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Morning Joe: All Episodes Talk

Message added by dubbel zout

Discussion of the hosts regarding a specific episode is fine here, but generalized discussion of the hosts go in the The Hosts Thread: Joe and Mika Know Their Value. 

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56 minutes ago, Eliot said:

Mika's "handoffs," if you can even call them that, are getting lazier and lazier. This morning she flailed her way through a long passage from Senator Duckworth's book, paused briefly, and then just said, "Mike Barnicle."

I was just coming on to post a similar situation this morning: I caught her reading an editorial, which I'm sure wasn't meant to be read as a bedtime story, and when she finished said "Willie" and then Willie asked the question of Tom Nichols, the author, I assume. Why on earth she couldn't ask the question is beyond me. (Well, actually it's beyond HER capability as we have all come to know.) Earlier I tuned in to hear Joe calling someone a lunatic a couple of times, I'm assuming Trump or Republicans. So much for the kinder, gentler atmosphere we were promised after Trump was voted out.

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1 hour ago, SG429 said:

Maybe it was just first-day-with-a-new-graphics-package jitters, but they properly noted the gang was on their usual break and removed "LIVE."

one frustrating thing is they kept removing the little clock in the corner! damnit MSNBC, I need that thing!! when i walk past the tee-vee i don't have time to stop and count to five and wait for it to reappear, ugh 

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45 minutes ago, plumbago blues said:

I was just coming on to post a similar situation this morning: I caught her reading an editorial, which I'm sure wasn't meant to be read as a bedtime story, and when she finished said "Willie" and then Willie asked the question of Tom Nichols, the author, I assume. Why on earth she couldn't ask the question is beyond me. (Well, actually it's beyond HER capability as we have all come to know.) Earlier I tuned in to hear Joe calling someone a lunatic a couple of times, I'm assuming Trump or Republicans. So much for the kinder, gentler atmosphere we were promised after Trump was voted out.

A summary of Joe's rant was reported on by Mediaite. It includes the classic insult of Trump supporter staying away from small appliance. !


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It kinda annoys me how Joe's fun small talk always excludes the women on set?

he was like, I'm gonna ask everyone what they're reading! *only asks men*... I'm gonna do a music segment with Nichols, Pierce and High-lemann..! *dismisses Mika*...

then the soccer segment he always excludes Mika even tho her trolling Roger is literally the funniest part. I mean, i'd like to know what Katty and Kasie and Errin are reading and listening to as well? Also Kasie is the hands-down biggest Star wars aficionado on msnbc and Claire McCaskill gives better and more punchy sports commentary than any of those word salad dumbasses Joe, Lemire and Barnicle...just saying..

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3 hours ago, neona said:

It kinda annoys me how Joe's fun small talk always excludes the women on set?

he was like, I'm gonna ask everyone what they're reading! *only asks men*... I'm gonna do a music segment with Nichols, Pierce and High-lemann..! *dismisses Mika*...

Honestly, wouldn't we all dismiss Mika? She adds nothing and Joe knows it. And, frankly, at this point, I'm sure Mika is fine with being "dismissed": she can barely read written copy. Her spontaneous verbal skills are almost non-existent and she'd add nothing to the conversation. She's had years to speak up if this offends her...and yet here we are.

YMMV, but I don't tune in for the banter between the guests. It was fun years ago when the show was overall more light hearted and lively but the spark is gone. Hard for me to muster up any interest in anything from this sullen group. 

Edited by plumbago blues
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yes i think this is established YMMV territory re: Mika, which is totally fair. I still think she's been screwed over in the past year, with being moved out of the main box, having to make her comments off-camera most of the time etc... but you're probably right she's the one who shoulda objected to all of it... 

But beyond that, it's still a lil rude to the other female guests IMO. Katty, Claire, Kasie etc are all interesting and multidimensional humans who should be included in sports, literature, movie discussions etc 

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7 hours ago, oakville said:

A summary of Joe's rant was reported on by Mediaite. It includes the classic insult of Trump supporter staying away from small appliance. !


Mediate can go straight to hell.

When's the last time you had a vaccination and didn't feel confident and didn't think about it again?

Although fully vaccinated I still feel vulnerable because COVID has been treated like the punchline of a dumb joke by a certain segment.

Edited by tres bien
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8 hours ago, Eliot said:

Mika's "handoffs," if you can even call them that, are getting lazier and lazier. This morning she flailed her way through a long passage from Senator Duckworth's book, paused briefly, and then just said, "Mike Barnicle." She couldn't even bother herself to offer a single comment or insight, just a shorthand command for someone else to pick up the questioning.

Yesterday she read a short news piece that was posted on the screen and could not even think critically enough to recognize that there was a typo (a word was omitted) and read the entire thing verbatim, typo and all.

Her cadence (or lack of?) is so odd, like a bizarro sped-up lady version of Paul Harvey. I feel like she doesn't know what her role on the show is.

4 hours ago, plumbago blues said:

Honestly, wouldn't we all dismiss Mika? She adds nothing and Joe knows it. And, frankly, at this point, I'm sure Mika is fine with being "dismissed": she can barely read written copy. Her spontaneous verbal skills are almost non-existent and she'd add nothing to the conversation. She's had years to speak up if this offends her...and yet here we are.

It seems to happen more frequently lately - like the warning of 'the more you interrupt, the longer I'll keep going'  this week. I'd like to see Mika actually battle Joe on something. When Joe isn't there Mika has been stating how careless people are about covid where she lives whereas Joe says almost daily how everyone is so responsible. I'd like to hear each ones version of responsibility (I live in the same town and I have to say this is one issue where I land firmly Team Mika.)

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3 hours ago, tres bien said:

Mediate can go straight to hell.

When's the last time you had a vaccination and didn't feel confident and didn't think about it again?

Although fully vaccinated I still feel vulnerable because COVID has been treated like the punchline of a dumb joke by a certain segment.

Joe said last week that he warned President Trump i 2020 that a vaccine would be necessary to immunize people against the virus.

Joe bragged that he provided the genetic sequencing of the virus to the CDC, so they could develop a vaccine.

The CDC thanked Joe , but Joe was reluctant to take full credit. He was busy saving his neighbors that took too much Hydroclorequine & Dexamethadone.

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2 hours ago, chick binewski said:

Her cadence (or lack of?) is so odd, like a bizarro sped-up lady version of Paul Harvey. I feel like she doesn't know what her role on the show is.

It seems to happen more frequently lately - like the warning of 'the more you interrupt, the longer I'll keep going'  this week. I'd like to see Mika actually battle Joe on something. When Joe isn't there Mika has been stating how careless people are about covid where she lives whereas Joe says almost daily how everyone is so responsible. I'd like to hear each ones version of responsibility (I live in the same town and I have to say this is one issue where I land firmly Team Mika.)

Mika used to battle Joe on issues prior to 2016, but now they generally agree on everything.

Mika has been more upset that  Joe about Jupiter Florida lifting mask mandates & opening restaurants etc.

Mika also complained about increased traffic in the area.


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11 hours ago, tres bien said:

Mediate can go straight to hell.

When's the last time you had a vaccination and didn't feel confident and didn't think about it again?

Although fully vaccinated I still feel vulnerable because COVID has been treated like the punchline of a dumb joke by a certain segment.

Turned on right-wing-based WRKO for a few minutes while in the car yesterday and the host (and callers) were eviscerating Joe!  Playing clips of his calling them lunatics.  It was awesome. 

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Catching up with yesterday's show. Joe took Mika's makeup box and put a post it note in it to symbolize what Trump had done right about the virus. Mika asked for her box back & it passed between the two screens. It's amusing how they pretend to be apart but are sitting right next to them.

Joe yelled too much yesterday. He is mad at the United Nations WHO for taking China's position about imported frozen food causing the virus.

Joe said the virus started in Wuhan.

Joe tried to impersonate Trump, but he realized he sounded horrible.

Joe blamed Trump for listening to China.

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Wednesday Recap.

Top story . President Biden's dog bit a second white house employee.

Joe said now that the dog has bitten 2 people, He hould get his affairs in order & prepare to meet Dog  Jesus.

Mika does not support killing the Dog. Mika blamed the Trump administration for having bad vibes.

Joe called the dog Cujo. He said the dog was a werewolf.

Mika started whining.

Mika said that German sheperds can be rambuctious.

Mika liked Jake Sherman's striped shirt.

Joe asked Sherman about putting the Biden's dog down. Mika wants the dog to be on a leash.

Mika's rescues bit people. Mika's mad at joe about Dogs.

Mika is happy that Biden's support is at 52%


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57 minutes ago, chick binewski said:

I learn so much from this show every day.

Ha! I thought the same thing with dog story. This was not of interest to me at all nor was it funny. Perhaps they should put in for a transfer to the late night time slot and Joe can riff away on meaningless topics. (Was his recent surprise visit to Bill Maher an audition of some type?) I want real news in the morning. In fact, I switched to CNBC and an informative interview with Scott Gottlieb.


12 hours ago, chick binewski said:

Her cadence (or lack of?) is so odd, like a bizarro sped-up lady version of Paul Harvey.

Spot on! I remembered your comment this morning and totally got the Paul Harvey vibe...wonder if Mika knows who he was?

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i'm easily entertained and possibly also a bad person but the Dog Jesus thing cracked me up ahahaha. I think Mika is right, it's the juju... when Biden moved in, after they did the deep covid cleaning, sweeping for Russian bugs, removing big mac grease smeared on the walls and other, uh, questionable stains, dismantled the miniature golf course and replaced the red plastic toy phone with the real one for adults, they SHOULDA ALSO DONE AN EXORCISM. And Major would have been just fine.

i liked the Hemingway segment.

I wanna know what they actually mean by vaccine passports?? i'm generally for that, if it's like showing your paper vaccine card (or electronic version) like showing your ID at the door. buuut if it means some compulsory big data app you have to download where you click "I agree" to share all your medical data in all perpetuity, with third parties, etc, etc I'm against it. probably some of the skepticism would vanish if they actually clarified that, idk.


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I, too, thought Joe would go after Matt Gaetz at the top of the show today but once he made the comment that he's know the family for years and Matt's dad donated to his campaign back in the day, I knew he wouldn't say a bad word about him. So I guess if they end up with incriminating evidence against Gaetz, it'll still be all hugs and kisses from Joe.

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5 hours ago, Linda956 said:

I, too, thought Joe would go after Matt Gaetz at the top of the show today but once he made the comment that he's know the family for years and Matt's dad donated to his campaign back in the day, I knew he wouldn't say a bad word about him. So I guess if they end up with incriminating evidence against Gaetz, it'll still be all hugs and kisses from Joe.

Gaetz represents Joe's district. If Gaetz steps down, Joe could run for his seat as an Independent or Democrat and win. Joe could take over as Speaker of the House given his popularity with Never Trump Republicans & the Lincoln Project. 

Mika could sit next to Joe at the State of the Union & makes faces at the camera.

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Obi Yawn Kenobi in her Jedi robe hosted a thoughtful extended piece on Biden's infrastructure package.  Good TV.  I learned a lot.  Rattner is great, and no Joe derailing it ranting about Reagan.  I was impressed.

Then she said she doesn't like movies.  What does she do?  She doesn't read.  Does she just stand in her house with her nose on a wall until it's martini and heels time with Joe?  

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it cracks me up that they dug up and read Barnicle's vintage movie review like it was a Dead Sea Scroll. it was beautifully written tho. I'm still sending telepathic waves to get him to move his damn head, this torturing of art geeks is not cool

The backdrop grass is green again!! this literally cheered me up. i love spring and light and colors. it's been the shittiest winter in the history of winters.

So nice to see Elise Jordan back, where the hell has she been? she's one of those contributors, like High-lemann, who has great insights but also has a personality and a sense of humor

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1 hour ago, Lowcountry snark said:

Obi Yawn Kenobi in her Jedi robe

LOL. I saw her just after reading a synopsis of a new Netflix series, Worn Stories, where people explain the meaning behind articles of clothing. Every time I see her swaddled in that thing I can't help but wonder "what is she thinking?". I guess all the money they are supposedly saving on taxes is not going toward stylists.

The only part I saw today was the Field of Dreams segment. Her saying she (finally) saw the movie and loved it rang a little hollow. Seemed she had to say that to introduce the Barnicle piece. Was Joe there at all or did he fly off somewhere for opening day? (I saw that the Red Sox postponed their game til tomorrow; isn't that his team?)

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1 hour ago, plumbago blues said:

LOL. I saw her just after reading a synopsis of a new Netflix series, Worn Stories, where people explain the meaning behind articles of clothing. Every time I see her swaddled in that thing I can't help but wonder "what is she thinking?". I guess all the money they are supposedly saving on taxes is not going toward stylists.

The only part I saw today was the Field of Dreams segment. Her saying she (finally) saw the movie and loved it rang a little hollow. Seemed she had to say that to introduce the Barnicle piece. Was Joe there at all or did he fly off somewhere for opening day? (I saw that the Red Sox postponed their game til tomorrow; isn't that his team?)

The Red Sox cancelled the game despite knowing that Joe & his son would be attending the game. Joe was furious a few days ago that the team will allow fans into the game that have not been vaccinated. Shouldn't Joe be reluctant to take his son who has a history of respiratory illnesses to a baseball game in Boston ?  

The Red Sox should make sure that Joe & his son are given a box suite at a complementary rate. It's the least the team could do for a sophisticated fan like Joe.

It's remarkable that Mika has gone from being very well dressed on Morning Joe when the how started, to wearing bathrobes that science fiction fans wear to Star Wars conventions. Kasie! works from a home studio, but he always looks professional.

What message is she sending to her KYV fans?

Dump your husband, Marry the Boss & move to Florida & broadcast from your kitchen ?

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Mika doesn't read books, like sports, watch movies or television comedies/dramas.  What the hell does she do all day?  Is it wall-to-wall politics 24/7 with her?  BORING!  Talk about total opposites as far as Joe is concerned.  Does he have to go into a separate room to watch sports, movies, tv or listen to music?  I can just imagine Mika telling him to shut it off if they were in the same room.

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2 hours ago, Linda956 said:

Mika doesn't read books, like sports, watch movies or television comedies/dramas.  What the hell does she do all day?  Is it wall-to-wall politics 24/7 with her?  BORING!  Talk about total opposites as far as Joe is concerned.  Does he have to go into a separate room to watch sports, movies, tv or listen to music?  I can just imagine Mika telling him to shut it off if they were in the same room.

Mika did like going to Red Sox games with Joe when they were dating. Joe was divorced . I remember Joe got her a special tour of Fenway Park.

Mika had her picture taken behind the scoreboard. It was used in the Morning Joe ads. The theme was Mika knows the score !

They hosted a Morning Joe from Fenway Park & Mika asked the manager of the Red Sox , John Farrell to come over & sit down for an interview.

3 hours ago, Linda956 said:

I can just imagine Mika telling him to shut it off if they were in the same room.

Joe has Caddyshack on at deafening decibels.  He's got a snifter of brandy filled right up to the brim in his left hand, a cigar clenched in his jaw, and in his right hand is a putter he's using to chase the cat.  He's bouncing around, shouting lines of the movie, talking to himself, and sometimes directing comments to Meeks.  She's sitting in a rigid seat in the corner of the room, blinking.  Every now and then writing and deleting instagram posts.

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1 hour ago, oakville said:

ika did like going to Red Sox games with Joe when they were dating. Joe was divorced . I remember Joe got her a special tour of Fenway Park.

Mika had her picture taken behind the scoreboard. It was used in the Morning Joe ads.

Such a poser. I'm sure all she cared about was the attention she was getting from a man who wasn't her husband. She's just arm candy.


4 hours ago, Linda956 said:

What the hell does she do all day?  Is it wall-to-wall politics 24/7 with her? 

Lord, if it was, one think some of it would sink in. She still can't comment on or discuss issues with any gravitas. I think she plays with her cats and visits with her mother all day. Maybe checks in with the younger women running her platform. I really don't get the connection between Mika and Joe. I guess it's true that opposites attract...or maybe Joe just likes that he can talk and rant and yell all day with no push back.

Edited by plumbago blues
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Joe doesn't realize that the Toronto Blue Jays beat the Yankees today, so they are automatically in first place. The Red Sox did not play today. The Red Sox are in second place if the Orioles & Tampa Bay Rays lose today.

I am a Blue Jays fan & am happy that the Jays beat the evil empire Yankees.

Edited by oakville
Joe doesn't understand baseball.
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Morning Joe ratings drops to 116th place out of 150 in the 18-49 age group with 1.152 million viewers.


Morning Joe's ratings among 25-54 are better according to MSNBC Public relations.



Mika & Joe will demand that MSNBC focus on the ratings demos that make them look more popular than they really are.

It does make sense that 25-54 age group is better comparison for a political talk show.

I would love for Mika to join the Real Housewives of Jupiter Florida or Atlanta for entertainment purposes.

Mika would make the perfect Housewife & drive everyone nuts.

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2 hours ago, Lowcountry snark said:

Joe has Caddyshack on at deafening decibels.  He's got a snifter of brandy filled right up to the brim in his left hand, a cigar clenched in his jaw, and in his right hand is a putter he's using to chase the cat.  He's bouncing around, shouting lines of the movie, talking to himself, and sometimes directing comments to Meeks.  She's sitting in a rigid seat in the corner of the room, blinking.  Every now and then writing and deleting instagram posts.

This is perfection. LMAO

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Joe's off today.  He's at home watching CNN.  Mika is hosting with Willie.

They opened the show with a 1920's style spoof film from Jimmy Kimmel making fun of Trump.  Willie dubbed it ""funny and "devastating." This show has hit new lows when they are showing satire comedy from a non-NBC source and passing it off as newsworthy.  Anything goes, as long as they can keep the subject on Trump.

Willie seems excited to read a tawdry New York Times story about Matt Gaetz's alleged sexcapades.  Willie said "sex" a few times and seemed intrigued.  I'm sorry but how is this a top story?  At least Willie had something to be excited about when he talked about Goetz taking sexy photos.  Willie really does nothing for me and I don't want to hear Willie's take on anything sex-related.  

And that's where we are, talking about someone else's sex life or rumors about it.  They are probably trying to get the pictures.

Edited by nittany cougar
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This is such a different show with Mika and Willie hosting.  More about the stories than the hosts.   I’m sure they were required to start with the new Gaetz headlines, and I am so tired of this.  It’s disgusting, but I’ll wait for the courts to deal with it/him.  Michael Schmidt apparently got to sleep for three hours between live appearances last night and this morning. 


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5 hours ago, nittany cougar said:

Willie seems excited to read a tawdry New York Times story about Matt Gaetz's alleged sexcapades.  Willie said "sex" a few times and seemed intrigued.  I'm sorry but how is this a top story?  At least Willie had something to be excited about when he talked about Goetz taking sexy photos.  Willie really does nothing for me and I don't want to hear Willie's take on anything sex-related.  

And that's where we are, talking about someone else's sex life or rumors about it.  They are probably trying to get the pictures.


Mika was nervous when she mentioned Congressman Gaetz depositing money into the girls bank accounts.

Mika admitted in her book KYV that Joe deposited part of his bonus in her bank account without her knowing.

It sound to me like Congressman Gaetz was paying "sugar babies" for sex.

Senator Claire said Gaetz could be charged for soliciting prostitutes.

Claire said he would be in big trouble if the girls he paid were 17.


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1 hour ago, oakville said:

Mika admitted in her book KYV that Joe deposited part of his bonus in her bank account without her knowing.

I never understood how this could happen without her knowledge. Were they that close at the time that they shared random personal info? How does that come up in a work relationship? I can see why she was uneasy with the Gaetz story. Joe really dodged a bullet on this one. Good timing on his part to be off.

Interesting picture choice by MSNBC Public Relations shown above. Was this taken just before the move south? Mika had transitioned into the dowdier wardrobe. Willie looks like a 10 year old forced to "pose" for the camera like a little angel. I guess the current set situation isn't really worthy as a PR pic. Apparently not too proud of it. Not like it's hard, tho, to grab a shot of the three of them in their screen boxes. 

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i think Mika and Willie are lucky they were allowed to be in the promo picture, now that they've made the show all about Jooooe. I missed the Chauvin trial segment of the show today so i looked it up on the msnbc youtube channel and at the end they replaced the part at the end where Joe and Mika are like "hey! subscribe to the msnbc channel!" to.... just Joe, looking pompous in his box ---> https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=bSO_4UbRX5M

Willie and Mika carried the show beautifully today so this myth they have that everyone tunes in for joe is just nonsense... also aren't the ratings lower now than when Joe and Mika co-hosted together from Florida...soooo, Mika was demoted to that dumbass separate box that everyone hates... for no reason?? i like joe but i just can't with his ego, especially when it's so unfair to Willie and Mika...

i am happy to see Michael Schmidt actually owns furniture!! i have a soft spot for him, he looks like the kinda guy who works around the clock, sleeps under his desk, and subsists on diet coke, cigarettes and instant noodles....like he should be in a 1930s movie with a fedora with a "press" card on it, heh

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4 hours ago, plumbago blues said:

I never understood how this could happen without her knowledge. Were they that close at the time that they shared random personal info? How does that come up in a work relationship? I can see why she was uneasy with the Gaetz story. Joe really dodged a bullet on this one. Good timing on his part to be off.

Interesting picture choice by MSNBC Public Relations shown above. Was this taken just before the move south? Mika had transitioned into the dowdier wardrobe. Willie looks like a 10 year old forced to "pose" for the camera like a little angel. I guess the current set situation isn't really worthy as a PR pic. Apparently not too proud of it. Not like it's hard, tho, to grab a shot of the three of them in their screen boxes. 

Okay...my biggest problem with this is....was she still married at the time?  Separated?  Were they living together?  How would Joe be able to put money in Meeka's account if they were not "intimate" ... or whatever.  If they were just having "sexay times" (thanks to Young and the Restless for Nick and Phyllis who have "sexay...." I would think they would not have been sharing bank account information.  How did we miss this?  The Easter Bunny will be bringing No Candy For Us.  Maybe I am overreacting, but I find this tidbit titillating.  Never have used the "T" word before in a sentence.😎

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1 hour ago, Kemper said:

Okay...my biggest problem with this is....was she still married at the time?  Separated?  Were they living together?  How would Joe be able to put money in Meeka's account if they were not "intimate" ... or whatever.  If they were just having "sexay times" (thanks to Young and the Restless for Nick and Phyllis who have "sexay...." I would think they would not have been sharing bank account information.  How did we miss this?  The Easter Bunny will be bringing No Candy For Us.  Maybe I am overreacting, but I find this tidbit titillating.  Never have used the "T" word before in a sentence.😎

Here is the link. I do have her book, so I will try to post the passage from the book.


 I think Joe asked the network to divert part of his ratings bonus to her. The network had her bank account information.

Joe was happily married to Susan at the time. Mika was married to her husband. It was an "investment" in Mika according to Joe.

IIRC, Mika asked her dad what to do , and he told her to keep the money.

I would love to know if Susan Scarborough was consulted on Joe's donation to Mika



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4 minutes ago, oakville said:

Here is the link. I do have her book, so I will try to post the passage from the book.


 I think Joe asked the network to divert part of his ratings bonus to her. The network had her bank account information.

Joe was happily married to Susan at the time. Mika was married to her husband. It was an "investment" in Mika according to Joe.

IIRC, Mika asked her dad what to do , and he told her to keep the money.

I would love to know if Susan Scarborough was consulted on Joe's donation to Mika



This just gets odder.  And shady. I cannot imagine either spouse being thrilled.  And Meeka's dad telling her to keep it?  I have always believed that Meeka grew up in a joyless household; but this, to me, is a bit creepy.  

  • Love 3
17 minutes ago, oakville said:

Here is the link. I do have her book, so I will try to post the passage from the book.


 I think Joe asked the network to divert part of his ratings bonus to her. The network had her bank account information.

Joe was happily married to Susan at the time. Mika was married to her husband. It was an "investment" in Mika according to Joe.

IIRC, Mika asked her dad what to do , and he told her to keep the money.

I would love to know if Susan Scarborough was consulted on Joe's donation to Mika



Oh, so it's not a joke.  I thought it was snark.

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idk.... wasn't the main thing about that story that Mika had a shitty contract back then and when the show got successful joe got a huge bonus for their joint show but not Mika...the uhhh way he did it does sound a bit weird and awkward to me, but not shady, i mean the whole situation was a bit fucked up i guess he was just tryin to bypass the formalities... 


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19 hours ago, Kemper said:

This just gets odder.  And shady. I cannot imagine either spouse being thrilled.  And Meeka's dad telling her to keep it?  I have always believed that Meeka grew up in a joyless household; but this, to me, is a bit creepy.  

Mika told the story in Chapter 7 of her KYV book.

After the 2008 primary election, Mika was tired from traveling with Joe & asked for a lunch meeting with Joe at The Rock Center Cafe !

Mika was frustrated that she wasn't making enough money to pay the bills after all her expenses and wanted to quit the show.

Joe begged Mika to stay & said he had an idea. He told her that she was a key part of the success of the show.

A week later, Mika checked her online bank account & was shocked that she had more money in her bank account than ever before in her life.

Mika usually had an overdrawn bank account.

Mika wasn't sure if she won the lottery or the bank had made a mistake.

The money came from MSNBC.

Joe had negotiated ratings bonuses in his contract. He demanded that the network transfer part of his bonus to Mika.

Mika said that Joe had discussed this with hi wife Susan & she agreed. Yikes! I bet she had no idea what Joe was plotting.

Mika asked her dad for advice & he told her to keep it because it showed that Joe was smart to give the money because the show would be more successful with their chemistry.

Mika got mad at Phil Griffin & asked for a raise. He agreed.

There was no mention of Mika asking her husband what he thought about Joe giving her money.

Mika dedicated the book to her two girls.

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1 hour ago, neona said:

idk.... wasn't the main thing about that story that Mika had a shitty contract back then and when the show got successful joe got a huge bonus for their joint show but not Mika...the uhhh way he did it does sound a bit weird and awkward to me, but not shady, i mean the whole situation was a bit fucked up i guess he was just tryin to bypass the formalities... 


 Well. Apparently Meeka was not getting a clothing allowance?  Who was her agent? Who negotiated her contract?  I think of Rachel M who wears the inexpensive blazers every night.  Yes, back in the studio days, Meeka was apparently required to show bare legs with stilettos.  Again, where was her agent? So why couldn’t she buy a couple blazers, a couple  colorful tops, 2 skirts and a pair of neutral slacks.  And scarves. These don’t have to cost a ton of money. Done. 

Pressure from the network? Nicely threaten to go to the press for sexism.  She was not going to turn into The Little Match Girl if fired.  Why couldn’t Joe have supported her on this instead of playing Sugar Daddy. 

All of this is why we mock her on this Board.  Know how much value you have when your paramour (hee!) validates you.  Be gone; and take your shaminars with you. 

Happy Easter everyone! Dyed eggs, chocolate bunnies and gin and tonics on Kemper.

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Message added by dubbel zout

Discussion of the hosts regarding a specific episode is fine here, but generalized discussion of the hosts go in the The Hosts Thread: Joe and Mika Know Their Value. 

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