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Morning Joe: All Episodes Talk

Message added by dubbel zout

Discussion of the hosts regarding a specific episode is fine here, but generalized discussion of the hosts go in the The Hosts Thread: Joe and Mika Know Their Value. 

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I'm amazed how many outright lies get spewed on this show with no one refuting them.  The one that irritated me the most this morning was someone saying in effect that Obama governed only for his base, the Democratic Party, allowing no Republican input to his policies.  Does anyone remember one of the best jokes Obama ever told was when he said, paraphrasing, the Republicans would come up with an idea, but as soon as I said yeah, that's a great idea, let's do that, I'd turn around and they would all be gone, coming out against their own idea just because I liked it.  But the best answer to the lie about Obama only cared about his base would be this -- if the liberals were in charge, the ACA would've had at least a public option, but what the liberals really wanted was Medicare For All.   

I laughed so hard at this Vanity Fair article chronicling when Obama finally stopped giving a fuck about what the Republicans thought of him and did what he wanted to do for a change.  


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So Joe and Mike are back on the trump train.  I only watched about 15 minutes yesterday where they were praising trump's pick for NSC.  One "adult" selection and that's enough to say how great trump is.  I did like that Joe (I think it was him) pointed out today that during the campaign trump said he knew more than all the generals and now he's picked 4(?) of them for his cabinet/advisors.   Of course they didn't carry this on as to what that says about trump.

Re trump's approval ratings.  Why was Joe comparing trump's first month to President Obama's later approval ratings?  His first month was quite high - maybe in the high 60's or 70's? (I'm too lazy to actually look it up).  If trump's approval ratings are this low without really doing anything what's going to happen when laws are actually passed and affect people?  Or laws he promised aren't passed.  Or those manufacturing jobs and mining jobs don't come back?  Or we see tax rates go down for the rich and corporations but not the middle class.  trump has promised the moon - at atleast one campaign stop he said "I'lll give you everything you've ever wanted"  It's just not realistic.  And while there has been vocal opposition to trump no Democratic congressman/Senator has said we will not work with you as the Repubs did on President Obama's first day.

If President Obama was so awful Joe why do you keep comparing trump and not in a way that shows trump is better but rather trying to justify trump?

Joe (or whoever it was on the panel but I think Joe) lied when he said President Obama didn't seek Repub input on Obamacare.  Come on Joe - part of the complexities of the program was the gyrations theydid to appease certain Repub Senators such as Collins from Maine who then still voted against it after changes she wanted her made.  The sensible thing to do at this point is to examine Obamacare  and see where it can be improved but the Repubs have spent years talking about the horrors/failure of it (which trump has happily jumped on that train).  I swear if they did nothing but rename it to be officially The Trump Healthcare Act it would suddenly be the greatest thing ever.   I loved where at the Grassley town hall meeting the farmer said "you were one of the ones pushing the death panel lie."  Too bad the midterm elections aren't this year (even though I think Grassley just one reelection)

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Joe is walking on a very thin tightrope.  Everyday he practically falls off one side so the next he jerks back the other way.

I love Howard Dean.  He was a really good DNC chair.  The party went to hell in a hand basket after his term ended.  So whoever he supports, I have to believe he knows exactly what he's talking about.

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1 hour ago, MulletorHater said:

Good grief, what a couple of self-aggrandizing tools!  More likely, Drumpf listened to his favorite child and son-in-law, which doesn't amount to a hill of beans while he still has white nationalists on his staff.  

Oh, and Meek-a's observation that Ivanka is opposed to anti-Semitism is one of those moments when you want to bang your head into a wall because a face palm would be too mild a reaction.  Given that Ivanka converted to Judaism when she married her husband, wouldn't her being opposed to anti-Semitism be rather obvious? 

I just can't with these people.

This is why I watch Morning Joe. Of course, Ivanka & Jared are opposed to anti semistism. Mika can't remember that they are Jewish. She should know better. Her dad, Dr Z was frequently attacked for being an anti Semite & pro Palestinians. 

Joe is getting attacked on twitter for being a pompous pro Trump fool on Colbert.

mornig joe makes me laugh

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Hmmm....OK, Joe, so a few eps back, you talked about how Repubs need to come up with a healthcare alternative that's as good as Obamacare. Now, you're back to beating the "Obama sucked and his policies were full of problems" drum. Dude. Stand by your opinion once in a while. Stop trying to pretend you're the POTUS whisperer. Think once in a while. Because you (and your panelists) are pretty much the only D.C. "conservative" insiders I sometimes check out and...wow, you don't make a convincing argument at all.

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8 minutes ago, stormy said:

Joe is walking on a very thin tightrope.  Everyday he practically falls off one side so the next he jerks back the other way.

I love Howard Dean.  He was a really good DNC chair.  The party went to hell in a hand basket after his term ended.  So whoever he supports, I have to believe he knows exactly what he's talking about.

Bingo! Joe is still trying to play both sides.

dean had to drop out of the race for some reason to be dnc chair again

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I suggest people check out the firestorm on Twitter concerning Mika's comments about it being the media 's job to control what people think and not Trump. Mika has rebutted the video evidence , but the tape is clear. Mika now says she said NOT. Wow! It was when she was talking to Alcides

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Last night on Colbert Joe said that Mika was in charge. Really! He said Kellyanne lied on the show and Trump's own people refuted what she said so Mika doesn't want her on anymore. The audience applauded loudly at that one. Joe liked the applause of course.

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Here is the transcript from today's show regarding Mika's missteps regarding whose job it is to control what people think. It's quite amusing because Mika makes fun of anyne else in the media that makes a verbal mistake yet pretends she is perfect.


UPDATE [2:15PM]: NBC notified us to let us know Brzezinski has responded on Twitter, saying that her comments were misconstrued.

Today I said it's the media's job to keep President Trump from making up his own facts, NOT that it's our job to control what people think.

— Mika Brzezinski (@morningmika) February 22, 2017

Of course, that is obvious from the transcript but some people want to make up their own facts. SAD! https://t.co/AoK2NBR6OB

— Mika Brzezinski (@morningmika) February 22, 2017

During the 6 am hour on MSNBC’s Morning Joe, co-host Mika Brzezinski made an alarming admission about what she thinks the media’s role is. During a panel discussion on President Trump’s revised immigration order, Brzezinski complained that Trump was undermining the media and taking their “job” of “controlling exactly what people think.”

New York Times reporter Yamiche Alcindor began the segment bringing up that this “hard line immigration” order didn’t turn off Trump supporters, or even those “skeptical” of Trump, because he is doing “exactly” what he said he would do in office, even if it made those “in Washington” upset:

YAMICHE ALCINDOR: should say that when I think about the numbers and I I think about where Donald Trump is standing right now he's in some ways keeping his promise. He campaigned on this issue of hard line immigration and then he turned around and did all of these executive orders and we are now reporting that there will be probably one coming out soon and he’s revamping it. He is really someone got on stage and told you exactly what is he going to do and did it. I think a lot of people in Washington and a lot of I think, intellectuals are saying, like, what is going on? This feels so uncertain. But for Trump supporters, even some of the people who are skeptical of him, he is looking like he is getting stuff done.

Scarborough agreed, adding that this only strengthened Trump’s base:

SCARBOROUGH: Exactly, that’s exactly what I hear. What Yamiche just said is what I hear from all the Trump supporters I talk to who were Trump voters are still Trump supporters. They go, 'Yeah you guys are going crazy, he’s doing--what are you so surprised about? He is doing exactly what he said he is going to do.'

Brzezinski took a different approach, warning that Trump could lose his supporters by doing “dangerous” things like “undermining the media” and “making up his own facts.” She then outrageously claimed that while Trump tried to “make up his own facts” it was actually the media’s “job” to “control exactly what people think.”

MIKA BRZEZINSKI: Well, I think that the dangerous edges here are that he is trying to undermine the media and trying to make up his own facts and could be while unemployment and the economy worsens he could have undermined the messaging so much that he can actually control exactly what people think. And that is--that is our job.

5 hours ago, MyAimIsTrue said:

Remember, if it's not discussed on the show it's not to be discussed here.  Thank you.

Can controversial statements by Mika or Joe or the other panelists be discussed?

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Thursday Recap. Mika is wearing a tight fitting turtleneck. Joe is wearing a suit  with a dark striped tie. The focus was on the daily approval for Trump, down to 38% with Quinnepac & 43% with NBC. Willie was worried about the low support for Trump since new Presidents get a honeymoon. Meacham reminded Willie that there have been close elections since 1992. Clinton got 43%. Bush won elections narrowly. Covering daily tracking polls as a regular segment on the show is absurd. Did Mika & Joe not realize that all the poll watching last year was a waste of time.

Next topic. Angry town halls against the GOP. The panel was excited about the Tea Party parallels. Joe tried to calm people down. He said Tom Cotton is a friend of the show & will win re election in Arkansas.

Sam Stein said low income Trump supporters like expanded Medicaid in Arkansas.

Joe attacked Stephen Miller for saying there will be the same basic policy outcome with the new travel ban. Donnie said that Miller got beat up for lunch money.

Joe agreed with Andrew Sullivan that professors are all left of centre. Joe said he was quiet in school for arguing right of centre policies.

Mika is talking about the Dartmouth Review.

Joe trashed Sullivan for being too fawning over Obama.

Joe is on a heated rant that the academic system is too liberal. Joe is blowing up at the extreme hatred by the left of centre liberal hypocrisy. Joe said that 53% voted GOP in the late 1980's, yet the college campuses had no freedom of speech.

Meacham said colleges don't allow left of centre positions. Really?

Donnie threw his cellphone on the table.

Mika still hasn't mentioned her gaffe about media control but was excited that a poll showed 52% of people still believe them over Trump.

Donnie & Joe are fighting now. Mika put her hands on Joe to calm him down. Joe said he wanted to shout at Donny to make a point. Donnie told him to stop shouting at him.

Joe did his Robert Deniro Are you Kidding me Donny? LOL

Mika is trying to calm down Donnie. Joe told Donnie that he doesn't need to come on the show again!

Joe attacked Donnie and told him to stop playing TV & then agreeing with him after the show.

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Bob Woodward is on the show. Tillerson is now sidelined because Jared & White House officials are doing his job. Woodward is happy that Trump picked HR McMaster . He knows how to win. He will help the foreign policy team get organized. Mika said that jobs are not being filled in the State Dept.

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About once a week I check into this shit show to see if Joe and Mika have climbed out of Trump's ass yet. Today I happened to stop by when Joe was YELLING about liberal hypocrisy.

How is this show still on the air? I cringe at Mika looking so adoringly at her partner or trying to calm him during one of his rants, all while sipping her expensive morning drink from a straw. Joe is a bloviating swine and Mika is rolling around in the mud with him. She isn't bright enough to carry a show on her own.

Why any guest would agree to appear on this show is beyond me. Are the guests so desperate to be on television that they will be either ignored, dismissed or yelled at by Joe? 

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1 minute ago, whydoiwatch said:

About once a week I check into this shit show to see if Joe and Mika have climbed out of Trump's ass yet. Today I happened to stop by when Joe was YELLING about liberal hypocrisy.

How is this show still on the air? I cringe at Mika looking so adoringly at her partner or trying to calm him during one of his rants, all while sipping her expensive morning drink from a straw. Joe is a bloviating swine and Mika is rolling around in the mud with him. She isn't bright enough to carry a show on her own.

Why any guest would agree to appear on this show is beyond me. Are the guests so desperate to be on television that they will be either ignored, dismissed or yelled at by Joe? 

Mika & Joe are upset that Trump has not granted them an exclusive interview. Trump has dismissed Morning Joe on several occasions since the election. He prefers Fox & Friends. Joe is upset that Trump hasn't called him for advice. Mika retaliated by getting rid of KAC & Joe is attacking Stephen Miller.

Joe's rant against college liberalism should get him so extra coverage today on the media sites.

It's tough for Joe to realize that he  isn't that important to Trump's sphere of influence.

Joe is busy on his phone trying to get coverage of his spat with Donnie. I like Donnies suit.


Marcia Brady is on the set now. Mika told Joe to shut his pie hole.

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Joe is on a heated rant that the academic system is too liberal. Joe is blowing up at the extreme hatred by the left of centre liberal hypocrisy. Joe said that 53% voted GOP in the late 1980's, yet the college campuses had no freedom of speech.

"Heated rant" is underkill.  Joe was L I V I D. If he was a cartoon they would have drawn him like one of those old-timey steam whistles with smoke coming out of the top. I HATED him.  Send your kids to Brigham Young if it bothers you so much, Asshat.


Donnie & Joe are fighting now. Mika put her hands on Joe to calm him down. Joe said he wanted to shout at Donny to make a point. Donnie told him to stop shouting at him.

Oh God, Joe is transparent.  Everyone in America can see his EXTREME JEALOUSY over Donny.  Joe, you can get beautiful divorcees in the Hamptons to date you too, if you want, since you're rich. But you may have to shop once at Barney's rather than LL Bean.  Man, Donnie is a fine looking man.  

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1 minute ago, WhineandCheez said:

"Heated rant" is underkill.  Joe was L I V I D. If he was a cartoon they would have drawn him like one of those old-timey steam whistles with smoke coming out of the top. I HATED him.  Send your kids to Brigham Young if it bothers you so much, Asshat.

Oh God, Joe is transparent.  Everyone in America can see his EXTREME JEALOUSY over Donny.  Joe, you can get beautiful divorcees in the Hamptons to date you too, if you want, since you're rich. But you may have to shop once at Barney's rather than LL Bean.  Man, Donnie is a fine looking man.  

Agreed. Joe's rant was in his top 10 of 2017.

Mika seemed to know a lot about Dartmouth. Her daughter goes there now.

it is an interesting discussion about whether or not there is enough diversity of opinions on college campuses. Joe said Ann Coulter has made a career out of attacking liberal campuses.

joe has been trying for years to join the Hampton Nantucket Elite. Barnicle & Ratner do allow him & MikA to attend their parties on the island. Joe even got the perfect New England elite preppy girlfriend for the parties.

Donnie has been doing better political analysis since mid 2016. 

However he still comes across to me as a horny middle aged guy that chases after 20 year olds with his buff body. 

He used to salivate over Mika & make creepy remarks. Mika was ok with that until she State tes dating Joe.

The show missed talking about the DNCdebate during the first hour of the show. They also didn't mention the transgender bathroom issue

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What I got from Joe's explosion was that those with minority opinions and values feel mocked and suppressed by the majority.  Therefore it is understandable when members of the minority become even more extremist and act out in response.  I gather that being one of the few straight, white, conservative, Christian males in this country is really hard.

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3 hours ago, oakville said:


Mika put her hands on Joe to calm him down. Joe said he wanted to shout at Donny to make a point. Donnie told him to stop shouting at him.

Mika is trying to calm down Donnie. Joe told Donnie that he doesn't need to come on the show again!

Joe attacked Donnie and told him to stop playing TV & then agreeing with him after the show.

LMAO wtf. this is so bizarre. 

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37 minutes ago, Lana X said:

LMAO wtf. this is so bizarre. 

You have to watch it to believe it.

joe's outrageous yelling at Donnie makes him a shoo in to replace Sean Spicer.

Joe likes to take pot shots at Trumps antics but his behavior is not any more professional. 

Mika should stop rubbing her hands all over him on the set. It's distracting.

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Gee. Poor special snowflake Joe needed a safe space in college and law school to hide from the liberal meanies? He claimed, out loud, that liberal professors give out Fs to conservative students and his thesis (if you can call his bloviating about his hurt feefees a thesis - that was generous of Donnie) is that conservatives are SOOOOO traumatized in college because their opinions aren't respected or heard that they're "forced" to go to far right positions? And end up standing for nothing because all that's left is a hatred of liberalism? 

Dear Joe - I went to a public university. I had conservative professors and one of them was extremely religious. Ya know what I did to earn an A in that class? Hint: it wasn't curl up in a ball because he didn't want to hear my liberal views. I worked my arse off to defend my position. 

Also, I can guarantee you that there was no shortage of college republicans or conservatives who voiced their opinions. There was, however, a time when gay students were too fearful (for their lives, by the way, not so skeeert of their egos getting bruised from a professorial dressing down) to meet openly and had to post contact information instead of meeting spaces. Find me one conservative group poster that has "call for information" instead of a time/date/location.

Meanwhile, yeah, you rev up your motorized podium, hon. You're gonna make a good Spicey replacement, though it may mean Melissa McCarthy also owns your arse for a while, too...

So glad i check this thread to find out what's worth trying to catch on the interwebs. Thanks, Oakville, as always! :)

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Also, I can guarantee you that there was no shortage of college republicans or conservatives who voiced their opinions. 

It's just more of his bullshit.  I don't recall frat boy Republicans cowering in corners, afraid of the mean hippies. 

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Most law schools grade anonymously. If Joe is implying that conservatives are punished in law schools, he is full of shit. Plus look at all the Ivy League and elite college grads that populate the upper echelons of conservative politics - Ted Cruz, Goresuch, even Bannon went to Harvard Business School and Miller went to Duke - they all rail against the libr'ul Eastern elite until it's time to go to college themselves. And I'm betting their not grooming their kids to go to Liberty University or Bob Jones University, either.

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I'm guessing that if Joe was unpopular at college, it wasn't because of his "conservative" views. We've all known people like Joe and Miller (and can they please stop calling him "Little Miller, the kid"?). People that wanted to "prove" their points (whether conservative, liberal, lgbt, religious or fill in the blank) and wouldn't give it up when no one would listen anymore. I refuse to be blamed for anyone's behavior or development into a raving lunatic just because I didn't want to engage with them in a "discussion" (ie. rant in my direction).

And Joe's passive-aggressive remarks towards Donnie for the rest of the program were over the top. We. got. it. 

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Here's the Joe and Donnie exchange this morning starting at 3:53.                                           

Edited by rcc
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i dont understand what joe was saying at all during his rant. blame the left for conservatism? 

Ok. fine. so then i blame conservatism for the left. yay. 

what a moron. i wish someone had said (other than mika) "joe, come on. relax..."


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2 hours ago, oakville said:

Mika should stop rubbing her hands all over him on the set. It's distracting.

Especially when she touches him on the leg. When she touches him on the forearm or even his shoulder, that is not so bad. But when she touches his knee/leg (I think she did that today), for me, that is a little too personal, and should be avoided in a professional environment.

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P.S. - Mika, if you know you have a big word coming up that you have to read aloud on the teevee, try practicing. This was probably a mean old librull conspiracy, but my microbiology professor would dock points if we mispronounced species names or medical terminology in our presentation. We weren't allowed to get to a word and then say, oh, all you smart men? Help me out here. Now, I'm sure that was just total hate on her part for "alt-science," but we all lived through it. 

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About once a week I check into this shit show to see if Joe and Mika have climbed out of Trump's ass yet. Today I happened to stop by when Joe was YELLING about liberal hypocrisy.

How is this show still on the air? I cringe at Mika looking so adoringly at her partner or trying to calm him during one of his rants, all while sipping her expensive morning drink from a straw. Joe is a bloviating swine and Mika is rolling around in the mud with him. She isn't bright enough to carry a show on her own.

I also hate watch this trainwreck of a show on occasion.     Joe is so gross and so obviously in love with himself.   His ego is getting bigger and bigger, now that he thinks he is a big rock star and celebrity.  What a joke!    I have no idea how Mika can stand being around him.    

Joe seemed deranged when he went on his rant today.    Willie looked mortified during the Donny/Joe incident!

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44 minutes ago, neece26 said:

I also hate watch this trainwreck of a show on occasion.     Joe is so gross and so obviously in love with himself.   His ego is getting bigger and bigger, now that he thinks he is a big rock star and celebrity.  What a joke!    I have no idea how Mika can stand being around him.    

Joe seemed deranged when he went on his rant today.    Willie looked mortified during the Donny/Joe incident!

The show is one of the funniest cable news shows on TV. It's hilarious to watch Mika & Joe pretend to be powerful Washington insiders yet can't get a 5 minute interview with President Trump. It's been several months since Trump appeared on the "prestigious" Morning Joe.  Trump  showed up every day on their TV show with no problem. Joe is like an angry toddler who is throwing his toys all over the floor until he gets attention.

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5 hours ago, cased said:

Especially when she touches him on the leg. When she touches him on the forearm or even his shoulder, that is not so bad. But when she touches his knee/leg (I think she did that today), for me, that is a little too personal, and should be avoided in a professional environment.

Agreed. I vaguely recall one website that specialized in blind gossip reported that Mika & Joe share a dressing room, & the frequent clothe changes during the show were due to inappropriate contact in the dressing room between the two hosts . If you watch carefully, sometimes Joe will disappear from the show during a late segment & Mika's hair is out of place.

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Friday Recap. Mika is off. Joe wasted 2 minutes talking about Glenn Thrush & his twitter feed. Joe is upset that a reporter makes sarcastic comments on his twitter feed. Posh Katty was on the set. The panel spent 10 minutes talking about a CNN investigation about the White House asking the FBI for help in making the Russian -Trump connection go away. The FBI said no. Joe started mentioning all the insiders he knows at the FBI.

Joe started bragging about his time in Congress. Joe fought against the National Debt at 4 trillion. It is now 20 trillion. Joe said everyone agreed with him that the debt was too high.

They talked about Stephen Bannon. He has an economic nationalist message.

Joe said he didn't like bailing out Golodman Sachs investment in Mexico.

Bannon wants to blow up the bureaucracy.

Joe said there are checks & balances on the executive

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Joe said Bannon & Miller created chaos in the White House during the first 30 days o the administration. Joe said KAC is leaking gossip about Sean Spicer. Bannon & Priebus don't leak. Jared doesn't Leak.

They made fun of Bannon patting Priebus

Joe made a fancy pie chart on a yellow piece of paper with a sharpie. Joe said only 12% of the government spending is not on social security, medicare & defense spending.

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1 hour ago, oakville said:

Friday Recap. Mika is off. Joe wasted 2 minutes talking about Glenn Thrush & his twitter feed. Joe is upset that a reporter makes sarcastic comments on his twitter feed. Posh Katty was on the set. The panel spent 10 minutes talking about a CNN investigation about the White House asking the FBI for help in making the Russian -Trump connection go away. The FBI said no. Joe started mentioning all the insiders he knows at the FBI.

Joe started bragging about his time in Congress. Joe fought against the National Debt at 4 trillion. It is now 20 trillion. Joe said everyone agreed with him that the debt was too high.

They talked about Stephen Bannon. He has an economic nationalist message.

Joe said he didn't like bailing out Golodman Sachs investment in Mexico.

Bannon wants to blow up the bureaucracy.

Joe said there are checks & balances on the executive

your recaps crack me up.

wow, joe has so many freaking connections. within the WH, the FBI, congress.......

hollywood is next ;-)

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18 minutes ago, Lana X said:

your recaps crack me up.

wow, joe has so many freaking connections. within the WH, the FBI, congress.......

hollywood is next ;-)

Thanks!. Mika & Joe did try to sell a tv pilot a few years ago. It was about millenials working on a tv news show. It was not picked up

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So this morning, Joe was seriously trying to equate the Clinton so-called "Travelgate scandal" with potential Russian collusion with a major-party presidential candidate to interfere with our election process? Did I hear that right?

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14 hours ago, oakville said:

The show is one of the funniest cable news shows on TV. It's hilarious to watch Mika & Joe pretend to be powerful Washington insiders yet can't get a 5 minute interview with President Trump. It's been several months since Trump appeared on the "prestigious" Morning Joe.  Trump  showed up every day on their TV show with no problem. Joe is like an angry toddler who is throwing his toys all over the floor until he gets attention.

LOL!  Maybe they should change their hashtag to #TrumpDon'tNeedYouNoMoreBoo

Do you think it will finally dawn on them that maybe--just maybe--they were had?  And, had--bad?

Like you, I also find Meek-a's intimate touches distracting and rather off-putting especially in a professional environment.  Oh, wait...what professional environment?  This show is a train wreck and seems to be so much better when the two hosts are gone.

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1 hour ago, oakville said:

Thanks!. Mika & Joe did try to sell a tv pilot a few years ago. It was about millenials working on a tv news show. It was not picked up

Ugh. I can't imagine how bad that must have been. Those two aren't exactly funny people. Maybe we'll find it on YouTube some day and we can MST3K it.

Speaking of "funny" (or not), Joe needled Donny for the first few minutes of the show, claiming he just visited him in the hospital where Donny went after being traumatized by the show yesterday, but now he's on the mend because he's hitting on some skanky nurses. I think even Willie piled on a bit, one of them joked that Donny brings kid actors to the park to pick up on women. It was all very bizarre and cut from the replay at 8. I am meh on DD to start, but if he shows up on this show in the near future, I will have no respect for him.

Also interesting that Joe basically spilled the beans and said Kelly Ann Conway was a source for some of the leaks about the chaos in the White House. I have heard she hates Spicer, so no surprise.

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