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S08.E02: Bitch Perfect

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 Dax is the Jeb Bush of drag queens.

This is hilarious.  I'm thinking the phone call had to be to someone new because the caliber of this season is so high.  If it was a returning queen, it would have to be someone so beloved like Alyssa Edwards or Alaska that they would be making too much money to come back.

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I like that it seems like most of these girls want to build relationships with each other. This doesn't have to keep them from being competitive.

Kim Chi seems to have weak ankles. While I know Darienne got shit for wearing low heels, I wonder if Kim should wear shorter heels.

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There's considerable evidence that the new queen will be

Skarlet Startlet. She was absent from social media during the filming of Drag Race, and left hints that she was on it. And she uploaded a brief video of herself answering a phone. I'm thinking it's her.

Actually, a preview for episode 3 shows a very brief glimpse of part of the queen's face and it's almost definitely

Naysha. The wig matches one Naysha owns, and the eye makeup is very Naysha. Skarlet also explicitly said it's not her, although, you know, obviously she would anyway.


I thought it was a very strong episode, as per usual when they do big musical numbers on the main stage. I can honestly say there's not a single queen left in the competition that I don't like - even Robbie, who I was underwhelmed with last week, really turned it out and looked stunning in her dress. I still believe there are only three or four real competitors, but hell, that's two more than what we usually have.


Looks like an acting challenge next week though, and I'm a bit nervous. The writing is usually terrible and it takes a season 6-level cast to make it palatable. Luckily, I think that's what we're dealing with.

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Latrice Royale!!!!!!!  It won't be, but I wish it was Latrice Royale!!!!


I know it won't be Latrice, because she's been working like crazy, but if only! The only time I've been really devastated to lose a contestant was when she left, not because I thought she had a chance of winning, but just because I enjoyed watching her so much and she made every episode more fun for me. And I'm getting really scared, because I can already tell I'm going to feel that way about Bob.  (FTLOG, don't let Bob leave before the finale!)


Also, I liked Derrick better in this Untucked.  And her boyfriends (they are a committed Throuple!) are cute.


I love her boyfriends! Ironically, I've followed both of them on Instagram for the past year, but I don't follow Derrick. I don't have anything against Derrick, but I'm not a Britney fan, so I find his account the least interesting of the three. They are a very sweet throuple, though.

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Can someone help a queen?  I don't get Logo so I watch the episodes online.  I have been doing this since VH1 stopped carrying it.  I saw last week online but when I went to stream Episode 2, they tell you to sign in using your cable company ID (like other cable channels do).  I dont have an ID since I only get basic cable.  Anyone know a way around this--they pulled the bait n switch on me.

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That was a fully justified double-elimination. Maybe I'm naive, but I don't think it was planned; I think it was a genuine reaction to a *very* lackluster LSFYL. My wife and I were calling for a double-elimination from the couch.


I'd be fine if they brought back Naysha; I would have liked to have seen more of her anyway. 

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This is a nice bunch of girls, really. They are supportive of each other (Bob giving both Kim and Laila tips for example...) and even though Betty is gunning for the villain role, she also isn't a complete monster.


Not yet anyway.

Personally I think Derrick will be the one fitting into the villain role, given her general demeanor, interviews and the snipefest between her and Bob in the trailer she seems to fit into the same niche of Phi Phi and Roxxxy of high strung look queen who gets really butthurt about criticism or not being immediately judged better than any comedy queen.


Acid Betty is just going to be the shady bitch of the season, but that is usually a beloved position with past greats like Latrice, Raven, Raja, Shangela, Bianca etc.

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I know it won't be Latrice, because she's been working like crazy, but if only! The only time I've been really devastated to lose a contestant was when she left, not because I thought she had a chance of winning, but just because I enjoyed watching her so much and she made every episode more fun for me. And I'm getting really scared, because I can already tell I'm going to feel that way about Bob.  (FTLOG, don't let Bob leave before the finale!)



I love her boyfriends! Ironically, I've followed both of them on Instagram for the past year, but I don't follow Derrick. I don't have anything against Derrick, but I'm not a Britney fan, so I find his account the least interesting of the three. They are a very sweet throuple, though.

I don't know if I have enough love in my heart to love another queen as much as I love Latrice.  But you're right, I think if anyone is going to test that theory, it will be Bob.  He has a sense of humor that is so great, and someone showed a video of him transforming a dress on stage, and that alone would have cemented my adoration.



Personally I think Derrick will be the one fitting into the villain role, given her general demeanor, interviews and the snipefest between her and Bob in the trailer she seems to fit into the same niche of Phi Phi and Roxxxy of high strung look queen who gets really butthurt about criticism or not being immediately judged better than any comedy queen.


Acid Betty is just going to be the shady bitch of the season, but that is usually a beloved position with past greats like Latrice, Raven, Raja, Shangela, Bianca etc.

In spite of myself, I like Acid Betty, and Thorgy Thor.  And good on Betty, its hard to be a likable villain in my book.  I don't watched Untucked, so I'm interested to see if Derrick turns out to be an unlikable villain.


And....because it can never be said enough......Latrice!!!!!

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 Thorgy Thor was great this week, but while her runway look was fierce for the most part, I have to clock her a little just because of the shoes. If she had worn gold or silver strappy sandals, it would have killed.


  The "Cha-Cha Bitch" Mini-Challenge was not only hilarious,  Dax & Laila's boring performances foreshadowed their double eliminations. That these so-called "professional" drag queens would ruin "I Will Survive," a song, which is not only classic in it's original version, it's been covered several times, including by RuPaul & Diana Ross, is unforgivable. Here's a much better version of the song done by drag queens in the classic The Adventures Of Priscilla, Queen Of the Desert:



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Let's be real, the choreography in Priscilla is not the best... but Hugo Weaving has a face that is made for expression and he works the fuck out of it.


And, yes, I was totally thinking about this when they were doing their lip synch.

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Really, 'I Will Survive' is a disco queen song... I don't think hard core choreography is the way to go with it. I mean, not 'swiffering the floor with your taint' kind of dancing. Strutting, sweeping the train of your gown about, doing some Diana Ross grand-stand posing and some really on point disco or disco inspired moves is the way to go... BUT, you have got to, GOT TO, serve face, face, FACE during that song. And you've got to connect to those lyrics and convince your audience that you. will. survive.


(As a sidenote, I love how all of the ladies in Priscilla went on to become comic book movie super villains. In the above scene, we are watching the Red Skull, Aldrich Killian and the original Zod dancing to Gloria Gaynor in glittery outfits. Magical.)

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I was so gagged about this. As butch looking as I am. (Butch queen first time at the balls) I would have been able to turn this out.... I did think that Fax! was marginally better than labia... That was auto correct but I'm leaving it cause it's hilarious.... So I thought she was going to stay. But as soon as Russ said BOTH of their names, I was all "ooooo!!!"

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^^ this is a hilarious autocorrect since she was pretty much faxing it in!  not even emailing it in, with a PDF attachment, but faxing it in, honey!

Dax is a frustrating queen. You can see she's much smarter than the average cross dresser, and I think she let's that get in her way - she overthinks everything. I get the sense she is not really capable of letting it go. Even in casual situations she is so measured and deliberate it comes across as stilted and condescending. There is no spontaneity - she's a drag android.  Even the freakishly neutral accent seems computer generated.

Edited by SteveAC10
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The "Cha-Cha Bitch" Mini-Challenge was not only hilarious,  Dax & Laila's boring performances foreshadowed their double eliminations.

Thanks for bringing up the mini challenge. I was so focused on the double elimination that I temporarily forgot about how much I loved the cha cha bitch mini challenge. It was so entertaining and it was also fun to see the different personality that each queen brought, from the Frida Kahlo realness to Chi Chi's amazing dance skills. But it also showed how lackluster some of them were. I kept waiting for them to bust out something, anything. If you don't know how to cha cha, just ham it up and entertain us. Imagine if one of them had busted out the macarena or a deliberately bad dance. They would have at least gotten points for making Ru laugh.

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I am LOVING this season.  Really a lot more than S7. 


What is the point of the Shade Tree?  Is that necessary?  There is enough shade being thrown in the talking heads.  One blogger pointed out that maybe it's so the queens can be in the moment when they need to get something off their chest...*shrug*.  IDK.


I like all the queens--even Naomi who I was convinced was going to be the pretty one and nothing else of the season but she can really dance.  I was impressed with her during the Bitch Perfect routine. 


I too am quickly becoming a Thorgy fan.  Something about this queen is captivating.  Having said that, what is up with her hair??  Are all those dread locks real?  Wow that's a lot of hair.  And are the unshaven legs part of his look?  Obviously he shaves his beard and chest (I think) so I was curious why the legs are left unkept.

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As soon as Ru busted out that cell phone and made a call I actually said aloud "that best NOT be Shangela on the other end." Oh hell no!


I still think Honey and Vivienne's LSFYL is THE worst ever but Laila and Dax's was just awful. W.T.F. Ru made the right call there.


Ya'll have posted so much of my own observations, opinions, etc on this episode (I must re-watch the main challenge again, almost all of the ladies turned. it. out.) Although Bob had me from the get go I am rooting for beloved little Kim Chi as well. Love love love her! Haven't watched Untucked yet but loved how none of the other queens made fun of her for still being a virgin, for still having "fat kid" insecurities, for being a nerd, etc. I'm hoping Naomi or Bob or someone offers to give Kim some runway walk instruction.


I don't really have a hate for any of the remaining contestants yet, just nit picks that are just that.


Can Ester Dean return as a guest judge? I so liked her! She was not mean or catty with her comments, she saw something she liked or didn't like and just said it, or maybe offered an alternative to what was presented. And I had no idea she had co-written some really huge songs, wow!

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Really, "I Will Survive" is a disco queen song...I don't think hard core choreography is the way to go with it. I mean, not 'swiffering the floor with your taint' kind of dancing. Strutting, sweeping the train of your gown about, doing some Diana Ross grand-stand posing and some really on point disco or disco inspired moves is the way to go... BUT, you have got to, GOT TO, serve face, face, FACE during that song. And you've got to connect to those lyrics and convince your audience that you. will. survive.


  A-freaking-men! If a queen is going to lip-sync to a song as iconic as "I Will Survive," I expect-no, I demand- them to serve it accordingly. If it were me & I had to lip-sync for my life to that song, my strategy would be to, in my words, "give them, face, face, face/Face & swag/Face & swag/Face, face, face/Work that gown/Work that gown/Face, face, face/Throw that shade/Throw that shade/You. Have. Been. Served./BAM!"





I did think that Fax! was marginally better than labia...That was auto correct but I'm leaving it because it's hilarious....


This is a hilarious auto correct since she was pretty much faxing it in! not even emailing it in, with a PDF attachment, but faxing it in, honey!


Dax's performance was so lame, she didn't even tweet it in.

Edited by DollEyes
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Obviously he shaves his beard and chest (I think) so I was curious why the legs are left unkept.

Many of the queens don't shave their legs, they pile into multiple pairs of tights so it isn't really an issue. Queens going bare legged is a relatively new trend - and it's mainly the pageant queens aiming for realness that do so.

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I wish we'd gotten to see more of Dax's cosplay looks - I was looking forward to that. I am going to have a conniption fit with every elimination from now on because I sort of love all of them! I thought it was really sweet of Bob to give Laila some last minute tips on her lipsync. Laila seems like a super nice person but just a little green and unable to rise high enough to match the talent level this year. 

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During the "let's all talk about our boyfriends" bit in Untucked, I'm disappointed that nobody (not even Bob!!) asked if Derrick was getting down with 3 p, or if it was 180 degrees, or if he had ever felt caught in between.


I mean maybe that's not the most iconic Britney song but COME ON.


Acid Betty's face out of drag is really interesting to watch. It's very expressive and craggy and no matter where he is on screen, I look for his face. This disturbs me a bit.


I really like all of them so far (barring the lackluster lip-sync) so this will be an enjoyable season, I hope. I don't have satellite so I shelled out for the season pass on amazon. They better not disappoint me like the bitches of season 7...

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I wish we'd gotten to see more of Dax's cosplay looks - I was looking forward to that. I am going to have a conniption fit with every elimination from now on because I sort of love all of them! I thought it was really sweet of Bob to give Laila some last minute tips on her lipsync. Laila seems like a super nice person but just a little green and unable to rise high enough to match the talent level this year.

I agree with Dax cosplay looks but honestly I see more cosplay with Kim Chi. Dax's face kinda bothered me a bit. She had sooooo much cosmetic eye work done she looked oriental! It was so distracting the way her face didn't move when she spoke.

I agree Acid Betty's face is a bit.....jarring. Honestly she scares the shit out of me. Lol I don't know why but something about those facial expressions, like she could shoot flames from here eyes just weirds me out.

Really like all the queens and early favs are Bob, Kim, Thorgy, and oddly enough Chi Chi and Cynthia (both who I thought would dislike) are starting to grow on me. I love that--when a queens personality and talent win me over

Edited by Dirtybubble
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I have to say I really appreciate both Naomi and Ch Chi for their maturity. They are 21 and 22 years old, and seem to be able to handle criticism incredibly well, and are open with their feelings but don't take the competition too personally.

That's rare in anyone, let alone a person in their early 20s, and especially in a drag queen and reality show contestant!

It shows the high caliber of queens this season that even the young queens like those two are still very polished.

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I watched some of the videos from RPDR, and I think Laila and Dax both would have done better if their teams were switched. Laila's clearly more comfortable playing a down-and-dirty character, and she's very compelling in her element. I think she was just lost on Lady Bitches with trying to figure out how to be funny and in the character of the choreography. Dax has an uptightness about her that would have synced better with the dance style Lady Bitches had to do (plus Lady Bitches seemed to have way simpler choreography). I did think they both had the worst looks on the runway (Dax's gown wasn't hemmed! What was up with that? High-level cosplayers are usually all about the details), and it's hard because this group right now that there's no margin for error.


Personally, I don't buy into the idea that "I Will Survive" is a gay anthem and thus all drag queens have to be able to slay it. It's a disco song--not everyone's going to connect to that. Laila and Dax both seem to have a specific niche that they do. I think the right decision was made because RPDR demands some level of versatility, but I don't think they're bad queens because they can't do "I Will Survive."


Acid Betty is very talented, and if I were putting together a show where she could come in, do her solo bit, and not have to work with anyone ever, I would consider casting her. But I would never, ever cast her in any role where she needs to work with other people. Attitudes like hers are toxic to group dynamics, and I don't think she has a freaking clue that she's the problem. 


Chi Chi was on fire at every moment in that routine. I do not envy anyone who has to lip sync against her. Someone may be able to out-ballad her, but I don't see anyone beating her in a high energy, dance friendly number unless it's Derick in the bottom with a Britney song (ha! That would get so many cries of the fix being in). 

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Personally, I don't buy into the idea that "I Will Survive" is a gay anthem and thus all drag queens have to be able to slay it. It's a disco song--not everyone's going to be able to connect to that.  Laila and Dax have a specific niche that they do. I think the right decision was made because RPDR demands some kind of versatility, but I don't think they're bad queens because they can't do "I Will Survive."


  I respectfully disagree. The way I see it, this is about history. Plenty of young queens have drag mothers who know/love "I Will Survive,"  regardless of what niche they're in. Plenty of queens have songs that they love that have existed ever since long before they were born. Even if a queen doesn't love a song, if they're going to be lip-synching for their lives to it, they had better turn it out if they want to stay, which Laila and Dax didn't (to put it mildly), hence the double elimination, which was richly deserved.



I've thought that since I've met the queens that Dax looks like a black Benedict Cumberbatch.


Except that Cumberbatch actually has Charisma, Uniqueness, Nerve and Talent, unlike Dax.

Edited by DollEyes
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I respectfully disagree....Even if a queen doesn't love a song, if they're going to be lip-synching for their lives to it, they had better turn it out if they want to stay, which Laila and Dax didn't (to put it mildly), hence the double elimination, which was richly deserved.

I'm not sure what you're disagreeing with. I said I agreed with the decision to send them home. All I'm arguing is that lip syncing to "I Will Survive" is not some kind of litmus test, and any drag queen who fails is a horrible drag queen across the board. Laila can still give killer, sexy performances of goth/punk/hard rock songs. Dax fills a geek drag niche (in burlesque, we actually have a subcategory called geeklesque. I don't know if there's a formal drag equivalent, but if there is, that's what Dax would be). They're not fundamentally flawed because they don't connect as performers to "I Will Survive."

Edited by Zuleikha
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I feel if Sharon Needles can turn it out for "It's Raining Men," then queens like Dax and Laila should be able to get into the other gay national anthem.  Laila at least got that it's important and understood the legacy she was facing.  But her flailing didn't work for this song like it did for "Applause."


Hee.  Flaila McQueen maybe?

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All I'm arguing is that lip syncing to "I Will Survive" is not some kind of litmus test, and any drag queen who fails is a horrible drag queen across the board. ... They're not fundamentally flawed because they don't connect as performers to "I Will Survive."


I don't think they are fundamentally flawed, but it does work into a RuNarrative that queens need to know more about their history and how they got to where they are today.  It is an attribute she seemingly admired in Violet Chachki, Jinkx Monsoon, and even Tyra Sanchez.   The Sam Smith faux pas at the Oscars is another example of modern LGBT community members not fully understanding how real the struggle has been for gays for decades, allowing them to be as out and open and accepted in the mainstream as they are. 


"I Will Survive" is a quintessential gay anthem, and perhaps the most ubiquitous song for drag queens ever performed on Drag Race.  Its themes of empowerment, self actualization, growth, and determination ring true for both women and gays, and make it a perfect song for a drag queen to interpret in many levels.  I doubt any queens would scoff at in performing "Born This Way" or other modernly adopted anthems, but to scoff that they don't do disco, or aren't familiar with the song is problematic.   You don't have to love the song to know its importance within the community. 


The whole LSFYL I was wondering, how would Latrice Royale, JuJuBee, or Trinity K. Bonet turn this out?  All have different styles and methods of lip syncing, but I don't doubt any of them would have torn the house down with such an opportunity.  

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...but to scoff that they don't do disco, or aren't familiar with the song is problematic.
But not being good at something isn't the same as scoffing or not recognizing its importance. It's just not being good at performing to it.  Edited by Zuleikha
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My problem with the lip sync was it lacked so much joy in performance.  Normally this part of the show is extra delightful, and Ru's smiling away while watching the queens turn it out, but this one .... meh.  I turned to Mr. Me and said "this is awful," and although I wasn't expecting a double elimination, I definitely thought it was a poor showing.  And (while I totally think one should know one's history) you don't have to know the history to perform the heck out of a song.


They were marking, rather than performing.


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Yeah, they were kind of just walking back and forth. Laila said at some point in Untucked that she just had to not be worse than Daxclamationpoint and uh that's not the attitude you wanna have, really... "I Will Survive" is one of my karaoke jams (I do the first verse down an octave so I can pull out the fancy shit later) and I am more exciting at performing this than they were, IMO.



High-level cosplayers are usually all about the details


Yeah, I am also a cosplayer who has won some stuff and Daxclamationpoint wouldn't do very well with that level of construction. The thing with cosplay is that even if you don't have time for the details, the good cosplayers are resourceful enough to fake it so it looks good. I've had things falling apart before a contest because I hadn't tested them out but was able to figure out something completely different to fix it and pulled it off.


I'm curious what cons she goes to or if she's just an instagram cosplayer who does nothing but closet cosplay makeup tests or something... If drag is headed toward that, cosplay has been there for years, so maybe that's where the young queens are getting it.

Edited by belligerent
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I kept forgetting to post this.  There was an interaction during Untucked where Bob brought up "nude" clothing.  That conversation made me love these queens even more.  The use of humor to bring up something so very important is brilliant!

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So I have watched the main challenge of this episode a dozen or so too many times (mainly because it is so fabulous). If you really watch closely (too many times), you can pick the top 5. And even, perhaps, the pecking order below that. You can see the ones who really command your attention: Bob, Thorgy, Derek, Naomi and Chi Chi. Kim does too, but in an endearingly awkward way. If she can learn how to walk, who knows how far she'll go. Barring returning queen shenanigans


probably goes next.

Edited by SteveAC10
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I'm not sure what you're disagreeing with. I said I agreed with the decision to send them home. All I'm arguing is that lip-synching to "I Will Survive" is not some kind of litmus test, and any drag queen who fails is a horrible queen across the board....They're not fundamentally flawed because they don't connect as performers to "I Will Survive."


 Again respectfully disagreeing. Like I said before, it's about history. If a contestant on RPDR is asked to lip-sync for their lives to a song, especially one as iconic to the gay community as "I Will Survive," as the judges including RuPaul said, then they should at least try to treat it with the respect it deserves.


  On another note, I like Cynthia. She's a funny and talented queen who seems like a sweetheart. She reminds me of a Latina Pandora Boxx.

Edited by DollEyes
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I have watched both episodes driving myself nuts because i knew Cynthia both looked and sounded EXACTLY like someone famous but I couldn't put my finger on it.  Finally it came to me, on one or two episodes of Seinfeld there was this super mean but very flaming gay couple that terrorized Kramer, stole his armoire when he was watching it on the street for Elaine,, etc.  Cynthia looks and sounds just like the Hispanic part of the gay couple. I know they can't be one in the same because that was 20 years ago.


My horses in this race are Cynthia, Thorgy Thor and Naomi Smalls (#1 for me).

My guess on who is coming back is someone who has become very popular but didn't win.  Like Chad Michaels, Ru created Allstars only so he could give it to Chad. Maybe Willem, Raven or Alaska?


Why does Michelle looks so good?  Weight loss???

Edited by WhineandCheez
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Watched both episodes again today and it occurred to me that maybe the double elimination was supposed to happen in the first episode but Laila started turning it out when she got on the floor and they decided to delay it.


I have no insider info, but a thought I had was maybe instead of bringing back someone else to compete, they might bring a past contestant back as a mentor to kick the queens into shape or something. They could have used one of those last season. This season, less so.


Hell, maybe they'll bring Santino back to leer at them all in the workroom.

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Pretty good episode, they really all did well in the show number, that was a LOT to learn in such a short time


I really enjoy Bob and now Thorgy....I also like the "pretty" - Britany impersonator and the gorgeous Naomi. My tastes must differ I guess...

I am sick of sob stories on ALL realty shows. I also usually dislike whichever older Queen thinks she is the shizitz - could not stand Ginger last season.

I didn't like that "Mrs" whatever contestant. I was not fond of Jinx Monsoon - not really funny IMHO and not really pretty.

I really like comedic Queens like Bianca Del Rio and Bob...and sometimes just "unique" contestants like Sharon Needles. I also like - shoot me - very pretty

contestants - I love Violet IMHO a deserved winner.


My niece and her college friends enjoy drag shows and she has met Bianca and Miss Fame and treasures her pictures of them with her haha...both very nice.

I am a straight woman but have enjoyed some drag show artistry and I enjoy this show (along with most reality shows- I only like reality) . I really like the talented contestants - now....don't scream at me - but I think Kim Chee is a one look contestant - and I am not that fond of the look anyhow. She looks cross eyed, and yes she can not dance or walk the runway. Back story or no I don't think she would be a good winner. Can't sing, can't dance, can't walk in heels. I can at least still walk in heels haha


Plus seriously the "anime" Asian Japanese schoolgirl fad stuff is really old by now isn't it? Yeah I also despise any contestant on any show who "rocks" pink hair or a big bull nose ring...snooze...snore


Oh - and I also really like the Latin Queens...I like Cynthia and I like the first contestant who had to sashay away. And no - I am not Hispanic - but I do live in south florida and I love the Latin music. Cynthia really brought it in the dance challenge! I loved her runway look - very Telenova!

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I'm not convinced Kim Chi cannot walk in heels.  I think it was a tight dress this week.

I'm only convinced because I love, love, love heels, but can't walk in them....and I recognize the slow and pained stroll of someone else who loves heels and is trying to make it work.  


I would love it if I was wrong though.

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You know how the people who come on the show and can't sew are mocked for not learning how to sew before the show? That's how I feel about Kim Chi not learning how to move in heels, much as I like her. But most major areas have stiletto dance classes, and failing that, Kim Chi could have hired a dance instructor for some private lessons. There's a technique to it, and she needs to learn it.


I'm honestly perplexed as to how Kim Chi hasn't learned to move in heels yet. Googling turns up performance videos from as far back as 2011. 

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That is a good point about taking dance/stiletto/and/or sewing crash course before the show -

even the turdy moms on Toddlers and Tiaras hired "coaches" and got the wardrobes, choreography etc in order before a big pageant LOL


Also all the excuses about the teeth are kind of off putting - IF you want more -people to enjoy this "art" and shows then the entertainers should be

ready to entertain and look professional. I can't imagine going to a show and watch Kim lumber around perfectly made up but no dancing? can't walk,

and we don't know about the lip synching yet do we?


Even the toddlers had sort of temp "flipper" dentures that went over their own teeth - I think you can't drink or eat in them but they do use them for shows,

pagents, even movies - why can't some of these Queens scrape up the $$ for at least something like that? Bad teeth in 2016 on tv are kind of disconcerting.

. You don't see rappers become stars based only on their sob story upbringing....you don't see country stars who rely solely upon how hard it was back in Appalachia.


So frankly I don't give a damm about Kim's sob story - I just would not want to go to  a show and see her looking like  giant cartoon doing nothing more than posing JMO

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Even the toddlers had sort of temp "flipper" dentures that went over their own teeth - I think you can't drink or eat in them but they do use them for shows,

pagents, even movies - why can't some of these Queens scrape up the $$ for at least something like that? Bad teeth in 2016 on tv are kind of disconcerting.


Trinity had flippers in Season 6 and one of the judges brought up that she was difficult to understand...and I think it was Ru who said that it was because of the flippers. There were challenges afterwards where she took them out to be understood, IIRC.

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