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"The View": Week of 02/22/16


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Raven is so uneducated in civics. First of all there will be a D or R or even an I as well nominated - NOT ELECTED.

I know!! When I heard that I shook my head hard. Thinking huh? Is no one going to correct her? Maybe that crack journalist next to her?

As a Canadian I thought perhaps I was the uninformed one on this subject so thank you!

Edited by Dahlia
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Lord, but does Candace make my head hurt when she's trying to explain something. I think someone should write her script and she can read off of that.


Or, I don't know, here's an idea (and maybe I missed it)--how about saying what the poll actually ASKED, like Joy and Raven said (how the internment of the Asians post WWII was a good thing). Her word salad "It's tricky...slavery was thrown in...they didn't know what was asked..." And she can't "fathom" or "wrap her brain" or was it mind? that there are racists out there?

Candace trying to explain anything is painful - for us and I think for her as well.   I appreciated Joy and Raven and even Miss Whoopi staying on track for that topic.  But I can see why CCB might think the poll was "tricky" however since anything that tries to make her think about anything unpleasant is tricky for her: politics, premarital sex, children eating McNuggets, etc.  


What I want to know is WHERE exactly has BAB been living for the last 30 years that she "can't wrap her brain" around the fact that this country has a  race problem?     Are all the forest creatures in the Disney Princess Kingdom the same race?   Isn't she from Los Angeles?  What was she doing during the riots?   Or the OJ Simpson trial?   Oh that's right, getting to know her husband so they could have sex or some such story.  


What was she doing when for the last seven years of the Obama administration when America's racists have become emboldened enough that Arizona governor Jan Brewer thought it was okay to get in the President of the United States face and shake her finger at him?  


Have all the police shootings of young black men gone unnoticed in her world?    Or for that matter, what was she doing LAST SUMMER when white supremacist walked into a historic black church in Charleston and shot nine people?   Geezus, she makes my head hurt too GH.

Edited by Cosmocrush
  • Love 10

Sorry for my being tech challenged.... how is Raven going viral on FB? I googled....nothing. But am on limited FB.

Actually, I mean why is she going viral?

If the posts following yours didn't answer your question she's being criticized for her statement about moving to Canada if a Republican is elected nominated.  Obviously she misspoke, but even if she had used the correct word the idea of a celebrity fleeing the country because of an election is bound to create a lot of ridicule.


I don't know why Barbie thinks the question was tricky.  From Time Magazine:

The Times found that nearly 20% of Trump supporters did not approve of freeing the slaves, according to a January YouGov/Economist poll that asked respondents if they supported or disapproved of “the executive order that freed all slaves in the states that were in rebellion against the federal government”—Abraham Lincoln’s Emancipation Proclamation.


Seems like a pretty clear question to me.  Trump's supporters saw the words "executive order" and had a knee jerk reaction.  Never mind the purpose of the EO, it was the overreach of the president that is objectionable.  (Not counting any white supremists.) 

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Candace has been unaware of this country having a race problem because it doesn't directly affect her.  She is one of those lucky people who just go through life only worrying about themselves and not giving an ounce of thought to anyone else.


And as far as Fuller House goes I simply do not see the appeal of revisiting a show that wasn't even appealing when it was on originally.  Just MO.

  • Love 15

Miss Whoopi can stay in LA forever IMO!


Friday's shows are much more enjoyable and fun when she's not around.


Now we have to watch the EGOT at the Oscars in the past. But, her bad attitude and unprofessionalism is what she is today on The View. That's what I will remember from now on from Miss Whoopi.

Edited by rcc
  • Love 5

WhoooooHoooo...Happy Birthday, GH!

I want to know what Joy said to CCB that got bleeped, made everybody blush and caused Raven to exit the stage.


It wasn't well bleeped, so I was able to make out that Joy asked CCB (regarding her proposal):  "Was he on one knee or were you?"  Get it?

Edited by Tunia
  • Love 7

First:  Thanks y'all!


Second: Does Paula even know what last ditch effort means? It's something one does when they have run out of time.  There's still plenty of time for these bozos to fight back. Moron.


And SQUEEE!!!!! Marian Anderson!!!!!! At least ONE of the people I mentioned last week, got a mention for Black History Month. And on my Birthday? And here's a bit of trivia: I was assigned to do a report on Marian Anderson when i was in the fourth grade for Black History Month. I remember being bummed at first, because I wanted to do one on Martin Luther King, Jr.  But I learned so much about her struggles and eventual triumphs and success.


And yeah, I figured Joy said something about Candace giving her hubby a blow job, because though it was bleeped, the camera wasn't on Joy when she said it, but one can figure it out with her was he on his knees or were you?  And I HOWLED at Joy calling Candace "The Christian Scientist" and her being "hurt" and "shocked" by it. Raven couldn't contain her laughter, as she "walked" off and pretended she was calling, someone?


I guess Rubio learned from Christie, the way he kept hitting back at Trump. I'm not a fan of his, but I fucking LOVED it.  


And because they were talking about it, if Trump thinks he can get away with attacking Hillary with sexist and misogynistic slurs, he's got another think coming, because IF (shudder) he is the nominee, the field is OPEN to the REST of the country, and not limited to the racists and bigots.  Women's health rights and control over their own bodies is a HUGE issue right now.  And now I'll shut up.


I won't lie. Seeing the clips of Whoopi's first and second stints as Oscar Host made me smile. She was so very good. Her last one? Not so much. But her first and second one? Perfection. I especially remember her second one, where she opened with "Did you miss me?" And her monologue about how there was a pin for every illness, because the wearing of pins to show support for causes was getting out of control.  I wish could find the clip, buy my 'puter is having fits right now and I have a date with my manicurist to pamper my feet with a spa pedicure.


Fast forwarded the rest of the dreck.


Hey! Here's hoping Joy will be moderating on Monday since Whoopi will still be in LA!

  • Love 6

 Cape Breton is beautiful!  I've been fortunate to visit there, and loved it.  There's a special peace that comes over you when there, and it may well be the perfect antidote to a Trump presidency!  May have to consider their offer...LOL.


Thanks, ginger90.  Now that you mention it, think you're correct.  In any event, we miss you Roger!

With the quaking aspens, so peaceful you're lulled by its beauty, and the amazing Fortress of Louisbourg. I've been there years ago. Loved it. 

  • Love 4

If I wanted to watch Fuller House, I would. If I want to watch The View I do.


What I don't want to watch is endless Fuller House ramble on The View. Are they ever going to shut up about Fuller House??

I know, right?  I wondered if Fuller House was somehow connected to ABC the way they are promoting the hell out if and found this article. Not only is ABC not involved, the showrunner goes out of his way to trash ABC, all the while this stupid show continues it's love letter to a show that isn't even theirs. 


  Jeff Franklin on the Long Road to Bring Full House Back  


It's even more puzzling to learn ABC passed on this reboot (the creator has been shopping it for 10 years, LOL) so why all the over the top promotion?    I don't get it, but then I don't get anything about this show and the endless promotion.


So ABC passed on rebooting one of its biggest shows of all time?

Yeah, I was stunned. It seemed like a no-brainer. It’s so hard to launch a new show now and this show already had incredible brand recognition. Full House was on 40 times a week and drawing millions; fans were binge-watching it every night on Nick at Nite. But ABC didn’t get it. Actually it was an executive at Nickelodeon — a network that Full House has kept in business all these years — who ended up moving to Netflix. He reached out to Warner Brothers and said, “Would you please bring this show into Netflix?” And they stepped up in a really big way. But all of this was very, very close to not happening.


Didn't they just recently do something similar with Blackish? No complaints about that. hmmm

Probably because that made sense: Blackish is an ABC show, like The Bachelor or Scandal.   I would expect ABC shows to cross promote (CBS is really good at this by the way)   but all this time and dedication to a non-network show is out of the ordinary.   I don't think Whoopi going to the Oscars would be a story if they were being broadcast on another network for example.  

Edited by Cosmocrush
  • Love 6

My my my Raven seems combative with Joy. She is so far out of her league thinking she can match wits with her. What is the saying about showing up at a gun duel unarmed?

It was good seeing early Whoop's early awards shows, and you can see she is happy to be there with people she consides her equals.

Really Raven? This group of Full House is making history.??? There is no way to express how little I care about it plus what the Hell Raven's hair is weekly.

Candace lecturing Joy how she thought she brought her "goodnesss" now she is going to be gone reminds me of Bitsey trying to get BW to read the bible she gave her.

Religion is much too preventent on this show and when did it become ok to jam it down your co-workers throats and the viewing public. The current political atmosphere is making it a free for all. I find myself deleting more and more before finishing watching the whole tapes.

  • Love 6

Big ole snort giggle to Joy for the blowjob snark at BAB. Here's one; and sorry if it is TMI. Why must one be on one's knees to give a blowjob? Serious  question. I have bad knees now, but even when I had good knees I never did that.... on my knees, that is.. :-) 


I'll see myself out.


Full House and Fuller House can go the hell away NOW. I will gladly take Stamos off their hands though.

And one got beaten up in grade school for referring to oneself as "one" [/sheldon Cooper]

Edited by ari333
  • Love 9

I don't get how Fuller House is history making in any sense of the term.  SHows like the Brady Bunch, Leave it to Beaver, Beverly Hillbiillies, and so many others have had comebacks or reunions, in terms of new shows, movies, etc.   I'm sure that if Full House was a big part of your childhood, then you'd be excited for the new show.  But for most people, it's no big deal at all.

The original Full House, for me, has been tainted by knowing that Bob Saget was such an obscene comic, far from the character he played on the show.  But I was never the audience for the show anyway. 

Edited by backformore
  • Love 8

I don't get how Fuller House is history making in any sense of the term.  SHows like the Brady Bunch, Leave it to Beaver, Beverly Hillbiillies, and so many others have had comebacks or reunions, in terms of new shows, movies, etc.   I'm sure that if Full House was a big part of your childhood, then you'd be excited for the new show.  But for most people, it's no big deal at all.

The original Full House, for me, has been tainted by knowing that Bob Saget was such an obscene comic, far from the character he played on the show.  But I was never the audience for the show anyway. 



THIS! ^^^^


Good grief and holy crap on a cracker. Mention it once or twice and let it go. Sheesh. We get it.... it's back. Big woo . The twins are the smartest ones for skipping this crapfest.

And not that I care, but I didnt' catch how they're dealing with no Michelle. or did they simply replace her or what? again, "so what? who cares?" [/Joy] :-)

  • Love 3

Happy Birthday GHSR!!


Short show today because I skipped everything about  the Full House stuff.   Joy was certainly having a good time. 


My my my Raven seems combative with Joy. She is so far out of her league thinking she can match wits with her. What is the saying about showing up at a gun duel unarmed?

In a battle of wits, she showed up unarmed, LOL.   I think she beats Barbie, who once again, "can't wrap her brain around..." something and when she tries she looks like she's in pain from trying.  


Raven did seem out of sorts but I'm sure I would be annoyed too if I was gay and everyone at the table was insisting the man needed to propose to the woman for a successful marriage.    Plus, the reason Paula has is "it's tradition!"   but doesn't know why.  Pffft.  


Wow, Whoopi had on real clothes!  And makeup and earrings!  She even had extensions in her hair.   California/Hollywood agrees with her she should stay there.  Did you guys know she has an Oscar? LOL.   

Edited by Cosmocrush
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Because Joy showed part of this clip, I found it!  When Whoopi was AWESOME! First Two Minutes GREAT!


Question: What did Alec Baldwin Do?


What happened to this Whoopi?   This show is getting more and more Barbara-esque re: Miss Whoopi all the time.


As to Alec Baldwin, That year was the first time he assaulted a photographer/paparazzi.  Goldberg praised him for it.  

From Wikipedia:


1995 photographer incident

In October 1995, Baldwin allegedly assaulted a photographer for videotaping his wife, Kim Basinger, and their 3-day-old daughter. The couple was returning from the hospital and were confronted by the photographer outside their Los Angeles home. Whoopi Goldberg praised Baldwin for his actions during her opening monologue while hosting the 68th Academy Awards.[56][57]


  • Love 2

What happened to this Whoopi?   This show is getting more and more Barbara-esque re: Miss Whoopi all the time.


As to Alec Baldwin, That year was the first time he assaulted a photographer/paparazzi.  Goldberg praised him for it.  

From Wikipedia:




You're asking me? When I see clips like this one, I say this to myself: What HAPPENED to THIS Whoopi?


Re: Baldwin: Thanks!





Now I have to go see if I can find the clip of PierceFucking!Brosnan presenting the first award. Just because.

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