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S27.E13: Family Matters


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Congratulations, Cara Maria! Now do yourself a favor and never come back, because this season steamrolled your soul, and I don't want to see you go through that again.


I hated the finale format. It feels like it would be so easy to fudge the results to get the desired outcome. Like how Johnny won his fifth Challenge in Free Agents. .. part of me won't give him credit for that.


Is any other reality show as sadistic with games as this one? Stand in place for hours on end, eat stuff the locals would turn away, complex numbers puzzle . . .and in fitted suits. And does anybody else feel weirded out about seeing the Olympic Stadium in Berlin, especially when there are commercials running for a movie about Jesse Owens?


ETA: I watched It's Always Sunny in Philadelphia after the finale and reunion. You know who was there? Reginald VelJohnson. Carl Winslow! Awesome how that synched up with the finale title.

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I also started getting really bummed when it looked like Cory might win. Can't stand that kid. Jamie should have won solely for finishing all his plates, plus Cara Maria's. Anyone know what the different types of food were made of? They all looked disgusting. I would need a couple bottles of hot sauce to get that shot down.

I wasn't a fan of the format of this final. I didn't like that no one knew the times until the end. I would have preferred if the teams got their time penalties at the beginning of each round instead. Also, It didn't seem to me, with the exception of the 120 lb bags, that this final was as grueling as some of the others they've done in the past.

Edited by luckyroll3
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I was pretty meh about the finale.  I agree that it would have been more dramatic to have the teams head off very Amazing Race style...so you could actually see how behind or ahead you are as you continue to compete.  There was no tension for me in the final challenge as Cara and Cuz were working frantically on their puzzle because I had no idea where they were in the competition.  I pretty assumed they would win though because I think at that point the other two teams both had their little "memories of the challenge" clips.  


Jenna and Brianna sure petered out fast, eh?  They went from first to worst in about 2 hot seconds.  It's too bad because I liked the idea of them setting the pace since I don't think the other two teams considered them to be much in terms of competition.  


I was glad that Cara and Cuz won.  This has been a long time coming for Cara and she really pushed through.  I also like Jamie a lot.  He seems like good people.  

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This was one of the few finals where I didn't hate any of the teams but I'm happy Cara won. She definitely gave it her all. And her cousin was a good competitor too.

I laughed at the food challenge because that jello tongue dish is a common Eastern European dish and is pretty much set out at every holiday table. I personally don't like it but it's funny how to some it's a normal food and to others it's a torture device.

Standing in one spot looked hard but didn't they have to do that in past seasons outside in the snow? I remember thinking how miserable that must have been.

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I was happy with the outcome.  Cara and Jamie pretty much dominated everything but the puzzle (and, even as a math nerd, I can't imagine having to sit there and think about that puzzle when you're all sleep-deprived, dehydrated, and just plain exhausted).  I agree with those who say Cara should probably stay home, at least for a while.  She may have finally gotten her win, but this season seemed to break her in a lot of ways, judging by the reunion (I'll get more into that in that thread).  


The eating challenge didn't seem as bad as some previous eating challenges.  I mean, I'm not going to sit down and order any of that for dinner any time soon, but they've had MUCH worse in the past.  And, geez, Jenna, it's soup, just tip it back and swallow.  If you don't let it hang around in your mouth too long, you won't get too much of the taste.  Just chug it back and be done.  Jamie was awesome on this one.  Everyone else is whining and he's just powering through.  Oh, and I don't buy for a second that Jenna didn't know exactly what she was saying when she talked about her lack of gag reflex and swallowing sausages.  


That standing there overnight is sadistic.  I cracked up when the workers came down and were telling TJ they had to leave.  


I don't know how they didn't just all collapse into a heap on the ground right there in Olympic Stadium, after the results were announced, and take a 12 hour nap.  

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That finale was kind of underwhelming to me.


It's as if a 5 year old designed it...ok, then we will have them eat gross stuff, then they have to stand in place for 4 hours, then they have to run in circles for 2 miles...eh, no creativity at all.


This show has had some pretty damn epic finales and this just wasn't one of them. Maybe they are going to tone them down so there are less quitters going forward?


I AM happy with the results though. Was rooting for Cara from the beginning and even though I don't agree with what she did this season, I rooted for her until the end.


Completely agree that I hope this is her last challenge. I have a feeling, 20 years from now a lot of these kids are going to regret ever being on this show because of what it did to their personal life.


Overall, I liked the season a lot. How can you not like a season where Cara takes out John and then goes on to win (unless you aren't a fan of CM obviously).

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The final started out pretty good and then seemed to really fizzle. TJ's acting in that 'waiting for the train' and 'the train's not coming' mess was awful and the whole idea was ridiculous. Just tell them they've got to stand there all night. Sheesh. The guys telling them they had to leave was part of the charade, right? They said there were no penalties but I thought I saw either Mitch or Cory set both briefcases down, briefly, and maybe to get a better grip, in the background of one of the shots.


I thought wearing the suits and carrying the briefcases was a unique way to complete the final, but the Franz visit and the measuring? We didn't need to see that part it was just silly.


I do admire Jenna for finding a grate to vomit into out on the street, oh and thanks to the camera guy for getting us a good shot of it. Because you know we hadn't seen enough vomit by then.


I know they were trying to do the Berlin tour and include the Olympic stadium, but surely they could have found a tall building where the teams had to climb the steps to the top for the finish. That would have been more grueling than a couple mile jog around the track, and the visuals of the winning team standing on top with their giant check would have been comparable to the finishes on top of a mountain. Plus the suits would have made sense running up the steps of an office building.


I'm glad Cara and Jamie won. It's interesting how each team excelled in a different area: Jenna and Brianna in the endurance and games stage, Jamie and Cara (ok mostly Jamie) in the eating stage, Cory and Mitch in the puzzle. I liked Jamie pointing out to Cara that she should practice puzzles, while she's standing there being of no use to him doing a puzzle.

Edited by dangwoodchucks
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That finale was kind of underwhelming to me.


It's as if a 5 year old designed it...ok, then we will have them eat gross stuff, then they have to stand in place for 4 hours, then they have to run in circles for 2 miles...eh, no creativity at all.



I agree - I found it to be very very lame.  The first part was the best part.  There were no chances for people to quit and besides the first part the only other grueling endurance part was the 2 mile run at the end.  Which is probably nothing to all of these people because it was just in a circle.... not up a mountain.


I really wish they would have shown all of the times.  I wanted to see how far they were apart.  I thought Jenna and Brianna had a pretty good lead after the first leg, at least on Mitch and Cory. 

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I really wish they would have shown all of the times.  I wanted to see how far they were apart.  I thought Jenna and Brianna had a pretty good lead after the first leg, at least on Mitch and Cory.



The 30 minute food penalty (compared to, I think, 10 minutes for Mitch/Cory) along with what seemed like a pretty big time difference on the canoes pretty much killed off their lead from the first leg.  


I agree, I would have loved to see some times, beyond what time penalties they got, but I guess they wanted to make sure no one could figure out who the winner was until TJ announced it.  But, that makes for kind of an anti-climactic finish.  The first people to finish just have to sit around and wait for everyone else to finish so they can find out who won overall.  It makes for a more exciting finish if it's a race to the finish line.  

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Congrats Cara Maria and Jamie! Now please retire, Cara Maria! I'm glad she finally won, but it's just too bad she had to be such a sucky person to Abram this season. Why does it seem like the winners typically have to behave like jerks to win this game? I have no idea why she thought she needed to flirt and make out with Thomas to further herself in the game. It's not like Thomas was some power player who had any influence on the outcome of the game. Cara Maria was physically and mentally prepared to win this coming into this season. It kind of cheapens her win to me that she thought she needed to resort to flirting and ruin a relationship to win this season.


Jamie Chestnut sure is a great eater. He sure did chow down that traditional German cuisine. His eating exploits are what won them this game. I didn't understand what the big deal was with the eating challenge. It was just pig lard and other German delicacies. Yes, it was disgusting, but it wasn't like they were eating pizzle smoothies and live cockroaches. For all of Jenna's talk about having no gag reflex and being able to swallow entire sausages, she sure was taking small bites of the wienerschnitzel. Maybe that says something about Zach.


This finale was weak in comparison to other finales. This episode there was an eating challenge, a standing challenge at the Subway station, a canoe race, an arithmetic puzzle, and a couple of laps around the track. I think it was probably the least epic finale that I can recall. And the format of calculating times just isn't exciting for the viewer. I'd much rather see the winner be whoever crosses the finish line first and have 1 continuous race instead of giving them an opportunity to rest in between each leg.  With that said, I wonder how close the times were. Cory and Mitch received a time penalty (10 minutes, I believe) for not completing 2 of their dishes. I wonder if they lost by more than 10 minutes. It seemed pretty close, but, then again, they were like an hour behind after the first part of the finale. Jenna and Brianna were a disaster this episode. None of the legs were up their alley except for the run in the stadium. But kudos to them for finishing.


Well, it was a great season because the insufferable Johnny Bananas didn't win.

Edited by jmonkey
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I'm glad she finally won, but it's just too bad she had to be such a sucky person to Abram this season. Why does it seem like the winners typically have to behave like jerks to win this game? I have no idea why she thought she needed to flirt and make out with Thomas to further herself in the game. It's not like Thomas was some power player who had any influence on the outcome of the game. Cara Maria was physically and mentally prepared to win this coming into this season. It kind of cheapens her win to me that she thought she needed to resort to flirting and ruin a relationship to win this season.


This annoyed me too. I didn't really see a strategic advantage to flirting with Thomas, particularly since she went against him in a vote even before Abe showed up. To me, it looked more like she genuinely was attracted to Thomas and enjoyed playing grabass with him, but wanted to justify quasi cheating on Abe. I don't know though, giving a guy an alleged HJ so he'll vote the way you want him to seems about on the same moral ground as cheating on a guy you have every intention of breaking up with but that you haven't gotten around to doing so yet. Cara seems to be really worried about what people think about her and sometimes she tries to make herself look better and then it just comes off worse.


And regardless of what kind of person Abe is outside the show (I personally do not think he is what I would consider abusive, even on a non physical level (pushy and overbearing, perhaps), but I fully concede I know very little of their relationship), I still really disliked Cara's behavior and it soured me on her when before I had considered her fairly likable.



For all of Jenna's talk about having no gag reflex and being able to swallow entire sausages, she sure was taking small bites of the wienerschnitzel. Maybe that says something about Zach.


Hee! I hope so. Although douchey Zach did say in the beginning of Battle of the Exes 2 that he dated Jonna specifically because she had no gag reflex, which was an asshole thing to say about an ex girlfriend on TV. Zach and Johnny seem to think that people are sitting at home chortling over their great misogynistic wit, like when Johnny referred to Aneesa's cousin as a sea creature.


For what's it worth, didn't Kelly Anne go on record as saying Johnny had a very small dick? Although I'm sure he dismissed it as just a woman scorned talking. Maybe next season Nany will back her up.

Edited by Tatum

Nany did indicate the size of Johnny's dick on the reunion show. He came over to her with his banana while she was having makeup or hair done. She took the banana, bit off a large bit and said the remainder was the size of Johnny. Of course he followed that up with a crude response.


Weisswurst actually isn't that bad, but there were a lot of them on that plate. It's contents are no worse than a regular hot dog. Anyone else notice all the flies and other insects on the food while they were eating?

Was that soup laced with ipecac syrup?  Why were they vomiting like crazy?  Food with blood is common in Europe because I remember seeing it on lots of menus and the restaurants weren't full of people vomiting.

I think it depends on what people are used to. They were forced to eat a huge amount of food they weren't used to. But it certainly wasn't as bad as some of the disgusting combinations they had people drink on other challenges.   At least it was actual  food.


I kind of wonder if the reason they had the blood sausage and blood soup was because of the bloodline theme of the show.

Edited by karenc3
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Were we/they supposed to be scared when the "subway workers" came along and hustled TJ and the challengers out of the subway station?  That was really oddly timed and scripted.

TJ also seemed a little tired or something, apparently mouthing scripts "I hope you brought your briefcases oh you did good" etc.  (speaking of which, I was a little nervous when CM and Jamie were the only ones that didn't bring their briefcases into the stadium, but apparently they weren't dinged for it).

If Mitch/Cory had won, the only element I would be happy about is that finally someone who was good at puzzles won (thought that *did* help them get into the finals, at least).  I have nothing against Mitch; maybe someday he can play without his cousin (though perhaps he's too blah).

Dear producers:  Lard is by definition from a pig.  Either tell Jamie Speck is "pig fat" or just say lard.  I did enjoy his astonishment at the revelation.

Jamie was impressive in powering through the food, but CM deserves a nod for finishing it too, unlike any of the other four.  


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Jamie was impressive in powering through the food, but CM deserves a nod for finishing it too, unlike any of the other four.



I'll admit to being a picky eater, texture-wise, so I can't throw stones at much in these eating challenges (except for the fact that they willingly sign on for a show where they know odds are that an eating challenge stands between them and the win).  So I'll cut them some slack on the solids, but the soup?  Geez, it's soup.  The girl with "no gag reflex" can't just chug that stuff and swallow? 

I don't think Cara Maria ate much at all.  Jamie ate most of her stuff from what people have said on social media.  Jenna implied Cara Maria didn't eat much more than she and Brianna did.  She definitely didn't finish all her "assigned" plates.

Thanks--I haven't seen it on social media and it was hard to tell from the show.  She whined to him for help, but it didn't show him reaching over and grabbing all her dishes or anything.  At any rate, then, he deserves even credit for powering through!

Jamie definitely ate most of Cara Maria's food.  She had just tossed the last piece of whatever was on her second plate in her mouth when Jamie said, "where done, let's go."  She was actually shocked because she thought she had more to do, but looked down and saw that it was all finished already.  Jamie really was the MVP of that, because if it wasn't for him completing that challenge, they would have lost most of the lead they earned through the kayaking on the puzzle, and Cory (ugh) and Mitch might have actually beat them.  

  • Love 4

Congratulations, Cara Maria! Now do yourself a favor and never come back, because this season steamrolled your soul, and I don't want to see you go through that again.


I hated the finale format. It feels like it would be so easy to fudge the results to get the desired outcome. Like how Johnny won his fifth Challenge in Free Agents. .. part of me won't give him credit for that.


Is any other reality show as sadistic with games as this one? Stand in place for hours on end, eat stuff the locals would turn away, complex numbers puzzle . . .and in fitted suits. And does anybody else feel weirded out about seeing the Olympic Stadium in Berlin, especially when there are commercials running for a movie about Jesse Owens?


ETA: I watched It's Always Sunny in Philadelphia after the finale and reunion. You know who was there? Reginald VelJohnson. Carl Winslow! Awesome how that synched up with the finale title.


Look up Solitary.  It ran for 4 seasons, and I think most of it is around on YT.  The contestants spend the entire duration of the show locked in a room alone.  At some point near the beginning, they get a brief phone call home, but otherwise, no human contact the entire time.  Even the easier challenges are harder than just about anything they've thrown at them on The Challenge.  They're all competing, but because they can't see or hear the other contestants, nearly everything is an endurance challenge, first to quit is out.  Even if the first to tap out stops 5 minutes in, they let the rest keep going without telling them.  It would be Johnny's hell on earth - he'd have to do it entirely on his own instead of letting everyone else do the work for him.


I'm curious about the timings in that 2nd round.  TJ presented it as a close race between 1st and 2nd, with J&B being the clear losers. At the end of day one, Cory mentioned being an hour or more behind everyone else, at the eating challenge, they spent the same amount of time, and had a 10 minute penalty, so that only put J&B back 20 minutes.  I wonder if it was the canoe or the puzzle that accounted for the extra 30+ minutes (don't know if his "hour or more" was based on when the girls finished or when CM and Jamie finished).

  • Love 3
I'm curious about the timings in that 2nd round.  TJ presented it as a close race between 1st and 2nd, with J&B being the clear losers. At the end of day one, Cory mentioned being an hour or more behind everyone else, at the eating challenge, they spent the same amount of time, and had a 10 minute penalty, so that only put J&B back 20 minutes.  I wonder if it was the canoe or the puzzle that accounted for the extra 30+ minutes (don't know if his "hour or more" was based on when the girls finished or when CM and Jamie finished).



On the food round, Cory and Mitch were 10 minutes behind, but Jenna and Brianna were 30 minutes.  It was 5 minutes per serving of food uneaten by the time limit.  C/M had 2 items left, and J/B had 6.  And then I got the impression that they were pretty significantly behind the others on the canoe race.  They never showed us actual times on that (so we wouldn't be able to figure out how everyone was ranked by that point), but I got the impression it was a pretty decent lag time, given that they didn't seem to know how to paddle and they got stuck in a tree. 


Oh, and they were more than their time penalties behind in the eating challenge, since Jamie and Cara Maria actually finished.  So they would be behind however much time those two finished before the time was up, along with their penalties for not finishing.  

Edited by KerleyQ
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On the food round, Cory and Mitch were 10 minutes behind, but Jenna and Brianna were 30 minutes.  It was 5 minutes per serving of food uneaten by the time limit.  C/M had 2 items left, and J/B had 6.  And then I got the impression that they were pretty significantly behind the others on the canoe race.  They never showed us actual times on that (so we wouldn't be able to figure out how everyone was ranked by that point), but I got the impression it was a pretty decent lag time, given that they didn't seem to know how to paddle and they got stuck in a tree. 


Oh, and they were more than their time penalties behind in the eating challenge, since Jamie and Cara Maria actually finished.  So they would be behind however much time those two finished before the time was up, along with their penalties for not finishing.  

Right, but what I'm questioning is if the gap between the guys and the girls was actually bigger than the one between the guys and CM/J.  They tried to make it sound like both teams blew the girls out of the water, but I suspect the smaller gap, even with the puzzle, was probably between 2nd and 3rd than 2nd and 1st.

Right, but what I'm questioning is if the gap between the guys and the girls was actually bigger than the one between the guys and CM/J.  They tried to make it sound like both teams blew the girls out of the water, but I suspect the smaller gap, even with the puzzle, was probably between 2nd and 3rd than 2nd and 1st.


I think it would have been closer if Cory and Mitch didn't kill the other teams at the final leg (the puzzle and run).  I figure that they were probably at least a half hour (possibly more) behind the guys before the last leg.  C/M were done running before either of the other two teams finished the puzzle, and then, if I remember correctly, J/B didn't even finish the puzzle, they just hit the time limit.  I don't remember if they said how much of a lead J/B had over C/J and C/M after the first leg*, but I wouldn't be surprised to hear that, when all was said and done, with the time penalties and the big gap in the canoe race, J/B were around an hour behind C/M.  


*But I wouldn't think it was more than 1/2 hour, maybe 45 minutes.  We know that on the last leg, C/J were up on the roof starting the tire walk thing before J/B finished, and then C/M got up there right around when C/J finished.  Depending on how fast each team ran the rest of it (after finishing the tire race), C/M were basically behind them around the length of time it would take to do the tire walk twice.  I tend to think that the canoe race difference erased that gap (and then some).  So C/M were ahead of J/B the 20 minute difference from the eating challenge, along with however faster they finished the last leg, which seemed substantial. 

I really hated this final. It was really lackluster and the time thing was such bs. Everthing would have been different if everyone had to eat their own food and finish it all.

Cara Maria is such a hypocrite. She yelled at Jamie when something was hard for him, but she whined and cried like a baby if something was hard for her. Where was her "suck it up" attitude then? It just annoyed me.

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