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S03.E13: Dark Mirror

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Glad Jenny and Crane weren’t oblivious to the fact that Abbie was hiding something. Also glad that Abbie finally confessed all to Crane, but him finding out what was going on was kind of anti-climatic.

The scene at the end with her asking Crane for help was perfect, but it was cut way too short. I thought it should’ve been longer.

The Jersey Devil was at least funny, though his story was ridiculous. As was the HO and Pandora’s backstory. So the HO’s goal is to enslave humanity? I’m bored already. I liked the apocalypse storyline better. There are no stakes with this because Crane and Abbie spend more time enjoying romantic dinners and Sunday morning brunches with the family, not that I don’t enjoy those scenes, than being proactive about trying to stop the HO and Pandora. Each week they sit around waiting for the next monster thrown their way instead of going on the offensive.

So once again Abbie and Crane just stands watching as the monster of the week pontificates about what he’s going to do. SMH. Glad lightning was at least able to help take him out.

This episode was okay. The best part was the Crane/Abbie scenes discussing her obsession with the symbol. Everything else was just blah.

No Sophie, Danny or Betsy Ross, this week, none of whom were missed.

  • Love 13

Yes, the Ichabbie was strong with this one! And I caught that kiss at the top of the head too. I still would have liked Ichabod hugging her on the couch at the end, but considering he made it pretty much textual that he's being extremely solicitous of boundaries....

I highly enjoyed the sojourn through Leed's secret lab; felt like old times. And it was nice to have a thinking "demon" for once.

  • Love 6

I thought all the little and larger moments between Abbie and Crane were wonderful and I am hugely appreciative that TPTB didn't keep the rune as a ZOMGsekrit between the witnesses, but instead had them acknowledge it's significance in a way that was rather lovely in a twisted way.  Can I say how wonderful it was that Crane was more concerned with Abbie's welfare and her state of mind than getting huffy over her almost letting him succumb to the poison? Aside from gently opining that the rune might be evil, he had more concern for what Abbie was going through after her experiences trapped in the underworld than going on about the potential problem.


I don't really think either of them were necessary to this particular story but I did miss both Daniel and Sophie. In fact, a story where two victims were antiquarians might have been a good use of Sophie, given that her parents were essentially relic hunters. I do like both of them, though I think the way they've been used in the show has been uneven at best. As much as I like the idea of Abbie joining the FBI it has had a needle-scratch effect on me. I accept it only because I don't feel like nit-picking it anymore than I already have but it hasn't added anything to the narrative.  Daniel and Sophie could still have been introduced unchanged and it might have even worked better if they were FBI operatives sometimes working with, sometimes at odds with the Sleepy Hollow PD.


There was some other loud-talking person with curly hair I didn't miss, but (fortunately) it's not really important.


I like Jenny and Joe, I am one that enjoys their chemistry, though it's more of the warm than the hot variety. It seems like the writing keeps doing things that are small and delightful in their moments together and then overstepping into tiresome. I. did. not. care. about Joe's  ham-handed gesture of trying to fix her dysfunctional residence. It was not funny, interesting or telling about their respective characters. it was merely dull. 


I enjoyed the brunch scenes at the beginning. They were fun and light and I like seeing the four of them together. Regardless of whether that kaiser roll might have a potentially bothersome name to someone who had fought Hessians, it looked heinous. I thought the lovely scenes of Abbie and Ichabod at the end were somewhat undermined by the jarring clumsiness of the supposed parallel to Joe not respecting Jenny's barriers. Whatever. Sometimes it works better when they don't try so hard to tie things together.

Edited by yuggapukka
  • Love 4

I am going to need to watch this again because it's hard to tweet and watch everything at the same time. LOL But a few quick thoughts:

Loved, loved, loved Team Witness having Sunday brunch together. Ditto for Crane and Jenny noticing that something was not quite right with Abbie and agreeing to spy on her.

Abbie looked lovely throughout the episode. And Crane. Wow. I guess I really am a sucker for old world charm. The man has some swag.

Where did Joe get money? Did I miss something?

Jenny closing the door in Joe's face. LOL

OMG when Crane was succumbing to the poison and called out "Abbie!" I almost died.

When Abbie finally snapped to, gave him the antidote, then kissed his head and cradled him against her, I DIED.

And finally, the last scene between them when she showed her vulnerability and asked him for help...how can anyone NOT be a Ichabbie shipper after that?

I didn't think Abbie telling Crane about the symbol was anti-climatic. Yes, he had figured it out for himself, but it was a huge step for her to tell him and don't think he didn't realize it. Be back later with more thoughts.

  • Love 14

Awwww bye bye Strong Black Woman trope and good riddance!!  


The episode felt a bit like a mess, but maybe that's because I was desperate to see them delve into Abbie's issues more... but the Ichabbie scenes so made up for it.  Ichabod begging Abbie to help him as he lay dying - OMGosh - I was yelling at the TV and half expecting the rune to give Abbie some secret powers to heal Ichabod, lol.  But seeing her finally mix up the potion again and give it to him and then hold him to her, clutching that rune (that part is creepy)... wow.  And that "Abbie" he let out as he lay dying.  Whew....


And oh - when Abbie sat there, looking at him so small and vulnerable and then said she needed his help - I too was mad the scene was cut short.  I wanted so much more - I wanted him to take her hand or something... but the glassy eyed look she gave him (I think she was near tears) got me right in the chest.  It's so great that they're showing that Abbie is still a bad ass, but that trauma in the catacombs really broke her and she's vulnerable because of it and off her game.  And that she NEEDS Crane.  This is probably the first time she's actively admitted to needing him in such a deep way... 


Also - LOVE the scene of Abbie running and suffering through flashbacks of her time in the catacombs and then running to the rune to get some peace and relief.  They are really showing that the rune helps her not suffer - almost like a totem - but clearly there is something evil about it and she's really going to need help.


And poor Ichabod - so distracted by trying to find Abbie that he misses his immigration interview... maybe Abbie will have to marry him to keep him in the US.  Heh.

  • Love 16

And poor Ichabod - so distracted by trying to find Abbie that he misses his immigration interview... maybe Abbie will have to marry him to keep him in the US. Heh.

I've thought this as well. I love Ichabbie, but I don't think I want to see this trope play out for them.

I do wonder if the rune is truly evil. Yes the symbol was on the outside of catacombs, the Jersey Devil had it in his possession and it seems to almost put Abbie in a trance but could all these things be a red herring? Didn't they say the HO was supposed to protect the items in Pandora's box, keep them from getting out? But the HO convinced her to release them so that he wouldn't be hidden anymore? I need to rewatch these scenes. Maybe the rune will help them destroy HO.

Edited by Enero
  • Love 2

I enjoyed the brunch scenes at the beginning. They were fun and light and I like seeing the four of them together. Regardless of whether that kaiser roll might have a potentially bothersome name to someone who had fought Hessians, it looked heinous.


Kaiser roll!  I could not figure out what a hunk of bread had to do with Hessians--that one went straight over my head.  But at least I got the eggs Benedict reference.


Where did Joe get money? Did I miss closing the door in Joe's face. LOL


I'm glad I'm not the only one confused about his money.  I thought all his dad left him was weird supernatural stuff and I don't remember him being rich before this episode.

  • Love 6

As was the HO and Pandora’s backstory. So the HO’s goal is to enslave humanity? I’m bored already. I liked the apocalypse storyline better. There are no stakes with this because Crane and Abbie spend more time enjoying romantic dinners and Sunday morning brunches with the family, not that I don’t enjoy those scenes, than being proactive about trying to stop the HO and Pandora. Each week they sit around waiting for the next monster thrown their way instead of going on the offensive.


The Hidden One is not interesting at all and it's worse when he's dragging Pandora down as his servant/sidekick who's stuck sitting around with him.  I prefer the apocalypse storyline better too because it gave the series a sense of urgency, too bad they had to ruin it last season.

  • Love 6


I'm glad I'm not the only one confused about his money.  I thought all his dad left him was weird supernatural stuff and I don't remember him being rich before this episode.


I may be mis-remembering this but didn't the storyline with Nevins in the first part of the season make mention of August Corbin having amassed a considerable sum as a result of dealings in relics? I think Joe was having issues over what sounded to him like ill-gotten gains.

Edited by yuggapukka
  • Love 1

I loved all the Ichabbie stuff, of course, but could not wait for the Pandora/Hidden One backstory to be over. My god, that went on and on. I really do not care at all about how Pandora and Hidden One got where they are. They're useless as villains, just tossing out one monster a week to go around killing people. The "drained powers" is the excuse, of course, for their worthlessness as villains, but they're really starting to feel like she-who-must-not-be-named in the plot contrivance category.


And again... a villain stands there talking, while they shoot useless bullets at him. I was watching and saying "Hey, shoot the lightning rod out of the pot! Shoot the pot to break it." Anything. Quit trying to shoot invincible demonic things with bullets. It fails every time. (Ok, unless you work out that hitting a random scarab that's burrowed into its chest will work.) And speaking of useless efforts... why didn't they cut off that dude's tail while he was weakened? Grab an ax or a blade of some sort and give it one swift blow. They didn't even think to try anything to disable him.


But then Ichabbie at the end, so the other stuff is forgiven. I just wish the writers would work as hard on their plotting of episodes and characterizing their demons, as they do at giving us a satisfying emotional journey. (And believe me, I'm really loving the satisfying emotional journey.)

Edited by CalamityBoPeep
  • Love 8

but could not wait for the Pandora/Hidden One backstory to be over. My god, that went on and on. I really do not care at all about how Pandora and Hidden One got where they are. They're useless as villains, just tossing out one monster a week to go around killing people. The "drained powers" is the excuse, of course, for their worthlessness as villains, but they're really starting to feel like she-who-must-not-be-named in the plot contrivance category.


Agreed, even then, all they do is sit around most of the time rambling about their plans.

  • Love 3

Interesting that while they did end up defeating the Jersey Devil as usual, he still got the sands or whatever it was to The Hidden One in time, so I think this was the first time The Hidden One got some kind of victory against Ichabod and Abbie.  About time, since he was starting to come off real ineffective, because they've been handing his ass to him left and right.


Surprised Abbie already admitted her crazy obsession with that symbol, but I guess almost letting Ichabod die because of it, would be big enough to make her snap out of her funk and admit she has a problem.  But she was lucky that the poison took a bit to set in, because if felt like she was staring at that damn necklace for a long time.


Joe and Jenny.... whatever.  Can't believe Joe thought that buying Jenny a whole new trailer without her permission would fly.  Is his entire romantic history consist of just watching bad romantic comedies?  I doubt many would have been cool with that, but Jenny especially was going to hate it.  Your lucky she continues to like you, despite being a dipshit at times, Joe.


Things finally go The Hidden One's way, so of course, he suddenly treats Pandora with something resembling affection, but I'm sure that will go away, as soon as his next plan is thwarted.  The sooner Pandora cuts him out, the better.   He's a bore (and a waste of Peter Mensah's talents), and has neutered Pandora, who use to be a pretty compelling villain.

  • Love 2

Last episode was frantic mess of every possible character doing their thing in 40+ minutes of screen time. This episode felt like there was not enough background and story development and it all felt disjointed for different reasons, with half of the secondary characters missing and half of the main characters doing nothing.


I would gladly spend my time watching Leeds' Mad Scientist routine than suffer through Joenny's Wacky Relationship Troubles. Yes, yes, boundaries are important. Yes, Joe's heart was in the right place. No, it's not a deal-breaker because Joe's nice and kind person. Can we move on to awesome Leeds' Lair of Crazy and his inventions now? Because that? Was awesome!


By the way, Ichabod's and Leeds' chemistry was off the charts! He was such a great antagonist, I would listen him speechifying evilly for another hour. The actor clearly was having a blast playing the part. And how cool was that phonograph thingy! I hope the Witnesses would use this laboratory in the future.


Oh, we kind of found out that Pandora was into bad boys because they're tortured and sad underneath all the murder and enslavement of humans. I was wondering if THO's brother is there somewhere and if they could free him to fight THO.


Team Witness being a real family and having a Sunday brunch together was the most adorable thing ever. I liked that Ichabod and Jenny were concerned about Abby's hiding something. The follow up of the issue in the Leeds' laboratory when Ichabod was poisoned was great and touching. Unfortunately the editing was kind of shit there, as it happens in this show from time to time. Ichabod and Abbie talked about the symbol and her PTSD in the laboratory. And then they had like, exact same conversation at home at the very end.

Edited by CooperTV
  • Love 1

Oh, we kind of found out that Pandora was into bad boys because they're tortured and sad underneath all the murder and enslavement of humans. I was wondering if THO's brother is there somewhere and if they could free him to fight THO.

What was telling, and not surprising about their backstory is that HO has been using Pandora since day one. He used her to help him destroy his brother so that he could live in the light and be all powerful. He didn't love her and still don't. He loved what she could do for him, help him gain power.

I do wonder though what happened to the other gods? Did he destroy them too? Or are they hidden away somewhere waiting to be brought forth? And why would his brother sit there and let himself be destroyed without a fight? Again, none of this backstory made much sense.


Unfortunately the editing was kind of shit there, as it happens in this show from time to time. Ichabod and Abbie talked about the symbol and her PTSD in the laboratory. And then they had like, exact same conversation at home at the very end.

True. To a point. The conversation did deepen a bit with Abbie confessing how she thought she could control it, then recognizing she needed help and asking for it. Crane also apologized for coming off judgmental about her using the symbol when he first learned of her being drawn to it. So, a little different from the conversation in TJD's lair.

  • Love 2

Fine bit of acting by TM with Crane feeling the effects of the venom.  He started acting it out while still in the background.


The Jersey Devil was great and I was sorry when he was defeated.  Makes me wonder if he would have stayed longer if the show had been assured of a reneweal earlier on.


I was shocked by two things.  #1 Abbie kissing Ichabod on his forehead.  Thank you board for confirming what at first I "thought" I saw.  It was real!  Yay.  #2 The Hidden One not only can move but he went outdoors.  I was beginning to think he was permanently housebound and stuck to that chair.  I wish Pandora had thrown that old, wilted flower in his face.  I hope that pool she sits by endlessly is actually showing episodes of "Snapped" and she's taking notes to avoid mistakes when she finally snaps herself. 


This is the first episode of the "Back 9" that didn't quite do it for me.  On to "Into the Wild"!

Edited by MissAlmond
  • Love 4

And with that tiny whimper, the promising Abbie post-catacombs storyline seems to have come to an end. This show will never waste an opportunity to turn a potentially exciting plot into a formulaic and dull one.


Actually it's not finished - there are spoilers ahead that indicate that it's not done.

Also - Did Abbie say that she couldn't sleep or dream there? It was just 10 months of being perpetually awake? That must have been horrible. Wow.

So, based on the backstory - THO was kept where Abbie got sent. Before Pandora came to him with the flower, he was sitting in a throne room in the catacombs (I guess their version of hell) and given that box where all of the evil was kept. Then he used Pandora to open the box in the presence of his brother and that freed him from the catacombs?

But when he defeated his brother with Pandora's box, he then got sucked away again? I guess back to the catacombs? Or where? WHO sucked him back to the catacombs (or was that where he got sucked to)?

That symbol means something - we just don't know what it means yet.

Edited by phoenics
  • Love 5

The concept of the Jersey Devil felt to me kinda stupid actually.  He was just a slasher really.  But the backstory they gave for Leeds and his overwhelming disdain or Ben Franklin was quite good.  Too bad they had to wrap him up in the Jersey Devil stuff, because he was entertaining all by himself.


Although a lot of the concentration on Abbie and her symbol has been squarely put in Abbie, I am glad that this episode pulled some of the focus onto Ichabod.  It is gratifying to know that even though Abbie thought she was hiding stuff, that Ichabod and Jenny weren't being fooled at at all.  Ichabod is not dumb and I am glad the show not only didn't make Abbie secret this long lasting thing, but that it also didn't underestimate Ichabod.  Even in the throes of dying he realized immediately that the symbol was of significance to Abbie. 


And even better, I loved his response to finding out about it.  He was a soldier on a battlefield and understands about PTSD and coping and instead of looking at her like some crazy creature he tries to understand and relate.  And give her her space.


And even even better, Abbie realizing she is getting out of control and asking for help.  This was so many things!  Not just because Nicole Beharie acted her ass off in that scene but because it does throw away the Strong Black Woman trope the show was intent on shoring up most of last season.  Also Tom Mison was equally excellent in that scene.  His body language was perfect.  First the coat flip to sit down(!!)  but also and the tension in his body, he seemed to be yearning to offer comfort but held himself back because he needed to give her space.  These two are the TRUTH.


I need to re-watch the scenes of the THO and Pandorac backstory because it confused me.  But I also wonder if the symbol really is evil?  Could it be a symbol of the other more benevolent Gods?  I mean it sounded like THO was the black sheep of the family.  And he used Pandy's Stockhom Syndrome to get her to help him and believe she is in love with him.  And he's just a whiny baby.   Maybe it is the brother and he is using Abbie as a way to get released.  Not completely good but not necessarily evil either.


And yes, the whispered 'Abbie' followed by the head kiss is getting a prime place in the 'They are totally going for Ichabbie' trophy shelf.

  • Love 7

Awww, I loved Sunday brunch! I get what someone said above about how they need to be more proactive about finding ways to stop the Hidden One, but my feeling is hey, everyone has to eat so they might as well have brunch or dinner or whatever and relax for half an hour. We saw what happened when Crane was completely obsessed with getting Abbie back. It's not healthy to focus 100% of your energy on a problem 24/7 so I'm totally fine with brunch time.


I have to disagree with Jenny about her definition of spying. Crane just said they needed to stay aware of Abbi's needs and pay attention to see if she lied to them. To me, that's not spying. That's just observing and being aware.


Joe definitely overstepped when he bought Jenny a new trailer (although I love that her biggest gripe was that he touched her stuff because I totally get that too - everything is where I wanted it to be, damn it!). But I feel like I have to point out that Jenny is not opposed to throwing money at things all the time. She is the one who suggested that very solution to Crane about his citizenship at the beginning of the episode. But the difference is that she laid out exactly what that meant (hiring a lawyer) and Crane was okay with it. Joe, on the other hand, offered to replace some of the water damaged stuff in the kitchen and then he went way past that and bought a new place for her. And not just a new place but a place that was obviously very expensive and much fancier, not considering that Jenny might find it insulting/condescending, as if her old place wasn't good enough. I'm glad that she told him it wasn't cool and he realized he had gone too far.

Edited by ElectricBoogaloo
  • Love 6

I just watched again and am wondering if they are playing that symbol like the ring - from Lord of the Rings. Remember how Smeagol took it down into the caves of the mountains and "there, it consumed him". Whenever he looked at it - or anyone looked at it - they would hear it whispering to them and whispering their name - calling them to it. Today, when Abbie looked at the symbol in gold, it literally was whispering to her and she was entranced.

Also - last week when she looked at it all shiny and gold on the glass at the FBI meeting, she whispered "Beautiful"... I half expected her to go... "So bright... so beautiful... ahhhh... Precious..."

  • Love 4

Joe and Jenny continue to have the heat of slush.  And their stories are often so disconnected from everything else I don't know why they are even there.  Maybe they should be shipped off to their own show or something.  Right now I am just so bored with them.


THO is a big bore, too.  Even the A plot with Abbie and Ichabod wasn't that exciting.  Maybe I'm just getting bored with the show.

  • Love 5

Joe and Jenny.... whatever.  Can't believe Joe thought that buying Jenny a whole new trailer without her permission would fly.  Is his entire romantic history consist of just watching bad romantic comedies?  I doubt many would have been cool with that, but Jenny especially was going to hate it.  Your lucky she continues to like you, despite being a dipshit at times, Joe.


Things finally go The Hidden One's way, so of course, he suddenly treats Pandora with something resembling affection, but I'm sure that will go away, as soon as his next plan is thwarted.  The sooner Pandora cuts him out, the better.   He's a bore (and a waste of Peter Mensah's talents), and has neutered Pandora, who use to be a pretty compelling villain.

Joe clearly has watched too many of those Christmas commercials where you give your loved one a new car with a giant bow on it...glad I wasn't the only one confused because he suddenly has money.


Pandora was a lot more interesting pre-HO.  Which is too bad for both the woman who plays her and Peter Mensah.

  • Love 4
Whereas Ichabod and Abbie - the "unacknowledged lovers", to slightly misuse a Jane Austen phrase - are navigating these waters in a different way. They too discuss boundaries, unencumbered by any introduction of the physical into their relationship and with the perspective of both age (they are slightly older) and the experience of being completely displaced in space and time.


Miss Dee - your entire post was one of the best analysis for the relationships in SH ever. Until I read your post, I never truly realized how Ichabbie and Joe/Jenny are different iterations of how a pair of individuals would act in a relationship. Nicely done and so spot on!


And poor Ichabod - so distracted by trying to find Abbie that he misses his immigration interview... maybe Abbie will have to marry him to keep him in the US.


I know, eh? Broke my heart actually. If that isn't love, I don't know what is...


And even even better, Abbie realizing she is getting out of control and asking for help.  This was so many things!  Not just because Nicole Beharie acted her ass off in that scene but because it does throw away the Strong Black Woman trope the show was intent on shoring up most of last season.  Also Tom Mison was equally excellent in that scene.  His body language was perfect.  First the coat flip to sit down(!!)  but also and the tension in his body, he seemed to be yearning to offer comfort but held himself back because he needed to give her space.  These two are the TRUTH.


They are, aren't they. When(if) SH gets cancelled, I wish a saavy network would pick up those two and put them into a show. Any Show. Together as leads actings their talented asses off. I could watch them basket weaving. The two of them together are magic. True magic.


Awww, I loved Sunday brunch!


Me too. It was so nice to see team Witness relaxing and just being together for once!! Just them unwinding and being together with the banter, etc is wonderful. The four are a great group. Crane's rant was awesome too (Kaiser buns! Eggs Benedict! Ha!)


Ichabod is not dumb and I am glad the show not only didn't make Abbie secret this long lasting thing, but that it also didn't underestimate Ichabod.  Even in the throes of dying he realized immediately that the symbol was of significance to Abbie.


I agree. It's nice to see proper service done to both characters. Want to hear something messed up? This episode was written by the same pair that wrote the most hated Deliverance. Progress?


I was shocked by two things.  #1 Abbie kissing Ichabod on his forehead.  Thank you board for confirming what at first I "thought" I saw.  It was real!  Yay.  #2 The Hidden One not only can move but he went outdoors.


#1 was so sweet..Aww...However, I do kinda think she should have been a bit more panicky. Abbie didn't seen concerned enough, especially when her soulmate is literally dying in front of her. #2 - LOL. I know - the man can actually get out of bed and WALK and DO something. Shock. I didn't mind the movie showing the start of THO. Finally, some background information on how those two ended up together. And about how "Pandora's box" came to be. The only thing missing is really an indication of why Pandora is so devoted to THO. Yeah, he's hot as hell, but so are plain mortals (ex: Billy Brown (Nate) on HTGGAWM, Tom Ellis on Lucifer)....


Fine bit of acting by TM with Crane feeling the effects of the venom.  He started acting it out while still in the background.


Dude is so underrated it's ridiculous. He really is an amazing talent and so gifted....He doesn't get the accolades he rightfully deserves. Same with NB.

  • Love 6

I live in South Jersey and I hike in South Jersey, sooooo, I'm not saying I believe in the Jersey Devil I"m just saying when you get turned around in the Pine Barrens and it's approaching dusk it gets legitimately creepy in there.


And then you find your car, chuckle to yourself and have wings and a beer at your favorite dive bar and pretend you were never once nervous, nope, not once, no siree bob, not nervous at all.........

  • Love 12

And poor Ichabod - so distracted by trying to find Abbie that he misses his immigration interview...

Wasn't he less so "distracted" and more so...stuck in astral-projected-not-theredness?

This episode was frustrating to me because I found it incredibly unclear. I thought the "video" basically confirmed "the symbol" had to do with the Hidden One, and implied Abbie had basically pledged herself to him. But then the rest of the episode they treated it like they had not confirmed that and it was still ambiguous and assumed Leeds-likey=evil but as if it were up in the air what it really meant. So it confused the fuck out of me. Not in a good ambiguous way. In a make me feel stupid but I really thought I was paying attention kind of way. I mean, it's fine for the audience to know something about the symbol that maybe Abbie and Ich don't, but the things I'm thinking of, they saw. So. What?

Although I give props to NB for her acting because there was some subtlety there that gave me the impression we was being intentionally ambiguous at the end in a way that made me think even though she was admitting a little about the thing to Ichabod, I think she was still holding back and/or lying about it a bit. That there was good ambigous.

I wish Pandora had thrown that old, wilted flower in his face.  I hope that pool she sits by endlessly is actually showing episodes of "Snapped" and she's taking notes to avoid mistakes when she finally snaps herself.


Pandora was definitely more interesting before The Hidden One came along, and their story has become quite boring.  That being said, however, I'm looking forward to seeing what she has in store for her douche of a man.  Maybe it was just my interpretation, but I swear I almost heard the gears turning in her head when she looked at THO in their last scene.  Girl seems a bit fed up.

  • Love 4

Eventually, every show about the supernatural scrapes ol' JD off the bottom of the barrel. Could we...not

http://previously.tv/sleepy-hollow/runnin-with-the-jersey-devil-on-sleepy-hollow/"> Read the story

I'm a former South Jersey resident, and I was excited to see the State Monster on the show. While It wasn't the orgin story that I learned about as a kid, I was entertained, and kinda sad that he got dispatched so quickly.

  • Love 2

Pandora was definitely more interesting before The Hidden One came along, and their story has become quite boring.  That being said, however, I'm looking forward to seeing what she has in store for her douche of a man.  Maybe it was just my interpretation, but I swear I almost heard the gears turning in her head when she looked at THO in their last scene.  Girl seems a bit fed up.

I will be vastly disappointed if Pandora doesn't turn the tables on THO at some point.  Their relationship seems like a perfect metaphor for domestic abuse and I really need to see Pandora realize that and do something about it. 

  • Love 4
And again... a villain stands there talking, while they shoot useless bullets at him. I was watching and saying "Hey, shoot the lightning rod out of the pot! Shoot the pot to break it." Anything. Quit trying to shoot invincible demonic things with bullets. It fails every time. (Ok, unless you work out that hitting a random scarab that's burrowed into its chest will work.) And speaking of useless efforts... why didn't they cut off that dude's tail while he was weakened? Grab and ax or a blade of some sort and give it one swift blow. They didn't even think to try anything to disable him.


THIS! When Crane finally takes the monster down with a knife to his back, something that actually worked when all those bullets did not, did he take the time to cut off Leeds' head and/or the scorpion tail? No, let's just stand around talking instead. So Leeds comes back to life and, in the final stand off, Abbie and Crane AGAIN point their useless pistols at him. GAH!


At least Abbie had brains enough to fork him with the spear. And the final dispatch by lightning was gold. So there's that.


But Crane, get thee a saber, fool!

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Pandora was definitely more interesting before The Hidden One came along, and their story has become quite boring. That being said, however, I'm looking forward to seeing what she has in store for her douche of a man. Maybe it was just my interpretation, but I swear I almost heard the gears turning in her head when she looked at THO in their last scene. Girl seems a bit fed up.

Pandora was my girl! She didn’t walk around Sleepy Hollow, she strutted. She was the Unflappable Pandora and went around telling people their worst fears would indeed come true. However, as someone once told me, just because a woman is smart in other things doesn’t mean she’s smart in love. Alas, Pandora seems to be one of those. She’s obviously lost all sense of her own identity and now leans on The Hidden One to provide it for her. Maybe that’s the point of THO/Pandora story. I want Pandora to take The Hidden One down and proclaim herself goddess of them all. Then I want her to put that librarian outfit back on and give lectures at Sleepy Hollow University on “A Woman’s Box and the Importance of Keeping It."

Edited by MissAlmond
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I really liked this episode. No Daniel, Sophie or Busty and they were not missed.

It's a shame that they got a strong actor and have completely wasted his talents on this Hidden One nonsense. Pandora should have been the sole big bad this season and if we got a season four, the HO could have served as that season's villain. Out of his abusive relationship with Pandora, I think the backstory of the HO and his God siblings could have been terrific if done right. I know the showrunners had to undo a lot of damage from season two before they could move on, but there have been multiple missteps, Busty, THO, Daniel, that have not served their cause well.

I liked the Ichabod and Abbie moments. I like that they continue to show, as Ichabod noted that they are true partners in every sense of the word. I have always been a take it or leave it person on the pairing, I was just opposed to the blatant refusal to pair by diminishing Abbie. However, the more I see of how the two have been written this season, the more I believe that Abbie and Ichabod are soulmates in the true sense of the word. They belong to one another, and it seems like most anyone in their orbit -- Joe, Jenny, Pandora, Sophie-- know it too. Each episode in the back 9 have been about building upon this connection and drawing them closer to realizing and acknowledging their true roles in one another's lives. It's clear that Ichabod is closer to this ultimate truth than Abbie is, but I think this episode was about Abbie starting to own their relationship as well. The admission of what she is going through, the holding of Ichabod when he might have been dying says she is starting to see the potential of what they can be being just their roles as witnesses. I am now firmly in the Ichabbie camp and hope we get a season four if for no other reason than to see their dynamic fully fleshed out and realized.

Way too much time spent on the pedestrian pairing of Joe and Jenny. I like them well enough individually, but as a couple, they don't appeal to, let alone wow me.

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