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S12.E14: Odd Man Out

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I really, really liked this episode. I know some people will think the Meredith / Jo thing was wrapped up quickly, but I actually think it was sort of perfect. I didn't want it to be dragged on, and the way Meredith has treated Jo has been - I think - in line with others that she's pushed away for similar reasons. I liked her telling Jo that she didn't want Alex to get hurt again, and that she should be standing up for herself. Basically, I'm glad it was acknowledged and now we can move past it. Could it have been dug into deeper? Sure. But it worked for me, at least, so I'm happy. I'd love to now see some major Alex / Jo focus and progress. 


I like the switch up of character interactions - I like that Alex is involved in the April / Jackson storyline, for example. And it's nice to see Ben getting better integrated with the cast and being given some actual story. I thought his last scene with Bailey was a bit odd, but I'm not sure what exactly it was. I really want to see more of them both, honestly. I've never been a huge fan of Ben (never disliked him, he's just always been underused) but I think there's lots of potential to explore with the two of them that hasn't been tapped into. 


No Maggie / Deluca sex stuff this week! That was nice. And, don't shoot me, but I actually didn't hate Penny this week. Maybe it's just my tolerance building up. I still wish her screentime was spent on other characters. I did sigh big-time when Amelia said "I have to teach her..." NO YOU DON'T! SHE CAN LEAVE! I didn't hate Amelia much, either (*gasp*). I really like Riggs more and more, so maybe having them interact with him helped. The patients were both engaging, which is good, and I like that they've been keeping things relatively light and fun. Meredith's story with Thrope is a bit odd, him showing up seems kinda of desperate but I love to see Meredith smile, so I'm open to this continuing. I'm glad he wasn't shoved down our throat this week: one scene at the end was good enough. 

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I think that that I've watched to much Shonda.  Its warped my brain.  I never considered that the patient was in labor.  What I did consider was that Baby C was missing because the baby girls ate their little brother and that the rest of the episode was going to be a melodrama about whether to abort the cannibal babies.  I wish I were kidding.  I blame it on too much Scandal.

Good episode, I thought; definitely better than last week. I really liked the scene where Maggie and Callie called Meredith out on her treatment of Jo. And I was pleasantly surprised by Mer's talk with Jo.

I'm not invested either way in Mer and the hot military doctor, but it would be nice to see her happy again. Or at least smiling occasionally. She's seriously gaining on Penny in the dour-off competition.

Arizona's solution to quad-mom's early labor seemed all kinds of stupid, but I'm sure it will turn out to be another Grey-Sloan medical miracle that will become the standard of care in hospitals the world over. I snark, but only when the storyline demands it.

And Rita Moreno was great! Bring her back and jettison three or four of the dead weight characters. I'm looking at you, Penny.

  • Love 3

Arizona telling Jackson about the baby....should cause all sorts of problems.  

So very many problems indeed. As completely bullheaded as April was being and as right as Arizona was that Jackson needs to know sooner than later, it was still not her place to tell him for her. Not then, not ever. Overstepping. But I'm glad he knows so this plotline can move along.

  • Love 9

What does the actress playing Penny have on these writers. Really now she's the golden standard of residents! Also why must Maggie talk about sex in every episode. Callie and her discussing sex gets on my last nerve every time! Other those two things, I really liked the episode.


Arizona telling Jackson was wrong but, hey, at least it moves the story forward (I was sure Alex would be the one to do it so I'm glad I'm wrong.) Speaking of Alex, why is he always the one saying no to surgeries. I'd love to see Alex try and succeed at a risky surgery. 


Another positive from this episode was Riggs. He's really growing on me, I can see him as a character that I can really get into later on so I really hope missing wife doesn't become a storyline. He was introduced the right way and not shoved down our throats like Penny and Maggie so that might be the key getting me to like new people. 

Well knock me over with a feather, Meredith apologized. Still, her reasoning for treating Jo like crap doesn't add up since Alex and Jo have been together for going on four years. 


Why did Nathan say that Penny was the Neuro surgeon on call? No she wasn't. She's the resident on Neuro surgeon Amelia's service. And just because she's done that procedure before, which I also find hard to believe since she's been on General with Meredith all this time, it still doesn't make her the Neuro surgeon on call. This whole "Penny is the greatest" thing is stale. The character is so lame that the show has to consistently tell us how perfect she is. 


April is so unlikable this season. Wrong or right, I'm just glad that Jackson knows. 


It was great to see Casey Wilson and Rita Moreno as guest stars. 

Edited by funnygirl
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Decent episode.  Both the patient storylines were engaging.  It was nice to see Arizona finally getting a case and something to do other than walk around eating chips.  I'm torn on her telling Jackson, it's really not her place or business and April has every right to be furious.  On the other hand, April making the unilateral decision not to test the baby and not to tell Jackson for potentially weeks/months did seem absolutely ridiculous.  I'm no medical expert but given that there are several types of OI and not all are fatal, I'd imagine that early intervention/treatment is pretty important.  Plus, as others have said it moves the story along.  April and Arizona's friendship was a favorite of mine, though so it'll be sad to see that probably end for a bit.  


Loved Maggie and Callie calling Meredith out on her treatment of Jo.  Not sure I buy her apology, but at least Jo got one.  We'll have to see if the attitude change sticks.  


I get it.  Perfect Penny's perfect.  Apparently at everything now.  She's the most amazing potential neurosurgeon who ever was.  Amelia has seen the light and is in awe of her greatness.  Now that the last hold-out has been won over, can Penny just fade into the background/parking lot where she belongs?  Please, Shonda, admit you called it wrong, the character didn't land and is boring as hell, and give the many, many underutilized characters on this show a chance to have a story arc for once.

Edited by Kate213
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Holy hell, I'm not sure I've ever seen a bigger breach of a person's privacy on this show than what Arizona decided to do. It is almost beyond my comprehension that she decided that she gets to decide what April's rights are and what is the best course for her going forward. It wasn't just a breach of privacy, it was a breach of agency for April, April doesn't get to decide whether the baby is tested or not and must be stopped from that decision.  Lots of folks don't choose testing for such things, because why know if you know you are going to have the baby regardless.  As she is not April's doctor and Jackson is no longer April's husband, it was jaw-dropping to me. I could have done without the heavy-handed speech about "the Supreme Court deciding for me" but beyond that, there was lots that April was right about.  And, all along, it was her call.


Having vented a spleen, I really am liking these last couple of episodes. But, just, wow.....wildly inappropriate (even if I don't agree with the path April seemed to be choosing).

Edited by pennben
  • Love 11

Penny is so becoming a regular. Sigh. I don't hate her. She's too blah to feel anything about. I do hate the screentime she gets.


Meredith/Jo turned out better than I expected. I liked Callie and Maggie confirming that Meredith does treat Jo like crap and Stephanie pointing out that Jo talks about Meredith instead of talking to Meredith. That said Meredith's explanation didn't really work, but whatever, moving on.


Oh Arizona. She and Alex were right, but Arizona went too far. I was willing to cut April some slack but 12 weeks is as far as that slack goes. It didn't help that her POV was crazy to me.





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Jackson knowing can't force April to test the baby for genetic disorder. 

Yea even if he does know and voice his opinion or wants no one can force April to do the testing, its her body.


Also Arizona telling Jackson was made worse by showing that April was about to tell Jackson herself. Arizona overstepped, she could have at the very least warned April of " if you don't tell him I will."

Edited by aprilbabe
  • Love 5

It's not just that it is her body, but if I'm recalling from the original storyline, even knowing makes no difference.  Maybe you know that the baby will be "x" disabled or "y" disabled or, forgive me, dead on arrival, it doesn't make a difference if you know early or you don't.  April wasn't going to choose abortion ever. Period. So I don't even begin to understand the need to tattle.  Am I mis-remembering? I don't recall in the past that April would be averse to tests where something could help the fetus become more viable. 

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Penny is so becoming a regular. Sigh. I don't hate her. She's too blah to feel anything about. I do hate the screentime she gets.


Same.  She's not awful, just pointless.  Even though they did more with her tonight, I still can't be bothered to really care about her.



I figured Jackson would be hidden behind the ambulance or something when Karev and April were talking, given how juvenile they can be.  I knew Jackson would find out at any rate, but Arizona was totally in the wrong in telling him.  It wasn't her place and it was a major violation of privacy.


I get April not wanting to tell Jackson, but no genetic testing of any kind?  I just think she's too fragile to handle anything else.  Losing Jackson and the baby was enough, so she can't even consider the possibility that something can go wrong this time.  Still, Karev was right.  She's only making it worse, but I guess that doesn't matter now that Jackson knows the truth.


Bailey and Ben are going to be on the outs soon, aren't they?

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Well, April did have an abortion last time... I think so many people don't know what happen with Samuel was an abortion. 

No nothing can be done about OI, and many time one doesn't know if the baby has OI until after the child id born and start to crawl. 

Same.  She's not awful, just pointless.  Even though they did more with her tonight, I still can't be bothered to really care about her.



I figured Jackson would be hidden behind the ambulance or something when Karev and April were talking, given how juvenile they can be.  I knew Jackson would find out at any rate, but Arizona was totally in the wrong in telling him.  It wasn't her place and it was a major violation of privacy.


I get April not wanting to tell Jackson, but no genetic testing of any kind?  I just think she's too fragile to handle anything else.  Losing Jackson and the baby was enough, so she can't even consider the possibility that something can go wrong this time.  Still, Karev was right.  She's only making it worse, but I guess that doesn't matter now that Jackson knows the truth.


Bailey and Ben are going to be on the outs soon, aren't they?

As much as April has said she has heal, I don't think she has... she's ran and found a place where she can be full of adrenaline to hide her pain.


Yes b/c Shonda doesn't do happy, suck b/c Bailey and Ben had no storyline beforehand 

Edited by gator12

wow they are really trying to make Penny happen and its not working for me at all.  I know this it just a silly soap when it comes down to it, but all this Penny propping is making the entire show feel really disingenuous to me.  


I wasn't super thrilled with this episode but I was very glad to see Arizona actually doing something.  I liked that Alex was also involved in the medical story without having any part in the Mer/Jo drama, or anything to do with the sisters.  


I knew there was basically no reason/conclusion that would satisfy me for why Meredith treated Jo like crap since it pretty much came out of nowhere in season 11, but I liked 1) the faces and eyerolls Callie and Maggie made when Meredith was talking about Jo and 2) that Stephanie called out Jo on talking to Mer and not just ranting about her.  I am sort of just glad it was resolved so we can move on.   I hope now they don't Mer and Jo suddenly BFFs.  


What is up with Bailey and Ben?  Can literally no couple be happy on this show?


um, yay puppies!  that was cute.

Edited by Greysaddict
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If memory serves what they had done wasn't an "abortion" but called "termination by labor"?

Inhavent looked it up though so I may be wrong but I do recall it wasn't called an abortion


That feels right, and I haven't looked it up either.  It felt like they were saying that it was inducing labor for a stillborn, but April had issues with the terminology when she was presented with the paperwork.  But, I'm old, so I could be making this up:)

Did she have an abortion or did they induce labor? I honestly don't recall.

She either had an Induction Abortion


Also babies who dies in the wound, if labor doesn't happen natural, they have to get an abortion, either an Induction Abortion or a Dilation and Evacuation Abortion http://www.ourbodiesourselves.org/health-info/dilation-and-evacuation-abortion/. I look those up when the Samuel storyline was happening.

People think abortion is black and white but it more complex

If memory serves what they had done wasn't an "abortion" but called "termination by labor"?

Inhavent looked it up though so I may be wrong but I do recall it wasn't called an abortion

It wasn't call an abortion on the show but that what it was.

Edited by gator12
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Yes!!  Yay puppies!!! But, just because I'm annoyed by other parts of the episode, aren't therapy dogs generally not puppies, but fully trained dogs?   No need to answer, I'm just being cranky:)  Off to find a puppy in the neighborhood to cuddle!!

hahaha-yeah I'm pretty sure they don't bring a dozen of untrained puppies into a hospital peds ward!!  But, really its sad when puppies are one of the best parts of the episode (IMO of course).  I am willing to forgo all logic if cute puppies are involved.

Edited by Greysaddict
  • Love 2

Yes!!  Yay puppies!!! But, just because I'm annoyed by other parts of the episode, aren't therapy dogs generally not puppies, but fully trained dogs?   No need to answer, I'm just being cranky:)  Off to find a puppy in the neighborhood to cuddle!!

When I used to volunteer in the ER while getting my Bachelors they were fully trained dogs but one can't count on Grey's for accuracy. 

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It wasn't called an abortion because the baby was delivered alive. I think the reason April was OK with it was that they were, essentially, letting God choose whether/when the baby died. And, it seemed to me at the time, April was still hoping for a miracle that would allow the baby to survive. And at the time of delivery, the pregnancy was far enough along that a baby (without this condition) could survive as a preemie.

  • Love 5
Yes!!  Yay puppies!!! But, just because I'm annoyed by other parts of the episode, aren't therapy dogs generally not puppies, but fully trained dogs?   No need to answer, I'm just being cranky:)  Off to find a puppy in the neighborhood to cuddle!!


Yes, therapy dogs are usually trained and not puppies. I don't think these were supposed to pass as therapy dogs. Alex said the animal shelter was bringing them over. I'm not sure if they would do that in a hospital setting but its does happen in office buildings now. Its done to help the puppies get used to people,keep them friendly and help their adoption chances.  I never liked Owen more than when he brought Amelia in with the puppies. 


I liked the episode overall. I found the explanation of why Meredith hated on Jo for years to be lame. Yes, Alex has had it tough but her rude treatment of Jo outside of work did nothing (IMO) to help Alex in his relationship. I also found it ridiculous because Jo has been with Alex for years now so clearly she is "sticking".  I'm not at all surprised that it was written to downplay what a bitch Meredith has been to Jo because its always prop Mary Sue Grey. At this point I am glad its over. I don't want Jo and Meredith to be insta-friends. Meredith being out of the Alex/Jo relationship and Jo having any other story for herself would be great.


I was really surprised that Arizona told Jackson. So out of line and even worse because she and April have built a friendship. I don't agree with April not telling Jackson but its still April's news to share with him and not Arizona's.


Other: I liked the medical cases. I liked seeing Arizona and Alex working together, always like when they do. I like Riggs more and more each episode. And Ben and Bailey seem to be being setup for trouble.

Edited by windsprints
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It's not just that it is her body, but if I'm recalling from the original storyline, even knowing makes no difference. Maybe you know that the baby will be "x" disabled or "y" disabled or, forgive me, dead on arrival, it doesn't make a difference if you know early or you don't. April wasn't going to choose abortion ever. Period. So I don't even begin to understand the need to tattle. Am I mis-remembering? I don't recall in the past that April would be averse to tests where something could help the fetus become more viable.

It does make a difference because in her previous pregnancy, April was willing to terminate at 24 weeks to end her baby's suffering in utero. This was presented as the loving choice. The fact that she is not willing to test (at this point) is a regression and a sign that not all is right in April-land. I think she's going to have some kind of a breakdown and will then be able to approach the pregnancy with a healthier attitude, because right now she is in all kinds of denial.

Yes, a baby at 24 weeks (without OI) could possibly have survived its premature birth, but not without immediate and comprehensive medical intervention. April knew that there'd be no intervention for her baby, therefore it was a termination induction.

Edited by BlindMaryIngalls
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Maybe I read it wrong, but Riggs certainly zoned in on Amelia once he saw she was involved with Owen. Anyone agree?

JC had just about the cutest hair in the world, now she's growing it out again into a straight fried mess? Why??

I love April, but it seemed inappropriate to give the line about the Supreme Court taking away a woman's right to a pro-lifer.

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I love April, but it seemed inappropriate to give the line about the Supreme Court taking away a woman's right to a pro-lifer.


April has never really been anti-choice though.  She doesn't believe in abortion for herself but she doesn't seem to have an issue with what other people do. And she wasn't wrong, the right to choose includes the right to choose which tests she is willing to consent to.

They went to great lengths to explain that Samuel's OI wasn't hereditary and that there was absolutely nothing that could be done so Arizona's "let me give you a healthy baby" line made no sense.  The current baby has the same chance at having OI as any other baby being born to any other parents and if they do somehow beat the odds and have it happen again Arizona can't give her shit. 

Amelia can show herself out any time now.  Sweetheart, you work in a teaching hospital.  Sometimes you have to teach.

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[i've decided to delete my original comment, it was more political than tv show commentary and would only lead to more.] So, back to cute puppies!! Certainly both Owen and Amelia needed rehab as characters by playing with lots of cute puppies.  I don't think they are the only ones:)  Perhaps a special episode, like the singing one, but this time just with doctors playing with puppies for an hour. You're welcome, ABC.

Edited by pennben
  • Love 5

To be honest Merediths apology and reasons for disliking Jo don't seem like a retcon to me. I can actually buy that's she's that self centred that she never actually noticed how out of line and rude she was being to Jo. What annoys me is that had Alex raised this with Meredith like EVER or asked her to stop treating his girlfriend like crap then she probably would have a long time ago.

Jo made the situation worse with her reaction to being treated badly but in my opinion she needed support from Alex, her partner and Merediths best friend. She didn't get it and that is why I'm having a hard time buying Alex as the poor petal who could get hurt which is why Mer is hard on her. I know he's had it tough and made some bad relationship choices but guess what Mer, Jo hasn't exactly had the easiest of times either.

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PUPPIES! PUPPIES! WE ALL NEED PUPPIES! Seriously, if the show ended with a pile of puppies every week, I might be more willing to overlook some of the ridiculous/illogical/unbelievable things that the writers throw at us.


At most hospitals, therapy dogs have to be certified as such, meaning you can't just bring in any dog and walk around with it, letting people pet it, etc. One woman I know brings her dog to the local library once a month (it's some program where the kids read to the dog) but she can't bring him to the local children's hospital because the certification her dog has is different from the one required by that particular hospital. But Alex said, "Once a month, the rescue group brings in a bunch of puppies for the kids. It's good for morale and healing and crap." So technically, that's totally different from regular therapy dogs. It still seems unlikely that a hospital would let a bunch of untrained puppies in, but it's GA and I've learned not to question how things work in their wacked out universe.


My issue with April is that she has been framing her selfishness as kindness towards Jackson. She's been keeping it a secret because, as she told Arizona last week, she wanted to be happy. She is avoiding reality because she knows there is a good chance it's going to suck, and THAT is why she hasn't told Jackson. I am a feminist through and through, but she is a shitty person for not telling him that she is pregnant.


I totally get that Arizona violated April's trust and privacy by telling Jackson, but let's be real - this is Seattle Grace Mercy Death (TM Cristina Yang), where no one respects the basics of HIPAA, so did anyone really expect Arizona to keep April's pregnancy a secret for very long?


I think that that I've watched to much Shonda.  Its warped my brain.  I never considered that the patient was in labor.  What I did consider was that Baby C was missing because the baby girls ate their little brother and that the rest of the episode was going to be a melodrama about whether to abort the cannibal babies.  I wish I were kidding.  I blame it on too much Scandal.

Ha, it's okay. As a result of watching Pretty Little Liars (where all males over the age of 18 are creepy creepers who date/hit on/stalk/murder high school girls) and Law & Order: SVU (where everyone regardless of age, gender, etc. is a rapist/pedophile/pervert), I tend to suspect that everyone is up to no good to the point that I'm always pleasantly surprised when someone isn't assaulted/kidnapped/threatened/chased.


Are we seriously going to have a "Ben's manly ego feels threatened by Miranda's higher salary" storyline? I mean, seriously. There was already a power/salary differential when they met so it's not like they were always professional equals and then she got a promotion. He knew that going into their relationship, so if he starts freaking out because she's making more money now, I am going to have to start fast forwarding their scenes.


High five to Edwards for telling Jo she had ten more seconds to complain about Meredith and then no more. To be honest, this is a problem I have with a certain friend of mine who complains about the same thing incessantly but never does anything to change the situation. I get that you're frustrated but if you aren't going to do anything about it, then you are CHOOSING to let the situation remain the same. That's totally your choice, but I don't need to hear about it all the time. Make a change or STFU.


I did laugh when Jo stopped to take a breath in her tirade and then all Meredith said was, "Are you finished?" It was like watching a mom talk to her kid having a temper tantrum in the middle of the grocery store. While I was fine with Jo standing up for herself, yelling at Meredith in the hallway at work was so unprofessional (I know, I know, it's Grey's Anatomy so I shouldn't expect professionalism!).


I get why Weber changed up the pairings and I think it was a good idea (even if you just switch to another doctor within the same speciality/department, you can learn something new). But where he went wrong was not informing any of the attendings. It was shitty of him to force the underlings to say, "Uh, I'm on your service today," and deal with the attendings getting snippy about it. And did he have to put the names in a bed pan? Blech! I was still a little annoyed because we basically got the same plot a few episodes ago when Bailey forced Hunt and Riggs to work together. And how convenient that Penny is going to be the next big neurosurgeon so that she is still connected to Amelia (as well as Derek).


Hee, I kept waiting for Penny to say that her quadruplets were a-maaaah-zing! And it's always awesome to see Rita Moreno.

  • Love 2
My issue with April is that she has been framing her selfishness as kindness towards Jackson. She's been keeping it a secret because, as she told Arizona last week, she wanted to be happy. She is avoiding reality because she knows there is a good chance it's going to suck, and THAT is why she hasn't told Jackson. I am a feminist through and through, but she is a shitty person for not telling him that she is pregnant.


Yes! Oh my God, April can be infuriating with how selfish she is sometimes (most of the time?). She is literally incapable of not making everything about her. She says she doesn't want Jackson to know now because he's been through the ringer already and he needs time to heal and move on and blah blah, and it'll be better this way blah blah stupid. Please. Alex is completely right -- waiting is going to make it worse when she finally told him, not better. And no one is buying her excuses. This isn't to give Jackson space. It's so she doesn't have to deal. She doesn't want to have to have the horribly awkward and tense conversation when she finally drops the bomb, because it will be so uncomfortable and it'll be the moment when it all changes for HER. She doesn't want to have to go through the inevitable fight that she and Jackson will have, which is increasingly likely and will be all the worse the longer she waits because the fight will be just as much about her not telling him right away as anything else. It's one of those things where you're afraid to deal with something right away so you put it off, but the more you put it off the more the problem actually becomes about the fact that you're putting it off and at that point you have no choice but to keep putting it off because to do it now you'll have to face those consequences too along with the original ones. The longer April waited, the longer she was going to keep waiting, and the worse it was going to be when it all finally blew up. That's why Arizona told Jackson, even though she had no right to do that, and that's what's going to happen now with April and Jackson now that he knows. What would have been a minor confrontation about the pregnancy itself now becomes a major confrontation about her keeping the pregnancy from him for weeks, so now she's in a worse situation than if she'd just freaking told him from the beginning. Foolish woman. Like any reasonably mature 14-year-old would know, secrets and lies have a way of coming back to haunt you. But I've never found April to have the maturity of a 14-year-old.

Since they did mention Hermann tonight, it'd be great to see Geena Davis again, even just as a limited guest star to consult with Arizona on this case for one episode. Yeah, I know it's not going to happen. Still, it just reminded me of how great she was at the end of that arc. In a weird way, as Hermann was choosing her fate on her own, there is a parallel to April in this episode.  Ultimately, as it was all on Hermann's shoulders, so too is it on April's shoulders now.  And it is up to April to make this decision and who to bring in to assist. Yet, here we go again, with Arizona inserting herself into something that wasn't her business. One of these days she deserves a disastrous result from doing that.  I assume that this case will not be that day.  I'm just going to be a bit disappointed if we get the inevitable "big hugs" to Arizona at the end of this story, as if that justifies the idiocy she just chose again in this episode.  Occasionally, a consequence would be nice to see.

Edited by pennben
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So do we think that Alex and Arizona planned it -- that Alex would talk to April while Arizona broke the news to Jackson? Because that was one way to ensure that April wouldn't run into Jackson, even though that was exactly what happened. But like others, I was expecting Jackson to be within earshot. This show is soapy and often predictable, but I didn't see that coming, so kudos to the show for surprising me.

So do we think that Alex and Arizona planned it -- that Alex would talk to April while Arizona broke the news to Jackson? Because that was one way to ensure that April wouldn't run into Jackson, even though that was exactly what happened. But like others, I was expecting Jackson to be within earshot. This show is soapy and often predictable, but I didn't see that coming, so kudos to the show for surprising me.

I think Alex talked to April on his own but who knows.

April really needs to see Merediths therapist.

  • Love 1

JC had just about the cutest hair in the world, now she's growing it out again into a straight fried mess? Why??

She's pg with baby #4, so I attributed it to hair hormones!


I don't think Alex and Arizona planned it - I don't think Alex would do that. I would like Alex to give the "Most Improved/Stable Adult/Logical" etc etc award again this week for recognizing and pointing out April's huge logical flaw. I love that Alex was the one who convinced her to tell Jackson. (Even if that choice was taken from her.)


I believed Meredith - but I need someone to tell me who took his job?? "People he's been with either run away (Izzy), take his job (???????????), go crazy (Rebecca) and .... (I can't remember the 4th one she gave). What/who have I blocked out?


WAIT! as I type this - was this Rachel Taylor who went to Africa?

She's pg with baby #4, so I attributed it to hair hormones!


I don't think Alex and Arizona planned it - I don't think Alex would do that. I would like Alex to give the "Most Improved/Stable Adult/Logical" etc etc award again this week for recognizing and pointing out April's huge logical flaw. I love that Alex was the one who convinced her to tell Jackson. (Even if that choice was taken from her.)


I believed Meredith - but I need someone to tell me who took his job?? "People he's been with either run away (Izzy), take his job (???????????), go crazy (Rebecca) and .... (I can't remember the 4th one she gave). What/who have I blocked out?


WAIT! as I type this - was this Rachel Taylor who went to Africa?


Lucy took his job in Africa. She was Callie's OBGYN, so I believe season 7. The actress was Rachel Taylor. 

Edited by BaseOps
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