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The Duggars: In the Media and TLC


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The project, Daniels said, came together quickly "after talking with the girls and understanding that this was something they wanted to do


Translation: $$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$  in lieu of actual work like normal American folks have to do.

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Oh, man. Amy has gotta be PISSED. 


Oh, no kidding. There's a young lady who chose the wrongest time ever to burn her bridges. Which fills me with a warm glow.


Ah, the death of all our hopes. Nice.


Also, although they don't know it, the death of their long-term best interests and those of their children, in my opinion. I still believe that reality tv is the worst thing -- out of a long list -- of things that have ever happened to that family. The last thing they ever needed was to have an additional inducement to take a false view of reality and their lives.


Wonder how many people will really want to watch Jessa preparing for the birth of her first child. ... Talk about a story line with no hook whatsoever. Boring pampered idiots prepare for an event that most people on earth have also experienced....Aaaaaaaand, so what?


Well, unless they're stupider than I hope they are, each of these couples should be getting paid more than enough to put at least the 'breadwinners' through the additional education they need to earn a living. Of course, they may not think that's necessary now.

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I want to know who the sponsors are?

Me too.


And this means Dillards won't have to ask for money for their mission trips anymore, right?  They will be making enough to support themselves, right?


(I know, I know, such a stupid idea.  Of course the public "wants" to support them. )   :(

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Maybe this is TLC's way of using the footage from the "lost" season? I'm genuinely surprised they're getting specials, though I guess I shouldn't be.

Initially, I was in favor of a Jill/Jessa spinoff. Now, I don't think I'll watch. I'm interested in knowing what Ben/Jessa will name their kid. No interest in Jill/Derick's "mission." Over the few months, I've learned too much about their true personalities and personal beliefs to want to watch. I can't watch Michelle or J Bob on TV, have to fast forward. The Dillwalds have gotten to that level with me based on their social media postings. Hope their ratings aren't enough for a full blown series.

Disappointed in TLC, I left them a comment on the website.

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Well, unless they're stupider than I hope they are, each of these couples should be getting paid more than enough to put at least the 'breadwinners' through the additional education they need to earn a living. Of course, they may not think that's necessary now.


I fully expect them to take this as evidence that they can be tv stars in some capacity forever, honestly. Who needs education when the mass media already recognizes your televangelism potential at such a young age?

Maybe this is TLC's way of using the footage from the "lost" season?





They obviously already had a season in the works. They're probably just pissed that Josiah and Marjorie broke up. A courtship-and-wedding-related special might really rake in some ratings.

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Anyone who plans to boycott this program needs to write to TLC.  Even more important, we need to write to the sponsors and let them know we won't be buying their products if they support any Duggar programming.  These specials deserve to tank in the ratings.

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I am going to go out on what is probably a very unpopular limb and say I'm not sure what everyone is so upset about. Reality TV is stupid and full of ego-maniacs. That's a given no matter what they put on. So if you put that argument to the side, why wouldn't TLC do specials on Jessa and Jill. They didn't do anything wrong in terms of the sexual abuse or the sexual misconduct. They were the victims. So either we believe victims are not to blame or we don't. If Jessa and Jill are off limits because they are part of a family in which they were abused then that's blaming them for what happened. If specials on Jessa and Jill were ok before, then they need to be ok now. 

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I am going to go out on what is probably a very unpopular limb and say I'm not sure what everyone is so upset about. Reality TV is stupid and full of ego-maniacs. That's a given no matter what they put on. So if you put that argument to the side, why wouldn't TLC do specials on Jessa and Jill. They didn't do anything wrong in terms of the sexual abuse or the sexual misconduct. They were the victims. So either we believe victims are not to blame or we don't. If Jessa and Jill are off limits because they are part of a family in which they were abused then that's blaming them for what happened. If specials on Jessa and Jill were ok before, then they need to be ok now. 


I don't think the Duggar family represents a viewpoint or a lifestyle that deserves to be celebrated. I'm not basing that on Jill and Jessa's history, just what they are now and what they support. I will grant that they're not any more repugnant than the romani fiancés or the polygamists or more delusional than the gay mormons are, but I don't think most of the people on TLC should be celebrated.

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I am going to go out on what is probably a very unpopular limb and say I'm not sure what everyone is so upset about. Reality TV is stupid and full of ego-maniacs. That's a given no matter what they put on. So if you put that argument to the side, why wouldn't TLC do specials on Jessa and Jill.

I think most of us are just dubious about TLC'S real intentions. It's pretty easy to read between the lines and see what the end game is here. On a personal level, it doesn't bother me that they're back on the air I just wish the network would be honest instead of couching these specials as some type of cathartic journey for Jill and Jessa. Those two are just as much greedy famewhores as Boob and Amy.

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I don't think the Duggar family represents a viewpoint or a lifestyle that deserves to be celebrated. I'm not basing that on Jill and Jessa's history, just what they are now and what they support. I will grant that they're not any more repugnant than the romani fiancés or the polygamists or more delusional than the gay mormons are, but I don't think most of the people on TLC should be celebrated.


And I'm not saying that they should be. But that's an argument either against all of this type of programming or basically TLC in general - I actually saw a snippet of a game show on TLC the other day where a couple wins prizes by answering questions WHILE the woman is in labor and in the hospital. So yea - if the idea is don't watch TLC because their programing sucks, then fine. But before the scandals people were happily watching and snarking. The majority of calls for cancellation came because of the molestation scandal and the hypocrisy of JB/Michele in relation to that. Jessa and Jill were victims of that as sexual victims and as victims because their parents had trained them to adjust their entire lives around the show which they lost because they were molested. So if Jessa and Jill can convince TLC to put on specials about them, I don't see why they are any worse than any of the other fame obsessed people on TLC. The comments here that say Jessa and Jill's specials should be boycotted because their family covered up abuse are what bother me. That's blaming Jessa and Jill.

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And I'm not saying that they should be. But that's an argument either against all of this type of programming or basically TLC in general - I actually saw a snippet of a game show on TLC the other day where a couple wins prizes by answering questions WHILE the woman is in labor and in the hospital. So yea - if the idea is don't watch TLC because their programing sucks, then fine. But before the scandals people were happily watching and snarking. The majority of calls for cancellation came because of the molestation scandal and the hypocrisy of JB/Michele in relation to that. Jessa and Jill were victims of that as sexual victims and as victims because their parents had trained them to adjust their entire lives around the show which they lost because they were molested. So if Jessa and Jill can convince TLC to put on specials about them, I don't see why they are any worse than any of the other fame obsessed people on TLC. The comments here that say Jessa and Jill's specials should be boycotted because their family covered up abuse are what bother me. That's blaming Jessa and Jill.


Well, since the only reason they're on TV is that the Duggars claim to have the answers to raising a happy, healthy, frugal family who obey the word of God, I'd say the fact that their family was a spectacular failure at doing any such thing speaks against their getting a show celebrating themselves. I think they're at best worthless and at worst dangerous as 'role models.' 


And I get that you're concerned that people might be not supporting these women because of their abuse, but I haven't seen that anyone here is doing that. 

Edited by Julia
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I mostly don't want them on screen because Jessa, Ben, Jill, and Derick are grifting famewhores who are hell-bent on shoving their toxic dogmatic brand of Christianity down people's throats.


But I also don't think it's that simple to say that people who don't want them on television due to the abuse cover-up are blaming Jessa and Jill. Jessa made some gross comments minimizing molestation on the special and presumed to speak for all the other victims. It'd have been one thing if she had simply been speaking for herself, but she wasn't. She doesn't get a pass on that just because she was also a victim; rocker Chrissie Hynde, who is a rape victim, deservedly got a lot of flak for saying that some girls are essentially asking to be raped. Being a victim doesn't give you a get-out-of-jail-free card for contributing to rape culture. The comments that Jessa made showed that she is just an asshole, period, regardless of her religious beliefs. If she weren't an asshole about Christianity, she'd be off being an asshole about something else.


Jill didn't really do that, so I wouldn't necessarily care so much if she had a special. But Derick's been annoying me with his condescending blog posts about their mission. Sorry, Jill. You seem like the most tolerable of them all, but you're hitched to Derick. 


I hope someone comes forward with allegations of a secret abortion or gay love affair.

Edited by galax-arena
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Well TLC's facebook is an interesting read today...I think it's a pretty crass move. The difficulty is, some fans will think the attack on TLC is simply because of the molestation---aka, punishing the victims. What they won't see is the reason why a lot of people are fed up with the Duggars---their fake ass mission, Jessa's hate filled everything though her nice Instagram posts make so much more sense now...yada yada. Their religion has been exposed, in detail for the world to see how wack-a-doo it truly is, not to mentioned how oppressive and abusive it is towards anyone with a vagina. I think TLC is banking on the fans coming back, but I think all of the facts have alienated all but the diehards.  


I don't see this ending well at all and I think the rating will likely go high and then tank. Derrick and Ben are both boring, Jill is her mother and Michelle is one of the most hated mom's in the country currently, and Jessa is---well she's married to Ben and there isn't much worse she could go from there. 

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Noooooooooooooooo!!!!!!!!!!!! They are letting the terrorists win! Ugh ugh ugh.

It says at least 2-3 "specials" from what I read. Jill's "ministry" and "move", birth of Jessa's spawn and potentially Jinger's courtship to gauge interest in another wedding special.

Time to find a sponsor list and email our fingers off. I'm furious and nauseous.

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I, for one, am excited. I'm happy for Jill and Jessa. They DO NOT deserve to be punished, ostracized or otherwise penalized for being victims of molestation. Also, I cannot imagine why anyone other than Josh should take responsibility for his action re: Ashley Madison, extramarital affair(s), etc. 


I've sent an email to TLC congratulating them for giving Jill and Jessa and their husbands and children an opportunity to continue to share their lives with those of us who are still fans and still interested.


I can't WAIT to watch! Woo Hoo!!



Sponsor list for those that need it.


Score. Thank you for sharing that list. I've bookmarked it so I can contact (and thank) the sponsors. I'm glad Jill and Jessa have this opportunity.

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What's to share? Another pregnancy? BTDT. They already overshare on social media. I hope this project turns out to be a colossal failure. They have certainly lost the hate-watchers, which is probably half their audience.

Karma is a bitch, and these girls have yet to pay the piper for what they have done wrong (and yes, they've screwed up plenty). It's coming, and they will crash and burn harder than most, due to their overwhelming sense of entitlement.

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The idea of them having TV specials bothers me.  I think I'm just done with the entire "reality" TV concept.  Whatever they film or show on these specials is not reality.  It's staged and people buy it.  Well I guess it could be worse.  TLC could be bringing back the Honey Boo Boos....  But I don't think there is anything that would make me turn on TLC again on purpose. 

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They DO NOT deserve to be punished, ostracized or otherwise penalized for being victims of molestation.

They successfully used they molestation to springboard to TV special and likely a new TV show. It makes me sick to see these two assholes milk their victimhood like that. I had HUGE sympathy when the scandal broke and somehow they managed to burn though all of it in a few days. They're really wretched, horrible people at heart, just like their parents.



Score. Thank you for sharing that list. I've bookmarked it so I can contact (and thank) the sponsors.

You're welcome. I'm sure they'll be glad to hear from you!

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They successfully used they molestation to springboard to TV special and likely a new TV show. It makes me sick to see these two assholes milk their victimhood like that.

For me, milking victimhood is one thing. I don't need victims to be altruistic saints. I didn't like it when Michael Jackson's accusers were disbelieved on the account of "Why are they only coming forward now? They just want money!" Or when Mackenzie Phillips was accused of only revealing the sexual abuse by her dad because she needed to sell a book. Even if it's true, I don't care. As far as I'm concerned, getting money is the least of what abuse victims deserve. Might as well have something good come out of something horrible.


The difference is that Mackenzie Phillips, unlike Jessa, didn't spew abuse apologism 101. And I don't want to give Jessa a platform to say more stupid, toxic bullshit.

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Translation: $$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$  in lieu of actual work like normal American folks have to do.


"understanding that this was something they wanted to do"


Guess he didn't get that, had he offered them a show consisting entirely of video of them farting on television, it would have been "something they wanted to do." And broadcast farting would have quickly become "their mission." Not only are they addicted to easy money but to celebrity as well. I feel sorry for the babies who are going to be raised by these now fully addicted fame whores.

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I, for one, am excited. I'm happy for Jill and Jessa. They DO NOT deserve to be punished, ostracized or otherwise penalized for being victims of molestation. Also, I cannot imagine why anyone other than Josh should take responsibility for his action re: Ashley Madison, extramarital affair(s), etc. 

They are greedy deceitful famewhores. That's why they are being punished (paid), ostracized (given a media platform) or otherwise penalized (free stuff). Boring as hell too. There will be an audience though, and TLC knows it. Love 'em or hate 'em people will watch. For the record I don't like Kate plus 8 or whatever she is called either, but for nostalgia they might as well bring back Cheer Perfection and Honey Boo Boo. 

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After reading the articles online about the upcoming specials most all of the comments are about boycotting TLC and their sponsors.  People don't like bigots, anti-gay promoters and pro-discrimination supporters airing their special lives combined with  a lot of comments about TLC and supporting child molestation. Jessa and Jill cried victims when the story came out but cried they were victims of 'nothing really'.  If that's the attitude TLC and it's sponsors want to take they may as well just support the silence of child molestation victims. TLC didn't vet it's original Duggar series at all as it began by portraying the Duggars way back when they had 14 kids and Josh was a teenager.  TLC sucks.  They deserve whatever future skeletons come out of the closet and there will most likely be more.


TLC is trying to claim Jessa and Jill were courageous for speaking about the molestation?  Really?  They said is was nothing really. No big deal.  What an example. Makes me sick.  Boycotting the show, the channel, the sponsors.

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After reading the articles online about the upcoming specials most all of the comments are about boycotting TLC and their sponsors.  People don't like bigots, anti-gay promoters and pro-discrimination supporters airing their special lives combined with  a lot of comments about TLC and supporting child molestation. Jessa and Jill cried victims when the story came out but cried they were victims of 'nothing really'.  If that's the attitude TLC and it's sponsors want to take they may as well just support the silence of child molestation victims. TLC didn't vet it's original Duggar series at all as it began by portraying the Duggars way back when they had 14 kids and Josh was a teenager.  TLC sucks.  They deserve whatever future skeletons come out of the closet and there will most likely be more.


TLC is trying to claim Jessa and Jill were courageous for speaking about the molestation?  Really?  They said is was nothing really. No big deal.  What an example. Makes me sick.  Boycotting the show, the channel, the sponsors.


But, but...they did the abuse special, commercial free. In the immortal words of Josie "all better now"

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The CPM exam is done online, Jill could've accessed it and completed it in El Salvador.  The notion that she needed to come back to the US to take the exam is simply not true.  Derick implied that that was the reason they returned, but it wasn't necessary.  I've been to El Salvador, they've got the internet there.

It might be online, but she might have had to go to a testing center to take it. That would be the only way they would be able to verify that it was indeed you taking the test.

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I'm assuming Josh will be a taboo subject.


Josh, Gothard, ATI, Wisdom booklets, blanket training, post secondary education, Dillards donation button, Troll and Cabbage Patch dolls, child labourers, 8 year old nannies, WTF Michelle does all day....

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Josh, Gothard, ATI, Wisdom booklets, blanket training, post secondary education, Dillards donation button, Troll and Cabbage Patch dolls, child labourers, 8 year old nannies, WTF Michelle does all day....

They'll have to screen so many topics to twist their view of this twisted family.

New t-shirt idea - TLC The Losers Channel.   TLC - To Lie Constantly.

The Liars Channel

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TLC has no shame. NONE. Their bottom line is more important than continuing to feature an entire family that needs intensive therapy at the least. And, hey -- isn't this "revictimization" as well, Jilly Muffin?


The "lost season" and new "19KAC" filming will start before the beginning of 2016. Bank on it.


And I can hardly wait to hear the justification of WHY the Duggars were still asking for money and gift cards!

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Now we know why People couldn't stop with the softball press.



The "lost season" and new "19KAC" filming will start before the beginning of 2016. Bank on it.

18KAC, And Certainly No Molesters has a nice ring to it.

Edited by JoanArc
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I didn't realize I felt strongly about this until I read the article. The thing in this article that angered me is the part about them being courageous. I am not faulting them for being victims, I would have more than happily supported them... But they are the ones who came out and minimized the experience, but now they are speaking out on this important issue... They can't have it both ways. Also, their biggest argument was the evil media exploited them... So let's turn around and put our lives on reality television.

I feel bad that the actions of one ruined it for everyone, maybe that's not right, but I would respect it more if they hadn't changed their stance. They took them off, allegedly took all plans for a spin off off the table... Until they realized there was still a lot of interest (I read that as until they realized there was still money to be made)

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I am going to go out on what is probably a very unpopular limb and say I'm not sure what everyone is so upset about. Reality TV is stupid and full of ego-maniacs. That's a given no matter what they put on. So if you put that argument to the side, why wouldn't TLC do specials on Jessa and Jill. They didn't do anything wrong in terms of the sexual abuse or the sexual misconduct. They were the victims. So either we believe victims are not to blame or we don't. If Jessa and Jill are off limits because they are part of a family in which they were abused then that's blaming them for what happened. If specials on Jessa and Jill were ok before, then they need to be ok now.

I agree with this. Jill and Jessa have done nothing wrong with regard to Joshgate. Anyone who dislikes them based on political views or grifting won't watch, and may boycott as well, and this may influence TLC in the future. I personally never did watch the show except snippets here and there. But in the wake of Joshgate, I am a little curious about the tone of the specials. I might pop in for a peek.

I disagree with them on virtually everything and am at no risk of becoming a regular viewer. I avoid programs featuring people who offend me. (But of course I usually have no idea about the actions and beliefs of people on TV.) But I am afraid PTV has got me slightly hooked!

As far as asking for gift cards etc., I suspect fans do trigger this by wanting to give gifts. And J&J play into it because it's normal for them. When they were kids, before 14 Kids and Ow! My Uterus! the family was living off "love offerings." That's how the Lord provides, right?

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TLC doesn't care. TLC doesn't have a lineup if they develop standards. 


Now who might care is Discovery Communications, whose audience is people who are interested in being educated and having educated children. 

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I predict the specials will do well in the ratings. I think most of the people threatening to boycott weren't viewers of the show in the first place and TLC knows that. There's still enough leg humpers and snark-watchers to pull in decent numbers. I'll admit I plan on watching to see how they work the rest of the family into the show while trying to gloss over the Pink Elephant in the room known as Josh and his Fuckery.

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