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S06.E07: Pretty Mess

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To my knowledge, Lisa has never talked about Max having a drug problem. It became public after the end of S1, when someone posted information about the school he had been sent to during that season (before he came back home to attend the music school). She hinted that he was a handful, and last season mentioned that he had put them through a lot and had tested them, but I don't recall ever a mention of substance abuse - not on the show or in the press. Not a single word. If Lisa were ever going to address it, she would have had a wonderful platform during the Kim deal. She could have mentioned the fact that she had experience with a loved one and addiction, but instead her comments were generally about how hard it all must be. She never acknowledged having first hand experience. 


As someone else posted, in season 1 she talked about him being sent away because he fell in with a bad crowd and was smoking pot.  I obviously don't know if it was worse than that and she was disingenuous by downgrading the problems to pot.  She got raked over the coals for both talking about it and sending him away on various websites.


First episode Season 1 LVP talks about her adopted 16 year old son had fallen in with the wrong crowd and was using marijuana and off he went to Idaho.  The next time we hear from Max he is looking at music schools.  I remember because my friends with adopted children bristled at LVP labeling Max in such a fashion and it caused many a lively discussion on the Bravo boards. 


Regarding Lisa's openness - I think she is open and even if she isn't she pretty much dares people to ask about any aspect of her life.  Polite people even reality people who are considered friends try and avoid the sensitive subjects.  They leave the sensitive subjects for asshats like Brandi, who enjoy torturing others under the guise of truth.  For example, to me, Ken appears either heavily medicated or in pain this season (no wonder after the pool push) you won't see anyone asking if Ken is suffering from some form of dementia.  (I will say in the Trash Talk TV Recap) Ronnie K. likens Ken's lack of animation this Hampton's trip to a patient in Awakenings.  Those are the sensitive subjects friends do not tread on.  Last year in Amsterdam, Yolanda opened the floor to discuss genuine Beverly Hills conversation and cited Bella's arrest.  Not a peep out of LVP regarding Max and his issues.  


Recently on Vanderpump Rules there was a grisly scene of Max knocking teeth after fainting (do men faint or do they pass out?) from a low blood pressure incident.  Was his blood pressure low because of drugs?  I thought it interesting because kind of like Lyme Disease explaining away a DUI, the dreaded low pressure seems to have stricken not only LVP but her son.  (We know it isn't heredity.) 


My mom and I both have low blood pressure, as did my grandpa (I don't know anyone in my grandpa's family, so I can't say if it goes farther back).  I've never looked into it, but I always assumed it was hereditary.  Bathrooms are actually a place one with low blood pressure has to be careful because the hot shower can make it worse.  I've actually fainted in the shower and fell out and hit my head on the toilet.  I was only 14 or 15 and stone sober at the time.  I'm not saying that was the case with Max, especially given all the idiots we see him hanging out with on VPR are always totally drunk and/or high, but in my experience it can happen.  My grandpa fainted in the grocery store once and spent days in the hospital having tests done and they couldn't find anything.  All of my tests after my shower incident came back negative too.  I don't know if my mom has ever gone in for testing after a spell, but I do know that her blood pressure is ridiculously low every time it is tested.  I've gained a lot of weight and mine now falls in the normal range.


True, Lisa did not share anything about Max's troubled past at that dinner but I don't think she, or anyone else for that matter, had time to share stories because LisaR chimed in and tried to explain her concern about Kim's addictions by sharing her/HH family addiction stories and everything went down hill from there at a surprising speed.


I don't watch VPR, but is it possible that Max DOES have LBP or did he look drunk/high on camera?


You just saw the aftermath, not the incident.  They showed a picture of his mouth that I assume was from Instagram and some idiot cast members from the show stop by Villa Rosa to visit him and see how he's doing.  The girls that visit take the opportunity to basically skinny dip in Lisa's pool (they keep their underpants on) and Max doesn't participate and looks like "oh shit, I don't want to be around when my mom finds out about this."

Edited by yourmomiseasy
  • Love 3

 Personally I didn't think the cost of the dress was outlandish but I also have a love affair with my shoes. Lol


I think Eileen is a thrifty person and probably doesn't spend a ton of money on clothes.  She says she has a hard time letting go of things and I'll bet that goes for clothing, too.  That was the impression I got from her closet and from some of the clothes she's worn on the show.  Vince seems to be the kind of guy that doesn't pay much attention to girl stuff and was probably surprised that one.single.dress could cost $500. And/or that Eileen would spend that much.  Although it's her money and none of his beeswax.

  • Love 9

BRAVO asked Bethenny in to stir things up, probably specifically with Erika.  They are trying to get something they consider usable to air from their new hire.  They hired the gold-digger, sex-show vixen and they ended up with Miss Manners. 


Ditto LVP.  In LVP's case, I feel like BRAVO wants to get their moneys worth from Eileen, 3/4 of a million dollars for a summer job, and it's not to watch her craft an image of sweetness and light.


I just can't blame LVP or Bethenny for doing the job they are hired to do, playing ball with producers.  This is all a business.  BRAVO gives them money, and the cast is supposed to give them ratings (money) in return.  They know what these shows do, and it's not all pretend fabulousness.  It's also not the place for anyone with secrets or pretending a perfection that doesn't exist.  You take the money?  It comes with risks, the biggest one?  Exposure.  That's why it's called REAL housewives.  If the show and cast members don't out/catch you?  The blogs and people on message boards will.  These are all middle-aged women, they should know the score by now.  No pity, none.


My personal guess is that the cameras and producers are seeing a bunch of tears in Eileen's marriage, and they will probably begin to really rip soon.  The gambling losses and addiction story that came out yesterday is the tip of an iceberg.  The bickering and name calling we've already seen was done with cameras in Vince and Eileen's faces, so if anyone honestly believes they are nicer and more loving to one another OFF camera, there is a lovely orange bridge for sale.  Add Eileen's rather OTT reaction to Erika Jayne's stripper moves and a picture is beginning to emerge of a woman who has stuff to hide.  (I don't think she's the lady pond type, if anything, my guess would be that her interest was more about perhaps spicing up her sex life with Vince, if they even have one anymore.)


It smells like trouble in that marriage, so BRAVO wanted LVP to start picking at the Invisibility Cloak's threads. 


We shall see.


Anyway, my main point is that Bethenny (and her mother spelled her name that way, so blame her) and LVP are simply doing their job.  It's what they signed up for.  They aren't the only ones that do it for BRAVO, most long term housewives know the score by now.  THIS episode though?  That is exactly what they were doing.

Great post Umbelina but you forgot to mention Kyle!  To me it was obvious that Bethenny got the Erika story straight from Kyle's mouth and with Kyle's spin on it.  If you look at Kyle's face during Bethenny's interrogation of Erika, she has that smug little smirk that means she's loving every minute of it.  Then in her TH Kyle says something to the effect that she was "afraid" that Bethenny would refer to Erika as "ridiculous".  Riiiiight.  She was afraid Bethenny wouldn't mention it.  I think Kyle is two margaritas away from the mean girl treatment of Erika which is her specialty.   Kyle has learned to be a lot more discreet since she got her marching orders from Mauricio to the tune of -don't fuck with potential clients- but if there is a reality tv god Kyle will mess up and snark on Erika and I can't wait.

  • Love 8

As someone else posted, in season 1 she talked about him being sent away because he fell in with a bad crowd and was smoking pot.  ."


I don't remember pot being mentioned.  I remember hearing about Idaho and that he was a handful.  Then, when he wanted to go to that music school, Lisa said something about being worried about him being around that 'element'.  Wasn't pot still illegal everywhere when that episode aired? If so, I'm surprised if she copped to him using.

  • Love 5

I re-watched that scene between Eileen and Vince and I am almost 100 percent convinced that what we saw were two actors doing a bit for the cameras. I didn't see anything that insinuated there were money problems or problems in their marriage. What I saw were two people trying to show how "normal" they are by showing that they "argue" about spending like regular non BH couples do. I suspect they thought it would play out as cute and endearing. I would go one step further to say that the are probably surprised at the following speculation:

1. Their marriage is in trouble

2. Vince has a gambling problem

3. Vince is controlling and expects Eileen to financially support the entire family.


I laughed out loud typing out this list. Vince went from being the lovable laid back guy who entertained himself by watching HW's fight in his driveway by peaking through the garage window, to a controlling gambling addict who freeloads off his wife. Poor Eileen, I guess someone should have warned her about the second season backlash her family would be facing from doing this show, no matter how dignified she remained during filming. 

Edited by MatildaMoody
  • Love 18

I laughed out loud typing out this list. Vince went from being the lovable laid back guy who entertained himself by watching HW's fight in driveway by peaking through the garage window, to a controlling gambling addict who freeloads off his wife.


I thought he was a slacker that might have a gambling addiction from the git.  Maybe the blind item and Eileen now bringing up his gambling is coincidental.  And him peeking through the garage window? It was hilarious that they captured that, but at the same time, it struck me as kind of skulking or evasive - like he wasn't ballsy enough to step out and watch or intervene. Or something. I dunno.  To me, a man doesn't snoop or peek or something like that. He reminded me of a damn whack-a-mole.  I can't explain it other than he just turns me off in every way.  Imo, Eileen could do better.

  • Love 5

I thought he was a slacker that might have a gambling addiction from the git.  Maybe the blind item and Eileen now bringing up his gambling is coincidental.  And him peeking through the garage window? It was hilarious that they captured that, but at the same time, it struck me as kind of skulking or evasive - like he wasn't ballsy enough to step out and watch or intervene. Or something. I dunno.  To me, a man doesn't snoop or peek or something like that. He reminded me of a damn whack-a-mole.  I can't explain it other than he just turns me off in every way.  Imo, Eileen could do better.

I loved him seeing that fight through the window. I think anyone who walked into their garage to get a beer from the fridge and heard Brandi and Kyle shrieking at each other would have stopped and looked out the window to see what was going on. That moment struck me as totally realistic and hilarious and exactly the kind of thing someone who was not used to the housewives would do.

  • Love 15

It seemed to me that Bethenny became more and more animated and manic as Erika didn't react the way B expected.  Erika wasn't rattled by B's critique/suggestions.  She disagreed with her comments about production value and calmly explained who she was.  Bethenny finally backed down with a "and how great is it that you get to be two people - who wouldn't want to live 2 lives!" at which Eileen basically threw herself over the table.  I loved her talking heads but rather than engaging in a battle of the wits with Bethenny, Erika handled her in a much more effective manner - with calmness and not backing down.  Her take it or leave it attitude actually had Bethenny backing down.


And ITA with the poster who said the "rim job" joke fell flat.  It made Bethenny scramble to show them the shed.  She is used the the NYC HWs falling over themselves to laugh at her crudity.  While a few of the BH ones laughed, some of them just didn't know what it was and Erika basically crinkled her nose as if she smelled bad fish.

Oh, please -- they all know what a rim job is. And Erika's hardly the queen mother. I've seen her interactions with her people and the sorts of things they all find hilarious, most of which would make a rim job look like a fucking Shari Lewis and Lambchop sketch by comparison.

  • Love 6

Love the LVP questions! Too bad Eileen can't think on her feet, she needs a script apparently.

However, Lisa was 8 years old when Ken left his first wife, not much story there. I think she got pregnant, he did the right thing and married her, supported his kid through the years, but there was nothing else there for them, so they divorced. I'm fairly sure that one was covered on the show.

Yeah, I was just thinking it might be good to bring up since Lisa frequently mentions getting it right the first time in marriage and leaving out that it was Ken's 2nd marriage. There's nothing wrong with it at all, but Lisa "Open Book" Vanderpump puts forth quite a facade at times. Edited by The Mighty Peanut
  • Love 4

Yeah, I was just thinking it might be good to bring up since Lisa frequently mentions getting it right the first time in marriage and leaving out that it was Ken's 2nd marriage. There's nothing wrong with it at all, but Lisa "Open Book" Vanderpump puts forth quite a facade at times.

Lisa was talking about herself, that SHE got it right the first time, NOT Ken. It was countering Eileen's getting it right the THIRD time, NOT Vince. Lisa IS the exception in the world of HWs divorce/marriage, she has only been married once, where most HWs have been married 2 or 3 times or divorced at least once like Brandi.

Edited by WireWrap
  • Love 7

Yes, I understand. I still think she comes off a bit high and mighty over the marriage topic but of course opinions vary.

IMO, she has a right to be proud to still be married some 30+ years later to the same man. I will be married 38 years next month and it is my only marriage as it is my husbands only marriage. AND, YES, I /WE are very proud of that as well so I understand Lisa's pride in that accomplishment. It is rare now days to be married that long AND for it to be the only time you were married to boot. Sadly, it is the exception in todays world and not the rule.

  • Love 12

Now that I think about it, I think that there is a good chance that LisaV is creating false drama with agreed upon stories by the cast that are already out there or have been discussed before and everyone is fine with it because it keeps the real skeletons under wraps. She's brought up what? Kim's troubles, Hilton wedding, Erika's age gap / career, and Eileen's affair. All talked about before or unavoidable in terms of being addressed.

I think that is why LisaV is so comfortable claiming that they can ask her anything. They won't and she won't.

Tonally, I think this season is completely different than the times everything got really tense which generally felt like someone spilled something they weren't supposed to say. There isn't that much real rancor over LisaV's prying.

Camille said something in an early season that left me with the impression that there were off limits topics and she violated one of those. I think Kyle talking about Kim's alcoholism was the same. As was Brandi talking about Adrienne's kids. There was even a weird fight over the Maloof casino financial issues which felt very much like it was an argument about bringing up off limits topics. I think Kim's remarks about Hamlin's secret was another one of those things they don't talk about.

I really have come to dislike LisaV because I feel icky suggestion her motivations aren't completely heinous.

Perhaps this has already been said, but if I started seeing my future husband while we were both married, I would probably not want to spill all the juicy details about "when" I knew and "when the sparks flew" on national television. Yah, I've read all the stuff about how Eileen should expect this being on a RH show, but .. but ... I LIKE her! She seems pretty harmless and they have been married a long time. And I want someone to put the screws to Lisa VP about things in her past she'd rather not discuss on TV. Hmph! :)

  • Love 7

IMO, she has a right to be proud to still be married some 30+ years later to the same man. I will be married 38 years next month and it is my only marriage as it is my husbands only marriage. AND, YES, I /WE are very proud of that as well so I understand Lisa's pride in that accomplishment. It is rare now days to be married that long AND for it to be the only time you were married to boot. Sadly, it is the exception in todays world and not the rule.

I agree with this. There are lots of things about Lisa V that I don't like, but her obvious love for Ken is one of the reasons I can't completely give her up. She clearly adores Ken, and he feels the same about her. I celebrate 30 years of marriage this year, and I am beyond proud of the fact that we've not only stayed married, but after all these years still wish to spend time with each other over anyone else.

  • Love 18


Doesn't Kyle ever look in a mirror?

That dress is God awful and that print fabric reminds me of the "house dresses" my grandmother wore back in the day.

Lisa looks like she reached in the back of the closet and grabbed her favorite Laura Ashley dress from decades ago. I'm surprised Lisa didn't ask Kyle if she could borrow her sun bonnet from Prairie days. Edited by Giselle
  • Love 2

Oh, please -- they all know what a rim job is. And Erika's hardly the queen mother. I've seen her interactions with her people and the sorts of things they all find hilarious, most of which would make a rim job look like a fucking Shari Lewis and Lambchop sketch by comparison.

I am sure Erika would know what it is, and given that she frequents business dinners as well as dinner parties, she recognizes when such a phrase is grossly inappropriate. Something Bethenny thinks is "cute" and edgy, to others with actual manners is just rude and gross. The last thing you want to think when you are putting your lips on a glass is someone else's asshole.
  • Love 15

I don't remember pot being mentioned.  I remember hearing about Idaho and that he was a handful.  Then, when he wanted to go to that music school, Lisa said something about being worried about him being around that 'element'.  Wasn't pot still illegal everywhere when that episode aired? If so, I'm surprised if she copped to him using.

You might be right and I'm misremembering. I'm way too lazy to find out. Medical marijuana has been legal in California for something like 15 or 20 years. It isn't legal for minors, but anyone with a card can buy it and it's fairly simple to get a card.

  • Love 1

Haha, it has actually been that kind of decade. I feel like I have been in my 40's forever, the 20's and 30's seemed to fly by. Plus, it used to be easier to subtract to dates to get my age and for some reason, after I turned 45 it got harder to do that in my head quickly.

And yes, there is something up with the quotes if a mod is interested.

I not only sometimes forget that I'm not fresh out of college, but that college for me was in the heyday of grunge (and it was awesome). I literally and recently have stopped myself from wearing cut-off jeans with tights and Doc Martens out to a bar...

and now that I type that out, I am wondering exactly WHY I stopped myself; that outfit is very me, very available (same exact Levi's cut-offs even!), and very fabulous! I will not get caught up in my own neuroses again--at least not for this particular issue.

Edited by TattleTeeny
  • Love 7

FWIW I didn't intend to imply that Lisa doesn't have the right to be proud of her marriage. I do personally feel she can come across as smug/stuck-up where others view it as affectionate pride. So, my bad if it seemed like I was being dismissive of long-term healthy marriages. I wish mine had been one.

Her comment about "getting it right the first time" was also said in a TH, which I distrust immensely because we are not privy to what the producer off camera/off mic asks any of the HWs and they are then edited down usually to a sound bite and not the complete answer.

I can admit that Lisa can come off as arrogant a lot of the time but I think she is just secure in herself not that she feels superior to the others. So far, Erika is most like Lisa in this manner and IMO, Yolanda is THE most insecure of the group, hence her constant need to be "taken care of" and her constant need to make herself look superior to the others in all ways. She is THE best wife, she is THE best friend, she is THE sickest, she, me, me, me, me.

  • Love 11

I agree, but my point is that I think it has to do with who is doing the talking/asking. Brandi and Lisa were sworn enemies when Brandi talked about Cedric. If it had been someone she considered her friend, going into detail (Brandi didn't - she made some remark about Lisa having him removed from the country) about something that was quite painful to Lisa - on camera - would have hurt her and angered her beyond belief. One thing I believe for sure, Lisa would never forgive a "friend" who did that to her on camera. Not if it was something they knew she didn't want openly discussed.

Yes and Andy Cohen never ever puts his precious LVP on the hot seat at reunions. It wouldn't matter what, he sometimes asks her once if it's true. She says some bullshit and he goes "Okay!" Then lays into someone else for 20 minutes. She already has immunity so she doesn't need credibility either. IMO

  • Love 7
I am sure Erika would know what it is, and given that she frequents business dinners as well as dinner parties, she recognizes when such a phrase is grossly inappropriate. Something Bethenny thinks is "cute" and edgy, to others with actual manners is just rude and gross. The last thing you want to think when you are putting your lips on a glass is someone else's asshole.

It was a casual dinner amongst girlfriends at Bethenny's own home. They weren't having afternoon tea with the queen.
  • Love 3

It was a casual dinner amongst girlfriends at Bethenny's own home. They weren't having afternoon tea with the queen.

Erika's art speaks for itself. Bethenny is crude. The rim job wasn't funny because it is not funny. I don't see it being really funny be it in a group of men, mixed company or anywhere else. Bethenny can make the jokes but the others and the audience don't have to find them funny. It is not where she makes the wisecrack, it is about it just not being funny or clever. She did the same thing about describing Erika having her fingers, knuckles in her vagina. Just very lowbrow. We can all see the art for ourselves. I just find Erika's art uninspiring.

Something my husband has said about both Brandi and Bethenny, why do they want to act like the lowest common denominator of men? Brandi and her, "I have the biggest dick in the room (where there are men in the room), then Bethenny talking about her balls and jock. They both just come off as crass rather than humorous or "empowering". To add to it they are also the first to burst into tears. Strange because they are very attractive women and spend a great deal of time on their looks and then open their mouths and wow-no class whatsoever. Maybe in their twenties it was shocking and fun but as middle aged it is just tawdry.

it is Bethenny's house and she is the hostess and can set the tenor for the evening and control the conversation it doesn't mean everyone is smitten by her.
  • Love 19

So I just watched season 1 on hulu plus. LisaV said that Max was being "Dropped off at school, then taking off hanging out with people who were smoking pot."

She didn't say HE was smoking pot, but it would probably be implied.

Max was sent to Idaho with her godmother who took over for his last year at HS. She was worried about how toxic Hollywood was, and the music industry. But now he works with a bunch of people and hangs out with them from/at SUR, so I guess she's not worried any longer.

  • Love 4

So I just watched season 1 on hulu plus. LisaV said that Max was being "Dropped off at school, then taking off hanging out with people who were smoking pot."

She didn't say HE was smoking pot, but it would probably be implied.

Max was sent to Idaho with her godmother who took over for his last year at HS. She was worried about how toxic Hollywood was, and the music industry. But now he works with a bunch of people and hangs out with them from/at SUR, so I guess she's not worried any longer.

Maybe, just maybe, Lisa/Ken realize that they can't make Max do or not do something, like smoke pot, get drunk or have older gfs, as he is an adult now. It is hard when your kids get to adulthood to let go of the reins and allow them to live their lives as they want, not necessarily as you would want them to when they have had problems in the past.

  • Love 8

So I just watched season 1 on hulu plus. LisaV said that Max was being "Dropped off at school, then taking off hanging out with people who were smoking pot."

She didn't say HE was smoking pot, but it would probably be implied.

Max was sent to Idaho with her godmother who took over for his last year at HS. She was worried about how toxic Hollywood was, and the music industry. But now he works with a bunch of people and hangs out with them from/at SUR, so I guess she's not worried any longer.

I'm just giggling right now! I remember that he was sent to Idaho to get him away from his pot smoking friends. Idaho. Anyone here familiar with Idaho? Pot. Pot. Everywhere! And everyone smokes because there is NOTHING to do in Idaho!!!!

She just wanted him out of her hair because that God parents in Idaho story doesn't hold water. Why not a classy boarding school? At least he could get some good coke there!

  • Love 1
ame="pbutler111" post="1874156" timestamp="1452917848"]
Erika's art speaks for itself. Bethenny is crude. The rim job wasn't funny because it is not funny. I don't see it being really funny be it in a group of men, mixed company or anywhere else. Bethenny can make the jokes but the others and the audience don't have to find them funny. It is not where she makes the wisecrack, it is about it just not being funny or clever. She did the same thing about describing Erika having her fingers, knuckles in her vagina. Just very lowbrow. We can all see the art for ourselves. I just find Erika's art uninspiring.
Something my husband has said about both Brandi and Bethenny, why do they want to act like the lowest common denominator of men? Brandi and her, "I have the biggest dick in the room (where there are men in the room), then Bethenny talking about her balls and jock. They both just come off as crass rather than humorous or "empowering". To add to it they are also the first to burst into tears. Strange because they are very attractive women and spend a great deal of time on their looks and then open their mouths and wow-no class whatsoever. Maybe in their twenties it was shocking and fun but as middle aged it is just tawdry.
it is Bethenny's house and she is the hostess and can set the tenor for the evening and control the conversation it doesn't mean everyone is smitten by her.

I don't think everyone needs to be smitten by Bethenny, just as I don't think everyone needs to think of Erika's choreographed masturbation fantasies as art.
  • Love 7

Did David flip Yo off while "taking care of her"?

It sure looked that way. I don't know if he was conscious of it or not, but it seems that his mind and body keep betraying him and his real feelings toward Yolanda. From this unfortunate choice of finger pointing to mistakenly saying, "Ken has better tits than her" and then quickly adding, "bigger", David just can't keep these little slips from falling out. Lol!

  • Love 7

I must be losing it, I thought it was one of those outward bound tough programs up in Idaho.

I thought the same until I checked the school and it is a regular high school.

On Vanderpump rules, Lisa is concerned about Max hanging out with the party people in Hawaii by himself.

So, I believed that he went left for a while as a teenager.

It sure looked that way. I don't know if he was conscious of it or not, but it seems that his mind and body keep betraying him and his real feelings toward Yolanda. From this unfortunate choice of finger pointing to mistakenly saying, "Ken has better tits than her" and then quickly adding, "bigger", David just can't keep these little slips from falling out. Lol!

If she is trying to shake him down like it is being supposed by tamera tattles, his restraint is to be commanded...lol

I don't think everyone needs to be smitten by Bethenny, just as I don't think everyone needs to think of Erika's choreographed masturbation fantasies as art.

Well, it could be worst, it could be Bethenny doing those videos!

And that would be an insult to not only eyeballs but video vixen everywhere.

  • Love 5

I watched Erika's video and I really don't know what Bethenny is talking about. It's not the type of video that will be for everyone and yeah there's some sexy stripper moves in it but I've seen far worse, aka Miley Cyrus in Wrecking Ball, Nicki Minaj in Anaconda, etc. Erika's was nowhere near that crude and the fact these ladies admit to watching porn, posing for nude magazines, willingly get their privates waxed on TV, etc. leaves me wondering why they were so shocked when they saw it. There was some skilled dancing in it as well, it was made to be "artful," didn't see anything super shocking about it.

I think Bethenny is wrong about the production value being cheap or whatever she said. It probably was done on a low budget because she's not Britney Spears or anything, but they made the most with what they had, the editing was good, and the use of black and white made it interesting. And it's pretty clear what she's "selling" and who her target audience is. I really think all the comments made about it were simply out of jealousy and envy because I'm not seeing what's shocking about it or that she has an issue with marketing/branding herself.

  • Love 14

Here are a couple of Bethenny's tweets about the episode:

Bethenny Frankel ‏@Bethenny

Too bad I make margs, wine, vodka, mic pop, non alc bev, bars,shakes, candy, coffee, salad dressings, chips etc & $ on my own

I did myself @Bravotv @rhobh & you many favors bc you can't stop talkin' about it. #theBisback

By bringing the 'B' back, she single-handedly saved the Beverly Hills franchise!

Her favorite hash tag, lately, is #zerofucks. She'll be still using that in conversation twenty years from now and acting like she made it up.

  • Love 11

Here are a couple of Bethenny's tweets about the episode:By bringing the 'B' back, she single-handedly saved the Beverly Hills franchise!

Her favorite hash tag, lately, is #zerofucks. She'll be still using that in conversation twenty years from now and acting like she made it up.

Does B realize that most of the viewers think she made herself look totally stupid and that they're mostly on Erika's side? Erika came away with class and as confident in herself as ever, Bethenny came away looking like a jealous and rude mean girl. If she truly gave zero fucks, she wouldn't have tweeted those things. Clearly Erika's comments got to her more than she wants to admit. The jealousy is strong with this one. Her pants ripping when trying to out dance Erika was just perfect karma.

  • Love 20

Does B realize that most of the viewers think she made herself look totally stupid and that they're mostly on Erika's side?

She has no idea. No clue, no self-awareness. And even if she did, remember: she gives zero fucks. Only she does! So she keeps lashing out. Further digging herself into this dark hole of what I think is self loathing. I have some pity for her because she is so messed up but she has the resources to get herself straightened out. Instead she keeps digging. She needs to make people believe - and herself belive - that she's a know-it-all, better than everyone, savior of Bravo, master of the Margarita.

  • Love 15

Here are a couple of Bethenny's tweets about the episode:

By bringing the 'B' back, she single-handedly saved the Beverly Hills franchise!

Her favorite hash tag, lately, is #zerofucks. She'll be still using that in conversation twenty years from now and acting like she made it up.


B please. You slap your name on about anything that comes along. She might want to do a little research on what happened to the Perry Ellis BRAND. Or Halston.

The later having to go out of business for decades before coming back with focus now. 

  • Love 9

Bethenny went from contrition on WWHL after the show on Tuesday to her usual full of herself.   No one has ever doubted her success.  It is such a bizarre response when someone finds her off putting she always brings up her success.  We got that Bethenny five years ago.  Grow the empire, grow the brand but most of all grow up.  being successful in business does not necessarily mean people have to like you. 

B please. You slap your name on about anything that comes along. She might want to do a little research on what happened to the Perry Ellis BRAND. Or Halston.

The later having to go out of business for decades before coming back with focus now. 

That is why what does not move ends up at the local TJMax or other closeout store. 


ETA Bethenny does not produce those products-she lends the name to other producers.  She is far too important to worry about someone stealing paper clips to actually produce the products.

Edited by zoeysmom
  • Love 11

I forgot the absurd conversation right before Lisa grilled Eileen about her marriage. "The way people get divorced is so disgusting"" How could you hate someone you had sex with and raised kids together"

Okay, I get that some people are lucky and manage to have a civil relationship with the ex and that's great but how and why did they decide to go over the top with shock that a a lot of the time marriage ends in hurt and even hate?! It was just weird and out of nowhere. Not the most interesting thing that happened but a "?" moment for me!

  • Love 4

I forgot the absurd conversation right before Lisa grilled Eileen about her marriage. "The way people get divorced is so disgusting"" How could you hate someone you had sex with and raised kids together"

Okay, I get that some people are lucky and manage to have a civil relationship with the ex and that's great but how and why did they decide to go over the top with shock that a a lot of the time marriage ends in hurt and even hate?! It was just weird and out of nowhere. Not the most interesting thing that happened but a "?" moment for me!

I thought Kyle's comment about divorces might have been for having to listen to four years of Brandi bemoan her husband ditching her, Camille getting dumped and Russell's ultimate exit prior to the divorce being finalized.  This franchise has not had a good record when it comes to civilized divorces.  I guess it is up to Yolanda to show them how a respectful divorce is accomplished.  Of course Yolanda had a very short term marriage and no children with the king.

  • Love 4

Lisa V. needs to tone down the 20 questions. OTOH, I think Eileen needs to realize that anything and everything is now public fodder, so develop a tougher skin or change the subject.


I think a perfect response would have been, "Think being married three times is gossip-worthy? People have actually thought that I was born a man!"


I don't know anything about Bethenney, but I'm on Team Erika!

  • Love 10

Lisa V. needs to tone down the 20 questions. OTOH, I think Eileen needs to realize that anything and everything is now public fodder, so develop a tougher skin or change the subject.


I think a perfect response would have been, "Think being married three times is gossip-worthy? People have actually thought that I was born a man!"


I don't know anything about Bethenney, but I'm on Team Erika!

IMO, if Lisa wants to know more about Eileen/Vince, she needs to rephrase or at least use different, less volatile words, like romance/relationship instead of "affair". Other than that, I don't mind her asking questions about the newer HWs so that we can get to know them more than their/Bravo's press releases/sound bites. LOL

  • Love 5

IMO, if Lisa wants to know more about Eileen/Vince, she needs to rephrase or at least use different, less volatile words, like romance/relationship instead of "affair". Other than that, I don't mind her asking questions about the newer HWs so that we can get to know them more than their/Bravo's press releases/sound bites. LOL

Yep-as she said about Bethenny-she needs to sweeten the delivery.  I agree for the first time we are seeing the RHOBH do research the new women other than the phony baloney, "oh so and so is my friend, for ten years ago when we ran into each other in line at the grocery store."  Granted  two unconnected strangers didn't work (Joyce and Carlton) and of course Brandi was a nightmare.  This whole Erika thing seems to be a little more like the way life goes in real life.

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