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All Episodes Talk: Admit it. You Can't Stand The View.


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I thought I was at a Revival today with all the praising. Whoopi was good at shutting down Sherri for excusing Monica cuz she was so young (20). 


Seriously, Whoopi also made a good point about Monica not getting a job she wanted, but not taking jobs she could have had --out of the public eye).  I really  hoped that Hillary would say that Monica needs to get a life and deal with her actions, and move on.  Yawn.

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I have been watching this train wreck of a show for years but Im new to this site.


Nancy Grace freaks me out..... her ignorance shines through loud and clear but still she gets a platform.


Today she said she wants to be kept on life support until God is ready to take her home.... or some crap like that...... what she doesnt seem to relize that if she is on life support..... God wants her dead but medical technology is keeping her alive


What I dont understand is if these people believe that God is making the decision if they live or die... why do they go to see a doctor??

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I wish someone had mentioned it was not Hillary Clinton that was involved with Monica Lewinsky. It was not any decision she made that caused that fiasco. And, I absolutely hate Bill Rancic. I think less of his wife for being married to him much more than I blame Hillary for staying married to Bill Clinton. 

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LOL, Sherri was definitely taken aback when Whoopi said to her "you need to do your homework on some of these illnesses - some are really rough."


Regarding Monica Lewinsky - she became an intern in the White House 7/95 and had a paid job in in the Legislative Affairs in 12/95. She has  had lots of jobs since then,,,see Wiki. I think Whoopi was correct - she just hasn't got the right job SHE wanted. Note to Jenny - why should Monica get $50,000 for giving a speech like Bill Clinton does?


BTW - Monica was not 20 at the time - she was born 7/23/73. She had just turned 22 when she entered the WH. As far as Ransic.....Monica, imo, was not a victim.

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LOL, Sherri was definitely taken aback when Whoopi said to her "you need to do your homework on some of these illnesses - some are really rough."


Regarding Monica Lewinsky - she became an intern in the White House 7/95 and had a paid job in in the Legislative Affairs in 12/95. She has  had lots of jobs since then,,,see Wiki. I think Whoopi was correct - she just hasn't got the right job SHE wanted. Note to Jenny - why should Monica get $50,000 for giving a speech like Bill Clinton does?


BTW - Monica was not 20 at the time - she was born 7/23/73. She had just turned 22 when she entered the WH. As far as Ransic.....Monica, imo, was not a victim.


I agree, Monica was no victim, she was a girl who knew what she wanted and went after it. She knew he was married, but that didnt matter to her. Im pretty sure she didnt call herself a victim..... those who criticize the Clintons and our biased press promote the victim card.

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oh, to change topic (sorry) I happened to watch Jenny's comedy special "Dirty, Sexy, Funny". I was pleasantly surprised. Aside from the first comic (who just said "fuck" too much and sorta annoyed me), Jenny was actually naturally funny and endearing in her skits (many with Donnie W)  and the other comics were smart and very funny women. She never bothered me anyway, but I like her more now. She is certainly way smarter than that bimbo Sherri, whose "special" i tried to watch, but had to leave it when my gag reflex kicked in after 10 minutes.

Edited by pachebo
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Who initiated the flirtation between Monica and her president? Not him.  Who made sure at first she was always close by...even though her job wasn't in the area.  Not him.  Which young woman had pursued an older man (her professor?) before?  Monica was no naive victim.  No one (friend or foe) should EVER question Hillary Clinton about Ms. Lewinski.

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The one thing I dont like about Jenny is her criticism of anyone who speaks about their sexuality........ because Jenny is ONLY famous because of her sexuality


She was a playboy bunny for goodness sake.

She was indeed in a Playboy, but also did many other things as I recall.

I laughed out loud and that one, ginger.  Since Babs wasn't on, this was the only time I yelled at my TV this morning; Babs used to get me yelling MULTIPLE times.  Sherri said reading glasses aren't sexy, and I yelled that SHE is not sexy.  (Being seen in reading glasses is the least of Sherri's problems at this point.)  And she's doing this anti-glasses bit as Whoopi sits there ... ... in her glasses.

I think glasses on women can be sexy, and know quite a few men who think the same! That said, there's no need to wear "reading" glasses to a club, anyway.

I may be the wrong person to comment on this because I started wearing bifocals only after my doctor told me I was in bifocal denial, but, I would much prefer seeing over picking up another low life fat ass at a club, marry him for 2 years and then have him go after all my possessions in court.  Give the clubs a rest Sherri.  You haven't even unloaded the current pig you're married to yet.

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I may be the wrong person to comment on this because I started wearing bifocals only after my doctor told me I was in bifocal denial, but, I would much prefer seeing over picking up another low life fat ass at a club, marry him for 2 years and then have him go after all my possessions in court.  Give the clubs a rest Sherri.  You haven't even unloaded the current pig you're married to yet.

I was in denial also! Progressives are my friend now! And the rest of your post? YES, YES and YES!!!

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Sherri should be ashamed of  herself for basically saying "men don't make passes at women who wear glasses".  WTF does she think? She is going to go out to a club and find her next husband?  And if she is wearing glasses that won't happen?  Yes Sherri, you wearing glasses will prevent men from approaching you.

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Who's sitting next to Sherri on the panel?  The very pretty Jenny McCarthy...wearing glasses.   If Sherri sans glasses and Jenny (with glasses) are in any "club," is Jenny going to be shunned because of those glasses...and every man will run toward Sherri?   Every day in every way Sherri makes me want to bow out of being her next matron of honor.

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She was indeed in a Playboy, but also did many other things as I recall.

I think glasses on women can be sexy, and know quite a few men who think the same! That said, there's no need to wear "reading" glasses to a club, anyway.

Ok.... Ill bite.... what is Jenny's claim to fame?? What did she do to make herself famous?

Ok.... Ill bite.... what is Jenny's claim to fame?? What did she do to make herself famous?

I remember Jenny being the host of the show Singled Out in 1995. Apparently she was in Playboy prior to that, but I myself first became aware of her through that show. Then she was in several TV shows and movies. I also loved her first book about her pregnancy.

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When they were talking about "taking a break" from marriage, and Bill Rancic said divorce was the easy way out, I felt for Sherry.  Her voice got very throaty and hoarse and she said something like, "Oh, no, I disagree, there's nothing easy about divorce" and kind of did a little Elisabeth word salad thing and gestured to herself.  I noticed a minute later that her voice was peppy and normal again, so I'm pretty sure she was getting choked up.  For once, I think, we saw the real woman behind the role that Sherry plays on The View, and it made me sad to see someone in pain.  As much as Sherry annoys me, I think she's a basically kind person, and seeing her come close to losing it on national TV wasn't fun.  (It reminded me of when Whoopi lost her mother and burst into tears in the middle of a segment a couple seasons back.  She said, "You just never know when it'll hit ya."  Yeah, been there and sympathize.)

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And I'll be damned if Sherri didn't show up wearing glasses today! She looked very awkward trying to deal with them, too.

But she didn't wear them for the food segment, I wonder why. And when they came back, she was in the middle of the table instead of next to the guest co-host as she was before the commercial.

Talk about cyphers---Bill Rancic hooking up with Giuliana is the only way he would be on tv. Wasn't he a carpenter or contractor before?


He was a successful businessman/entrepreneur before winning the first season of The Apprentice and has what seems to be a very financially successful career now as a motivational speaker, real estate developer, TV host and producer, restaurant owner, etc. I (stupidly) remember from The Apprentice that his first business was Cigars Around the World, which he had previously sold. I'm not sure if he was involved in real estate development before Trump, but he wasn't a carpenter or contractor. I don't doubt that their "cachet" as a couple has helped both of them land gigs they might otherwise have not, but Bill was and is pulling in a ton of money in his own right. Kind of the Stedman to Giuliana's Oprah.

Edited by lordonia
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Talk about cyphers---Bill Rancic hooking up with Giuliana is the only way he would be on tv. Wasn't he a carpenter or contractor before?




He was a successful business/entrepreneur before winning the first season of The Apprentice


Thank you, lordonia - you succinctly summed up his bio much better than I lazily would have.  Rancic was accomplished long before hooking up with Guiliana, and certainly didn't need her to be successful.  He's no slouch.  As I recall from the tale of them meeting, it was she who was impressed with him when she was interviewing him after his Apprentice win.

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I think the broken clock rule came into play today, because I actually agreed with Sherri over the tenure issue. Tenure is one of the only things that gives teachers security in a job where there is probably more risk to be fired/sued over anything and everything. Seeing it be struck down in California of all places is very disappointing; the loss of employee rights continues. Unfortunately, since this point of view came from the ill-spoken Sherri, ie. the dumb one of the table, nobody took her seriously. I wish Joy had been there today.


That co-host was awful, and listening to him try to ridiculously spin everything was irritating. If he was cast as a regular, that would be the last time I watch this show, no exaggeration.

Edited by TheGreenKnight
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The guest co-host today said there have not been 74 shootings since Sandy Hook. I'd love to see a reliable source backing up his statement. One can google that and find lots of articles that there have been....one can easily find a source they trust.


Last night's NBC News with Brian Williams mentioned the 74 shootings also, saying that Pres. Obama decried the fact that there has been almost one shooting per week since Sandy Hook (74 shootings in 77 weeks), so this is one instance at least where The View's producers didn't just pull this out of their butt.  As a matter of fact, just now, as I was typing this in, our local news preview just quoted the same figures.  So I too would like to know where Cain is getting his info, and will be interested in hearing his correction.

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Loved how Sherri and Jenny kept on talking when Whoopi wanted to break, so Whoopi just went on to break with them still babbling on.  They seemed surprised.  I laughed out loud.


I don't get how that co-host can say everybody has a little bi-sexual in them.  Ages ago I had a friend who said he didn't like bi's because they couldn't make up their f'ing minds.:)

Both Rancics are a waste of my time.  She seems like a nice enough (but driven*) personality...but her look certainly isn't appealing.  Both have gotten farther in the "showbiz" than they should have.  


*I doubt if anyone can get anywhere in the entertainment industry without a lot of drive.


I can't agree with Sherri about tenure.  It would be one thing if the teachers' union(s) would help get rid of teachers who have no business in the classroom, but it protects every union member...deservedly or not.  I remember seeing a documentary where some teachers were at least (at least!) removed from the classroom for the good of the students, but they were put in offices/areas where they did busy-work or personal stuff while getting full pay. 

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When I heard the guest co host interrupt Whoopi to tell her that there had NOT been 74 (77?) school shootings since Sandy Hook, my ears perked up.  I had no idea who he was, but I do now!


He immediately went to the pattented radical right wing tactic of:

Claiming the number was from a gun control group - and then said the number was wrong again. No evidence given.


He then said according to PEW polls (the most widely respected polling company) and FBI figures, "violent crime" has significantly, significantly declined in the last few years.


Notice please that the two statements have nothing to do with one another.


The original claim was SCHOOL shootings only.  It is entirely/probably possible (if he wasn't 'misquoting' his sources) that overall violent crime has been reduced, and by the way 'violent crime' is a very large category of felonies.  He never once stated how many SCHOOL shootings his information stated have happened.


Also, his statement of the last few years could be length of time, while Whoopi's statement was specific - Sandy Hook (2012) to now (2014)


ALSO, the PEW polls are POLLS, typically of individuals.  While they may have polled individual police departments, it sounds a bit off. I would like confirmation that PEW actually released a poll saying there were fewer than 74 school shootings since Sandy Hook - the claim seems off to me.  You wouldn't need a poll to find that out.


So there we have it, go on the attack, deny the info is true, thro in some respected sources and conclude something completely different that the original point.

Classic Radical Right Wing Talk show demagoguery.  Deny facts, misdirect, mislead and then conclude something very different but similar sounding.


Geddi is determined to turn this nonsense into television's version of Limbaugh, et.al.


And who in heaven's name is this guy?


Man, Joy would not have let him get away with this.  Miss her, miss her

  • Love 10

Who initiated the flirtation between Monica and her president? Not him.  Who made sure at first she was always close by...even though her job wasn't in the area.  Not him.  Which young woman had pursued an older man (her professor?) before?  Monica was no naive victim.  No one (friend or foe) should EVER question Hillary Clinton about Ms. Lewinski.


She also continued a sexual relationship with an ex after he got married, and she befriended the wife to create and enjoy numerous "I/we have a dirty little secret" moments; when the ex refused to divorce his wife ML fucked his brother. She read someone's book (the name escapes me) re an affair with BC and learned that sexy unders are his downfall; that's why she decided to  get his attention in the beginning by lifting the hem of her suit jacket and snapping the waist of her thong. She's a nasty piece of work.

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She's a nasty piece of work.



Yeah, Suomi, maybe THAT'S why she can't get the plum jobs she wants and thinks she deserves  She has college degrees; there's something she can do but apparently she needs fame and fortune.  Barbara LOVES her, so maybe she'll help her get something they both feel is appropriate.

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The country of Iraq has been at war for 1000s of years..... and now they want to blame Obama and his legacy for the fighting going on in Iraq today...... If truth be told, Saddam Hussien was able to keep the peace..... Sure he was a tyrant but we stuck out collective noses in that country and it is a mess..... we should have left Iraq long before we did

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Did anyone catch BaWa on Jimmy Fallon last night?  I was amazed how good she looked, especially her hair, which she's had cut & styled like Jane Fonda.  It looks terrific on her!!  I thought she'd be plugging her upcoming interview, but no, she made a total fool of herself saying she went to the Jersey Boys premier hoping to "spark it up" with Clint Eastwood, but he was only polite & she was crest-fallen.  (This was after they showed that old interview where she was speechless when he made a pass at her.)  I think she asked Jimmy to dance with her &, again, she looked foolish.

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Just watched Fallon myself.  BaWa did look good - maybe a few pounds which filled out her face some, her hair did look good, and she was pretty funny.


Anybody know if any of the tributes included any of her Tonight Show hosting?  It was cool they showed the old dancing one from last night.  Repeating it with Jimmy, not so good.

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Just watched Fallon myself.  BaWa did look good - maybe a few pounds which filled out her face some, her hair did look good, and she was pretty funny.


Anybody know if any of the tributes included any of her Tonight Show hosting?  It was cool they showed the old dancing one from last night.  Repeating it with Jimmy, not so good.

I'm pretty sure they didn't, but then that wouldn't have been on ABC.  No??

Concerning the embarrassingly ignorant “discussion” this morning about Iraq: I fear for a country that has three such grossly uninformed women discuss a complicated issue of such importance on a national television show.

I was astonished that the "Mensa Twins" didn't remember that  Pres Bush went into Iraq  because he and his pals thought Iraq had weapons of mass destruction, to get rid of Sadam Hussein and to take over their oil fields to pay for the war - not to bring  democracy  to Iraq as SHerri thought.  My only surprise was that Whoopi  didn't set them straight.

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