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S05.E19: Taking Chances / S05.E20: Walk Away

Tara Ariano

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I might get beat a bit for this one but here it goes anyway. When Butch says it was rude of him to have to go to prison, I'm wondering if it was because battles between him and April were more like mutual combat? April has always seemed like a future Janelle to me. One who likes to fight with their man and then call the cops when he gets the upper hand. The way April had no problem when the original wedding plan was for all of them to stay at the rental house lets me know she had no real fear of Butch.

He beat the shit out of her, fair and square. You don't do four years in prison over a spat. Even if she was combative, doesn't give him the right to beat the shit out of her.

I don't think she's afraid of him. However, he broke the law, and those were the consequences. They can't be around each other.

  • Love 9

Just watched part one of the finale.


Sophia with the Missing Link forehead and creepy voice, ordering Simon to marry her mom and give her a baby sibling like the last thing Farrah needs to do is procreate and make more children like Sophia. 


People just don't snap out of depression, Tyler! Cate may be sleeping her life away but you aren't doing much better Mr.I can't get a regular job!


Amber's grandmother looked like she would rather have dinner with Hannibal Lecter than Matt.  Can you blame her?


Ryan, you parents are so into Bentley because someone has to pick up the slack. 


Just watched the second ep.


Every time I see that Port-a-Potty in Farrah's yard, I can't help but think that she let James Deen shoot his population paste all over her but these folks that she has known for the past 7 years can't use her bathroom?


Eventually, Farrah is going to pull the "Sophia's dad died" card and someone is going to respond "so" or "you need to move on".


I want to say that Gary is a saint for allowing Amber to not pay child support until recently especially knowing that she is bankrolling a scumbag with 9 kids and counting that he abandoned.

Edited by FlowerofCarnage
  • Love 10

He beat the shit out of her, fair and square. You don't do four years in prison over a spat. Even if she was combative, doesn't give him the right to beat the shit out of her.

I don't think she's afraid of him. However, he broke the law, and those were the consequences. They can't be around each other.

I don't disagree with you. I only wonder if April should have spent a bit of time in the cell next to him.

  • Love 4

[quote name="FlowerofCarnage" post="1994336" timestamp=

Eventually, Farrah is going to pull the "Sophia's dad died" card and someone is going to respond "so" or "you need to move on".

I want to say that Gary is a saint for allowing Amber to not pay child support until recently especially knowing that she is bankrolling a scumbag with 9 kids and counting that he abandoned.

I can't believe that Matt has the balls to say Gary wants the child support. Yeah dude, most people supporting kids while the deadbeat ex doesn't do anything to provide basic necessities would like the child support. he should be familiar with the idea considering his situation. Amber is a joke. I think she is going to allow him to flip houses that she buys and pays to fix, then let him have half the money and keep it in her name so they can't take it for support. I can see Matt talking Amber into having another kid just so he can hit her up for support in the end. He'll have a hard time tho, I dont think Amber really enjoys motherhood and I don't see her wanting another kid in the foreseeable future. All I remember her doing with Leah as a baby was shoving her in a crib to cry it out or parking her in a playpen.

  • Love 9

Is pushing a child's head into her birthday cake really that big of a deal? My father did that to me most childhood birthdays, he is a garbage human and did a lot of awful things but I would have never thought to add that to the list. It actually was one of my more pleasant memories, I liked the attention.


I can only speak for myself but to me it came off as an unnecessary aggression given his history. I also think it mean spirited. I wouldn't like my face pushed into a cake, even as a child. I also don't like it when people do that with wedding cake, though I think that has stopped being a "thing" as I haven't seen it done at weddings in years.

  • Love 11

Amber & Matt:

So Gary got married! We all know that has very little to do with love.

I'm being serious here & this is a horrible thing to say but it wouldn't surprise me if Gary went missing one of these days & we'd find out Matt did something to him. He's just so fucking creepy & weird & he has so much anger toward Gary.

I like Gary, he's obviously a good Dad. But I do think he plays for the camera at times. His whole "I just want what's best for Leah" is crap for the most part.

I was a little surprised that the house that Amber flipped looked as nice as it did, but it really made me mad when Amber & Matt were talking about how much money "they" put into the house. Matt didn't put in any money because Matt has no money.

I was also surprised about Amber agreeing to settle with Gary out of court & pay Gary support. At first I thought that it was very mature of her to do that. And then I realized who I was thinking about. Then something occurred to me. Whether or not all those kids are Matts, maybe she's afraid of what else they'll dig up on the man she knows so well since she's been with him for more than a year.

Cate & Ty:

I know Butch has done a lot of horrible things in his past. But he's out of jail & doing good so far. I know it's hard for a lot of people in his life to forgive & forget after all he's done. But they're going to have to move forward along with him. April could've left a little earlier so Butch could attend the party.

And Tyler's tired of Catelynn's depression? Really? I don't know where he's be without his Mom. He doesn't seem to be able to solve a problem without running to her.


I know I'm in the minority here- but I don't mind Maci. I think Isaac, Lincoln, & Aubree from Teen Mom 2 & Bentley are the kids that may actually graduate from High School & may not end up in jail. Teen Mom was born out of the bad decision that these couples made. They chose not to use protection & got pregnant. I'm not saying that they couldn't learn from that & make their lives better, a lot of people do. But this is different because along with the kids they had, these couples also kind of grew up on TV. I think that makes it more difficult. So all that considered, I don't think Maci is doing a bad job.

Last & DEFINITELY least, Disgusting bitch & her creepy little brat.

Kid reminds me of a cross between a troll doll & a Furby that's been possessed.

What the hell is up with Simon?! He's either trying to somehow boost his career, he's REALLY desperate, or Farrah's very good in bed.

Farrah & the brat were like nails on a chalkboard when they were taking Simon to the airport.

Farrah's was talking to him in her baby voice & she kept poking him & squeezing his cheeks & giggling like an idiot. Who does that?!!? She told him she loved him 3 times before he said it back once! Then the Sophia chimes in with her baby voice, talking about how he needs to marry her Mommy right now & make her a brother or sister. Ugh, it made me want to pull all my hair out! Why doesn't Farrah tell her to stop that? Then she's always letting her hit Debra. I've never hit a child, but if she talked to me like that & hit me, I'd probably smack her back just to shut her up. Plus- she's not a kid. She's s demon.

Her little tantrum was GREAT!!!!!!! Please please PLEASE let her be telling the truth! Please take Sophia to California & never do this show again!

Wow this is long, a finale will do that to you. Teen Mom 2 here we come! I really don't know who I dislike more- Farrah or Jennelle. We'll see I guess.

  • Love 6

Her little tantrum was GREAT!!!!!!! Please please PLEASE let her be telling the truth! Please take Sophia to California & never do this show again!


Hey now I'm in California and we don't want her either! :)  Pretty sure she can't actually afford to buy a house that meets her standards in the area she wants to live anyway.

  • Love 8

She's not going to find a new construction on the beach for 2 million, that's for damn sure.


She can look in Mexico or maybe up the coast around Gaviota, but probably not anywhere on the coast in California.


I wonder where these places she's looking at are...the Valley? That makes sense for porn. Inland Empire? Maybe.

  • Love 5

My favorite thing about the Farrah fight was when she brought up Derek's dad like I don't know what she was trying to accomplish but what does MTV have to do with that? It just didn't make sense. And the producers kind of right and that she wouldn't have any of these opportunities if she was never chosen for the original show. What she said to ignore her ugly cry face things and started screaming about how Sophia's dad died and I don't know what trying to do I don't know what that had to do with anything.

  • Love 4

Is pushing a child's head into her birthday cake really that big of a deal? My father did that to me most childhood birthdays, he is a garbage human and did a lot of awful things but I would have never thought to add that to the list. It actually was one of my more pleasant memories, I liked the attention.

I think it is a tradition in some cultures but my big objection was this was a little baby!  An adorable one year old!   Plus, Butch has a documented history as a violent guy and the whole thing made me really uncomfortable and Catelynn seemed uncomfortable with it too. 



My favorite thing about the Farrah fight was when she brought up Derek's dad like I don't know what she was trying to accomplish but what does MTV have to do with that? It just didn't make sense. And the producers kind of right and that she wouldn't have any of these opportunities if she was never chosen for the original show. What she said to ignore her ugly cry face things and started screaming about how Sophia's dad died and I don't know what trying to do I don't know what that had to do with anything.

When the producer told Farrah they [MTV] gave her her start, she countered by yelling that the only reason 16 and Pregnant/ Teen Mom was a hit show was because Sophia's dad died, which is uh, is ridiculous.  But Derek being dead and Deborah being crazy probably helped Farrah get chosen for Teen Mom.  


Whenever crazy ass Farrah feels cornered she brings up dead Derek and cries (or pretends to cry) and this case she apparently feels responsible for Teen Mom being the big moneymaker it has been for MTV.  

Edited by Cosmocrush
  • Love 11

Count me as someone who doesn't understand why it was cool for April and Butch to be around each other plenty during the earlier part of the season: at C&T's wedding and at their house (when Butch moved into the trailer in their driveway) but now, several months later, it's not okay. Is this no-contact order a new thing that's happened since the wedding? Did something go down between Butch and April since then and now there's a no-contact order?

Tyler sucks and so does Catelynn's therapist.


I've heard from April herself that "it's a long story" but yes they now have a no contact order until he's finished parole.

Maybe the wedding venue was large enough for the NC to be excused? I don't know.


  • Love 1

Happy to have found this site! I was a long time, dedicated reader/occasional poster on TWOP and was forever searching for something similar. 

A few rhetorical questions popped into my mind. Maci telling Taylor he was sounding like a dramatic pansy and he needed to redo the shot. How much of the show is "re-done" to get the right tone or message across?

Another thing, during the blow up with Farrah and the producer, why was she wearing a mic before they "arrived" at her house? Especially because she was portraying that she didn't want to be filming. Was it a staged fight?
Matt is a million levels of creepy and probably has a sea of tonsil stones too. That guy looks dirty. He's going to suck Amber dry & dump her when she gets pregnant/MTV goes away. At this point,  if she overlooks ALL the warning signs, so be it. I hope she doesn't turn back to drugs to cope when the inevitable happens.


  • Love 11

Another thing, during the blow up with Farrah and the producer, why was she wearing a mic before they "arrived" at her house? Especially because she was portraying that she didn't want to be filming. Was it a staged fight?

Sound tech may have shown up before the producers, or so my buddy who works on tv shows tells me.


I've heard from April herself that "it's a long story" but yes they now have a no contact order until he's finished parole.

Maybe the wedding venue was large enough for the NC to be excused? I don't know.


Or they could have cleared it with the P.O. based upon the fact that there would be cameras everywhere.  They can do that, modify parole for special occasions.  It has to be pre-cleared though.  It's also entirely possible they just decided to completely ignore the NC, but I doubt that as it would end up being aired at some point and as we all know from Amby's history, it can bite you in the ass.

Is pushing a child's head into her birthday cake really that big of a deal? My father did that to me most childhood birthdays, he is a garbage human and did a lot of awful things but I would have never thought to add that to the list. It actually was one of my more pleasant memories, I liked the attention.


One brother's in-laws do this for birthdays.  I find it stupid and wasteful (I like cake, okay?).  But it's their thing so I just ignore it and rant about his in-laws after I leave.

  • Love 6

Every time I see that Port-a-Potty in Farrah's yard, I can't help but think that she let James Deen shoot his population paste all over her but these folks that she has known for the past 7 years can't use her bathroom?


I thought the same thing till I mentioned it to my boyfriend and he immediately said he wouldn't want to smell other peoples poop in his own home either. That wasn't something that I thought of before and I could see the film crew hating her enough to save up and spite shit in her bathroom every day.

Yes, spite shitting is a thing, I don't go downtown anymore because our homeless activists have implemented spite shitting on busy downtown sidewalks to protest not being able to sleep anywhere they want.


I think it is a tradition in some cultures but my big objection was this was a little baby!  An adorable one year old!   Plus, Butch has a documented history as a violent guy and the whole thing made me really uncomfortable and Catelynn seemed uncomfortable with it too. 

Its just cake though, I guess I just don't get it. At the end of the episode when C&T take Nova outside they shove snow in her face as well, the camera freezes on the snow left on her lips and nose just like the frosting was. Is it just the fact that Butch did it? If Cate had been the one to push her face into the frosting would it have been ok?

  • Love 5

Farrah is like a middle schooler, trying to throw shit out at Larry - you're a dumb MFer! You're white trash! Why do you have so many pimples on your face?!


She doesn't know how to fight. I would love to introduce her to Mr. Guilfoyle, the emotional terrorist.  :)


 Yes, spite shitting is a thing, I don't go downtown anymore because our homeless activists have implemented spite shitting on busy downtown sidewalks to protest not being able to sleep anywhere they want.


  • Love 7

Amber's no candidate for "Mother of the Year" after saying there's nothing wrong with Leah missing school from time to time, and for demanding to have her daughter, "whenever." I wonder if that means whenever she's not busy partying all night or flipping houses with deadbeat dad Matt, going on radio & television interviews, or traveling the country, promoting her "self-help book"?  I think she's in for a rude awakening If she doesn't get that Weazel to sign a pre-nup.

  • Love 7




As a cat person my gut is telling me Matt is mean to that cat when the cameras aren't running. Last episode he was scolding the cat and just they way he was holding the cat and talking to it pinged my radar. This episode he called the cat an asshole. Cats have a good instinct as to who is a good person and who is evil. I think the cat senses Matt is evil. Dogs will adapt to and love whoever is petting them/feeding them but you can't "buy off" a cat.


I call my cats assholes all the time.  Still haven't been able to shake the little jerks.  ;)

I don't disagree with you. I only wonder if April should have spent a bit of time in the cell next to him.

I get where you're coming from.  My current assignment is domestic violence court.  A lot of these "victims" (I use quotes because many of them aren't victims in any sense of the word) give as good as they get and it really often is a matter of who gets to the phone first to call the police.   That being said, you don't do four years in prison for a run of the mill mutual combat situation.  In my state, that's the aggravated term, without there being gross bodily injury.  Every time Butch bitches about that no contact order I want to throw something at the TV.  You earned it, jackass.

  • Love 9

Brooklynista, I agree with you with regards to mutual combat in a DV situation. However, the incident for which Butch was put in prison was an assault that included him wrapping a towel around April's neck and choking her. He also slammed her head in the wall. A gaping hole was created when he did that. She also had massive bruising which proved her claim he was grabbing her by her arms and I think he pulled her arms behind her. The one factor that seems to have been forgotten is, Butch was on probation at that time.. He was also under the influence. All of those factors contributed to how much prison time he received. That is the main reason he ended up doing four years. He violated his probation. In the courts where I worked, most DV offenders did time in prison due to probation violations. It vwas rare to see someone actually serve prison time for a DV offense unless the charges were for attempted murder. I had seen some offenders do only six months in county jail for the same kind of assault Butch inflicted on April.

I do think April mnay have instigated some drama in her relationship with Butch. She was a real piece of work with how she called out Catelynn at times, mistreated her and was very emotionally and verbally abusive to her. I am certain that kind of behavior did not stop with Catelynn.

Butch once stated he had been on probation for ten years without a break. He had continued to violate his probation.

I just have to post my input about the cake in the face. I did not want to because I did not want my words to be misconstrued. Here it goes. There is a tradition in Hispanic families where people have cake put on their face or they have their face put into the cake. Yes, even small children. That is not to say it is condoned or tolerated to push a one year old baby's face in a cake. That may happen, but again it is not the norm. Usually frosting is put on the child's mouth area, their nose, or all over their face. If their face makes contact with the actual cake it is usually when someone will slightly push a baby's face close to the cake with the hope the child will take a bite out of it or grab the cake with their hands. I have seen some people quickly push a baby's face to a cake, but not with a lot of force. As kids get older, a relative, usually a sibling will push the birthday kid's face into the cake with a bit more force or sometimes a piece of cake is shoved into their face. Since it is tradition, it is expected. Sometimes the person will say they don't want it done. Others may try to avoid having it done, but in reality they know it will happen and do not mind if a relative sneaks up on them or chases them until they get the cake in the face.

I missed the scene with Butch and the cake. I have to watch it before I give my opinion on what he did.

Edited by GreatKazu
  • Love 2

Brooklynista, I agree with you with regards to mutual combat in a DV situation. However, the incident for which Butch was put in prison was an assault that included him wrapping a towel around April's neck and choking her. He also slammed her head in the wall. A gaping hole was created when he did that. She also had massive bruising which proved her claim he was grabbing her by her arms and I think he pulled her arms behind her. The one factor that seems to have been forgotten is, Butch was on probation at that time.. He was also under the influence. All of those factors contributed to how much prison time he received. That is the main reason he ended up doing four years. He violated his probation. In the courts where I worked, most DV offenders did time in prison due to probation violations. It vwas rare to see someone actually serve prison time for a DV offense unless the charges were for attempted murder. I had seen some offenders do only six months in county jail for the same kind of assault Butch inflicted on April.

I do think April mnay have instigated some drama in her relationship with Butch. She was a real piece of work with how she called out Catelynn at times, mistreated her and was very emotionally and verbally abusive to her. I am certain that kind of behavior did not stop with Catelynn.



Yikes, scary. There is also quite the size disparity between Butch and April. I can easily see April throwing the first punch, but she would lose control of that fight real quick, particularly if Butch was drunk or on drugs.

  • Love 4

Brooklynista, I agree with you with regards to mutual combat in a DV situation. However, the incident for which Butch was put in prison was an assault that included him wrapping a towel around April's neck and choking her. He also slammed her head in the wall. A gaping hole was created when he did that. She also had massive bruising which proved her claim he was grabbing her by her arms and I think he pulled her arms behind her. The one factor that seems to have been forgotten is, Butch was on probation at that time.. He was also under the influence. All of those factors contributed to how much prison time he received. That is the main reason he ended up doing four years. He violated his probation. In the courts where I worked, most DV offenders did time in prison due to probation violations. It vwas rare to see someone actually serve prison time for a DV offense unless the charges were for attempted murder. I had seen some offenders do only six months in county jail for the same kind of assault Butch inflicted on April.

I do think April mnay have instigated some drama in her relationship with Butch. She was a real piece of work with how she called out Catelynn at times, mistreated her and was very emotionally and verbally abusive to her. I am certain that kind of behavior did not stop with Catelynn.

Butch once stated he had been on probation for ten years without a break. He had continued to violate his probation.

I just have to post my input about the cake in the face. I did not want to because I did not want my words to be misconstrued. Here it goes. There is a tradition in Hispanic families where people have cake put on their face or they have their face put into the cake. Yes, even small children. That is not to say it is condoned or tolerated to push a one year old baby's face in a cake. That may happen, but again it is not the norm. Usually frosting is put on the child's mouth area, their nose, or all over their face. If their face makes contact with the actual cake it is usually when someone will slightly push a baby's face close to the cake with the hope the child will take a bite out of it or grab the cake with their hands. I have seen some people quickly push a baby's face to a cake, but not with a lot of force. As kids get older, a relative, usually a sibling will push the birthday kid's face into the cake with a bit more force or sometimes a piece of cake is shoved into their face. Since it is tradition, it is expected. Sometimes the person will say they don't want it done. Others may try to avoid having it done, but in reality they know it will happen and do not mind if a relative sneaks up on them or chases them until they get the cake in the face.

I missed the scene with Butch and the cake. I have to watch it before I give my opinion on what he did.


It's important to note that it really does depend on what jurisdiction you're in.  Like I said before, I'm a criminal defense attorney who currently works in domestic violence court.  What you say might be true where you're from, but it doesn't work that way here.  We have lots of felony DV people on probation but just as many go to prison out of the gate, it all depends on their criminal history and the facts of the case.  Every case, as well as every jurisdiction, is different.  The only person who can say with any kind of certainty why Butch got the sentence he did are the attorneys in the case (note I didn't even say Butch himself.)

  • Love 3

Yikes, scary. There is also quite the size disparity between Butch and April. I can easily see April throwing the first punch, but she would lose control of that fight real quick, particularly if Butch was drunk or on drugs.

Right. Imagine April being drunk and high on drugs? I imagine she verbally went after Butch many times or, as you pointed out, probably hit him or grabbed him during some alcohol or drug induced rage and Butch gave it right back to her times ten.

Wasn't there an incident where April bailed Butch out of jail after such an incident?

  • Love 2

It's important to note that it really does depend on what jurisdiction you're in.  Like I said before, I'm a criminal defense attorney who currently works in domestic violence court.  What you say might be true where you're from, but it doesn't work that way here.  We have lots of felony DV people on probation but just as many go to prison out of the gate, it all depends on their criminal history and the facts of the case.  Every case, as well as every jurisdiction, is different.  The only person who can say with any kind of certainty why Butch got the sentence he did are the attorneys in the case (note I didn't even say Butch himself.)

Butch's criminal history is online. It was posted a few years ago. His history includes robbery and burglary. I am sure it would be easy to find that DV matter online as well. I just won't bother. My point was there are more factors that played a part in why Butch served time in prison. Had he not been on probation and under the influence, chances are he would have served less time.

Unfortunately, here in Southern California, we have jail and prison overcrowding. We have far too many felony offenders out on probation. The overcrowding impacts sentences that are issued. We also have programs here available to people who are drug offenders. Many drug offenders are also charged with DV crimes. The hope is to give these offenders a chance to get their lives together and receive proper help rather than clog the jails and prisons with offenders who can turn their lives around. The whole Three Strikes law has caused many non-violent offenders to end up in prison. Butch would have likely ended up as a Three Strike offender with his criminal behavior. He would be serving life instead of four years. By the way, wasn't he released early? I don't think he actually served four years.

Sorry for the goofs. This tablet has a mind of its own. It inserts it's own words.

  • Love 4

Butch's criminal history is online. It was posted a few years ago. His history includes robbery and burglary. I am sure it would be easy to find that DV matter online as well. I just won't bother. My point was there are more factors that played a part in why Butch served time in prison. Had he not been on probation and under the influence, chances are he would have served less time.

Unfortunately, here in Southern California, we have jail and prison overcrowding. We have far too many felony offenders out on probation. The overcrowding impacts sentences that are issued. We also have programs here available to people who are drug offenders. Many drug offenders are also charged with DV crimes. The hope is to give these offenders a chance to get their lives together and receive proper help rather than clog the jails and prisons with offenders who can turn their lives around. The whole Three Strikes law has caused many non-violent offenders to end up in prison. Butch would have likely ended up as a Three Strike offender with his criminal behavior. He would be serving life instead of four years. By the way, wasn't he released early? I don't think he actually served four years.

Sorry for the goofs. This tablet has a mind of its own. It inserts it's own words.


I'm well aware of the prison situation in California, I'm a public defender who practices here.  ;)

  • Love 5

Its just cake though, I guess I just don't get it. At the end of the episode when C&T take Nova outside they shove snow in her face as well, the camera freezes on the snow left on her lips and nose just like the frosting was. Is it just the fact that Butch did it? If Cate had been the one to push her face into the frosting would it have been ok?

No, it wouldn't. I don't think its cute or funny when grown people do things like that to little kids. I don't like shoving a baby's face into a cake, I don't like holding a little kid down and tickling them senseless, I don't like people getting thrown into swimming pools, I don't like people putting snow down other people's backs, I don't think its hilarious when a parent gives a kid a gift that looks like a coveted item like an iphone or an Xbox only to have it be an empty box. To me its aggressive and hostile, not funny. I'm not some humorless old party pooper, just someone whose mileage varies.

  • Love 11
I can only speak for myself but to me it came off as an unnecessary aggression given his history. I also think it mean spirited. I wouldn't like my face pushed into a cake, even as a child. I also don't like it when people do that with wedding cake, though I think that has stopped being a "thing" as I haven't seen it done at weddings in years.


To me, it's about body autonomy. It's the same as Ryan throwing pumpkin guts on Bentley, or people who force their kids to hug and kiss people when they don't want to. It says, adults have control over your body and there's nothing you can do about it. I may sound extreme, but I just don't like it. I want my kids to know their body is theirs and to have the confidence to tell people not to do ___ to them. 


And yes, the fact that Butch has been physically violent with family members made it even more squicky. 

  • Love 8

Both are stupid but the cake seems especially wasteful. Do people eat the cake after a baby's face has been in it? Do they just cut around the part that was on a face? I've never seen this done in real life so I don't know.

There's usually a cake for the baby (a smash cake) and a cake for everyone else.


I have some stories about crazy smash cakes...one lady I knew of made hers out of breast milk and otherwise vegan and made it into cupcakes that looked like breasts.

I don't want to digress, but smash cake.


I also found him pushing Nova's face into the cake awkward, weirdly tentative and uncomfortable. 

  • Love 1

Same here. My cat's name is Trixie but her full name is "god dammit Trixie you little fucker".

That's great! We have 8 cats & 1 dog. The dog makes me realize that I'm a cat person. I'm very surprised that our cats actually know their names since I rarely use them. They'd all probably look if you said the word asshole or bitch around them.

As far as Matt & the cat, he's probably good with it in front of Amber but when she's not around, he probably treats it like shit. Sadly, I think he'd be the same way with Leah & I hope he's never left alone with her. IMO, he does what he has to so Amber will hold onto him. I don't think she knows him at all. I bet he's being very very careful not to get her pregnant. He's not gonna wanna screw this up with a kid. Maybe Amber settled out of court with Gary so they couldn't dig anything more up about Matt. OR Matt has done his best to somehow put it in Ambers head that she should settle. He's not gonna want to have Leah around more.

If he & Amber have a kid, he'll have as many kids as I do cats!!

Edited by anarchyangel84
  • Love 3

There seems to be a lot of focus on Butch and the cake frosting but no previous mentions of Cate doing the same with the snow. The show even chose to end their "heartwarming" segment with a still of the snow on Nova's face, smiling. I'm really curious what the difference was between cake face and snow face.

Catelynn gets a pass?

I did not watch the conclusion of the finale. Did the episode show snow being shoved into her little face? Or was it just a quick scene with snow already on her face?

Ghoulina - you make an interesting point about boundaries for a child and their bodies. Does that include the time Catelynn put black make-up on Nova's nose for Halloween?

I agree Matt will not dare get Amber pregnant. That asswipe does not want to share "his" $$$ with any child.

  • Love 1

Catelynn gets a pass?

I did not watch the conclusion of the finale. Did the episode show snow being shoved into her little face? Or was it just a quick scene with snow already on her face?

Ghoulina - you make an interesting point about boundaries for a child and their bodies. Does that include the time Catelynn put black make-up on Nova's nose for Halloween?

I agree Matt will not dare get Amber pregnant. That asswipe does not want to share "his" $$$ with any child.

They were playing with her and dabbed a little snow on her face so she can taste it.  I didn't see anything disturbing or untoward about it at all.

  • Love 7

There seems to be a lot of focus on Butch and the cake frosting but no previous mentions of Cate doing the same with the snow. The show even chose to end their "heartwarming" segment with a still of the snow on Nova's face, smiling. I'm really curious what the difference was between cake face and snow face.


Cate gently put a bit of snow on Nova's mouth. She didn't forcefully shove her face in a snowbank. That's the difference IMO. Also, Cate doesn't have a history of beating the shit out of women.

Wow, we have lots of CA posters here. I'm jealous.


Gorgeous weather, beautiful scenery, but they may get Farrah, LOL!

  • Love 7

Cate gently put a bit of snow on Nova's mouth. She didn't forcefully shove her face in a snowbank. That's the difference IMO. Also, Cate doesn't have a history of beating the shit out of women.


They were playing with her and dabbed a little snow on her face so she can taste it.  I didn't see anything disturbing or untoward about it at all.

That's how it looked to me as well. Very different than Butch's large hand on the baby's head trying to put her face into her own birthday cake.

  • Love 7

So, California people, it's unrealistic for Farrah to get the house she wants in that price range? I thought it seemed a bit optimistic. But...that would mean Farrah is being unrealistic, and we all know that never happens


Not a snowball's chance in hell.  Look up "Million Dollar Listing LA" for a good indication of the housing prices where Farrah would like to live.

  • Love 4

There's usually a cake for the baby (a smash cake) and a cake for everyone else.

I have some stories about crazy smash cakes...one lady I knew of made hers out of breast milk and otherwise vegan and made it into cupcakes that looked like breasts.

I don't want to digress, but smash cake.

I also found him pushing Nova's face into the cake awkward, weirdly tentative and uncomfortable.

So if I'm remembering correctly, there was a first cake before Butch got there and that went on Nova's face too, right? Or am I imagining that? So two cakes for the face and then one more to eat or was there a 4th cake for eating once Butch arrived?

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