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The Duggars: In the Media and TLC


As a reminder, the site's Politics Policy remains in effect.  Yes, Jim Bob is apparently running for office again. That does not make it an acceptable topic of conversation in here - unless for some mysterious reason, TLC brings the show back and it is discussed on there. Even then, it would be limited to how it was discussed on the show.

If you have any questions, please PM the mods, @SCARLETT45 and myself.

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Since Jessa and Ben are now married, aren't they allowed to make their own decisions? I noticed that Jill, like Kelly Bates said in an earlier episode of her show, said that the way she and Derrick did things were different than the Duggar household, in that they go to bed and get up early. Kelly had mentioned this in regards to her married kids, that once they leave the Bates house, the married kid's house rules will be their own. So if that's the case, what's wrong with Jessa and Ben using birth control? Or if they do, are they even allowed to admit it? For the sake of the show, probably not. 

Kelly said that although there might be slight variances, the core values will still be the same. I would imagine that using BC would not be consistent with these "core values."

That outfit...WTF Jill? I read some of your comments and thought surely it couldnt be that bad...OMG- it was worse


For real though- why did she put that hideous from 1975 denim romper dress ( where can you even FIND things like that?) over an already modest long sleeve shirt and top?


Why not wear a literal potato sack. 


One of the FB comments made me LOL

"I say the duggar's should design a line of modest maternity clothing . It's obvious there isn't much to pick from ."


Edited by yogi2014L
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Amy has been posting "character" stuff on her IG the past couple of days. Now it makes sense; it was a pre-emptive strike against this article she knew was coming. Deanna has come out in support. We know what thin skins the Duggars have and that they soon will be crying PERSEKUSHUN!!!!111 A quick perusal of social media reveals that NONE of the Duggars are following her any longer (eta:on IG; all but Jessa still follow Twitter. Maybe they forgot about twitter because they all tend to use IG  these days). Jessa posted some passive-aggressive crap on her IG this morning. The Duggars have indeed reverted back into their insular world, just like Famy mentioned. No, it's not new news for anyone who watches them with a critical eye (this group), but if the leghumpers find this, they'll take sides (there is no gray in their worlds). Guess who will be left in the cold? Not the Duggar clan! 


I worry for Mary. Amy seems to be her favorite, but Boob controls her pursestrings. Will he also keep her from Amy now that she's come out "against" the family? I hope Mary puts her foot down and stops this nonsense coming from Boob's side of the fence. 

Edited by Sew Sumi
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Kelly said that although there might be slight variances, the core values will still be the same. I would imagine that using BC would not be consistent with these "core values."

I agree. Everyone changes or disregards at least some family routines when they're out on their own whether really minor, like meal choices, or slightly larger. For example, I have a nothing should stay in the sink longer than 24 hours rule (especially near the end of the week). My Mom has a nothing should stay in the sink more than 24 minutes rule. My Mom would probably like me to be quicker with my clean up, but it's my house and I'm free to make my own choices. 


On the other hand, I was raised with the core value that independence is important and that everyone should be able to take care of themselves physically and financially regardless of gender, sex or relationship status (Yup! I'm a Liberal Christian Heathen!). If I let that go, believe me, my folks would have something to say about it and even if they didn't, if you're raised with the belief that birth control is just plain wrong and against God, for example, that's unlikely to change because you're married. 

It sounds like something has happened to Amy. Maybe she found out she's not in the new season. Maybe she found out she only has a small singing talent? The virgin-pregnant in 5 seconds after marriage, and living in a bubble comments were harsh to me, which is why I mentioned that article. Meanwhile Chinderella and Bin have a video and article up about their noisy refrigerator. Totally bland and boring. Something's up.

They always have followed each other. My edit above notes that many of them probably forgot about Twitter and still follow her there. I forgot to add that I can't tell about Smuggar on twitter, since he blocked me ages ago!

I've looked at Jessa and Jill's accounts from the time they were created and they have never followed Amy that I've ever seen. Dunno about Josh and Anna, since they are following a massive number of accounts.

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Baby Dilly has totally dropped. she is carrying much lower than she was. If she makes it to March 26 I 'll be shocked. 


Jessa and Ben both said in the people article that they are not necessarily following their parents teachings of the bible, that they are going to study the bible themselves and come to their own conclusions.

The other weird thing about Fundy world is that the "Core Values" change. Here's an example from the Bates show. They talk about how as young parents they were very big into training their children and much stricter. Now, as "grandparent parents" their youngest children have a much more lenient upbringing. The training was a "core value" (listen to Michaela talk about it) but it's changed.

That happens A LOT in the fundamentalist world. Something you've been taught and believed your whole life suddenly just goes away. And it often isn't even discussed or talked about, it simply faded away.

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Looks like Jana and a midwife team will be delivering Jill's baby at home. Ben's got an associate degree and wants to be a pastor. Mary is Ben and Jessa's landlord. I guess JB is trying to take the heat off himself about the mold by saying his mom is the landlord. Keeping it klassy. And lucky Jinger got to spend some time with momsie and popsie in Ohio where the Duggars were speaking at a church. John David was suppose to go instead.

Jana did even less in assistance with childbirth than Jill did...Jill was not certified, qualified or licensed to deliver anyone's baby. She was an apprentice in training...to assist the real one in charge, that's all...Jana was a doula, someone who aided in comfort for the laboring mother...THAT"S ALL, encouraging words, brought ice chips, a pillow, that kind of stuff..I wouldn't want my sister or any family members, but my husband to see my privates...that's the truth. These women have no privacy in their bodies, but you can't see their knees or shoulders when walking around in broad daylight in public...Didn't poor Anna have a male crew there filming her in her most private moments? Sure she did; shame on them for doing that to her, Michelle too, she simply enjoyed the fuss being about her...let's see just how happy Jim Bob is for his Jilly Muffin to have a male crew film his daughter while filming "where the sun don't shine"...step up to the plate derickdillard and assert yourself.

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So, THIS is the way the Duggar boys have fun on a snow day? Ruin the car's tires, drive irresponsibly and quite possibly roll over in a wreck hurting not only themselves physically, but wrecking the cars? Just whose official vehicle is Josh driving with "pull over lights" and all? If this is county property being used like that, I think someone in that municipality or county voted for the wrong guy, John David. Their equipment is being abused for personal play. I don't get those boys' humor AT ALL.

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Jessa and Ben are thinking about purchasing a TV and watch Andy Griffith online. I wonder what they'll watch besides cooking shows and football. Funny that Jessa is all Susie Homemaker now.

I'm glad Ben finished community college (even though I want more proof), not happy he's still working for JB.

I sincerely doubt he got an Associates' degree. He just started school four semesters ago, and as far as we know, did not attend summer school to be able to finish in three semesters, one of which he spent two weeks gallivanting around AR and France on his honeymoon. He *could* be finishing up an associates' this spring, but the wording makes is appear that he got his degree in three semesters. Let's see if he transfers to UofA, which was his original intention. Time will tell, I suppose. Given that he posted more guilt-tripped fire and brimstone stuff about lust today, I have a feeling he's having trouble sexing it up. He has deeper issues to work out, apparently. 


#BadSexHypothesis lives! 

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I have doubts about him finishing, doubts about any school that would grant him a degree for as little as it appears he does, and sure as hell wouldn't want a 19 yr old pastor, or even a kid that age studying the field yet.  What did he do, twitter or Facebook something today that was offensive as always from the oh so wise teenager.  I have a heart that purposes to drip disrespect for him.

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Amy Duggar Reveals Secret Conflict With Strict Uncle Jim Bob: ‘He’s Not Going To Control Me’




I must say I find it refreshing to have a Duggar who speaks their own truth!

Edited by kaleidoscope

I KNEW something happened with Amy. She could've told Jim Bob she's tired of seeing pictures of him kissing, too. I bet all the Chinessa/Dilly attention has left her totally on the cutting room floor. She's 'tried going to Nashville, to be a singer' for a few years and nobody wants to see it anymore. I kind of hope she drops a few more bombshells about the Duggars. Bring on the tell all.

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Duggars Go Wild   I hope Josh is not using JD's patrol vehicle in this video. I cannot understand why people would vote JD for constable.




Have wondered the same myself. Something tells me he was unopposed. Or maybe "constable" in their area is one of those lame positions that is often - or usually -  vacant because no one else is the least bit interested in doing it. Being a Duggar, he certainly had time for it, that's for sure...

I take issue with Amy going to the press because it seems like she's doing it for media attention, not because she's genuinely concerned for her cousins. I just find it tacky. Some fights aren't worth it when it comes to family - IMO, this is one of them. Amy should live her life and make no apologies for it. But going to the press...tacky.

Edited by trimthatfat

The press may have come to her. The article from Friday was a lot more detailed, and Deanna posted to social media almost immediately, backing her daughter. They knew the first article was going to be published and when; Amy posted a ton of pre-emptive stuff about being her own woman before the article even ran. Today, Amy posted an old pic of her with Jessa, Jana, and Jinger on IG. Now I know why...more damage control. 


No social media response from the Duggars today, after they really circled the wagons on Friday against her. I'd say this is the final nail in the coffin, her death knell w/r/t Boob and access to her younger cousins. They may well even try to keep Jana and Joy from her. That will be interesting to see. 


One thing about the article itself: I wish Famy would give up the 28 year-old virgin act. 

Edited by Sew Sumi
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Why wouldn't she comment about this stuff? It's the truth, and in the scheme of things, pretty harmless information that most of the world already knew about the Duggars. It's the DUGGARS who are butthurt about this; truth hurts. And let's face it, they get touchy anytime references Gothard, or their insular lifestyle, are made. That's not AMY'S fault. That's something that Boob has to deal with, having  chosen to lead his family down that path. He is trying to have it both ways by deceiving a portion of the public who still doesn't know about Gothard. 


Thankfully, this stuff has had very little impact on social media. Very few people are even aware that Amy has said these things, so to be honest, publicly, no harm, no foul. Unfortunately, I imagine she's burned her last bridge with him. As I said on Friday, I hope Mary speaks out here; I think she's the only one who can fix whatever issues arise internally from this. 

Edited by Sew Sumi
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I just don't think Amy's intentions were genuine and that makes this a shitty thing in my book. What is there to be gained from sharing this information? She gets a little publicity from a shitty gossip blog (since that's mostly want she wants - fame) and that's it. I don't like Jim Bob at all, but Amy needs to have a seat. I actually like her, but I do not think she did this to help her cousins. Her concern doesn't seem to come from a place of concern and that's where she loses me. But I'll agree to disagree and move on.

Edited by trimthatfat

Sometimes when you are really close to a situation, you lose things like the fact that they don't like being called insular, etc. I think she *knows* it, but doesn't really know how touchy they are when it's brought up in conversation. Why? Because she's never talked about it with them. 


Amy's not the sharpest tool in the drawer. I can totally see her overlooking this, and I agree, much of this has to do with her recent high on fame. She just got back from filming in Nashville and doing something that's still under wraps in LA. She knew that *something* wasn't totally right; her Instagram began piling up with "I am such a cool individual" posts, in addition to "keep strong" type bible quotes even before the article broke. Once Jessa found it, Deanna came out in Amy's defense. Now THAT is the move I found interesting in all this, because Deanna really didn't have to do anything. 


But as I said before, there was no war for the fans, who would have sided with the "can never do wrong" Duggars over Cousin Oliver. Amy still has her fans, with no ripples of this reverberating on her social media AT ALL, so this event seems to have totally bypassed the leghumpers. 

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Personally, I think that Amy has an almost desperate need for attention and affection -- a trait she shares with her uncle. I don't think she's a fame-whore like the Kardashians, I think she just desperately wants to be noticed.


And, I find Amy cute and bubbly and like-able. As much as she wants to be noticed, it must be frustrating that her dull-as-dishwater cousins get all the attention.


I also think that she has been extremely diplomatic in her public statements about the Duggars -- I haven't seen anything other than mild statements of "I'm a Christian, but I don't live like they do." Maybe there is some other article people are talking about, but the link posted here implied real dissension in the headline, but the actual article was pretty tame.


Personally, I think Amy is a bit adrift in life -- she wants a relationship and marriage, but she wants to be an independent career woman. While I don't think she is a great singer, I think that she is good enough that she could have a career in Christian music, or in Branson, or as a cruise ship singer. The problem is that that would required a lot of work and dedication, and I don't think she has that in her. I think that all of the Duggars have a problem with that, and I don't think there's one of them who can sit still, and concentrate, and work on something that takes more than a few days or weeks to complete. There are a lot of ideas, and the starting of a lot of projects, but not a lot of finishing (the TTH -- which would never have been finished without TLC, the greenhouse, Josh going to law school, Jana's doula training, Jill's midwife training, etc.).


YMMV, but I don't think she's even come close to burning her bridges with JB and clan. I think that JB really cares about her, and it wouldn't surprise me if this wasn't a bit of rudimentary marketing to keep her in the public eye.

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What's the big deal in what Amy said? It wasn't anything that we already didn't know. The Duggars also know that Amy and family don't follow their belief system at all, other than believing in Jesus. They apply that differently to their own lifestyles...No shock to the Duggars, just more publicity, IMO. This is a "fake" family argument, one that the Jordans and the Duggars are in together for the press.

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I do not know what scare me more, the Duggars praying to God their show will encourage and bless others, or people actually believe the crap they like to spread around. https://www.facebook.com/duggarfamilyofficial/posts/607841622682824

Well, they encourage me, so that makes one anyway. [snip]

Edited by Rhondinella
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As a reminder, the site's Politics Policy remains in effect.  Yes, Jim Bob is apparently running for office again. That does not make it an acceptable topic of conversation in here - unless for some mysterious reason, TLC brings the show back and it is discussed on there. Even then, it would be limited to how it was discussed on the show.

If you have any questions, please PM the mods, @SCARLETT45 and myself.

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