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S06.E10: The Next World

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I am fixated on that truck of goodies.


Me too. It's upsetting me more than the deaths of Jesse and her kids.  They need to find a way to pull that sucker out of that pond. Surely there will be some stuff in there that can be saved.

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I did wonder why Gabriel got/gets so much more heat than Eugene ever did.

From my memory, here is a list of their crimes and misdemeanors 



Bad - told stupid lie but people were just as stupid for believing said lie because it was beyond stupid

Good - Saved Glen and Tara in that cave when he gave Rosita the wrong directions

Bad - rigged the bus to crash to keep up his lie

Good - saved Tara and tried to stand up to Nicholas

Verdict - The things Eugene did directly effected the people who were protecting him. (in my Peter Griffith high voice GUILTY)


Father Gabrielle

Bad - locked people out of his church (no direct effect on the group just a terrible thing to do although said group has been responsible for the death of plenty of people)

Worse - Almost got Carl, Michonne and Judith killed on his soul searching mission

Good - realized the error of his ways and helped them out the Church (also I think he's HOT)

Good - Grabbed a knife and did the slow motion walk towards the hospital to help them save Beth

Bad - Told Deanna Rick and his group were horrible people (in his defense he saw them chop people to death at the altar of his church and although he didn't know it at the time, they were plotting to take over Alexandria so he wasn't too far off base)

Good - helped them out the house and took Judith to safety (also I think he is HOT)

Verdict - hung jury. He only did one thing bad thing that directly effected the group (talking to Deanna) but the group added plenty of fuel to the fire with their actions

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On alternating days they are going to have to put a naked woman, a naked man, a bottle of moonshine, some gears for a motorcycle, or Judith in a cute little frilly suit and her solo cups and find out which one gets him to stay put in the bathtub long enough to clean him off.  Toddlers love having something to play with in the tub.

Some day they'll drain the lake, refill it with hot soapy water, and on an island in the middle of it there will be a crossbow, a motorcycle, a carton of smokes, the latest issue of "Emo Hair Monthly," a dead rabbit, Merle's ghost, and a horsey.

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 the scenario of the three of them having a casual fuck-buddy relationship has already been taken off the table.

I wasn't implying a non-monogamous relationship = fuck-buddy. I was saying, as Ive said a thousand times already, in the ZA, there is no reason for monogamy to ever even be a thing unless two people just really really were totally 100% into that. Polyamoury is not "hey anything goes! Fuck a lampost while you're at it! W000h0000! I've always wanted to fuck a goat! Yippeee!! ORGY! ORGY! ORGY!!!!!!!!" I think living in the ZA might go a long way towards freeing people.

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I'm amazed that people find Eugene likable and despise Father Pee Pants. They were both lying cowardly f'sticks (TM catrox14) I'm just interested to get other people's take on the difference.  


I don't dislike Father Gabriel, I just don't find him all that entertaining.  And he probably shouldn't be, as a man of the cloth.  Eugene, I find hugely amusing.  


I don't think any of the characters are virtuous.  That's what makes the show interesting to me.  How do human being react during a mass extinction event when everything that allows us to function as civilized human beings is taken away.    So far I don't think anyone is emerging with their honor and integrity intact.  At all.

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Yes, but at least Eugene is funny.

In FPP's first episode when he was taking them back to his church, he made some joke about "maybe I'm not really taking you there at all. Maybe it's a trick to steal all your squirrels." And he does his hands a funny little way. I laugh at that every time. I guess he gave up on his weird sense of humor when no one laughed. Heh.

Edited by mandolin
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I'm amazed that people find Eugene likable and despise Father Pee Pants. They were both lying cowardly f'sticks (TM catrox14) I'm just interested to get other people's take on the difference.  


I did wonder why Gabriel got/gets so much more heat than Eugene ever did.


1. Eugene has been somewhat redeemed by his BFF love for Tara. He (temporarily) overcame his cowardice to save her life, he kept a vigil at her bedside, and he almost cried when she came to. When has Gabriel ever shown that kind of love for anyone?

2. Gabriel went behind Team Rick's back to sabotage their standing in the community. Since his lie was exposed, Eugene has never betrayed the group.

3. Eugene has used his scientific know how to benefit the community in a direct way and to help the others (sending Rick and Daryl on a sorghum run, getting the components to keep the lights on, etc.). 

4. Eugene since his lie was exposed hasn't pretended to be anything other than he is. If he has a problem, he comes out and says so, even if it's inconvenient or it makes him look bad. He seems to have discovered (albeit belatedly) that honesty is the best policy. He knows he's a coward, but at least he owns it without any macho puffery. When Denise teases him about having lied about being a real scientist when he's giving her shit about her credentials, he just nods and says "Fair play."

5. Eugene's actor brings a kind of endearing sweetness to the character, so even when he's being ridiculous, it's hard to hate him all out.

6. Eugene is an inherently funny character. That hair! That way of speaking! That alone will forgive a multitude of sins. Gabriel isn't funny.

Edited by Eyes High
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I'm so glad I'm on the correct side of the fence knowing it's "coke" and just "coke", there is no "pop" there is no "soda". "Soda" is Darrie's brother in "The Outsiders" and they hate the Soshe (?) so the Soshe's must call it "pop". 



Coke is Coke. Soda is a kind of cracker.


And Pop is the guy who is married to Mom.

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From my memory, here is a list of their crimes and misdemeanors 



Bad - told stupid lie but people were just as stupid for believing said lie because it was beyond stupid

Good - Saved Glen and Tara in that cave when he gave Rosita the wrong directions

Bad - rigged the bus to crash to keep up his lie

Good - saved Tara and tried to stand up to Nicholas

Good - kept the Alexandria solar power grid running

Verdict - The things Eugene did directly effected the people who were protecting him. (in my Peter Griffith high voice GUILTY)


Good (on both) - nutted up on the Clearing of Alexandria

Father Gabrielle

Bad - locked people out of his church (no direct effect on the group just a terrible thing to do although said group has been responsible for the death of plenty of people)

Worse - Almost got Carl, Michonne and Judith killed on his soul searching mission

Good - realized the error of his ways and helped them out the Church (also I think he's HOT)

Good - Grabbed a knife and did the slow motion walk towards the hospital to help them save Beth

Bad - Told Deanna Rick and his group were horrible people (in his defense he saw them chop people to death at the altar of his church and although he didn't know it at the time, they were plotting to take over Alexandria so he wasn't too far off base)

Good - helped them out the house and took Judith to safety (also I think he is HOT)

Bad - despite his own actions against his own congregation and his actions endangering CDB (especially Carl and Judith), consistently held himself as morally superior to AND passed condemnation judgement upon CDB - neither of which are particularly in accordance with his chosen avocation. Apparently CDB's direct massacre of Termite Lite outweighs his own indirect massacre of an entire church congregation because it messed up his four walls and a roof.

Verdict - hung jury. He only did one thing bad thing that directly effected the group (talking to Deanna) but the group added plenty of fuel to the fire with their actions

I'd respectfully disagree; upon return from his little out-of-church walkabout, his entreaties for re-entry forced a breach of a secured location and directly endangered everybody in the church.

My verdict would be: hung jury on Eugene, guilty on Gabrielle.

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Good - kept the Alexandria solar power grid running

Good (on both) - nutted up on the Clearing of Alexandria

Bad - despite his own actions against his own congregation and his actions endangering CDB (especially Carl and Judith), consistently held himself as morally superior to AND passed condemnation judgement upon CDB - neither of which are particularly in accordance with his chosen avocation. Apparently CDB's direct massacre of Termite Lite outweighs his own indirect massacre of an entire church congregation because it messed up his four walls and a roof.

I'd respectfully disagree; upon return from his little out-of-church walkabout, his entreaties for re-entry forced a breach of a secured location and directly endangered everybody in the church.

My verdict would be: hung jury on Eugene, guilty on Gabrielle.

Your honor I would like to add that FPP also stepped up on the clearing of Alexandria and guided Judith to safety. 


I would also argue that Eugene mostly gets a pass for being funny and smart which are admirable qualities but not very useful when being chased by the dead. Moreover he had time to bond and came in with a built in "fan base" FPP did not have many opportunities to win over anyone at CDB. I would agree that he did not try very hard but there were times when he showed some compassion (Bob, Maggie) but was dismissed (some would say rightfully so)


It is my belief that consistently held himself as morally superior to AND passed condemnation judgement upon CDB could be used to describe Tyrese and Dale so I would like those charges dropped


I will agree to agree on the hung jury for Eugene if the same compromise could be afforded to FPP

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I did find FPP interesting in the his first appearance, before they flanderized him into a dull two dimensional worthless sniveling coward for over a year.


Snivelling coward is one thing - something a person can't help - but a snivelling, malicious, backstabbing coward is another as when Father Pee whined to Deanna what terrible people Rick and his gang are (the very people who saved his worthless life), trying to get them ousted from Alexandria. Not only snivelling and malicious, but so useless he can't be trusted to close a frickin' gate.

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Snivelling coward is one thing - something a person can't help - but a snivelling, malicious, backstabbing coward is another as when Father Pee whined to Deanna what terrible people Rick and his gang are (the very people who saved his worthless life), trying to get them ousted from Alexandria. Not only snivelling and malicious, but so useless he can't be trusted to close a frickin' gate.

I think tattling to Deanna and rigging that bus should cancel each other out. Both of those acts were senseless and cowardly (although rigging that bus was way more dangerous). I just can't get past Eugene rigging that bus.

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Bad - despite his own actions against his own congregation and his actions endangering CDB (especially Carl and Judith), consistently held himself as morally superior to AND passed condemnation judgement upon CDB - neither of which are particularly in accordance with his chosen avocation. Apparently CDB's direct massacre of Termite Lite outweighs his own indirect massacre of an entire church congregation because it messed up his four walls and a roof.


I think ultimately Eugene has more self-awareness as to his failings than Gabriel. He owns his cowardice, his weakness and his past lies, to the point where he'll gracefully acknowledge that he's in no position to disparage others' credentials when he lied about his own (thus his brisk "Fair play" when Denise is giving him shit), whereas Gabriel still holds himself up as morally superior to Team Rick despite all the shady shit he's pulled.


With that said, I think both Eugene and Gabriel put their money where their mouths were in 6x09, and that cements their status as Team Rick members despite their past transgressions. Gabriel successfully protecting Judith as he promised will go a long way towards restoring his tarnished image, at least in Rick's eyes, and Eugene refusing to cower and fighting off the walkers without getting himself or anyone around him killed will allay Rosita's concerns about his usefulness in a fight.


For me, at least, Eugene's touching platonic bond with Tara makes it hard for me to hate him. He just loves her so much, and it's adorable. There aren't many indisputably platonic boy/girl friendships in TWD, so the ones that do exist are to be cherished.

Edited by Eyes High
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I'm amazed that people find Eugene likable and despise Father Pee Pants. They were both lying cowardly f'sticks (TM catrox14) I'm just interested to get other people's take on the difference.  


I don't think there is much of a difference. At least, not at the beginning. Personally, I can be extremely forgiving to fictional characters. Eugene lied, but has also tried to help the group in his own way (fire hose, solar grids, carrying Tara to safety, pied-pipering walkers away from the building, hunky-dunky sorghum). He's a non-Action Guy and he knows it.


As for Gabriel, my main problem with him was his actions when they first arrived in Alexandria. He could have cost the group their first stable place since the prison because he thought the group was dangerous. I also didn't appreciate him telling Sasha that Bob's fate was punishment for her sins and that Tyreese deserved to die. Like Eugene, I'm willing to give Gabriel another chance. His actions in getting Judith to safety and going out to kill walkers were admirable, and I do believe he is trying.


I did wonder why Gabriel got/gets so much more heat than Eugene ever did.


For me, Gabriel's sanctimonious attitude grated more than Eugene's lying. It's the same problem I had with Dale and even Hershel at times.

Edited by Rosiejuliemom
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Oh, I've had boiled peanuts before, and I like them muchly - just never tried them in beverage.

And you're right - the best boiled peanuts I ever got were from a good ol' boy on the side of the road just outside Florala. :)

Oh lawd, with, not in!  The roasted ones go in the orange soda or co-cola.

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I don't think there is much of a difference. At least, not at the beginning. Personally, I can be extremely forgiving to fictional characters. Eugene lied, but has also tried to help the group in his own way (fire hose, solar grids, carrying Tara to safety, pied-pipering walkers away from the building, hunky-dunky sorghum). He's a non-Action Guy and he knows it.


As for Gabriel, my main problem with him was his actions when they first arrived in Alexandria. He could have cost the group their first stable place since the prison because he thought the group was dangerous. I also didn't appreciate him telling Sasha that Bob's fate was punishment for her sins and that Tyreese deserved to die. Like Eugene, I'm willing to give Gabriel another chance. His actions in getting Judith to safety and going out to kill walkers were admirable, and I do believe he is trying.


I guess the thing about Gabriel, apart from the sanctimoniousness, is that Eugene truly cares about the other members of the group, even apart from Tara. He didn't want to leave without Glenn and Noah even when the place was swarming with walkers, and he blared music to lure the walkers away from Glenn and Noah despite the fact that it would put him in danger. He tried (albeit unsuccessfully) to spy on the others who were talking shit about Rick. He also seeks to use his knowledge to benefit the community, even though he doesn't have to.


I don't get the sense that Gabriel cares about any members of Team Rick as people, as much as he might care about the Alexandria community as a whole. Sure, he'll save Judith, but, well, baby. The rest of them he could give a shit about, and it shows. Now, he doesn't have to like them, but his lack of fellow-feeling towards them makes him less sympathetic than someone like Eugene.


Put another way, if Team Rick were a family, Eugene would be the well-meaning but embarrassing uncle. Gabriel would be the friendly but shifty neighbour.

Edited by Eyes High
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Yes, but at least Eugene is funny.

Yeah, I think that is the big difference between them. Also, people would alwayd be harder on Gabriel because of the fact he got into a profession that calls for him to help and save people. But when it was time for him to really step up,he back down causing a whole bunch of people to die.

To me, what Eugene did was wrong but I can't really blame him. I blame those who stupidly believe him without any real prove.

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You can't blame Eugene for what? For his lying?

He was trying to survive and he couldn't trust that those around him would be willing to protect and help him survive if they knew he had nothing to give back. So he lied in self-preservation.

It was wrong but I thought it was a smart move on his part.

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Locking the church doors and lying for protection were both done out of self preservation and in both cases people died.


I don't think Gabriel has been given the chance to bond with anyone the way Eugene has. He was immediately manhandled, mistrusted and pushed around. Did Abraham, Eugene and Rosita even get the 3 questions? Until they got to Alexandria they always seemed to be their own little separate click. Gabriel had no previous bond to hang on to. I'm not arguing he is a good and decent human-being (NOT) just that Eugene is no better in my opinion. 

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For me, Gabriel's sanctimonious attitude grated more than Eugene's lying. It's the same problem I had with Dale and even Hershel at times.


Dale is on the top of my hate list. Nosy, preachy, bug-eyed busybody, secretly creeping on Andrea and declaring he knew what was best for everyone.  I couldn't watch this show until after Daryl blew his brains out.


As for Eugene, I kind of see him as having some sort of mental illness. I'm no doctor so I can't say what kind but, IMO,  he definitely has a problem relating or interacting with other people. Even in a crazy, abnormal time his social awkwardness stands out.

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Dale is on the top of my hate list. Nosy, preachy, bug-eyed busybody, secretly creeping on Andrea and declaring he knew what was best for everyone.  I couldn't watch this show until after Daryl blew his brains out.




Dale was one of the few deaths on this show where I said "oh thank God; finally!" (see also Andrea, the Governor, Randall, Tara's sister and her kid, everyone from Woodbury) You know you and your stupid hat need to go back to On Golden Pond (TM Daryl) when people don't even feel sorry for you at your death

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Geez, this reminds me of when I got stuck being a jury foreman because no one else wanted the job....

Your honor I would like to add that FPP also stepped up on the clearing of Alexandria and guided Judith to safety. 


Point taken.


It is my belief that consistently held himself as morally superior to AND passed condemnation judgement upon CDB could be used to describe Tyrese and Dale so I would like those charges dropped


Nah, screw them too.

I will agree to agree on the hung jury for Eugene if the same compromise could be afforded to FPP

I would be inclined to agree - except AngelaHunter brings up a compelling factor in consideration:


Snivelling coward is one thing - something a person can't help - but a snivelling, malicious, backstabbing coward is another as when Father Pee whined to Deanna what terrible people Rick and his gang are (the very people who saved his worthless life), trying to get them ousted from Alexandria. Not only snivelling and malicious, but so useless he can't be trusted to close a frickin' gate.

This was not a simple act of negligence; in a moment of urgency, Spencer clearly and unequivocally asked FPP to secure the gate - an request directly relevant to the common welfare and safety of every occupant of the ASZ, and a request FPP acknowledged, but chose to ignore. The result was an entry of walkers into the compound which endangered EVERY occupant, not just CDB.

Although credit may be given for recent redemptive acts indicating a substantial shift in character, this act rises to the level of public menace and is difficult to outweigh.

So - unless you have further arguments on your client's behalf...? :)

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I wasn't implying a non-monogamous relationship = fuck-buddy. I was saying, as Ive said a thousand times already, in the ZA, there is no reason for monogamy to ever even be a thing unless two people just really really were totally 100% into that.


 I'm really not sure at all what is negative about anyone calling it a fuck-buddy relationship, other than the term being vulgar, it's also simple and to the point. If it's beyond that and involves deeper emotional relationships it seems even more fraught with the potential for unhappiness or elaborate boundaries.  Besides, your point that the ZA could be tremendously freeing in terms of lifting societal obligations towards monogamy still remains peripheral to the concept that it would be awkward to share a home under the actual circumstances Abraham, Sasha and Rosita find themselves. The issue is at least as much one of feeling comfortable in ones own private space as it is notions of traditional obligation. 

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So - unless you have further arguments on your client's behalf...? :)

HAHAHAA I tried FPP - but the glove fits so Nashville cannot acquit. My client would like to take a plea deal where he agrees to remain one step below Eugene but one step above Spencer


Why oh why couldn't you just close the stupid gate!!!

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Oh lawd, with, not in!  The roasted ones go in the orange soda or co-cola.

Now THAT makes more sense. The salted peanut trick I was describing was, you drop a few salted peanuts directly into the Coke bottle. Try it sometime - I was always sorta okay with it, but for my mother it was almost a requirement.

Every time I tried envisioning doing the same thing with boiled peanuts, I couldn't foresee any conclusion other than a somewhat slimy mess. :>

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Eugene lied but he saved Abraham's life, he gave him a purpose.  By the time Abe found out he had sorted himself out enough that he didn't want to kill himself anymore.  What bugs is that Eugene knows a lot of useful survival skills (filtering water, etc.) but he gets shoved aside as useless until he actually picks up a machete and starts chopping up some walkers.  I wish the show had done a better job of showing that his clever life hacks added value to the group.


As for FPP, I think he's trying.  He knows he screwed up badly when he locked his congregation out, it's been eating at him ever since, and by taking Judith I think he was thinking, "Please let me do something I should have done a long time ago - save someone else's life."


I couldn't stand Dale and was happy to see him get munched.  He has no business thinking of himself as the moral compass when he had no problem turning a blind eye to Carol getting beaten by Ed.  He was no better than the Alexandrites who tolerated Jesse getting beaten by Porchdick. 

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HAHAHAA I tried FPP - but the glove fits so Nashville cannot acquit. My client would like to take a plea deal where he agrees to remain one step below Eugene but one step above Spencer

Why oh why couldn't you just close the stupid gate!!!

As someone who is warming up to Spencer, I object, your honor. And I like it to be know that since he has not directly cause anyone I love death, he should be place above Eugene and FPP.

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I think ultimately Eugene has more self-awareness as to his failings than Gabriel. He owns his cowardice, his weakness and his past lies, to the point where he'll gracefully acknowledge that he's in no position to disparage others' credentials when he lied about his own (thus his brisk "Fair play" when Denise is giving him shit), whereas Gabriel still holds himself up as morally superior to Team Rick despite all the shady shit he's pulled.

I see where you're going with Eugene, and to a large extent I agree; however, one BIG problem with Eugene's embrace of his past cowardice is his use of it as a preemptive shield against future demands - the "I'm a coward, I've always been a coward, and I accept that - so why don't you?" defense. It's self-defeating in that it short-circuits any potential for personal growth beyond a pre-defined, limiting shell of safeness.

Eugene's participation in the Clearing might be evidence of a change in Eugene's innate self-view and core values; on the other hand, it might also simply be that Rosita's earlier harsh words impressed upon Eugene the very real possibility that CDB might be fed up with his constant unwillingness to fight the good fight - to the point continued non-participation might not be given the depressed-but-accepting pass of days past, but instead might be met with total ostracism or even outright banishment. Eugene's own words would seem to bear this out. Eugene didn't choose to fight because it was right, or because he needed to prove something to himself or anyone else; he fought because "everybody will be talking about this" for years to come - including, presumably, talking disparagingly about those who cringed from the fight. Eugene is intelligent enough to know this would forever relegate him to second-class citizen status - to borrow from J. K. Rowling, Eugene would be forever branded as The Man Who Hid - and therefore numbered among the most expendable. In this context, participation becomes mandatory to ensure future survival. Don't get me wrong; I really HOPE there's more to Eugene than this, but it is possible this is all there is.

FPP, on the other hand...? This is a weird one. As a man of the cloth, FPP's transgressions were IMHO more egregious because he warped the message of the belief for which he claimed to be a representative. FPP claimed God's grace for himself to absolve himself of all his own personal sins, but passed God's judgment on CDB for what he saw as their sins. In doing so FPP usurped God's role as judge, which is exactly what a preacher should be preaching AGAINST. In short, FPP presented as the worst sort of Christian - saving himself and damning everybody else.

Curiously, though, this is exactly what also makes me accept FPP's "conversion" as genuine. In his self-serving pseudo-religion, FPP could have proclaimed many justifications - I am a man of nonviolence, thou shall not kill, I had to protect the child/my flock, etc. FPP's voluntary participation in the sort of violence he had previously decried so loudly, however, indicates - to me, anyway - a fundamental shift in FPP's view of the world, and his role in it. He appears to have graduated from dick-in-a-collar to warrior priest.

Of course, I could be wrong - but only time will tell. ;)


Edited by Nashville
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As someone who is warming up to Spencer, I object, your honor. And I like it to be know that since he has not directly cause anyone I love death, he should be place above Eugene and FPP.

That is partly because he is too chicken s(%& to step up and do anything except steal food from the pantry :)

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I calculated based on the timeline on wikia :) my daughter who is 14 months is still not walking on her own, just with a walker or me holding her


I can't believe you let your 14 month old daughter be around a zombie! ;)



ETA: I lived most of my life in southern New England where it was soda. I'm living in southern Ontario now, and I hear both soda and pop.


We're a compromising people... ;)



They should have brought Eugene along. Either his commentary alone would have been worth it, and/or they would have had a wheel man and not lost the truck.


I agree! The husband and I were laughing like fools when Eugene was leaning on the car and chatting to Rick and Daryl as they were trying to leave.


Did Rick only kiss Jessie? Not that it necessarily matters, I don't think Michonne needs any clarification. I'm sure they'll figure out how their relationship will unfold. I know that Glenn or Maggie really, planned ahead with condoms but I don't think Rick's been running around with that in his pocket.


I would like to point out, just for the point of argument, that two people naked in a bed does not automatically mean that intercourse occurred. There are plenty of other sexy times that could be enjoyed without fear of pregnancy and whatnot. That said, I will be interested to see if the whole 'fear of pregnancy' becomes a topic of conversation between Rick and Michonne. Will her prior experience losing a child be enough to dissuade her from taking any risks? Isn't Judith enough of a 'handful' without adding another infant to the mix?

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- there was literally no justification for ditching their perfectly good Bentley for the food truck. Having a back up vehicle would have been smart just in case the truck broke down (which is what happened); they could have then loaded the best of the merch into the car, driven it back to Alexandria and returned with others to scoop up the rest. It was just inconceivably stupid for them to put all their eggs in that basket.


So much this. Why not, "You drive the truck back and I'll follow in the car.  Don't stop for anything.  If you see something else you want to check out, we'll come back for it later after we drop these supplies off in Alexandria."  Oh yeah, it would have been the sensible thing to do and we would have missed out on some Benny Hill hijinks.

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I would like to point out, just for the point of argument, that two people naked in a bed does not automatically mean that intercourse occurred. There are plenty of other sexy times that could be enjoyed without fear of pregnancy and whatnot.

Proof? Maybe not. Circumstantial evidence for a doubleback mambo does appear particularly strong, though. ;>

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So much this. Why not, "You drive the truck back and I'll follow in the car.  Don't stop for anything.  If you see something else you want to check out, we'll come back for it later after we drop these supplies off in Alexandria."  Oh yeah, it would have been the sensible thing to do and we would have missed out on some Benny Hill hijinks.

wait, wait, wait...that was a Bentley? I thought it was a Chrysler 300. I asked myself about the ditching of the car or "come back for it later" argument, like splitting up always leads to danger but yeah it made no sense. I was also thinking which one had more gas etc, etc. I do not care if it was a Bentley it's only useful if it drives, which the truck no longer does. 


And your honor, I submit "No, there's more! You see? When the left tire mark goes up on the curb and the right tire mark stays flat and even? Well, the '64 Skylark had a solid rear axle, so when the left tire would go up on the curb, the right tire would tilt out and ride along its edge. But that didn't happen here. The tire mark stayed flat and even. This car had an independent rear suspension. Now, in the '60's, there were only two other cars made in America that had positraction, and independent rear suspension, and enough power to make these marks. One was the Corvette, which could never be confused with the Buick Skylark. The other had the same body length, height, width, weight, wheel base, and wheel track as the '64 Skylark, and that was the 1963 Pontiac Tempest."


The two Yoots are guilty as charged, Jesus has left the building.

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Proof? Maybe not. Circumstantial evidence for a doubleback mambo does appear particularly strong, though. ;>

As this is a cvil matter and not a criminal matter, the burden of proof is much lower. I rule in favor of the white ram tupping the black ewe.

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That is partly because he is too chicken s(%& to step up and do anything except steal food from the pantry :)

Hey, hey now, no need for name calling here, my man was just being a good citizen by making sure the food didn't go to waste incase the walkers win the war. There is nothing wrong with that. Therefore, he should still be place above Eugene and FPP.

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As someone who is warming up to Spencer, I object, your honor. And I like it to be know that since he has not directly cause anyone I love death, he should be place above Eugene and FPP.

Sorry, but the Court cannot be swayed by one person's love, no matter how many celestial objects they may purport to represent. :)

IN RE the case of Spencer Monroe: we find a near-perfect balancing act of good AND bad:

  • Spencer's shots at the Wolf truck foiled its goal of crashing the front gate; the damage caused by the truck's crash into his watch tower, however, effectively achieved the same result as if he had never shot at all.
  • Spencer saved the commissary from being looted - only to loot it himself later.
  • Spencer attempts a rash (foolhardy?) traverse over the walker horde via high-wire act to try and draw the walkers away; his attempt fails, however, and results in additional endangerment to several members of the community, who risk their own lives to rescue him.
  • Spencer accepts responsibility for gate guard duty- but fails in this responsibility when he unilaterally relinquishes his responsibility to an incompetent FPP.
  • Spencer is cute and has good hair, but is unable to use either to good effect; on separate occasions he attempts to chat up both Sasha AND Rosita, but proves himself unable to close the deal with either.

We find the defendant lacking either sufficient virtue OR vice to justify a definitive ruling; therefore, Spencer Monroe is consigned to purgatory until further notice.


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Me too. It's upsetting me more than the deaths of Jesse and her kids.  They need to find a way to pull that sucker out of that pond. Surely there will be some stuff in there that can be saved.

I thought the same thing but then the last time they went fishing around in water for supplies (at the food bank with Father Gabriel) Bob got bit by a walker.  


I think there could be walkers submerged in the pond, yes?  I remember there was that one that crawled out of the mud from under that sign that was half buried and bit Tara's niece during the second Governor plotline.  

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And your honor, I submit "No, there's more! You see? When the left tire mark goes up on the curb and the right tire mark stays flat and even? Well, the '64 Skylark had a solid rear axle, so when the left tire would go up on the curb, the right tire would tilt out and ride along its edge. But that didn't happen here. The tire mark stayed flat and even. This car had an independent rear suspension. Now, in the '60's, there were only two other cars made in America that had positraction, and independent rear suspension, and enough power to make these marks. One was the Corvette, which could never be confused with the Buick Skylark. The other had the same body length, height, width, weight, wheel base, and wheel track as the '64 Skylark, and that was the 1963 Pontiac Tempest."


The two Yoots are guilty as charged, Jesus has left the building.


This? Just won all the prizes ever. Sorry, Leo, no Oscar for you.

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Proof? Maybe not. Circumstantial evidence for a doubleback mambo does appear particularly strong, though. ;>


I...don't understand that reference. What in the heck is a 'doubleback mambo'? :(  *feels old and out of touch with the hip, young things*


wait, wait, wait...that was a Bentley?


I thought the symbol on the steering wheel was its logo but what I know about cars would fit in a small teacup, so I've likely misidentified the vehicle. :)

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