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The Duggars: In the Media and TLC


As a reminder, the site's Politics Policy remains in effect.  Yes, Jim Bob is apparently running for office again. That does not make it an acceptable topic of conversation in here - unless for some mysterious reason, TLC brings the show back and it is discussed on there. Even then, it would be limited to how it was discussed on the show.

If you have any questions, please PM the mods, @SCARLETT45 and myself.

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SometimesBites(and others) - Thank you for posting the article from In Touch Magazine.

It never ceases to amaze me the stupidity and hypocrisy of the Smuggars and the Fox Network.

Like they didn't think this was going to come out. Well, so much for Fox being the "fair and balanced" Network.  Such a group liars - I hope this makes them and Megyn Kelly look like the the fools and liars they are.  Obviouslly, In Touch is not going down guitely and I believe In Touch has more information which was in the second police report they did not release.  Smuggars/TLC underestimated who they were dealing with. I would guess THAT information will be released in the next couple of days.

Edited by NEGirl
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Radar Online is now reporting that they are in possession of the mysterious "letter".


This isn't news to me, at the beginning that's the stuff they was saying. Someone wrote a letter put it in a book and then years later loaned the book out to a family friend who discovered the letter. I haven't read your link yet only the header and realized it's the same crap they been saying since the get go


The thing about a letter - the person writing it always owns the writing. You can own the letter, but they own the content. So it cannot be published without consent of the person who WROTE it. Thus, we may or may not be seeing such a letter anytime soon.

The original author may be deceased. Then, it gets tricky.

Edited by JoanArc

The thing about a letter - the person writing it always owns the writing. You can own the letter, but they own the content. So it cannot be published without consent of the person who WROTE it. Thus, we may or may not be seeing such a letter anytime soon.

Depending on how valueable the content of the letter is (ie, how many magazines will it sell) they may just choose to publish it and then risk being sued for the copyright violation.


They can also publish excerpts of the letter and summarize the rest.

I don't know if I want the letter released, I sure don't want to see the victim identified. I would like the letter writer to give an interview about what it was like years ago in the Duggar's home church. I think most people believe Josh made his bad choices and don't want to see him on TV. Now is the time  most of the public is learning about the crazy Gothard rules, the role of the Duggar women and are starting to see the truth behind the façade of a show. I would love to hear a first hand account of how the Duggar's home church was structured, who had the power, and confessing sins and these punishments and camps.

  • Love 3

So OK - new question. How much longer will TLC keep us waiting regarding the show? Will they officially cancel soon? In several months? Never officially cancel but just never bring it back? Or will they continue with it?

I'm hoping they keep it, maybe do a few shows about how they felt with the scandal. There are worse things on tv than 19 kids and counting. I do however hope they don't let josh on the show anymore

So OK - new question. How much longer will TLC keep us waiting regarding the show? Will they officially cancel soon? In several months? Never officially cancel but just never bring it back? Or will they continue with it?


I'm torn between two options. Either they'll let things die down (or not) and then quietly announce cancellation several months from now. Or they'll send up a trial balloon for specials/spinoffs around February 2016 or so, in the form of a special catching-the audience-up-show featuring Jessa/Ben's baby, Jilly Muffin's second pregnancy, Josiah/Marjorie's wedding and/or breakup. Working title: 19 New Things About the Family Formerly Known as the Duggars.

  • Love 3

I can see a Jill & Jessa spinoff.  The issue isn't how do you do that without featuring Josh.  That's a no-brainer.  His doughy visage and poorly articulated self will most likely never appear on TLC again.  Some poor video editing intern is most likely currently trying to edit him out of the old episodes so they can put them back on the air.  The issue is Boob and Clown Car and just how much of a tolerance the general viewing audience has for them.  As far as I'm concerned, they're criminally complicit in the molestation of their own daughters (and any other victims outside the home) for covering up the crime so I'm highly biased on this.  Furthermore, would they allow their minor children to appear on the show without them?  I think that's the corollary to the first question regarding audience tolerance.  So what if the audience has no tolerance for Boob & Clown Car and they refuse for the minor children to be filmed?  Aside from a lot less footage of Josie licking things, we'd potentially be looking at the usual TLC death spiral of births, birthdays, couples retreats and expensive vacations.    

  • Love 8

I thought - I think - JB thought he was doing it "Biblically" by taking a witness. There's a Bible verse (maybe more than one) that says if someone sins, you address it with them alone first. (Point out that you know what's going on,mbasically). If the person continues their sin, you go back to them again, but you take a witness or two (implied that it's a fellow church member, or at least a fellow believer). Because your addressing of sin has more weight if you have a fellow believer with you. (That's step 2). Step 3 is when you drag the sinner before the church,mr log them and throw them in a vat of hot oil (jk). They apparently DID do step 3 and make him confess before the body of believers. I'm fairly certain this was the motivation behind the "witness" because JB called this person a "witness", using the biblical term.

It's interesting, since we KNOW there WAS a witness that this person has not been named (that I know of). We know enough without hearing directly from them how repentant Josh was, and that he received all the forgiveness he sought (from a purely biblical standpoint - judiciously, not so much). But the point in taking a witness is so that they can later, you know, SPEAK to the issues they witnessed.


Matthew 18:15-16 but, if that was JB's intent/justification, he was waaay off base. 


"If your brother sins, go and show him his fault in private; if he listens to you, you have won your brother.But if they will not listen, take one or two others along, so that 'every matter may be established by the testimony of two or three witnesses."

  • Love 2

So OK - new question. How much longer will TLC keep us waiting regarding the show? Will they officially cancel soon? In several months? Never officially cancel but just never bring it back? Or will they continue with it?

I have a sickening feeling that there won't be an official cancellation, not until they get to test out spin-offs and/or specials.  I want to say that I'm shocked, but that would really be stupid of me considering Discovery Comm has had zero qualms about putting this family on tv with a positive spin for nearly a decade.  My hope, at least, is that the media in general will cease playing along with it.  No more celebrating them with magazine covers as though their lifestyle isn't horrifying and dangerous.  I think if the media begins to act even a tiny bit responsibly, maybe we can get these families and others like them off of tv (at least when they are displayed in a celebratory way).  Though, I'm not holding my breath that the media will be responsible.  

  • Love 6

The thing is, I see a lot of anti-Duggar feeling out there, but a great deal of it comes from people who say bluntly, "I never watched the show..."

TLC has no reason to listen to any of their opinions. That includes nearly everyone speaking in the media (including Megyn Kelly.)

Yes, they are going to lose viewership. Probably a pretty big drop off. But they picked up a pretty big chunk due to the weddings/first babies. Is it going to go back to original levels pre-Jill/Jessa courting or lower? Could it stay high due to the freak factor? They don't know.

Yes, comparisons have been made to HBB, but if the Duggars agree to basically boot Josh out of their public lives for the show (which I think they would do) it's not as easy a comparison to make.

I think until they have real numbers (ie, by doing a special) TLC will hedge its bets.

  • Love 4

A spin-off with anyone from this family will not work because they are way too intertwined. What are we going to do? Watch Jill change diapers all day? Watch Jessa play in the mirror or use the restaurant gift cards she got as wedding gifts? They don't have lives outside of the bubble that is their family. They don't have real friends and, with the exception of Derrick, they don't have careers outside of Duggar, LLC. 


I understand that many of us have grown some sort of affection for the girls and don't feel that they should have to suffer because their parents/brother screwed up, but we have to be realistic. 

Edited by Marigny
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They'll probably have to marry off Jana and Jinger to retain the viewers.  Jessa's birth will draw people in, but then I see viewership dropping again.  I doubt Josiah's wedding will pull in the viewers that the female side did.  There was a hefty drop off from Jill's wedding to Jessa's and by the fifth wedding it will be been there done that unless they can find some new twist to interject.  


I can't imagine what a spin off of Jessa and Jill and their families would be like unless it's merely to burn off what they had filmed for the new season with some additional footage shot and selective editing.  I can't see that holding up any better than a regular show of Cousin Amy.  Jill and Jana cooking was as labored as they could get trying to pump out an episode.  Jill and Derek in Nepal would be good for a few episodes, but then what?  


I can see TLC holding off making an announcement as they have had several shows in the past that disappeared from the schedule and no announcement was made for them ever.  They may think that's the way to go now of saying nothing and then in six months do a married daughter special to use some of the existing footage and see how that fares.  

Edited by Absolom
  • Love 4

TLC would be foolish not to be focus-grouping the hell out of a spinoff. All data from before the scandal are meaningless, so they've got to catch back up. I think Josiah and Marge would have to be part of a spinoff, too. They simply need the material, and a strong-minded non-Duggar spouse. Not that it wouldn't still be boring as hell to watch.

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Isn't the real question for TLC not whether they have viewers, but whether they have sponsors?

I have a tough time envisioning any VSE based on babies/courtships/weddings first, because any of those things would be family events and would no doubt have to include the parents, humping, trilling, and herpderping away, and second, because child abuse is possibly the one elephant in the room no sponsor wants any part of, and rightly so.

I guess we're going to find out just how low TLC is willing to stoop.

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I wonder what In Touch or Radar could come out with and is it something more then what most of us on these boards already knows. I think the biggest bombshell would be because of Jim Bob's words. Jim Bob might have had a coach or a PR team but they didn't do a great job especially concerning the robo-call. Since Michelle couldn't answer her robo-call question herself,  Jim Bob  had to interject with his description of offenders. Jim Bob said Josh was 15 so he was a child preying on a child and a pedophile is someone 16 or older. Can you imagine if someone comes forward as another victim or proof that something happen when Josh was 16 or older. That is the bombshell I think the media is looking for right now.

  • Love 1

The thing is, I see a lot of anti-Duggar feeling out there, but a great deal of it comes from people who say bluntly, "I never watched the show..."

Yes, they are going to lose viewership. Probably a pretty big drop off. But they picked up a pretty big chunk due to the weddings/first babies. Is it going to go back to original levels pre-Jill/Jessa courting or lower? Could it stay high due to the freak factor? They don't know.

You're exactly right, GEML, that a whole bunch of the negativity comes from people who've never watched the show, or at least never been dedicated to watching it. I wasn't a regular watcher - oh, all right, I wasn't a watcher at all - but I'm not sure they'd lose viewership if they keep going. I would guess viewership will go UP for a little bit.

For me, personally, having not been a watcher before, if they do continue (and, like you, I think a special will be the weather balloon) I'll WATCH it. I'll probably record it and watch it again for nuances. Then I'll read the blogs and watch it a 3rd time to compare notes. I'm not sure they can MAINTAIN viewership, but I think people will watch it with enthusiasm for awhile. (They may not admit it at Christmas parties, but they'll watch!)

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From what I've read none of the sponsors have actually pulled away, they have made claims to do so but haven't gone through with it yet. I've also desperately been looking for the article I read saying tlc is in talks about bringing honey booboo back that way they can keep the duggars. I'm going to keep searching for that but I need to finish folding laundry right now


TLC basically has two options at this point: get rid of the Duggars entirely and get some credit for (belatedly) taking the same stand against child molestation that they took with "Here Comes Honey Boo Boo or give the Dillards and Seewalds their own spin-off and then cancel it after it crashes and burns within one season (because without the Jim Bob/Michelle/Gothard freak show aspect, the daughters and their husbands just aren't interesting enough to keep the audience engaged after the first few episodes).

Edited by Albanyguy
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We know they have lost X and Y sponsors, but we don't know if they have gained A, B and C sponsors. We wouldn't have any way of knowing that until a show airs.

They would not gain a sponsor right now (unless a business or product asked to be included within an episode). If TLC put the show back on the air, blocks of advertising for the Duggar's demographic would be added back into the blocks cable networks sell. Most new advertisers might not even be aware until a backlash that they were advertising on 19 kids(or spin off). An advertiser will buy a block of 200, 300 500 ads reaching a certain demographic (lets say women 18-49) and then their ads are run on shows that have higher ratings in the demographic. Cable TV has channel blocks with the demographics, I remember there was a sports blocks with all the ESPN type channels, and TLC was with HGTV, Discovery, Lifetime, in a bundle of 10-12 channels.

I was forced due to a move to work in the advertising department of my company for about 6 months. I was surprised that business rarely questioned what shows they were advertising on and were just focused on cost and results. At  that time the TLC block was much cheaper to buy into then the ESPN block, so you could get double or triple the ads on TLC block for the same price. Many of the businesses I worked with men were deciding the ad placement and even though they wanted ESPN, they saw they value in getting 2-3 times the ads on TLC(discovery, lifetime block) and went with TLC without even knowing the shows. It was all about numbers.

  • Love 9

From what I've read none of the sponsors have actually pulled away, they have made claims to do so but haven't gone through with it yet. I've also desperately been looking for the article I read saying tlc is in talks about bringing honey booboo back that way they can keep the duggars. I'm going to keep searching for that but I need to finish folding laundry right now

TLC has snuck in a couple of honey boo boo reruns in the middle of the night. It was at 1:30-2:30 am a 10 or so days ago. Honey boo boo is on my DVR for June 22nd 9pm-midnight and June 23rd from 12am-2:30am. Can anyone else check to see if Honey boo boo is listed for June 22-23, the time might be slightly different because I live in the MST with a PST feed of TLC.

Either TLC wants to see if viewers complain or have forgotten about June & Mark? or maybe a deal with June?

  • Love 2

TLC has snuck in a couple of honey boo boo reruns in the middle of the night. It was at 1:30-2:30 am a 10 or so days ago. Honey boo boo is on my DVR for June 22nd 9pm-midnight and June 23rd from 12am-2:30am. Can anyone else check to see if Honey boo boo is listed for June 22-23, the time might be slightly different because I live in the MST with a PST feed of TLC.

Either TLC wants to see if viewers complain or have forgotten about June & Mark? or maybe a deal with June?

I just checked my tv just shows to be announced because it's to far ahead. I had read that June was going to sue for 1 mil if tlc allowed the duggars back on air and didn't put her family back on air. I do believe there is a deal at hand and if honey boo boo get any rating at all then tlc will bring the duggars (cash cows back). I personally don't like honey booboo she made southerners look like idiots. my mom lives about 30 minutes from them. They are a shame

I grew up in a world that was always boycotting this or that. What it taught me was that boycotts might make the person doing it feel better (which is a justifiable reason in its own) but it never once changed the status quo. I don't think the advertisers are too worried, to tell the truth. These aren't the days of, "This show is brought to you by...."

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I don't think the advertisers are too worried, to tell the truth. These aren't the days of, "This show is brought to you by...."


No, but it is the day of social media.  If you don't think that "survivors of incest" groups are going to raise a stink, you're mistaken.  Those brands are family friendly and NOBODY wants to be associated with a company that seemingly approves of teenagers fingering 5-year-olds.  

Edited by Bella
removed speculation that violates our rules
  • Love 15

TLC has snuck in a couple of honey boo boo reruns in the middle of the night. It was at 1:30-2:30 am a 10 or so days ago. Honey boo boo is on my DVR for June 22nd 9pm-midnight and June 23rd from 12am-2:30am. Can anyone else check to see if Honey boo boo is listed for June 22-23, the time might be slightly different because I live in the MST with a PST feed of TLC.

Either TLC wants to see if viewers complain or have forgotten about June & Mark? or maybe a deal with June?

I am also on MST with a PST feed and it is also listed.

  • Love 1

No, but it is the day of social media. If you don't think that "survivors of incest" groups are going to raise a stink, you're mistaken. Those brands are family friendly and NOBODY wants to be associated with a company that seemingly approves of teenagers fingering 5-year-olds. 

I can't speak for everyone but in my generation 20-25 most of my generation doesn't look into it that much. I actually don't know anyone except for my mom who still watches commercials. And I can't tell you how long it's been since I've seen a commercial.

TLC no longer The Learning Channel

TLC is.... Touching Little Children

You can't unthink what you just read.

You're welcome.

I always thought tlc ment tender loving care.. woop I'm behind lol

I can see a Jill & Jessa spinoff.  The issue isn't how do you do that without featuring Josh.  That's a no-brainer.  His doughy visage and poorly articulated self will most likely never appear on TLC again.  Some poor video editing intern is most likely currently trying to edit him out of the old episodes so they can put them back on the air.  The issue is Boob and Clown Car and just how much of a tolerance the general viewing audience has for them.  As far as I'm concerned, they're criminally complicit in the molestation of their own daughters (and any other victims outside the home) for covering up the crime so I'm highly biased on this.  Furthermore, would they allow their minor children to appear on the show without them?  I think that's the corollary to the first question regarding audience tolerance.  So what if the audience has no tolerance for Boob & Clown Car and they refuse for the minor children to be filmed?  Aside from a lot less footage of Josie licking things, we'd potentially be looking at the usual TLC death spiral of births, birthdays, couples retreats and expensive vacations.    


I used to have a "live and let live" attitude about the Duggars.  They're an odd bunch of religious zealots, but hey...they pay their taxes and the kids seem happy and well-adjusted.  Who am I to judge?  TLC was hardly discriminating about the freak show nature of their shows but this one, in comparison to many, was so tame.


What really started my attention about this family (I'm slow, I admit) was tuning in to the shows detailing the courtship and marriages of the two girls.  While the general feeling that TLC was clearly trying to convey was this saccharine portrayal of love in a fundamentalist Christian family, what really became apparent for me was the pure repression of females in that culture and the almost criminal lack of education pretty much all of these children have.  I couldn't stand to keep watching after Jessa's wedding.  Even if I wasn't feeling as disgusted as I was, after watching the two weddings I was struggling to see how TLC could sustain any kind of momentum with this clan and figured it would turn into an endless "Say Yes to the Duggar Dress" and fizzle out in obscurity.


Then came the pesky molestation issues.


I've learned so much from this forum, and read much more on my own about this faith/lifestyle, and now cannot fathom TLC continuing with this charade of a show about a big 'n happy Christian family at all.  Even more so, I can't imagine a Jill & Jessa spinoff knowing that, even though they're making big money from the deal, they are there as a byproduct of years of victimization by their crazy parents.  It just reeks, and the sad thing for me is that these two young women  and their equally naive husbands don't even know it.  I haven't been able to bring myself to watch TLC since this broke, and I can't imagine what the remaining, decent people who have shows on this network (there are some, right?) must be thinking and if they're second-guessing their association with the network.  

  • Love 12

You would be seeing JB/M insinuating themselves into the show to get a TV paycheck.

Showing up uninvited for dinner.

As their landlord, JB would be checking the pipes for drips during the taping.

M would come over wanting to borrow a cup of sugar.

Driving by with a carful of kids and honking.

Both standing outside the windows looking in.



NO Duggar faces on TLC forever more.

  • Love 19

As a reminder, the site's Politics Policy remains in effect.  Yes, Jim Bob is apparently running for office again. That does not make it an acceptable topic of conversation in here - unless for some mysterious reason, TLC brings the show back and it is discussed on there. Even then, it would be limited to how it was discussed on the show.

If you have any questions, please PM the mods, @SCARLETT45 and myself.

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