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Season 12 Speculation and Spoilers

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7 hours ago, MakeMeLaugh said:

A girl can dream--Jo and Kaitlyn, the last two Bachelorettes, had personality vs most of the Bachelors (I liked them, but Ben, Chris, Sean? One-note guys, nice, not exciting), and even if Wells isn't to Jo's taste, he has a lot more personality than we've seen from her other bachelors. I like Luke, for example, mostly for his background, but he has a strong silent persona which probably wouldn't work, and I still can't tell the other guys apart. But imo Wells is attractive in the Jared fom Kaitlyn's season vein with a lot more personality so come on, Show! Time for a little shakeup!

And speaking of Jared, the producers ought to take a lesson. He was the most popular with the women on Bachelor in Paradise. Is it possible that maybe not all of us want some dumb jock, gym rat, or pretty little metro sexual? Maybe, just maybe, women like men who have a personality and a brain. You know, a real man. 

I bet they'll love Wells on Bachelor in Paradise but the show will never choose him to be The Bachelor. It's unfortunate.

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The problem is those intelligent, personable, responsible and attractive men that we want to see are too busy being REAL in their actual lives, to be on this show.  

So we get mostly the underemployed, unmotivated, unfocused and generally floundering-for-direction guys as entertainment. 

Luke creeps me out too, so Nowhere & I will be over here waving the "ABL" (anybody but Luke) banner.

And I don't care what anybody says, I think this has been Chad's season and will always be remembered as such.  JoJo who?

Edited by leighdear
  • Love 9
1 hour ago, leighdear said:

The problem is those intelligent, personable, responsible and attractive men that we want to see are too busy being REAL in their actual lives, to be on this show.  

So we get mostly the underemployed, unmotivated, unfocused and generally floundering-for-direction guys as entertainment. 

Luke creeps me out too, so Nowhere & I will be over here waving the "ABL" (anybody but Luke) banner.

And I don't care what anybody says, I think this has been Chad's season and will always be remembered as such.  JoJo who?

You're amazing. This is so true. We may see a real genuine man once in a blue moon on this show but they'll never make it far enough to become the next Bachelor. The bachelorette will always be too shallow to recognize them.

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As of right now, I wouldn't watch a Luke season. We'll see if Bachelorette gives him better footage now that Chad is gone. 

Wells seems a little smarter and more self-aware, but I don't know if he'd be earnest enough to go through the process. I had mocked Kaitlyn for repeatedly saying, "My husband is in this room," but when it came down to it, she meant it. Regardless of whether she and Shawn make it all the way to the altar, their intentions are obviously real. Wells just seems in it for an interesting time (not that I blame him).

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Luke is my fave, but I cannot see him as the Bachelor. You need to be a bit of an actor to fill that role well and I see Luke struggling with doing that. There are a few guys I find gross on the show: Daniel, the Hipster, the Bachelor Fan, Chad, Robby, Alex, and Jordan. I would not want to be around any of them. They are right up there with Jake Pavelka, whose season was the only one I did not watch an episode of. Anyway, I am loving Luke but not for the Bachelor.


Here's a preview clip for tonight where JoJo confronts Jordan for acting "entitled". 



Damn, JoJo you were given all these clues about Jordan being a jerk and you still picked him for your fake fiance?!?!   Congrats on passing up Jillian for the worst pick ever by a Bachelorette as at least Ed was amusing.  I can find nothing amusing at all about Jordan. 

Edited by CindyBee
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The matching leather "biker" jackets they are wearing is a hilarious touch.  Though I can maybe see Jordan on a Vespa.  But sadly, a helmet would mess up his hair, so probably not. 

That exchange to me comes off as James has established himself with Jo as the rat in the house that will tattle on the other boys.  Nice way to make your mark, James.  

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Coming from the perspective of being over 50, I don't think it's likely any of these guys or JoJo did anything more than the usual things we all did in our early twenties. They didn't officially cancel a dating site account or casually dated more than one woman? Small potatoes in the scheme of things. If they have a history of violence, a police record or left behind a pregnant girlfriend I could get worked up about. The rest, meh.

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I like Luke--though are those veneers? I'm not a fan of the teeth--and I think he'd do TB if offered.  As a musician looking for more and better gigs, he'd be crazy to turn such an opportunity down if it came his way!

However, I think that some of the things about Luke that I like (based on the brief bit we know about him) would be in conflict with the role he would have to play as TB.  I'd rather maintain the idea that he's generally a nice guy than see him become TB and turn into something of an a-hole. JMO.

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"Grew" out...I see what you did there...Alex his "short man syndrome" to the nth degree. It's really unattractive, as is JT's soul crushing insecurity and need to constant validation. It's really unattractive.

I agree about Wells. It's not his looks or personality as much as it is he's got a brain and the things he say not only make sense but are intelligent and well thought out. On THIS SHOW??? Disappointed he's going to paradise cause that show is the kiss of death for potential bachelors. If he's on paradise he'll never be Bachelor and we'll be stuck with stupid LUKE. UCK.  Not a brain in his pretty little head. 

This season is swinging between deadly dull and stupid. I tend to watch the majority of it with the sound off. Makes for better viewing.

I honestly hope and pray she dumps him live, on tv, at ATFR, and his exes (exs? exes?) all skype in and say what a skeeze he is.

She's so into this guy she wouldn't believe anybody (not even an ex) who told her her bae wasn't perfect.

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May 10th or 11th was the last day of filming, so everybody was back to their real lives shortly after that.  Once they get home, they just have to not let on when they were eliminated and who was in the finals.   They don't have to hide or lay low until their eliminations because everybody knows the show isn't happening in real time, but was previously filmed. 


Yes, everyone knows it's not in real time.  But the winner, and therefore the losers, have not been publicly revealed yet.   James has obviously let people know he was eliminated, and a family member is posting about it on a message board. 

Here's part of what was posted:


So, if you are like me, you never watch The Bachelorette. Well my nephew, James Taylor (que the other James Taylor comments), was asked to be a contestant and 34 contestants later has made it to the final 6. His aspirations are to realize his dream of singer/song-writer and used the show as a launching point. 

then : (by the same family member)


Yeah, go figure. He wasn't that into JoJo. Like her well enough but their chemistry wasn't there.

That's what I was referring to - I thought revealing any results before they were aired was against the rules.

Though the song on the site "first girl problems"  makes me laugh if I think he's singing it about Jojo.

Edited by backformore

Latest US magazine has a cover story on how Jordan plotted to be the next Bachelor but fell for JoJo instead:


Guess this is the beginning of Jordan's attempt to redeem his reputation by having his friends talk to the tabloids that he really, really, really, really, fell for JoJo!!!  

Me: good luck with that tour, Jordan!

  • Love 3
55 minutes ago, CindyBee said:

Latest US magazine has a cover story on how Jordan plotted to be the next Bachelor but fell for JoJo instead:


Guess this is the beginning of Jordan's attempt to redeem his reputation by having his friends talk to the tabloids that he really, really, really, really, fell for JoJo!!!  

Me: good luck with that tour, Jordan!

Yes, probably too much evidence it was all for his career so he's having pals spin it the only way you could. (JoJo may have gone on Ben's season for the same reason--self promotion--and so would understand it.)

I'm sure he'll be equally effective when cheating rumors surface, "I was afraid. We were getting so close and I couldn't handle how intense and deep my feelings for you have become." Or somesuch. But a lot less wordy because these two aren't exactly full of words.

I think he gives off "self centered jerk" vibes, but that seems to be her type. I think as soon as they "get" steady time together after the show, it will probably pretty much be up to him to ride the PR wave and then end it although I could see both of them being calculating enough to keep it going for the public long after the relationship ended in private.

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2 hours ago, CindyBee said:

Latest US magazine has a cover story on how Jordan plotted to be the next Bachelor but fell for JoJo instead:


Guess this is the beginning of Jordan's attempt to redeem his reputation by having his friends talk to the tabloids that he really, really, really, really, fell for JoJo!!!  

Me: good luck with that tour, Jordan!

We are clearly still in the Wrong Reasons frame of mind of what's currently airing.

The article calls Jordan 'the current front-runner".  Unless they know the ending, have read the spoilers,  aren't they jumping to a conclusion about Jojo's decision?  She's giving away roses, being romantic with other guys, has "passion"  with Luke.  I guess they're seeing the same thing I am - that Jojo's mind was made up from the start, and the rest of the guys are being strung along, thinking they have a chance when they so clearly don't.    OR - this was set up from the start, Jojo and Jordan agreed to go through the motions and play the game, then have a fake engagement/publicity tour, including magazine covers and appearances on other TV shows as a happy couple.

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I am a little late to this forum so please forgive me if I've chimed in on some things off topic, but here goes. 

I don't find Luke attractive at all... He looks like a creeper. Jordan has a  "long face" and that bothers me. Robby is way too plastic and his hair never moves. However, I do like Chase.  lol that a a mothful! 

1 minute ago, mcmrdh said:

I am a little late to this forum so please forgive me if I've chimed in on some things off topic, but here goes. 

I don't find Luke attractive at all... He looks like a creeper. Jordan has a  "long face" and that bothers me. Robby is way too plastic and his hair never moves. However, I do like Chase.  lol that a a mothful! 


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Every tabloid and magazine writer knows every spoiler Reality Steve has published, they just can't always admit it.  I guarantee every one of those writers is logging into his site, Tuesday through Thursday and keeps a close eye on his Twitter feed.  Sometimes they'll throw out a spoiler they'll credit to him, but usually they pretend it's their own info.  Everything they write conforms to a very specific plan, unless something crazy happens they didn't anticipate.  


The article calls Jordan 'the current front-runner".  Unless they know the ending, have read the spoilers,  aren't they jumping to a conclusion about Jojo's decision?

Front-runner doesn't necessarily mean F1. I'm barely paying attention to this season and even I know and would call Jordan a front-runner. It's just like last season by Ep. 3 or 4, many people, even if they were unspoiled, knew Lauren B. was a front-runner and that she would likely be in the F2. I have long stated that it's clear that People Magazine and US Weekly have an in with the producers of the show. So I don't doubt for a second that they already know who JoJo picked. But that said, I still don't take the front-runner statement as anything other than the editing clearly suggests that Jordan will likely make it to the end. 

Edited by truthaboutluv

I went to Wikipedia to look up Jordan Rodgers, wanting to know if he had any claim to fame other than being Aaron's brother.  The bottom of the entry tells of his being on the Bachelorette, and the last sentence reads, "He wins."  Is there a way to contact the powers that be on Wikipedia to have that sentence removed?

I was already spoiled, so I don't care.  I would hate for someone to run across that if they didn't want to be spoiled.

Nevermind, I figured out how to do it myself.

Edited by deSchenke

One of the guys that runs "Coming up Roses" podcast who also covers college sports tweeted out this afternoon that Jordan got a job with the SEC network.  That's a stepping stone to the big time at ESPN or FOX Sports.    

So I guess Jordan will at least stay engaged till the end of the college football season in December/January as he probably doesn't want anything to mess with his new gig.

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I think people will definitely tune in to watch Jordan, at least for a while.  Bachelorette viewers for the novelty and sports fans because they watch sports.  

But I'm thinking he'll actually do fine.  He just needs to be able to speak clearly and bro it out on camera for the bros that want their bro sports reported by a bro!  

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Is it even remotely possible that TPTB could actually choose someone who was NOT on this season as the next Bachelor?

Because this is just a busted and boring crew. I'm with the contingent of Wells being my favorite and probably the only one I'd watch as TB except I wouldn't because I couldn't imagine him in a million years actually doing it (pretending to be falling for all these different girls ... he just seems to sincere and smart for that).

The rest are just ugh.  Once upon a time didn't we live in a world where they brought in NEW people to be TB or TB'ette? Couldn't they find a nice low-rent off-season hot athlete or musician or actor or something? 

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Jojo is enamored with Jordan only because he made bank as a football player and she'd get to be part of the Aaron Rodgers family. Unfortunately, he's only on the show to be the next bachelor and he will be in the off chance that he's not the chosen one. 

All she wants to do with Luke is screw the hell out of him. Does anybody know what he actually does for a living? Is he still active duty military? While I appreciate his service, I don't think "War Veteran" makes enough money to satisfy someone as shallow as wonderful JoJo. 

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4 hours ago, Nowhere said:

Jojo is enamored with Jordan only because he made bank as a football player and she'd get to be part of the Aaron Rodgers family. Unfortunately, he's only on the show to be the next bachelor and he will be in the off chance that he's not the chosen one. 

All she wants to do with Luke is screw the hell out of him. Does anybody know what he actually does for a living? Is he still active duty military? While I appreciate his service, I don't think "War Veteran" makes enough money to satisfy someone as shallow as wonderful JoJo. 

Jordan and Aaron aren't close so JoJo won't be joining his inner circle at all.   

As for you other question, JoJo's Luke worked in oil & gas industry after leaving the military but now considers himself an "entrepreneur";  he is also trying to make it as a country singer.   Whether he is successful or not for JoJo I guess depends on your definition of success.  

13 hours ago, PamelaMaeSnap said:

Is it even remotely possible that TPTB could actually choose someone who was NOT on this season as the next Bachelor?

Because this is just a busted and boring crew. I'm with the contingent of Wells being my favorite and probably the only one I'd watch as TB except I wouldn't because I couldn't imagine him in a million years actually doing it (pretending to be falling for all these different girls ... he just seems to sincere and smart for that).

The rest are just ugh.  Once upon a time didn't we live in a world where they brought in NEW people to be TB or TB'ette? Couldn't they find a nice low-rent off-season hot athlete or musician or actor or something? 

Maybe TPTB will go back to Kaitlyn's season and find Bachelor material there.  And I totally agree with you about Wells.

The Bachelorette has always been a returnee.  The early days of The Bachelor were originals and had actual jobs!  I wish they would go back to that.

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On 6/30/2016 at 7:00 PM, CindyBee said:

One of the guys that runs "Coming up Roses" podcast who also covers college sports tweeted out this afternoon that Jordan got a job with the SEC network.  That's a stepping stone to the big time at ESPN or FOX Sports.    

So I guess Jordan will at least stay engaged till the end of the college football season in December/January as he probably doesn't want anything to mess with his new gig.

Doesn't the SEC Network belong to ESPN?

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2 hours ago, jumper sage said:

I'm bored.  We are down to 6 guys and I don't even know anyone's name.

Don't even worry about it.   I identify them by the degree of the suck age of their hair.   I think the one with the floppiest and fullest hair will win.   I do not know his name.   Really I just call them all Not Chad and I do not care to learn their names.   Well, there is the one I sort of identify as blonde Frankenstein after a makeover.  I think he is the floppiest hair one and brother of the football player.    

Is that vague?  I hope there is not a test.  I will lose my fake Bachelor Nation card. 

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Guess I'm a weirdo as I remember everyone's name and what they are like cause I'm watching to see who the next Bachelor is going to be:

Robby: hair that doesn't move and wears flip flops and has ex-girlfriend issues along with being unbelievable with his "I love you"

Jordan: Aaron Rodgers little brother and wears skinny jeans

Luke: wanna be singer that was in the Afghan war that JoJo likes to make out with

Alex: annoying short guy

James Taylor: annoying tattle tale that has "confidence" issues;  well he did while on this show;  not so much now in real life if the pics on twitter of him making out with some random girl in front a Methodist church are to be believed.

Chase: the guy with the worst tattoo this season who looks exactly like Jordan and I can't think of one interesting thing he has said so far this season

As for the next Bachelor, after listening to Wells on a Bill Barnwell's podcast on ESPN, its a real, real. real, shame he went out in the 8th spot as he'd be a great lead, IMHO.   I usually could care less about what happens to these people once they get off my TV, but Wells is one of the few that I hope does move on to bigger and better things. 

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Amazon Instant video has the online episodes of The Bachelor, from the infamous Jason Mesnick through Ben Higgins, and Ali Fedotowsky through Kaitlyn.  However, you have to pay to watch the episodes.  Generally you can purchase all the episodes in a season for $14.99, or each individual episode for $1.99.  If you really want to watch a previous season, $15 isn't too terribly high for a weekend of video entertainment.  

And you DO get a chance to watch a full Mesnick as it happened.  

Edited by leighdear
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