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S12.E09: The Sound Of Silence

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I agree. with things like this - "We spoke to Christina" or something would have made (me) feel a lot better. 


As well as - if they are trying to make Meredith/Alex a thing.... 

man. Alex continually losing it because Mer was hurt, and then crying silently, while she was sobbing, and then the snot joke LOL awesome.

Me,too regarding mentioning Cristina.


Some people are seeing this,well, for many people something unimaginable,they want them to remain platonic friends,Jolex shippers would get hurt, some would prefer Alex for Meredith after  Derek  than any other random guy or Riggs. 


I think we have seen a very puzzled emotional Alex along with the Penny dinner episode, I think Rhimes is cooking something and Meredith saying go back to Jo is only temporary perhaps. 

Edited by Meredithfan
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I apologize because I didn't express myself properly. What I meant was that Cris wasn't physically present in this ordeal  contrary to what happened in Derek's funeral. And that's kind of the point. Mer could have died and nothing from or to Cristina? If the show tried to make the point that Mer is enlarging her village beyond Cristina by integrating other people, they failed epically because, they forgot to include Cristina in the said village. We hadn't to see Cristina  in Seattle, just a mention of her, but Amelia was much more important. We had to endure her ranting about how she felt, and how a 'victim' she was ( not Mer) but not even a single word about a woman that was so important in Mer's life. Cris is past , Amelia the future.


But the audience could. The other Docs  aren't deaf nor is Alex. And absolutely no one, including Alex in that last talk with Mer, not making a remark about Cristina seems very implausible to me unless there's an agenda behind. To me it seems Shonda's cutting with the past once and for all  even if that means to shut down the assumption upon the show was based (Mer and Cris were the love story of the show). And that is not new. Since the minute Amelia entered the show she already had her suit tailored, it was too obvious she was there to replace Cristina as Owen's lover and Mer's sister to the point of hurting the eyes.  They even have chosen a feisty actress to not risk her  not  measure up to Sandra and her Cristina. Pity they couldn't recreate the same excitement Crowen elicit once as couple. The writers out of imagination or maybe not,  copied all Crowen love scenes to the level of stupidity and made Owen and Amelia reproduce them to the level of embarrassment. In the current SL, they resurrected Owen's PTSD, and we've Amelia wanting to know, to help, to be included and of course being left out, excluded by him just like he used to do with his ex-wife. Different character same tune. I can't blame anyone to not pay attention to this SL. 

The proof that Amelia is trying to fight for a place next to Mer as her sister is the current SL which has started last season.

After Cristina left someone had to take that role. Alex did but just partially . Shonda needs a woman bc for her, a relationship btw women are more valuable.God damn does the chosen one had to be that insufferable piece of insignificance?


And hereupon  I've to congratulate the poster that had the courage to point out that Amelia is not only a rehab addict, she's a narcissist. Maybe not to a full content but I agree the way the writers are writing her here on Grey's that she shows traits of this personality disorder. Fully agree.


Sandra Oh is not on the show anymore. Cristina is not a featured character anymore. There is no reason they have to mention her, directly, onscreen to reassure us in the audience that she hasn't been erased from everyone's collective memory. To go out of their way to pointedly do so, IMO, feels contrived and pandering. I honestly don't see what the big deal is.


And no, we the audience couldn't hear everything that was going on. For much of the episode, we were in Meredith's point of view -- unable to hear anything. Much of what was going on over the course of the six weeks she was laid up happened out of her hearing and/or consciousness. So we don't know, literally, everything that went on. My overall point is, we can just assume that things that should have been taken care of were taken care of, people who should have been informed of what happened to her were informed. I also still have no idea who the hell is watching Meredith's damn kids all the time, but I can assume someone is picking up that slack. The kids' absence in most episodes is jarring only when we see Meredith in situations where they really should be there -- i.e., when she's on her way to work, and we know the kids go to daycare there, yet they're not in the car with her. But we didn't see every single moment where Cristina's name should and would have been brought up in this ordeal, because we literally didn't see everything. I can assume that somewhere in there, it was.


And I strongly disagree that Amelia is here to be a replacement for Cristina, or that the show is trying to prop her up as such in any way. Amelia couldn't be further from being Meredith's new "person" if she tried.

  • Love 5

Me,too regarding mentioning Cristina.


Some people are seeing this,well, for many people something unimaginable,they want them to remain platonic friends,Jolex shippers would get hurt, some would prefer Alex for Meredith after  Derek  than any other random guy or Riggs. 


I think we have seen a very puzzled emotional Alex along with the Penny dinner episode, I think Rhimes is cooking something and Meredith saying go back to Jo is only temporary perhaps. 



I mean. I am all team platonic. but I also really love how Alex/Meredith have firmly become "people" (even though meredith now sees she's got a village) like. regardless of all her village people (heeehhhhh), Alex was the one who looked like he was going to lose it (several occasions), Alex was the one to comfort her, Alex (i'm assuming was with Zola, Bailey and Babykins (I'm not calling her Ellis. Refuse). I could board that train too too, is all I'm saying. 


(plus not a big fan of Jo.)



Sandra Oh is not on the show anymore. Cristina is not a featured character anymore. There is no reason they have to mention her, directly, onscreen to reassure us in the audience that she hasn't been erased from everyone's collective memory. To go out of their way to pointedly do so, IMO, feels contrived and pandering. I honestly don't see what the big deal is.



I can see your reasoning of that. but to me...I always find it very interesting (and this is a general thing not to you specifically) when people say things like it would be contrived/pandering, why would they go out of their way etc... to me - it's because it would be real. 

I have a list of people my mother needs to contact if something serious happens to me. my three best friends (who don't live anywhere near me). they need to know. they would be mentioned (by my mom, my brother, my other friends). they would be on the phone or facebook/skype. Christina loved Meredith. They are, (as they've stated) sisters. I find it more contrived in this instance - that she wasn't mentioned what so ever (like - yes. in real life land, nothings happening to Meredith, in teevee-land, What if Meredith had a complication? Why isn't the godmother of her children around?). 

It's not even a Sandra Oh thing - it's simply that for me - when someone moves away - it doesn't mean they are never mentioned again. in this instance - while Cristina of old would have dropped everything - yeah she's running super fancy Swiss clinic - but she would have been on the phone (One of those scenes, easily could have been Bailey (or whomever), updating Cristina and just mentioning her by name and saying while it was "serious"  - everything is good and the children are taken care of, if anything happens, we'll let you know. Because again. in real life/teevee land, Cristina would have been up to date. (I would assume that Alex would be the the one in control of all things medical - ie: living wills, etc), but Cristina is still legally responsible, I'd imagine (unless I missed that scene), for Zo, Bailey, Babykins. No mention raised the flag for me. 


that's why it's a big deal (or at least for me). And will be with serious things like this. 

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The kids' absence in most episodes is jarring only when we see Meredith in situations where they really should be there


By the same token Cris' absense (or absense of being mentioned) is jarring only when we see Merdith in situations where Cris really should be there or being mentioned.

Cristina isn't in the show anymore but she's not dead.

Look, you've the right to have your point of view which doesn't make it the universal truth neither does mine. I see Amelia as a blatant replacement of Cristina... and it is OK. What is not OK for me is the actress and the character. It's not a big deal, it is called a difference of opinion. You stand by yours and I stand by mine. We've to agree to disagree. End of it. 

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As a stand-alone episode, I thought this was great.  You can tell they really put a lot into the camera work and directing.  Ellen Pompeo and Justin Chambers were really excellent.  And I absolutely loved the scene between Meredith and Webber.  


HOWEVER, this is not a stand alone episode, its a midseason premiere of an ensemble drama that left us with three cliffhangers.  I was resigned to the fact we wouldn't get to "see" the aftermath of all three cliffhangers due to the spoilers but I am still pissed that we had to find out Jackson filed for divorce because they are arguing outside Meredith's room and that we still don't know what actually happened between Alex and Jo (though I guess that will come next week---hopefully).   Though it was predictable, I am glad Meredith finally seems to  realize her selfishness and gave Alex the push to go back and fight for Jo.  


I do appreciate that they never made it out like Meredith was in mortal danger.  


And I still hate Penny.  This episode did not redeem her in the way I thought they would go for.


That's pretty much where I am with the episode.  I thought it was a fine episode as far as it goes, but way too many details got glossed over and too many questions either didn't get answered or got answered poorly. I expected it, but I am still disappointed. Do we even know how much time elapsed between the finale and this episode? 


The acting was fine, but I really thought a lot of it was overwrought and came off as false to me.  I was completely unmoved, for example, by Alex practically bursting into tears when he saw Meredith.  Sure she looked bad and I"m sure it is scary to see your friend in such a condition, but him wiping his tears on his sleeve as he worked on her just didn't work for me, I didn't buy it.  Him showing up with her kids and his and his and Mer's relieved and emotional laughter when she got her hearing back seemed so much more natural and was so much more reflective of their true bond, IMO. (Although it was very reminiscent of his scene with Izzie when she gets her memory back I thought.)  And Meredith's frustration at being in the hospital and her cranky looks, etc., worked better for me than the panic attack.  The smaller moments that were character based were a lot better.  I loved the scene with Arizona putting makeup on Meredith and especially the scene with Richard. That was my favorite of the whole episode.   I will applaud EP for her absolute lack of vanity, though.  She looked like a patient, and one who had been through the ringer.  Her eyes looked beautiful though.


As for the bolded part, did Meredith realize she has been selfish?  Or at least bitchy?  I"m not sure she did.  Yeah, she knows that Jo loves Alex, so why has she been so dismissive of her and their relationship then?  Jo didn't seem to have a problem with Alex being there for Meredith.  She had a problem with being treated like dirt.  Will that just magically change now that Meredith has given her Good Housekeeping Seal to Alex?  

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By the same token Cris' absense (or absense of being mentioned) is jarring only when we see Merdith in situations where Cris really should be there or being mentioned.


That's not the same thing. We could see Meredith's kids at any point in her private life, e.g. the scenes when she's hanging out home, but we don't, and that's fine. Weird, but fine. I'll assume they're in their rooms tucked in bed. They never say that; they never mention them being home at all, but I'll assume they are. Or perhaps she forgot to take them out of the trunk when she got home. But the jarring moments I'm talking about are when she is specifically in the car, on her way to work in the morning to the hospital where we are told repeatedly her kids attend daycare, yet they're not in the car with her even though she's going to the place where she supposedly takes them. They literally should actually, physically be there at that exact very moment, but they're not. That's been driving me nuts. They show us an exact specific moment where the kids should actually be there and they're not.


We did not see every single moment of Meredith's six weeks of recovery here, so we do not know that Cristina was not mentioned at any point of it. As I've said, I'm fine with presuming that logic was followed and someone, probably Alex, mentioned Cristina or called Cristina. For the script to have them pointedly reference onscreen it in the middle of all this is what would have felt contrived and pandering. Why is it necessary for the show to go out of its way to reassure the audience of what we know must have logically happened? I don't think it is, but let's move on.



I see Amelia as a blatant replacement of Cristina... and it is OK. What is not OK for me is the actress and the character.


I don't see the replacement of it, but I agree that the character is abhorrent. And I don't think we're supposed to like her, I don't think she's supposed to be a likable person, but holy God...

Edited by Chicken Wing

I don't see the replacement of it, but I agree that the character is abhorrent. And I don't think we're supposed to like her, I don't think she's supposed to be a likable person, but holy God...

She's an addict. As someone who has known people struggling in that way, I think about things they've done to themselves and others and I cringe at the thought of how it would be filmed and played out week after week. Amelia is downright tame in comparison.

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Yeah, as much as I want to throw up every time she opens her mouth, I still appreciate how they keep her "in character" for what she is: an addict. She's self-absorbed. Her damage is bigger than everyone else's damage. She cannot see beyond the end of her own nose. She has to make Everything About Her. Points for consistency, I guess. Perhaps if she had any other aspect of her personality that we could see I might find her somewhat tolerable.

  • Love 1

Yeah, as much as I want to throw up every time she opens her mouth, I still appreciate how they keep her "in character" for what she is: an addict. She's self-absorbed. Her damage is bigger than everyone else's damage. She cannot see beyond the end of her own nose. She has to make Everything About Her. Points for consistency, I guess. Perhaps if she had any other aspect of her personality that we could see I might find her somewhat tolerable.

I wish there was something else. But the whole character is pretty much:addict. And herself. I also can't buy that she's a great doctor either, but that's just my perception. She doesn't seem to have any redeemable qualities though, either. I believe she is the youngest Shepherd though, so perhaps that's also why she grates. It seems like as the youngest, her mistakes were always pushed under the rug and forgiven, because she was the baby. Makes sense. She expects things a certain way, but I wish there was something to make her tolerable too. Because sober she's just as bad. If not worse. 

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I've always wondered what happens if somebody has to throw up when their jaws are wired shut.



I had a friend who went about her daily life with her mouth wired shut for a year, due to a jaw hinge situation.  She had an emergency ripcord built into the wiring in case of vomiting.




That was a powerful hour of television.


But I must say kudos. I walked away awestruck. Well done Grey's. Well done indeed.

This is how I felt, too.  I had no foreknowledge and was bowled over.  I wasn't impatient about how many calamities have befallen Meredith because she was knocking it out of the park, deaf and speechless, with helpless terror eyes.


Powerful episode.

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This episode was so much better than I expected it to be. I assumed it would be well-directed; they got Denzel, so of course it would be well done.

But the emotional wallop was a surprise. The scene at the end when Mer is talking to Alex, when she tells him to go get Jo, is the most likable Mer has been in a couple of seasons. She seemed more like her old self. Strange that a horrible trauma could do that, but I wonder if this is the beginning of Meredith's redemption, her return from sullen, angry character to fun, likable one.

As always, I loved Alex. Glad he got some good scenes, and I think JC and EP have great friend-chemistry. Wouldn't want Alex and Mer romantically involved, but I enjoy their friendship.

Webber was awesome; they should find an excuse for him to sing "My Girl" every week. And his straight-talk to Mer was also well-written and -acted.

Still hate Penny, though there was a second early on where I thought she might be tolerable. Her hissy fit to Jackson after cutting Mer's mouth wires was just histrionic; please, Shonda, send her to the Erica Hahn Memorial Parking Lot Portal to Another Universe.

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It was beyond weird. Was something edited out? I know we were supposed to see everything through Meredith's POV so some/many things couldn't be otherwise explained, but this really felt out of place. 

It looked like Bailey was afraid Meredith was going to sue the hospital and I find it hard to believe that would have been her first concern under those circumstances. 


I snorted at this line.  It was less weird coming from Bailey than anyone else because Bailey is Chief now and she is the one that finally snapped at those jackasses (Derek in particular) when they were complaining about what the hospital was doing to stay open after they sued them into bankruptcy for Hunt's selection of charter service.


I think this was among the mistakes in the portion of the episode that didn't work.  And that's the attempt to put the audience in Mer's shoes.  Not hearing audio went to far because to make the impact on the audience, the didn't do obvious stuff like use a pad and paper to tell her stuff.  Its like all her doctors turning their backs on her when they realize she still can't hear.  They were being callous barely out of ear shot because of detachment from the patient when the sue the hospital comment was made.  Or Richard being purposefully annoying as shit with the singing while getting Mer some air to get her out of her funk,  That is what they were going for, the audience in Meredith's shoes experiencing how difficult an experience she's having.  And it might work as a concept in an episode about a rando patient (and I swear Grey's has done that before, haven't they?), but it doesn't work in season 12 when the patient is the lead actress.  I kind of blame the director for that because when you do pretentious high concept stuff you've got to exercise restraint.  Sorry, Denzel.


Otherwise it was a decent episode.  Acting pretty solid all around and Mer/Alex always makes me happy.

They should have introduced one of Derek's other sisters to come to Grey's. He has 3 others, yes? One we have already met (Nancy-pants). Amelia is just too fragile-the youngest; was with Derek when their father was killed; always trying to live up the Derek in Neurosurgery; and an addict. It's just all too much.


And I had no idea that Denzel directed this episode until I came here. Which is nice that ABC didn't promote this as A Special Event directed by DENZEL!!!!!

Edited by chitowngirl
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 I was resigned to the fact we wouldn't get to "see" the aftermath of all three cliffhangers due to the spoilers but I am still pissed that we had to find out Jackson filed for divorce because they are arguing outside Meredith's room and that we still don't know what actually happened between Alex and Jo (though I guess that will come next week---hopefully). 

This annoyed me as well. All that time setting up those cliffhangers - as bland as they were - and then, nothing. Just so we could see Angry Mer have yet another crisis. Ugh.


And I still hate Penny.  This episode did not redeem her in the way I thought they would go for.



I still find it hilarious that anyone - let alone an experienced physician like Meredith, who, by the way, has made her share of medical mistakes - would think that Penny needed to redeem herself for anything. Double ugh.

She's an addict. As someone who has known people struggling in that way, I think about things they've done to themselves and others and I cringe at the thought of how it would be filmed and played out week after week. Amelia is downright tame in comparison.

I understand and appreciate this, I have addicts in my life as well but Amelia is still a shitty character who I want off my tv as soon as possible.Other actors make addicts layered or at least entertaining. Most of the cast of Mom and especially Alison Janney are wonderful to watch . Chris Gascoyne made Peter Barlow   magnetic even when he was being a completely reprehensible asshole. I don't think Katerina is the entire problem here but she's definitely part of it Shonda's sledgehammer writing style hurts the character too. Mostly I think Amelia just doesn't work here. On Private Practice everybody was a mess so Amelia's mess stood out less. On Grey's more of the characters are grown-ups so Amelia just looks more childish.

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I'm also glad the other storylines weren't completely ignored, but did we really have to find out about the divorce by April making a scene at workplace? A bit more subtlety would be nice. 

Subtlety? From April? On this issue? Hah.


I rather liked this episode, although I also agree that its placement as half-season premiere doesn't really work that well. There's stuff that needs resolving, so I hope they get to that stuff soon. But as someone else said, as a standalone, it was pretty good. I really liked the way they presented Meredith's hearing loss. We've all seen that sort of thing for a few seconds in movies after something blows up, but to have it continue for, what, must have been close to 10 minutes? That was intense. And although I agree with whoever said the high-pitched ringing was annoying, I thought it really added to it. Not on the same level, I know, but I had some very serious sinus congestion last year that had one ear entirely blocked, and all I could hear on that side was a high-pitched ringing. Which was definitely annoying, but all too real. So its inclusion here really worked for me.


And finally, I've been more or less indifferent to Amelia, but this episode pushed me over. The utterly oblivious self-centredness of her little speech to Meredith? Ugh. If I were Meredith, I'd have picked up the smoothie and thrown it at her again. I'm lying here in this condition, and you want to whine about how sucky you feel? No.

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It's hard to watch Meredith suffer. This woman has survived a miscarriage, that plane crash that killed her friend and sister, a mass shooting, a hurricane that nearly killed Richard, abandonment, a bomb in the body cavity, nearly drowning during the ferry disaster, the bus accident, her mother's Alzheimer's and abuse, her husband's death and I'm not even listing all of it. How is she still functional?

Watching her suffer this episode just felt gratuitous. It was beautifully shot, beautifully acted but it just hurt after a while.

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I really, really hope this is the last "Meredith's life is in danger" storyline they do on this show. Not only because it's tired at this point, but because it seems like this was a good way to do it one last time in spectacular fashion (with a name director), and finally move on from that concept once and for all. I also think the show is setting up some interesting developments and growths for her character from this experience (esp. judging from next week's promo) and think it's kind of a turning point.

One odd thing I noticed: I think this is the first time we've seen Baby Ellis in months, but I swear I think this child was smaller than the ginormous infant who played newborn Baby Ellis.

And Amelia has not grown on me at all in all the time she's been on the show, but she was particularly insufferable in this ep. It would have been nice to hear what Webber said when he was yelling at her. Little moments like that, I think, would have worked a bit better with sound.

I can't decide which character I hate the most, Amelia or Penny.

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I'm also glad the other storylines weren't completely ignored, but did we really have to find out about the divorce by April making a scene at workplace? A bit more subtlety would be nice.

Hahahaha, I don't think April is capable of being subtle about her feelings about Jackson or divorce.


The acting was fine, but I really thought a lot of it was overwrought and came off as false to me.  I was completely unmoved, for example, by Alex practically bursting into tears when he saw Meredith.  Sure she looked bad and I"m sure it is scary to see your friend in such a condition, but him wiping his tears on his sleeve as he worked on her just didn't work for me, I didn't buy it.

I bought it because people react in unexpected ways to these kinds of situations. Alex is usually shown as kind of gruff. I mean, we know he and Meredith are close but he is not a demonstrative kind of friend who is always hugging his friends or telling them how much they mean to him. But seeing Meredith so beaten and obviously in pain brought him to tears, which I find believable, partly because there aren't a ton of people who Alex really loves and Meredith is one of them. But mostly I bought it because, as I said, sometimes people react in unexpected ways. I have seen stoic people burst into tears. I've also seen people who cry at Hallmark commercials not shed a tear when a parent died. You just never know how people are going to respond in situations like that.


And that's one of the things I liked about the scene where everyone was working on Meredith. We got to see different reactions from the people in her life. Her half sister was all business. Weber, who later spoke to her like the father figure that both of them like to pretend he isn't, was the one to point out that family members shouldn't be working on Meredith. He isn't the chief anymore but he still thinks like the chief. Amelia froze and then sank to the floor because, as usual, she made this all about herself. Alex was upset and crying but he was still working diligently and doing his job. I thought it was a good mixture of reactions.

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Since we are speaking of other Shepherd sisters, I believe there's only one we have left to meet. We met one in season 2, right after Derek and Addison divorced for good, then we met Amelia before she went off to PP, then we met Neve Campell as Derek's sister after the plane crash because she donated part of her legs to help him and I believe there is only one left. We've also met Derek's mother as well. Just thought I would add this. 

Edited by WhosThatGirl
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Amelia froze and then sank to the floor because, as usual, she made this all about herself


I thought Amelia looked like a scared little girl, just as she did in the flashback of her on the floor when her father was murdered. I don't think she would have reacted like that if it had been someone she didn't care about.  Amelia certainly is self centered at times but I didn't see her immediate reaction here as one of those times.


I thought Maggie's non-reaction was strange. I can understand her initially going into full blast doctor mode but she didn't appear to visit Meredith, show much concern, be with the kids, etc. I expected some warmth & caring given they've been growing closer and living together for a year (is it a year?). She wasn't even there when Meredith came home.

Edited by windsprints
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I thought Maggie's non-reaction was strange. I can understand her initially going into full blast doctor mode but she didn't appear to visit Meredith, show much concern, be with the kids, etc. I expected some warmth & caring given they've been growing closer and living together for a year (is it a year?). She wasn't even there when Meredith came home.


Agreed. I found her oddly detached. She really was just another doctor on the case. 

The worst was Bailey who was more concerned about Meredith possibly suing the hospital than her well-being. 


On the other hand, I was afraid they were going to go all OTT with everyone's affection for Meredith, but it wasn't like that. 

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Agreed. I found her oddly detached. She really was just another doctor on the case. 

The worst was Bailey who was more concerned about Meredith possibly suing the hospital than her well-being. 


On the other hand, I was afraid they were going to go all OTT with everyone's affection for Meredith, but it wasn't like that. 

I think this whole thing just proves how artificial their relationship is. Even Arizona acted warmer and they are not even close.

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I thought Amelia looked like a scared little girl, just as she did in the flashback of her on the floor when her father was murdered. I don't think she would have reacted like that if it had been someone she didn't care about.  Amelia certainly is self centered at times but I didn't see her immediate reaction here as one of those times.


I agree. Amelia probably did think about how her decision earlier might have contributed to Meredith being on that table, but mostly I think she was in shock.

  • Love 2
The worst was Bailey who was more concerned about Meredith possibly suing the hospital than her well-being.


I also found Bailey worse than Amelia, which I know is a big UO on this forum.  Amelia talked about how she felt (wrong, not defending her for doing it) but at least it was part of her trying to explain how guilty she felt for what happened to Meredith. Amelia has no coping skills and crappy communication skills but at least I felt like she truly felt bad for what happened to Meredith.


In contrast, Bailey didn't seem to feel much at all. Her concern that Meredith might sue the hospital was because she's concerned she'd be ousted like Owen was after being blamed for the crash. As the Chief Bailey is (since the COS at SGH is apparently in charge of everything) probably the one who sets the security policies. There would be no other reason for her to bring up the lawsuit other than worrying about her own ass. Meredith is part owner of the hospital, its doubtful she would actually file suit against something she partially owns.

Edited by windsprints

Amelia can have all sorts of seats. "Oh, poor me, when I saw you on the trauma room table, all I could think about was how hard it would be for me to face another funeral!" I'm almost glad that Meredith kept your 30-day chip. (I'm really not. Keeping the chip felt vindictive, even though I have barely any sympathy for Amelia at all.)

I had quite the opposite impression of Meredith keeping the chip - I thought it was her way of indicating to Amelia that she's not completely done with her despite everything. Amelia went to Meredith's room for the express purpose of giving her the chip, she left it on Meredith's tray and was going to quietly walk out, so we know she wanted Meredith to have it. Her move later to take the chip back seemed a "well, I see you hate me so I'm sure you don't want this then" thing.


I liked Amelia much better on Private Practice. I think the Amelia character suffers from not having Addison around. Addison was her family, so were a couple of others who worked at the practice. With Derek dead, none of the people on GA are Amelia's people. I really don't know why she stays in Seattle now that her brother is gone. She doesn't have a real relationship or connection with anyone and she obviously feels that.

  • Love 6

I think this whole thing just proves how artificial their relationship is. Even Arizona acted warmer and they are not even close.

I think that was their subtle nudge of reminding the audience that Meredith and Arizona are the only ones left from the plane crash, and that Arizona went through the  same thing with Sofia (offscreen, of course) seeing her without a leg/with a prosthetic for the first time.

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When Meredith finally came home and was settling in on the couch with Alex to talk to him, at one point she did say, "You can have more than one Person, I have a whole village," or something to that effect. We all know that Christina was/is Meredith's Person, so to me, that statement was a direct reference to Christina by Meredith, and a reinforcement that she and Christina are still BFF's and still very much in touch. It's just that Meredith now knows that she can and does have other Persons. 


I hadn't seen or heard any of the hype but for a passing mention on Facebook with a picture of Meredith's battered face a few days ago. So I knew the episode entailed her being attacked and as soon as she was alone in the room with Lou, it was just a matter of moments. Like everyone else, I thought of the 'ER' episode and thought that one was far more traumatic and stressful to watch than this one. Even when the entire cast (almost) was working on Meredith, I never for a moment thought she wouldn't be just fine, but for some funky bumps along the way (temporary loss of hearing, jaw wired shut). 


I thought Ellen Pompeo did a great job with the very small details of portraying someone who's temporarily incapacitated. I liked the way she touched Arizona's arm in gratitude after Arizona helped her get ready to see the children. I liked how she used her fingers to keep Amelia from taking back her 30-day chip.  I liked how she banged on things to get others' attention or to express anger. Those are just a few examples of deft use of things other than her voice to convey feeling. 


A quick throw-away line about who and how the kids were cared for would've been helpful. Once they realized Meredith couldn't hear, it would've taken two seconds for any one of them to scribble a note to her that "Your kids are OK!" I guess the writers just let us viewers make the assumption that they were being tended to without pointing it out. Maybe they thought it would be too obvious? But sometimes those small tidbits add up to create frustration (I also felt frustrated when Richard was wheeling her down the hall and Meredith was asking where they were going, etc. Wouldn't it have been more logical and nice for him to say, "I'm taking you outside for a bit of sun and fresh air!" Even if she didn't want to go, it's not like she could outpower him and refuse to go. He didn't need to 'fool' her.)


I don't even know what to say about Amelia that hasn't already been said. I keep trying to sympathize with her on some level, but it's a bit challenging. I guess for an addict/alcoholic, it is literally one day at a time, even one hour or moment at a time. It may be too much to try to step outside themselves. Maybe the only way for Amelia to get and stay sober is to focus on her own shortcomings/needs - perhaps she just doesn't have enough bandwidth to even consider how this trauma affected Meredith - Amelia can only see what it did to Amelia. 

I'm fairly neutral on Amelia.  Sometimes I like her and sometimes she annoys me.  I'm really annoyed with the writers, Shonda, or whoever refuses to write any stories for Amelia that are not about her being a neurotic, addicted mess.  That's was her role on PP, and now here again.  There's been virtually no growth in her character.  Her grip on sobriety always seems tenuous.  She's always on the border line between cynical and depressed.  Please let her find some fun, peace and happiness, because I can't stand all the grim hysteria with her.

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I thought Amelia looked like a scared little girl, just as she did in the flashback of her on the floor when her father was murdered. I don't think she would have reacted like that if it had been someone she didn't care about.  Amelia certainly is self centered at times but I didn't see her immediate reaction here as one of those times.

I agree with this too. I had no problem with her immediate reaction. I don't even have a problem with her feelings about the whole thing. What I have a problem with is that she expressed those feelings to Meredith, especially at that time, when Mere was still right in the thick of it. Those kinds of feelings are the sort you should share with your closest friends that you share everything with. Or, in her case, since I'm not sure she really has any, her AA group and/or sponsor. But you don't burden the person who actually got beaten up with your baggage about their beating, and you certainly don't do it while they're still recovering.

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They should have introduced one of Derek's other sisters to come to Grey's. He has 3 others, yes? One we have already met (Nancy-pants). Amelia is just too fragile-the youngest; was with Derek when their father was killed; always trying to live up the Derek in Neurosurgery; and an addict. It's just all too much.



We've met three of the four Shepherd Sisters. Nancy Pants, the eldest, an OB-GYN, that we met during the Addison-Derek-Meredith days in Season 3.  She came to Seattle to check up on Derek since he'd skipped the last few family holidays. She disliked Meredith, calling her the slutty intern and warmly embraced Mark and Addison. She also admitted to sleeping with Mark, as if it was something everyone did.  She was played by Embeth Davidtz.


We met Liz when Heather Brooks called Derek's sisters looking for one to donate a nerve to fix Derek's hand. Lizzie volunteered. They never told us what type of doctor she was, but we know from Tyne Daly's visits as Mama Shep, all five of her kids are doctors.  Lizzie admonished Meredith and says that she wants Meredith to feel part of the family, and not just when she needs something. She's also a bit put out that Meredith hasn't let any of them see Zola. At the end of the show, Meredith extends the olive branch by announcing to Lizzie, alone, that she's pregnant (with Bailey). Lizzie was played by Neve Campbell


Kathleen, we've never met, but I assume that a casting call would go out to a pretty brunette with great hair. It was mentioned that Kathleen is a psychiatrist. 


Amelia, we've all met...ad nauseum. Wouldn't it be nice for Kathleen to show up, and smack some sense into her (a la Cher in Moonstruck), then give her the mental health assistance that she desperately needs for her Narcissistic Personality Disorder?

  • Love 6

I don't even know what to say about Amelia that hasn't already been said. I keep trying to sympathize with her on some level, but it's a bit challenging. I guess for an addict/alcoholic, it is literally one day at a time, even one hour or moment at a time. It may be too much to try to step outside themselves. Maybe the only way for Amelia to get and stay sober is to focus on her own shortcomings/needs - perhaps she just doesn't have enough bandwidth to even consider how this trauma affected Meredith - Amelia can only see what it did to Amelia. 

I cannot bring myself to feel an ounce of sympathy towards her, I remember feeling Richard´s alcoholism issue, I felt for him, I felt empathy with his addiction, but I feel nothing for Amelia. I just see her on my screen rambling on, twitching, throwing tantrums, shrieking,making grimaces so I end up turning  off the volume or totally skip her scenes.I think a lot of it has to to do at least for me with the actress herself. I would honestly consider giving Amelia a chance  if she was performed by another actress which is not going to happen.  Maybe it would be different if Neve Campbell played this particular Derek´s sister.

Edited by Meredithfan
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Agree with the Carter/Lucy from ER ripoff comments. I'm actually surprised the show hasn't had this kind of storyline earlier, and I suspect the reason they waited for such a long time to do it is that the writers are well aware of that iconic episode.

I don't know if this was a deliberate copy, but I think George's death was, and ER did it better. Although I think ER's character was a suicide. And Dr. Ross was an obvious tip of the hat.

The Neve Campell Shepherd sister was my favorite one. Because she called Meredith out on her BS but not in a mean way. She was upset that Mer wanted the sister to do something for her and Derek but yet Meredith never reached out to Derek's side of the family and Neve couldn't understand that, she just wanted to meet Zola and see her and have her visit. I think Neve had kids and the kids always wanted to see their cousin but Mer was very steadfast in not getting close to family members.  Amelia is just all about herself and I agree, the actress playing Amelia doesn't do the character any favours. Its all very screechy and screaming or about to cry. 

  • Love 6

Damn people!!! This was, perhaps, the BEST episode of the season. Maybe even the best episode in 4 or 5 seasons.  Ellen Pompeo and Justin Chambers knocked it out of the park.  Direction, writing, camera work, acting; ALL top notch. The silence during the 4/5th of the episode, was "Hush" (BtVS) quality.  I believe this episode was Emmy Award material with Ellen Pompeo and Justin Chambers nominated for Best Actor and Best Supporting Actor. Perhaps, Denzel Washington deserves a mention for Best Director.


Mer & Alex, are FRIENDS. There's NOTHING going on there. He's her PERSON. Jo finally understands that. A "Person" transcends marital relations! Derek and Owen understood that and now Jo understands that as well.


I expected Michelle Oh, to make a surprise appearance, but Justin Chambers filled in admirably.

Damn people!!! This was, perhaps, the BEST episode of the season. Maybe even the best episode in 4 or 5 seasons.  Ellen Pompeo and Justin Chambers knocked it out of the park.  Direction, writing, camera work, acting; ALL top notch. The silence during the 4/5th of the episode, was "Hush" (BtVS) quality.  I believe this episode was Emmy Award material with Ellen Pompeo and Justin Chambers nominated for Best Actor and Best Supporting Actor. Perhaps, Denzel Washington deserves a mention for Best Director.


Mer & Alex, are FRIENDS. There's NOTHING going on there. He's her PERSON. Jo finally understands that. A "Person" transcends marital relations! Derek and Owen understood that and now Jo understands that as well.


I expected Michelle Oh, to make a surprise appearance, but Justin Chambers filled in admirably.


I don't think that Jo cares if they are friends, or "persons", she just wants to come first in her own relationship sometimes, and maybe doesn't want Meredith to dismiss her and treat her like crap for no reason (which, incidentally is disrespectful to Alex as well).  She said when she was "breaking up" with him that she wasn't going to make him choose, but that she needs him on her side every once in awhile.  I think Jo is completely reasonable in what she wants from a years' long relationship and frankly, she put up with the nonsense for longer than I would have.  Person or not.  And I definitely don't think that she sees Mer as any kind of romantic or sexual rival.


Of course, considering that we don't even know if or how Alex and Jo broke up (we can assume I guess) or if she said no to the proposal, etc., I doubt we will see anything play out.  Meredith has deigned to "release" Alex from his duties (with no mention of her attitude toward Jo and literally not ONE word from Alex about his feelings about any of it), so I'm sure that every thing will be just peachy now.

Edited by Deanie87
  • Love 4

The Neve Campell Shepherd sister was my favorite one. Because she called Meredith out on her BS but not in a mean way. She was upset that Mer wanted the sister to do something for her and Derek but yet Meredith never reached out to Derek's side of the family and Neve couldn't understand that, she just wanted to meet Zola and see her and have her visit. I think Neve had kids and the kids always wanted to see their cousin but Mer was very steadfast in not getting close to family members.  Amelia is just all about herself and I agree, the actress playing Amelia doesn't do the character any favours. Its all very screechy and screaming or about to cry. 


Mine,too. I think they did not only kill the wrong Shepherd but they also picked the wrong Derek´s sister to come to Greys permanently.


Yes, her acting is very very irritating for me,too. The actress brings nothing worth rooting for in the character she performs. Last episode was too much of Amelia for my taste. I hope her presence on the show will be more limited. 

Edited by Meredithfan
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The Neve Campell Shepherd sister was my favorite one. Because she called Meredith out on her BS but not in a mean way. She was upset that Mer wanted the sister to do something for her and Derek but yet Meredith never reached out to Derek's side of the family and Neve couldn't understand that, she just wanted to meet Zola and see her and have her visit. I think Neve had kids and the kids always wanted to see their cousin but Mer was very steadfast in not getting close to family members.


I loved that scene. Family -- actual relatives -- means so little to Meredith (and for understandable reasons, sure) that it doesn't occur to her that it might actually mean something to other people who aren't still obsessed with how damaged their childhood was even though they're in their 30s and should get the hell over it already.

  • Love 2

I loved that scene. Family -- actual relatives -- means so little to Meredith (and for understandable reasons, sure) that it doesn't occur to her that it might actually mean something to other people who aren't still obsessed with how damaged their childhood was even though they're in their 30s and should get the hell over it already.


She needs to get over it for her children's sake if not her own.  She's basically cut her kids off from their father's family so they can be as screwed up as Mer is when they grow up not knowing that there are people out there who could and would have cared about them that are NOT part of this death-trap hospital filled with immature and childish "adults."

  • Love 3
She needs to get over it for her children's sake if not her own.  She's basically cut her kids off from their father's family so they can be as screwed up as Mer is when they grow up not knowing that there are people out there who could and would have cared about them that are NOT part of this death-trap hospital filled with immature and childish "adults."

Agree but I doubt she will reach out to them.  Derek had to live like a college kid because she had to live with her friend who she considered family (all adults capable of living on their own) yet she barely gave his family the time of day.  


I found it awful how she cut Derek's family off from the children after his death (given she wouldn't speak with Alex I think its safe to assume she would not talk to Derek's family). I fully understand she was mourning but so were they and those children are part of Derek. Have they ever even met baby Ellis? 

I don't think that Jo cares if they are friends, or "persons", she just wants to come first in her own relationship sometimes, and maybe doesn't want Meredith to dismiss her and treat her like crap for no reason (which, incidentally is disrespectful to Alex as well).


I agree. I never saw Jo as being upset that Meredith and Alex were friends.  Being OK with a friendship doesn't mean a person has to be OK with being treated like garbage. I also agree its disrespectful to Alex. Adults do not treat their friend's SO the way Meredith has treated Jo, especially for no reason. 

Edited by windsprints
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I loved that scene. Family -- actual relatives -- means so little to Meredith (and for understandable reasons, sure) that it doesn't occur to her that it might actually mean something to other people who aren't still obsessed with how damaged their childhood was even though they're in their 30s and should get the hell over it already.


At this point, though, Meredith is more than just harping on a bad childhood. The writers have made her adult life almost consistently miserable and traumatic - dealing with Ellis' Alzheimers privately, finding out about her affair with Richard, Thatcher slapping her and blaming her for Molly's death, Lexi dying in a plane crash, Derek dying in a car accident, George getting run over by a bus, Izzie nearly dying of cancer and then leaving on a bad note (Meredith's final scene with Izzie still makes me sad because it was so harsh and feels so unresolved), suffering a miscarriage during the shooting, etc. She's also watched Alex and Cristina get repeatedly hurt, by Izzie, Ava, Burke, Owen and so on. Not to mention all of the trauma that has affected Meredith personally - bomb, drowning, plane crash. I do understand why a lot of people think Meredith's actions aren't justified, but for me - I can see why she's not keen on letting people in. I'm not saying she's necessarily likable or that it's a good trait, but I do feel like I understand the character and I enjoy watching her journey. I hope it's a lot lighter from here on out, though. 


Meredith's turnaround in season 4 / 5 was really great to watch, and I'd like her to get back there again. We've now established that she has a village of support around her, so I'd like to see her work on embracing that. 


I found it awful how she cut Derek's family off from the children after his death (given she wouldn't speak with Alex I think its safe to assume she would not talk to Derek's family). I fully understand she was mourning but so were they and those children are part of Derek. Have they ever even met baby Ellis? 


That's one thing that really bugged me about the time jump after Derek died. I get what the writers wanted to achieve as a device to move the story ahead, but it was excessive. I can justify a lot of what Meredith does, but I think it's a weird oversight on the writers part to have allowed her to literally just disappear with two children right after Derek died. A few weeks? Okay, sure. But a year is preposterous. I assume all of Derek's sisters were at the funeral - I also assume his mother and Addison were. I'd think that's the last time any of them saw the children, minus Ellis obviously. It doesn't seem that Amelia really has a relationship with her real sisters, either, so there's no reason to believe they'd be visiting Seattle. I wonder if Shonda will try to get any of Derek's other relatives back in the future.

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Oh, Meredith's long been willing to let people into her life. She treated George and Izzie like family, for example, practically from the day they moved in, ten zillion years ago. It's biological relatives that she's always seemed allergic to and doesn't understand what people care about with that.


I agree, she let a lot of non-family in - and then they all died or left. That's what I mean: I think there was a major turn somewhere after S7 / 8. The end of season 4 and majority of S5, to me, was about Meredith growing and getting over her past and learning to let people in. In the time since, she's dealt with an insane level of trauma. Maggie is her biological relative and she's had no trouble accepting her (aside from her initial shock.) They're very close now. She's been a lot more welcoming to her than Amelia, who technically isn't her family but her dead ex-husband's. I know plenty of people who grew up without a real family unit, and I think it tends to result in one of two extremes - those people either cherish the little family they do have and truly value them, or they just reject the concept of family entirely and make their own.  I do get what you're saying, though. But I mean, for the record, if my sister-in-law was a narcissistic sociopath like Amelia, I wouldn't be jumping for joy over her either. 

  • Love 2
if my sister-in-law was a narcissistic sociopath like Amelia, I wouldn't be jumping for joy over her either.

Fair enough, but it goes well beyond Amelia. Meredith didn't blink when Derek told her his father was murdered, she ran from Derek's mother and had issues with 2 sisters other than Amelia (she did have a nice moment with Liz after Liz called her out).  She's never shown interest in his family at all, ever, even when he was alive. Its not about Amelia. 


Everyone can't get along and that's fine but she is 40 something and has 3 children who lost their father. She knows family was important to Derek and its been almost 2 years since Derek died. Its incredibly selfish to take away the children's grandmother, aunts, uncle and cousins. I'm sure she's able to suck it up for a couple of hours here and there if she chose to. 

finding out about her affair with Richard

I'm sure that was difficult but she sure has used that to her advantage.


Yes, terrible things have happened to Meredith but it doesn't give her a free pass to be awful to other people.

Edited by windsprints
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