacy, at least within the black community. And when I said she was a black Barbie, I meant a living, breathing black Barbie, with all that that means. I know some other folks in here caught that but it seems you and I not all coming from the same place of understanding, which is why I asked if there was a disconnect.

All I was saying was that Kim needed a sextape to get to where she is, and after a sextape there's nowhere to go but up. Kenya didn't need to act a complete ass on TV to get where she is, and where she is now isn't winning to me because aside from her most loyal fans, everyone else believes this is who she is.

Its fine to believe that this is who Kenya is, because I don't think she would put it on TV if she didn't want you to think that.  However, the fact that there are no other stories from her past of her being this monster underlie that this is probably not who she is, to me.  There are stories about Chris being gay on the internet, and he hasn't ever been a big name star.  People hate Kenya with the intensity of a thousand suns, and she is a public figure, so I know people are out there beating the bushes for  information to support what a horrible person she is.  Yet, there is nothing I've seen from her days before RHOA.  And given how she behaves on the show I would expect there to be volumes of stories about her bad behavior.  That there isn't, this tells me that she isn't really this person she presents most of the time on TV.   I've never heard Kenya ask her fans to get at another cast member (which I've seen from Nene) which tells me that she likely doesn't take much of this personally.  Up until the meeting with Cynthia, Kenya has gone to everything that someone has invited her to, even if everyone hated her.  I don't believe there is anything to support that her contract has a "per appearance" clause other than a few bloggers, who may be speculating based on the contract of one other housewife.  None of that comports with the Kenya presented on TV.  


As for where Kenya started her reality show career, from where I sit, she and Kim Fields started in a similar (not the same) place.  Both were known and popular in the 80s-90s, both had been relatively forgotten.  If you mentioned the name Kim Fields, I would have recognized it before I would recognized Kenya's name, but as you have made clear, Kenya was a huge deal, and you remembered her.  Neither had been doing a ton of high level work before they got hired (I hadn't seen KF in anything recently).  At some point, everyone goes back to first base, and almost 30 years after the peak of your popularity...you're probably back at first base in terms of becoming popular again.  So, I don't think Kenya started her reality show career with any great ace in her pocket and so she had to scratch and survive.  How many former stars do we see now trying to get into reality TV, and they still have to scratch and survive and play the game.  Hollywood Divas, LHH all feature people that enjoyed a moment in the sunshine, but they still have to do what they have to do to stay on a reality show.


I asked you about the black barbie because I think that is objective evidence of having an important legacy.  Normally someone doesn't make a Barbie dedicated to you unless you're a pretty big deal.  And it seems possible that someone would have made a black barbie to commemorate such an important achievement that was such a big deal in the black community.  

Edited by RCharter

The formal outfits and hair would make sense if the reunion setup was a party or more juvial atmosphere (thanks Phaedra's Huzzbin!). Like on Shaws of Sunset where the reunion was hosted around a dinner table and drinking wine/champagne & eating. I also think that would let some of the ladies guards down so they could be more candid or spill.

I'm not sure any woman on any franchise reunion look was ever a slam dunk IMO.

But each lady had some element either outfit or makeup or hair wise that was attractive.

It's really obvious the show is going to have some casting shakeups. Kim is confirmed out. I knew she was done since DC. Sheree is prolly gonna come back. If Nene don't come back i wouldn't be surprised if they try to get someone else but I'm not sure a star.

They were really burned by Kim. Andy's comments and the editing job they gave her and the hustle they got mid season to get Nene on and change in editing - spoke volumes. I think they thought she'd be like an Eileen Davidson catch and mixing it up all engaged, lively and witty and bringing some style in her personal life and home.

  • Love 4

I think Kim did the show in order to get her face back on TV, as a stepping stone to more TV deals. I think she wanted to promote her production skills. I think she planned in advance to do one season and that is why she had the holier-than-thou attitude - she wanted to signal to other showbiz folks that she was slumming and didn't intend to stick around long. She tried to use the show to her advantage while holding her nose and putting herself on a pedestal.

  • Love 9

The formal outfits and hair would make sense if the reunion setup was a party or more juvial atmosphere (thanks Phaedra's Huzzbin!). Like on Shaws of Sunset where the reunion was hosted around a dinner table and drinking wine/champagne & eating. I also think that would let some of the ladies guards down so they could be more candid or spill.


Yes, but if they served food, Kandi would be so busy stuffing her face she'd never say a word.

  • Love 16

The formal outfits and hair would make sense if the reunion setup was a party or more juvial atmosphere (thanks Phaedra's Huzzbin!). Like on Shaws of Sunset where the reunion was hosted around a dinner table and drinking wine/champagne & eating. I also think that would let some of the ladies guards down so they could be more candid or spill.

I'm not sure any woman on any franchise reunion look was ever a slam dunk IMO.

But each lady had some element either outfit or makeup or hair wise that was attractive.

It's really obvious the show is going to have some casting shakeups. Kim is confirmed out. I knew she was done since DC. Sheree is prolly gonna come back. If Nene don't come back i wouldn't be surprised if they try to get someone else but I'm not sure a star.

They were really burned by Kim. Andy's comments and the editing job they gave her and the hustle they got mid season to get Nene on and change in editing - spoke volumes. I think they thought she'd be like an Eileen Davidson catch and mixing it up all engaged, lively and witty and bringing some style in her personal life and home.


They couldn't do that with this bunch - we all have seen how much Kandi and Porsha like to eat...if there was food served, they'd never speak because they'd be too busy eating!!  (BTW - did you see the spread of food set up for them behind the scenes??  And, of course, Kandi was the one featured in that little scene, LOL!!)   :-)

Yes, but if they served food, Kandi would be so busy stuffing her face she'd never say a word.


Ha-ha...great minds think alike!   ;-)

  • Love 3

They couldn't do that with this bunch - we all have seen how much Kandi and Porsha like to eat...if there was food served, they'd never speak because they'd be too busy eating!!  (BTW - did you see the spread of food set up for them behind the scenes??  And, of course, Kandi was the one featured in that little scene, LOL!!)   :-)


Ha-ha...great minds think alike!   ;-)


Fools seldom differ!  ;-)

  • Love 2

I think "don't son me" is some slang Kandi picked up from Todd. I knew what she meant, but in DC we say, "carry." Like this morning, my cat straight carried me when I tried to substitute the fancy feast with some cheap meow mix.


Kandi is about 3 years late on that term being at its zenith though.  She might as well have said "Whoop there it is."

  • Love 2

I took that "don't son me" thing to mean, don't call me "son" when you speak to me.  In the previews we see Kim's husband tell Matt, "I was talking to Kenya son."  And then Matt says, "And I'm talking to you son".  I think "don't son me" means don't talk down to me.  But then, I've been wrong before.


Sonning is playing someone as if you're a parent to them and they are the child.  Like how Parents outrank Children in hierarchy.  It's a legit slang term that is outside of the Matt thing.  If I "son" someone, I'm exerting my superiority.  If you're being "sonned" someone is showing you up as being weak. 

  • Love 5

They were really burned by Kim. Andy's comments and the editing job they gave her and the hustle they got mid season to get Nene on and change in editing - spoke volumes. I think they thought she'd be like an Eileen Davidson catch and mixing it up all engaged, lively and witty and bringing some style in her personal life and home.



I think whoever cast Kim thought they were going to get Regine.  Sometimes it's hard to separate actors from the characters they play.  It just goes to prove how great an actor Kim is because she is in NO WAY like Regine in real life.

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Kandi is about 3 years late on that term being at its zenith though. She might as well have said "Whoop there it is."

Bwah! This reminds me of my 60 some year old mother telling me to "get with the program" a la one hit wonder, Samuele. That was her jam. I can't even get mad because I'm laughing so hard.

I think whoever cast Kim thought they were going to get Regine. Sometimes it's hard to separate actors from the characters they play. It just goes to prove how great an actor Kim is because she is in NO WAY like Regine in real life.

I'm of this same opinion. It's like when Andy Cohen claims to be some huge Patti LaBelle fan, something I don't believe for a minute. I think he loves her persona but probably couldn't identify one Patti song. Edited by charmed1
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Honest question - is Kenya really this awful or is there some element of playing up to the camera? Does she behave this way because on some level she feels that's what it takes to be considered a 'star' on the show? Her ego and condescending attitude is beyond me. The moment she doesn't like one thing someone else does, they land on her blacklist and a crusade begins to disparage and talk down to said person. She always needs a bulls eye on someone's back to go after and has the audacity to sit there and accuse people of being a certain way that she is guilty of herself.


Kim did come off a bit judgmental but I think it was more in her delivery than it was of her personally laying judgment on the women as individuals (well except for Kenya at this point). Kim was so far removed from the 'hollywood' lifestyle that stepping into a show where there are many parties, bikinis, skin shows, etc. especially with people around her age was probably not what she expected. The make-up free brunch was pushing way too far but again, I don't think there was bad intentions there. Kim made the mistake of assuming that the women look the way they look because that's what they're expected to look like - maybe they love the way they look and that's all there is to it.

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I chuckled when Kim expected Andy to DO HIS JOB and moderate the conversation during the reunion. Poor, naive Kim. Obviously she's never seen any of the 10 million reunions.

I laughed at this too! When she did that I LOL'd HARD cause in my mind I was thinking girl that was awesome and that's the type of shit I would do, and have had run through my mind when I watch these reunions, that I would have to stop look at Andy and ask him to step in and get shit under control before I continue. It was great to see what happens when someone actually does that. What made me laugh extra was that he looked at her sorta dumbfounded and with a slight bitch please smirk. It confirms that he just doesn't understand what he SHOULD be doing and host. I'm pretty sure he doesn't hinder them much cause he doesn't to lose out on anything crazy happening but damn Andy at the same time we could probably get a whole lot more reads and the juicy back and forths if he were to at least direct traffic better.

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I love Kandi too but Don Juan grates.  Just last season he hated Todd, now he's jumping in women's conversations for him?  Anything for screen time.

I have to say that I was very disappointed that although Kandi did jump in and made it clear that Don Juan and Carman have know her for A LONG time in order to point out that she wasn't surprised that he went in that hard for her and that THAT was the main reason and not camera time (note I said main reason not only reason cause I can't say yay or nay about him doing it for camera time) Seems to me he gets plenty of camera time just being in Kandi's scenes so I'm not completely sold on that angle. But regardless, I can concede that sure maybe some of it is about camera time but I saw him at just being a ride or die friend. I know when I'm talking to my friends and I get in my feelings when talking about dumb shit my inner street girl comes out and I get more and more animated as I make my point. That's how I see Don Juan.


But back to my point. I'm happy Kandi addressed the friendship by saying how long they've all know each other but VERY annoyed that she doesn't shoot down all this "let my employees" bullshit continue from the other ladies. The minute Phaedra commented on the whole " I would never allow my employees..." I would have cut her off with that nonsense once and for all saying "Ok, look all this my employees this that and the other. I'm shutting that shit down now. The Don Juan that was going in on ya'll is Don Juan, MY BOY that's going in on you. That's MY peeps, NOT employee that's checking you on HIS friends behalf, not fucking rocket science people so all this "employee" business needs to exit stage left. Annnnndddddddd it doesn't apply anyway because ya'll not my clients. His professionalism is required in my offices and however I need him to perform not when we all chilling somewhere among mutual friends and acquaintances. He's free to exercise his own free will and personality with people who are NOT my clients or customers (not that I think she would censor him even then but her prerogative) so stop with the pearl clutching over what my FRIEND said to you because he caught ya'll talking shit about HIS peoples..."


Crazy to me that these bitches don't know how shit like that rolls. It's a pretty basic recipe. You get caught with someone's name in your mouth and if it's the wrong name to have in your mouth then honey chile you gone get checked about it.  Point. Blank. Period. Take ya damn lumps and shut the hell up. Sheesh!

Edited by Yours Truly
  • Love 9

I'm pretty sure he doesn't hinder them much cause he doesn't to lose out on anything crazy happening but damn Andy at the same time we could probably get a whole lot more reads and the juicy back and forths if he were to at least direct traffic better.

Andy's probably remembering that time Teresa Giudice threw his ass around like a rag doll when he tried to step between her and Danielle.

  • Love 6

One more thing, I was HUGELY disappointed about Sheree's "whatcha gonna do?". I mean I loved all the peanut gallery stuff don't get me wrong but I think she kinda ruined the whole effect Kim had on the set when she checked Kenya HARD. Everyone gave me life with their reactions and it would have been a thing of beauty had it stayed just the shocked reactions then lead into maybe some tittering amongst the other ladies straight afterwards while Kenya has her corny reactions... It was just that I felt Sheree sorta of cheapened it cause it sounded like she was mocking it. I mean yeah yeah what was Kim gonna do? Nothing obviously but still it was just so awesome and girl it was enough to jolt everyone on that stage so I was all about that vibe just flowing then fading on it's own without anyone (less Kenya) questioning it. 


In that moment I think Sheree's thirst to provide the witty side commentary ruined the moment a bit for me.. :-( Don't get me wrong though it was still a scrumptious moment.

Edited by Yours Truly
  • Love 8

I have to say that I was very disappointed that although Kandi did jump in and made it clear that Don Juan and Carman have know her for A LONG time in order to point out that she wasn't surprised that he went in that hard for her and that THAT was the main reason and not camera time (note I said main reason not only reason cause I can't say yay or nay about him doing it for camera time) Seems to me he gets plenty of camera time just being in Kandi's scenes so I'm not completely sold on that angle. But regardless, I can concede that sure maybe some of it is about camera time but I saw him at just being a ride or die friend. I know when I'm talking to my friends and I get in my feelings when talking about dumb shit my inner street girl comes out and I get more and more animated as I make my point. That's how I see Don Juan.


But back to my point. I'm happy Kandi addressed the friendship by saying how long they've all know each other but VERY annoyed that she doesn't shoot down all this "let my employees" bullshit continue from the other ladies. The minute Phaedra commented on the whole " I would never allow my employees..." I would have cut her off with that nonsense once and for all saying "Ok, look all this my employees this that and the other. I'm shutting that shit down now. The Don Juan that was going in on ya'll is Don Juan, MY BOY that's going in on you. That's MY peeps, NOT employee that's checking you on HIS friends behalf, not fucking rocket science people so all this "employee" business needs to exit stage left. Annnnndddddddd it doesn't apply anyway because ya'll not my clients. His professionalism is required in my offices and however I need him to perform not when we all chilling somewhere among mutual friends and acquaintances. He's free to exercise his own free will and personality with people who are NOT my clients or customers (not that I think she would censor him even then but her prerogative) so stop with the pearl clutching over what my FRIEND said to you because he caught ya'll talking shit about HIS peoples..."


Crazy to me that these bitches don't know how shit like that rolls. It's a pretty basic recipe. You get caught with someone's name in your mouth and if it's the wrong name to have in your mouth then honey chile you gone get checked about it.  Point. Blank. Period. Take ya damn lumps and shut the hell up. Sheesh!



{{gallopsoutofbreath}} Your Grace, Your Grace.?!!....you dropped this.



  • Love 7

Yes, but if they served food, Kandi would be so busy stuffing her face she'd never say a word.


And I just love her for that.  Would much rather watch Kandi enjoying her food than Lisa Rinna come up the millionth reason she's not eating.


but damn Andy at the same time we could probably get a whole lot more reads and the juicy back and forths if he were to at least direct traffic better.


That's a brilliant way of putting it.  Wholeheartedly agree.  Not to mention I lose interest quickly when everyone just yells over the top of each other.  It just sounds like static to me and my toes start to curl.  

  • Love 4

I don't agree. I think Don Juan absolutely wanted camera time when he butted in like a douchbag on a private conversation between Phaedra and Porsha. He had no concerned tone or politeness and was scrambling his words. He pulled some camera angling shit when he swooped in after Phaedra and Kandi had their chat at the Kandi Factory crying and was being all authoritative about their personal situation. Also when Kandi was arranging the video shoot in the production meeting, he interjected with his comments basically taking the floor from the director and her.

This is such a gauche phrase but he really does not know his place. And that speaks to his professionalism. And respect.

I am not the biggest Phaedra fan (or Porsha fan) but I would have handled the situation a lot worse. He's lucky she paid him dust most people would have cussed his ass out. He really did look like a fool.

He needs to trust his boss and her friends know what best for themselves and can deal with stuff without his expert opinion than no one fucking asked for.

  • Love 8

I have to say that I was very disappointed that although Kandi did jump in and made it clear that Don Juan and Carman have know her for A LONG time in order to point out that she wasn't surprised that he went in that hard for her and that THAT was the main reason and not camera time (note I said main reason not only reason cause I can't say yay or nay about him doing it for camera time) Seems to me he gets plenty of camera time just being in Kandi's scenes so I'm not completely sold on that angle. But regardless, I can concede that sure maybe some of it is about camera time but I saw him at just being a ride or die friend. I know when I'm talking to my friends and I get in my feelings when talking about dumb shit my inner street girl comes out and I get more and more animated as I make my point. That's how I see Don Juan.


But back to my point. I'm happy Kandi addressed the friendship by saying how long they've all know each other but VERY annoyed that she doesn't shoot down all this "let my employees" bullshit continue from the other ladies. The minute Phaedra commented on the whole " I would never allow my employees..." I would have cut her off with that nonsense once and for all saying "Ok, look all this my employees this that and the other. I'm shutting that shit down now. The Don Juan that was going in on ya'll is Don Juan, MY BOY that's going in on you. That's MY peeps, NOT employee that's checking you on HIS friends behalf, not fucking rocket science people so all this "employee" business needs to exit stage left. Annnnndddddddd it doesn't apply anyway because ya'll not my clients. His professionalism is required in my offices and however I need him to perform not when we all chilling somewhere among mutual friends and acquaintances. He's free to exercise his own free will and personality with people who are NOT my clients or customers (not that I think she would censor him even then but her prerogative) so stop with the pearl clutching over what my FRIEND said to you because he caught ya'll talking shit about HIS peoples..."


Crazy to me that these bitches don't know how shit like that rolls. It's a pretty basic recipe. You get caught with someone's name in your mouth and if it's the wrong name to have in your mouth then honey chile you gone get checked about it.  Point. Blank. Period. Take ya damn lumps and shut the hell up. Sheesh!



I see all that and Don Juan still grates.


I seem to remember him from Season 3, or whenever Kandi's first season was, and he did not seem as animated or involved.  If I am thinking of the same person, I actually liked him back then.  Progress to more recent seasons and he could not let a scene go by without disrespecting Todd.  Friend or not, Employee or not - he just annoys me.  There have been several other side characters that have not annoyed me but for some reason he does.  


He probably has a Real Housewives contract and good for him if he does.  As Kandi said, she is all about making money (or something like that).  That definitely would explain the change in Don Juan's character and why she defends it.  

  • Love 4

I agree with everyone who said that Andy was rough on Kenya but that she deserved it, IMO. I've thought she had a target on her back all season. She's nasty and horrible and I'd love to see her gone. For that reason, I'm pleasantly surprised to see Andy's attitude toward her. He seems unimpressed in every way. The last time I saw him have any issue with a housewife at a reunion was with Brandi Glanville and she was really going after him more. She was also seated in the spot on his right and she was also very negative and causing a lot of "drama" and very gone the next season. 


Kenya's "star" comment literally made my mouth drop open. I knew she thought that but can't believe she admitted it. It was so tacky and nasty. I've thought she was throwing temper tantrums all season as she was not being portrayed or treated as the "star" she obviously thinks she is. Her issues with Kim were so obviously about the "star" treatment and now, it seems she's unhinged. Nene's return- and I think she'll obviously be back next season- must have been the last straw as her behavior on this reunion is bad even for her.


I may be wrong but I think Kenya's worn out her welcome and Andy's attitude just cinched it for me. I never thought he liked her at all but now I think he outwardly dislikes her. Probably for the same reasons many people seem to. Oh, and the ratings "her" show brought in. Not the best. That's all that really matters.

Edited by Roxy
  • Love 4

I guess I need to rewatch (or pay more attention next week) because I thought all the ladies looked nice.*shrugs*


I thought they all looked nice too.  My favorites were Sheree, Cynthia and Phaedra.


Fools seldom differ!  ;-)


No they don't, do they.


I agree with everyone who said that Andy was rough on Kenya but that she deserved it, IMO. I've thought she had a target on her back all season. She's nasty and horrible and I'd love to see her gone. For that reason, I'm pleasantly surprised to see Andy's attitude toward her. He seems unimpressed in every way. The last time I saw him have any issue with a housewife at a reunion was with Brandi Glanville and she was really going after him more. She was also seated in the spot on his right and she was also very negative and causing a lot of "drama" and very gone the next season. 


Kenya's "star" comment literally made my mouth drop open. I knew she thought that but can't believe she admitted it. It was so tacky and nasty. I've thought she was throwing temper tantrums all season as she was not being portrayed or treated as the "star" she obviously thinks she is. Her issues with Kim were so obviously about the "star" treatment and now, it seems she's unhinged. Nene's return- and I think she'll obviously be back next season- must have been the last straw as her behavior on this reunion is bad even for her.


I may be wrong but I think Kenya's worn out her welcome and Andy's attitude just cinched it for me. I never thought he liked her at all but now I think he outwardly dislikes her. Probably for the same reasons many people seem to. Oh, and the ratings "her" show brought in. Not the best. That's all that really matters.


I was comparing Kenya to Brandi Glanville as well.  Brandi, like Kenya, lived to be the agitator, truth teller/exposer, and chief malcontent of RHOBH to her ultimate demise.  I think the same thing is playing out here as well.  There is no where else for Kenya to go. 


Both Kenya and Brandi do what they need to do to collect their checks, but I don't think Brandi was happy with herself as she continued to play the most hated housewife on her show.  It seemed to wear on her.  Kenya seems to be more resilient, but I think its starting to get to her as well.  They deserve to be hated for their actions, but its really hard to be the most hated person in America.  I don't think Trump gets hated as hard as Kenya now or Brandi during her RHOBH tenure.


I cannot stand Andy.  He is an ungrateful son of gun.  If Andy is showing any sort of disdain or disrespect, then he should jump off a cliff somewhere because he puts them up to it and he is reaping the most benefit because of it.  He can miss me with his attitude and his faux outrage.

  • Love 5

I agree with everyone who said that Andy was rough on Kenya but that she deserved it, IMO. I've thought she had a target on her back all season. She's nasty and horrible and I'd love to see her gone. For that reason, I'm pleasantly surprised to see Andy's attitude toward her. He seems unimpressed in every way. The last time I saw him have any issue with a housewife at a reunion was with Brandi Glanville and she was really going after him more. She was also seated in the spot on his right and she was also very negative and causing a lot of "drama" and very gone the next season. 


Kenya's "star" comment literally made my mouth drop open. I knew she thought that but can't believe she admitted it. It was so tacky and nasty. I've thought she was throwing temper tantrums all season as she was not being portrayed or treated as the "star" she obviously thinks she is. Her issues with Kim were so obviously about the "star" treatment and now, it seems she's unhinged. Nene's return- and I think she'll obviously be back next season- must have been the last straw as her behavior on this reunion is bad even for her.


I may be wrong but I think Kenya's worn out her welcome and Andy's attitude just cinched it for me. I never thought he liked her at all but now I think he outwardly dislikes her. Probably for the same reasons many people seem to. Oh, and the ratings "her" show brought in. Not the best. That's all that really matters.

See, I think she created her target.  Nobody did anything to her this season, she had her a new youthful boo, had a house at the bottom of the valley. She even had the biggest "It's not her fault" parade ever in her trash ass mama.  She chose to be an asshole to kim, be messy, throw Shamea off the boat, immediately shade Sheree, and be trash at every single moment, ruining ALLLLLL the goodwill she had built up, just in that one trip to Detroit.


I don't recall anyone not giving Kenya that inch or that mile after finding out about her mom. It's just that that heifer decided to take a marathon's worth of miles and wore out her welcome with most.

  • Love 9

I don't agree. I think Don Juan absolutely wanted camera time when he butted in like a douchbag on a private conversation between Phaedra and Porsha. He had no concerned tone or politeness and was scrambling his words. He pulled some camera angling shit when he swooped in after Phaedra and Kandi had their chat at the Kandi Factory crying and was being all authoritative about their personal situation. Also when Kandi was arranging the video shoot in the production meeting, he interjected with his comments basically taking the floor from the director and her.

This is such a gauche phrase but he really does not know his place. And that speaks to his professionalism. And respect.

I am not the biggest Phaedra fan (or Porsha fan) but I would have handled the situation a lot worse. He's lucky she paid him dust most people would have cussed his ass out. He really did look like a fool.

He needs to trust his boss and her friends know what best for themselves and can deal with stuff without his expert opinion than no one fucking asked for.

Now, I'm not saying he isn't extra but for Me, Personally? I would have to check both Phaedra and Porsha simply because they keep dropping that whole employee angle. Plus, they were in fact shading Kandi and Todd so all this Don Juan camera time, thirsty stuff they pulling out they ass doesn't change the fact that they too were in the middle of rachetness.  I could care less about whatever "etiquette" Don Juan has or doesn't have considering Phaedra and Porsha was in the wrong too. Also, Kandi has decided that she will be defending him so there's that and if the women feel a certain kind of way about Don Juan then they need to not give him or any of her clique any reason to come for them since now they know how the Kandi Koated's role. LOL. Problem solved.

  • Love 4

Now, I'm not saying he isn't extra but for Me, Personally? I would have to check both Phaedra and Porsha simply because they keep dropping that whole employee angle. Plus, they were in fact shading Kandi and Todd so all this Don Juan camera time, thirsty stuff they pulling out they ass doesn't change the fact that they too were in the middle of rachetness.  I could care less about whatever "etiquette" Don Juan has or doesn't have considering Phaedra and Porsha was in the wrong too. Also, Kandi has decided that she will be defending him so there's that and if the women feel a certain kind of way about Don Juan then they need to not give him or any of her clique any reason to come for them since now they know how the Kandi Koated's role. LOL. Problem solved.

Porsha wasn't shading Todd, at all. The worst thing she said, during that conversation before DJ jumped in, was that it was stupid/sad to loose a friendship over money and nothing more. Of course that is not what that fool, DJ, told Kandi and even though the only other person that heard the entire conversation spoke out in defense of Porsha, Kandi refused to listen to her and DJ just yelled over her. So, I get why Porsha was shading DJ at the reunion.

  • Love 10

I think Kim did the show in order to get her face back on TV, as a stepping stone to more TV deals. I think she wanted to promote her production skills. I think she planned in advance to do one season and that is why she had the holier-than-thou attitude - she wanted to signal to other showbiz folks that she was slumming and didn't intend to stick around long. She tried to use the show to her advantage while holding her nose and putting herself on a pedestal.

I took a look at Kim's IMDB. She has worked as an actor every year since Living Single ended with the exception of three years (2007, 2009, 2013). She has worked steadily as a director from 2000-2012. If I had to guess, she was hit with the big tax bill that has been reported, she didn't have a pot of cash in which to pay it since 2013-14 were lean years, and she took this job to have a lump sum that she could use to get out from under the IRS plus provide a bit of a cushion going forward. While I agree that part of her plan was to not sink into the mud so she'd still be marketable afterwards (and perhaps to parlay it into a couple of other checks), I don't think that she's anywhere near as down and out or desperate to get her name back in front of the general public a folks here are making her out to be. Casting agents and producers seem to be well acquainted with her, which is all she really needs. I think part of why Kim is incredulous with Kenya's comments is that she HAS been working steadily both as an actor and a director for years. In either of those fields, going 2-3 years without a credited gig is more the rule than the exception, and having someone who has had far less success (her one significant reoccurring tv role was 6 episodes of In the House back in 1999) try and say "my body of work is equally as significant as yours" with a straight face while pointing to a vanity project that was created to provide a storyline for your reality tv show as proof is a little cray-cray. 

  • Love 10

I think Kandi is so low class as a person, and she´s been a horrible friend to Phaedra. She did betray her, nothing Phaedra said comes close to what Kandi actually did. But she might be taking stuff out on other people, from the shame and hardship of being related to her awful mother.


And how fake is it to say that she´s protective of her husband, after all the vile stuff her mother did to him, and poor Sharon? Kandi actually enabled it all the way and had her own moment with Sharon.


Phaedra is fake but it´s (almost) always fun to watch.

  • Love 6

I thought they all looked nice too.  My favorites were Sheree, Cynthia and Phaedra.



No they don't, do they.



I was comparing Kenya to Brandi Glanville as well.  Brandi, like Kenya, lived to be the agitator, truth teller/exposer, and chief malcontent of RHOBH to her ultimate demise.  I think the same thing is playing out here as well.  There is no where else for Kenya to go. 


Both Kenya and Brandi do what they need to do to collect their checks, but I don't think Brandi was happy with herself as she continued to play the most hated housewife on her show.  It seemed to wear on her.  Kenya seems to be more resilient, but I think its starting to get to her as well.  They deserve to be hated for their actions, but its really hard to be the most hated person in America.  I don't think Trump gets hated as hard as Kenya now or Brandi during her RHOBH tenure.


I cannot stand Andy.  He is an ungrateful son of gun.  If Andy is showing any sort of disdain or disrespect, then he should jump off a cliff somewhere because he puts them up to it and he is reaping the most benefit because of it.  He can miss me with his attitude and his faux outrage.


Agreed. Morally corrupt people  gossiping and making inappropriate statements.




That being said. My boss has been through a lot. If I heard someone dissing her for some incorrect info, I would correct them with the quickness. I'm sorry but this is the 21st century, and "the employees" aren't servants who should be seen and not heard, you elitist idiot. At least DJ hasn't screwed over a whole fleet of people financially. You don't fool me Phaekdra. Everyone has 1st amendment rights, including- oh my God- employees. Let's all correct our employees when they get out of line and speak out of turn- its the least we can do, as Phaedra has pointed out. Can't believe she trotted out that sorry ass excuse again. Please- you know these were Kandi's friends long ago- get over it. It doesn't make you sound better to dismiss them, it makes you sound like the pompous person who can't take her own crap that you are. Go hire another party prop/ employee/ PERSON. Hurry and keep exploiting people while you still have Bravo pay for it because I predict a bigger financial fall soon.


And no I don't care for Don Juan or Kandi, one iota. Phaedra is such an elitist fake; look no further than the man she married to know her true character. The man who scrubs toilets with honor is worth 10,000 Apollo's who front and steal one dime of hard-earned-money from someone else, whether that person lives up to Phaedra's fake standards or not.


Find something else to shade DJ about besides- he's someone's employee, his sexuality, and his acting like a woman (?)- oh the horrors! Or else apply equal standards reunion ladies- is it okay to talk about DJ's sexuality but not Chris' because ones a revered husband, and ones a worthless employee? At least the ladies seemed rightfully shamed by their contributions to the Chris convo.


At least Todd's coin is coming from an honest place- that friendship cannot be repaired.


Too late to get into Phaedra's other numerous shit statements.


Sorry boo.


DJ- go change your tampon. Can someone who speaks Porsha explain? Because being a woman is such an insult to Porsha? When I watch this show I feel like I've gone back to the 1800's. Especially with all this- worthless, never been married crap.


The F? Marital status hasn't determined a woman's worth in God knows how long in my world (I'd wager a guess-never). Didn't know this sentiment was still alive and kicking. Oh my- can we let it die forever?


Looking good Kim Fields. Actually they all looked good to me- did see Cynthia's (who?) silver facial streak though.


**disclaimer** Not a Kenya fan. I like and dislike elements of most of the cast. Phaedra and Porsha were two of my faves (violence and depositions not withstanding, though certainly not helping.)

Edited by Granimal
  • Love 3


nothing I've seen from her days before RHOA

The idea that because there are no stories, etc about Kenya being difficult to work with; that has to mean there aren't any, and she must be acting as a terrible person,(she should have won 2 or 3 Oscars, Emmys if she is acting) you give Kenya too much credit as being someone who is known and important enough to be talked about.

I had never heard of Kenya Moore until Atlanta Housewives.

If she is just playing the role as Resident ass, then everyone else has to be playing a role also.

Where is Greg Leakes? And what about NeNe's jumpsuit?

  • Love 2

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