Lantern7 March 23, 2023 Share March 23, 2023 Latest review from Reality Blurred. Andy is still not digging the direction the series has gone. Quote Jeff Probst might has well have blindfolded himself, had the players surround him, and spun around while pointing at people: You and you and you are switching, and you’re all immune, you’re welcome. 1 Link to comment
LadyChatts March 23, 2023 Share March 23, 2023 Exit interview with Sarah: -she found out her idol was fake when the postmergers got back (and said she was happy that she didn't go home with a real idol in her pocket) -she said that Carolyn started whispering to Josh at TC after her and Yam Yam had that fight and the Felicia comment was made. She hoped that they were going to target Yam Yam if the vote was going to flip (they all assumed Josh had an idol). She does say that they were trying to play up the disconnect between Yam Yam and Carolyn, but thinks it went too far at TC -as to why she thinks Josh targeted her, she admits she might have pushed too much in trying to prove he was lying. -she said that Carolyn just doesn't like her. She got along with Yam Yam and thinks that she might have been able to get him and Carson back on her side -Carson was convinced that he saw Helen hide the idol. They had no idea Carolyn had it, and thought that the X in the cage was planted by producers as a clue to a re-hidden idol (she says that the fake idol was planted near where she sleeps, so she thinks Carolyn intended for her to find it) As to her thoughts about women being the only ones voted out of the game thus far: Quote Well, one, I clap because I love the girls. I think that was a giant blessing coming out of Survivor is the time we got to spend together at Ponderosa. In general, obviously, it's horrible to see that trend. It happened last season. It happened this season. First four votes, all women. And of course, it makes you think about maybe it is just that luck by all eight of us. But also, it's what aspects of the game might contribute to a trend like that. And Claire brought this up; there is like the design of six people per tribe and no swaps in terms of what we've seen in recent history which favors strength. Also, in challenges, I think in previous seasons, let's say like for the ring toss, if someone can't toss the ring, a lot of times, in past seasons, you can swap out. And a huge thing on this season is you can't swap out of anything. So it puts even more pressure on each individual being strong in physical challenges. And I think another thing is in designing anything, or in any leadership, if there's not many women represented, it's hard to think about how women might be impacted by certain design decisions or strategic decisions. And it's absolutely nothing against them. I think production has all of the best intentions to build the most fair game. And I know that's a giant priority. But I think it's also hard to consider all the implications of women when it's largely men driving those decisions, building challenges, things like that. 2 Link to comment
SoMuchTV March 30, 2023 Share March 30, 2023 On 3/21/2023 at 3:06 AM, LadyChatts said: If you listen to the podcast Probst hosts every week, Lol I keep hearing promos on various npr podcasts where the reader reader refers to him as prob-st (prob as in problem). Obviously not a huge Survivor fan. 4 Link to comment
LadyChatts March 30, 2023 Share March 30, 2023 Exit interview with Matt: -He doesn’t have any recollection of falling -he didn’t get to go back to his tribe after the challenge. He was removed from the game directly from there. He said he would have liked to have given Kane his idol if he could do it subtly, though if he has to do it out in the open he would have given it to Carson or Lauren (probably to put a target on their back). -he was actually closer with Kane than they let on. In the first vote of the season, he wanted to vote with Kane and Mandy and get Brandon out-but he also wanted Brandon’s idol. That’s why he told Brandon to play it. He didn’t want Brandon to come back and be pissed at him. He said Jamie was running scared and told everyone in advance she was playing her SITD. Matt figured this vote would put Kane on the outs and also let him reel in Jamie. And Brandon would think they were okay after the vote. He said that Brandon and Lauren were tight, but he and Brandon had more of a loose alliance. -of course, he wants to play again. He said he was originally cast for S41 but because of COVID he wasn’t able to go that season. 1 Link to comment
peachmangosteen March 30, 2023 Share March 30, 2023 I'm sorry, what lol? 1 1 Link to comment
DEL901 March 30, 2023 Share March 30, 2023 23 minutes ago, peachmangosteen said: I'm sorry, what lol? Maybe they won’t invite him back. The guy is a walking liability. 3 1 Link to comment
Guest March 30, 2023 Share March 30, 2023 18 minutes ago, peachmangosteen said: I'm sorry, what lol? How do you break off part of your humerus? Like, there was a chip in the bone? Also, one of the replies to that tweet got it right: the real "inciting incident" is still him climbing the rocks. Anything after that was just aggravating the injury he got from showboating and trying to hide how bad it was. There's passion for the game, and then there's...this. I'm reminded of Joe from Tocantins (something hardly anyone says), who was strongly advised to leave the game when he hurt his leg, or else he might lose it. His quote as he was voluntarily leaving: "Survivor's cool, but it's not that cool." Amen, Joe. Link to comment
LadyChatts March 30, 2023 Share March 30, 2023 4 minutes ago, DEL901 said: Maybe they won’t invite him back. The guy is a walking liability. To go along with this, he said in his EW interview that something that happened that wasn’t shown was he found a piece of wrapped lemon candy in the jungle…and he ate it. Now, it was probably dropped by production. But still, how does he know how long it was there? I just feel like it was a hazard to eat it. I also wonder if he was expecting an invite from Probst like Bruce got on the podcast. Difference is, Bruce got hurt thanks to a first day challenge that could be blamed on production design. Matt got hurt because of his own stupidity. 9 Link to comment
DEL901 March 30, 2023 Share March 30, 2023 He talks her about his surgeries and injuries including rotator cuff. Link to comment
Maverick March 31, 2023 Share March 31, 2023 Bye, Bad Luck Schleprock 1 2 Link to comment
DEL901 March 31, 2023 Share March 31, 2023 Nick is an odious troll. 1 1 2 Link to comment
jsm1125 April 1, 2023 Share April 1, 2023 How does one go from being a defense attorney to supporting this garbage? Like, was the defense attorney merely a stint to get to this point? 1 Link to comment
Lantern7 April 6, 2023 Share April 6, 2023 Reality Blurred takes on the past few episodes. Aside from Andy’s disdain for the game and choice snark upon Probst, there’s the revelation that the three-person Tika was the first all-queer tribe in the show's history. I would not have guessed that. Link to comment
LadyChatts April 6, 2023 Share April 6, 2023 Exit interview from Josh: -he admits thinking he was staying Soka strong was him playing too slow or too old school -he was hoping to plant seeds of doubt and chaos by telling some people he had an idol, other people he didn't. He knew Carolyn would tell everyone about his fake idol at Tika, but he thought if he spread the story both ways it might cause people to question if he really had one or not (and therefore they might focus on Yam Yam and Kane). -he didn't play his SITD because he was afraid of not being able to vote, and use that towards someone else (just in case he ended up being safe). He was also afraid it was too early to play it. -he really wanted to work with Yam Yam but knew he couldn't trust him -he said he downplayed a lot of things about his life (his job and medical history) so he wouldn't be seen as more of a threat than he was. He does say in hindsight that in addition to playing his SITD, he might have used his medical history and his kidney donor for sympathy if it meant he could stick around -he thinks that CBS/production need to change it up with the challenges, because he thinks it's a fairness thing that some contestants are doing like Carson and able to construct the challenges at home and practice -he wishes they had shown the struggles he dealt with in regards to his health issue (he said he passed out a couple of times and had trouble trying to catch his breath, had low blood pressure/sugar levels). He would have liked to have had it shown so people can see what someone in his condition deals with and bring awareness to the disease and chronic illness in general -watching back, he was surprised at how well Carolyn was playing the game. He said most people out there didn't know how to take her 3 3 Link to comment
Guest April 13, 2023 Share April 13, 2023 Love this screenshot used for Joe Reid's recap of Episode 7. Presumably it depicts the rock-draw for picking teams in the challenge, which was not actually shown in the episode. But I love it because it shows Heidi and Lauren looking grim as death while Jaime picks her rock with a smile like she's (still) having the time of her f***ing life 😆 Link to comment
LadyChatts April 13, 2023 Share April 13, 2023 3 minutes ago, tracyscott76 said: Love this screenshot used for Joe Reid's recap of Episode 7. Presumably it depicts the rock-draw for picking teams in the challenge, which was not actually shown in the episode. But I love it because it shows Heidi and Lauren looking grim as death while Jaime picks her rock with a smile like she's (still) having the time of her f***ing life 😆 Considering she's the MVP of Survivor, I wouldn't expect her to look any different ;) 1 Link to comment
Guest April 13, 2023 Share April 13, 2023 7 minutes ago, LadyChatts said: Considering she's the MVP of Survivor, I wouldn't expect her to look any different ;) Still waiting for the episode where she unleashes her true powers and takes control of the game...or gets blindsided. Either way, she'll be having fun! Link to comment
30 Helens April 13, 2023 Share April 13, 2023 Somebody please stop him. 2 1 Link to comment
LadyChatts April 13, 2023 Share April 13, 2023 (edited) 4 hours ago, 30 Helens said: Somebody please stop him. He needs to talk to Mike White more often. I think Probst might surprise himself if he just butt out for once and let things happen naturally. Changing some things in the format (like going back to 2 tribes of 10, a tribe swap, new challenges, coconut chopping type challenges where the castaways start distrusting each other, and maybe less idols/advantages could make for an interesting season compared to his vision of a Survivor corner pop up store). Edited April 13, 2023 by LadyChatts 6 Link to comment
KeithJ April 13, 2023 Share April 13, 2023 Looks like Matt and Frannie are still together: About a year now I guess. 3 Link to comment
hendersonrocks April 13, 2023 Share April 13, 2023 That was an endearing interview, and I think it's great they're still together and he spoke openly about the dynamics of last night's episode and her individual and team immunity win. Probably also great for us as viewers that he went when he did, so their romance couldn't become the focal point of the season. (I am sure some would say it already has been a lot, but there's also still A LOT left to go.) 3 Link to comment
Carey April 19, 2023 Share April 19, 2023 Two-Time Survivor Player Keith Nale Has Passed Away Someone asked if this was real, but I'm afraid that Mr. Nale is not an individual where someone would create a fake story over. Plus, those close to him on Social Media have already expressed their condolences. There isn't much, really there's nothing to hate about Keith, who was on the second blood vs water & Second Chance. The 4th place finisher was total class, pretty outgoing, and just a very nice guy. RIP. 7 Link to comment
LadyChatts April 19, 2023 Share April 19, 2023 Oh wow, I’m so sad to hear that news. I loved Keith. He was such an unpredictable contestant (in a good way) that made me laugh and smile when he was on screen. I feel like we’ve lost quite a few Survivor contestants over the years already. It’s surreal to watch those seasons back and know that those people are now sadly gone. Link to comment
seacliffsal April 19, 2023 Share April 19, 2023 I recently rewatched one of his seasons (forget which one) and enjoyed him so much. He just seemed so nice and real-he would help anyone with anything. He will be missed tremendously by his community, family, and Survivor fans. Link to comment
truthaboutluv April 19, 2023 Share April 19, 2023 It's definitely real and confirmed in People Magazine. That's where I first read about it. Wes, his son who competed with him in San Juan Del Sur is quoted in the article. Apparently he had cancer, only diagnosed a few months ago. Kelly Wentworth and Jeremy, who won Second Chances, are also quoted. I forgot that Jeremy and Keith were close in their season, with both being firefighters. Keith was cool and one of the more likeable contestants. RIP 1 2 Link to comment
peachmangosteen April 20, 2023 Share April 20, 2023 I'm telling you, they need to get rid of him lol. 1 1 Link to comment
LadyChatts April 20, 2023 Share April 20, 2023 Exit interview with Brandon: -he said they got so pre-occupied with painting the tribe flag he forgot to check in with everyone before TC; it wasn't lost on him, however, that someone on Soka had an idol (he thought that Matt was so desperate to get his bag last week because of an idol, and that might mean Frannie or Danny now had it). -they talked about splitting the votes between Frannie and Danny, but again, never solidified the plan. Yet he actually thought at TC it was still going to be a split vote between Danny and Frannie -Yam Yam told him that Danny was putting his name out there, but not that he had an idol or was going to potentially play it for Frannie -going back to Ratu and when he found the key to the birdcage, he tried hiding the key from Maddy but she saw it. He didn't think there was an idol in there, but figured it was some kind of advantage. He didn't really trust Maddy so that's why he opted to just open it in front of everyone, rather than just her know about it -he would have wanted Jamie and Lauren sitting at the end with him (he said he was very close to Lauren from the beginning) 2 Link to comment
sara416 April 22, 2023 Share April 22, 2023 On 4/19/2023 at 7:49 AM, seacliffsal said: I recently rewatched one of his seasons (forget which one) and enjoyed him so much. He just seemed so nice and real-he would help anyone with anything. He will be missed tremendously by his community, family, and Survivor fans. I'm rewatching Second Chances right now. He's such a good guy and seems really funny. Sad to hear of his passing. 1 Link to comment
Carey April 26, 2023 Share April 26, 2023 Here comes a possible change that I think I'd definitely be all-in for! Future Juries Watching The Action Might Be On The Way There was a half second where I wasn't on board since, well, I guess I'm more classic than modern. Before reading the article, I did think back to Redemption Island where there were spectators during those challenges, so why not bring in the jurors to do the same. I don't think it makes or will make too much of a difference between who they'd vote for. However, if things are close, someone taking in the action would see a player hustling to survive, and regardless of some backstory that isn't too much a part of the game, someone grinding would win the game over someone that wasn't good enough to win (final) immunity but managed to avoid being voted out of the game Link to comment
pennben April 26, 2023 Share April 26, 2023 To me, this is more of Probst trying to manufacture outcomes. Less manufacturing, more trusting your cast. They are getting some great casts lately. They are tying their hands with the 3 tribes, shortened season & all the trinkets to make them play very conservatively until the end. Now he wants production to influence more. Idols/whatnot should be there to shake things up, but crikey, production should be in background & exposition should spend more time on players than explaining trinkets. This is not The Challenge, challenges are one component to a win. Perhaps they should have a jury stand back at the tribe to observe social interactions as well? 5 Link to comment
Hanahope April 27, 2023 Share April 27, 2023 well, since we no longer get Ponderosa, at least we'd see the jury more. 1 Link to comment
Carey May 3, 2023 Share May 3, 2023 I wonder where the phrase "Here To Stay" will rank in terms of common phrases or quotes that have been said throughout Survivor history when it's over. Anyway, here comes another "article": The Final Four Fire-Making Challenge Is Not Going Anywhere (I know that) I'm in the minority when it comes to this segment that precedes the final day & FTC, but the definitive reason comes from my hatred of the final three format that the show has used for most of the seasons since 2006. First things first, I have to disagree with Jeff (really his POV) in terms of a head-to-head rout courtesy of the eventual winner at the expense of the runner up. Sure it's been the case for several of the first 12 seasons. However, at least they received votes. A ton of seasons over the past 17 years had people there when they probably should have been elsewhere. I do agree with Jeff when it comes to how one player of four can go right before the end, whether he or she is super nice or super great at challenges. I'm not a fan of the 3-1 targeting at that point. I'm sorta neutral overall with Probst. He's not a fan of the final IC winner having so much power, but at that point in the game, they kind of earned it. However, that's not always the case. Sometimes, a big reason why I can do without the F3 is that 1 or 2 of those players who would not get voted out can go to the final IC and put in zero effort, and from there, they either "steal" the title or end up as a finalist that was ignored at a level where the jurors might have thought that particular person wasn't there Link to comment
LadyChatts May 4, 2023 Share May 4, 2023 (edited) Exit interview with Frannie -going into TC, she thought the vote was going to be for Heidi. The last conversation she had was with Carolyn, Lauren, and Jamie. She felt there was a lot of chaos and didn't understand why they couldn't just stick to the plan of voting off Danny, but said Heidi was adding to the anxious energy they were all feeling so that's why they opted for her. -going back to the Matt vote and why she didn't drop in the IC to ensure he was safe. She said she felt like she'd been carrying him in the game because he didn't have his vote, and said he needed to learn to carry himself. However, she felt that he might be okay since Yam Yam was on the outs and Matt had been doing well socially. She also felt like it would put a bigger target on her back because everyone would have assumed she dropped to save Matt. -she thought she'd be the weakest woman out there, so she was proud of herself for doing so well in the challenges. She was glad that people viewed her as a threat and that's why they wanted to get rid of her. -she sheds a little more light as to why no one believed Jamie about the idol. Apparently, Jamie is a better liar than she's being portrayed. When she switched to Soka, she told them Ratu was in a different state than they really were. At the merge Frannie found out Jamie hadn't been 100% honest and she kind of just brushed it off like 'oh sorry I didn't tell you.' So Kane leaving with her idol in his sock just seemed unbelievable to them. She says that watching it back, and seeing how it was a fake idol, and Jamie was actually telling the truth, she considers it just a silly situation of cirumstances. -she was sad about being voted off but looked on the bright side that she'd have a week to spend with Matt. As to what the reunion was like: Quote I know, I was like, "Can somebody set up a camcorder when I come in or something?" It was joyous., Kane and Brandon and Matt weren't really sure what my energy was going to be when I came into Ponderosa, right? Sometimes people are devastated. But I ran up the boardwalk and I was like, "I'm giving everybody hugs! We're here to have a good time!" And, of course, I literally ran like a slow-motion movie and jumped into Matt's arms and we had the best hug. And then we talked until like 4 a.m. and it was so amazing. I mean, literally two dorky magnets. We cannot separate from each other. It's such a beautiful thing. Edited May 4, 2023 by LadyChatts 1 1 Link to comment
Guest May 4, 2023 Share May 4, 2023 22 minutes ago, LadyChatts said: Apparently, Jamie is a better liar than she's being portrayed. I guess the show didn't want to do anything to detract from the "Jaime is the clueless, goofy, comedy relief" narrative they've got going. Goes all the way back to the first episode where she announced that she was playing her Shot in the Dark seemingly out of nowhere and was shown to be a nervous nelly for no apparent reason, only to find out from Maddy in interviews that they all were actually targeting Jaime at one point. Link to comment
LadyChatts May 4, 2023 Share May 4, 2023 @tracyscott76 yeah I’ve seen quite a few complaints on Twitter, even from people who cover Survivor for different publications, saying Jamie’s getting a raw deal with the edit. The way she’s being portrayed as a clueless wonder makes me think something big is going to happen that leads to her exit, but the way it’s going I think she’s either going to flame out or wind up as a goat in the final 3. I mean she voted for Frannie last night so she was more in the loop than Carolyn, Frannie, and maybe Heidi were. And it’s not like she’s the only one who feel for the fake idol. It’s kind of an interesting, yet weirdly edited season. 1 Link to comment
Guest May 4, 2023 Share May 4, 2023 14 minutes ago, LadyChatts said: @tracyscott76 yeah I’ve seen quite a few complaints on Twitter, even from people who cover Survivor for different publications, saying Jamie’s getting a raw deal with the edit. The way she’s being portrayed as a clueless wonder makes me think something big is going to happen that leads to her exit, but the way it’s going I think she’s either going to flame out or wind up as a goat in the final 3. I mean she voted for Frannie last night so she was more in the loop than Carolyn, Frannie, and maybe Heidi were. And it’s not like she’s the only one who feel for the fake idol. It’s kind of an interesting, yet weirdly edited season. When Jaime still had the fake idol, I could have seen a "something big leading to her exit", but now I think it's going to be more along the lines of a sad little flame out, in the Final 3 or earlier. Or maybe she'll surprise us all! Keep Hope Alive, as some bandy-legged little troll once said. Either way, I hope she keeps her cheery attitude about it all. Link to comment
LadyChatts May 4, 2023 Share May 4, 2023 This was brought up in the chat thread last night, but Probst said the loved ones visit could be making a return in the future. It was COVID restrictions that prevented it the past few seasons, but he says the biggest obstacle now is the shorter season and whether a love one visit would have the same impact. He’s not ruling it out however. Link to comment
seacliffsal May 5, 2023 Share May 5, 2023 2 hours ago, LadyChatts said: This was brought up in the chat thread last night, but Probst said the loved ones visit could be making a return in the future. It was COVID restrictions that prevented it the past few seasons, but he says the biggest obstacle now is the shorter season and whether a love one visit would have the same impact. He’s not ruling it out however. So, let's return to the longer seasons...There, I fixed it! 1 3 Link to comment
pennben May 5, 2023 Share May 5, 2023 (edited) 5 hours ago, tracyscott76 said: I guess the show didn't want to do anything to detract from the "Jaime is the clueless, goofy, comedy relief" narrative they've got going The thing to me though is that it was stupid of her to lie so much to Sota as clearly the truth was going to come out in the merge when everyone talks. Another false step by her. Sure, production is ‘dunking’ on her, but I don’t think in a bad way…rather as the lovable oddball supporting character in a sitcom. I for one love her enthusiasm but also see the comedic value in her consistent misreads! I don’t think she’s getting a bad edit, I think she’s getting a delightful character edit & producers are having fun with her edit. And, assuming she doesn’t win, great exposure to come back for returning season. I have to believe, based on what I’ve seen on show, she must be laughing along with the rest of us. Edited May 5, 2023 by pennben Link to comment
Guest May 5, 2023 Share May 5, 2023 1 hour ago, pennben said: Sure, production is ‘dunking’ on her, but I don’t think in a bad way…rather as the lovable oddball supporting character in a sitcom. I for one love her enthusiasm but also see the comedic value in her consistent misreads! I don’t think she’s getting a bad edit, I think she’s getting a delightful character edit & producers are having fun with her edit. And, assuming she doesn’t win, great exposure to come back for returning season. I have to believe, based on what I’ve seen on show, she must be laughing along with the rest of us. Don't get me wrong, I think Jaime is a comedic character who provides a lot of silly fun, and the show is right in highlighting that...but I can't help feeling that the show is maybe having a little too much fun at her expense, and at the expense of any good moves she might actually be making. She does seem to be enjoying herself after the fact, though...and is certainly being a good promotional soldier. (to sort of bring this back to the Media topic) Link to comment
pennben May 5, 2023 Share May 5, 2023 1 hour ago, tracyscott76 said: and at the expense of any good moves she might actually be making. Which are? Again, she’s delightful , love her for that. Link to comment
Guest May 5, 2023 Share May 5, 2023 6 hours ago, pennben said: Which are? Again, she’s delightful , love her for that. Already mentioned above. This isn’t Jaime’s thread so I don’t want to get into a debate here. I’ll just say that I’m not claiming that she’s some strategic mastermind, just that I see these as signs that she might be showing more agency and awareness than the show is giving her credit for. Link to comment
LadyChatts May 5, 2023 Share May 5, 2023 (edited) 7 hours ago, tracyscott76 said: Already mentioned above. This isn’t Jaime’s thread so I don’t want to get into a debate here. I’ll just say that I’m not claiming that she’s some strategic mastermind, just that I see these as signs that she might be showing more agency and awareness than the show is giving her credit for. I agree with this. Based on exit interviews Jamie isn't this out of the loop character that she's been portrayed as. I'm not saying she's 100% on the money with anything, but some of her comments are making more sense after reading exit interviews (being the MVP, having people come to her with information). In addition, we know the cameramen prod them to say things a certain way or get them to try and say certain things candidly. If she really is a larger than life personality whose just thankful for the experience, I can see where she's OTT. The only thing she's really been off about is falling for a fake idol, which Sarah and Matthew also did. I've been confused why Soka and Ratu didn't like each other, but maybe it had to do with Soka not trusting them because of Jamie. Edited May 5, 2023 by LadyChatts 2 Link to comment
peachmangosteen May 10, 2023 Share May 10, 2023 Not sure how reliable this twitter account is but: 1 Link to comment
Lady Calypso May 10, 2023 Share May 10, 2023 It's confirmed now: Survivor 45 will be 90 minutes. I've expressed my worries over this before; we've seen 90 minute episodes for Survivor recently and it didn't necessarily HELP the show. I don't trust Survivor to do it well and not have the time eaten up by twists, advantages and sob stories. 5 Link to comment
fishcakes May 10, 2023 Share May 10, 2023 I always said I'd watch until the bitter end, but 90 minutes might be too much on a weekly basis. And the same for TAR. Both shows became stale years ago and none of the changes have made them better. I doubt that "still bad and now 50% longer!" is the answer. I wonder, though, if this is just a temporary thing in anticipation of the WGA strike continuing on into the summer. 7 Link to comment
Lady Calypso May 10, 2023 Share May 10, 2023 25 minutes ago, fishcakes said: I always said I'd watch until the bitter end, but 90 minutes might be too much on a weekly basis. And the same for TAR. Both shows became stale years ago and none of the changes have made them better. I doubt that "still bad and now 50% longer!" is the answer. I wonder, though, if this is just a temporary thing in anticipation of the WGA strike continuing on into the summer. Oddly enough, I actually think the 90 minute TAR episode last season worked for the show (but it was also a season that was different than what they usually do). But for Survivor, it's a different story, as we've seen that they aren't capable of not reverting back to the usual "add more twists, focus on these exact four people, add in more advantage hunting scenes" editing. 3 Link to comment
KeithJ May 10, 2023 Share May 10, 2023 37 minutes ago, Lady Calypso said: I don't trust Survivor to do it well and not have the time eaten up by twists, advantages and sob stories. This is the part I really don't want. Please don't add life stories about the hardships every contestant has gone through like they were the only one ever to go through them. 2 1 Link to comment
LadyChatts May 10, 2023 Share May 10, 2023 (edited) It’s probably due to the writers strike. There was a rumor a while back that Survivor was going to be 90 minutes and many speculated it was probably going to be because of the writers strike. I love the idea of 90 minutes as a rule, but not if it’s going to mean more advantages, twists, idols, and spending more time on the same contestants. Edited May 10, 2023 by LadyChatts 2 Link to comment
Carey May 10, 2023 Share May 10, 2023 I'm in agreement that 90 minute TAR is better, and probably more necessary (albeit to an extent if the abbreviated version of TAR returns). The current, abbreviated Survivor for 90 minutes would be a nightmare. I do not need to see overblown double length tribal councils, one task (IC starting and ending in the first 15 minutes), and over an hour of unnecessary nonsense every week 2 Link to comment
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