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The Duggars: In the Media and TLC


As a reminder, the site's Politics Policy remains in effect.  Yes, Jim Bob is apparently running for office again. That does not make it an acceptable topic of conversation in here - unless for some mysterious reason, TLC brings the show back and it is discussed on there. Even then, it would be limited to how it was discussed on the show.

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Has it been confirmed that TLC production is present? Is TLC in Guatemala?

Or are these nutjobs just filming every freaking thing they do hoping for a deal?

The film crew flew to Guatemala with the Dullards. I have no clue how long they stayed, but they did a lot of visits that first week when Cathy was with them. Maybe that's all TLC would spring for?

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I'm out of the loop! I hate being out of the loop.

People have short memories and that's what TLC is banking/hedging on.

I keep thinking, If they let sorry excuse of flesh BountyDog back on... But, geesh, Josh?

Time will tell.

Thanks for info.

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When is that People Mag going to get the message?  All of the online comments on Jessa & Ben are totally negative.  


I'm beginning to wonder whether it isn't just so much easier for People and the other mags to get copy and "scoops" related to reality-show celebs rather than I-do-something-to-earn-my-fame celebs that they're willing to run tons of the reality-show crap for whatever page views they bring, and the heck with any other considerations.

Derick and Miz Cathy were seen being filmed in a Guatemalan shoe shop



Well, at least it's another serious activity aimed at helping people. Oh, wait ....

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Dammit, then why won't it work on the Kardashians?



Ha.  The Kardashians sell tangible product, or try to, questionable though they may be as people and designers, which can be evaluated on its own irrespective of any feelings the wearer has about the designer.  


The Dugs, sell cult of personality alone (they ain't got one).

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This spring and summer, Duggar stories almost always made the top five, no matter the content. Jessa, although she looks good in the photos, doesn't seem to have the same pulling power.


But even so, the Duggar's pockets are being lined nicely I'm sure. I wonder if JimBob is getting a cut from those stories or if all the money goes to the Seeworlds and Dullards, respectively.


I imagine she might've before the whole Josh mess.


I also agree with you, I'm quite sure people are making money and/or a LOT of freebies off of all this. Probably both. It's kind of sickening.

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Kevin Swanson's over-the-top "I would rub cow manure on myself" sermon from this week's Iowa conference is certainly getting press. Attacking Harry Potter is so years-ago and Jesus-Camp, so let's attack ...."How to Train your Dragon?" What the huh?

Wonder if the coverage will remind people of Swanson's Duggar remarks from May?



Edited by cheatincheetos
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Yep, looks like some of the media coverage on Swanson is bringing up the Duggar-related remarks again, and apparently he mentioned them again this weekend.




"Speaking at the National Religious Liberties Conference over the weekend, a swaying, panting Swanson said, in a video posted by Right Wing Watch, that the “Quiverfull” movement is one of the most persecuted in the country."


“I’ve never seen anybody receive such persecution, at least in this country, as the Full Quiver folks,” Swanson said.

The statement came after Swanson said Playboy, Penthouse, “illegitimate divorces” and birth control could be “blamed” for same-sex marriage.

“Some of the greatest preachers in America are saying contraception was a problem from the beginning,” Swanson said.

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Yep, looks like some of the media coverage on Swanson is bringing up the Duggar-related remarks again, and apparently he mentioned them again this weekend.




"Speaking at the National Religious Liberties Conference over the weekend, a swaying, panting Swanson said, in a video posted by Right Wing Watch, that the “Quiverfull” movement is one of the most persecuted in the country."


“I’ve never seen anybody receive such persecution, at least in this country, as the Full Quiver folks,” Swanson said.

The statement came after Swanson said Playboy, Penthouse, “illegitimate divorces” and birth control could be “blamed” for same-sex marriage.

“Some of the greatest preachers in America are saying contraception was a problem from the beginning,” Swanson said.

Proclaiming a link between birth control and same sex marriage suggests that maybe he doesn't understand how that all works.

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Proclaiming a link between birth control and same sex marriage suggests that maybe he doesn't understand how that all works.

Exactly. Apparently all those dang homersexuals need to stop using birth control so they'll have enough babies for the big, big army we need 20 years from now to stop Russia, China and all the Mooz-lems without having to draft any rich people's kids (or allow women to serve in combat)


Less flippantly, I suppose he sees homosexuality and birth control both as parts of some larger war on "be fruitful and multiply" (somehow I don't think there were over 7 billion people in the world back when the Bible was written).

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I really wish the advice Jill had given Jessa about being a mother would have been to have the baby in a hospital or birthing center with certified nurse midwives.

I suspect Jessa wishes the same thing. Although she is probably blaming the devil for things going wrong, so in Duggar Land

it wouldn't have made much difference. .

I'm beginning to wonder whether it isn't just so much easier for People and the other mags to get copy and "scoops" related to reality-show celebs rather than I-do-something-to-earn-my-fame celebs that they're willing to run tons of the reality-show crap for whatever page views they bring, and the heck with any other considerations.


..Right, churchhoney. Let the inmates run the asylum!

Anyone who looks to these people for guidance must get dizzy after a while. Eat at Chik-fil-A because the mean gays are picking on it, oops, no, boycott Chik-fil-A because it's now sponsoring gay film festivals

There aren't any Chik-fil-a places around here, but I'd boycott just because of the spelling.

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Yep, looks like some of the media coverage on Swanson is bringing up the Duggar-related remarks again, and apparently he mentioned them again this weekend.




"Speaking at the National Religious Liberties Conference over the weekend, a swaying, panting Swanson said, in a video posted by Right Wing Watch, that the “Quiverfull” movement is one of the most persecuted in the country."


“I’ve never seen anybody receive such persecution, at least in this country, as the Full Quiver folks,” Swanson said.

The statement came after Swanson said Playboy, Penthouse, “illegitimate divorces” and birth control could be “blamed” for same-sex marriage.

“Some of the greatest preachers in America are saying contraception was a problem from the beginning,” Swanson said.

It seems almost impossible that this guy isn't being a jerk on purpose.  I keep expecting a theme from some comedy show to start playing while he walks off stage and says - just kidding everyone!  He just can't be that much of a jerk, yet he is.

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It's interesting, the people that support the Duggars in general. 


Leg humpers and right wing nut jobs. Has anyone mainstream supported them?

I can't imagine who, although the Today Show had them on TV for every pregnancy from Jackson on down, I believe, including Anna's first 2 or 3.

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It's interesting, the people that support the Duggars in general. 


Leg humpers and right wing nut jobs. Has anyone mainstream supported them?

Kevin Swanson is so Anti American.   He literally despises American culture and makes no secret of it.  He hates America.  God is going to punish America for homosexuality, abortion, Harry Potter, Country Music, birth control.  Yet he 'preaches' (rants like a maniac) in front of a sign that says Freedom.  If he doesn't like America he should leave.  He's more anti American than most terrorists.  He wants parents to drown for letting their kids read Harry Potter.  Country Music radio stations are going to be punished by God!  He's a raving lunatic who needs to be put on some Homeland Security Watch list.   

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I hope Josh makes a massive pile of money with a new TLC exposé.


The adult kids and their spouses should feel like idiots if they ever allow themselves to be trotted out on stage again, Dion quint style, for media. The media ride just feels like it is ending. Like when radio stations want to rid themselves of a hit and 'kill' the song by overplaying it. The Duggars just don't have anything without the frumpers and the 19 kids that should keep audiences intrigued with them. Aaaand Soooo yeah  They NEED a gay Dugger or another scandal to keep this thing rolling.


One thing Jessa is learning from keeping her mouth shut and controlling the information leaked, is that it draws interest.. Shut up Duggars!

Edited by sometimesy
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I can't imagine who, although the Today Show had them on TV for every pregnancy from Jackson on down, I believe, including Anna's first 2 or 3.

I used to wake up with the Today Show. I could change that channel in one note with a Duggar introduction.

Yet here I am.

They are oddities. Except there are so many of them.

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The Counting On specials discussion will be in the Special subforum at the top of the forum page.


Sorry, Mods. I can't find the right forum. Would it be possible to get a link?  :-/



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See the subforum circled. A topic can/will be created there.



Ah. Thank you. I looked for it there and didn't see it, not understanding that the topic could/would be created there in the future.

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God is going to punish America for homosexuality, abortion, Harry Potter, Country Music, birth control.  Yet he 'preaches' (rants like a maniac) in front of a sign that says Freedom.  If he doesn't like America he should leave.  He's more anti American than most terrorists.  He wants parents to drown for letting their kids read Harry Potter.  

Do you think this guy is aware that Harry Potter isn't even American? 

Proclaiming a link between birth control and same sex marriage suggests that maybe he doesn't understand how that all works.

This is how they see it: The proliferation of birth control is seen as contributing to more freedom/independence for women, which leads to a breakdown in traditional gender roles, which leads to increased acceptance of homosexuality since homosexuality by its very nature subverts those roles, which leads to same-sex marriage. 


Flawless logic. 

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Do you think this guy is aware that Harry Potter isn't even American? 



I have a weird feeling that he has a thing for Harry Potter.  The books are sold in America so America must be punished!  I think he's blaming America for his crush on Harry.

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I suspect Jessa wishes the same thing. Although she is probably blaming the devil for things going wrong, so in Duggar Land

it wouldn't have made much difference. .

There aren't any Chik-fil-a places around here, but I'd boycott just because of the spelling.


The fundies think that IS the correct spelling...

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Amen! When woman can control their own bodies the next thing you know they'll be wearing pants which inevitably lead to red Starbucks cups then the end times.


I am currently wearing pants, drinking from a red Starbucks cup, and about to go into a meeting where I will assign tasks to the men that work for me. The end times are about to begin around here apparently........

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I am currently wearing pants, drinking from a red Starbucks cup, and about to go into a meeting where I will assign tasks to the men that work for me. The end times are about to begin around here apparently........

Get thee back, Satan!!!

Meeting? As in, job? You mean you don't spend your days scouring Aldi for discounted canned goods and thinking up new and creative ways to boost your husband's fragile ego?

Edited by BitterApple
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There aren't any Chik-fil-a places around here, but I'd boycott just because of the spelling.


lol.. I boycott it for the fact that they straight up lie to customers about the use of peanut products, but the spelling's a good reason too.


I don't even know why I care but I really do wonder how Jessa's doing, both in terms of health and then mentally after the name reveal. Somehow I don't think that reveal has met with quite the "oh wow we love it!" reaction they were hoping for, for the most part.

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lol.. I boycott it for the fact that they straight up lie to customers about the use of peanut products, but the spelling's a good reason too.


I don't even know why I care but I really do wonder how Jessa's doing, both in terms of health and then mentally after the name reveal. Somehow I don't think that reveal has met with quite the "oh wow we love it!" reaction they were hoping for, for the most part.

From the comments on some of the posts it seems as though their like minded peer group likes the name and know who Spurgeon was. We are all not like minded.

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From the comments on some of the posts it seems as though their like minded peer group likes the name and know who Spurgeon was. We are all not like minded.


True on all kinds of levels. I'm pretty glad for that fact.

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Then off to RU with him!

OK, but I'm sitting through two streamed sermons at most to see if I can spot him. I draw the line at two.

I am currently wearing pants, drinking from a red Starbucks cup, and about to go into a meeting where I will assign tasks to the men that work for me. The end times are about to begin around here apparently........

Clearly when the Biblical prophets talked about "drinking from the cup of wrath" they were predicting the Satanic red evil of Starbucks. I just don't care to pay that much for one cup of wrath.

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I purpose that there's something phallic about the circle around that subforum. Get behind me, Satan...RU, SAVE ME!!!!!! 

Just pretend that it's one of Ronald Reagan's very own ICBMs, standing proudly erect for the moment it is needed to save us from the godless Soviets. Patriotic!

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