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The Duggars: In the Media and TLC


As a reminder, the site's Politics Policy remains in effect.  Yes, Jim Bob is apparently running for office again. That does not make it an acceptable topic of conversation in here - unless for some mysterious reason, TLC brings the show back and it is discussed on there. Even then, it would be limited to how it was discussed on the show.

If you have any questions, please PM the mods, @SCARLETT45 and myself.

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How scripted. Maybe Josh is going to live in the tree house?

One has to wonder if the Duggars are ripping off Treehouse Masters on Animal Planet. One also has to wonder who's doing the math on the treehouse design -- as demonstrated by the aforementioned show, it takes quite a bit of engineering and carpentry experience to build a treehouse more than a couple of young children could visit. I also seem to remember that Arkansas does not have the most stringent code enforcement, either.


Imagine the excitement in the executive suite when TLC gets a three-part special out of the super-fun visit to the emergency room or surgery.

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Huckabuck gets pissy with woman who's irked with him for defending the Duggs' indefensible response to Josh's molestation issues. She doesn't know the wonderful Duggars -- who have one "evil" child, but mostly a thousand wonderful ones, he says -- while he does! Huck says.



I watched him and I couldn't believe my eyes and ears. 

I am not sure this is true.

I'm not sure either. I really know nothing except we have comcast, yet we were a Neilsen family, and they wanted us to do it again. And it was clear to them we had cable. 

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How scripted. Maybe Josh is going to live in the tree house?


Good for her.


I bet TLC paid for that. I don't see the Duggars spending that kind of money on something as worthless as their own children.


Plus ça change, plus c'est la même chose for the carlot. Josh got the old job back.


Wow. That sounds like riveting viewing. Buying lumber. And the car lot returns.


And what a lot of birthday fun for Jana, age 26. (and John David, really.) .... Don't those children have, uh, parents? What the hell kind of parents send their 26-year-old kids out on this kind of errand -- on those kids' frigging birthday?

One has to wonder if the Duggars are ripping off Treehouse Masters on Animal Planet. One also has to wonder who's doing the math on the treehouse design -- as demonstrated by the aforementioned show, it takes quite a bit of engineering and carpentry experience to build a treehouse more than a couple of young children could visit. I also seem to remember that Arkansas does not have the most stringent code enforcement, either.


Imagine the excitement in the executive suite when TLC gets a three-part special out of the super-fun visit to the emergency room or surgery.


Maybe this is what they're counting on. Because absent some sort of catastrophe this could be one of the most boring shows yet. And that's saying something.


Maybe there's a fundie carpenter sniffing around Jana? Because they seem pretty excited lately about showcasing her power-tool skills.....

Edited by Churchhoney
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Wow. That sounds like riveting viewing. Buying lumber. And the car lot returns.

And what a lot of birthday fun for Jana, age 26. (and John David, really.) .... Don't those children have, uh, parents? What the hell kind of parents send their 26-year-old kids out on this kind of errand -- on those kids' frigging birthday ?

Parents, or at least a lucid father, who know that deep down, viewers hate their guts.
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Maybe this is what they're counting on. Because absent some sort of catastrophe this could be one of the most boring shows yet. And that's saying something.


Maybe there's a fundie carpenter sniffing around Jana? Because they seem pretty excited lately about showcasing her power-tool skills.....

Fundie carpenters: The Benham Brothers, right? Whose show was cancelled before its first episode?


One must wonder if TLC is doubling down and bringing in even more fundies. Fundies are good for ratings, aren't they?

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I watched him and I couldn't believe my eyes and ears. 

I'm not sure either. I really know nothing except we have comcast, yet we were a Neilsen family, and they wanted us to do it again. And it was clear to them we had cable. 

We were a Neilsen family too, way after we were on the cable....

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We were a Neilsen family too, way after we were on the cable....

I filled out 2 Nielsen books less than 3 years ago, I think. Pain in the ass. I was suckered in by two (2) real dollar bills!

I have a difficut time believing that cable/satellite/streaming sources cannot be raped, er, reaped for/of data.

I would guess they are paying the highest bidder.

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I'm not sure either. I really know nothing except we have comcast, yet we were a Neilsen family, and they wanted us to do it again. And it was clear to them we had cable.

I assume that some or maybe all advertisers want the numbers verified by an independent body which is what Nielsen provides.

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I filled out 2 Nielsen books less than 3 years ago, I think. Pain in the ass. I was suckered in by two (2) real dollar bills!

I have a difficut time believing that cable/satellite/streaming sources cannot be raped, er, reaped for/of data.

I would guess they are paying the highest bidder.

Well, my family will mess them up. My husband makes a sport out of not watching commercials. He records shows, movies and games. He pauses shows movies and games and "saves up fast forward time". It really irks him if he watches something On Demand and the fast forward option is disabled or only goes to two arrows in fast forward speed. I can't remember the last time I've watched anything Duggar at the original air time.

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Well, my family will mess them up. My husband makes a sport out of not watching commercials. He records shows, movies and games. He pauses shows movies and games and "saves up fast forward time". It really irks him if he watches something On Demand and the fast forward option is disabled or only goes to two arrows in fast forward speed. I can't remember the last time I've watched anything Duggar at the original air time.

I can relate! I thought everyone did this now.

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I guess I missed a lot, but no where did I see it noted that the twins were at the lumberyard on their birthdays (a couple of days before is what I read) nor any comment on what they were wearing.  Nobody at the lumberyard reported the clothes the twins wearing.  Also, I know I maybe came from a screwed up family, but we always worked on our birthdays or went to school if school was in session.  Sometimes birthdays were even celebrated on a day other than the actual day, and a big hoopla was not anticipated.  BFD

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Not likely. I'm sure JD flew his parents to tonight's GOP "debate" in South Carolina. The senior Duggars were pictured there tonight with Sam's manager and Duggar sycophant...err... fellow church member Joe Donaldson. 


eta: Forgot the link. Mechelle's shirt reads Bingo Night at the retirement home, but damn if my 83 year old MIL would think that's too much. 



Edited by Sew Sumi
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Were they at the little debate (Huckabee) or the Main Event?  The picture didn't print, and it had to be a joke to wear a shirt like that.  I can see them getting some major stink-eye at even the Huck debate, don't know who they would have prayed with to get tickets to the main event.  Ordinarily you'd think they slept with somebody, but we know that isn't the case.  Was it some campaign event in the last few days where somebody reamed out Huckabee over the Duggers?  Can't they just go to ground?  Please.  I'm praying' here.  

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Remember, the plane was in Milwaukee when there was a debate there in November, then detoured to Rockford (after which they flew home in that horrific storm). Donaldson was at that one, too, and bragged about it, so they are seeing the "big boys." No doubt about that at all in my mind. 

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Remember, the plane was in Milwaukee when there was a debate there in November, then detoured to Rockford (after which they flew home in that horrific storm). Donaldson was at that one, too, and bragged about it, so they are seeing the "big boys." No doubt about that at all in my mind. 


Well, I guess that  demonstrates that somebody's surveying really shows how many Americans still madly embrace the Duggars and their way of life. Otherwise, I don't see why "family values" politicians would so busily embrace a family that pops out a million kids then pretty much totally ignores them, including shoving their perpetration of and victimizing by intra-family sexual molestation under the rug.


Oh, wait. I forgot. Duggar lovers think they're fabulous parents. ..... The 26-year-old kids -- still living at home with no jobs or lives or friends or families of their own -- have to take the younger kids out alone to buy a treehouse, while mom is who knows where?  Fainting on the couch under the confusing influence of her tranquillizers and her Starbucks -- preparatory to whipping off to a national political debate? Not "homeschooling" her other kids, certainly, since she had to import somebody from another state to do that. And, really, it's great that 26-year-olds are still full-time babysitters and chauffeurs while the actual parents include their last names when they sign birthday wishes to their kids.


I swear, this disgusting family somehow throws a magic spell over their audience.

Edited by Churchhoney
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It's the magic of white Christian privilege! Take away their religious beliefs, the TLC money and change their skin color and those same politicians would call the Duggars uneducated, unemployed, over-breeding family taking from the gubmint and good, honest hardworking, tax-paying folk.


(Ooh, I'm cranky today!)

That's not crankiness, that's just plain accurate. Those same politicians would also use the two Joshgates to back up their talk about what an immoral threat to American values the Duggars are. Since Josh is rich, white, obese and "Christian", though, Jesus forgave him, and it's totally CONFOUNDING as to why there are so many haterz who don't want to see them on TV and are trying to ruin it for everyone else. I mean sure, he molested his sisters and banged hookers, but he's WHITE. And CHRISTIAN. And the family is so precious and darling! *punches drywall*

Edited by Aja
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WTF do the Duggars think they have ANY political clout left. They are poision,  absolutely radioactive, and that's never going to change. No candidate will ever go near them again. Even Santorum dumped them.

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Back to the tree house. With the Duggars' rules of no little children being left unattended or alone with each other, how is the tree house going to work? Is it allowed now because the youngest are all girls (except for the littlest J-boy)? Will they post a "No boys allowed" sign and really mean it? And who will tell them not to bounce to a song they might sing? Are any of the little girls a Jill.2?

Is Jana going to be required to move her desk in there?

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Back to the tree house. With the Duggars' rules of no little children being left unattended or alone with each other, how is the tree house going to work? Is it allowed now because the youngest are all girls (except for the littlest J-boy)? Will they post a "No boys allowed" sign and really mean it? And who will tell them not to bounce to a song they might sing? Are any of the little girls a Jill.2?

Is Jana going to be required to move her desk in there?

Back to the tree house. With the Duggars' rules of no little children being left unattended or alone with each other, how is the tree house going to work? Is it allowed now because the youngest are all girls (except for the littlest J-boy)? Will they post a "No boys allowed" sign and really mean it? And who will tell them not to bounce to a song they might sing? Are any of the little girls a Jill.2?

Is Jana going to be required to move her desk in there?

Good point. I've always wondered if some of those TLC installed cameras aren'

t put to secondary use by JB. It will be interesting to see the Duggs talk about how they are going to use it. Michelle always acts like her kids are all grown so I'll bet that they will say its for the grandkids.

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WTF do the Duggars think they have ANY political clout left. They are poision,  absolutely radioactive, and that's never going to change. No candidate will ever go near them again. Even Santorum dumped them.

WTF do the Duggars think they have ANY political clout left. They are poision,  absolutely radioactive, and that's never going to change. No candidate will ever go near them again. Even Santorum dumped them.

That seems to be so, but then how the heck are they getting into the debates? Who's asking them there? They've come from a distance so they're not the local crowd that I assume is intended to be kind of the core of each audience. So they must be getting some kind of particular invite to get in. So from whom? And why why why?

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I want to personally thank you for this. It was so hilarious!

And the tot on that tater casserole is the still photo of Mechelle in that I-am-a-pecking-chicken vid.

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Not likely. I'm sure JD flew his parents to tonight's GOP "debate" in South Carolina. The senior Duggars were pictured there tonight with Sam's manager and Duggar sycophant...err... fellow church member Joe Donaldson.

eta: Forgot the link. Mechelle's shirt reads Bingo Night at the retirement home, but damn if my 83 year old MIL would think that's too much.


That links dead now, here's the original.


I guess the party couldn't refuse JimBob access due to membership and his former state senator thing, and everyone else is his guest.

Michelle's top is very Grandma Yetta.

Edited by Kokapetl
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That characteristically- Fundie-Frump church goin' chick who refused to sign KY gay marriage licenses was also invited. Republicans refuse to get out of bed with the evangelical vote and will say and do anything to court their vote.

In other words, they don't believe the Duggars are poison. We may think they are, but if that's true, the message certainly hasn't gotten through to candidates and their handlers and, presumably, their party.

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That links dead now, here's the original.25fip8z.jpg

I guess the party couldn't refuse JimBob access due to membership and his former state senator thing, \


I don't think that can possibly be.

The number of tickets available to these things are very limited. These are relatively small venues, for the most part (for a country of over 300 million).

And most of the tickets seem to be at the disposal of the state GOP for each event -- so Jim Bob's having been a one-term Arkansas house member isn't going to help him one bit in scoring a ticket to events in Wisconsin and South Carolina. There are hundreds and hundreds of former -- and current -- GOP officials in each of those states, many of whom likely want tickets, too. And many of whom would very likely be favored by the state parties to score the tickets, since getting them into the debate gets them into proximity of a large number of the party big dogs -- and thus in a position to get themselves some influence with those people and, along with it, hopefully increased influence for their state and their state party.

He's exerting some much bigger influence that that somehow. And I can only imagine that it comes -- still -- from his TeeVee fame. And, yes, his presumed political influence.

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This Donaldson guy has been at the debates as well. AFAIK, the guy is a manager at Sam's (fundie) Furniture in Fayetteville (Springdale? somewhere local for the Duggars). He's the connection who brought Sierra to the Duggars; Sierra's husband also works at Sam's. But I have no clue how he scores invites; he's not the owner of Sam's, and seems to be pretty much an average Joe based on his Instagram.

I wonder why FJ took that post down? They don't tag people on purpose to try and fly under the radar. I checked and he hasn't blocked FJ, so this is strange. Next time, I'll scroll down more and find the original source for my links. :D

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Why waste tickets on Boob & MEchelle? I'm sure these two (at least MEchelle) don't have a clue about the questions that are asked or what is going on in the world. This isn't the place they can "share their testimony™" Just my opinion....

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Why waste tickets on Boob & MEchelle? I'm sure these two (at least MEchelle) don't have a clue about the questions that are asked or what is going on in the world. This isn't the place they can "share their testimony™" Just my opinion....

It's a dog whistle to those who believe the Duggars have been "victimized" and those who "want to take their country back".


This did not happen by accident.

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The Republican Party seems to be having factional problems at the moment. If the tickets were allocated by a lottery, that would explain how JimBob is there not as a guest, and he probably took soul patch, tartan, and sequins as his guests.

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The Republican Party seems to be having factional problems at the moment. If the tickets were allocated by a lottery, that would explain how JimBob is there not as a guest, and he probably took soul patch, tartan, and sequins as his guests.


I'm not buying it. He didn't win lotteries for tickets in two states. That's way too much of a fluke. Actually, I don't think His Royal Unjustified Arrogance would even deign to enter a lottery that would allow just anybody to get in. Somebody with influence gave him tickets. They know there are lots of leghumpers out there, and having pictures get out of Blessed Jizm Boob and Blessed Clown Car on site can't hurt with that crowd, from whom they need votes.

Edited by Churchhoney
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I guess some tea party person with a seat could've given him the tickets, the tea party is not known for giving a shit about their own party at the federal level, they're concerned only about what will appeal to their local constituents.

Jimbob's lanyard though, he's not a guest.

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I guess some tea party person with a seat could've given him the tickets, the tea party is not known for giving a shit about their own party at the federal level, they're concerned only about what will appeal to their local constituents.

Jimbob's lanyard though, he's not a guest.

All four of them have lanyards.

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I guess some tea party person with a seat could've given him the tickets, the tea party is not known for giving a shit about their own party at the federal level, they're concerned only about what will appeal to their local constituents.

Jimbob's lanyard though, he's not a guest.


I can't see Jim Bob's lanyard. (which is driving me crazy) Can you tell anything that's on it? ... The sliver I can see looks a little different, but I can't really tell -- and those lanyards sometimes have different things on the back and on the front, or slightly different symbols for people who really are kind of in the same category. ... Like one person who's the guest in whose name the tickets were awarded gets one symbol and that person's retinue gets other stuff..... And I can't imagine what in the heck he would be other than a guest. He's certainly not a speaker, a staff member, a media member, etc. .... What are you thinking he is, if not a guest?

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Donaldson, his wife, and Boob also appear to be wearing TWO lanyards. Mechelle appears to just have the one with the plain black, but not the striped hanger. Maybe she stashed the other one in her purse because it wasn't needed at the time, and she's a vain bitch? 

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Maybe Michelle's missing/disappearing back muscle prevents her from being able to wear a lanyard.

There are plenty of people who are still instant that the Liberal Media was out to get the innocent Duggars and outing Josh is more evil than what josh actually did. I don't think it is a stretch to think JimBob was invited.

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