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I'm not sure why Hood didn't just shoot Chayton in the head when he had the chance. Siobhan would not have been in the line of fire.


As far as I'm concerned, this was the final season of Banshee. I will finish the season to see Hood get revenge for Siobhan and I won't be back next season. The producers said she was the heart of the show. For me she was. I can't even watch the next showing tonight.

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Such BULLSHIIIIIIT! Could've literally killed anyone else, but no it had to be her. Soon as Hood told her his real name, I knew she was a gonner. Chey done fucked up, if he'd kept his war with Proctor, he might've had allies, now he's fucked on both sides.

Edited by Gwen-Stacys
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So Kai has ninja skills, just got past them so easily?

Glad we got backstory on Kurt Bunker, love me some Tom Pelphery.

Such BULLSHIIIIIIT! Could've literally killed anyone else, but no it had to be her. Soon as Hood told her his real name, I knew she was a gonner. Chey done fucked up, if he'd kept his war with Proctor, he might've had allies, now he's fucked on both sides.

Yeah, that was the final nail in Siobhan's coffin .

Edited by MrsRafaelBarba
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Well that was intense.


Surprised that Raven made it through.


Nice backstory with Bunker. It wasn't what I thought it would be but it made sense. While I did understand it, I agree the female ADA that it doesn't make it alright.


Speaking of the female ADA, who was she hugging at the end. I didn't recognize the woman. Is the show hinting she might be a lesbian? That would be one way to make sure she and Hood don't hook up.


Good to know that even in the worst of times, Brock still considers himself to have been the better choice for sheriff.


As soon as Siobhan left Raven and went off by herself I knew it was coming. Never go off by yourself. Chayton showing up behind her was expected but still so dramatic. I had a feeling about that she was going to get killed off after reading an interview with the actress that came out at the beginning of the season. A couple of comments seemed like criticism of the show/producers. Usually actors/actresses only say things like this if they aren't going to be with the that much longer.


Chayton's chant gives me the creeps.


Will be interesting to see where Hood goes from here.

Edited by ybrik
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I had a feeling once Hood/John/Mr.Big told her his name it was over, but I'm sad because they really clicked. This show (and season) are on another level right now. It's Bansheeee and then there's everyone else.

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Well, that was sad. I've always been bummed about Siobhan's house and belongings from way back when, and the show just never let up on her, did it? Still, there are a few people in Banshee who know NLH's history and haven't had to die. I did laugh, though, when he finally told her by whispering in her ear!

 The other major death should have moved me, I guess, but I've just never been invested in Proctor's Amish family, other than that he (and Rebecca) had escaped them. Really enjoyed the ADA and Bunker. Good additions to the cast. Cheyton can die now. Painfully.

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I had a feeling about that she was going to get killed off after reading an interview with the actress that came out at the beginning of the season. A couple of comments seemed like criticism of the show/producers. Usually actors/actresses only say things like this if they aren't going to be with the that much longer.

It didn't seem like that in this interview since she's known for some time.



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Well, just having read the comments here, that was predictable.  I liked Siobhan and I thought the two actors had amazing chemistry.  Unlike NLH and the Ukrainian Super Model who have ... meh.*


Most of the time I'm cool with killing off characters because I trust the show-runners, as I do in this case.


Let's just say this ain't no Ianto Jones situation.  See, in particular, the cited wiki entry, section 3 subparagraph 3.2, "Fan reaction to death."


Hey, speedroc, do you have an off-site email address I might contact you on?  PM me if it's all right with you that I contact you off-site?


ETA:  I must actually edit to add here -- NLH and the USM have zero chemistry to me BUT, one thing Banshee has done is to give them a great friendship and emotional tie of love.  Sexual chemistry is nil, though.  The BEST episode they could have done (and it happens to be my favourite of the entire series for many reasons) was the sort of trippy one in the farmhouse.  The episode was slow, dreamy and surreal.  It not only showed us NLH and USM working together as friends and mates but it also showed us in clear terms why -- even though the original mission is over -- why NLH chose to stay in Banshee.  I don't think anyone can question his motivation because the show made it clear in an episode that was out of character and clearly a risk for them to make.  Also note, we've been clonked over the head more than once this season with that same reason.  Specific example (one of many) is the "farewell" conversation NLH had with Deva in the abandoned park.  She is the reason he stays.  To protect her and, in a way, to protect USM. 

Edited by Captanne
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That was a good episode, but I hate it when the result is so predictable.  Everyone who has ever seen tv at any point in their life knew that Siobahn was going to die all through that episode.  That was a 100% tv trope.  It would have been nice to buck the trope and have her live and know NLH's secret.  That is possible.  As good as this show is, it probably will only last 2 more seasons because of the nature of cable tv, so it's not like they needed to kill her off the minute she found out.



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Yeah, but we saw it coming a mile away so whose fault is that?  Theirs for being predictable and weighing in on the side of "Man Pain brings eyeballs to the screen" or ours for investing in a character and then watching what we knew was inevitable?


ETA merely for proper punctuation not content.

Edited by Captanne
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I knew it was coming too, but I was still pissed.  I felt NLH's pain, I do believe he loved her.  I feel sorry for Brock too.  His original crew is gone.  And My God, Bunker (TP), with his shirt off!  Guilding Light represent!  Liked Bunker and the DA's chemistry, too.

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I think he loved her and -- I kept saying all last season, "She's too good for you, Hood.  This can't last.  She's WAY too good for you."


Especially after that scene outside the trailer when they were drinking beer.


She was so wise.


Shit, I think I was in love with her and I don't swing that way.

Edited by Captanne
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I wonder if NLH will kill Chayton in hand to hand combat since he didn't shoot him right away.The knife to the throat scene may lead to a grisly fight.


Emily and Kai ? Rebecca and Kai !!!  Brock and Emily? Carrie and Douglas ?!?! Carrie and NLH? Carrie and Gordon?  Deva and ???


Running out of  hot females. Nola and Siobhan were major loses to the available hot  women on the show. 

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Yeah, with Nola and Siobhan gone the two hottest, most interesting female characters on the show are dead, and for pretty pointless reasons as well.  I also don't like that we're seeing possible female friendships (Nola/Cana, Siobhan and Aimee) get broken up before they can really be mined to their fullest potential.


Fucking showrunners...

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One thing that they will have to solve rather soon: I do not find Carrie interesting anymore. Gordon and Carrie are currently the weak spots that I could do without. Hopefully they will find out soon what to do with them.

I agree. I was disappointed when I remembered Carrie was still around and we were going to have to deal with more of the Carrie/Gordon drama.


At this point I don't even care about the army heist they were planning but of course they will have to do it since the show tied Carrie to the general and brought back Job for it. Speaking of, where the hell were Job and Sugar? Where was anyone? Why is the police station so far away from everyone in town?

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  About the past two episodes, things naturally went from bad to worse for NLH. As if being blackmailed by Agent Phillips the rogue Fed and getting capured/tortured by the "Fatman," the obese gangster who had ties to/issues with the late Jason Hood weren't bad enough, Phillips outed NLH to Siobhan, with catastrophic results. Learning the truth about NLH was devastating for Siobhan, for personal and professional reasons. Knowing that the man Siobhan thought she knew and loved is a fraud on every level, endangering all the good that she, Brock and the rest of the Banshee PD (alive & dead) have done in the process took its toll on her, hence the gun in NLH's face when he got to her place. If Siobhan had killed NLH then and there, I not only wouldn't have blamed her one bit, in retrospect, it might have saved her. Leave it to proctor, Rebecca and Burton to piss off the Redbones even more than ever. Rebecca & Burton's game of "chicken" lead to more deaths and desecrated Tommy's corpse. As if Chayton's not crazy enough already, Tommy's death was the last straw. Raven may have technically pulled the trigger, but Tommy's death wasn't his fault. If Tommy hadn't been so desperate to prove himself to his batshit brother, Tommy probably wouldn't have been killed in the first place. Chayton even warned Tommy not to hit Proctor's place, but he did it anyway. Raven tried to talk some sense into Tommy, but Tommy wouldn't listen to him anymore than he listened to Chayton, so all bets were off, as they should've been. Raven shouldn't blame himself. He didn't start this mess; Proctor, Chayton and, to a lesser extent, NLH did. NLH and Proctor's brawl after the former's confrontation with Siobhan and the latter's learning that his mom took a turn for the worse didn't help. If things weren't tense between them before, they sure are now. When the inevitable happens, I wouldn't be surprised if they took at least half the town down with them.


  On the Cana front, she gets on my nerves most of the time but she did have her moments last week, whether it was taking down a potential rapist, stealing his bike/taking it for a joyride or knowing that Deva snuck out of the house, but not that she stole something for Max. On a lighter note, Job & Sugar were as hilarious as ever last week. They're equally convincing as office drones or janitors. Sugar's bad wig in the ID photo could've been trouble but Sugar saved the day, as did Job and his bathroom-break excuse for his mysterious absence during the security check. I sure could've sued a dose of them during "Tribal." Talk about a downer.


  Poor Siobhan. She's become the latest casualty of the war between NLH, Proctor and Chayton. Everyone whom NLH cares about even slightly ends up suffering in one way or another, whether it's Cana, Deva, Job, Sugar, Emmett, John Hood or now, Siobhan. I had a sinking feeling about Siobhan's fate for the past two episodes and unfortunately, I was right. "Tribal" gave me chills, derivative as it was. The influence of Assault On Precinct 13 was heavy-handed, but effective. Like too many other people in NLH's world, Siobhan paid  the ultimate price for being part of it. Like Emmett, Siobhan was the heart of the Banshee PD. She wasn't a "perfect" person nor a "perfect" cop, but she was way closer to being both than NLH will ever be. The only thing NLH has going for him IMO is his hatred of bullies, which Proctor and Chayton are, to say the least. Hopefully NLH will make Chayton and Proctor pay for what they've done to Banshee, even if he has to sacrifice himself to do it.  RIP, Siobhan.


 On yet another note, I'm digging Bunker and Allison. They've given an adrenaline shot to the show. Both characters are intriguing, well-acted and are an asset to the show, especially Tom Pelphrey's bod.

Edited by DollEyes
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I was so hoping the show wouldn't go the cliche root of killing Siobhan.   Why couldn't they have let her get seriously injured instead?  NLH would still be on the war path for her sake, and she would get to live.   I'm not happy but not at Ianto Jones level of pissed though.  I look forward to Cheyton's demise at NLH's hands.  I hope they don't make a habit of fridging interesting women.  The loss of Nola and Siobhan is my limit. 


Did Proctor call for help for them or not?  I wasn't sure.  If he didn't, than he's partially to blame for what happened to  Siobhan.  I think I'm kinda bored with Proctor and the NLH vs. Proctor dynamic that's getting repetitive. 


Allison and Bunker are great additions to the show.  


I'm very curious about Aimee's next move.  She is like Siobhan in wanting to the right thing.

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Did I miss something? How did Kai get past the Redbones into his own house to mourn his mother?

My exact thoughts, guess he's a damn Ninja too.

There were sirens getting close, while NLH cradled Siobhan's body. Proctor called for help.

Edited by MrsRafaelBarba
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Banshee is my favorite show on TV, but I couldn't get past the stupid on this show this week.


So no one in the community heard the war zone and called in the feds? Barton wasn't alerted (and brought in his own team to save Proctor), not Cana, not Job or anyone else that could help these people. Cana and Job took on her father's hired killers but couldn't help in this situation? Also, what about the military, no one could of mentioned that their stolen guns were being used to kill the town Sherriff.


Stupid off the chain this week. I still love the crap out of this show.

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And here is what I don't understand -- blood for blood, right?  Blood for blood.  It's an "Indian" thing -- Chaykin and Raven get it and are very "White-man, this doesn't involve you.  Keep out of it."  So, Chaykin wanted Raven as vengeance for his brother who -- even Chaykin acknowledged -- was too stupid to live.  He wanted Proctor for, oh, I don't know, just being Proctor.


Where did the bloodlust for Hood come from?  Hood is a bad motherfucker who kicked his ass.  That's all true.


But it has nothing to do with "blood for blood".


So, plotwise, I'm a bit confused.


How does snapping Siobhan's neck like a chicken get him revenge for blood spilled?  (About anyone Chaykin gives a fuck about -- who only seem to be blood relatives.)

Edited by Captanne
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Lucklyn, if I go through one more 'ship ending up with one dead on the floor together, I'm never watching television again.



I know exactly how you feel.


I felt like Chayton was punishing NLH for not giving into his demands for Raven and Proctor immediately.  The thing I hate about him is how self-righteous he is about hurting innocent people for his vengeance.   He's not entitled to murdering innocent people.

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Will be interesting to see where Hood goes from here.

On the warpath I expect, as will, I assume, every LEO within 100 miles.  Was not the siege of a police station one of those things that bring down the kinda heat usually reserved for folks playing GTA?  The hunt for Chayton would be the biggest story since the Boston Marathon bombing.

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It's also not the kind of advertising NLH necessarily needs.  (See juno's insightful "this is stupid" post above.)


While I agree there is ten times of stupid going on right now, it is what it is -- and, like the rest of this crazy show -- it's a hella fun ride.

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I think I can forgive stupid if the show overall is compelling and has characters I can get invested in.   I do think Gordon and Cana are weak points.  Cana is a character I change my mind on from scene to scene.  Sometimes I'm bored with her and at other times I see potential for the character.  She and Gordon both can be self centered in a way that really makes them look bad regarding their children.     In Season 1, Gordon was the only rootable one with the whole NLH/Cana/Gordon mess.  Then his season 2 self indulgent response to Cana's betrayal happened, and I couldn't stand him.  This season, Gordon seems to be improving though.  When Gordon has his act together, he's a character I can really get behind.   Would he and NLH team up to go after Proctor once the Chayton dust settles?   I don't see NLH/Gordon working together to get Chayton in prison cause NLH seriously wants him dead.  Chayton's an idiot for poking the bear inside NLH.  Before NLH was indifferent to the idea of Chayton killing Proctor but now Chayton's given NLH a reason to go on the warpath.  

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Banshee is my favorite show on TV, but I couldn't get past the stupid on this show this week.


So no one in the community heard the war zone and called in the feds? Barton wasn't alerted (and brought in his own team to save Proctor), not Cana, not Job or anyone else that could help these people. Cana and Job took on her father's hired killers but couldn't help in this situation? Also, what about the military, no one could of mentioned that their stolen guns were being used to kill the town Sherriff.


Stupid off the chain this week. I still love the crap out of this show.

Between Proctor, Rabbit, and Alex/Cheyton crews, the population of Banshee must have been used to shootings at the Sherrif office...  "those rascals and their semi automatic guns :D :D :D"

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