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S20.E11: The Finale / S20.E12: After The Final Rose

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I've watched this season with only one eye and half a brain, but I sat down to watch Monday night's hours with full attention. I also was not spoiled for the first time in a long time. However, Ben spoiled it for me in the first few minutes, when JoJo asked him if he was ready to propose, and he shook his head NO while saying yes. Wow, gigantic tell there Mr. Higgins. I knew JoJo was toast from that point forward.


So I watched how she was edited ... she got the most romantic edits, Ben was all about how JoJo is wonderful, they were best friends and she is always there for him. While Lauren ... he's never seen anything but the "perfect" side of her, what happens when they have a problem? Yeah, TPTB always want us to be stupified at the end, when the Bach picks the one who got the second-place edit.


I agree that Lauren is overly polished. When talking to Ben's mom, she asked what SHE could do to make BEN feel better when there is a problem, this after Mom said Ben has sort of a darker side (as we all do). Lauren was playing Perfect Stepford Wife.


Watching, I liked how JoJo was able to carry a conversation and dig deep into a relationship. She rules in that respect. The only problem is, men don't like to be questioned or asked about their feelings or to be made to talk or, frankly, think about anything but what they want for dinner and what football game is on tv. (Sorry male posters ... I think!) So, again, Lauren is perfect because she only cares about making BEN happy, which means shutting up and letting him do what he wants.


I did love Lauren's blue dress at the end, and on ATFR. I'm not one for dresses that exploit boobage. But then again, I'm not a man and JoJo isn't dressing for me.


When my choice was confirmed by JoJo stepping out of the helicopter first, I really felt bad for her. Then I felt really excited for her. She avoided being engaged to Ben! That's a huge win-win in my book. Then I was wishing for her to be the B-ette instead of Caila. And I got my wish there, too.


CH trying to get Ben married on ATFR was the stupidest thing ever. But all the parents got free trips to LA, as did that Indiana minister, so good on all of them for showing up. I'm sure those comped rooms are really great. Jealous!


ETA: I forgot to say, as soon as Ben picked that hideous pyramid ring, I knew it was for Lauren. Gag a maggot, that was a fugly ring. But somehow it spoke "Lauren" to me. Not sure what that means, it just did.

Edited by saber5055
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When my choice was confirmed by JoJo stepping out of the helicopter first, I really felt bad for her. Then I felt really excited for her. She avoided being engaged to Ben! That's a huge win-win in my book.

That reminded me of a tip that I was yelling to my TV. Attention any and all Bachelor/ette finalists, if you arrive in FULL daylight, it's NOT you! If you arrive at that perfect moment of dusk when the sun is low and there's a warm, pink glow, you're the one! So much heartache could be averted if the F2 just realized, oh, damn, my filming call is 4:00! It's not me!

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Now we know why Caila looked so forlorn last week during WTA. While I love JoJo and think she'll make a wonderful B'ette, I do think that Caila would've been a good pick, had she kept up her Night One persona throughout the season. She seemed funny ("50 shades of crazy!"), relatable, and Ben and her seemed to have decent chemistry at first. I don't know what vibe she was going for (or what the producers were telling her to go for) with all of the strange comments, but I can't help but feel like she was playing a role (trying to come across as deep and complex?), and came off poorly because of it.

This right here! I completely agree. The stress of the competition could have had a effect on her as well. Which is why I really think she would have came out of her shell as the B'ette. Everyone does seem to love the most drama inducing leads though. Which JoJo will bring if nothing more than the men fighting over her.


There was something about Caila though that I can't put my finger on. She was elegant and poised but also with somewhat of a mystery there. It was almost as if she was playing a character that wasn't her as we saw at the beginning instances of her sense of humor. I think giving the chance she would have surprised many and been a good b'ette. I almost feel there was more to people not liking her than just the fact she came across as boring because of the fact she took so much unnecessary criticism IMO. Ben himself, I remember was being branded as boring by many before they chose him and as we see the contestants themselves always bring the drama to make up for any perceived boredom on the leads part.


Oh well I'm sure she's much better off though as the leads almost always come out of it a little tarnished. I just really hope the show doesn't try to get her (and she agrees) to  go on BIP.


They also probably realized that the unwritten rule they to never choose the runner up as the next lead was silly. And they made more wiggle room in production schedules to accommodate what, in their minds, was a better choice.

I agree with this also although I think it's kind of telling that Caila actually seemed more upset and heartbroken than JoJo did. I don't think her demeanor at WTA was because she hadn't been chosen at all. They didn't make their final decision until days before the final rose ceremony and I believe at the time of the taping for WTA she was still in the running. I think she was genuinely still hurt by being rejected.


I think all the participants do "act" somewhat to be in consideration for the next lead, JoJo included, so I'm sure Caila was aware of that on WTA, but I don't think that's necessarily a bad thing. It doesn't automatically mean they are fake or their feelings weren't real. I can see why some would want that opportunity to try again.

Edited by yorklee2
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On ATFR, I thought JoJo was really adult about getting dumped on the finale, even with Ben saying he'd "moved on," making it all about him (again) instead of saying he'll always think of JoJo as a "good friend." Although Lauren might have had something to say about Ben giving JoJo any props or good words. Who knows. But still, Ben was sort of jerky while JoJo was a proper adult about it.


Then I found out why JoJo was so stoic ... she's the next B-ette! Hey, that would make ANYONE forget about being dumped on national tv. It's her 15 minutes, starting ... NOW!

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ETA: I forgot to say, as soon as Ben picked that hideous pyramid ring, I knew it was for Lauren. Gag a maggot, that was a fugly ring. But somehow it spoke "Lauren" to me. Not sure what that means, it just did.

Saber5055, I absolutely agree.  That ring is horrible.  I had a nightmare that my husband gave it to me for a big anniversary and I had to pretend that I loved it.  The other rings weren't any better.  I think the rings are getting gaudier each season.  


Also, didn't F1 and F2 used to wait until the lead spoke and gave them either the "but" speech or the final rose?  Now, it seems like the Final 2 are expected to make a speech expressing their love, and both final bachelors are expected to propose, thus increasing F2's humiliation.  So much more humiliation on the show lately.  I was going to make this season my last, but I think I'm going to have to watch JoJo.  I think it will be fun to watch the gentlemen go nuts over her.

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I am not seeing what everyone is seeing in Jojo's looks. I think she has a weird jaw and overall compacted features. I wouldn't say she's ugly but I'm not seeing anything spectacular there. I think Lauren is equally average, the thing that bothers me most about her is her clunky gait. I never saw anything between Ben and Jojo until the last episode. She came off as desperate and I felt really bad for her. "Don't blindside me!" Jojo, you're on the Bachelor. What exactly are you looking for?


Lauren and Ben seemed so happy and genuine. I think they're both very sweet people and Jojo is too rough around the edges for that dynamic. Nothing wrong with that at all, I just don't see them meshing well. 


I thought the finale was perfect! Lauren got the guy and Jojo got to be the Belle of the Ball as the next Bachelorette. I can't imagine she was too torn up about it if she was already so OK. 


Happy ending all around. 

Saber5055, I absolutely agree.  That ring is horrible.  I had a nightmare that my husband gave it to me for a big anniversary and I had to pretend that I loved it.  The other rings weren't any better.  I think the rings are getting gaudier each season.  


Also, didn't F1 and F2 used to wait until the lead spoke and gave them either the "but" speech or the final rose?  Now, it seems like the Final 2 are expected to make a speech expressing their love, and both final bachelors are expected to propose, thus increasing F2's humiliation.  So much more humiliation on the show lately.  I was going to make this season my last, but I think I'm going to have to watch JoJo.  I think it will be fun to watch the gentlemen go nuts over her.

I agree. It's seriously degrading. I think any woman should think twice before signing up for that. Eugh. 

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Saber5055, I absolutely agree.  That ring is horrible.  I had a nightmare that my husband gave it to me for a big anniversary and I had to pretend that I loved it.  The other rings weren't any better.  I think the rings are getting gaudier each season.

I guess I'm in the minority then because I liked the ring. It sort of had a antique look to it and I love that look. I didn't think Lauren or JoJo when I saw it because people can surprise you with their taste. To each his own.

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And exactly how annoying is his loud mouth breathing?

Annoying enough that, after an extended period of time, one will start thinking about how to kill the mouth breather. Or seriously maim him/her. Anything to get it to stop. The Chinese Water Torture is named torture for a reason ... drip ... drip ... drip ... until the end of time. It WILL drive you insane. Trust me.


(Of course, then the person will get more 15 minutes of fame, although this time as the murder suspect on Dateline!)

"Don't blindside me!"

"Blindside" will be the new catch phrase for upcoming TB and TB-ette shows. Listen for it, along with old standbys "crazy," "amazing" and "journey."

Edited by saber5055
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There was something about Caila though that I can't put my finger on. She was elegant and poised but also with somewhat of a mystery there. It was almost as if she was playing a character that wasn't her as we saw at the beginning instances of her sense of humor. I think giving the chance she would have surprised many and been a good b'ette. I almost feel there was more to people not liking her than just the fact she came across as boring because of the fact she took so much unnecessary criticism IMO. Ben himself, I remember was being branded as boring by many before they chose him and as we see the contestants themselves always bring the drama to make up for any perceived boredom on the leads part.



I actually like Caila too. I didn't watch all the episodes but she certainly stood out to me the first night as being one of those perky pretty types, and she seemed funny and laidback and smart. But the first time Caila really caught my eye was during her 2nd date with Ben, I think, where Ben was sort of chastising her for not opening up to him like the other ladies and Caila basically said, in a much sweeter manner of course, "WTF? I barely know you and you want me to be a crying and vulnerable mess in front of you?! Why are you putting me on the spot there, buddy?!" I thought that was one of the more sensible responses a contestant had said about a lead's demands regarding opening up and being vulnerable. 

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This was a great season!


I like both of the final two but I knew that Lauren would end up as the F1.  There were so many tells after their first one on one.  Ben would go out of his way to make her feel special:  i.e. The group date where he walked separated himself from the group to get some 1 on 1 time with Lauren, the awkward group date where he again separated himself from the group to be with her, the way he was with her around his parents, etc.


I think it was always Lauren.  JoJo might have caught up to Lauren a bit but it was always Lauren.  Maybe he was a bit clueless and truly was confused about his decision in the end but I think deep down he always knew and didn't want to hurt JoJo because he cared about her.  Letting her down -- that was what the struggle was truly about.


I have to say, other than Brad's second season, and wasted time on Ben Flapjack, I haven't watched the "male-lead" portion of this show in a long time.  When I saw Ben on Kaitlyn's season, I just knew he had to be the Bachelor.  He seemed so genuine and truth be told, he was genuine throughout his season.  I felt that he was the first bachelor to actually listen to the ladies and who seemed interested in finding out who they were as people.  In my eyes, other than Sean, he is one of the only Bachelors serious about finding love AND marriage -- not just a hot piece for the moment.


Was it bad form to tell both JoJo and Lauren that he loved them?  Maybe... but the thing is the women on this show cannot expect complete fidelity (neither can the men, so no shaming from me about Kaitlyn's hook-up with Nick).  The whole premise is that this guy is dating 25 women.  I think it's natural to fall for more than one.


Also, regarding momma Higgins, I think she said that Joelle would be the best fit because Joelle instinctively knew who Ben was.  If he truly deals with anxiety, a little depression and some self-doubt, then as a mom it is completely comforting to know that one of the women he is in love with gets that.  She didn't say that she hated Lauren and I thought she was really warm and accepting of both women.  Is his momma opinionated?  Yes.  But that's her baby boy and it goes to show that both mom and dad took this process seriously.


I am SO happy for Ben and Lauren!  I think they are a good match.  I am SO SO SO excited that JoJo is the new Bachelorette!!  YAY!!  I found myself really invested in her story all season long.  No tragedies.  Just a girl looking for a boy to love. I can't wait for her season!


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I actually like Caila too. I didn't watch all the episodes but she certainly stood out to me the first night as being one of those perky pretty types, and she seemed funny and laidback and smart. But the first time Caila really caught my eye was during her 2nd date with Ben, I think, where Ben was sort of chastising her for not opening up to him like the other ladies and Caila basically said, in a much sweeter manner of course, "WTF? I barely know you and you want me to be a crying and vulnerable mess in front of you?! Why are you putting me on the spot there, buddy?!" I thought that was one of the more sensible responses a contestant had said about a lead's demands regarding opening up and being vulnerable.

I guess i would disagree with this. I thought from early on that Caila seemed to be auditioning to be the next bachelorette (maybe that is why it might seem as if she was playing a character). From the moment we got the "i'm afraid that i won't open up and therefore will hurt you" line i figured that was the theme of the next season. "Caila lost love because she was scared of causing pain but now she is ready to risk everything for love." But she wasn't compelling enough of a character.

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It wouldn't surprise me at all if Caila took herself out of the running for B'ette. Perhaps her family, after watching how they and the other families were shown and criticized, decided they didn't want to participate. Caila is a gorgeous well-off, well-educated smart woman--she came across pretty well on the show (she wasn't mean, she wasn't cliqueish, she looks great) will be fine. Jo's family knew what they were getting into from her brother's earlier participation in one of the franchised offshoots, and they will probably have fun with it vs Caila's seemingly more sedate fam. I know I am laying in a supply of champagne to toast Jo's mom with, right out of the bottle!

Really amazing anyone wants to be on this show--Show decides how to play them and then every viewer (including myself, obviously!) jumps in with petty comments about their appearances and behavior and makes assumptions after we have had the slightest most superficial exposure to them. I can see that it can be a fun thing to have done for the young person himself or herself, but then their families are expected to jump in and get selective editing too. Gah.

Edited by MakeMeLaugh
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I'm not sure if blindsided is the right word, but I do understand where JoJo was coming from when she felt that way. I understand she knew that Ben loved Lauren too, but I think when you have feelings for someone like that (and they tell you they couldn't imagine their life without you), you would probably convince yourself that he just has to like you a little bit better, though. I think that's probably just a natural way to cope with the situation you're in. 


I liked Ben this whole season. I wasn't able to do much reading on this website up until now (busy schedule), and I see that some of you guys are not fans of him at all haha. Honestly, though, the one major thing I saw Ben do that really put me off was after dumping JoJo and crying about it, he then turns around like it's nothing, calls Lauren's dad, and starts jumping up and down like a little girl when he got the approval from him. If I had just had that much emotional turmoil from dumping someone I was "in love with" and "couldn't imagine my life without," the last thing I'd be in the mood for is proposing to someone else.


I read the spoilers before the show started, so I knew that Lauren was going to win the whole time, but regardless I think it was pretty obvious that she was going to win. Like everyone else has said, he often went out of his way for her. He said things like, "I feel like I'm not good enough for you," which he didn't say to any of the other girls. I really wanted to like Lauren, too, but from their very first one-on-one, I just... couldn't. She knew that he liked her. She knew she had it in the bag from very close to the beginning. It was like she knew that she could find someone better than him but she was soaking up her time on television. I completely understood where Ben's mom was coming from. You could tell she was worried about Lauren and Ben's relationship (moreso than she was JoJo and Ben's). Lauren seems immature enough that when things do start getting hard in their relationship, she'll think she's better than having to deal with that (in my opinion). I didn't watch the Jimmy Kimmel interview, but honestly, it doesn't surprise me at all. I'm not sure in what context she said those things, but in my opinion, even if you're being provoked to kind of harp on your significant other, you don't harp on those things, especially to the nation. He prays too loud? Wtf is that?? If I felt my husband prayed too loud (when we were first dating) I wouldn't announce that to everyone I know. That's just my opinion though, and it makes me like her even less. I'd be curious to see how long they last. I'd be surprised if they stayed together for more than a year or two. 

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How long was it since Jojo broke up with the boyfriend that called her?  Although it seemed very staged, if it wasn't all that long, was she really ready to find love again?


I can't remember if he/she said how long it had been since she broke up (or I think he broke up with her?) with the ex, but one thing that did stick out for me in that episode was that when she talked to him on the phone she did not say that she was over him and had moved on. She said something to the effect that she was not interested in getting back with him at that time (which would seem rather obvious considering she was on a reality tv show looking for a husband). It wondered if she was over him why she didn't shut him down and let him know there was no chance they would get back together.


As far as the ring goes, I assume that the show must ask the final two (or who knows, maybe they ask all the women) their preference regarding rings? Women usually have a preference at least regarding cut of the centre stone - ie. round, princess, emerald etc. When Ben picked the ring he did I thought for a minute that he may be planning to propose to Jo-Jo as she seemed likely to be more the type to want a flashy ring and a less traditional cut. While I didn't mind the ring it isn't something I would ever want and was way too big. Not many women can wear that amount of carats and not have it look silly but it did look OK on Lauren. I also do not like white gold or platinum so I guess I am lucky that yellow gold was still in style when I got married. It amazes me that so many women (most it seems) go with white gold/platinum - I often wonder if they really do like it or just want to go with what is in style.

Edited by UsernameFatigue
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 I am disappointed that we will not get a chance to learn Cailia's hair secrets.  I have never watched the Bachelorette.  Again, I am interested to see how diverse JoJo's pool will be and how often they will refer to her Persian heritage.  How long are they in the media? As I've said before, the show has become so mainstream that they report on it in everything.  Unfortunately many Bachelor/Bachelorette's or contestants have come from my area, so they always give "updates" on them on the morning news. 


Wow, do they really get paid to sell thing and advertise on social media?  Even the ones that did not make it far?  It is amazing to me how much people will follow others just because they were on a reality show. I realized that they did personal appearances in bars, but I guess you could make a career out of being a reject. 


I got a link to some article where they asked both Ben and Lauren something and basically she said he should answer the question for both of them, or whatever he said, or something to that effect.  I agree with whomever said she seems like the type that will go along with whatever he wants and says and there is nothing wrong with that if it works for them.  I just didn't see a lot of depth there, but then again I didn't get to see most of the girls backstories to get invested in them. 

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Just for funsies, if we assume all of this was genuine and not entirely scripted and staged, Ben's final 2 situation was exactly why I think deliberately putting oneself in the position to fall for multiple people is terrible idea, especially once you've found someone you do love. Although I'm full onboard with soulmates and one true pairings and whatnot in fiction, in real life, I think the idea is basically ridiculous. Of all the billions of people in the world, there's supposed to be just one for me, and he just so happens to conveniently live in the same part of the world I do so I can meet him? Sure. I think it's far more realistic to assume that there are dozens, or hundreds, maybe even thousands, of people with whom you could fall deeply in love and live a very happy life with. Nor do I think that's it's remotely impossible to encounter more than one of them at the same time, and have those feelings for both. If you're deliberately going into a situation where 30 potential partners have been handpicked just for you, I think it's entirely possible that more than one of them will turn out to be suitable. I see nothing remotely unrealistic about the fact that, even if it was Lauren pretty much from Day 1, that JoJo could sneak up on you, and suddenly what you thought you had all figured out gets a lot more complicated.


So I'm sympathetic up to a point. But man, people who are dumping other people really need to suck it up and accept being the bad guy. We all have this desire to be liked, even by someone we're dumping, so you get these situations where someone tries to explain it and be nice and make sure that the person they're dumping doesn't hate them. I kinda feel like, especially if you really are concerned about this other person's feelings, it's much kinder to just put it out there: "I don't want to be with you," "I'm picking someone else," whatever, and let them think you're an asshole. Stop worrying about your own self image and just let someone hate you for a while.


I did find this episode very interesting and revealing about these relationships, though, and I found myself on Team JoJo because of the way she communicated. Although Lauren was clearly having doubts, and you could tell that she could hear the "but" in Ben's voice, she never asked him about it. She just buried her head in the sand and hoped for the best. I really loved that JoJo picked up on the tension and asked him about it point-blank. And even though she knew when she asked that she wasn't going to like the answer, and indeed she didn't, she still had the conversation, and I for one really respect that. I think she would challenge him more than Lauren will, but perhaps that's not what he wants. We shall see.


And I found it kind of hilarious how badly they wanted them to get married right then and there. Could their desperation to actually get a couple to the altar be any clearer? Kudos to them for not going for it. I do think they're cute together though, and I can't help but hope that they do actually make it...


Oh, and calling to ask Lauren's dad for her hand? Retch.

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I did find this episode very interesting and revealing about these relationships, though, and I found myself on Team JoJo because of the way she communicated. Although Lauren was clearly having doubts, and you could tell that she could hear the "but" in Ben's voice, she never asked him about it. She just buried her head in the sand and hoped for the best. I really loved that JoJo picked up on the tension and asked him about it point-blank. And even though she knew when she asked that she wasn't going to like the answer, and indeed she didn't, she still had the conversation, and I for one really respect that. I think she would challenge him more than Lauren will, but perhaps that's not what he wants. We shall see.


I agree. I think Lauren is the type who'll avoid bringing up the hard stuff as long as possible and I'm not sure how well that'll work. Hopefully she's not harbouring any resentment and they can live a perfectly bland drama-free life together. I do think he was fixated on her since night one, so there was no other option for him really.


I'm not a fan of the ring either, or any Bachelor rings for that matter. They're all too big and flashy. I mean who wants to wear 4.5 carats on a daily basis? They're not rappers. And the rings don't even stay on straight since the massive heavy rocks are pulling them sideways. Bigger is not always better.

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It wouldn't surprise me at all if Caila took herself out of the running for B'ette. Perhaps her family, after watching how they and the other families were shown and criticized, decided they didn't want to participate. Caila is a gorgous well-off, well-educated smart woman--she came across pretty well on the show (she wasn't mean, she wasn't cliqueish, she looks great) will be fine. Jo's family knew what they were getting into from her brother's earlier participation in one of the franchised offshoots, and they will probably have fun with it vs Caila's seemingly more sedate fam. I know I am laying in a supply of champagne to toast Jo's mom with, right out of the bottle!

Really amazing anyone wants to be on this show--Show decides how to play them and then every viewer (including myself, obviously!) jumps in with petty comments about their appearances and behavior and makes assumptions after we have had the slightest most superficial exposure to them. I can see that it can be a fun thing to have done for the young person himself or herself, but then their families are expected to jump in and get selective editing too. Gah.

Yes I think Caila will do fine and probably better off for not being the b'ette as I'm sure she would have been massacred by the viewers.

Which ties in with your next point. Yes we as viewers can be heartless sometimes (myself included) but if you put yourself in the public eye it's bound to happen. As I stated before, all the leads seem to come away tarnished somewhat. I'm sure JoJo will be too regardless if it's warranted or not.

Edited by yorklee2
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Charlie Oconnel could not choose between the last 2 and asked both girls if he could date them so he could make up his mind..I was apalled they both agreed to it, but it can happen.

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So I'm sympathetic up to a point. But man, people who are dumping other people really need to suck it up and accept being the bad guy. We all have this desire to be liked, even by someone we're dumping, so you get these situations where someone tries to explain it and be nice and make sure that the person they're dumping doesn't hate them. I kinda feel like, especially if you really are concerned about this other person's feelings, it's much kinder to just put it out there: "I don't want to be with you," "I'm picking someone else," whatever, and let them think you're an asshole. Stop worrying about your own self image and just let someone hate you for a while.

I agree with that so much. I just want to slap any guy who tells the girl she's not the one and then immediately wants reassurance that she's not mad and they're still friends. Sean did that to a couple of women if I remember correctly.




I did find this episode very interesting and revealing about these relationships, though, and I found myself on Team JoJo because of the way she communicated. Although Lauren was clearly having doubts, and you could tell that she could hear the "but" in Ben's voice, she never asked him about it. She just buried her head in the sand and hoped for the best. I really loved that JoJo picked up on the tension and asked him about it point-blank. And even though she knew when she asked that she wasn't going to like the answer, and indeed she didn't, she still had the conversation, and I for one really respect that. I think she would challenge him more than Lauren will, but perhaps that's not what he wants. We shall see.

I think Lauren might have decided to wait until the next day when she knew Ben would be free to say exactly how he felt without any TB rules in his way. I think, if it were me, I would hold off one more day rather than put him on the spot and have a conversations full of hints and indirect answers which would make me even more confused and upset. From what we heard on Jimmy Kimmel, Lauren doesn't have any problem communicating when there aren't cameras around.

Edited by JudyObscure
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I think Lauren knew she had it in the bag too. She didn't even have to "work for it," so to speak. Ben was smitten and that was it, show was over, unless she did something totally insane. The show controlled her narrative so much that I feel like I know nothing of her actual personality at all. Other than the fact that I hate her speech patterns and it makes her sound stupid, I can't tell if she is actually someone truly likeable or not.

I get the impression she is not all flowers and sunshine, and there is a bit of high maintenance that lies beneath the surface we only see. That's just a guess though.

As for JoJo, I never found her beautiful personally, but she is cute and has a young face (except when slathered in makeup). Sadly for her, many men tend to chose what they think is their fantasy woman, as opposed to what could be more substantial. I get the impression that she had a much deeper and real connection with Ben.

Personally, I never warmed to her after she faked like she was Jubliee's friend and then talked about her behind her back. I hate people like that, so she lost me right there.

Also, I thought Jojo's dress choice was very Texas pagenty and it made me laugh. Nothing again Texas though, just though it was amusing. Lauren's dress was on the other end of the spectrum and too plain for the proposal event.

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I think Lauren knew she had it in the bag too. She didn't even have to "work for it," so to speak. Ben was smitten and that was it, show was over, unless she did something totally insane. The show controlled her narrative so much that I feel like I know nothing of her actual personality at all. Other than the fact that I hate her speech patterns and it makes her sound stupid, I can't tell if she is actually someone truly likeable or not.

I get the impression she is not all flowers and sunshine, and there is a bit of high maintenance that lies beneath the surface we only see. That's just a guess though.

As for JoJo, I never found her beautiful personally, but she is cute and has a young face (except when slathered in makeup). Sadly for her, many men tend to chose what they think is their fantasy woman, as opposed to what could be more substantial. I get the impression that she had a much deeper and real connection with Ben.

Personally, I never warmed to her after she faked like she was Jubliee's friend and then talked about her behind her back. I hate people like that, so she lost me right there.

Also, I thought Jojo's dress choice was very Texas pagenty and it made me laugh. Nothing again Texas though, just though it was amusing. Lauren's dress was on the other end of the spectrum and too plain for the proposal event.

I could never warm up to Lauren and after reading this post it hit me. It was like she was portrayed as a sainted Barbie doll or something. A cute ice princess. I never got any real warmth from her and I agree she was a little smug in her confidence that she had it wrapped up.


It took me awhile to warm up to JoJo. I didn't like her at first because of the Jubilee incident and we didn't get a chance in the beginning to really see her personality so she didn't stand out to me. I liked her spunk on the pig date that's when I started to like her. Then I saw her cradle Emily when she was heartbroken over being sent home. When I saw her reaction after Ben told her he loved her I was all there.


Funny thing about the Jubilee incident. I saw a clip online somewhere where they were interviewing Jubilee at the WTA taping. The interviewer asked her if she had to pick of the remaining ladies who would she like to see get the final rose. She answered, "JoJo. She's my girl". My take from that is there was some heavy editing going on during the Jubilee fiasco. I might be mistaken but I don't remember a specific TH from JoJo during that time or even her saying anything specific during the group shots. I think some of the girls were just there and looked guilty by association. And remember the episode when Jubilee was sent home and she was upset over not getting any time with Ben. At one point JoJo said, " what's wrong with Jubilee, she's not acting like her usual upbeat self" or something to that effect.


I think that was all Amber and Jami stirring up trouble and a lot of the other girls got caught in the middle so I tend to give JoJo a pass on that.

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Other than the fact that I hate [Lauren's] speech patterns and it makes her sound stupid, I can't tell if she is actually someone truly likeable or not.

She does sound stupid sometimes and that may be, like her rear-end, one of the secrets behind her success (heh)-- because no one sounded as stupid as Ben did from time to time. Having a deep manly voice rather than a squeaky vocal fry covered it up but I heard him say things like, "I come back from the date last night," and other incorrect verbs that make The Bachelor pronoun mess seem tame. I like Ben, but I think maybe his nice manners and good looks made him seem smarter than he is. He's already messed up by telling everyone that Lauren said he prayed too loud, which caused everyone to think she's mean. It sounds like something she probably said jokingly one night and Ben thought it would come across as funny on Kimmel.

Other evidence -- his mother's not the brightest. I still think telling the world that she would pick JoJo because she was more her style was incredibly dumb. Even the father damned Lauren with faint praise. They had seen both women for a couple of hours and one of them took the whole thing seriously enough to be a little bit nervous and stiff, and the other was all bubble and squeak with some timely tears, and from that they've formed an opinion that one was coldly "poised," and one was warm and loving. I think they'll find out next season that JoJo is warm with everyone all the time. She comes from a family where her brothers rave about how beautiful she is and kiss her on the lips. There's nothing wrong with that, but when emotion is flamboyantly "on" all the time it doesn't always mean a whole lot.


I think that was all Amber and Jami stirring up trouble and a lot of the other girls got caught in the middle so I tend to give JoJo a pass on that.

Yes, I think JoJo was very well liked by the other girls. I'm betting she'll have her group of bachelors as besotted as Emily did on her season. Her over all warmth, and habits of constantly touching plus the jumping leg-wrap may have lots of guys thinking she's in love with them. Could be interesting. Edited by JudyObscure
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I guess I'm in the minority then because I liked the ring. It sort of had a antique look to it and I love that look. I didn't think Lauren or JoJo when I saw it because people can surprise you with their taste. To each his own.

I would have liked it more if it were round, as I'm not a fan of the emerald cut, but yeah I'd say I liked it more than I didn't. Edited by ByTor
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He's already messed up by telling everyone that Lauren said he prayed too loud, which caused everyone to think she's mean. It sounds like something she probably said jokingly one night and Ben thought it would come across as funny on Kimmel.


I thought the loud praying stuff was a humble brag. Either that, or Ben and Lauren are a couple of nuts for Shakespeare.


Balthasar. Well, I would you did like me.

Margaret. So would not I, for your own sake; for I have many ill-qualities.

Balthasar. Which is one?

Margaret. I say my prayers aloud.



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I honestly do not understand the "JoJo is sooooo sexy" thing. Again just my opinion, but someone who is truly sexy would be sexy in jeans and a flannel shirt...it's like JoJo is afraid she needs to overdo the tight dresses with all the boobage.



I am not seeing what everyone is seeing in Jojo's looks. I think she has a weird jaw and overall compacted features. I wouldn't say she's ugly but I'm not seeing anything spectacular there.


After consulting with some trusted female advisors, I'm given to understand that these 'I don't get/understand/see' formulations are an oblique expression of disagreement and disapproval.


As a trusted male advisor to myself, let me reassure the masses that JoJo is, in fact, sooooo sexy/truly sexy for reasons previously stated upthread but repeated here:  skin tone, hair, figure, wardrobe, body language, voice, personality, etc. etc.  She wore plenty of casual clothing throughout this season including jeans (Chicago trip) and jean shorts (rooftop helicopter fiasco, island hopping).


I am, of all things, a hand man.  I believe they reveal much about underlying bone structure, body proportionality, etc.  Ray Charles, famously blind, was noted for his grabbing of women's arms and hands to assess their overall physical condition.  It's also why I object to tacky 'nail art' since manicures, as the name implies, are meant to accentuate and compliment the natural form (mani=hand) and not to be the focus unto themselves.  I may be overegging the pudding but JoJo's hands were equally attractive.


A perusal of her Instagram feed provides very convincing visual evidence that her bustline is, in fact, natural based on a variety of outfits and poses.  But even if it were not the enhancements are appropriately sized for her frame and achieve the desired goal of increasing her overall appearance and appeal as opposed to numerous contestants in the past.


As a poster elsewhere noted, JoJo pulls off the rare feat of being simultaneously cute AND hot.  Unlike some of the blonde Barbie types reliant on youth and taut features, her chances are excellent of being just as attractive (adjusting for age/audience) at age 30, 40 even 50 (provided she avoids some of her mother/stepmother's regrettable misadventures).


JoJo no doubt opted for a close-fitting finale gown but some of her knockout dresses earlier in the season were anything but skin-tight eg the red dress at the mansion which had a very drape-like quality thanks to the material used.  Moreover, if a lady is a Secretariat-caliber clothes horse in terms of size/figure/assets, must she avoid dresses/clothes that compliment said figure or fit her properly?  Are baggy or oversized clothes (beyond sweat pants or pajamas) necessary to placate the critics?  It does seem to be a rather unfair Catch 22.


Spectacular?  Most definitely.  The producers apparently agree and knocked the conventionally attractive Caila aside for the She's Got That Certain Something Extra Joelle Fletcher.

Edited by Rainsong
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As a trusted male advisor to myself, let me reassure the masses that JoJo is, in fact, sooooo sexy/truly sexy [snip]

Different people, different opinions. I'm sure there are many trusted male advisors to themselves who don't think she's the hottest hottie to ever hot.


Moreover, if a lady is a Secretariat-caliber clothes horse

That's debatable. Those billowy tops she wears (with no bra, of course) are butt ugly IMO.


must she avoid dresses/clothes that compliment said figure or fit her properly?  Are baggy or oversized clothes (beyond sweat pants or pajamas) necessary to placate the critics?  It does seem to be a rather unfair Catch 22.

Nope, and not a catch-22 at all. Her wardrobe, from what I've seen, has little variety. Low cut dresses, braless with boobs hanging out, huge baby doll tops (braless) with micro shorts, skin tight torn jeans, skin tight dresses. Nothing wrong with showing your assets, but that seems to be ALL she does. Edited by ByTor
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I think Lauren might have decided to wait until the next day when she knew Ben would be free to say exactly how he felt without any TB rules in his way. I think, if it were me, I would hold off one more day rather than put him on the spot and have a conversations full of hints and indirect answers which would make me even more confused and upset. From what we heard on Jimmy Kimmel, Lauren doesn't have any problem communicating when there aren't cameras around.

Good point, and for their sake, I'm glad to hear it. It forever blows my mind how incapable so many people seem to be of communicating clearly with people they're supposed to love. Always nice to hear when some have figured it out.


And I'll join the smaller end of the pool that didn't hate the ring – at least, no more than I hate all ginormous rings. Sure, they're sparkly and pretty, and suggest means and status, but unless you have the hands size and/or personality to pull off a giant ring, they just look weird and uncomfortable. And seriously, I would be so nervous to run around with that much value glinting from my hand.

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After consulting with some trusted female advisors, I'm given to understand that these 'I don't get/understand/see' formulations are an oblique expression of disagreement and disapproval.

As a mostly straight lady, I can attest that Jojo is smoking hot. I want to be her and do her :P

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I personally think Caila is very pretty but I had no idea she was seen as "conventionally" attractive.   


To me, Lauren is conventional (not my type), Jojo is very easy on the eyes (literally -- she's easy to look at -- everything is symmetrical, small, and perfectly placed.  It's her sexiness that gives her an extra quality, and that perfect body does not hurt), and Caila is a bit unconventional looking in the face (huge mouth, apple cheeks, overly expressive eyes -- but with perfect hair and teeth.)  I enjoy these shallow debates.


Something about Caila's personality makes me worry about her or want to protect her.  I couldn't see her as The Bachelorette and others' posts have helped me clarify the issue.  She's too childlike or something.  I'd be afraid of her emotions and I'd be afraid of social media's reactions to her.  Meanwhile I think Jojo can more than handle herself, although I constantly have to remind myself that Jojo and Ben are young people (in my eyes).  Jojo is really good on camera, a natural.


Alison, agreed.  Jojo made me feel things that other women normally don't.

Edited by Ms Blue Jay
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I am disappointed that we will not get a chance to learn Cailia's hair secrets.

Yes to this. My hair is sadly disappointed as is my mirror reflection. *sigh*

Kudos to everyone here who picked Lauren as F1. Being purposefully unspoiled combined with not caring one lick about who Ben picked, I didn't have a clue until Ben's head-shaking NO to JoJo on their last date day.

But man, people who are dumping other people really need to suck it up and accept being the bad guy.

I so agree with this. It irks the heck out of me (and I have lots of heck) when TB/TB-ette has to go on and on about "what a wonderful person you are" before kicking that person to the curb. That is always followed by the icky "Can I walk you out?" ("MAY I walk you out," but that's a different rant). I've loved past contestants who, when given the rejection, stop TB/TB-ette, say they don't want to hear it, then turn and stomp out ALONE while leaving TB/TB-ette standing there looking like the doof they are. Big YES to those people, who leave with their dignity. Hey, it's that person's 15 minutes too, it's not all about YOU, TB/TB-ette.

Although Lauren was clearly having doubts, and you could tell that she could hear the "but" in Ben's voice, she never asked him about it. She just buried her head in the sand and hoped for the best. I really loved that JoJo picked up on the tension and asked him about it point-blank.

That made me like JoJo too, but, as I posted earlier, men hate when women ask about feelings and press them to look inside and talk about how they feel. So yeah, Lauren is great date/girlfriend/wife material: Keep your mouth shut and let the man do whatever he wants. That makes you golden in his eyes.


I called JoJo "The Dog-Faced Girl" when she went to Wrigley Field, but I thought she was very pretty in her FS "morning-after" scenes. Plus I like her ability to "conversate," which is a skill Caila of the Beautiful Hair doesn't have. Plus she has those Reality Show brother(s). And was it her mom who did the wine-bottle drinking? All GOLD for this franchise.


I've thought a bit about the praying-outloud thing. When I was a kid, I had to speak "Now I lay me down to sleep ..." out loud so Mom would know I was really praying instead of just daydreaming on my knees for two minutes. Maybe that habit has just stayed with Ben. The loud mouth-breathing thing though ... that's a deal breaker for me.


For some reason, Lauren reminds me of Chris Soules' Whitney. Maybe it's the "perfect" thing?

She comes from a family where her brothers rave about how beautiful she is and kiss her on the lips.

My brother kissed me on the lips many years ago. It competely freaked me out, and I STILL haven't recovered from it. I now always keep a good distance from him. It's GROSS and inappropriate.

Edited by saber5055
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Kudos to everyone here who picked Lauren as F1. Being purposefully unspoiled combined with not caring one lick about who Ben picked, I didn't have a clue until Ben's head-shaking NO to JoJo on their last date day.

I am so glad to hear this. I, too, was unspoiled, and I never saw that "obvious" thing they had from the beginning. Although, unlike you, saber5055, I had no clue until JoJo got out of that helicopter.


She's too childlike or something.

The fact that she repeatedly called her mother "mommy" certainly didn't help. Edited by ByTor
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And as always, everyone has their opinions and one is not more valid than the other except to the person making the statement.


I think Caila is the prettiest of the final three. I think Lauren is cute as a button. I think Jo-Jo resembles a pug (thank you for that reference JudyObscure) and ever since we have met her family I think she resembles her father (who I think was by far the nicest of the family members) but without the moustache. (Maybe she shaves her's. Kidding!).  I think they all have lovely figures and do not see Jo-Jo's as anything special. But then as someone who has had a 38DD-26-36 figure since I was a teenager (a bit bigger now but not much) I have genetics to thank and see it every day, so seeing a good figure on another woman isn't a big deal. But if I were to have a girl crush it would be on Caila or Lauren.

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After consulting with some trusted female advisors, I'm given to understand that these 'I don't get/understand/see' formulations are an oblique expression of disagreement and disapproval.


As a trusted male advisor to myself, let me reassure the masses that JoJo is, in fact, sooooo sexy/truly sexy for reasons previously stated upthread but repeated here:  skin tone, hair, figure, wardrobe, body language, voice, personality, etc. etc.  She wore plenty of casual clothing throughout this season including jeans (Chicago trip) and jean shorts (rooftop helicopter fiasco, island hopping).


I am, of all things, a hand man.  I believe they reveal much about underlying bone structure, body proportionality, etc.  Ray Charles, famously blind, was noted for his grabbing of women's arms and hands to assess their overall physical condition.  It's also why I object to tacky 'nail art' since manicures, as the name implies, are meant to accentuate and compliment the natural form (mani=hand) and not to be the focus unto themselves.  I may be overegging the pudding but JoJo's hands were equally attractive.


A perusal of her Instagram feed provides very convincing visual evidence that her bustline is, in fact, natural based on a variety of outfits and poses.  But even if it were not the enhancements are appropriately sized for her frame and achieve the desired goal of increasing her overall appearance and appeal as opposed to numerous contestants in the past.


As a poster elsewhere noted, JoJo pulls off the rare feat of being simultaneously cute AND hot.  Unlike some of the blonde Barbie types reliant on youth and taut features, her chances are excellent of being just as attractive (adjusting for age/audience) at age 30, 40 even 50 (provided she avoids some of her mother/stepmother's regrettable misadventures).


JoJo no doubt opted for a close-fitting finale gown but some of her knockout dresses earlier in the season were anything but skin-tight eg the red dress at the mansion which had a very drape-like quality thanks to the material used.  Moreover, if a lady is a Secretariat-caliber clothes horse in terms of size/figure/assets, must she avoid dresses/clothes that compliment said figure or fit her properly?  Are baggy or oversized clothes (beyond sweat pants or pajamas) necessary to placate the critics?  It does seem to be a rather unfair Catch 22.


Spectacular?  Most definitely.  The producers apparently agree and knocked the conventionally attractive Caila aside for the She's Got That Certain Something Extra Joelle Fletcher.

Are you Mr MML? He could not agree with you more!

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As a mostly straight lady, I can attest that Jojo is smoking hot. I want to be her and do her :P

You know, at the beginning of the season, I didn't quite get it. But I've now come around to realize/acknowledge that Jojo is, indeed, smoking hot. I think it took a little time because I don't actually find her face to be very "pretty" (still don't. not ugly, but not pretty either. I find it sort of harsh.). But from the neck down - yeah, she's put together REAL well. I don't even mind if Mr. Wovenloaf says so anymore. Hell, when she came out on stage in the black dress with the slit in the top, it was ME who hollered "Tit Slit!" 


Regardless, I think she will be way more entertaining as Bachelorette than Caila ...personality wise.  

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I liked Ben this whole season. I wasn't able to do much reading on this website up until now (busy schedule), and I see that some of you guys are not fans of him at all haha. Honestly, though, the one major thing I saw Ben do that really put me off was after dumping JoJo and crying about it, he then turns around like it's nothing, calls Lauren's dad, and starts jumping up and down like a little girl when he got the approval from him. If I had just had that much emotional turmoil from dumping someone I was "in love with" and "couldn't imagine my life without," the last thing I'd be in the mood for is proposing to someone else.

Well, what do you know, he's the male Desiree!!!


I kid, I kid. I'm glad Desiree found real love. 




I personally think Caila is very pretty but I had no idea she was seen as "conventionally" attractive.    I guess I am seeing things from a North American standpoint.

To me, Lauren is conventional (not my type), Jojo is very easy on the eyes (literally -- she's easy to look at -- everything is symmetrical, small, and perfectly placed.  It's her sexiness that gives her an extra quality, and that perfect body does not hurt), and Caila is a bit unconventional looking in the face (huge mouth, apple cheeks, overly expressive eyes -- but with perfect hair and teeth.)  Sorry but I do enjoy these shallow debates.

It mus be the Asian half of her genes. To me Caila is very pretty, but I'm used to that kind of pretty growing up in the Philippines. When my hubby saw Caila in the first episode, he told me "I bet that girl is Filipino" and I told him, no way. She may be Asian, but not Filipino. Turns out he was right.

Edited by slowpoked
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I am, of all things, a hand man.  I believe they reveal much about underlying bone structure, body proportionality, etc.  Ray Charles, famously blind, was noted for his grabbing of women's arms and hands to assess their overall physical condition.


This is the first "hand man" I've (sort of) met. But it's a benefit to know hands rank on the list of items to be man-approved. Now I have to pay better attention to mine. Or else keep them hidden in my lap so as to increase the mystery on dates! I do wonder what men think of those extended lobster-claw fake nails so many women attach to the end of their fingers. Personally, they scare me.

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I did notice how beautiful JoJo's hands and nails looked.  I couldn't tell you if Lauren had pretty hands or not because I was distracted by that horrible white nail polish that made her knuckles look dark and dirty.


I just asked my husband whether he thought Lauren or JoJo was prettiest and he said, "Caila!"  Here I thought he hadn't even been paying attention.  He was stationed in Korea and Thailand before I met him and has a special place in his heart for his first, Asian girlfriends.  He also loves what he calls "long," women though, Cameron Diaz does it for him and all those Victoria's Secret babes. He's 6'4" himself.  He  said he thought JoJo looked kind of old and hard sometimes.(?) 


I don't know what men like, but I know they aren't all alike.  I have a brother who hates big boobs, anything over a  B-cup is gross to him.  The other brother likes the full figured hour glass types.

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I am, of all things, a hand man.

When I first read "hand man" my first thought was TMI! Lol

For some reason I keep thinking Jojo probably gets hit on a lot by creepy guys way older than her. I hope she finds a great guy her age while being b'ette but I'm not sure she's ready to settle down. I think she might want a stable relationship more than marriage at this time. In any case, I hope she finds what she wants.

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I think Jojo's only physical "flaw" is a pronounced square jawline that if you're just looking at the bottom half of her face, I could see the argument that she's not "pretty" because that jawline could seem a little masculine. However, if you look ANYWHERE else, she's goddamned breathtaking. The top half of her face is cute, and her body is ridiculously off-the-charts perfectly ideal. I know Hollywood might give us a skewed idea of beauty. But, come on! Look around at the people you pass in the supermarket or you work with, etc. ALL of these women on this show are MUCH more beautiful than the "average" Jane on the streets. To say Jojo's not hot, well, Beyoncé, is that you posting? (Lol. Just joking--not insulting anyone!)

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It mus be the Asian half of her genes. To me Caila is very pretty, but I'm used to that kind of pretty growing up in the Philippines. When my hubby saw Caila in the first episode, he told me "I bet that girl is Filipino" and I told him, no way. She may be Asian, but not Filipino. Turns out he was right.


No. Filipino people are extremely common where I am from.   I still think she's unconventionally pretty (it's just my opinion.)  (And I like how she looks.)

Edited by Ms Blue Jay
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To say Jojo's not hot, well, Beyoncé, is that you posting? (Lol. Just joking--not insulting anyone!)

Nobody can make a blanket statement whether or not a person is hot.  Beyonce or not, everybody can have different opinions.

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When I first read "hand man" my first thought was TMI!

I had the same thought! And I had to be very, very careful when I decided to post a comment about it.

I don't know what men like, but I know they aren't all alike.  I have a brother who hates big boobs, anything over a  B-cup is gross to him.

Go figure. Do you mean maybe men have different tastes like all the female posters here do? Who knew! I do know I like a tall drink, like Mr. Obscure appears to be ...  But too funny you had a boob conversation with your brothers, Judy. I can't even with mine. 


I think Caila was the prettiest of the final three. Not that my vote counts in anything, including ring choice!

Edited by saber5055
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Let me just say how excited I am to watch JoJo continue her war against pronouns. Tonight she took things to new heights when she pondered whether her "feelings for him [ben] are the same as his feelings for mine". For MINE. That's unprecedented, people.

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I think Caila was the prettiest of the final three.



I just asked my husband whether he thought Lauren or JoJo was prettiest and he said, "Caila!"

As stated before we all have our own opinions but to me Caila was hands down the prettiest of the final three. I think she had a beautiful smile, twinkling eyes, gorgeous hair and a nice body. Not taking anything away from JoJo but I have to agree with JudyObscure that you can be sexy in whatever your wearing but I think women are sexiest when they leave a little to the imagination. Less is sometimes more. I hope JoJo realizes this someday.



Something about Caila's personality makes me worry about her or want to protect her.  I couldn't see her as The Bachelorette and others' posts have helped me clarify the issue.  She's too childlike or something.  I'd be afraid of her emotions and I'd be afraid of social media's reactions to her.

Yes I think so too. I would have enjoyed seeing her find someone who really "got" her and brought out her bubbly side. I think we would have seen a whole different side to her then.

Edited by yorklee2
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Spectacular?  Most definitely.  The producers apparently agree and knocked the conventionally attractive Caila aside for the She's Got That Certain Something Extra Joelle Fletcher.

The producers could have cared less. There was only one reason they went with JoJo. Ratings. Because of the backlash against Caila they were scared a lot of people wouldn't watch if they picked her. They weren't looking at her and saying, "she's got that something extra let's go with her". Bottom line, it was all for ratings and money.

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Spectacular? Most definitely. The producers apparently agree and knocked the conventionally attractive Caila aside for the She's Got That Certain Something Extra Joelle Fletcher.

Rainsong, thinking of applying to be on the Bachelorette? :)

You totally should and then tell your biggest fans (us) EVERYTHING! In return, we will flood social media with adoring content and snark only in private...most of the time. :)

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Regarding Lauren, I knew it was her, too, when Ben picked out the ring. I thought that looks more like a Lauren ring than a JoJo ring. I also think Lauren was always very aware of the cameras and how she would appear throughout the filming, meaning, she didn't want to make a fool of herself to a nationwide audience. She might also be a naturally reserved person who doesn't talk a lot about herself unless she feels secure in the setting or want to show how much she feels about someone until she knows the feelings are returned.


I'm glad JoJo is the next Bachelorette. During the final episode I was hoping she would be the one picked for TBtte because she seems like a natural for it: pretty, poise, expressive, shows her true self, etc. The Btte must be able to manage all those guys with tact, poise and confidence. While I would have like Jubilee for TBette, I don't think she had the confidence in herself to pull it off. Maybe in a couple of years . . .

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