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Season One Talk: FFwSB

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I found the Beck interview pointless. The whole thing was played for laughs and the irony of him being anywhere Sam, but they never addressed why he was opposed to Trumpism. Which was the whole reason he was there in the first place. I honestly expected there to be a second part to the interview after the commercial break. 

The segment on the Syrian refugees was good, but they're preaching to the choir with that one and aren't going to reach anyone new. They should have spent more time focusing on why someone like Glen Beck would join forces with someone like Sam Bee and how a broad coalition against the incoming administration has to be formed. That could literally get more eyeballs on this show - ones that usually wouldn't watch it.


 I wouldn't lump him in the same inflammatory boat as Limbaugh and Hannity currently. 

In his day, Beck was far worse than either Limbaugh or Hannity in terms of inflammatory comments. He was right up there with Ann Coulter for outrageous statements and behavior. Which is why it's important for all those conservatives who hung on his every word to listen to him now. That's why I was kind of hopeful for this interview, then so disappointed. They never got to the heart of the matter. 

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Glen Beck is a Mormon. And, as Bill Maher alluded to not that long ago, Mormons don't tend to side with someone with a sleazy, amoral background, even if politically and socially they line up with them 100%. It'll be interesting to see what Beck's position will be if Donald Trump steps down from the presidency, if as many people believe will happen in the next four years, and is replaced by someone like Mike Pence.

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20 hours ago, iMonrey said:


I found the Beck interview pointless. The whole thing was played for laughs and the irony of him being anywhere Sam, but they never addressed why he was opposed to Trumpism.


I very much agree.  I recall what Beck did in the past, it was lampooned regularly on TDS and TCR.  I had heard he sortof switched sides during this election, but I never heard anything specific he said or any specific position he took against Trump.  this is what I had hoped the Sam Bee interview would discuss.  Exactly why he was opposed to Trump and why his viewers/listeners should continue to listen to him.  As it turned out, I still don't know anything about Beck's positions other than apparently its something Sam Bee can sortof agree with.  What exactly???  That's what I tuned in to hear, but did not.  So yeah, the interview was worthless to me.

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15 minutes ago, msani19 said:

I mean if they can believe Hillary ran a child trafficking ring from a pizza place, then I can believe he likes that the pee thing. 

Someone paying a prostitute to pee on them is much more plausible to me than child trafficking ring or anything of the fabricated, convoluted stories spewed out about Clinton. I really don't care if that's what he's into tbh. 

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2 hours ago, msani19 said:

I mean if they can believe Hillary ran a child trafficking ring from a pizza place, then I can believe he likes that the pee thing. 

And not just any trafficking ring out of any pizza place.  It was a trafficking ring run out of the BASEMENT of a specific pizza place that has no basement.   So, yeah, even though I'll be a bit cautious about full blown acceptance of the pee-gate story, and the far more disturbing claims that Russian operatives have compromising financial information on tRump, but both claims seem at least totally plausible, and if I were a betting person, I'd totally bet on door number True.

But I can understand why the media, including Sam on FF,  are at least outwardly expressing skepticism.  I hope against hope that they don't just drop the subject the next time Twitler tweets about some fit of pique at the service he got at some Taco Bell, but as long as they keep poking him, I'm fine with them saying "well, it's probably not true but...".  If further substantiation comes along, nothing lost by having played the skeptic, and if it does all turn out to be a fake story, they've covered their butts somewhat.

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14 hours ago, ganesh said:

Someone paying a prostitute to pee on them is much more plausible to me than child trafficking ring or anything of the fabricated, convoluted stories spewed out about Clinton. I really don't care if that's what he's into tbh. 

Hear, hear!  I find the story iffy, but whatever.  If that is how he gets his freak on, alrighty then.  I appreciate the humor behind it though because there is so little to laugh at right now.  I am so glad Sam is back, because I really need more comic relief.  

Edited by Fable
8 hours ago, Fable said:

I appreciate the humor behind it though because there is so little to laugh at right now.

While I certainly take the point of folks who think the pee stuff is a distraction from the other stuff (aka treason) in the leak, this time out, I think the distraction is valuable. Because it will drive the Cheeto Benito batty. It's a humiliation he just can't bear. He's still frothing about it, which (I hope ) means he's too busy with that than with dismantling the republic.

Yes! We all need a laugh or two at his expense right now, BUT the focus MUST be on 'the other stuff'....possibility of treasonous activities, unending conflicts of interest, ethics issues, emoluments clause violations, to cite just a few. Oh! and let's not forget his cabinet nominees and personnel appointments.   "Deplorable" doesn't describe em; 'despicable' does.

Oh! Sam!!  we've missed you

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I really liked this one start to finish. Kudos to whomever comes up with the graphics. There were like a million brilliant subtle little jokes this week. I didn't have time to freeze frame everything, but I especially loved "John Oliver's Evil Twin." Not only is it a great line, but I love the relationship between TDS alumni club. And Marsha Gessen is a great interview and her style and area of expertise works well for Sam's style. She still tends to interview like a Daily Show correspondent than a host and it doesn't totally work for everyone, but it totally does here.

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It's so easy for shows like this to pull footage of Trump saying Hillary Clinton would fill her cabinet positions with people from Goldman Sachs - which is exactly what he is doing now. So why can't "mainstream" news shows do the same thing? Why aren't CNN and MSNBC and Fox News (well, the first two, anyway) and CBS and ABC showing the exact same footage of those Trump speeches and pointing out the hypocrisy of who he's picking to lead his departments? The very people he "warned" would be hired by Clinton at all his rallies. 

Same goes for Kellyann Conway. I had forgotten she ran Ted Cruz's campaign for awhile there and was all over the news bashing Trump. So when she shows up  now on these interviews, why aren't the interviewers saying "Hey, you said this about Trump last April: ROLL FOOTAGE?" If Sam Bee's show can do it surely they can too. Why do any of these news shows give her any credibility whatsoever, when it's so simple to demonstrate her hypocrisy? Why is anyone giving her a pass? 

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6 hours ago, iMonrey said:

Why is anyone giving her a pass? 

That’s such a great question. I think in the world we live in now in which facts are now debatable points, pointing out their hypocrisy constitutes liberal bias or lies or unfair coverage or dishonesty. That alone is enough to derail the conversation which has happened numerous times when a few journalists have tried. It’s insane. What is particularly troubling are the people who DON’T CARE ABOUT ANY OF THE TRUTH!!! When she says crap like we shouldn't listen to his words or what he does, but see what's in his tiny little heart? All with a straight face? My stomach turns. It boggles my mind that bile like that can come out of her (or any of their mouths) and all the while trashing the Clinton. The projection. Ugh!

Kellyanne made her conservative creds by being a hardcore Clinton basher. She and her husband made their careers from being rapid Clinton haters. She’s been a soulless shell for decades. 

To answer why CNN/MSNBC etc don’t actually report anything or say hey you are straight up lying now, well, they might lose “access”. As if these narcissist drones would ever give up the platform to appear on TV and have their say. Please!

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It's definitely an access issue to a point. 

9 hours ago, iMonrey said:

Why is anyone giving her a pass? 

In the context of what Sam was doing in the piece, Conway hasn't gotten a total pass. The guy interviewing her did ask her the same question 4 times. She does her deal on Real Time, which is kind of similar to FFWSB, but doesn't quite get a pass. Both Sam and Bill Maher have a latitude on calling her out though. But on PBS News and Face The Nation, they haven't given her a pass either. I don't know if it was Sam's intent, but watching the piece on the show it seemed to me that she (Sam) was pointing out the state of contemporary journalistic standards wrt access.

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Amazing the hypocrisy Kellyanne Conway shitted out of her mouth when she was bashing Drumph and then turn around to work for the Tangerine Nightmare. This is something the Liberally Biased Mainstream Media™ should be pointing out to the public, except they got their tounges too deep up Drump's asshole by pain of death from the likes of Jeff Zucker and Leslie Moonves.

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For one, did these people really not know why there were the marches last weekend? For the other, does is matter? People can march and organize and wave signs around for whatever they want. I mean, I get the response was to deflect that 3 times the people turned out for the marches than the inauguration, but I think it was short-sighted to just deflect and try to delegitimatize the marches. 

They really managed to pack a whole lot into that short little MTM tribute.  The tag line of "you're (we're) going to make it after all", the hat toss becoming a pink pussy cap toss, the participation of the women who had just performed the protest song, the nod to Mary Richards as a pioneering woman journalist who inspired the likes of young Sam Bee.   It was lovely really, and made me wonder why if there was time to work in a tribute on FF, why there wouldn't have been time to acknowledge MTM's passing on The Daily Show or At Midnight.  I just can't figure out what the difference might have been, but I'll withhold judgment until tonight.

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On 1/26/2017 at 0:28 PM, iMonrey said:

Love the tribute at the end to Mary Tyler Moore.


On 1/26/2017 at 4:01 PM, Hooper said:

They really managed to pack a whole lot into that short little MTM tribute.  The tag line of "you're (we're) going to make it after all", the hat toss becoming a pink pussy cap toss, the participation of the women who had just performed the protest song, the nod to Mary Richards as a pioneering woman journalist who inspired the likes of young Sam Bee.  

My DVR cut off the end of the show. Grrrr! I was wondering if Sam would do something. And now that I've found it online I love it too. Beautifully done, especially considering how little time they had to come up with it.

Edited by wknt3
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The line about the administration being new coke mixed with zima pouring onto a Microsoft Zune playing Jar Jar Binks was one of the funniest things I have heard in a long time.

The only thing that bugged was that clip Sam used from CNN talking about how 0 americans had been killed  by people from Iraq since before 1975. I get what they were trying to say, but the way they said it was not quite accurate considering the US military has gone to war with Iraq twice in my lifetime. Then again CNN is the news channel that said the space shuttle could travel at 18 times the speed of light.

Edited by Kel Varnsen
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