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S06.E10: Backwards In Heels

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It looked like the beach near her house. Her house was on the corner of Pacific Coast Highway and another road I cannot remember the name of. To get to the beach directly across from her house, She would have had to walk down to the Highway, cross a 5 lane road and then take a walkway to get to the beach. The houses on that stretch of sand are pretty exclusive and for a while the homeowners fought to keep those beachfront properties private. There was a long court case about allowing beach access and I seem to remember that public access was given to everyone, so a walk to the beach near her house may have been possible.


The beach along that stretch of Malibu changes from pebbly, rocky to sandy stretches. There is an area on front of the Malibu Colony, just south of that that changes as the seasons do. Sometimes the tide will wash away the sand or repack it, depending on the season.

Thanks for the info. It looked like 2 very different beaches. LOL

  • Love 1

Also, when I think back to when Brandi and Yolanda took their stroll on the beach, that section of beach near Yolanda's Malibu home was rocky, not sandy like this beach. I wonder where this beach was located, I doubt it was near her old Malibu home.


That was definitely Yolanda's beach.  There are parts where the homeowners have had rocks brought in as a seawall which was where she and Brandi were.  But I a found the green house on my Runner's Satellite Map (USTAF) that Yo and Erika were sitting in front of.


FWIW, the walk down Yo's driveway, down Carbon Canyon Road, across the PCH to that spot where there were sitting in that beautiful, fluffy, ankle turning sand is .70 of a mile according to USTAF's map.  I don't think they actually walked that entire distance, especially with a camera guy walking backwards LOL, but it's definitely the beach across from Ye Olde Lemon House. 


If you watch again, they were both watching their step and a little unsteady on the fluffy sand.  Of course it's firmer close to the water's edge but still much more exercise to walk on sand than a flat park.


That said, I'll take Yo and Erika talking on the beach over Kathryn and whatzizname faking it at the gym any day of the week.

  • Love 7

Her house was on the corner of Pacific Coast Highway and another road I cannot remember the name of. To get to the beach directly across from her house, She would have had to walk down to the Highway, cross a 5 lane road and then take a walkway to get to the beach.

Carbon Canyon Road.


Also, I discovered on the USTAF map, that the only public beach access is 1/3 of a mile down the PCH from Yolanda's cross walk. That surprised me.  I thought the public access was right at Carbon Canyon Road.  I'm more convinced than ever that Yo, Erika and the crew drove down to the beach access, parked at Shelley O'Shea's State Farm Agency and then walked to the green house which is 8 houses west of the access point.  That beach is beautiful.  I would've hated to leave that house.  Regardless of how crappy the traffic is.  I can't decide if I'd want Yolanda's house on the hill or one like the green one directly on the beach - come hell or high water.

  • Love 2

Mauricio calling Kyle "sexy" in front of Portia made me cringe. They still seem like a complete mismatch of a couple despite their reportedly happy 20 years together.

Speaking of sexy.. Katherine is not! So mannish and harsh and stern - Oof!

LisaV seems out of her league all of a sudden.. Not in control nor enjoying the ride any longer

  • Love 7

Carbon Canyon Road.


Also, I discovered on the USTAF map, that the only public beach access is 1/3 of a mile down the PCH from Yolanda's cross walk. That surprised me.  I thought the public access was right at Carbon Canyon Road.  I'm more convinced than ever that Yo, Erika and the crew drove down to the beach access, parked at Shelley O'Shea's State Farm Agency and then walked to the green house which is 8 houses west of the access point.  That beach is beautiful.  I would've hated to leave that house.  Regardless of how crappy the traffic is.  I can't decide if I'd want Yolanda's house on the hill or one like the green one directly on the beach - come hell or high water.

Thanks. I wasn't sure about the public access in that area. When the courts ruled that the beaches should be open to the public, some people took exception to having people walk between the houses, for numerous reasons - trash, noise, looky-loos - so they would take down the signs or camo the walkways. Where the Malibu Colony starts? They used to have a fence that stretched into the surfline and a ridiculous rule stating that the homeowners owned the sand, so if you walked along the water, you were fine, the sand was trespassing.


One of the turds on the Million Dollar Listing show came from a family that owned a house in the "Boo" - that was funny and irritating to hear him say than.

  • Love 6

You know since the beginning of this franchise there has been real life drama going on ( divorce, domestic violence, suicide, alcoholism, crazy bitches with tampons hanging out lol) . Maybe these ladies don't know how to do the " you called me 1/16 th Italian in your book" kind of fake drama .

OMG, such an awesome post, spot on!

I watched the first 2 episodes of RH Potomac, and it was sooooooo clear that it is all manufactured drama that it's laughable more so than the 1/16th Italian offense!

  • Love 3

It looked like the beach near her house. Her house was on the corner of Pacific Coast Highway and another road I cannot remember the name of. To get to the beach directly across from her house, She would have had to walk down to the Highway, cross a 5 lane road and then take a walkway to get to the beach. The houses on that stretch of sand are pretty exclusive and for a while the homeowners fought to keep those beachfront properties private. There was a long court case about allowing beach access and I seem to remember that public access was given to everyone, so a walk to the beach near her house may have been possible.


The beach along that stretch of Malibu changes from pebbly, rocky to sandy stretches. There is an area on front of the Malibu Colony, just south of that that changes as the seasons do. Sometimes the tide will wash away the sand or repack it, depending on the season.

For the oh so exhausted Yolanda I would think the driveway with the switchback would be taxing.  Unless of course she just rolled down the drop at the edge of her property-that would save about a quarter of a mile.


It must of been hard to give up that view and the beach.  I guess she felt isolated.

  • Love 5

LisaV seems out of her league all of a sudden.. Not in control nor enjoying the ride any longer


I agree. Maybe the show has finally jumped the shark for Lisa.  She seems tired.  Of the show, of the restaurant biz.  She sounded like she wanted to slow down in the scene when she and Ken were in the sex shoppe cum restaurant.


I think I'm bored because some of the HWs seem bored.  But 6 seasons also seems to be about my limit with any of the franchises.   

  • Love 9

I guess I don't get this. Would it just apply to Kyle, or to everyone of us who has ever forgiven a friend for something that they did; or maybe didn't judge them for it or drop them as a friend? i have many people in my life who have made terrible decisions in the past; ones that were harmful to their own families in some cases. Does that mean that I would just be OK with them doing something to me or my family? It seems like Kyle is held to some impossible standard that no one I know could live up to. Especially since no one has any idea of the the conversations that Kyle and Faye have had about this over the years, or how Kyle feels about what Faye did so many years ago.


Maybe someone will ask Kyle about this. 


I've only heard Kyle vigorously defend Faye and her character. She doesn't want anyone to say anything about it because it's "so painful for Faye" and it happened "a long time ago" so it should be forgotten. Faye, as far as I know, has never once expressed regret about cashing in on her dead friend so uh yeah my opinion of her still stands. 


I don't think it's an "impossible standard" to not exploit a murdered friend's private life or be friends with someone who does. Sorry.

  • Love 11

When Erika retells Yo about the Anwar/Bella lyme story, she says she overheard part of a conversation between Kyle and Lisa. Yo responds, "Lisa V" and Erika says yes (I think Yo wanted to make sure she wasn't talking about Lisar). Erika doesn't say Lisa said it alone.  But Yo continues talking about LVP and leaves Kyle out, saying, "She always says she loves my children..."  Maybe Erika missed the Mohammed part of the convo or the editors cut that part out or Yo just launched into LVP and Erika decided not to stir up that pot of hornets since he isn't a HW.

Edited by jinjer
  • Love 6

When Erika retells Yo about the Anwar/Bella lyme story, she says she overheard part of a conversation between Kyle and Lisa. Yo responds, "Lisa V" and Erika says yes (I think Yo wanted to make sure she wasn't talking about Lisar). Erika doesn't say Lisa said it alone.  But Yo continues talking about LVP and leaves Kyle out, saying, "She always says she loves my children..."  Maybe Erika missed the Mohammed part of the convo or the editors cut that part out or Yo just launched into LVP and Erika decided not to stir up that pot of hornets since he isn't a HW.

Erika was present for the whole discussion and didn't she sit right next to Kyle at the table? Here is a link to a  transcript of that conversation someone tweeted to LisaV, that discussion word for word........https://twitter.com/LisaVanderpump/status/695111940998168577


IMO, Erika heard the whole thing and elected to leave out who said what when OR Bravo edited out where she tells Yolanda everything. BUT...according to LisaV's blog, Erika did omit telling Yolanda the whole, complete, true conversation.

  • Love 11

When Erika retells Yo about the Anwar/Bella lyme story, she says she overheard part of a conversation between Kyle and Lisa. Yo responds, "Lisa V" and Erika says yes (I think Yo wanted to make sure she wasn't talking about Lisar). Erika doesn't say Lisa said it alone.  But Yo continues talking about LVP and leaves Kyle out, saying, "She always says she loves my children..."  Maybe Erika missed the Mohammed part of the convo or the editors cut that part out or Yo just launched into LVP and Erika decided not to stir up that pot of hornets since he isn't a HW.

In Erika's blog posted today, she mentions it was her intention as WoFo's friend to tell Yo the truth about the chatter at the BBQ. I noticed that Erika did not go on to clarify that she may have misinterpreted or may have missed part of the conversation on this subject. A whitewashed blog carefully written to leaving out her opinion of what actually was discussed in full.

  • Love 7

Erika was present for the whole discussion and didn't she sit right next to Kyle at the table? Here is a link to a  transcript of that conversation someone tweeted to LisaV, that discussion word for word........https://twitter.com/LisaVanderpump/status/695111940998168577


IMO, Erika heard the whole thing and elected to leave out who said what when OR Bravo edited out where she tells Yolanda everything. BUT...according to LisaV's blog, Erika did omit telling Yolanda the whole, complete, true conversation.

WW, Looks like we were thinking the exact same thing!!

  • Love 2

In Erika's blog posted today, she mentions it was her intention as WoFo's friend to tell Yo the truth about the chatter at the BBQ. I noticed that Erika did not go on to clarify that she may have misinterpreted or may have missed part of the conversation on this subject. A whitewashed blog carefully written to leaving out her opinion of what actually was discussed in full.

It was written to make herself look like a "true" friend instead of the "tattle tale" she IS! LOL

  • Love 10

There is 'booty' and then there is the woman who walks like she sat on a toilet plunger as she wobbles along on a pair of heels! ; )

Stop talking about Kyle ! <VBG>

I had forgotten that one of my "oh God no" moments was LisaV and her 2 sizes too small white shirt. And it was apparently missing most of the buttons, since she had it open practically down to her belly button. Hate, hate that!


[edited to correct IPad auto-correct!]

Edited by Mrs peel
  • Love 3

Ummm, I call 1 800 BULLSHT.


Having an implant taken out - even with the leakage - probably took 30-45 minutes.


Think of a cupcake tin that gets overfilled and baked? When you remove it from the tin, the excess that spills over comes off with the rest of the cupcake. The implant that I saw had leaked, but it was in one 'blob' and should have just been able to be taken out from between the skin/muscle and rib cage - they didn't go "into her ribcage" and her total time - from pre-op to surgery to recovery room to regular room - was 7 hours.  She is full of shit because I used to work in an OR and coded procedures and saw how long they took.


You're comparing a cupcake over fill to a ruptured breast implant!   


I had a set of implants taken out 15 years ago. It did take 7 hours. I had a ruptured one too and they have to clean out the area and make sure there is no silicon inside. Yo's was under the muscle which was even more dangerous than mine over the muscle.

Edited by This2getsold
  • Love 8

After seeing that Instagram post, I'm convinced Yo is going to market this cleanse somehow. I have to beleive those " fans" begging her to write a book are friends or plants.

I would think to market such a product the inventor or spokesperson would first of all be healthy. I don't think Yolanda can have it both ways-the pusher of a healthy lifestyle and remain the poster child for pretty people with invisible diseases, cranial rectal inversion, chronic neurological habitual incurable acute Lyme Disease.  Or can she?

  • Love 9

You're comparing a cupcake over fill to a ruptured breast implant!   


I had a set of implants taken out 15 years ago. It did take 7 hours. I had a ruptured one too and they have to clean out the area and make sure there is no silicon inside. Yo's was under the muscle which was even more dangerous than mine over the muscle.

How could you tell or did they tell us her implants were under the muscle?  I thought of all the boob jobs on all the RH shows Yo's looked the most natural. I found myself wondering if her boobs were natural and just another number on her genetic lottery she won. I never saw the weird implant rise when she raised her arms like you see on skinny women with implants.  Good catch by the way.

  • Love 4

OMG, such an awesome post, spot on!

I watched the first 2 episodes of RH Potomac, and it was sooooooo clear that it is all manufactured drama that it's laughable more so than the 1/16th Italian offense!

Yes! Bring on the "B bringing sprinkle cookies like she made 'em!" drama!

</crunches some crackers>

Edited by ivygirl
  • Love 2

Ugh. Did you read the comments from people begging her to write a book?

Perhaps a book deal is just the cure she is looking for!  When she gives her Lymes Timeline it changes from conversation to conversation, of course, but the Lymes Origin always seems to pre-date her entrance to the show (when we saw her Amazonian good health, combined with her strict rules on lady-like behavior and the nurturing of One's King, and heard from The King Himself that she aspired to be the Martha Stewart of romance.)  Had she been granted a weekly show back then entitled, "Be the Queen of Romance - Keep Your King Happy for Life!"  I'll bet she could have powered through her Lymes/ruptured implants/whatever, in order to lecture us flabby, tipsy peasants who rely on takeout what our problems with our princes are.  JMO of course :)

  • Love 12

Oh, let's face it.  Yo didn't walk from her house to beach.  We have the fake walk from the house and then she and Erika are whisked off to where the film crew is set up.


I love that first she says she hasn't walked in nine months then on the beach it changed to a year.  But a few episodes back we have her walking with Kyle and Erika.  The problem with liars is they start off small and then if no one says anything, it becomes easier and easier.  And then it just becomes a part of who they are.  The lies just come rolling off their tongues.  Of course, if confronted, Yo will blame it on having no brain function because of Lyme.  It's all BS.  I'm beginning to think that she is more despicable than Brooks....and Vickie.  


And then we have Erika adding fuel to the fire.  She tells Yo that Lisa and Kyle were talking about Anwar and Bella.  And I have a feeling that Yo knew about this (from Erika no doubt) before the filmed conversation took place.  Her 'version' is just another step in phone tag. 


And....when Lisar visited Erika's house, how many times did Erika say 'my' house and 'neat, right?' or 'fun, right?'  Geez, annoying.  Right?  I have some rooms in my house that I love and I tend to gush over them when I'm giving the tour but I say I love this room like a little kid - ok, especially my sun-room and closet.  I'm like a little excited kid and I come across as one. 


I do think Erika's home is lovely and I can appreciate it.  That doesn't mean I would decorate everything the way she does. 

  • Love 8



Omg!  That is horrible!  I'm mad and upset for you.  I hope your now-husband spoke up in your defense.  I probably would have cried if that had happened to me.


And yes, Yo was totes ungracious about LisaR's gift.  I mean, how hard is it to just say "Thank you- how thoughtful" and let that be the end of it?  Then you put it away and re-gift it to Bella. (oops, too soon?)





Thank you so much!  I honestly don't remember what my fiance said or did at the time.  All I remember is her reaction and her exact words.  We're divorced now, btw.  She & I ended up having a pretty good relationship, and she always told everyone how much she loved me.  But she was super-critical of everyone and everything, and I had grown up in a family that was the complete opposite so it was very hard to get used to.   


Not too soon to re-gift to Bella!  I'm sure she's imbibed plenty since her "not my fault" DUI.  :-)





 I can't decide if I'd want Yolanda's house on the hill or one like the green one directly on the beach - come hell or high water.


Easy decision for me.  I would want to live on the beach.  Views are nice, but when it comes to a beach, they don't impress me anywhere near as much as access.  I would very happily live in a much smaller, less grand house nearer to the beach   Yolanda's house never really appealed to me, and if I had their money no way would I have wanted to live there - all the way up, and then having to cross a highway to get to the sand.    I don't want to look at the beach - I want to be on it!

  • Love 9

The thing about living on the beach is that you are also right on PCH - literally on PCH - and you're right up against your neighbors, so it is a trade off. You can't have the privacy and seclusion of Yolanda's house.


Oh, I didn't mean living on the beach there.  I understand that Yolanda's house is in a desirable location, but that area doesn't appeal to me.


I grew up near the beach, and my family has a summer home in the Hamptons.  I've seen my share of lovely homes right on (or very close to) the beach that do have privacy.  That's more of what I had in mind.   I would also give up some privacy to live nearer to the beach.  It may be just me, but I would find it frustrating to have the beach within sight and not be closer to it.  The best views in the world just wouldn't be as important to me.  Obviously, other people feel differently.

  • Love 5



I think Yolanda meant she hadn't taken her daily 5 miler on the beach in 9 months. That's believable. Not that she'd lost the ability to hobble into the kitchen or the bathroom.


Like the rumor that Kyle didn't attend Monty's funeral.  Someone who doesn't like her will take a statement like that and give it legs.  Same with Yo saying she hadn't walked in 9 months - it becomes part of the long list of lies/over-dramatizations/misspeaks from Yo.  And she's told a few. But I think a lot of them have been blown out of proportion by non-fans. Because they're non-fans.  I'm actually a non-fan but I'll give her the benefit of the doubt on some things because English is her second language, she's only got 65% brain function, her credibility is in the toilet and I don't take every single thing any of these HWs say literally.  Even Lisa Rinna.  And that's hard for me, man.  Really, really hard. 



I don't see any reason not to believe that what she said is what she meant.   I don't think anyone assumed she meant walking from room to room within her own house, but rather taking a walk outside.  The fact is that she said she hasn't been out for a walk in 9 months, when we clearly saw her taking what looked to be a fairly long walk with Erika a few weeks ago - the time she introduced Erika to Kyle.  If she meant a walk on the beach, she would have said so.  We also saw her go up and down that massive amount of outdoor stairs with her mother.  So it's total bullshit that she was too frail to "take a walk" for the past 9 months.   She certainly has.  Maybe even on the beach, for all we know.  But if she had meant "on the beach" or if she was talking about a daily 5-miler (and this is the first I've ever heard of her even doing that), then why would she not have said so?


Yes, English is not her first language, but she certainly knows how to differentiate "taking a walk" from "taking a walk on the beach".  I would understand if she had mangled the grammar or mispronounced a word, but that's not what happened.  I also don't believe that she has 65% brain function, and in fact I think that's going to be her fall-back excuse every time she's called out for something.  That's how this all started - She said something to Taylor, and then later blamed it on "Lyme brain".   I'm not buying it.  She's perfectly articulate when she films.  She puts words and thoughts together just fine in her TH's, and no one who has ever interviewed her for an article has commented that she has difficulty expressing herself or that it was obvious she was struggling.  We only know about the brain-dead, lack of brain function stuff from Yolanda herself, and she has proven not to be a credible source.  Without her telling us about it, we would have no idea she had this brain function issue because we've certainly never seen evidence of it.  So I don't give her a pass on saying one thing and meaning another.  Not everything can be explained away by assuming that she misspoke and it's not her fault.  

  • Love 19

At the season 3, a sober Kim, expressed the same sentiments regarding Yolanda and her inconsistent statements, by challenging Yolanda's, "my English is not so good, my Lyme brain isn't working."  Kim claimed she had been damaged by Yolanda claiming she had flaked three times on appointments to visit Yolanda out in Malibu.  On further discovery it was deemed Yolanda and Kim had never made the connection, Yolanda was in fact working with a producer.  Kim, always one to feel the burn if her sobriety was being challenged, was not buying Yolanda's excuses.  When Kyle made the trek, she tried to bait Kyle into a conversation by bringing up Kim had stood her up.  Kyle didn't take the bait.  I think the English excuse is a thin one.  These are pretty basic phrases she is uttering and when she is not uttering them she is Instagramming or Tweeting them.


I also take issue with Yolanda playing the "my children" card.  Unlike any of the other RHs, Yolanda's children are their own public figures.  When Gigi and even the non-Gigis are gracing the pages and covers of magazines they are subject to stand on their own acts and deeds.  Although Yolanda likes to take the credit for launching them they have made their own way.  It would be like Kris Kardashian saying, "don't speak of my children," well don't have them become public figures.  If Bella's DUI did not have to be discussed, but Yolanda spoke of it, wrote about it and even used it as a jumping off point to open up a discussion about authenticity in Beverly Hills.  Yolanda's children, at this point are unique in that they are the only ones to seek and gain fame in the public eye separate from the show.  I understand her feelings as a mother and I guess her self-appointed Goddess of Lyme awareness allows her to twist the reality of her children's situation.

  • Love 13

You're comparing a cupcake over fill to a ruptured breast implant!   


I had a set of implants taken out 15 years ago. It did take 7 hours. I had a ruptured one too and they have to clean out the area and make sure there is no silicon inside. Yo's was under the muscle which was even more dangerous than mine over the muscle.

Merely for the sake of a visual that everyone could understand.


I actually don't know what I am talking about..Thanks!

  • Love 2

The thing about living on the beach is that you are also right on PCH - literally on PCH - and you're right up against your neighbors, so it is a trade off. You can't have the privacy and seclusion of Yolanda's house.


One thing about PCH really sucks about it? The traffic.


The evenings and late night are bad, there are quite a few accidents - people gawk at the ocean, are drunk or speeding - and that is just the weekdays. On the weekends it's worse, you have people out and sportscars and motorcycles - pedestrians too.

  • Love 3

Our Lady of the Lyme is a bore, she thinks she is Ghandi or Mother Theresa and Lisa had to bow to her...Yo must know that there was/is buzz about her Lyme not Lyme from her inner circle on out. 


I think Taylor thought the movie Moulin Rouge had something to do with zombies, what was she thinking?

Did I hear correctly, Faye has a fiancé? I half expected her to start the Seinfeld, "has anyone seen my fiancé" bit!  I did like her take on Moulin Rouge, very classy/Greta Garboesque.


Lisa VP is annoying and the hats don't work but I do feel for her, Faye did blindside her at her party which was rude, been there myself and my spouse stood by and said nothing to his idiot friend and even defended him...wrong, wrong, wrong.  I do have some nice jewelry because of it, lol. But still, I have been in her Joey Chiu's.

  • Love 1

Did I hear correctly, Faye has a fiancé?


She's married.  Recently, at Kyle and Moe's house with Kris Jenner officiating. That humors me immensely.  Portia was a flower girl for the 57th time this year.  I wonder if the non-Portias were ever flower girls?


Apparently Faye and her new wallet are living in Oregon.  The writer of this article wonders if a Real Housewives of Portland is in the works.  Kind of makes sense.  Maybe that's why Bravo is letting her appear so much - to test the waters to see if she'd be accepted as a full time HW.


She is just so unlikeable to me.  Even if I could forget what a seedy player she was in the whole OJ drama, these last two episodes make her seem like such an unpleasant, humorless, conniver.  I can't imagine her as a mother or a wife or even a good friend.  But she must be because Kyle says so.



  • Love 11

Huh?  Bolding mine. She never said she hadn't been ON the beach. She just said she hadn't been on a walk.  Just want to clear that up before it becomes legend that she said she was too sick to walk on the beach but walked in the park. She never said it or insinuated it.


Even if she DID made it look like she could walk in the park but not on the beach?  Walk 50 yards on a beach.  Now take the same walk in a flat grassy park. Which do you think is more difficult?  On your lungs and your joints? Before my meniscus repair I could walk on flat surfaces but not on a sandy beach. The sand compresses and shifts under foot.  Lots of natural resistance.  Way harder than walking on grass or pavement.  Way.


Today my friend Facebooked that she had just went for a run on the lake.  I wanted to respond, "Wow. Jesus only walked on the water.  You can run on it.  Impressive." 

"Clear  that up before it becomes legend"!  Genius! Exactly how I feel when after a few pages the topic shifts to confused debating and commenting about a certain point that originated as speculation in a post and not something that actually happened AT ALL.  Well done!


Should have asked that friend of yours for the powerball numbers a coupled weeks back.. Missed opportunity! ;-)

I would think to market such a product the inventor or spokesperson would first of all be healthy. I don't think Yolanda can have it both ways-the pusher of a healthy lifestyle and remain the poster child for pretty people with invisible diseases, cranial rectal inversion, chronic neurological habitual incurable acute Lyme Disease.  Or can she?

You forgot the victims of the ballistic metacarpal to the occipital protuberance..Or the digital rectal inversion folks, too.

  • Love 4

Apparently Faye and her new wallet are living in Oregon.  The writer of this article wonders if a Real Housewives of Portland is in the works.  Kind of makes sense.  Maybe that's why Bravo is letting her appear so much - to test the waters to see if she'd be accepted as a full time HW.



I love Portland, but a RH show? Sounds more like a Portlandia or SNL sketch. 


Actually, that'd be preferable to a RH show featuring Faye...

  • Love 6
The women being dressed up like that was sad and pathetic.  Sure, they looked ok, but at this age I would hope women would feel like they have more to offer the world than cleavage and fishnets.  I realize it's a reality show.... They could totally write off those costumes as uniform expense if Bravo didn't pick up the tab.  No way could you wear those get-ups in real life....


But what is so "sad and pathetic" about dressing up for a party--especially if you look great--no matter what one's age? Are we all supposed to sit on the sidelines at parties, in rocking chairs with afghans on our laps and starlight mints in our mouths, once we reach some arbitrary age? I swear, I am not even snarking, I am genuinely confused (I feel I should make that clear, as some folks like to send crazy PMs if you dare respond in a way they deem wrong). And they weren't wearing those getups in "real life" so I don't think there was any issue in anyone believing that cleavage was all they had to offer--this show shows them offering (more or less, I suppose) lots of stuff, not to mention Kyle often gets blasted for hiding her body in muumuus and shit. UNLESS...


she is actually wearing all that Moulin Rouge stuff under the muumuu! MuuMoulin Rouge.

Edited by TattleTeeny
  • Love 14

Here is this week's Trash Talk TV recap. http://www.trashtalktv.com/02/03/real-housewives-of-beverly-hills-recap-cud-on-the-dance-floor/378823/


I enjoyed Lyme Disease is not a family business, Erika's singing at Sea World will sound like a mating call to Shamu and Lisar acting as if chatting were akin to her on SnapChat with the Taliban.

Edited by zoeysmom
  • Love 5

She's married.  Recently, at Kyle and Moe's house with Kris Jenner officiating. 




Between this show with the Morally Corrupt Faye Resnick and Kathryn (who despises the MCFR),  Keeping Up With the Kardashians (a shameful, guilty pleasure of mine), and now the FX show American Crime (about the OJ Simpson trial, complete with actors portraying Faye, Kris and Robert Kardashian Sr.), I am going to need a deep and thorough lemon detox from this small but captivating circle of people.  It's bizarre how they all run in the same circles.  I don't know if their world is very small, or what it is, but the players keep popping up on nearly every trashy show I watch lately.

  • Love 6
laurakaye, on 05 Feb 2016 - 4:10 PM, said:



Between this show with the Morally Corrupt Faye Resnick and Kathryn (who despises the MCFR),  Keeping Up With the Kardashians (a shameful, guilty pleasure of mine), and now the FX show American Crime (about the OJ Simpson trial, complete with actors portraying Faye, Kris and Robert Kardashian Sr.), I am going to need a deep and thorough lemon detox from this small but captivating circle of people.  It's bizarre how they all run in the same circles.  I don't know if their world is very small, or what it is, but the players keep popping up on nearly every trashy show I watch lately.


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I'm thinking that while Kathryn did not read Faye's entire book, she probably read the sections that referred to her or had someone read them to her. Either way, having a beef with Faye is no reason for her to get a role on this show. So far, she's kind of boring and so is her handsome husband. They're not giving us any house porn, she's not at all stylish, her hairstyle is a zillion years old. Why is she on our TV screens? 


Rinna is a messy, messy girl who runs her mouth too much.

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Here is this week's Trash Talk TV recap. http://www.trashtalktv.com/02/03/real-housewives-of-beverly-hills-recap-cud-on-the-dance-floor/378823/


I enjoyed Lyme Disease is not a family business, Erika's singing at Sea World will sound like a mating call to Shamu and Lisar acting as if chatting were akin to her on SnapChat with the Taliban.



Thanks for that link -- I've never been to Trash Talk TV.  His recap is so wrong (extra snarky!)  but so funny!!!   And, he confirmed my suspicions about Erika too.  I'll be adding that site to my rotation.

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