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Morning Joe: All Episodes Talk

Message added by dubbel zout

Discussion of the hosts regarding a specific episode is fine here, but generalized discussion of the hosts go in the The Hosts Thread: Joe and Mika Know Their Value. 

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Mika's back in a navy blue cardigan sweater. Joe is wearing a red sweater. The VP discussion was interesting. Joe said he knew all 3 finalists. Joe said Pence isn't ready for the craziness of a Trump campaign. He likes Christie.  Joe bragged that Trump still watches Morning Joe & it is available in 84M homes.  Halperin thinks it could be Pence or Christie. They talked about previous VP picks. Joe said Hillary will pick Tim Kaine. The panel discussed RBG's comments about Trump. Joe said it's not appropriate to have Hot takes on the candidates. Joe said it was wrong for Trump to comment on RBG's fitness to serve office. There are laws against Judge's endorsing candidates.

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So according to Joe, Trump and his family watch the show every day therefore he can use the show to advise Trump on his VP pick. Guess that rationalizes in Joes ego why Trump hasn't hired him. But Joe haven't you heard the saying "why pay for the milk when u can get the cow for free!"  Unless he's still auditioning for a role in the administration  

I sincerely hope Christie isn't the pick just to deflate Joe.  And it looks like it's gonna be not-ready-for-prime time-Pence whom Joe advised against so tomorrow will be fun!!

Edited by novhappy
  • Love 3

I definitely would agree that Drumpf not picking Christie would be a pleasure for many reasons.  Scuttling Scarborough's odd vicarious grandeur on the matter is a big one.  Having Christie walk around now for weeks as Drumpf's personal testicle bearer and....nothing (well except for the humiliation that was the fundraiser he had to play jester to Drumpf's deranged Despot to pay off his campaign debts).  Well that would be so wonderful as well.


Was Scarborough's attempt to claim relevancy beyond being nothing but another set of cameras for free airtime by Drumpf basically telling Drumpf that he would orally gratify Drumpf's ego even by remove?  How sad was that.  Scarborough is as pathetic as those D-list 'celebrities that groveled, simpered and tongue bathed Drumpf's ass for a few more seconds on the 'fame' clock.


The 84 million thing was a laugh wasn't it.  How fun was that to remind viewers how many people can but refuse to watch this asshole?  Comedy Central is pretty much in the same number of households and The Daily show even without Jon Stewart not only delivers a more succinct and factual look at insider politics but likely has more impact than Scaborough could even imagine in his fervid "whisperings into his ear by significant someones" fantasies.

Edited by tenativelyyours
  • Love 5

Wow. Mika is quite the font of wisdom. This morning she said that Gingrich said some bad things that were so bad the MJ crew wasn't even going to address them. Instead told the audience if they didn't know what he said to just google it or look at Youtube. Huh?

Thanks, Mika! But what'd he say??? Your sensibilities were that offended? Driving to work so those options were not available to me so I switched to CNN where they repeated Newt's "thoughts" and proclaimed there was a LOT to talk about there. Sounded almost like they were going to hammer out the details!

No in-between.


  • Love 4
28 minutes ago, SFoster21 said:

They didn't mention their own MBC/Marist Polls strong for HRC in the battleground states, did they?

Considering that 70+ people died in a horrific attack during a public celebration last night, I can understand their editorial choice to focus on that story instead.

Edited by Mumbles
  • Love 1
21 minutes ago, Mumbles said:

Considering that 70+ people died in a horrific attack during a public celebration last night, I can understand their editorial choice to focus on that story instead.

Wasn't suggesting it should be the focus.

Hundreds of people died in attacks in the Middle East last week from terrorist attacks. Didn't "focus" on that.

But Q polls were their entire talking point a day ot two ago, so they have been known to mention polls.

  • Love 6

I learned about the NBC polls that have Clinton ahead in the swing states on CNN.
Gingrich's suggestion that hosting services and web sites that cater to radicalized content should be sanctioned or blocked or watched or whatever is a good idea.  And to the degree that it can be done, it is already being done.  But the right wing scores these events by the volume of reactionary bellicose rhetoric, so every terrorist attack is a campaign event for Trump.

  • Love 2
4 hours ago, SFoster21 said:

They didn't mention their own MBC/Marist Polls strong for HRC in the battleground states, did they?

Nope.  And they had a handy excuse not to, but of course tRump and the Pence choice got time.  No mention that tRump had to make it all about himself by scuttling the previously scheduled announcement at 11 et today either.  Interestingly, since they were covering both tRump and Clinton's calls in to the O'Reilly show last night, no chit chat about how well received Clinton and what she had to say was by O'Reilly either. (Not that I saw it, I just heard about it.)

  • Love 2

Funniest MSNBC moment ever?  That nice, smart, sane little ex-colonel with the white hair and glasses, Jack Jacob (?), was just on Chris Hayes, and in the middle of talking about the coup in Turkey, he says, "I gotta go.  I got a dinner I gotta be at."  And they abruptly cut to commercial.  My wife and I spit our wine out.

  • Love 3

Joe is a rock star! LOL!


I am surprised that Joe wasn't on the show yesterday. Was he recovering from his performance on Thursday?

It's funny that Trump didn't take his advice for VP pick. Joe must be upset that he didn't pick Christie.

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On ‎7‎/‎14‎/‎2016 at 5:14 PM, tenativelyyours said:

I definitely would agree that Drumpf not picking Christie would be a pleasure for many reasons.  Scuttling Scarborough's odd vicarious grandeur on the matter is a big one.  Having Christie walk around now for weeks as Drumpf's personal testicle bearer and....nothing (well except for the humiliation that was the fundraiser he had to play jester to Drumpf's deranged Despot to pay off his campaign debts).  Well that would be so wonderful as well.


Was Scarborough's attempt to claim relevancy beyond being nothing but another set of cameras for free airtime by Drumpf basically telling Drumpf that he would orally gratify Drumpf's ego even by remove?  How sad was that.  Scarborough is as pathetic as those D-list 'celebrities that groveled, simpered and tongue bathed Drumpf's ass for a few more seconds on the 'fame' clock.


The 84 million thing was a laugh wasn't it.  How fun was that to remind viewers how many people can but refuse to watch this asshole?  Comedy Central is pretty much in the same number of households and The Daily show even without Jon Stewart not only delivers a more succinct and factual look at insider politics but likely has more impact than Scaborough could even imagine in his fervid "whisperings into his ear by significant someones" fantasies.

If Christie was the VP pick, he is likelier to agree to appear on Morning Joe. It's pretty embarrassing that Morning Joe can't get Hillary or Trump to appear on their show. Hillary was on the show once during the campaign primaries.

I am looking forward to the convention coverage. Mika & Joe can go off script easily at these places. I remember in 2008, Joe trashed a fellow MSNBC correspondent for being late.

  • Love 2

Monday  Recap from Cleveland. Joe & Mika are wearing matching navy blue sweaters. Joe is upset at Trump picked Pence. Joe said they don't have chemistry. Mika is happy that she is getting a truck from Barnicle. The crowd at the bar doesn't like Trump. A few people like Hillary. Joe is upset that they don't have a prestigious guest list of speakers. Mika laughed that his family is speaking every night.

The polls show Hillary leading by about 5%. Joe said the Democrats are unpopular in Conn.

Paul Manafort was on the show. He said Trump will do well. The crowd laughed.

The panel briefly discussed the terrorist attack in Nice & the latest shootings in Baton Rouge.

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It pisses me off when a hack like Mike Murphy comes on and laments the state of the GOP and expresses bewilderment at how Trump happened to the party. Trump didn't "happen." He is logical result of the 16+ years of the GOP basing campaigns on anti-intellectualism and fear, and Murphy and his GOP consultant buddies were a big part of that.

And apparently his takeaway lesson of this is that the GOP should have superdelegates like the Democrats. Yay representational democracy!

  • Love 9
46 minutes ago, Mumbles said:

It pisses me off when a hack like Mike Murphy comes on and laments the state of the GOP and expresses bewilderment at how Trump happened to the party. Trump didn't "happen." He is logical result of the 16+ years of the GOP basing campaigns on anti-intellectualism and fear.

[Italics mine.] The base threw the establishment in the trash this cycle in part because of their fact-free zone.  Maher describes that so well here -- the GOP base is protected by "a bodyguard of duh, a think shell of super-hardened bullshit, a membrane so tough, the only thing that gets in is Fox News, and the only thing that comes out are misspelled words and babies."

Mike Murphy and his ilk are confused establishment apologists.  

Edited by 33kaitykaity
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On 7/15/2016 at 8:36 AM, Landsnark said:

Gingrich's suggestion that hosting services and web sites that cater to radicalized content should be sanctioned or blocked or watched or whatever is a good idea.  And to the degree that it can be done, it is already being done.  But the right wing scores these events by the volume of reactionary bellicose rhetoric, so every terrorist attack is a campaign event for Trump.

The anti-abortion crowd won't like this. Where else can they incite someone to shoot up a Planned Parenthood, well except Fox News.

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Plus imagine how exhausted Scarborough will be running around trying to be relevant.  Wonder how many imaginary conversations he will have about the unsuitability of Pence as V.P. pick?  You know most of the major Republican leaders there will be said to have agreed with Scarborough on that regard.  Funny.  Not only are there never any names involved in this disclosures, but ever single major player he claims does this always agrees with him.   Did you ever notice that?  I guess if you are going to get paid to blow smoke up your own ass, you might as well make yourself the omniscient hero every single time.

Edited by tenativelyyours
No spell check, fuck you! I did want to type omniscient not omnipotent
  • Love 8

The Melania Trump plagiarism story may be delicious to the political punditry industry, but these dopes are totally overestimating how upset or outraged the American electorate, boned economically and being told that Isis is moving next door, is going to get over this. They spent twenty+ minutes clutching their pearls over it. The only one who got it right was Willie, who said the Trump campaign doesn't care and won't apologize. 

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I'm listening to sports talk radio right now and they are doing 20 minutes on making fun of Melania plagiarizing Michelle Obama.   But yeah, those who support Trump won't care.  Makes no difference.
Compare the silence on this from Fox'n'Friends this morning vs if Michelle Obama had appeared last night, obviously plagiarized the previous conservative First Lady's speech, was black, had an accent native to the continent of Africa, wore an outfit that may have been too thin or tight around her surgically augmented breasts thereby outlining her anatomy immodestly (something tape or a more appropriate bra would solve), and, lied to Matt Lauer about having written her speech all herself.  The nuclear backlash to these occurrences would render televisions and laptops blistered and toxic.

Joe's frantic attempts at diverting attention from the plagiarism this morning is pathetic.  He's clearly attempting to help the GOP "win" every day.

I put on Fox n Friends to see how they are covering the plagiarism.  Ugh.  First, the first 3 minutes of their segment was an adoring, loving, intro of speakers produced as if they are the PR wing or marketing department for the GOP.  Then they gushed about how awesome Trump looked walking out of smoke.  Then they gushed about how amazing Melania was.  The one idiot guy said that "some people, you know... the "media" is saying her speech is similar to a previous one.  Pffff."  The other idiot says, "Yeah, they're similar.  THEY ARE ALL SIMILAR!"  And the bimbo says, "She is smart, intelligent, educated.  It's so obvious.  She is just like Jacquie O.  She loves fashion too."

  • Love 11

Sorry to bomb the thread, but no mention of that asshole representative from Iowa?  No mention of the Benghazi mom?  No "Never Trump" voices from the GOP on set?
Mika got the crowd to whoop and holler when she called for Paul Manafort's job.  Now, being tone deaf and inarticulate and anti-showbiz, she simply repeats his name expecting the same response, and it's predictably lame.

Edited by Landsnark
  • Love 6
2 hours ago, Mumbles said:

The Melania Trump plagiarism story may be delicious to the political punditry industry, but these dopes are totally overestimating how upset or outraged the American electorate, boned economically and being told that Isis is moving next door, is going to get over this. They spent twenty+ minutes clutching their pearls over it. The only one who got it right was Willie, who said the Trump campaign doesn't care and won't apologize. 

I agree with this. They just don't care, and neither do their voters.

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1 hour ago, arejay said:

Oh, the irony.  Collectively swooning over the allegedly lifted lines with Barnacle at the table.

I only saw Barnicle briefly today. I agree that it would be unwise to have him on the show during any discussions of plagiarism.

Tuesday Recap. Mika is wearing a navy blue short dress. Joe is still wearing fleece. The big topic is Melania's plagiarized speech. Heileman said there were past instances of plagiarism by Obama & Biden but that was OK since they plagiared speeches from other democrats. Heileman said it was dumb to take a speech from the opponents party.

Chuck Todd was upset about the chaos yesterday with roll call votes.

Cackles showed up in a circus costume to complain about the GOP's gender gap. She is embarrassed that the GOP is only winning with white men.

Joe said he was making calls to find out who wrote the plagiarized part of Melania's speech. Joe said Melania is upset about her speech. Katy Tur said it's a "save your marriage" day because Melania wants the person who added the plagizrized lines fired.

Mika & Joe are not experts at saving marriages.

Cackles is very animated today. She said she has never seen chaos like this before. Apparently, Melania doesn't like Mike Pence so she boycotted the Saturday announcement with Pence. Cackles doesn't remember how badly she ran the Palin campaigned and even went public with her admission that she didn't vote for McCain.

  • Love 4
21 minutes ago, Mumbles said:

In the first 10 minutes of the show they did spend a few minutes talking about other speakers including Patricia Smith, who lost her son in Bengazi attack. 

Because they have a live audience they don't repeat the 6:00am segment at 8, like they usually do.

It's live today. Mika said that her daughter is texting her from Stockholm to find out what's going on. Is Mika's daughter that politically active that she cares about Melania's speech? Mika admitted that her daughter hasn't spoken to her in a week.

Mika & Joe are sitting very close together today.

  • Love 2
1 hour ago, arejay said:

Oh, the irony.  Collectively swooning over the allegedly lifted lines with Barnacle at the table.

The lines were lifted alright.  The only thing Milignia didn't do was slip up and claim with a straight face how hard it was growing up Black in Chicago. Motherfuckers can't even be clever about it, which is why the Internet and its fact checkers are so great.  Someone ALWAYS has the receipts packed away and can whip them out at a moment's notice.

However, I'm going to be nice this morning and not comment on my near massive coronary when I awoke to my local CBS morning news people gushing about how "just like" Mrs. Trump is to Mrs. Obama.  Oh, sure...I'll save the snark on the differences between these two women's accomplishments.  Bill Maher said it all on Sunday when he said that Trump saved the box that his wife came in because the moment she turns 50, Trump is shipping her ass back.

  • Love 13
1 hour ago, Landsnark said:

Sorry to bomb the thread, but no mention of that asshole representative from Iowa?  

Unfortunately, this creep isn't an anomaly.  I was too through a few years ago when some man called into CSPAN's Morning Journal and went in on Condoleeza Rice and ranted the very same sentiments.  Even the moderator (all of whom are trained to be neutral) was visibly shocked.  Even if one doesn't agree with Secretary Rice's politics, it was a breathtaking rant to make to a woman as accomplished as she is.

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26 minutes ago, oakville said:

I only saw Barnicle briefly today. I agree that it would be unwise to have him on the show during any discussions of plagiarism.

Tuesday Recap. Mika is wearing a navy blue short dress. Joe is still wearing fleece. The big topic is Melania's plagiarized speech. Heileman said there were past instances of plagiarism by Obama & Biden but that was OK since they plagiared speeches from other democrats. Heileman said it was dumb to take a speech from the opponents party.

Chuck Todd was upset about the chaos yesterday with roll call votes.

Cackles showed up in a circus costume to complain about the GOP's gender gap. She is embarrassed that the GOP is only winning with white men.

Joe said he was making calls to find out who wrote the plagiarized part of Melania's speech. Joe said Melania is upset about her speech. Katy Tur said it's a "save your marriage" day because Melania wants the person who added the plagizrized lines fired.

Mika & Joe are not experts at saving marriages.

Cackles is very animated today. She said she has never seen chaos like this before. Apparently, Melania doesn't like Mike Pence so she boycotted the Saturday announcement with Pence. Cackles doesn't remember how badly she ran the Palin campaigned and even went public with her admission that she didn't vote for McCain.

Bolding mine.

I gotta give Cackles some points for this. She was really quite animated but then it was like Mika et al seemed to be trying to shut her down!

I wish she had stood up. We might have seen if she had the big clowny shoes on. That outfit...

Edited by NewDigs
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This will not amount to anything.  Supporters will support.  They'll either ignore it, blame "the media" or "liberals," or blame it on politicians and comment  on how refreshing it is to have an outsider.  "Cognitive dissonance," I believe, is apt here.  Everyone else is a liar, not the liars telling the lies you want to hear.
What will happen is Trump will fire a sacrificial lamb, and describe it tonight as he introduces his brood, "That's how I operate folks.  I found a problem, I took care of it.  Know what I said folks?  Know what I said?  [let's a moment pass]  YOU'RE FIRED!"  Crowd orgasms.  Plage-gate is over.  He turns it into a false narrative of how he's actually fully in charge and gets things done.

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Again, it is really something for people like Cackles to start up on how inhospitable this party is toward women. Their opposition to the Lily Ledbetter law, their ignorant remarks about rape and pregnancy....never mind the remarks about women by their current nominee. This isn't a surprise. For Nicolle to be outraged, outraged about this is a little much. She hitched her star to this party, she can either make a principled and public denouncement of the party and leave it (she doesn't have to become a Democrat, just unenrolled), or she can STFU.

Barnicle wasn't on during the first segment at 6am (he probably had a rough night) and they had Ben Ginsberg instead. I wonder if his absence was purposeful? (ie they thought the Melania discussion would be limited to the first segment but they couldn't help themselves?)

  • Love 5
8 minutes ago, Dagny said:

Mika gushed when they showed Trump, backlit, and coming out through "smoke? No Mika, fog" Ugh.

I haven't seen much coverage of his entrance. I would have thought it might be the subject of some ridicule because it was so over-the-top.

Wonder how FnF or Mika would have covered the entrance had it been Obama instead of Trump.

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Oh quit the F'ing breathlessness, Mika. Melania is not that oh so amazingly brilliant perfect woman you say she is. Well, then, neither are you (as she boldly declares that she could have written a great speech).

I never realized how fat Joe's legs are. Maybe it's the weird way he sits on a stool, but he's all thunder thighs. 

He's definitely had a makeover in the last couple years.  He used to be all double chin and ridiculously short nerdy black hair.  He is thinner, and I actually like his Kennedy-sequel (auto corrected from "esque", but I'm leaving it!) locks.

I'm still surprised that Mika divorced. And I still can't for the life of me see these two together.  I don't begrudge anyone for leaving an unhappy marriage, I just hope there was no fooling around before. I have no problem believing that Joe's wife left him because he's a temperamental douche.  But Mika has always been way too familiar with Joe's family.  His daughter was still a little girl when Mika would hug and brag about her.  I always wondered how the wife liked Ms. Coworker carrying on on air like that. 

Edited by EmeraldGirl
Thought of another mean thing to say
  • Love 5
29 minutes ago, Mumbles said:

Again, it is really something for people like Cackles to start up on how inhospitable this party is toward women. Their opposition to the Lily Ledbetter law, their ignorant remarks about rape and pregnancy....never mind the remarks about women by their current nominee. This isn't a surprise. For Nicolle to be outraged, outraged about this is a little much. She hitched her star to this party, she can either make a principled and public denouncement of the party and leave it (she doesn't have to become a Democrat, just unenrolled), or she can STFU.


WORD!  The New York Times Editorial Board said this morning that this was the most extreme Republican platform in memory.  I still recall the GOP "autopsy" after Governor Romney's resounding defeat at the hands of President Obama, including how the party must become this "big tent."  

For the likes of Cackles to start squawking now about how the party is inhospitable to women is hilarious, but not in a "ha ha!" way.  I suppose she ignored how the GOP-lead House took what they knew were lies about Planned Parenthood and ran away with them, wasting our taxpayer dollars with yet more hearings and voting to defund Planned Parenthood based on those lies.  Was Cackles awake when Snarly Fiorina went off the rails months ago by doubling down on those same vicious lies?  

Don't even get me started on how the crowd roared with at the GOP debates when Megyn Kelly (whom I can't stand) ticked off a list of Drumpf's offensive comments about women (including calling Rosie O'Donnell a fat pig).  That Cackles bragged a few weeks ago that members of her own family were Drumpf supporters is only par for the course.

  • Love 8
Message added by dubbel zout

Discussion of the hosts regarding a specific episode is fine here, but generalized discussion of the hosts go in the The Hosts Thread: Joe and Mika Know Their Value. 

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