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Morning Joe: All Episodes Talk

Message added by dubbel zout

Discussion of the hosts regarding a specific episode is fine here, but generalized discussion of the hosts go in the The Hosts Thread: Joe and Mika Know Their Value. 

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Joe is once again delusional, or just trying to make bullshit hay - there is absolutely no way that Romney wins Minnesota, I can't speak to some of the other states, except Utah which Romney would most certainly win, but it won't be Minnesota.

And then they quote the Sanders/tRump polls, which are meaningless since there has been nary an ad or criticism aimed at Sanders - aside from the conventional wisdom that head to head polls do not mean a thing until after the convention.

1 hour ago, NextIteration said:

Joe is once again delusional, or just trying to make bullshit hay - there is absolutely no way that Romney wins Minnesota, I can't speak to some of the other states, except Utah which Romney would most certainly win, but it won't be Minnesota.

And then they quote the Sanders/tRump polls, which are meaningless since there has been nary an ad or criticism aimed at Sanders - aside from the conventional wisdom that head to head polls do not mean a thing until after the convention.

I was amused by the Draft Romney campaign. Why would he bother going through a gruelling campaign to pick up a couple of states? Smirky Kristol tweets are laughable.

Tuesday Recap. Mika is wearing a sleeveless orange dress & joe has a pink shirt & is wearing a blazer!. Cackles, Ford Jr & Willie are on the panel.

First story was about the dead gorilla in the zoo. Mika supported shooting the gorilla. Mika said she understood how kids can disappear but didn't know how the child could get into the enclosure. Mika didn't like the idea of blaming the mom for letting her son wander off.

Mika said she had a tough weekend hosting her 18 year old's birthday party & graduation party. The teens behaved like chickens according to Mika. Mika said she had to herd the kids. OK Mika. !

More polls. Hillary's lead over Trump down 2 points to 47-45. Mika was dismayed that the Clinton campaign has no theme. Mika liked Trump's crowds in DC & Bernie's crowds in California.

The new theme on Morning Joe is a mysterious 3rd party candidate that Smirky Kristol is supporting. Could it be Palin? Romey? Dan Quayle?

Joe said the plan is to make sure no one gets 270 electoral votes, so that the House of Representatives can pick the President. I think each state gets 1 vote, so based on the current legislature, the GOP would pick Romney or Trump over Hillary.

Harold Ford was upset about that & said Romeny won't run & Hillary will win.

Cackles said it would be devastating for Hillary to lose California to Bernie.

Cackles said Bernie won't endorse Hillary until the convention.

They showed focus groups of young women who like Bernie more than Hillary.

Chris Jansing was shocked that the young women didn't like Hillary.

They had a Star Wars expert on the show. Joe said one of his sons is getting married this week & they wil watch Star Wars together. Mika doesn't like Star Wars.

Eugene laughed at Trump lying about the crowds in Washington for his rally. Eugene said Trump won't win NY.


He is losing 52-31.

Joe said Bernie Sanders has a movement & Hillary should pick him as VP. His movement can help her clinch the general election.

The panel agrees that Trump is way behind Hillary in organizing the campaign. Joe said you need to drag people to the polls.

  • Love 3
3 hours ago, Landsnark said:

Joe's hair is crazy.

I was practically hypnotized by that ridiculous pompadour! And those glasses.

He needs to lose them both. All I could see was his big hair, his small dark glasses and how they only add to the out-of-proportion look of his now huge looking fleshy face and his little bitty features.

  • Love 1

Sigh.  Again Joe, it's not "50, 60, 70, 80 agents", it's 12.

I don't think the official number of agents working on the investigation  of Clinton's unauthorized email server has ever been released. Early reports of 150+ agents were quickly dismissed. But nobody knows it's 12, either. (Funny enough, that number comes from an anonymous source to NBC news.) It would be advisable for Scarborough to not say any number.

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Cackles said people yell at her at the dog park because she makes fun of Bernie Sanders chances of beating Hillary.

You know, I am not someone who would ever yell at anyone at the dog park unless their dog was attacking mine. But I find myself incensed that a) there are people who yell at Nicolle Wallace at the dog park and b) that yelling does not involve unleashing Sarah Palin on an innocent, unsuspecting nation.

  • Love 8

It takes a special co-host to make me dislike her more than I do Joe. Congrats, Mika, you are SO that person.

Her smug, smirking face this morning as she defended "the man I'm always going to call Donald" for that horrendous press conference yesterday was bad enough, but then she had to keep asserting "the press take themselves too seriously." "They have to get over themselves."

What do you want to bet she's remembering all the recent discounts she's gotten in the Trump Tower Gucci store, thanks to her "friendship" with "Donald"? Such a fine journalist. So much integrity and so fired up by principles of the highest sort.

Honestly, they could take any host on any MSNBC program and pair her with Joe instead of Mika and the IQ of the program would immediately soar.  It bugs me that the new ad campaign has the theme "The Firebrands" and only two people to represent it--Joe and Mika. In what universe is Mika "a firebrand"?  Why not something like "Smug and Stupid" and let people try and guess which is which?

  • Love 8

Thursday recap. Donnie, Barnicle & Katty are on the panel. Joe is in a suit in an undisclosed studio. Joe's new theme is that Trump doesn't want to be President so he is purposely being shrill & attacking everyone. The panel was excited about President Obama attacking Trump. They said he is much more Presidential than Hillary or Trump. Donnie is recanting his previous prediction that Trump would win the election. I think Joe is upset at Trump for no longer being considered for Vice President or any other key role in a Trump administration. They showed clips of Trump mocking Hillary for using teleprompters.

8 hours ago, Padma said:

Her smug, smirking face this morning as she defended "the man I'm always going to call Donald" for that horrendous press conference yesterday was bad enough, but then she had to keep asserting "the press take themselves too seriously." "They have to get over themselves."

Rank hypocrisy from the woman who JUST YESTERDAY was complaining that Hillary Clinton, in the midst of the South Carolina primary battle, did not drop everything to rush to New York to appear live on their set. Poor Joe and Mika had to get off their pampered asses and fly to SC for a face-to-face sitdown (and they only got 20 minutes! and they had to wait!)

It was so ridiculous even Joe called her out on it.

  • Love 4

Honestly, they could take any host on any MSNBC program and pair her with Joe instead of Mika and the IQ of the program would immediately soar.  It bugs me that the new ad campaign has the theme "The Firebrands" and only two people to represent it--Joe and Mika. In what universe is Mika "a firebrand"?  Why not something like "Smug and Stupid" and let people try and guess which is which?

The problem with this theory is that no one with an IQ higher than Mika's would spit on Joe if he was on fire, let alone sit next to him for three hours a day and take his shit.

Replace both of them with Joy Reid and Thomas Roberts.  Change the name of the show to "This Morning with Joy Reid and Thomas Roberts".

Instead of two rich white privileged assholes who can only bring their narrow view of the world to the conversation, we'd have two attractive, intelligent people who actually know what they're talking about. 

Have  Mika and Andrea Mitchell formed some "We Hate Hillary" club?  The two of them tsk tsking every morning about Hillary is becoming a little too Mean Girls for my taste. 

Edited by teddysmom
  • Love 9

Friday Recap. Joe is off today attending the wedding of his son in Pensacola. It's unclear if Mika was invited to the wedding.

Mika was very excited about Hillary's speech. She just said that Trump 's sounded like a buffoon.

Mika & cackles were upset about the female Trump supporter getting pelted with food at the Trump rally.

Mika said that Ryan's endorsement of Trump was very subdued but Halperin said he had no choice to endorse but to endorse Trump.

Mika said that Trump has the talent & ability to win the election but he is wasting it . Mika believes that Joe is right that Trump doesn't want to be President & is purposely sabotaging his chances.

The panel is happy is Hillary sound Presidential yesterday. The panel want Trump to attack Hillary for the Iran deal.

  • Love 3

Mika was extremely complimentary of Clinton's speech. Hillary's supporters have nothing to whine about this morning.  But I did roll my eyes when Cackles claimed that Rubio and Bush and Rob Gates softened it up for Clinton by being critical of Trump first. Give me a break, you party hack.

I did disagree when Mika was complaining about Ryan's capitulation on Trump. She said if Trump was a Dem, someone like Claire McCaskill would not have gone along. Elizabeth Warren maybe, but not McCaskill. She's as dumb a party hack as they come.

Can they do better than turning to Luke Russert on the Ryan capitulation? 

No coverage of Bernie virtually tying Clinton in California in NBC's latest polls in the first hour. I thought this was Bernie Cheerleading Central Headquarters?

  • Love 1
52 minutes ago, oakville said:

Friday Recap. Joe is off today attending the wedding of his son in Pensacola. It's unclear if Mika was invited to the wedding.

Mika was very excited about Hillary's speech. She just said that Trump 's sounded like a buffoon.

Mika & cackles were upset about the female Trump supporter getting pelted with food at the Trump rally.

Mika said that Ryan's endorsement of Trump was very subdued but Halperin said he had no choice to endorse but to endorse Trump.

Mika said that Trump has the talent & ability to win the election but he is wasting it . Mika believes that Joe is right that Trump doesn't want to be President & is purposely sabotaging his chances.

The panel is happy is Hillary sound Presidential yesterday. The panel want Trump to attack Hillary for the Iran deal.

Thank you for clarifying this for me!  I just tuned in to the 8:00 recap of the 6:00 show and thought I heard Mika say that Joe was not there b/c HE was getting married.  I'm thinking, who the hell would want to hitch herself to that windbag (well, besides the $99 grand a week paycheck, but even that's not worth all that windbaggery, verbal abuse, yada yada yada in my book).   Minor relief to learn that it's his son who is getting married, but the bride now has the Douchebag as her father-in-law.  I'd send her earplugs and a giant bottle of Jack Daniels as a wedding gift if I could.

Mika said something like Trump has the brains and skill to learn to be a serious candidate, but she's not sure why he's not turned it on yet.  That is so far beyond giving him the benefit of the doubt, it's crazy.  Mika would know this... how?  He was once pleasant at a dinner party where he didn't use a slur when calling over a waiter?  He starred in The Apprentice?  He's done literally nothing to prove anything other than he's a self-indulgent opportunist and a full throttled megalomaniac who I think actually hates people both philosophically and in practice.

Why is Steve Kornacki interviewing Trump surrogate, MSNBC regular, and painted sociopath Katrina Pierson?  She is f'ing crazy.  CRAZY.  Her answers are insane.  Her answers on the history of Trump's Libya comments were awesome.  Just awesome nonsense.  I don't know if I love her on TV or hate that someone so insipid is begin treated as a voice of reason.   She needs to play herself on Veep.  Or she needs her own documentary or mockumentary.  I promise you all that every journo with his salt is trying desperately to be the one to buy her her 4th margarita at the hotel bar.
And she's followed by articulate Clinton surrogate Brian Fallon.  Although plainly biased (he is a PR flak), he doesn't come across as an ignoramus who is wholly unfamiliar with facts and logic.  He seems, I don't know, smart.  Capable.  Logical.  Supported by data.  Plagued by honesty.  Capable.  Informed.

  • Love 10

ITA Landsnark. Fallon is so superior to Pierson.  Usually campaigns have some people speaking for them who impress me even if I don't like what they're saying. From Manafort to Lewandowski to Pierson, Trump has people who are great at repeating talking points and stalling to answer -fresh- questions, but I've yet to see anyone who impressed me as articulate and intelligent.  I guess Ivanka, but no one who's actually hired to do it.

I wonder what got Trump ticked off on Mika today? When I last saw her (two days ago) she was still groveling to "Donald".  But here's his tweet about MJ this morning: "I don't watch or do @Morning_Joe anymore. Small audience, low ratings! I hear Mika has gone wild with hate. Joe is Joe. They lost their way!"  


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38 minutes ago, Padma said:

I wonder what got Trump ticked off on Mika today? When I last saw her (two days ago) she was still groveling to "Donald".  But here's his tweet about MJ this morning: "I don't watch or do @Morning_Joe anymore. Small audience, low ratings! I hear Mika has gone wild with hate. Joe is Joe. They lost their way!"  


She was praising Hillary's speech and talking about how she doesn't believe Trump will do anything he says he is going to do. Clearly, she was emboldened by the lack of Joe's presence.

Re the violence at the Trump rally. I am disturbed by it but also would not put it past Trump to plant agitators into the protestors' crowd to drum up sympathy.

  • Love 5

 Fallon's sole job is to make his boss look good in the press. No slam on him. That's the job of any communications person or press spokesperson. Nicolle Wallace once served the same role in the Bush Administration and the McCain-Palin campaign. Came across well too. And we all know how honest *she* was.

Pierson may be a disaster to someone who follows politics, but to someone who doesn't, her unpolished nature may come across not that badly.

I'd imagine the people who vote on the basis of the quality of a spokesperson is a very small population. As it should be.

As for Mika she was very very damning of Trump's response to Clinton and she was scathing about Ryan basically folding up for him. On the latter point I had to laugh when Nicolle tried to apologize for him, saying he was just getting behind the will of the GOP electorate who have spoken and added along the lines of "and they spoke in a way we never expected them to." O really? Where has she been for the past eight years? Has she ever listened or seen the crowds that show up at events for her girl Palin? 

6 hours ago, Eliot said:

She was praising Hillary's speech and talking about how she doesn't believe Trump will do anything he says he is going to do. Clearly, she was emboldened by the lack of Joe's presence.

Re the violence at the Trump rally. I am disturbed by it but also would not put it past Trump to plant agitators into the protestors' crowd to drum up sympathy.

I've always thought Mika does much better without Joe.  She is clearly intimidated by him, despite her "know your worth" delusions.  She lets him run roughshod over her, giggling like she's somehow in on the joke when he's just trying to exert his dominance.  When she's on her own at the steering wheel she appears much more confident, maybe just because she can finish a sentence without being bullied into submission.

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This show and Trump have such a dysfunctional relationship. As this article lays out quite nicely, Trump has a history of declaring war on a show or network and vowing never to go on that show again, only to just forget he ever said it. He's done it to this show before, and Fox as well:


I'm betts get he'll call in at least once by the end of the month. Wouldn't be surprised if Scarborough calls him on the QT to smooth things over and blame it on an unchaperoned Mika. 

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On ‎6‎/‎3‎/‎2016 at 8:19 AM, Ladyrain said:

Thank you for clarifying this for me!  I just tuned in to the 8:00 recap of the 6:00 show and thought I heard Mika say that Joe was not there b/c HE was getting married.  I'm thinking, who the hell would want to hitch herself to that windbag (well, besides the $99 grand a week paycheck, but even that's not worth all that windbaggery, verbal abuse, yada yada yada in my book).   Minor relief to learn that it's his son who is getting married, but the bride now has the Douchebag as her father-in-law.  I'd send her earplugs and a giant bottle of Jack Daniels as a wedding gift if I could.

I would love to see Joe's speech at his son's wedding. I wonder if it would be like his morning rants that he used to read from a teleprompter. It was so funny because Joe tried to be serious with deep words of wisdom but it sounded so hollow.

Heilemann & Halperin made an interesting point yesterday. They said that Hillary has strong surrogates like President Obama & President Bill Clinton who will help her on the campaign trail . Trump doesn't have any strong surrogates from the party. The only former nominee that supports him is Bob Dole.

Mika's strong support for Hillary's speech was interesting. However, when she said the speech was "awesome..awesome" in a quickly clipped manner, it reminded me of a skit on SNL with Kristen Wigg. Unfortunately, I can't recall who Kristen Wigg was impersonating. Does anyone know?

Was it Wiig's impersonation of Hasselbeck that you're thinking of?

It is an interesting point on Trump not having surrogates, but I suspect that the people who support Trump are attracted to the man himself. And I could see Ivanka attracting a crowd, and (I know I know) Palin. 

Obama is a great surrogate (he does wry, bemused exasperation so well) but I think Halperin and  overestimate Bill Clinton as a surrogate. He is coming off frail recently, and his inability to stay on message and go off the rails was a problem in 2008 (comments about Obama being a "fairy tale", comparing him to Jesse Jackson etc.).

  • Love 3
11 hours ago, Mumbles said:

Was it Wiig's impersonation of Hasselbeck that you're thinking of?

It is an interesting point on Trump not having surrogates, but I suspect that the people who support Trump are attracted to the man himself. And I could see Ivanka attracting a crowd, and (I know I know) Palin. 

Obama is a great surrogate (he does wry, bemused exasperation so well) but I think Halperin and  overestimate Bill Clinton as a surrogate. He is coming off frail recently, and his inability to stay on message and go off the rails was a problem in 2008 (comments about Obama being a "fairy tale", comparing him to Jesse Jackson etc.).

Thanks Mumbles!. Yes it was Hasselbeck. SNL did parodies of the morning show on Fox. I think it's called Fox & Friends. Hasselbeck reminded me of Mika. I love watching Mika on her own without Joe. She gets so emotional.

It's interesting how politics evolves. Bill Clinton was a "rock star" in 2012 at the DNC convention because he could explain how Obama's policies were working & how it would be a mistake to change course & follow Romney's policies. Didn't the Obama campaign call Bill Clinton , the Secretary of explaining stuff?

Now, Hillary needs Obama's help to convince voters to support her for Obama's 3rd term. Obama does a better job of explaining why it would be a risk to vote for Trump than her.

It's pretty impressive that Hillary be able to  rely on 2 former Presidents to convince voters to elect her. I wonder if she could convince voters that she will able to carry out their policies for the next 4 years. ?


I do think that Mika & Joe are in a tough situation. They hitched their wagon to Trump since last year & now he is trashing them on twitter. Hillary is probably upset about Mika's attacks on her.

Can Morning Joe survive by being ostracized by the two main contenders for the Presidency?

I think their only hope of gaining insider interviews is if Elizabeth Warren or Chris Christie become the VP  nominees

9 hours ago, Ohwell said:

Heileman and Halperin overestimate Bill Clinton's contributions as a surrogate.  First of all, he does look frail for his age; second, Trump relishes the prospect of talking about Lewinsky, et al, and making Bill Clinton go off the rails and lose his shit.  

I do wonder how nasty Trump will get at the GOP convention. If he gets anyone like Lewinsky, Paula Jones, Juanita Brodderick & Kathleen Wiley to give speeches at the GOP convention denouncing Bill Clinton, it will become ugly.

Edited by oakville
poor grammar
  • Love 2
12 hours ago, Ohwell said:

Heileman and Halperin overestimate Bill Clinton's contributions as a surrogate.  First of all, he does look frail for his age; second, Trump relishes the prospect of talking about Lewinsky, et al, and making Bill Clinton go off the rails and lose his shit.  

Trump has thrown all his shit at Clinton already and Bill has handled it very well. He and Hillary just stay above it and refuse to comment and it seems to have tied Trump up in knots that they're not reacting to it like he would.

  • Love 6
18 hours ago, oakville said:

Thanks Mumbles!. Yes it was Hasselbeck. SNL did parodies of the morning show on Fox. I think it's called Fox & Friends. Hasselbeck reminded me of Mika. I love watching Mika on her own without Joe. She gets so emotional.

It's interesting how politics evolves. Bill Clinton was a "rock star" in 2012 at the DNC convention because he could explain how Obama's policies were working & how it would be a mistake to change course & follow Romney's policies. Didn't the Obama campaign call Bill Clinton , the Secretary of explaining stuff?

Now, Hillary needs Obama's help to convince voters to support her for Obama's 3rd term. Obama does a better job of explaining why it would be a risk to vote for Trump than her.

It's pretty impressive that Hillary be able to  rely on 2 former Presidents to convince voters to elect her. I wonder if she could convince voters that she will able to carry out their policies for the next 4 years. ?


I do think that Mika & Joe are in a tough situation. They hitched their wagon to Trump since last year & now he is trashing them on twitter. Hillary is probably upset about Mika's attacks on her.

Can Morning Joe survive by being ostracized by the two main contenders for the Presidency?

I think their only hope of gaining insider interviews is if Elizabeth Warren or Chris Christie become the VP  nominees

I do wonder how nasty Trump will get at the GOP convention. If he gets anyone like Lewinsky, Paula Jones, Juanita Brodderick & Kathleen Wiley to give speeches at the GOP convention denouncing Bill Clinton, it will become ugly.

I think Secretary Clinton will have three former presidents, including Carter, and both Bushes have stated they aren't attending the convention, so you might as well say all the former Presidents will be supporting her over the likes of Donald Trump. Somehow I don't think she cares what Mika or Joe think of her. They aren't serious journalists nor are they compelling as entertainment. They don't have that great ratings that it's imperative she appears on the show. She will appear on things like the network late night shows and the daytime shows like Ellen, The View & The Talk. This show is small potatoes and inside baseball type of show, an audience she doesn't really need to court. 

  • Love 6

Is there anyone undecided about this election who is going to be swayed one way or another by how many former presidents support one of the candidates?

As for appearing on this show, I agree, the ratings aren't great nationally. Its big bragging point is that the politico and media types along the Acela corridor watch it, but those people aren't undecided voters. A candidate is better off doing one of the main network morning shows or a Sunday show if they're looking for exposure.

  • Love 1
5 minutes ago, Mumbles said:

Is there anyone undecided about this election who is going to be swayed one way or another by how many former presidents support one of the candidates?

As for appearing on this show, I agree, the ratings aren't great nationally. Its big bragging point is that the politico and media types along the Acela corridor watch it, but those people aren't undecided voters. A candidate is better off doing one of the main network morning shows or a Sunday show if they're looking for exposure.

But...but...Joe and Mika ask the tough questions! They tell us that over and over again so it must be true, right?

  • Love 2
2 hours ago, Mumbles said:

Is there anyone undecided about this election who is going to be swayed one way or another by how many former presidents support one of the candidates?


I don't think a former president will sway someone's decision, but I think they might encourage a person to go out and vote.

Edited by ariel
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Joe is wearing a navy blue blazer & a blue checkered shirt today. Joe started yelling at the panelists within 5 minutes of the show starting about how upset he was at Trump's comments about the Mexican-American judge. Mika & Joe want everyone who endorsed Trump to cancel their endorsement. Joe said his brother was supposed to be a Trump delegate but is having second thoughts, Cackles said her parents are also reconsidering their support. Joe bragged that he said in December that he wouldn't endorse Trump because of the Muslim Ban. Joe & Mika did not apologize for their softball treatment of Trump ince last year. They did not apologize for watching the results of returns in his private suite. Joe hasn't mentioned Trump's attack on him & his show on Friday. Trump said he won't appear on the show anymore.

Mika never apologized for getting caught on tape saying that she wouldn't ask Trump tough questions.

  • Love 4
54 minutes ago, oakville said:

Joe said his brother was supposed to be a Trump delegate but is having second thoughts, Cackles said her parents are also reconsidering their support 

Please. What Trump said this weekend differs only in degree from what he's been saying for the past year, not in kind. And Cackles thinks the GOP should focus on the non-racist appeal of Trump. As if those things can be separated out. 

Edited by Mumbles
  • Love 10

Joe pretty tough on the Trumpster, dared Repubs who had "endorsed" to repudiate him.

Sweet Jesus, its a good thing all our hypocrisy/irony meters have long since busted.  Joe lamenting the rise of Trump and criticizing those who've helped him along the way. Whose been on your show nearly every other day for the past four years., usually easy phone interviews? Who was still allowing him to pedal his birth certificate bull-shit right up to this primary season? Who was fluffing him on a daily basis? You two are just as responsible for his current status so quit the crocodile tears and STFU!

  • Love 13

It was weird watching him yelling about Trump’s overt racism to Rev. Al.  He got all neck-veined and animated, and what’s weirder was the look on Mika’s face.  She was facing him with her face turned away from the camera, grinning ear to ear and looked like she was about to burst into laughter… like the whole thing was an act or a put on or something.  She is one weird woman.
The show can be strange at times.  Joe is contradicting himself when ridiculing Trump and his perspectives... time was he'd describe Trump's racism as a breath of fresh air, or a politician being real, or simply voicing the frustrating of good hardworking white Americans.

  • Love 5

The conventional wisdom is that Trump drives ratings.  These people want you to watch.  Trump as conqueror of all and the best thing since sliced bread is over; tearing him down after the months of praise is going to drive ratings.


Trump is just grist for their mill.  Everyone knows media darlings soon sour and the media turns on you.  Trump thought he was in control of the narrative, but he's only talent.  Talent is fungible.

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On 6/1/2016 at 11:14 AM, Mumbles said:

I don't think the official number of agents working on the investigation  of Clinton's unauthorized email server has ever been released. Early reports of 150+ agents were quickly dismissed. But nobody knows it's 12, either. (Funny enough, that number comes from an anonymous source to NBC news.) It would be advisable for Scarborough to not say any number.

there are 12...here's the article http://www.nbcnews.com/news/us-news/fed-source-about-12-fbi-agents-working-clinton-email-inquiry-n548026

On 6/4/2016 at 10:00 AM, Ohwell said:

Heileman and Halperin overestimate Bill Clinton's contributions as a surrogate.  First of all, he does look frail for his age; second, Trump relishes the prospect of talking about Lewinsky, et al, and making Bill Clinton go off the rails and lose his shit.

Might want to check out Bill's speech from 2012...a lot of the economic stuff was off the top of his head--he'll be a great surrogate for his wife. He's had more than one heart attack and a bypass so I think his frailty makes sense but I'll take frailty over orange skin and outer space hair any day

  • Love 10
Message added by dubbel zout

Discussion of the hosts regarding a specific episode is fine here, but generalized discussion of the hosts go in the The Hosts Thread: Joe and Mika Know Their Value. 

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